Extra lines in email received on Iphone

Hi, when I receive an email which containes extra lines it is unreadable on the Iphone whereas in Outlook it is fine.
Anyone else with this problem?
Anyone knows a solution?

Sorry, this is what I see on the Iphone:
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    Does anyone have any ideas as to why I receive Emails on my Iphone, but they are deleted from my p.c.?

    You're using a POP account instead of IMAP. That's how it works.

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    Just create another folder on your IMAP server, call it "Needs Attention". Move the emails to this folder.

  • Need to add extra lines in email generating from oracle

    I am using Oracle 9i Enterprise Edition
    I am facing a problem while generating the email from Oracle
    Problem is that I want to display the data in following format
    Terminal Statistics From: 30-MAR-2008 15:39:00 To: 06-JUN-2008 16:59:00
    Containers Examined
    Export: 2
    Import: 30
    but email shows data in following format
    Terminal Statistics From: 30-MAR-2008 15:39:00 To: 06-JUN-2008 16:59:00 Containers Examined Export: 2 Import: 30
    System combines the all the data in one line, while I have used following function to add new line when and where needed, but unable to get my desired result.
    1. utl_tcp.CRLF
    2. chr(130) || chr(10)
    3. chr(10)
    I have used following procedure to generate the email.
    PROCEDURE send_html_email(
    p_module_name in varchar2,
    p_subject in varchar2,
    p_text in varchar2 default null,
    p_html in varchar2 default null
    l_boundary varchar2(32767) default 'a1b2c3d4e3f2g1';
    l_connection utl_smtp.connection;
    l_body_html clob := empty_clob; --This LOB will be the email message
    l_offset number;
    l_ammount number;
    l_temp varchar2(32767) default null;
    l_to varchar2(100);
    l_cc varchar2(100);
    l_bcc varchar2(100);
    t_v_stpt Number:=0;
    t_v_endpt Number:=0;
    c_v_stpt Number:=0;
    c_v_endpt Number:=0;
    b_v_stpt Number:=0;
    b_v_endpt Number:=0;
    l_subject varchar2(255);
    /*Function to retrieve the E-mail recipients list according to the Module/application*/
    l_connection := utl_smtp.open_connection( pk_parameter.setting('MAILSVR'), 25 );
    utl_smtp.helo( l_connection, pk_parameter.setting('MAILSVR') );
    utl_smtp.mail( l_connection, pk_parameter.setting('MAILFROM') );
    l_temp := l_temp || 'MIME-Version: 1.0' || chr(13) || chr(10);
    t_v_stpt := t_v_stpt + 1;
    t_v_endpt := INSTR (l_to, ',', t_v_stpt, 1);
    IF l_to is null then
    ELSIF t_v_endpt = 0 THEN
    UTL_SMTP.rcpt (l_connection, SUBSTR (l_to, t_v_stpt));
    UTL_SMTP.rcpt (l_connection, SUBSTR (l_to, t_v_stpt, t_v_endpt -t_v_stpt));
    END IF;
    t_v_stpt := t_v_endpt;
    c_v_stpt := c_v_stpt + 1;
    c_v_endpt := INSTR (l_cc, ',', c_v_stpt, 1);
    IF l_cc is null then
    ELSIF c_v_endpt = 0 THEN
    UTL_SMTP.rcpt (l_connection, SUBSTR (l_cc, c_v_stpt));
    UTL_SMTP.rcpt (l_connection, SUBSTR (l_cc, c_v_stpt, c_v_endpt -c_v_stpt));
    END IF;
    c_v_stpt := c_v_endpt;
    b_v_stpt := b_v_stpt + 1;
    b_v_endpt := INSTR (l_bcc, ',', b_v_stpt, 1);
    IF l_bcc is null then
    ELSIF b_v_endpt = 0 THEN
    UTL_SMTP.rcpt (l_connection, SUBSTR (l_bcc, b_v_stpt));
    UTL_SMTP.rcpt (l_connection, SUBSTR (l_bcc, b_v_stpt, b_v_endpt -b_v_stpt));
    END IF;
    b_v_stpt := b_v_endpt;
    /*Header creation for email.*/
    IF l_to is not null or l_cc is not null or l_bcc is not null THEN
    l_temp := l_temp || 'To: ' || l_to || chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_temp := l_temp || 'CC: ' || l_cc || chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_temp := l_temp || 'BCC: ' || l_bcc || chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_temp := l_temp || 'From: ' || pk_parameter.setting('MAILFROM') || chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_temp := l_temp || 'Subject: ' || p_subject || chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_temp := l_temp || 'Reply-To: ' || pk_parameter.setting('MAILFROM') || chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_temp := l_temp || 'Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=' ||
    chr(34) || l_boundary || chr(34) || chr(13) ||
    -- Write the headers
    dbms_lob.createtemporary( l_body_html, false, 10 );
    -- Write the text boundary
    l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1;
    l_temp := '--' || l_boundary || chr(13)||chr(10);
    l_temp := l_temp || 'content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii' ||
    chr(13) || chr(10) || chr(13) || chr(10);
    -- Write the plain text portion of the email
    l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1;
    -- Write the HTML boundary
    l_temp := chr(13)||chr(10)||chr(13)||chr(10)||'--' || l_boundary ||
    chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_temp := l_temp || 'content-type: text/html;' ||
    chr(13) || chr(10) || chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1;
    -- Write the HTML portion of the message
    l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1;
    -- Write the final html boundary
    l_temp := chr(13) || chr(10) || '--' || l_boundary || '--' || chr(13);
    l_offset := dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) + 1;
    -- Send the email in 1900 byte chunks to UTL_SMTP
    l_offset := 1;
    l_ammount := 32767;
    while l_offset < dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) loop
    utl_smtp.write_data(l_connection, dbms_lob.substr(l_body_html,l_ammount,l_offset));
    l_offset := l_offset + l_ammount ;
    l_ammount := least(32767,dbms_lob.getlength(l_body_html) - l_ammount);
    end loop;
    utl_smtp.quit( l_connection );
    END IF;
    Following procedure calls the above function and generate the email
    PROCEDURE generate_statistics
    l_minutes NUMBER:=0;
    l_sub_type cg_ref_codes.rv_meaning%type;
    l_gate_text VARCHAR2(5000);
    l_ves_text VARCHAR2(5000);
    l_exm_text VARCHAR2(5000);
    l_email_text VARCHAR2(5000);
    l_gate_tot NUMBER:=0;
    l_load_tot NUMBER:=0;
    l_discharge NUMBER:=0;
    l_exm_tot NUMBER:=0;
    /*Declare Cursor to get Examined Containers Summary*/
    CURSOR cur_examined_ctrs IS
    SELECT decode(eu.category,'I','Import','E','Export') Category, count(*) Total
    FROM service_events se, equipment_uses eu
    WHERE se.performed BETWEEN round(sysdate-l_minutes/1440,'mi')
    AND round(sysdate,'mi')
    AND se.tserv_id IN ('EXM')
    AND eu.gkey = se.equse_gkey
    AND eu.category IN ('I','E')
    GROUP BY eu.category;
    /*Retrieve parameterized minutes*/
    l_minutes := nvl(pk_parameter.setting('STATSGMI'),0);
    /*Assign Values to generate email*/
    l_email_text := 'Terminal Statistics From: '||
    to_char(round(sysdate-l_minutes/1440,'mi'),'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS')||
    ' To: '||to_char(round(sysdate,'mi'),'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS')||
    chr(13) || chr(10)||chr(13) || chr(10);
    l_exm_text := 'Containers Examined'||utl_tcp.CRLF;
    FOR rec_examined_ctrs IN cur_examined_ctrs LOOP
    /*Generate Text for email - Vessel Activity Crane Wise Starts*/
    l_exm_text := l_exm_text ||rec_examined_ctrs.category ||': '||
    l_exm_tot := l_exm_tot + rec_examined_ctrs.total;
    l_email_text := l_email_text||l_exm_text;
    pk_kictl_email.send_html_email('TERM STATISTICS',
    'Terminal Statistics Report',
    I have been searching the reason and solution on net since last 2 days but hasn't find it yet.
    would anybody plz help me regarding this.

    I checked your suggestions after week end today and found that
    the suggestion of Nalla did not provide the result in my required format
    rewrite it as l_email_text := l_email_text||CHR(10)||l_exm_text;
    Peter & Krithika:
    I used html tag <BR> when and where needed and its gave me result in my required format
    e.g.: l_exm_text := l_exm_text ||'<br>'||rec_examined_ctrs.category ||': '||
    Now I want to know if there any html tag thru which I can define the column number so that my text will start from there.
    means any html tag replacement of lpad (oracle funtion):

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    Is there a way to change the subject line of email received? I save a lot of emails and when I put them into folders, sometimes the subject listed is not descriptive of the actual content that I am saving. I would like to change the subjet at that time to something more meaningfull to me.

    The only way I know to do that in Mail is by resending the message to yourself — use Redirect instead of Forward to better preserve the integrity of the original message.

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    My friend does use her iphone number as an email address as well.
    For instance:  her phone number might look like this:  (493) 305-3958
    and her email address would look like this:  [email protected]
    If I Iphone/email my friend, she receives it as a text message.  Then if she replies to that text message, it goes to my daughter's phone and not mine.  It's completely crazy!  We searched her phone contacts and did not find my daughter's phone number anywhere or attached anywhere to mine.  Since when does Iphone emailing wind up in the text messaging area?

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    Your post somehow found its way to a little-viewed forum for an obsolete Apple productivity program. I have asked the Hosts to move you to a more appropriate forum for your product.

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    The outrage is still ongoing, in the mean timeyou can use your browser to check your e-mail.

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    No. You really can't do that. Not easily at any rate. You would have to set them both up to use POP3, but even then there is no way to guarantee that the phone won't poll the server prior to your computer doing so, pulling down the message from the server.

  • Receiver file  adapter creates an innecesarry extra line

    I have an issue with an extra line that add the receiver file adapter with the content conversion.
    The file XML that the file adapter has to convert, is the next;
    Because FileName is not necessary, I remove it with:
    cofig.fieldFixedLengths 0
    cofig.fixedLengthTooShortHandling CUT
    but it leaves an empty line that i don't want. that is, the text in the file start in the second line.
    Any help?
    Thank you in advance.

    Can you do a small change in your mesg. structure ?
    change it to....
    and then use
    cofig.fieldFixedLengths 0
    cofig.fixedLengthTooShortHandling CUT
    followed by
    endSeparator 0
    Ref: Suppressing Field In Receiver File Adapter for more details.

  • I am trying to email from my iphone and the message comes up it is rejected by server, it does not allow relaying. I am receiving emails ok. How do I fix this

    I am trying to email from my iphone and the message comes up it is rejected by server, it does not allow relaying. I am receiving emails ok. How do I fix this

    What's the model number of your Lexmark printer?

  • After mail was moved to iCloud on jan 1, my mail app emails received have 23 lines of "routing info" between the address and the message. How can I get rid of this info?

    After my mail was moved to iCloud, my mail app emails received have 23 lines of "routing data between the address and the message how can Imget rid of this "data"?

    Found the answer a Mail>preferances>Viewing>Show header detail. Changed it to Default.

  • While traveling in Ireland and riding on hotel WiFi, emails sent from iPhone not always received -- some were, some were not.  All were shown as sent on my iPhone.

    While traveling in Ireland last week, I was using my iPhone 5 to access my incoming email and to send email.  All of my outgoing emails are shown as sent but not all were received.  Not a function of whether emails were replies or particular addressees -- some emails to same addressees received, others not.  Help would be appreciated.

    That sounds like a local WiFi issue...can you login to the email server of your email provider?  If so, you can check and see if the emails you sent reached the server.
    Providers like Verizon, and AT&T, and Comcast in the US have direct login capability for subscribers...there you can check your account activity and see if the emails were received by the server to send on.  The iPhone merely shows you that the email left the iPhone, nothing about what happened after that.

  • TS2621 I receive emails on my Iphone while Outlook is open on my computer but they quickly disappear.  Can this be solved?

    I receive emails on my Iphone while Outlook is open on my computer but they quickly disappear.  Can this be solved?

    No. You really can't do that. Not easily at any rate. You would have to set them both up to use POP3, but even then there is no way to guarantee that the phone won't poll the server prior to your computer doing so, pulling down the message from the server.

  • TS4002 Can't receive email on my MacBook Pro, I can get email on my iPhone, and my email on iCloud is very slow.

    I can't receive email on my MacBook Pro, I can receive my email on my iPhone, and my email loads slow on iCloud.

    The Pasty 52 wrote:
    Thanks for the advise coolio88. Do you know if re-adding the account means all my messages get deleted?
    Live mail is a POP system, everything will be deleted, so backup first.

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