External drive bay opens instead of internal

I have an external LaCie DVD burner hooked up to my firewire.
When I try to burn a DVD using iDVD after hitting the Burn button
the Lacie drive bay door opens instead of the internal Apple drive.
This doesn't happen all the time. And the only way I've been getting
around this is to disconnect the firewire cable for the Lacie drive. I have no
problem burning to the LaCie drive using Toast. Anyone having similiar
problems, would appreciate any help resolving this issue
PowerPC G5   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   4 GB DDR SDRAM

Welcome to discussions, monk21:
I believe that with iDVD 5, you do need to turn the external off before the internal drive will be seen again.
And, if I am wrong (but I really don't think so)...someone will pop in here and tell you that I am

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    Every working drive, Internal or External, should produce an Icon on your Desktop. If you cannot see those, click on the Desktop (to get Finder) and choose Preferences off the Finder Menu. The general pane has checkboxes for "Show these items on the Desktop:"
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    ssn wrote:
    I transferred my iTunes music library to an external hard drive (Toshiba 1T) and had set the media folder location in Preferences to the new location on the external drive.
    When you move the library, you don't set the location to the new location, It is already set there.
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    Exrternal (and internal) drives usually shut down when the computer goes to sleep.
    Make sure the drive is ready before launching iTunes.

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    Found this Fix: Change ownership and permissions on the file In the "Terminal" application, perform the following steps to figure out what the file is called, and then change the permissions on it accordingly.
    1. Type "cd" followed by a single space, and then drag the Time Machine drive to the Terminal window. The command should then look something like this:
    cd /Volumes/Backup
    2. Press enter to submit that command, and then enter the following command:
    ls -la
    3. Note the name of the file that begins with a period and has 12 characters in the name, such as ".001b6397c156" mentioned in the quote above.
    4. Now enter the following commands, substituting "FILENAME" in the commands with the file name exactly as it's shown both in the error as well as in the output of the command in step 2, including the period before it (ie: ".001b6397c156"):
    sudo chown `id -un` FILENAME
    sudo chmod 400 FILENAME
    After each of these commands are entered, users will need to supply their passwords (which will not be shown) and the Time Machine backups should work again.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Yes you can do that, though I'm not too sure that Iomega's firmware is up to date to do it. Be sure that any data you have on the Iomega is backed up elsewhere before attempting it. Some Firewire drives without up to date firmware from the manufacturer may become invisible and unusable after a software update on Mac OS X 10.3 or later. Also an AGP PowerMac needs its firmware updated while booted from Mac OS 9 before installing Mac OS X 10.2 or later:
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    Leave OS 9.2.2 on your internal, and 10.4 on your external. That will be a lot easier than partitioning. Some information I wrote for others which can help you on your migration to Mac OS X is provided in this link below:
    If you really want to partition, be aware that only third party software is available to partition without erasing the entire drive, and you'll want to make sure additional partitions that will boot Mac OS 9 have Mac OS 9 drivers installed as my link above states. Whatever you do, be sure you have at least two copies of your data at all times:
    Disclaimer: Reference to links I make to my Macmaps.com website are a for your information only type reference. I do not get any profit from this page, and it is open to the public.

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    The easiest thing would be to put the PB into target disk mode, but it sounds like that isn't going to work with no power and a bad motherboard.
    It's about a 30 step process to remove a hard drive from a PB, but once you have it out there's dongles that let you plug in various drives and attach them via USB to a computer.
    "Newer Technology Universal 5.25/3.5/2.5" Hard Drive & Optical Drive to USB2 Adapter w/Power. Everything you need to Plug and Play any SATA/ATA/IDE/ATAPI Drive via USB 2.0/1.1 port. Fast, Simple, Plug & Play. GREAT for transferring data, etc. (NWTU2NV2SPATA)" - http://eshop.macsales.com/item/Newer%20Technology/U2NV2SPATA/

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    According to Google, FAT32 uses a 16-bit time field and has a resolution of 2 seconds.
    Mac OS X has a resolution of at least 1 second, and possibily even finer granularity depending on the HZ clock frequence used by the kernel for managing the clock, where HZ=100 would be 10 milliseconds resolution
    sysctl kern.clockrate
    So it is very possible that img99, img100, img103, img104 all have odd time values, and when they are rounded down on the FAT32 file system, they always look older than the originals on Mac OS X.
    It is a theory.
    Have you experimented using a say another directory on Mac OS X to see if going HFS+ to HFS+ works as expected? Have you tried using a Linux ext2/ext3, etc... file system (which should have at least 1 second precision as well).
    OK, using Disk Utility, I've created a FAT32 disk image, and copied a file with a modification time containing an odd number of seconds. Then I compaired the original time against the FAT32 time
    stat tmp.1
    234881026 61128371 -rw-r--r-- 1 harris harris 0 43
    "May 22 21:07:47 2010"
    "May 22 21:07:27 2010" <<<--- Modified time
    "May 22 21:07:27 2010"
    "Dec 26 21:57:18 2009"
    4096 8 0 tmp.1
    stat /Volumes/FAT32/tmp.1
    234881031 10 -rwxrwxrwx 1 harris harris 0 43
    "May 22 00:00:00 2010"
    "May 22 21:07:26 2010" <<<--- Modified time
    "May 22 21:07:26 2010"
    "May 22 21:07:46 2010"
    131072 4 0 /Volumes/FAT32/tmp.1
    Notice the modify time on the original has 27 seconds, but the FAT32 copy of the file has 26.
    Message was edited by: BobHarris

  • When I have my iTunes library on an external drive, but I forget to connect my external drive before opening iTunes, so then iTunes creates a library taking up room on my MacBook Air, can I just delete the iTunes library folder on my MacBook Air?

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    Also, should I format my drive to HFS+ rather than ntfs? The ntfs hasn't seem to be causing any problems, but I've always wanted to know. I keep everything on my external and sometimes it needs to interact with friends computers or school computers.

    I don't know if this is me adding files to iTunes when the external wasn't connected
    it is.
    is it OK to just keep deleting that library on the Air?
    i wouldn't - at least not until i
    mount the external
    point iTunes media folder location back to the external via preferences > advanced
    consolidate my library via file > library > organize library
    The ntfs hasn't seem to be causing any problems, but I've always wanted to know.
    in order for your Mac to write to NTFS drives, it needs some help by installing e.g. the NTFS 3G driver. apparently that or something similar is installed on your Mac already. preferably, it would be formatted for Mac but then windows machines would need to have e.g. MacDrive installed to recognize the drive.

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    I have my third new drive ready to install in my intel based iMac...but i've had a thought...I want to install a SSD in my iMac for the speed gain (and recent price drops)...for standard storage i want to use this new WD Caviar Black 1TB in an external drive bay and connect via firewire 800 for storing everything except the OS and my most commonly used software...am i crazy? will the firewire 800 external drive negate the speed gained with an internal SSD??
    I have four iMacs in my office, and one at home. I buy second hand and install new drives and boost memory. I'm going to do this on my 'home' machine...if it works out well i want to upgrade the other three this way...but first i need to know if i'm just dreaming, or will it really make a difference? or even possible??
    2.66 intell core2duo
    2009 iMac
    8gig ram
    1 gig hd
    OSX ver. 10.8

    The SSD gives great bootup and Application launch speed. I think it also speeds up the video rendering a bit, I do all that on the SSD and then move the finished project to the external drives. As far as the speed for the external drives they are quick enough for viewing video and the file transfer rate is good. I had initially put the SSD into an external cradle (FW800) and the system was faster than on the internal drive. I only got a 1.5GBs SATA drive, perhaps yours could benefit from the 3GBs. I know the 6GBs would be too fast and costs a lot more, even the MacPros need special hookups to make use of the 6GBs.

  • If I create an external drive with Yosemite that I can boot from, will I also be able to boot from my internal drive still?

    So I am still on Mountain Lion and I haven't upgraded because I have always been worried that Logic Pro, my Plug ins, and my Hardware wouldn't work right on the new OSX. I am now becoming interested in upgrading since Logic has a new update that I cant use.
    My plan is to install Yosemite on an external drive that has thunderbolt connection so that I can boot from that and give everything a trial run. Is this something that actually works? If I do this, and things arent compatible on Yosemite, will I be able to boot from my internal and be back on Mountain Lion as I am now?

    External drive must be partitioned and formatted for Mac OS Extended, Journaled.
    Clone Yosemite, Mavericks, Lion/Mountain Lion using Restore Option of Disk Utility
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
         1. Select Disk Utility from the main menu then press the Continue
         2. Select the destination volume from the left side list.
         3. Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
         4. Select the destination volume from the left side list and drag it
             to the Destination entry field.
         5. Select the source volume from the left side list and drag it to
             the Source entry field.
         6. Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
    Destination means the external drive. Source means the internal startup drive.

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