Extended Content type problem

Extended Content type problem
I want to extend the content type 'ExtendDocument' from 'Document'.
So I use 'Oracle Internet File System Manager' to create a new Class Object named 'EXTENDDOCUMENT', which is extend from 'DOCUMENT', and add a attribute 'EXTENDURL'.
This Class Object's bean class is 'ifs.beans.ExtendDocument' and server class is 'ifs.server.S_ExtendDocument'.
I create these 2 java class and put the class files to ORACLE_AS_HOME\ifs\cmsdk\custom_classes directory.
As I want to set the object type as 'ExtendDocument' when uploading a file which expend name is '*.wmv', so that need to change 2 default value 'ParserLookupByFileExtension' and 'IFS.PARSER.ObjectTypeLookupByFileExtension'
So I add 'name=wmv, datatype=STRING, value=oracle.ifs.beans.parsers.ClassSelectionParser' to ParserLookupByFileExtension.
And then add 'name=wmv, datatype=STRING, value=EXTENDDOCUMENT' to IFS.PARSER.ObjectTypeLookupByFileExtension.
After done above actions, i restart my oracle application.
I use CUP to upload a test file 'test.wmv' to CMSDK repository, and its type is 'EXTENDDOCUMENT'.
But if I use FTP or WebStarterApp application to upload 'test.wmv' file to CMSDK repository, then its type is 'DOCUMENT'.
Why and how to change to make FTP and WebStarterApp application can upload *.wmv file's type as 'EXTENDDOCUMENT'?
anybody can help me?

Nirav-P-Thakar wrote:
FileNameMap  fnmMime        = URLConnection.getFileNameMap ( ) ;
URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(fileName);I have tried out both methods but it returns null when the file is of type MS Office or Open Office.In reply 1 BalusC said..
"Alternatively you can use ServletContext#getMimeType() for this. It guesses the content type based on the mime mapping as it is been definied in the web.xml of the application server and the webapplication. If it returns null, then you need to add new <mime-mapping> entry to the web.xml."
I would try doing it this way. Try including entries for the mime mappings in the deployment descriptor of the web application.

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        // Specify files to be zipped
                                                                 String[] filesToZip = new String[3];
                                                                 filesToZip[0] = "C:\\Program Files\\NetBeans3.6\\firstfile.txt";
                                                                 filesToZip[1] = "C:\\Program Files\\NetBeans3.6\\secondfile.txt";
                                                                 filesToZip[2] = "C:\\Program Files\\NetBeans3.6\\thirdfile.txt";
                                                                 byte[] buffer = new byte[18024];
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                                                                  String zipFileName= eq_rt.getReportName() + ".zip";
                                                                 try {
                                                                   // Create ZipOutputStream to store the FileOutputStream
                                                                   //ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFileName));
                                                                   ByteArrayOutputStream byteArray = new ByteArrayOutputStream();                                                             
                                                                   ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(byteArray);                                                              
                                                                   // Set the compression ratio
                                                                   // iterate through the array of files, adding each to the zip file
                                                                   for (int a = 0; a < filesToZip.length; a++) {
    //                                                                 // Associate a file input stream for the current file
                                                                     FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(filesToZip[a]);
                                                                     // This ROCKS as it is passing a array into the text file .getBytes() seems
                                                                     // to be the KEY in getting ByteArrayInputStream to WORK
                                                                     String strSocketInput = "TAIWAN";
                                                                     ByteArrayInputStream baIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(strSocketInput.getBytes());
                                                                     //ByteArrayInputStream baIn = new ByteArrayInputStream( getAttachementNoFormat(eq_rt.getStoredProc() ) );                                                               
                                                                     // Add ZIP entry to output stream.
                                                                     out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(filesToZip[a]));
                                                                     // Transfer bytes from the current file to the ZIP file
                                                                     int len;
                                                                     while ((len = baIn.read(buffer)) > 0)
                                                                     out.write(buffer, 0, len);
                                                                     // Close the current entry
                                                                     // Close the current file input stream
                                                                  // DataSource sourcezip = new FileDataSource(zipFileName);
                                                                   //DataSource sourcezip = new ByteArrayDataSource(byteArray.toByteArray(), zipFileName, "application/octet-stream");   
                                                                    DataSource sourcezip = new ByteArrayDataSource(byteArray.toByteArray(), zipFileName, "application/octet-stream" );
                                                                   // Create a new MIME bodypart
                                                                   BodyPart attachment = new MimeBodyPart();
                                                                   attachment.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(sourcezip));
                                                                   /* attach the attachemnts to the mail */
                                                                   // Close the ZipOutPutStream

    Many thanks Dr Clap. Moving the Closing the ZipOutputStream before I attached it to the email solved my problem.
                                          /* Close the ZipOutPutStream (very important to close the zip before you attach it to the email) Thanks DrClap */
                                                                    /* Create a datasource for email attachment */
                                                                    // DataSource sourcezip = new FileDataSource(zipFileName);
                                                                    DataSource sourcezip = new ByteArrayDataSource(byteArray.toByteArray(), zipFileName, "application/zip" );
                                                                    /* Create a new MIME bodypart */
                                                                    BodyPart attachment = new MimeBodyPart();
                                                                    attachment.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(sourcezip));
                                                                    /* attach the attachemnts to the mail */

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    I don't know what the DecodeInterceptor does... but....
    If you use number 2, you are only telling the browser what that page's output is. When you process the data, Tomcat for some reason always reads it as ISO8895-1, so you need to tell Tomcat to change it to UTF-8. You can do that by calling request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"), either in the JSP page, or if you need it in a servlet, you can do that in a filter...
    It's somewhat described here how to set it up...
    http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg01193.html

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              File file = new File(fileName);
              FileNameMap  fnmMime        = URLConnection.getFileNameMap ( ) ;
               if ( fnmMime != null ) {
                      strContentType = fnmMime.getContentTypeFor ( "file://c:2.avi" ) ;
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    Nirav-P-Thakar wrote:
    FileNameMap  fnmMime        = URLConnection.getFileNameMap ( ) ;
    URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(fileName);I have tried out both methods but it returns null when the file is of type MS Office or Open Office.In reply 1 BalusC said..
    "Alternatively you can use ServletContext#getMimeType() for this. It guesses the content type based on the mime mapping as it is been definied in the web.xml of the application server and the webapplication. If it returns null, then you need to add new <mime-mapping> entry to the web.xml."
    I would try doing it this way. Try including entries for the mime mappings in the deployment descriptor of the web application.

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    I don't know what the DecodeInterceptor does... but....
    If you use number 2, you are only telling the browser what that page's output is. When you process the data, Tomcat for some reason always reads it as ISO8895-1, so you need to tell Tomcat to change it to UTF-8. You can do that by calling request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"), either in the JSP page, or if you need it in a servlet, you can do that in a filter...
    It's somewhat described here how to set it up...
    http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg01193.html

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    in your bean:write tag try setting the filter attribute to false, like so
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    public static String toHTML(Document doc, String xslSource){
            ByteArrayOutputStream testo = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
                TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
                System.out.println("----> " + xslSource);
                Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(xslSource));
                transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
                transformer.setOutputProperty("{http://xml.apache.org/xslt}indent-amount", "2");
                transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "html");
             transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");
             transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8");
                transformer.transform(source, new StreamResult(testo));
            }catch(Exception ioe){
                System.out.println("2 XMLTool.toHTML " + new java.util.Date());
            return testo.toString();
        }the problem is that I would like to put the HTML code its return into a JEditorPane; now I'm trying with this code:
    JEditorPane jep1 = new JEditorPane();
    // 'v' is the string returned by the code posted up (the XML/XSL transformer)but I can't see anything in my JEditorPane.
    I think that the problem is this line of code that the transformer add automaticaly ad HTML code:
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">Infact if I try to delete this line from the code I can see what I want but is'n good delete a line of code without understend where is the problem.
    So, can anyone help me?

    when u set ur output properties to html , transformer
    searches for all entity references and converts accordingly.
    if u r using xalan these files will be used for conversion of
    Character entity references for markup-significant
    (this should be in templates package)
    and HTMLEntities.res(should be in serialize package)

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    According to your post, my understanding is that you got an error when tried to return the information from the external content.
    Did the error occur when you created a new external content type or created a external list?
    You can check the steps with the following articles about how to create a external content type.
    If the error occurred with the external list, you can check the steps with the following article.
    You can also check the event log and ULS log to see if anything unexpected occurred.
    For SharePoint 2013, by default, ULS log is at      
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\LOGS
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • HELP: Extended Attributes Not Appearing In Instances of Custom Content Type

    From Java code I create a custom content type derived from Document and define some extended attributes with default values for that type. All done using the same methodology shown in the Developer's Guide and Oracle example code.
    I start ifsmgr and I can indeed see the content type and the extended attributes.
    If I however create an instance of this (custom) type, either from the Viewer (file Upload) or from Java code (using code simuilar to createDocument from the Oracle ContentModule example), the extended attributes do not appear!
    BUT, if I delete one of the extended attributes using ifsmgr (highlight one of my extened attributes, click on "Remove", and then "Apply"), from that point on the previously missing extended attributes appear (except for the one I deleted of course) when I create files of the custom type from either Java code or the Viewer. Furthermore, once I get ifs to "see" one of these extended attributes in this manner, I can delete the extended attribute and re-create it from Java at will and it will appear in created instances of my custom content type just fine.
    If however I add another new extended attribute to the custom content type, I have to do the "Remove/Apply" drill in ifsmgr to get this new attribute to appear in created files of my custom type.
    I've tried deleting all instances of the custom type and closing both ifsmgr and the Viewer, but unless I delete one of the extended attributes from ifsmgr I cannot get new extended attributes to appear.
    What do I need to do in my 9ifs Java code to get new custom content extended attributes to appear in instances of that custom type?
    Thank you,
    Jeff "Did Kafka Write ifs?" Rininger

    Dear @user10993347,
    As mentioned by @vinod2303, you need to maintain content relationships along with subscriptions.

  • Problem "Link to a document" content type within document set - Bug?

    I'm having an issue with the "Link to a document" content type in one of my document libraries. The issue is when you create a link to a document inside a document set:
    The result is that the users get redirected to the wrong URL (../docsethomepage.aspx instead of ../docsethomepage.aspx?ID=.......), and instead of seeing the actual document set they started from, with the new link (or any document that is already in the
    document set) the users see a default view of a generic document set - not the one they started from:
    Any suggestions on how to fix this? One library has this faults and one does not. Our SharePoint server is up-to-date.

    I reproduced the issue in different versions of SharePoint, it works in SharePoint Server 2013, and the issue occured to Office 365. I then tried enabling “Launch forms in a dialog”, it worked.
    I will forward the issue to our internal feedback channel. And since the issue occurs to Office 365, please create service request with online engineer for root cause.
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem of content-type in wsdp

    I am using jwsdp (jaxws) tool for SOAP services. I am getting an exception
    javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: No Content-type in the header!
    when I tried to send a request out, now the same wsdls/xsds were working with Axis2 and I was able to send request successfully using axis2 tool.
    Is there anyway that we can set the content-type in the http header in case of jaxws.
    can anybody please suggest the solution to it.
    Edited by: amitbanerjee on Oct 3, 2007 12:11 AM

    Generally , The Movement type from the SCHEDULE LINES will be copied into the Delivery document
    If u want the movement type 651 in the Return delivery document, you have to mantain the 651 in the DN schedule lines,
    In standard  DN will have 651 movement type,

  • B2B problem: unaccepted content type

    Hi all,
    I am trying to understand the steps from a configured scenario to a web service.
    So what I do is, I create a web service using the wizard in the Integration Directory, save the WSDL file locally on my hard drive and create a standalone proxy (with a little test client) using the Netweaver Developer Studio. This works fine as long as I stay within the SLD.
    Now I configured a scenario where I replaced the sender system by a B2B party but when I run my little test client all I get is an error "unaccepted content type" and message does not reach the XI.
    I configured a B2B party as follows:
    - Name = Company_A
    - Business Service = Request
    - Sender Channel = SOAP
      using HTTP, SOAP 1.1 protocols
      Adapter Engine = Integration Server
    - as default XI parameters I put in name and namespace of the B2B party's request interface.
    I believe my receiver/sender agreements to be correct as well as the interface/receiver determination.
    How can I check and test the SOAP adapter to see that it is up and running (and accessible, I am working in an Intranet to reach the SLD, but there is no Internet access)?
    Please advise,
    Message was edited by: Eugen Furler

    Hi Eugen,
    You can check your SOAP Adapter, if it is running or not in the Runtime Workbench page. Login to RWB and click on Component Montioring Link. Display the components and click on Adapter Engine. On the bottom you click on the button Adapter Monitoring.

  • Returning content type of application/RFC822

    I have a servlet which needs to return a data stream that the browser
              shoule save as a file on the users local hard drive.
              My servlet seems to work just fine with Netscape 4.7 but IE always saves
              the original HTML Form page that called the Servlet.
              Is there a bug in WL/IE or am I doing something stupid
              here's my code - the method doing returning the data is the last one in
              this code - getResponseFromDispatch()
              package com.nexterna.optiform.server.b2b;
              import javax.servlet.*;
              import javax.servlet.http.*;
              import java.io.*;
              import java.util.*;
              import javax.naming.*;
              import org.apache.log4j.Category;
              import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
              import org.w3c.tools.codec.Base64Encoder;
              import com.nexterna.optiform.server.ejb.dispatcher.*;
              import com.nexterna.optiform.common.*;
              import com.nexterna.ejb.usermanager.*;
              import com.nexterna.common.security.*;
              * Title: B2BInterfaces
              * Description:
              * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001
              * Company:
              * @author
              * @version 1.0
              public class ExportResponseAsXML extends HttpServlet {
              private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "text/html";
              /**Initialize global variables*/
              private Context jndiContext = null;
              private String poolName = "";
              private String providerURL = "";
              private String icf = "";
              private String command = null;
              private DispatcherServices dispatcher = null;
              private UserManager usermgr = null;
              private String ccode = "b2b.9284s3a41";
              private static Category cat =
              public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
              try {
              InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
              Context environment = (Context) ic.lookup("java:comp/env");
              poolName =
              providerURL = config.getInitParameter("PROVIDER_URL");
              icf = config.getInitParameter("INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY");
              catch (NamingException e) {
              cat.error("Exception in EJBCreate trying to lookup
              cat.error("Servlet Failed Initialization " + poolName + ":"
              + providerURL + ":" + icf);
              if (cat.isDebugEnabled()) {
              cat.debug("Servlet Initialized " + poolName + ":" +
              providerURL + ":" + icf);
              /**Process the HTTP Get request*/
              public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
              response) throws ServletException, IOException {
              PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
              out.println("<p>The servlet has received a GET. This is the
              /**Process the HTTP Post request*/
              public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
              throws ServletException, IOException {
              // first we need to get the user-id/password and create a user profile
              Base64Encoder b = new Base64Encoder(request.getParameter("passwd"));
              String pass = b.processString();
              if (usermgr == null)
              log("User manager is null!");
              UserProfile up = usermgr.getUserProfile(
              request.getParameter("userid").toUpperCase(), pass);
              if ((up == null) ||
              (!ccode.startsWith(request.getParameter("controlcode")))) {
              PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
              out.println("<p>Incorrect parameters");
              cat.error("incorrect parameters: " + up + " : " +
              else {
              // there are 3 ways to export responses
              // 1. via the dispath id
              // 2. via the response id
              // 3. vis the form name and last retrieved date
              // the third one allows you to get all new responses for a form
              // and for a time period.
              String rid = request.getParameter("rid");
              String did = request.getParameter("did");
              String formname = request.getParameter("formname");
              String date = request.getParameter("datefrom");
              boolean failed = false;
              if (cat.isDebugEnabled()) {
              cat.debug("rid " + rid);
              cat.debug("did " + did);
              cat.debug("formname " + formname);
              cat.debug("datefrom " + date);
              if (did != null)
              failed = getResponseFromDispatch(response, did);
              else if (rid != null)
              //failed = getResponse(response, rid);
              else if (formname != null && date != null)
              //failed = getAllResponses(response, formname, date);
              else {
              PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
              out.println("<p>No Responses available.</p>");
              if (failed) {
              PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
              out.println("<p>No Responses available due to error.</p>");
              /**Clean up resources*/
              public void destroy() {
              protected static Context getInitialContext(String purl, String picf)
              throws javax.naming.NamingException{
              cat.debug("URL: " + purl);
              cat.debug("Initial_context_factory: " + picf);
              Properties p = new Properties();
              // ... Specify the JNDI properties specific to the vendor.
              p.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, picf);
              p.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, purl);
              return new javax.naming.InitialContext(p);
              protected void getDispatchServices() {
              DispatcherServicesHome home = null;
              try {
              //if (jndiContext == null)
              cat.debug("trying to get jndi - dispatcher");
              jndiContext = getInitialContext(providerURL, icf);
              cat.debug("doing lookup - dispatcher");
              Object obj = jndiContext.lookup("nexterna.DispatcherServices");
              cat.debug("getting home ref - dispatcher");
              home = (DispatcherServicesHome)
              obj, DispatcherServicesHome.class);
              catch (javax.naming.NamingException ne)
              catch (Exception e)
              try {
              cat.debug("home.create - dispatcher");
              dispatcher = home.create();
              catch (javax.ejb.CreateException ce)
              catch (java.rmi.RemoteException re)
              catch (Exception e)
              protected void getUserManager() {
              UserManagerHome home = null;
              try {
              if (jndiContext == null)
              cat.debug("trying to get jndi - usermanager");
              jndiContext = getInitialContext(providerURL, icf);
              cat.debug("doing lookup - usermanager");
              Object obj = jndiContext.lookup("nexterna.UserManager");
              cat.debug("getting home ref - usermanager");
              home = (UserManagerHome) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
              obj, UserManagerHome.class);
              catch (javax.naming.NamingException ne)
              catch (Exception e)
              try {
              cat.debug("home.create - usermanager");
              usermgr = home.create();
              catch (javax.ejb.CreateException ce)
              catch (java.rmi.RemoteException re)
              catch (Exception e)
              protected boolean getResponseFromDispatch(HttpServletResponse resp,
              String id) {
              String s = null;
              try {
              //before we will export responses to a dispatch, the dispatch
              must be complete
              s = dispatcher.getDispatchStatusString(id);
              catch (java.rmi.RemoteException e)
              return true;
              if (s.compareToIgnoreCase("Completed") != 0) {
              cat.debug("Dispatch status is not COMPLETED. Cannot export
              return true;
              resp.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/RFC822"); // set both
              ways to be safe
              "attachment; filename=\"" + id + ".txt\"");
              cat.debug("Setting headers");
              "attachment; filename=\"" + id + ".txt\"");
              HashMap responses = null;
              try {
              responses = dispatcher.getResponses(id,
              catch (java.rmi.RemoteException e)
              return true;
              try {
              ServletOutputStream os = resp.getOutputStream();
              Iterator i = responses.values().iterator();
              while (i.hasNext()) {
              Object o = i.next();
              cat.debug("Writing XML");
              catch (Exception e)
              return true;
              return false;

              There is also a bug in IE5.5 SP0 and 1 where saving a document using the file download
              dialogue can indeed result in the HTML of the active frame being saved instead
              of the document.
              You can get IE 5.5 SP2 fix here:
              "Cameron Purdy" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >Hi Tom,
              >I looked over the code. I think the problem is caused by the fact that
              >are doing a POST instead of a GET. IE doesn't GET anything back (OK,
              >totally technically wrong, but read the early HTTP specs and you'll see
              >"intent" of what I'm saying) so it just saves the current document. That's
              >my guess. Change to GET and it should work, since IE will know to save
              >incoming document.
              >FWIW - You will often get more performance using a buffer of some sort
              >between your looping/writing and the response's stream.
              >Cameron Purdy
              >Tangosol Inc.
              ><< Tangosol Server: How Weblogic applications are customized >>
              ><< Download now from http://www.tangosol.com/download.jsp >>
              >"Tom Gerber" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              >news:[email protected]...
              >> I have a servlet which needs to return a data stream that the browser
              >> shoule save as a file on the users local hard drive.
              >> My servlet seems to work just fine with Netscape 4.7 but IE always
              >> the original HTML Form page that called the Servlet.
              >> Is there a bug in WL/IE or am I doing something stupid
              >> here's my code - the method doing returning the data is the last one
              >> this code - getResponseFromDispatch()
              >> Thanks
              >> Tom
              >> package com.nexterna.optiform.server.b2b;
              >> import javax.servlet.*;
              >> import javax.servlet.http.*;
              >> import java.io.*;
              >> import java.util.*;
              >> import javax.naming.*;
              >> import org.apache.log4j.Category;
              >> import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
              >> import org.w3c.tools.codec.Base64Encoder;
              >> import com.nexterna.optiform.server.ejb.dispatcher.*;
              >> import com.nexterna.optiform.common.*;
              >> import com.nexterna.ejb.usermanager.*;
              >> import com.nexterna.common.security.*;
              >> /**
              >> * Title: B2BInterfaces
              >> * Description:
              >> * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001
              >> * Company:
              >> * @author
              >> * @version 1.0
              >> */
              >> public class ExportResponseAsXML extends HttpServlet {
              >> private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "text/html";
              >> /**Initialize global variables*/
              >> private Context jndiContext = null;
              >> private String poolName = "";
              >> private String providerURL = "";
              >> private String icf = "";
              >> private String command = null;
              >> private DispatcherServices dispatcher = null;
              >> private UserManager usermgr = null;
              >> private String ccode = "b2b.9284s3a41";
              >> private static Category cat =
              >> Category.getInstance(ExportResponseAsXML.class.getName());
              >> public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
              >> super.init(config);
              >> try {
              >> InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
              >> Context environment = (Context) ic.lookup("java:comp/env");
              >> PropertyConfigurator.configure(
              >> config.getInitParameter("LOG4J"));
              >> poolName =
              >> config.getInitParameter("POOLNAME");
              >> providerURL = config.getInitParameter("PROVIDER_URL");
              >> icf = config.getInitParameter("INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY");
              >> }
              >> catch (NamingException e) {
              >> cat.error("Exception in EJBCreate trying to lookup
              >> initializations");
              >> cat.error("Servlet Failed Initialization " + poolName +
              >> + providerURL + ":" + icf);
              >> cat.error(e);
              >> }
              >> getDispatchServices();
              >> getUserManager();
              >> if (cat.isDebugEnabled()) {
              >> cat.debug("Servlet Initialized " + poolName + ":" +
              >> providerURL + ":" + icf);
              >> }
              >> }
              >> /**Process the HTTP Get request*/
              >> public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
              >> response) throws ServletException, IOException {
              >> response.setContentType(CONTENT_TYPE);
              >> PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
              >> out.println("<html>");
              >> out.println("<head><title>ExportResponseAsXML</title></head>");
              >> out.println("<body>");
              >> out.println("<p>The servlet has received a GET. This is the
              >> reply.</p>");
              >> out.println("</body></html>");
              >> }
              >> /**Process the HTTP Post request*/
              >> public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
              >> response)
              >> throws ServletException, IOException {
              >> // first we need to get the user-id/password and create a user
              >> Base64Encoder b = new
              >> String pass = b.processString();
              >> if (usermgr == null)
              >> log("User manager is null!");
              >> UserProfile up = usermgr.getUserProfile(
              >> request.getParameter("userid").toUpperCase(), pass);
              >> if ((up == null) ||
              >> (!ccode.startsWith(request.getParameter("controlcode"))))
              >> response.setContentType("text/html");
              >> PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
              >> out.println("<html>");
              >> out.println("<head><title>ExportResponse</title></head>");
              >> out.println("<body>");
              >> out.println("<p>Incorrect parameters");
              >> out.println("</body></html>");
              >> cat.error("incorrect parameters: " + up + " : " +
              >> request.getParameter("controlcode"));
              >> }
              >> else {
              >> // there are 3 ways to export responses
              >> // 1. via the dispath id
              >> // 2. via the response id
              >> // 3. vis the form name and last retrieved date
              >> // the third one allows you to get all new responses for a
              >> type
              >> // and for a time period.
              >> String rid = request.getParameter("rid");
              >> String did = request.getParameter("did");
              >> String formname = request.getParameter("formname");
              >> String date = request.getParameter("datefrom");
              >> boolean failed = false;
              >> if (cat.isDebugEnabled()) {
              >> cat.debug("rid " + rid);
              >> cat.debug("did " + did);
              >> cat.debug("formname " + formname);
              >> cat.debug("datefrom " + date);
              >> }
              >> if (did != null)
              >> failed = getResponseFromDispatch(response, did);
              >> else if (rid != null)
              >> //failed = getResponse(response, rid);
              >> System.out.println("temp");
              >> else if (formname != null && date != null)
              >> //failed = getAllResponses(response, formname, date);
              >> System.out.println("temp");
              >> else {
              >> response.setContentType(CONTENT_TYPE);
              >> PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
              >> out.println("<html>");
              >> out.println("<head><title>ExportResponseAsXML</title></head>");
              >> out.println("<body>");
              >> out.println("<p>No Responses available.</p>");
              >> out.println("</body></html>");
              >> }
              >> if (failed) {
              >> response.setContentType(CONTENT_TYPE);
              >> PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
              >> out.println("<html>");
              >> out.println("<head><title>ExportResponseAsXML</title></head>");
              >> out.println("<body>");
              >> out.println("<p>No Responses available due to error.</p>");
              >> out.println("</body></html>");
              >> }
              >> }
              >> }
              >> /**Clean up resources*/
              >> public void destroy() {
              >> }
              >> protected static Context getInitialContext(String purl, String picf)
              >> throws javax.naming.NamingException{
              >> cat.debug("URL: " + purl);
              >> cat.debug("Initial_context_factory: " + picf);
              >> Properties p = new Properties();
              >> // ... Specify the JNDI properties specific to the vendor.
              >> p.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, picf);
              >> p.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, purl);
              >> return new javax.naming.InitialContext(p);
              >> }
              >> protected void getDispatchServices() {
              >> DispatcherServicesHome home = null;
              >> try {
              >> //if (jndiContext == null)
              >> //{
              >> cat.debug("trying to get jndi - dispatcher");
              >> jndiContext = getInitialContext(providerURL, icf);
              >> //}
              >> cat.debug("doing lookup - dispatcher");
              >> Object obj = jndiContext.lookup("nexterna.DispatcherServices");
              >> cat.debug("getting home ref - dispatcher");
              >> home = (DispatcherServicesHome)
              >> javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
              >> obj, DispatcherServicesHome.class);
              >> }
              >> catch (javax.naming.NamingException ne)
              >> {
              >> cat.error(ne);
              >> }
              >> catch (Exception e)
              >> {
              >> cat.error(e);
              >> };
              >> try {
              >> cat.debug("home.create - dispatcher");
              >> dispatcher = home.create();
              >> }
              >> catch (javax.ejb.CreateException ce)
              >> {
              >> cat.error(ce);
              >> }
              >> catch (java.rmi.RemoteException re)
              >> {
              >> cat.error(re);
              >> }
              >> catch (Exception e)
              >> {
              >> cat.error(e);
              >> };
              >> }
              >> protected void getUserManager() {
              >> UserManagerHome home = null;
              >> try {
              >> if (jndiContext == null)
              >> {
              >> cat.debug("trying to get jndi - usermanager");
              >> jndiContext = getInitialContext(providerURL, icf);
              >> }
              >> cat.debug("doing lookup - usermanager");
              >> Object obj = jndiContext.lookup("nexterna.UserManager");
              >> cat.debug("getting home ref - usermanager");
              >> home = (UserManagerHome) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
              >> obj, UserManagerHome.class);
              >> }
              >> catch (javax.naming.NamingException ne)
              >> {
              >> cat.error(ne);
              >> }
              >> catch (Exception e)
              >> {
              >> cat.error(e);
              >> };
              >> try {
              >> cat.debug("home.create - usermanager");
              >> usermgr = home.create();
              >> }
              >> catch (javax.ejb.CreateException ce)
              >> {
              >> cat.error(ce);
              >> }
              >> catch (java.rmi.RemoteException re)
              >> {
              >> cat.error(re);
              >> }
              >> catch (Exception e)
              >> {
              >> cat.error(e);
              >> };
              >> }
              >> protected boolean getResponseFromDispatch(HttpServletResponse resp,
              >> String id) {
              >> String s = null;
              >> try {
              >> //before we will export responses to a dispatch, the dispatch
              >> must be complete
              >> s = dispatcher.getDispatchStatusString(id);
              >> }
              >> catch (java.rmi.RemoteException e)
              >> {
              >> cat.error(e);
              >> return true;
              >> }
              >> if (s.compareToIgnoreCase("Completed") != 0) {
              >> cat.debug("Dispatch status is not COMPLETED. Cannot export
              >> responses");
              >> return true;
              >> }
              >> resp.setContentType("application/RFC822");
              >> resp.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/RFC822"); // set
              >> ways to be safe
              >> resp.setHeader("Content-disposition",
              >> "attachment; filename=\"" + id + ".txt\"");
              >> cat.debug("Setting headers");
              >> cat.debug("Content-disposition",
              >> "attachment; filename=\"" + id + ".txt\"");
              >> HashMap responses = null;
              >> try {
              >> responses = dispatcher.getResponses(id,
              >> DispatcherServices.DISPATCH_ID);
              >> }
              >> catch (java.rmi.RemoteException e)
              >> {
              >> cat.error(e);
              >> return true;
              >> }
              >> try {
              >> ServletOutputStream os = resp.getOutputStream();
              >> Iterator i = responses.values().iterator();
              >> while (i.hasNext()) {
              >> Object o = i.next();
              >> os.print(o.toString());
              >> cat.debug("Writing XML");
              >> cat.debug(o.toString());
              >> }
              >> os.flush();
              >> os.close();
              >> }
              >> catch (Exception e)
              >> {
              >> cat.error(e);
              >> return true;
              >> }
              >> return false;
              >> }

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