Extra PC shown under Finder Shared

As a new Mac user and as the result of my machinations in the iMac Lion OS, I managed to wind up with an extra PC showing in the Shared section of the Finder Sidebar. I show my wife's PC and Time Capsule  but I have an extra PC named Gerry581e of which I have no idea. I would like to know how to delete it from the list.

Do you have your iMac's WiFi Password protected so a computer in an adjoining house or apartment cannot sneak onto your wireless network and share your internet bandwidth?  You need to, if not.  To remove the unknown PC from the Shared section in Finder, IF it is connected to your network currently you can Force a disconnection by left clicking on the small vertical arrow (eject) icon just to the right of the PC name in the Finder Shared column.
Hope this helps

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    I use a MBP running Snow Leopard on a network with two Airport Extremes configured to extend the wireless network.   The network is configured for mac address filtering, and there are about a dozen wireless devices in the house, including on PC running Ubuntu Linux and connected via ethernet to one of the AirPorts.
    In the past week, a new "blk-30-155-50" entry has appeared in Finder's list of SHARED objects.  This enry appears for a few minutes at random times.  "get info" says it is a "PC server" but doesn't provide any additional info.  The log has:
        /System/Library/CoreServices/NetAuthAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/NetAuthAgent[..]     isLocalNetworkAddress: The address for `blk-30-155-50' is a local address, not allowed!
    This is often associated with an airport extreme going to condition yellow with loss of network connectivity.   I use VMware parallels when I need Windows 7, so there some internal VMware network, but I have not used VMware recently.
    Updating the Airport Extremes did not have any effect.

    Open a TextEdit window and paste again. You should see exactly the same line of text as above, beginning with "find." If that's not what you see, copy the command to the Clipboard again and paste into the TextEdit window to make sure it's the same as above. If it is, continue.
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V).
    The command may take a noticeable amount of time to run. Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign (“$”) to appear. You can then quit Terminal. Test.

  • No Windows machines in Finder/Shared - but lots of clues

    Like many, I am having problems on my home LAN getting Windows PCs to show up automatically in Finder/Shared. I've scoured these boards & many others looking for the solution but I'm still frustrated.
    My current thinking is that this must somehow be related to my router. Maybe, maybe not. But here's what I do know...
    Home LAN config:
    - 3 Windows Vista PCs
    - 1 Windows XP Pro PC
    - 1 MacBook Pro
    - DSL modem (Speedstream 4200) in pass-through mode to...
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    - No other software firewalls on any of the computers
    - Router & AE are on the same subnet
    Home LAN scenario:
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    - I can connect the MBP to any of the PCs by doing Finder/cmd-K and entering smb//<pcname>. I do not have to use the IP (although that works; too)
    - For what it's worth, I have iTunes on all machines (PCs & Mac) with iTunes sharing turned on. All of the machines show up to each other in iTunes automatically and can share with no issues
    What's not working:
    - None of the PCs show up automatically under Finder/Shared. Obviously, if I do cmd-K smb//<pc name> it appears there with the "eject" button next to it but as soon as I reboot, it disappears again.
    I also use the MBP at work. The scenario there is brighter:
    - Shared PCs on the office LAN all automatically appear in Finder/Shared
    - Server drives automatically appear in Finder/Shared
    - All machines can read/write/share according to sharing rules set up on each machine. In other words, the office LAN works as it should
    I've been puling my hair out trying to figure out the missing link (pun intended) to get things to work fully at home. Granted, I am in better shape than many with the "no Windows shared computers" on these boards - I can at least access the Windows machines 100% of the time using cmd-K smb/<pc name>. But I shouldn't have to; something's not right.
    I'm not a LAN expert by any stretch. But given what I knew before & what I've learned in the last few days trying to resolve this, it seems like whatever the PCs are broadcasting across the LAN to say "hey, I'm here and I have shared folders" is being blocked before it can get to the MacBook Pro. That broadcast is clearly getting to the other PCs because they all show up under Windows. And the broadcast from the MBP is working, too because it shows up to all of the PCs.
    I guess it could be the MBP "blocking" or ignoring it but I don't think so. When I take the MBP into the office, all of the PCs and servers automatically show up in Finder/Shared.
    So my "smoking gun" is the D-Link router. I guess it could be something in the DSL or AE but both are in bridge mode so I doubt it.

    Ok Ed,
    I did some digging on this today, as I played with my (working) network. SMB name serving is handled by one of four mechanisms (this is from the "man" page for smbclient):
    o lmhosts: Lookup an IP address in the Samba lmhosts file. If
    the line in lmhosts has no name type attached to the NetBIOS
    name (see the lmhosts(5) for details) then any name type
    matches for lookup.
    o host: Do a standard host name to IP address resolution, using
    the system /etc/hosts , NIS, or DNS lookups. This method of
    name resolution is operating system dependent, for instance on
    IRIX or Solaris this may be controlled by the /etc/nss-
    witch.conf file). Note that this method is only used if the
    NetBIOS name type being queried is the 0x20 (server) name
    type, otherwise it is ignored.
    o wins: Query a name with the IP address listed in the wins
    server parameter. If no WINS server has been specified this
    method will be ignored.
    o bcast: Do a broadcast on each of the known local interfaces
    listed in the interfaces parameter. This is the least reliable
    of the name resolution methods as it depends on the target
    host being on a locally connected subnet.
    Insights from this:
    1) The name of your server does matter. However I don't know what a 0x20 name type is! If you have that, then it is most likely a DNS lookup issue.
    2) Most home networks don't have a WINS server specified, so
    3) Most name resolution is being sorted out by a broadcast.
    I am doing some more experiments tonight to try and replicate the issue. Insights from others are more than welcome!

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    According to Apple's documentation, there's no limit (I still find that hard to accept, but they have said so).  You mention using is as a backup - NEVER rely on icloud for backing up photos, ALWAYS sync then to a computer for safekeeping and storage, as you would save photos from a camera.  Too many users have lost photos performing restores from an icloud backup.
    Apple's docs indicate that shared photo streams do not count towards your icloud storage limit (also hard to believe, but there you go).  Friends cannot add photos to your stream, they can only make comments.
    icloud stores the photos and downloads them individually when you tap on a thumbnail pic.  Note that you have no control over the sorted appearance of the photos.

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    polishedstaple wrote:
    Today I noticed a PC computer icon showing up under the "Shared" section of the finder. The computer name was brn_921bc1. I immediately went into System Preferences and turned off file sharing. Is it really that easy for a PC hacker to come into my computer? Please help, as this seems to be a huge security threat.
    I doubt this is a hacker but you do seem to have an insecure setup. If you have your computer connected directly to a cable modem then you are essentially on a shared subnet with lots of other people Most of them aren't hackers -- probably none of them are. But this situation does leave you vulnerable which is why many people prefer to place a router in between their cable modem and their computer even if they are only connecting a single mac or pc to the internet.
    My first suggestion is that you turn on your Mac's firewall immediately. Open your System Preferences and type "firewall" in the search box. Hit return. When the firewall screen opens select "Allow only essential services". You should do this before you finish reading this thread.
    My next suggestion is to buy what's called a NAT router and stick it in between your cable modem and your mac as soon as practical. This will give you a far more secure setup than you can get with a software firewall alone. If you need help setting it up, come back here and I'm sure you can find the advice you need.

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    Am I being hacked????????????
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    So this unknown is using my network because of my insecure wireless router, but it's not like that device can look into my account?
    Yes, that's a possibility.  If your wireless network does not have a password, that's the most obvious explanation.  I live in a suburban area, houses close but not too close, and I can see up to four of my neighbors' networks, depending on the day and what part of the house I'm in.  The ones that are open, I could join if I chose to.  In an apartment building, you're going to have many more people close to you, while if you live out on a farm somewhere, you probably have nobody living in range.  In any situation where you have people living (or commonly travelling) nearby, you should lock down your network with a password.
    And no, that device can't hack your computer unless you have a service open in System Preferences -> Sharing.  You won't by default.  Of course, an untrusted person on your network could potentially view all your network traffic, which could be a problem.  All the more reason to lock down the network.

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    is it your imac?
    is it your your router's name?
    are you by any chance connected to another wifi router then your own because the other one was open and not password protected?

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    The library name should be what is listed under the General tab of Preferences.

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    Mac OS X versions 10.6.7 and later have built-in detection of known Mac malware in downloaded files. The recognition database is automatically updated once a day; however, you shouldn't rely on it, because the attackers are always at least a day ahead of the defenders. In most cases, there’s no benefit from any other automated protection against malware.
    The most effective defense against malware is your own intelligence. All known Mac malware takes the form of trojans that can only operate if the victim is duped into running them. If you're smarter than the malware attacker thinks you are, you won't be duped. That means, primarily, that you never install software from an untrustworthy source. How do you know a source is untrustworthy?
    Any website that prompts you to install software, such as a “codec” or “plug-in,” that comes from that same site, or an unknown site, is untrustworthy.
    A web operator who tells you that you have a “virus,” or that anything else is wrong with your computer, or that you have won a prize in a contest you never entered, is trying to commit a crime with you as the victim.
    “Cracked” versions of commercial software downloaded from a bittorrent are likely to be infected.
    Software with a corporate brand, such as Adobe Flash, must be downloaded directly from the developer’s website. No intermediary is acceptable.
    Follow these guidelines, and you’ll be as safe from malware as you can reasonably be.
    Never install any commercial "anti-virus" products for the Mac, as they're all counter-productive. If you need to be able to detect Windows malware in your files, use ClamXav -- nothing else.

  • I cant find sharing folder under Internet & Wireless,How to make it appear(?)

    I cant find sharing folder under Internet & Wireless,How to make it appear(?)

    Does it still exist here?
    You can copy & paste this in Finder > Go > Go To Folder... (Command+Shift+G)

  • Album art not shown in finder

    Embedded album art in audio files is not shown in finder since I upgraded to ML (worked fine in SL).
    Other peaple report a solution of the problem with elimination of Voice Memos. But in my case this is not evident because I do not have Voice Memos.
    Does somebody know the solution of the problem?

    After hours struggling with this issue I finally found a solution (my setup is iTunes 10.7, OSX 10.8.3):
    (But my workaround is only for people who know how to handle iTunes libraries!!! And backup first!!)
    Open a new user account on your mac.
    Generate a new iTunes library called 'itunes', no other name!
    Import some files with embedded album art.
    Drag such a file back to desktop and you should see the icon of album art.
    Everything is like it should be.
    Now copy this new itunes library to your user account of origin.
    But first rename your old iTunes library different from 'itunes' e.g. 'itunesorigin'
    Open the new iTunes and drag one file to desktop, now miraculosly all audiofiles in all of your itunes libraries should show up album art IN FINDER including preview and quicklook.
    But this state is not stable. As soon as you open the old 'itunesorigin' the problem starts up again.
    So, the next steps are:
    Open the new iTunes and in preferences select the media folder of 'itunesorigin'. OK, say no to 'collate data'. Close iTunes.
    Now copy and replace from 'itunesorigin' to the new iTunes the following files:
    iTunes Library Extras.itdb
    iTunes Library Genius.itdb
    iTunes Library.itl
    iTunes Library.xml
    Open the new iTunes and it should look like the old 'iTunesorigin' with all your playlists etc..
    Close again.
    Move the media folder from 'iTunesorigin to the new iTunes folder (replace).
    Open new iTunes and select in preferences the new location of the media folder.
    Now you should have the file iTunes Music Library.xml instead of iTunes Library.xml.
    (iTunes Music Library.xml is the default if you have multiple libraries)
    Done! For me its stable and I am happy. Your iTunes folder should look like this picture:

  • HT4483 All my purchased app are not shown under "Purchase" in Mac App Store

    All my purchased app's are not shown under "Purchase" in the Mac App Store window. I have changed computer and need to re-install some of my purchased apps on my new computer but cannot find them. Please advice

    Two things may be behind this.   I see you have changed your computer.   Did that entail you changing your ID?   And there is also the possibility they have become hidden.
    Mac App Store: Finding your purchased apps
    iTunes Store: Hiding and unhiding purchases

  • "Unknowns" in the Finder SHARED folder

    With the install of Leopard the Finder Sidebar displays SHARED items or sources.
    I am not part of a Network and have never used SHARE features so I am ignorant about the abilities and terminology - sorry.
    My issue is that unknown identities are appearing under under the SHARED heading of the sidebar. Does this mean I am 'connected' to someone or something?
    Currently there are 2 computer icons, one named 'dimension', another named 'your-727a0a....'
    Can anyone shed light on what this all means?

    As a test, try turning off all wireless network services on your Mac. One way to do this is to create a new "Location" in Network preferences & remove every service in the left pane except Built-in Ethernet by using the "-" (minus symbol) button below the list.
    Make this Location the active one & see if the "Shared" items disappear. If so, they are being detected by your Mac's wireless network capabilities. This doesn't mean they are connected, only that the Mac is aware of them.
    Alternately, command click on the icon of the item in the Shared section of the sidebar (not on its name) & from the popup menu select "Get Info." What does it say?

  • Strange name under my shared Network connections!

    Hello all,
    today I encountered a very strange thing on my iMac running Leopard.
    Under the shared section in my sidebar of my harddrive window I see a computer screen icon with the name "-7ea1". Please see a screenshot here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/superfrunny/3419224364
    When I right click and view info - it says that this is a PC-Server and has an icon from an old PC Monitor with a Bluescreen. See here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/superfrunny/3419239210
    I first thought it is a something with Paralells that I use but it is not. I am not able to unmount it or to connect to it. Sometimes this computer appears when I start Mail but not all the time. Sometimes it disapears after some minutes. This is visible since 1 or 2 days and my Leopard install is one week old.
    I have no other computer in my network and no wi-fi is active or any other device that could show up here.
    Anybody else saw that or has an idea what this could be? I am a bit scared
    Thanks for any hint!

    Because for better or worse the Finder doesn't update the list of machines in real time.
    For example, if you connect to a network with shared PCs those PCs will remain listed in the sidebar even after you've disconnected and have connected to another network.
    Bug? Feature?
    I couldn't tell you, but it is a bit annoying at times, and I couldn't find a way to get rid of the "phantom" hosts other than by rebooting.

  • Finder Shared Items missing at home

    Hi all,
    Under finder on my MBP the Shared tab does not show up when I am at home, but when I am at work it is fully populated.
    I have deleted the plist for com.apple.finder.plist and com.apple.sidebar.plist as suggested in another topic. I have also reset my network preferences and checked my finder preferences and they are correct e.g showing bonjour computers.
    I have at home 3 x Win XP machines, 2 x Win 7 and 1 x Win 2008 Enterprise. Up untill about a month ago these all showed up in the shared list.
    Anyone have any ideas as to what might be causing this issue?

    First thing I would do is make sure that the built in windows firewall isn't blocking connections or sharing for that. Sounds like they stopped broadcasting themselves. Especially if the Mac can see the work machines, and not the home machines. Maybe a Microsoft update changed something with those settings?

Maybe you are looking for

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