ExpressCard problem

Hi all,
Just got my new MacBook Pro yesterday, but am concerned that I might've found a problem with it. In my previous MacBook Pro (mid-2007 model), I used a Griffin card reader in the ExpressCard slot, and it worked perfectly. However, today I tried putting that card reader in to my new MBP, and it completely fails to recognise it; it doesn't even appear under the USB bus in system profiler. This then of course means that if I insert a memory card nothing happens. I've tried rebooting, inserting the reader while the laptop's off, inserting the reader + memoy card while the laptop's off, and various other combinations, but nothing seems to work. Problem is, it's my only ExpressCard, so I've no idea if it's a strange incompatibility between the card and the laptop or, in fact, a faulty ExpressCard slot.
So I'd like to ask: has anyone tried the Griffin card reader in their ExpressCard slot (and if so how did it work), and has anyone else had problems getting any kind of ExpressCard to work in the new MBP, where the card used to work in a previous laptop?
Thanks in advance for any help offered.

Wow, that was fast! Got a potential solution from AppleCare in less than 15 minutes.
I called AppleCare and described the issue. The technician had me do the following steps in order.
1) Shut down the Mac completely.
2) Remove all connections: USB, power, remove the ExpressCard reader from the slot - remove everything so you are left with the laptop all by its lonesome.
3) Flip the laptop over and remove the battery. You do this by lifting the little handle and removing the case cover. Then, pull the plastic strap attached to the battery to lift it out it. Set the case cover and the battery aside in a safe place.
4) Next step is to reset the PMU (Power Management Unit). With the battery removed and all devices disconnected, turn your MacBook over and open the lid, and hold down the power button for 15 seconds. Do not release the power button while you are counting - you must hold it down and keep it held down while you count to 15.
5) After 15 seconds, let go of the power button, and replace the battery and case. The battery slots back in easily enough. The case is a little tricker. It goes in nose-first (i.e. the bit closest to the front of the laptop goes in first), then you lower the case down to rest slightly open on the bit by the lever. Push the little lever back in to winch the case cover back in to place.
6) Turn the laptop over, and reboot and login like normal.
You should now be able to plug your card reader in and have it work without problems. I was able to plug my one in and make two 800 MB transfers without issue; previously, it would fail randomly half way through the transfer.
Prior to the resolution of the issue, the only other device I had attached to the Mac was a USB hard drive (250 GB Western Digital MyBook, connected to high speed USB 2.0). However, after I went through the steps above, I attached this hard drive again and tried the transfer from the ExpressCard a second time, and was able to transfer all the files without the "device removal" error I was getting before.
If you have the same issue and are having problems, just call AppleCare (you get 90 days free with every Mac you buy, so use it or lose it! ). They are keeping my support case open in case I see any more issues, but everything seems to be working great now. I'll post back here again if I have any more problems.
Wild *** guess: I downloaded all the software updates last night, including all the firmware updates. I'm guessing some of this left the high speed USB bus confused, so resetting the PMU and associated widgets might have cleared this problem out. Again, just a guess.
- max

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    Devicemanager.jpg ‏73 KB

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    You would do far better starting your own thread, particularly as the question is marked as answered. If you were to do a Google search for "3 beeps+Mac" you would find that this means something like memory banks did not pass memory testing.
    If you look near the top of this page, there is a search facility: entering "3 beeps" comes up with the same answer and some links.
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    Dear Ben,
    My guess is that you may have some type of Spam filter that prevents the FirmTek response from reaching you. If you live outside the US it can be difficult for companies to call you when this occurs. You may want to check your spam filter, call FirmTek or email them your phone number.
    It is possible that you may have another extension loaded that is causing the issue. This is what I would do.
    1. Look for WDBMService in Macintosh HD//Library/StartupItems/WDBMService. If it exists I would remove it. This startup item can cause the ExpressCard driver problems. Restart and see if this corrects the issue.
    2. If this does not correct the issue you can install an alternative driver. Here are the directions.
    A. Uninstall the existing driver by removing the following files (if they exist)
    Macintosh HD/System/Library/Extensions/FTATASil3132EC.kext
    Macintosh HD//System/Library/Extensions.mkext
    Macintosh HD/System/Library/Caches (folder)
    Restart the MacBook Pro
    B. Download the SiI 3132 32-bit universal Mac OS X 10.4.9, 10.4.10, & 10.5.1 BASE Driver found 1/4 of the way down the page here:
    C. Install the SiI3132 1.1.9u driver downloaded in B above. Restart.
    Now try the WD enclosure.
    The beauty of the SeriTek/2SM2-E is that it will work with the FirmTek driver or this Silicon Image driver which provides another option for certain applications. Just don't install both drivers together
    Have fun!

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    Warning: IRQ not configured - PCI on Motherboard
     Bus:00, Decive: 1C, Function: 02 
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    Any idea what's wrong?

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    If neither card is working in the Included Express card slot then I'd say it is time for a trip to the Apple store Genius Bar for a checkup and more then likely a Replacement Logic board as the card slot is soldered to the LB and on yours it is broken.
    I suggest you buy the Applecare extended warranty if you haven't already. Because if something like this happens again after your standard warranty runs out it will cost you many hundreds of dollars to have it fixed.

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    OK here's the problem
    I just bought a new unibody macbook pro with 17 inch screen because I had previously got a 15 inch and am now selling as I realised it doesn't have an Expresscard slot which I want to help me mix music.
    The computer came with Lion and because I use all kinds of software and lots of freeware I actually want to continue using my old operating system (10.6.7) so everything runs as it did straight away.
    So I installed the OSX disk that came with the 15 inch MBP on the new 17 inch MBP, and it ostensibly worked..
    But now the shortcut buttons like volume and brightness don't work, no matter whether I check or uncheck the box in System Preferences about "standard function keys".. and when I click on Trackpad it claims "No Trackpad found"
    Bit miffed..any ideas what's going on?

    jcloth wrote:
     Bit miffed..any ideas what's going on? 
    The grey disks come with hardware drivers that are specific to a particular Mac model.
    You also cannot boot from OS X install disks that are earlier than what the Mac came with from the factory (in this case Lion)
    Your in luck that you have another Mac, because all you need is a Firewire cable to (first step) hold T boot the new Mac's hard drive to the desktop of the older Mac.
    But you need the Snow Leopard retail install disks (white, not grey) to (second step) c boot off the older Mac so you can Disk Utility Erase and format HFS and install Snow Leopard on the new Mac.
    Snow Leopard will boot off some 2011 Lion Mac machine because the hardware drivers exist on Snow Leopard disks, just have to have the right disks and the grey disks from another Mac doesn't do it.
    You may want to take a look at this thread, there are instructions to combine the 10.6.3 and the Combo Update into one disk and more help.
    Once you get Snow Leopard working on your machine, be sure to make a Carbon Copy Cloner or two to a HFS external drives as you have no boot disks.

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