Extending reports to support more rows

I have a report that returns more than 2000 rows, which seems to be the default number of rows for reports from grid control. I have experimented with creating this report using the mgmt_ip package because there is a element parameter that can be specified to extend the row limit. However, when I run my script, the report shows up in the mgmt_ip_* tables, but not in the gui.
Is it possible to create a report this way without adding it to a package? If so, how can I do it? Also, is there a better way to get more than 2000 rows returned?

Thank you for the suggestion Caroy. Unfortunately the complete data was requested in a particular format by my managerial team and there was no changing their minds. I was able to accomplish this task by running the mgmt_ip package directly against my repository instead of packing it up into an extensibility package. I used a modified version of the example laid out in the extensibility documentation. Here is what I used:
l_report_title_nlsid VARCHAR2(128);
l_report_owner VARCHAR(100);
l_report_guid RAW(16);
l_param_values MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_LIST;
l_element_guid RAW(16);
l_curr_order NUMBER;
l_curr_row NUMBER;
l_report_title_nlsid := 'report title goes here';
l_report_owner := mgmt_user.get_repository_owner;
l_report_guid := mgmt_ip.create_report_definition (
p_title_nlsid => l_report_title_nlsid,
p_description_nlsid => 'insert description here',
p_owner => l_report_owner,
p_category_nlsid => 'main catagory here',
p_sub_category_nlsid => 'sub catagory here'
l_curr_order := 1;
l_curr_row := 1;
l_param_values := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_LIST();
l_param_values(1) := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_RECORD(
l_param_values(2) := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_RECORD(
l_param_values(3) := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_RECORD(
l_param_values(4) := MGMT_IP_PARAM_VALUE_RECORD(
'sql goes here'
l_element_guid := mgmt_ip.add_element_to_report_def (
p_report_guid => l_report_guid,
p_element_name_nlsid => 'IPMSG_USER_TABLE_FROM_SQL',
p_element_type_nlsid => 'IPMSG_ANY_TARGET_TYPE',
p_element_order => l_curr_order,
p_element_row => l_curr_row,
p_parameters => l_param_values,
p_targets => null
The downside to this is that it is created as a locked system report and cannot be deleted without directly modifying the underlying tables. There is an additional setting that can be flagged to stop it from being created this way and it is outlined in the extensibility documentation, but I never revisited this task to test it out.

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    Account 1 ActivityTot WorkTot 20
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    So how did you solve the problem? Can you please give an example?
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    SQLVals = 1 22C38299 80700334 04-19-2012 13:55:33 mm-dd-yyyy hh24:mi:ss MCC93000 04/19/2012 13:55:42 mm-dd-yyyy hh24:mi:ss 12 4 0.792191 23 1 0.00 -113.50 13.48 9 1 9
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    In Processrequest()
    String pageName = pageContext.getRootRegionCode();
         Hashtable params = new Hashtable (1);
         params.put ("param1", pageName);
         Hashtable paramsWithBinds = new Hashtable(1);
        paramsWithBinds.put ("param2",new OADataBoundValueFireActionURL (mcb, "{$AttendeeType}"));
        mcb.setFireActionForSubmit ("empPositionChange", params, paramsWithBinds,false, false);
    In ProcessFormRequest() {
    if ("empPositionChange".equals(pageContext.getParameter(OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_PARAM)))   
          String rowReference = pageContext.getParameter("param2");
        //    String rowReference = pageContext.getParameter(OAWebBeanConstants.EVENT_SOURCE_ROW_REFERENCE);
         Serializable[] parameters = { rowReference };
          am.invokeMethod("handlePositionChangeEvent", parameters);

    HI Kumar,
    Answer to your last post is "yes".
    Now to your doubt regarding the code:
    Hi Anna
    I am trying to understand your code.
    FireAction firePartialAction = new FirePartialAction("fireHideEvent"+(i/noOfTlaColSpan));
    1. What is this i/noOfTlaColSpan ?
    :)Forget abt this in your case it should be the event name which u r firing and capturing the it in the PFR.
    Like FireAction firePartialAction = new FirePartialAction("YOurEventName");
    and in PFR u can capture tht as:
    //your logic to invoke AM method
    2. I believe this HideImgBean would be MessageChoice for me?
    :)Yep ur right
    3. This brcdOhInventoryViewUpdateVOImpl would be the Custom PVO(Extending Seeded Base VO)
    I create by adding the transient attributes?
    :)Yep ur right
    4. I cannot understand this code. Could you explain.
    :)Please look at my comments in some of the lines .I have explained wht i am doing
    updateIter[0]= invViewVO.createRowSetIterator("updateIter");//This initViewVo should be ur custom VO object
    for(int i=0;i<cnt;i++)
    row = (brcdOhInventoryViewUpdateVORowImpl)updateIter[0].getRowAtRangeIndex(i);
    String selectFlag=(String)row.invokeMethod("getPartNumber");//This getPartNuber should be replaced by the Prim Key inoke methd of ur VO
    //This is my logic to set the transient attributes based on the msgChoiceBean value ..u have to pass the value when u invoke this method
    System.out.println("In Binary");
    Boolean bVal= new Boolean("false");
    Serializable sr[]={bVal};
    Class []methodParamTypes = { bVal.getClass() };
    Boolean bVal1= new Boolean("true");
    Serializable sr1[]={bVal1};
    Class []methodParamTypes1 = { bVal1.getClass() };
    In my AM I am doing this. Am i doing right?:)Yep u r right
    BioPrescribersPVO is the custom VO(extending seeded base VO).
    public void handlePositionChangeEvent(String param)
    OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)findViewObject("BioPrescribersPVO");
    OARow row = (OARow)findRowByRef(rowReference);
    if (row != null)
    String position = (String)row.getAttribute("AttendeeType");
    if (("PRESCRIBER".equals(position)) )
    // BioEmpManagerRender is the transient attribute in BioPrescribersPVO.
    row.setAttribute("BioEmpManagerRender", Boolean.TRUE);
    row.setAttribute("BioPresManagerRender", Boolean.FALSE);
    row.setAttribute("BioEmpManagerRender", Boolean.FALSE);
    row.setAttribute("BioPresManagerRender", Boolean.TRUE);
    } // end handlePositionChangeEvent()
    // Initializing the custom VO
    /*No need to initialize the VO because this is not a PVO(Propeties View object)
    U r just using the existing VO and tht vo shloud have a primary key.Tht way u can match the rowref u r getting with the actual row from the View object*/
    public void init()
    OAViewObject appPropsVO = (OAViewObject)getBioPrescribersPVO();
    if (appPropsVO != null)
    if (appPropsVO.getFetchedRowCount() == 0)
    appPropsVO.setMaxFetchSize(0); appPropsVO.executeQuery();
    OARow row = (OARow)appPropsVO.first();
    row.setAttribute("RowKey", new Number(1));
    } // end init()

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    I have an issue with my report,its taking more than one hour for execution.
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    Before you add any indexes to the listed tables, check with Oracle support to ensure you will be violating your Oracle Enterprise Business Suite agreement. Oracle has specific rules on modifying EMS tables. Additionally, any EBS patch or update that gets applied will likely drop any custom changes to these tables. It might be better for you to open a Service Request with Oracle Support and have them tell you how to improve the performance of your query since all of your tables are EBS tables.
    Message was edited by:
    RR, you may also want to check with your DBA(s) to see when the Statistics were last gathered on these tables.

  • Report format - distance between rows

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    What parameter controls the distance between rows?
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    Use BREAK ON column-name SKIP n
    where n is how many lines to skip:
    sql>create table t (one varchar2(3), two number );
    Table created.
    sql>insert into t values ('aaa', 1 );
    1 row created.
    sql>insert into t values ('aaa', 2 );
    1 row created.
    sql>insert into t values ('bbb', 3 );
    1 row created.
    sql>break on one skip 2;
    sql>select * from t;
    aaa 1
    bbb 3
    (note: this doesn't display in "preview" with correct formatting so just try it and you'll see)

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    I configure jvm (1.6_029) with the following parameters : Xms512m - Xmx2048 -XX:MaxPermSize=3072m
    My configuration is the following :
    REHL5 64bits
    8G RAM
    100G file system and 50 GB tmp file for bi publisher
    4 CPU
    Jdk Parameters:
    Xms512m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=3072m -XX:UseParallelGC.
    Total CPU usage : 25%
    Live Threads : 85 threads
    Used : 665 Mb
    Commited : 908 Mb
    GC time :
    8.047 s on PS MarkSweep (3 collections)
    8.625 s on PS Scavenge (242 collections)
    Any idea to increase performance or other will be appreciate.
    Thank you

    If you are generating a PDF output, select "PDF Compression" option in the properties. Ensure you reduce all the log levels to "Low". Ensure there are no (or minimal) calculations/formulas in the report template.

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    Is there a way to not have the scollbar appear if the number of rows equals the array size yet have it appear when the number of rows is less than the array size ?
    Example vi attached.
    Array scroll bar dimension.vi ‏18 KB

    In practice, the number of displayed array rows is restricted so that only enough rows are shown to remain within the bounds of the front panel.  Otherwise as the array size is increased, the array will extend off the bottom of the screen.  My modified version shows this restriction.  But notice that as a control, the array shows one more dimension than it had been allocated to (and is shown as a disabled row).   In fact, clicking on the bottom arrow of the scollbar will continue to add more rows to the array control.
    Array scroll bar dimension.vi ‏22 KB

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    Both Crystal Reports 2008 and Crystal Reports XI Release 2 are failing. Export to PDF is working fine.
    I am trying to design a lengthy report and export to text.
    I searched in forum with out any results.
    It would be great, if some body can point me in right direction. Thank you.

    Hi Raveendra
    To work around this error message, disable DEP by performing the following steps:
    1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
    2. Double-click 'System'. The "System Properties" dialog box appears.
    3. Click the 'Advanced' tab.
    4. Click 'settings' under 'performance'.
    5. Click the 'Data Execution Prevention' tab
    6. Select 'Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select:'.
    7. Click 'Add'.
    8. Browse for the application CRW32.exe. This file is located in:
    C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Crystal Reports 12\
    9. Select CRW32.exe and click 'Apply'.
    10. Click 'OK' to close the 'System Properties' dialog box.
    11. Log on as an Administrator and start Crystal Reports.
    Now try to export report to the text format and observe the behavior.
    Girish Bhosale

  • Excel o/p in Reports 9i-additional report header for every row

    Dear All,
    Is there any way to generate an Excel file output from OracleReports9i.Actually I have tried the simple report.
    I am able to create a delimited output.But the prob is it contains an additional report header for every row of the report and this is very strange.Its coming like that
    Empno     Ename     Job     7566     JONES      MANAGER
    Empno     Ename     Job     7902     FORD      ANALYST
    I need the Xls o/p like that
    Empno     Ename          Job
    7566     JONES      MANAGER
    7902     FORD      ANALYST
    8877 JAMES SALES
    my Environment oracle9i developersuite /forms9i/reports9i
    I have given     DESFORMAT = DELIMITED
              MODE      = CHARACTER
    I am able to generate the reports in html/HTMLCSSIE/HTMLCSS/PDF/RTF
    Only delimited is giving problem
    What should i do to resolve this issue. Please help me it is very very urgent for me.
    Thanks in advance

    I had the same problem and this is what I did, works great. You have the total control.
    function BeforeReport return boolean is
    fp text_io.file_type;
    -- creating a file name
    :CP_filename := 'C:\Gap'||to_char(sysdate,'MMDDYYHHMISS')||'.csv';
    -- Opening the file in write mode
    fp := text_io.fopen(:CP_filename,'w');
    -- writing the column headings into the file
    return (TRUE);
    and then where ever it is suitable, depending on the requirement, write into file by opening it in the append mode.
    function R_G_systemplatformFormatTrigge return boolean is
    fp text_io.file_type;
    --     srw.message(99,:dname);
    fp := text_io.fopen(:CP_filename,'a');
    text_io.put(fp,'"' || :systemplatform || '",');
    text_io.put(fp,'"' || to_char(:sysno) || '",');
    text_io.put_line(fp,'"' || :CF_gaptype || '",');
    return (TRUE);
    This works great. Hope this helps.

  • Report Template -  NULL in Row Template Condition

    I just found a workaround, but,
    in a report template, in a Row Template # Condition, based on a PL/SQL expression, the condition always fails if/when #COLUMN_VALUE# was NULL.
    I worked around this with a NVL in the query - but, is there a better way?
    I want the column highlighted when the value is null - to point out where values need to be entered - i.e. when the record needs to be updated.
    THanks - Karen

    Ok, I have since found out that the setting to make a report template
    available in the Based on > Visualization templates is in the
    'package.xml' file for each report. The value that needs to be changed
    is <IsQueryParameterized>0</IsQueryParameterized> and change the 0 to 1.
    kmcooke1's Profile: https://forums.netiq.com/member.php?userid=5806
    View this thread: https://forums.netiq.com/showthread.php?t=49091

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    can the AirPort Extreme support more than one USB printer at a time if it is connected to a USB Hub?
    Yes.....IF.....you use a powered USB hub.
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  • Can we have a tooltip text, formatted on 2 and more rows

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    As I can see the "tooltip" field in the fields description(parameter structure FPMGB_S_LISTFIELD_DESCR of below method) is of type char(100), but I can also assign "tooltip_ref" in method if_fpm_guibb_list~get_definition.
    I tried to insert some special symbol like "\n" but it was rendered exactly.

    I solved the problem already by using the special character  constant cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline for new-line-segmenting the tooltip text on lines.
    (In List GUIBB)I have added a technical field to the field catalog in method IF_FPM_GUIBB_LISTGET_DEFINITION and then in method IF_FPM_GUIBB_LISTGET_DATA assigned the field "tooltip_ref" (thus got limitation of 512 chars instead of "tooltip", which is limited at only 100 chars) of the field description structure to it.

  • I am trying to install xcode on a macpro running OSX 10.6.8 .  It installs, but with the error that there is no unix support.Do I have to upgrade to Lion 10.7 to do this? And if so, is this a free upgrade if I have the extended 3 yr support?

    I am trying to install xcode on a macpro running OSX 10.6.8 .  It installs, but with the error that there is no unix support.   Do I have to upgrade to Lion 10.7 to do this? And if so, is this a free upgrade if I have the extended 3 yr support?

    Xcode 4.x cannot be installed on Snow Leopard.  You need a 3.x.  So if that is what you used then yes, you need to install lion.   If connect.apple.com still alows registration or logins using an existing appleid then you could download the last xcode 3.2.6 for free.

  • Select-options in Selection Screen to show more rows for entering values

    Hi all,
    In my webdynpro abap  I have added the SELECT-OPTIONS componenet and working fine.
    User need  in the Selection Screen for select options  more rows to show entering values in single time.
    THe Default Rows show only 5 .
    user need to change to 10 or 15 Rows to show.
    Pl help .
    THanks in advance.

    Here is the way which I just tested and found working.
    This is the main code which needs to be written.
        ty_r_vbeln TYPE RANGE OF vbeln,
        ty_s_vbeln TYPE LINE OF ty_r_vbeln.
    data ls_vbeln type ty_s_vbeln.
    field-symbols <fs_range> TYPE INDEX TABLE.
    ASSIGN lt_range->* TO <fs_range>.
    do 10 times.
    APPEND ls_vbeln TO <fs_range>.
    For further refinement, you can create a input field in view for number of lines to be shown as enabled.
    The complete code is as below.
    DATA lo_cmp_usage TYPE REF TO if_wd_component_usage.
    lo_cmp_usage =   wd_this->wd_cpuse_select_options( ).
    IF lo_cmp_usage->has_active_component( ) IS INITIAL.
      lo_cmp_usage->create_component( ).
    DATA lo_interfacecontroller TYPE REF TO iwci_wdr_select_options .
    lo_interfacecontroller =   wd_this->wd_cpifc_select_options( ).
    DATA lo_r_helper_class TYPE REF TO if_wd_select_options.
    lo_r_helper_class = lo_interfacecontroller->init_selection_screen(  ).
    Creating range table
    DATA lt_range TYPE REF TO data.
    CALL METHOD lo_r_helper_class->create_range_table
          i_typename     = 'VBELN'
          rt_range_table = lt_range.
    Disabling the global options
    CALL METHOD lo_r_helper_class->set_global_options
          i_display_btn_cancel  = abap_false
          i_display_btn_check   = abap_false
          i_display_btn_reset   = abap_false
          i_display_btn_execute = abap_true.
        ty_r_vbeln TYPE RANGE OF vbeln,
        ty_s_vbeln TYPE LINE OF ty_r_vbeln.
    data ls_vbeln type ty_s_vbeln.
    field-symbols <fs_range> TYPE INDEX TABLE.
    ASSIGN lt_range->* TO <fs_range>.
    do 10 times.
    APPEND ls_vbeln TO <fs_range>.
    Adding the selection field
    CALL METHOD lo_r_helper_class->add_selection_field
          i_id                         = 'VBELN'
          I_OBLIGATORY                 = ABAP_TRUE
          I_NO_EXTENSION               = abap_false
          i_value_help_type = if_wd_value_help_handler=>CO_PREFIX_SEARCHHELP
          it_result                    = lt_range.
    Edited by: Jayanthi Jayaraman on Dec 2, 2010 8:29 AM

Maybe you are looking for