ExternalInterface issue  in as3

Iam calling some JavaScript function with ExternalInterface in as3. That java script function set flashObj.SetVariable("userName", userName) .Icant get userName value but it is working in as2

show your ei related code and your called javascript function.

Similar Messages

  • Image Gallery Issue in As3

         I am trying to implement a simple image gallery with alpha transition using as3.  But an issue is occuring with this. After each image alpha transition, the stage becomes blank. The code i have used for image Gallery is following.CAn anybody help me. I am trying this for a week. but still i have a hope for make this working. So please help me.
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.display.*;
    import gs.TweenLite;
    const TIMER_DELAY = 2000;
    var totImages:Number;
    var index:Number = 0;
    var imgArr:Array = new Array();
    var currentContainer:MovieClip = holder0;
    currentContainer.alpha = 0;
    var transTimer:Timer = new Timer(TIMER_DELAY);
    //transTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, startTransition);
    var imgLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    var myXML:XML = new XML();
    var XML_URL:String = "images.xml";
    var myXMLURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(XML_URL);
    var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(myXMLURL);
    myLoader.addEventListener("complete", xmlLoaded);
    function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void{
        myXML = XML(myLoader.data);
    function processXML(xml){   
        totImages = xml.children().length();
        for(var i=0;i<totImages;i++){
            var tempVar = xml..item[i]..image;
        currentContainer = holder0;
    function loadImage(){
        var url = imgArr[index];
        //ImgLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgressStatus);
        imgLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fadeInImg);   
        var fileRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
    function fadeInImg(e:Event){
    function switchClip(){
        if(index < totImages){
        } else {
            index = 0;
        if(currentContainer == holder0){
            currentContainer = holder1;
        } else {
            currentContainer = holder0;
        currentContainer.alpha = 0;
        MovieClip(this.root).swapChildren(holder0, holder1);   
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Adrei, I have implemented the thumbnail button also. Its working but the problem is that thumbnail buttons and controls are placing behind the image container. How can i place the thumbnail buttons and control buttons over the image. You can view the result in the following url:
    The working swf is with the following url:
    The code that i used for creating thumbnail is following
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.TimerEvent;
    import flash.text.*;
    import flash.net.*;
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    import gs.TweenLite;
    import gs.easing.*;
    var xmlURL:String = "http://www.creative-showcase.co.uk/BirdStudiosOld/Videos/test1/images.xml";
    var loadedImages:Array = [];
    var imageURLs:Array = [];
    var thumbArr:Array = [];
    var imageLoader:Loader;
    var prevImage:DisplayObject;
    var currentImage:DisplayObject;
    var thumbContainer:MovieClip;
    var currThumb:MovieClip;
    var prevThumb:MovieClip = null;
    var showTimer:Timer;
    var timerDuration:int = 5000;
    var tweenDuration:int = 2;
    var currentIndex:int = 0;
    var activIndx:Number = 0;
    var slidesHolder:Sprite;
    var prvFlag:Boolean = false;
    var nxtFlag:Boolean = false;
    var twnFlag:Boolean = false;
    var rt_lt_Flag:Boolean = true;
    var myXMLURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(xmlURL);
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(myXMLURL);
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
    var a:int = 90;
    ctrlBox.btnPlay.buttonMode = true;
    ctrlBox.nextImg.buttonMode = true;
    ctrlBox.prevBtn.buttonMode = true;
    ctrlBox.btnPause.buttonMode = true;
    ctrlBox.btnPlay.visible = false;
    function xmlLoaded(e:Event):void {
         var a:int = 45;
         e.target.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
    function processXML(xml:XML):void {
         var len:int = xml.children().length();
         var tempVar:String;
         for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++) {
              tempVar = "http://www.creative-showcase.co.uk/BirdStudiosOld/Videos/test1/" + xml..item[i]..image;
    function createThumbs():void{
        thumbContainer = new MovieClip();
        for(var i:int=0;i<9;i++){
            var thmbHolder:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
            //MovieClip(this.root).swapChildren(currentImage, ctrlBox);
            thmbHolder.buttonMode = true;       
            var thmb:thumbClass = new thumbClass();           
            thmbHolder.name = i.toString();       
            thmb.imgNum.text = (i+1).toString();       
            thmbHolder.x = i*(thmbHolder.width+5)+5;
        thumbContainer.y = stage.stageHeight - thumbContainer.height;
    function showImage(e:MouseEvent):void{   
        var imgIndx:Number = e.target.parent.parent.name;
        prevThumb = currThumb;
        currThumb = e.target.parent.parent;
        currThumb.buttonMode = false;
        if(activIndx != imgIndx){
            prevThumb.buttonMode = true;
            currentIndex = imgIndx-1;
            activIndx = imgIndx;
        } else {
    function preload():void{
         var len:int = imageURLs.length;
         for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++) {
              imageLoader = new Loader();
              imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onPreloadComplete);
              imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(imageURLs[i]));
    function onPreloadComplete(e:Event):void {
         e.target.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onPreloadComplete);
         if (!showTimer && loadedImages[0].content &&   loadedImages[1].content ) startShow();
    function startShow():void{
         currentImage = loadedImages[0];
         currentImage.alpha = 0;
         slidesHolder = new Sprite();
         var slideMask:Sprite = new Sprite();
         var gr:Graphics = slideMask.graphics;
         gr.drawRect(0, 0, currentImage.width, currentImage.height);
         slidesHolder.x = slideMask.x = 0;
         slidesHolder.y = slideMask.y = 0;
         slidesHolder.mask = slideMask;
         TweenLite.to(currentImage, 10, { alpha: 1 } );
         showTimer = new Timer(timerDuration);
         showTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, slideTransition);
    function slideTransition(e:TimerEvent):void{
         var nextImage:int;
         if(rt_lt_Flag == true){
             if(nxtFlag == true){
                 nxtFlag = false;
             nextImage = currentIndex < loadedImages.length - 1 ? currentIndex + 1 : 0;
             if (loadedImages[nextImage].content) {
                  currentIndex = nextImage;
                  loadedImages[currentIndex].x = slidesHolder.width;
                  slidesHolder.addChildAt(loadedImages[currentIndex], slidesHolder.getChildIndex(currentImage));
                  prevImage = currentImage;
                  currentImage = loadedImages[currentIndex];
         } else {
             if(prvFlag == true){
                 prvFlag = false;
             nextImage = currentIndex > 0 ? currentIndex - 1 : loadedImages.length - 1;
             if (loadedImages[nextImage].content) {
                 currentIndex = nextImage;
                 loadedImages[currentIndex].x = -(stage.stageWidth);
                 slidesHolder.addChildAt(loadedImages[currentIndex], slidesHolder.getChildIndex(currentImage));
                 prevImage = currentImage;
                 currentImage = loadedImages[currentIndex];
         activIndx = currentIndex;
    function showCurrent():void{
         // make sure they have proper alphas
         //prevImage.alpha = 1;
         //currentImage.alpha = 0;
         //TweenLite.to(prevImage, tweenDuration, { x: -slidesHolder.width } );
         twnFlag = true;
         if(rt_lt_Flag == true){
             TweenLite.to(currentImage, tweenDuration, { x: 0, onUpdate:onTweenProgress, onComplete: removePrevious } );
         } else {
             TweenLite.to(currentImage, tweenDuration, { x: 0, onUpdate:onTweenProgress, onComplete: removePrevious } );
    function onTweenProgress():void{       
        if(rt_lt_Flag == true){
             prevImage.x = currentImage.x - prevImage.width;   
        } else {
            prevImage.x = currentImage.x + prevImage.width;
    function removePrevious():void {
         if (slidesHolder.contains(prevImage)) slidesHolder.removeChild(prevImage);
         twnFlag = false;
    function stopScroll(e:MouseEvent):void{
        ctrlBox.btnPlay.visible = true;
        ctrlBox.btnPause.visible = false;
    function startScroll(e:MouseEvent):void{
        rt_lt_Flag = true;
        ctrlBox.btnPlay.visible = false;
        ctrlBox.btnPause.visible = true;
    function shwNext(e:MouseEvent):void{
        if(twnFlag == false){
            rt_lt_Flag = true;
            nxtFlag = true;
    function shwPrev(e:MouseEvent):void{
        if(twnFlag == false){
            rt_lt_Flag = false;
            prvFlag = true;
    function resetListener(timerDuration,tweenDuration){
            showTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, slideTransition);
            showTimer = new Timer(timerDuration);
            showTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, slideTransition);   
    Can you help me on how can i swap the depth of images and control buttons.
    Thanks and regards,

  • Compatibility Issues with AS3 & 2

    This question has a few parts actually. Let me lay down the
    groundwork - I'm starting a new project, but I have yet to decide
    whether or not I will create it in AS 2 or 3. One thing the swf
    will do is load other swfs into it - it also will need to somehow
    connect with these loaded SWFs and transfer data back and forth. I
    understand the compatability issues associated with loading AS 2
    swfs into AS3 - see here -
    http://livedocs.macromedia.com/flex/2/docs/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=L iveDocs_Parts&file=00001801.html
    At the bottom right of the chart, adobe suggests that AS 1.0
    and 2.0 can "cross-script" with AS 3 using localconnection. There
    are already SWFs developed that need to be loaded into my new
    project, and I would like to create new SWFs as well, some of which
    may benefit from being coded in AS 3 (as well as possibly being
    created in Flex). I also think that overall my project will benefit
    from using AS 3. However, there are a few issues that I can't
    resolve - here are my problems -
    If I create my project in AS 3, and then load SWFs that use
    AS 2, the project can access the loaded SWF through a
    localconnection - however, can they pass objects, like XMLNodes, to
    each other, and each understand the other, even if one uses AS2 and
    one uses AS3? Or can they only invoke functions on each other's
    If they cannot pass objects to each other, what I may
    consider doing it creating the project in AS3 and requiring all
    SWFs that are to be loaded into the main project to be rewritten in
    AS3 - that way the loaded swfs can pass data safely to the loader.
    My other question - supposing this is the case, say I want people
    to be able to develop SWFs for my project, but they are used to
    using the flash IDE - flash 9 wont be out for a few months...they
    can create an .fla in flash 8, write actionscript classes in AS3,
    then load it all into the flash9 preview and compile...making their
    swf compatible with my project...can they use components, which are
    coded in AS2? I dont think AS3 differs so much from AS2 that they
    couldnt just code normally and then compile in the flash9 preview,
    but what problems may arise from developing in this fashion? Would
    that mean that people coding in AS2 could simply make a few
    adjustments for AS3, load the .fla into the flash9 preview and
    compile and make an SWF that is compatible and accesible from my
    project? Any help on these issues would be very much appreciated -

    I was trying to test this for you in AppleWorks 6 Windows XP in Parallels on my MacBook Pro, but each time I tried to open a draw file I had originally create on my Mac, AppleWorks 6 for Windows crashed.
    I tried another, smaller draw document & it opens without problems & I can move the objects around. I'd suggest deleting the AppleWorks preferences, but I don't know where they are in Windows XP.

  • ExternalInterface issue

    Hi to all!
    I'm working on an as2 fla and I have to play a movie clip when a user click on a html link placed in the html outside the swf.
    I did some trial and googled around but no way to get this to work. So i've tried to set up a simpler file to test the ExternalInterface.
    The thing i'm trying to do is this (see also the attached files):
    In flash, i placed on the stage a txt box on the first frame.
    Always on the first frame i coded this:
    function ciccio(){
    In the html, accordin to the suggestion of Adobe i coded in js this:
    function getFlashMovie(movieName) {  
        var isIE = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1;  
        return (isIE) ? window[movieName] : document[movieName]; 
    function apriDati() { 
    When I try to invoke apriDati() with Firebug it fails with the following error:
    TypeError: getFlashMovie("prova").funzia is not a function source=with(_FirebugCommandLine){apriDati()\n};
    It seems it doesn't recognize the object
    If i Trace onlye the getFlashMovie("prova") i receive this output:
    [object, embed]
    and if i try getFlashMovie("prova")[0]
    <object width="550" height="400" align="middle" name="prova" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000">
    and if i try getFlashMovie("prova")[0].funzia it fails with the same error listed above.
    Any Ideas?
    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards and good weekend!!!!

    Hi kglad!
    Thanks for your reply. I've tried to set the additional parameter you suggested, but it still doesn't work.
    It's a very weird behaviour.
    I also tried to get referenced to the flash movie with:
    var flash=document.getElementById("FlashID")
    instead of using the method suggested by Adobe
    When I log the "flash" var in firebug, it returns:
    <object id="FlashID" width="550" height="400" title="externalfile" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" style="visibility: visible;">
    but when I try to perform:
    it complains with:
    flash.callMe is not a function
    What do you think?
    This is only a flash issue, or there could be something also in the javascript side?
    Thanks in advance!
    Have a nice day!
    Best Regards!

  • ExternalInterface Issues

    JS Code:
    function iclicked()  {
         var myFlashMovie = document.getElementById("flashID");
    AS3 Code:
    ExternalInterface.addCallback("javaFn", flashFn);
    function flashFn()  {
        // Do this
    The problem is that with this code, I receive an error that says javaFn is not a function.
    I was researching and I read that the problem may be that there may not have been enough time for it to completely load but I doubt that is the problem.
    I am willing to try this solution but how would I go about not going any farther, until five seconds have passed by?
    Are there any solutions out there?

    I changed the JS to:
    function iclicked()  {
         var myFlashMovie = window.document.flashID;
    I am still getting the same error.
    I can't even do, "myFlashMovie.play()".

  • NPAPI ExternalInterface "issues"

    So I'm writing an app which hosts the flash plugin using
    NPAPI. Now, I've not got a javascript engine so I need to use
    NPN_Invoke and its kins.
    Unfortunately when I call out to from flash to the host e.g.
    ExternalInterface.call( 'testfunc', 'arg1', 56, { 'some':
    66, 'inter':'est' } );
    I DON'T get NPN_Invoke called, instead it calls NPN_Evaluate
    wrapping the call I'm trying to make in another javascript function
    (__flash__toXML) which converts the return return value to XML,
    which is frustrating as I don't have a javascript engine.
    Now I've noticed that by changing the user agent I return,
    flash changes how it queries values e.g. sometimes it invokes
    top.location, sometimes it evaluates a javascript function (using
    NPN_Evaluate) to retrieve it.
    What I want to know is "Can I make Flash call Invoke rather
    than Evaluate", Its soooo frustrating as I don't want or need a
    javascript engine and there's no reason it shouldn't be able to.
    I've found I can avoid the need to handle NPN_Evaluate when calling
    into flash by invoking "CallFunction" and serializing the
    parameters into xml, so I'll be amazed if I can't get calling out
    to work without NPN_Evaluate.
    Please help

    Anyone? is there anyway to get flash to call invoke instead
    of evaluate with a javascript string?

  • External variable issue using AS3 in FlashCS3

    I am trying to pass database values into Flash (using AS3)
    through a simple PHP script output! The trouble is ... I have not
    been able to get Flash/AS3 to acknowledge that it has received the
    supposedly externally loaded data, let alone prove that it is ready
    to work with the values passed into it in some way. So, OK...
    ...here is my PHP code (phpCode.php):

    I tested your code and it works just fine on my local WAMP
    My output panel traces:
    lname is theLastName
    fname is theFirstName
    Have you stepped through your code line by line with the
    debugger to see where flash is messing up?

  • Embed font issue (cs5 as3)

    After reading several pages and trying many examples I am stuck.
    I can't get the Japanese text i have in an external file in a generated textfield.
    I have a 'stripped' example here http://www.credendo-vides.com/embedFontIssue.fla
    about the example
    - textstring with example text put inside example document
    - no generated textfields
    - two textfields on stage
    1e: texfield has text in it that is replaced with 'dynamic' content
    2e: textield is not filled with 'dynamic' content
    any help is welcome

    Thanks guys,
    Changing to another font worked.

  • Issues with AS3 Project

    Not sure if anyone can help however I came across a tutorial
    by Lee Brenmlow titled 'Advanced After Effects and Flash' at
    www.gotoandlearn. The tutorial is great however I get an error when
    I test my movie and I think it is something to do with the tweener
    class Lee touches on breifly. I have looked at some other tutorials
    where tweener is used but I am still not any wiser if I have
    installed it correctly, placed in the right directory etc. The
    error I get when testing the movie is
    '## [Tweener] Error: The property '_frame' doesn't seem to be
    a normal object property of [object movie_1] or a registered
    special property.'
    Hope someone can show me the error of my ways and provide the
    solution to get this working
    Kind regards

    Ah, _frame is a special property, added by Tweener. But that
    probably changed in an upgrade of the package, so add the following
    lines and you're ok.
    import caurina.transitions.properties.DisplayShortcuts;

  • Can C++ Container Determine AS2 vs AS3

    I have a C++ container of Flash Player 11 (I have also tried
    Player 9 and Player 10). How can the container ask the player what
    type of content it is playing (AS2 or AS3)?
    If I create an event handler (ExternalInterface.addCallback)
    in AS3 which returns true (depicting AS3), and call
    m_FlashPlayer.CallFunction in my container, I am able to
    receive/parse the ActionScript response ("<true/>").
    However, if the content is "old" (i.e. AS2 which does not
    have the necessary event handler) ... or if the content is AS3 and
    I deliberately throw an exception (throw new Error("AS3 Error") in
    my event handler) ... the C++ container has no way of
    differentiating between AS2 or AS3. My container catches the
    COleDispatchException, but there is no information within the
    exception. Both scenarios result with an m_scError = 0x80004005
    Is there a prescribed way for a container to ask the
    Shockwave player if it is playing AS2 or AS3 content?

    You are confusing the Shockwave Player (which runs
    content) with the Flash Player

  • Captivate AS3 errors in firefox?

    I'm having an issue with AS3 errors coming up on the first slide of my training/quiz in firefox. I am using captivate 4.  This is what is showing up:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
         at captivate.Veela_AS3::rdQuizPlaybackController/get currentSlideContainer()
         at MMQuizzingV4_AS3.MMQuizClasses::PlaybackController/allowedToGoToSlide()
         at captivate.Veela_AS3::rdMovie/gotoSlide()
         at captivate.Veela_AS3::rdMovie/JumpToSlide()
         at captivate.Veela_AS3::cpTOCManager/delayedGoToSlide()
         at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()
         at SetIntervalTimer/onTimer()
         at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
         at flash.utils::Timer/tick()    
    The error will not show up in IE.
    I have doublechecked my project preferences and it is indeed set to AS3. I have imported a small .swf to each slide with VERY basic animation just simple tweens. There is some actionscript on the imported .swfs such as stop or switch statements. Nothing that is rocket science and it validated in flash.  These errors seem to be coming from the captivate program itself. I have to integrate this training into an LMS will these errors mess that up?If anyone had some time or insight I would be very appreciative!

    Possibly the problem discussed in these threads:
    strange tags
    HTML tags showing up in the pages also in 2.0?

  • AS3 Masks and Transparency

    Hey one and all. Looking for a little insight on AS3 and its
    masks. I have a clip that I have applied a mask to. This mask is a
    gradient mask (linear - white 0%, black 100%, white 0%). I've set
    cacheAsBitmap to true for both the clip and the mask and applied
    the mask in AS3. However, the transparency in the mask isn't there.
    Has anyone had similar issues with AS3 applied masks and how do I
    go about getting this resolved?

    I see what you're saying chadder but I have another issue in
    my case. Let me explain.
    I'm masking an image reel here. The reel contains two things
    the moving reel and the mask. so..
    The imagereel is dropping in x number of loader instances
    (per image loaded). When I applied your technique, nothing
    occurred. I'd imagine because imagereel is updating the display
    after each load but I'm not 100% sure of that. Any idea what might
    be occuring here?

  • Problem with Checkbox and Button components....(Simple one)

    Hi all,
              As I am new to flash and ActionScript 3.0,I have the following issue regarding Flash.
              I have 2 swf files whose contents are as follows: First.swf file contains a check-box (instance name:my_checkbox).    Second.swf file contains a button component(say,label name of Submit and with instance name: submit_btn).      
             Now, my requirement is: Whenever I click the submit_btn button, then the check_box must be get selected/visible. If I click it once again, then it must get deselected/invisible. The process must be continued till I stop the click-event on button component.
       Reply me as soon as possible..  Thanks in advance...

    Hi Ross Ritchey,
                    I am attaching the two .fla files(with ActionScript 3.0 code in respective layers) that are resultant to your reply. (viz., CheckDemo.fla &&ButonDemo.fla respectively). Please check them once..
                       The functionality (i.e., When ButtonDemo.swf file is executed and the Submit button("myBtn") is clicked, the Checkbox component(s) present in "CheckDemo.swf" file is getting appeared in "ButtonDemo.swf" and is ready to access. Also, the selection/enability/visibility also works properly).
                       Also, check the added code.I had added all the required code to fulfil the requirement.
                       When I click the "Submit_btn", the checkbox components placed in "CheckboxDemo.swf" file are appearing in "ButtonDemo.swf". Instead, I don't need to get them.
                    So, here my requirement is: " When i click "submitButton" in ButtonDemo.swf file, then the action must be performed to the checkbox component(s) present in CheckDemo.swf file.
    Thanks a lot for your help. I am so happy with your reply, because(As you know, I am new to Flash/AS3), after a long time my is getting forward. And I hope the same form of reply to this mail or issue.
    AS3 code in ButtonDemo.fla:
              var url:String="CheckDemo.swf";
    var urlRequest:URLRequest=new URLRequest(url);
    var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    function doChangeCheckbox(e:MouseEvent):void {
    (myLoader.content as MovieClip).myCheckbox.selected = !(myLoader.content as MovieClip).myCheckbox.selected;
    (myLoader.content as MovieClip).myCheckbox2.enabled = !(myLoader.content as MovieClip).myCheckbox2.enabled;
    (myLoader.content as MovieClip).myCheckbox3.visible = !(myLoader.content as MovieClip).myCheckbox3.visible;

  • WARNING: Actions on button and MovieClip

    I have the following code that I am trying to get to work
    with ActionScript 3.0:
    on (rollOver) {
    on (releaseOutside, rollOut) {
    on (release) {
    The problem is that ActionScript 3.0 will not allow the
    script on a MovieClip instance. I am at a loss with what to do, I
    work well with examples, so I have posted 2 source FLA that are
    identical, the only difference is that one targets ActionScript 2.0
    (and works), the other targets ActionScript 3.0 (and does not
    a look

    There is no need to grasp the changes that fast. You can
    still publish files for AS2.
    Personally though I am always amazed that folks are still
    using the on(clipEvent) style of coding. Generally that style of
    coding should have gone away with the introduction of the
    MovieClip.onClipEvent syntax with Flash 6 – introduced in
    Spring of 2002. If you have been programming AS since 2002 and are
    still relying solely on on(clipEvent) then you have bigger issues
    than AS3. If you have come to AS more recently I just wonder why
    this style was the one you adopted. (By "you" I don't mean you
    – tmcquage – specifically. I mean you in the general
    sense, and I include all of the Flash community in why did we allow
    this to happen.)
    You could probably answer that question yourself quick than
    posting here! But I just tested it and the stop(); works fine.
    I would recommend sticking with AS2 for the time being. Learn
    how to use all the movieclip methods from the main timeline, not
    from on an instance. Then the change over to AS3 won't be such a
    shock. Even if you never go to AS3, you will be so happy you
    stopped using instance code. Really.

  • D11.5 and AS 3

    I have racked my brain over a seemingly simple question that turned out to be far more difficult for me than expected.
    I want to pass three variables from a Flash CS4 movie to Director 11.5 lingo. Not being a Flash expert, I got stuck with an incompatibility issue between AS3 and D11.5. The GetURL method mentioned in the D11.5 manual refers to the (outdated) AS2, and I couldn't get the function *getValue()* to work either.
    The Flash .swf movie that I imported into Director as a Flash spriteworks well. It passes the three variables to the Director message window via the trace command, but there is no way to extract them from there in Lingo.
    And I cannot revert to AS2, because I'm using AS3 with an OpenCV face tracking routine.
    So could anybody please help me showing me how to pass the variables from AS3 to D11.5 (similar to the AS2-based example shown here: <http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/147/tn_14798.html>)? I need a simple code sample that I could then integrate into my existing face tracking AS3 script.

    Just in case anybody is interested – I found a solution that works with AS3 and D11.5 Lingo.
    In AS2 I could pass a string variable to Director Lingo with a  "getURL(StringVal))" command. In Lingo I would read it with these lines of code:
      on getURL me, stringFromFlash 
        x = stringFromFlash
        put x (or whatever...)
    When I replaced the getURL method with the following code in my AS3 script
    "navigateToURL(new URLRequest(StringVal));"
    For good measure I added a few tablespoons of imports at the top of the recipe:
        import flash.net.URLRequest;
        import flash.net.URLRequestMethod;
        import flash.net.URLVariables;
        import flash.net.navigateToURL;
    A Flash expert could probably tell us which ones aren't essential.
    it worked! Please don't ask me why :-)
    Of course, any numerical data can be converted to a string in Actionscript and converted back to numerical data in Lingo.

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