External MIDI Set Up

I'm trying to hook up my Mopho monophonic synth as an external MIDI instrument in Logic Pro 9.
I'm close but I can't get sound from Logic.
I'm running a MIDI cable from an Axiom 25 controller MIDI out to the MIDI in on the MOPHO. And a MIDI cable from the MIDI out on the Mopho to the in on my Fast Track Pro interface. Both the Fast Track and Axiom are also connected to the computer with USB. The controller works fine and plays and controls softsynths fine. Even the Mopho's volume controller works with Logic but I can't get any sounds.
I suspect I have wrong ports selected in Logic but can't seem to figure it out. Any ideas?

OK. I got the Mopho to work in logic. I had it plugged into the wrong inputs on the Fast Track Pro.
It works great when I just have it connected to the audio interface with the Audio and MIDI cables but when I add the Axiom 25 controller into the mix things get weird. When I press a key the sound gets fuzzy and distorted and the notes in Logic's transport box start cycling through really fast and won't stop unless I unplug the MIDI cable. In fact I don't think I'm getting any MIDI into Logic from the external MIDI. I'm getting real close! At least I have audio in Logic. Now I would just like to use the controller with the external MIDI.

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    KennaOkoye wrote:
    pancenter, when i worked with multiple channels on my korg triton simultaneously i used 16different external midi set to appropriate midi channel got audio bak on all... didnt do ur instrument track plugin method
    As I said previously, if you are using the External Synth multi-timbrally, the External Instrument plugin will probably NOT be of any help. (The plugin routes MIDI out a particular channel and returns the audio via a pair of inputs. Unless you have multiple outs from the synth, and multiple Ins available on your interface, you will end up with all the audio from the synth appearing on all the tracks simultaneously... not good.
    If you are not using direct monitoring via your interface (as mentioned by pancenter), simply create an Aux channel for your synth audio return, and you are good to go.
    As best I recall, no version of Logic has ever done this automatically.

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    Start here:
    http://documentation.apple.com/en/logicpro/usermanual/index.html#chapter=10%26se ction=10%26tasks=true
    http://documentation.apple.com/en/logicpro/usermanual/index.html#chapter=9%26sec tion=4%26tasks=true

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    Theres not really much to setup. Assuming your synths are connected to the MIDI Express already..
    In Logic, make a new MIDI track. On the left hand side in the track inspector, among the parameters you'll see an option for MIDI Port and Channel. Just pick which port the track is going to, set the channel and device id and play (And be glad you never had to deal with setting up the old Environment window in Logic 5 and below).
    If you really wanna get into it and have all your MIDI ports named after the synth thats connected to it, open up Audio Midi Setup, create a device icon for each synth you have and draw the cables from each device to whatever port its connected to on the midi interface's icon.
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    If youre talking about having access to patch names and whatnot like Digital Performer and Cubase let you do, Logic doesnt use the xml patch lists everyone else does. The above steps are pretty much all there is to be done as far as MIDI.
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    >>where do I specify which csv file to read from the external table..
    Please, read either the link provided by Andrew or the link that I have posted in my previous post.
    "# DEFAULT DIRECTORY - specifies the default location of files that are read or written by external tables. The location is specified with a directory object, not a directory path. See Location of Datafiles and Output Files for more information.
    # LOCATION - specifies the location of the external data. The location is specified as a list of directory objects and filenames. If the directory object is not specified, then the default directory object is used as the file location."

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    Hello -
    I'm not entirely sure that one audio device such as the Saffire Pro 40 with 2 Firewire ports can be shared between two computers. It was always my impression that the second Firewire port was available to "daisy chain" another audio device or hard drive. Before you proceed, you might want to check with the company that manufactures the Saffire Pro 40 and make sure that two computers can interphase with it.
    With regards to using a second computer as a "slave machine", it seems that many, many people do have such configurations to help spread the CPU and memory work-load. My happy Mac Pro is set up to work with a potential of two other "slave machines". When I use this set up, it works wonderfully. But, for most of the time, my happy Mac Pro can manage most sequencing projects (mostly orchestral with LOTS of instruments) on its own. Each computer, however, has its own audio device. All are connected to the Mac Pro using the ADAT light inputs/outputs from each audio device (I use MOTU's audio devices) and are managed midi-wise using Music Lab's MOLCP 3.
    Good luck. . .

  • External MIDI device, can't get more than one sound, Logic Express 9 & Korg N364

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    It's not Logic, it's how you have the Korg setup.
    I'm not familiar with that model but it is a workstation so I'm pretty sure you can set it to a "Multi" mode.
    Right now you are running it in single patch mode.
    In single patch mode only one sound is available on a single MIDI channel, your Korg probably has a Multi or Combi mode, this is where multiple sounds can be played, each sound has to have it's own MIDI channel.
    You will need to set this up on the Korg first.

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    iMac 20" Core2Duo 2GHz, 4GB RAM

    I try 2/3 things.
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    - computer sleep after 3h
    - itunes playing songs
    .....after a minute, monitor sleep and so does itunes....
    VLC doesn't have this issu (luckyly)....

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    The MOTU installation cd says it is compatible with Mac OS X operating system.

    You've posted in the OS X Server area.
    Any special reason why ?
    Did you install the software for the device ? :P
    http://www.motu.com/products/midi/lite/body.html/view?searchterm=mac%20AND%20OS% 20AND%20X
    Your next stop should be (and should have been)
    Message was edited by: davidh

  • Extern midi useless: miditiming in sync with audio, is it possible?

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    Without a workaround Logic Pro is useless. What a mess; instruments dropping out, serious miditiming issues, au validation issues... I'm getting a bit desperate here.

    yes, i know - that's been discussed on this forum though it is not something i feel strongly conversant, only to say that i believe there are ways round the problem.
    the site is www.logicprohelp.com
    and if they can't help you then no-one can.
    if it were me - and it has been when remixing older cues, i have simply put a delay (or by that i mean negative delay which brings it forward) on the midi tracks.
    maybe this is not the best method, but you could record a midi generated click (ie a click track with your external module as the source), and then loop it in playback against klopfgeist, adjusting the delay setting until it is tight. this may not offer sample accurate precision, but midi is not capable of sample accurate precision anyway.
    there are people out there who have this sorted, and my method worked fine for me, but if you do elctronic music such as house or whatever, then you may be concerned with really really tight timing in which case you might be looking for the "recognized" solution.
    have real trawl through this forum - it's been discussed.

  • HELP! External MIDI is playing EARLY compared to the audio tracks!

    Hi Guys
    I have a project in L9 which has about 12 audio tracks, each running a few effects (fairly basic ones, nothing too heavy).
    Tonight I am recording a rhythm part on an external MIDI device (my Kurzweil synth). I'm quantising this part to 1/8 notes, and in the piano roll editor, it's lining up perfectly after quantization.
    However, when I play back the project, the MIDI is all EARLY!
    I've tried soloing just the MIDI and the click, and the MIDI part runs uniformly early compared to the click track.
    I believe this has something to do with the delay compensation that is in effect across all the audio channels... what's happening is that all the audio content is being delayed so all the tracks sync with each other. But for some reason, MIDI is not part of this delay compensation, and is playing in perfect time, and hence sounding early compared to the audio material.
    I've done a test new project with just one MIDI track, and when quantized, it DOESN'T suffer this problem... ie, it aligns perfectly with the click track.
    Is there any way to get external MIDI instruments to be part of the delay compensation process? Or is there some other solution to this issue?
    Really desperate here as this has come out of the blue and I can't think of any way to solve it!
    Thanks heaps guys,

    yeloop wrote:
    Is this something new for Logic 9?
    I don't know, I have never used external MIDI with Logic (8 or 9) - but think it is new, yes.
    I wonder if there's a way to set the global default for MIDI so that it always has delay compensation? I can't see why anyone would want to use an external MIDI device and not have it in perfect time with their audio material!
    Yes, there is. You'll have to set it up in AMS first (choose *New Device*, and then configure the device and cable it) In Logic, you'll have to go into the Environment. You need a *Standard Instrument Object* for a monotimbral device, a, *Multi-Instrument Object* for multitimbral devices and a *Mapped Instrument object* for Drummodules. Explanation starts on pg 1082 of the LP9 pdf manual.
    Once it is all setup, you can make a template of it, or you can import the Environment layer into new projects.
    regards, Erik.
    regards, Erik.

  • Monitoring 2 External Midi devices at playback

    Hi, I'm a "Newbie," I have a MAC G5, Logic Express 7.1, a MOTU 828
    (first generation) and 2 external midi devices (Triton Extr, and a Roland JV 880) I
    can only monitor one of the devices at a time at playback - wichever channel
    I have chosen in the MOTU preferences.
    I know it was a challenge to set up Cubase to monitor both at the same time.
    Is it possible in Logic Express?
    Thanks for any help that might be had out there!

    Couple of things I don't understand about your question.
    Are you running Vienna Ensemble on a separate computer? If not, why not use it as an AU plugin? If you have it installed on the same computer as Logic there would be no need to treat it as an external instrument. If you are running it on a separate machine double check the audio and MIDI hardware connections, drivers for both interfaces, Apple Audio/Midi Utility settings, environment, and finally the settings on your ext instrument (in the track.)
    You mention being unable to hear VE when bouncing, but then you also mention that there is no signal from those tracks showing on the master fader. Is this specifically a problem when bouncing, or are you basically unable to hear and see signal from your VE tracks while recording, playing, mixing?
    If VE runs smoothly from another computer (presumably to ease the burden on your main cpu) and you are able to hear it and see it at the master outputs just as you expect, and you ONLY have a problem when bouncing, then your solution is simple. Make sure that you bounce in "realtime" mode when including external instruments or fx. "Offline" mode will not include them.
    Sorry if I'm covering stuff you know and have already tried; hopefully some portion of this info will help you.

  • Volume Problem when using external midi instruments

    Hi everyone, I'm having a problem recording the audio from my external midi instruments into Logic 8.
    I have all my external midi instruments set up in my environment and they are all going through a motu micro lite interface, with the audio going through a focusrite saffire pro 40.
    The way I record Midi into Logic is to load up a new software instrument-select external instrument-find the relevant synth & input-record the midi that I want & adjust as needed-bounce down to an audio channel.
    The problem Im having at the moment and have had for a little while is that when I record this way, the audio that accompanies the midi, although I can hear it loudly through my monitors, the input levels in Logic are really small and when I come to bouncing down and listen back to it, it is a lot quieter than I'd originally heard.
    With the Pro 40 comes the Mix Control surface, upon checking this the volume on the master output channels is much more representative of the volume I'm hearing through my monitors, and it isn't the same within Logic. I've checked that I haven't got an output coming through channels on this at the same time as its coming through Logic which would result in the sound being doubled and obviously louder, this definitely doesn't appear to be the case.
    Its really puzzling and quite annoying me, If anyone could shed any light on why this may be happening that would be fantastic, I've used this forum a few times and I've always found people to be very kind & helpful.

    I've checked that I haven't got an output coming through channels on this at the same time as its coming through Logic which would result in the sound being doubled and obviously louder, this definitely doesn't appear to be the case.
    It was the first thing I was thinking about. Stop the "Software Monitoring" in the Logic Prefs and try again if you do not have any duplicated hardware routings.
    !http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/4967/aglogo45.gif! [www.audiogrocery.com|http://www.audiogrocery.com]

  • How to control external MIDI multi-timbre device

    I have an external midi device that has distinct buttons with which I can control on/off individual sounds. The device has a single midi channel but many different sounds that can be turned on/off in any combination - i.e., I can have two or more sounds turned on which the device mixes down to its stereo outputs.
    Each specific sound has a name and can also be controlled with a midi message in the form of "Bn 49 xx" (on event) or "Bn 4A xx" (off event). I would like to be able to control these sounds from logic pro.
    Note that I have refrained from calling these "sounds", "patches". A fundamental difference between a patch and a "sound" as I described above is that you can only select a single patch at the time - I need to be able to turn on/off any combination of these sounds.
    Hope it is clear to someone what I am trying to do... your comments are most welcome.

    After some serious support from Pancenter (thanks again!), I arrived at a working configuration using Apple’s Environment editor. In the hope that my learning experience is of use to someone else, hereby a quick write up.
    My objective was to control the stops (programs) of two pipe organ modules from Logic Pro 9, preferably with a nice graphic interface.  The modules are broken up into 3 sections that each have a direct midi channel. I already set them up on my midi controller and could play a midi file on them just fine but not the stops. Rather than a typical synth program switch, stops on an organ can be turned on/off in any combination thereby mixing the sounds together.  The documentation I had showed these midi byte sequences for turning on/off a stop:
    Bn 49 rr  = stop on
    Bn 4A rr = stop off
    with ‘n’ being the midi channel, and ‘rr’ the hex code for a particular stop.  With Pancenter’s help, I started playing around with a Fader/Button 3 on the “Click and Ports” layer from the Environment (command 8).  A button can be used to send a variety of midi message types, in my case I need a Control message with its channel set to the appropriate midi channel of the pipe organ module (channel 2 for me).  A midi control message has the form <control byte> <byte 1> <byte 2>. The byte 1 field holds the specific control and byte 2 the value for that control.
    Buttons send their max value when on (depressed) and min value when off. i.e., the value of byte 2.  As you can see from the midi sequences listed above, this creates a bit of a complication in my case because the value ought to stay the same but the control (byte 1) must change.
    I decided to set the button values to the midi stop I wanted to control as the min value and the max value as the stop +1. So my button out going sequences are now:
    Bn 74 34    stop off
    Bn 74 35    stop on   this should be changed to Bn 73 34
    (Notice that 74 = 4A hex and 34 = 22 hex)
    Using a transformer object right after the button, I detect the Bn 74 35 sequenc and change it to the desired Bn 73 34. As it turns out... easy as pie when you get a little help from a friend ;-)
    This is the button with output to the transformer:
    The inspector details for the button:
    The transformer setup:
    The entire pipe organ module with stops, just need to clean up the names a bit and we're done. Notice that I used a fader text object for the stop headers.
    I am a 2-3 week user of Logic Pro and must admit that I am starting to be thoroughly impressed with its capabilities. The Environment editor is ahhwwsome though perhaps a bit daunting at first.   Thanks again Pancenter for your totally cool help !

  • External Midi Plugin and Midi Output Delay

    This one is fairly esoteric but has anyone run into the following problem or have a workaround?
    I'm trying to incorporate the External midi plugin into my setup so I can use the new midi plugins, but I cannot correctly calibrate my system when using it. My calibration technique invoolves setting delay for each synth to the slowest of the bunch and then compensating for all in the Sync > All Midi Out  > Delay preference. However, when you use the external midi plugin this control has no effect. Running the synths as standard midi does work but then you lose the option of using the new midi plugins.
    If verified, does anyone know if this issue will be resolved in an update?

    Thanks for replying. I haven't had internet in a couple days and I'm back on now. Time Warner Cable is sometimes unstable around my area.
    I've been trying different things for the last couple days and nothing works.
    I replayed and recorded a 4 bar piano part and made sure that the hits were as close to the grid as possible. It sounded fine on MIDI Recording. But on MIDI Playback Here's what I found: The Midi data is not misplaced, it's right where it should be.  But the actual sound is delayed on playback.
    I have a PreSonus Monitoring Station. The outputs of the Motif go straight into the Traveler (In 5-6). The Main outputs on the Traveler go into the PreSonus Monitoring Station as well as my KRK Monitors. I control the volume from the Monitor Station.
    Software Monitoring and Independent Monitoring Level are both enabled.
    I don't get it...Please help.

Maybe you are looking for