Extremely Advanced applet question

I am developing a JComponent, and it works
great as long as I don't run it as an applet.
I have overloaded the add, and remove functions
that get inherited from Container. I notice
that when I run my JComponent as an applet,
it runs fine the first time, than I restart the applet.
This proceeds to add components to the JComponent
but something is calling the remove function also
and really screwing things up.
More concretely:
I have developed say a JHolder, which you can add components to. Every time you do however, I add a
brother component with it that I made called JBrother
(REMEMBER, this works fine when run except in applets).
Every time you remove a component it's respective JBrother comp is removed.(I only overload the remove(comp) function, not remove(index), and not removeAll() which work fine.
Code snippet and debug output(from add and remove functions)
JButton A = new button("A");
JButton B = new button("B");
Now, once I RESTART the applet(starting it works fine)
here is the debug trace I have...
button A is added;
button A is removed;//ahhhh, why?????
JBrother is removed;
JBrother is added;
button B is added;
button B is removed;
JBrother is removed;
JBrother is added;
This never happens in a java program, only applets, probably because you can't restart a program like in the web browser where you can go back and forward which restarts your applet instead of reloading it.
as you can see, this is really whacky? DOES ANYBODY KNOW WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON??

I think you allready said the answer: the applet is not realy reloaded, its just restarted.
So my suggestin is, that the parent of A is still your holder, adding it to an container it will be removed from its former parent (from your holder).
You should call removeAll or something like this before adding it.
Hope this helps (I really don't know)...

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  • SELECT query sometimes runs extremely slowly - UNDO question

    The Background
    We have a subpartitioned table:
      RUN_ID           NUMBER                       NOT NULL,
      COB_DATE         DATE                         NOT NULL,
      PARTITION_KEY    NUMBER                       NOT NULL,
      DATA_TYPE        VARCHAR2(10),
      START_DATE       DATE,
      END_DATE         DATE,
      VALUE            NUMBER,
      NAME             VARCHAR2(60),
      (TO_DATE(' 2008-07-22 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN'))
      (TO_DATE(' 2008-07-23 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN'))
      (TO_DATE(' 2008-07-24 00:00:00', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=GREGORIAN'))
      LOCAL;The table is subpartitioned as each partition typically has 135million rows in it.
    Overnight, serveral runs occur that load data into this table (the partitions are rolled over daily, such that the oldest one is dropped and a new one created. Stats are exported from the oldest partition prior to being dropped and imported to the newly created partition. The oldest partition once the partition has been created has it's stats analyzed).
    Data loads can load anything from 200 rows to 20million rows into the table, with most of the rows ending up in the Default subpartition. Most of the runs that load a larger set of rows have been set up to add into one of the other 4 subpartitions.
    We then run a process to extract data from the table that gets put into a file. This is a two step process (due to Oracle completely picking the wrong execution plan and us not being able to rewrite the query in such a way that it'll pick the right path up by itself!):
    1. Identify all the unique currencies
    2. Update the (dynamic) sql query to add a CASE clause into the select clause based on the currencies identified in step 1, and run the query.
    Step 1 uses this query:
    SELECT DISTINCT value_currency
    FROM            tab_a
    WHERE           run_id = :b3 AND cob_date = :b2 AND partition_key = :b1;and usually finishes this within 20 minutes.
    The problem
    Occasionally, this simple query runs over 20 minutes (I don't think we've ever seen it run to completion on these occurrences, and I've certainly seen it take over 3 hours before we killed it, for a run where it would normally complete in 2 or 3 minutes), which we've now come to recognise as it "being stuck". The execution path it takes is the same as when it runs normally, there are no unusual wait events, and no unusual wait times. All in all, it looks "normal" except for the fact that it's taking forever (tongue-in-cheek!) to run. When we kill and rerun, the execution time returns to normal. (We've sent system state dumps to Oracle to be analyzed, and they came back with "The database is doing stuff, can't see anything wrong")
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    After looking through the ASH reports, he proposed a theory that the problem was it was having to go to the UNDO to retrieve results, and that this could explain the massive run time of the query.
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    My question
    I understand from this link: http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/asktom/f?p=100:11:0::::P11_QUESTION_ID:44798632736844 about how Selects may generate REDO, but I don't see why UNDO would possibly be generated by a select. Does anyone know of a situation where a select would end up looking through UNDO, even though no inserts/updates/deletes had taken place on the table/index it was looking at?
    Also, does the theory that having to look through the UNDO (currently UNDO ts is 50000MB, in case that's relevant) causing queries to take an extremely long time hold water? We're on
    Message was edited by:
    Ok, having carried on searching t'internet, I can see that it's maybe Delayed Block Cleanout that's causing the UNDO to be referenced. Even taking that into account, I can't see why going back to the UNDO to be told to commit the change to disk could slow the query down that much? What waits would this show up as, if any?

    Since you're on 10.2 and I understand that you use
    the statistics of the "previous" content for the
    partition that you are now loading (am I right?) you
    have to be very careful with the 10g optimizer. If
    the statistics tell the optimizer that the values
    that you're querying for are sufficiently
    out-of-range this might change the execution plan
    because it estimates that only a few or no rows will
    be returned. So if the old statistics do not fit the
    new data loaded in terms of column min/max values
    then this could be a valid reason for different
    execution plans for some executions (depending on the
    statistics of the old partition and the current
    values used). Your RUN_ID is a good candidate I guess
    as it could be ever increasing... If the max value of
    the old partition is sufficiently different from the
    current value this might be the cause.
    Do you actually use bind variables for that
    particular statement? Then we have in addition bind
    variable peeking and potentially statement re-using
    to consider.
    I would prefer literals instead of bind variables or
    do you encounter parse issues?Yes, that query runs as part of a procedure and uses bind variables (well, pl/sql variables!). We are aware that because of the histograms that get produced, the stats are not as good as we'd like. I'm wondering if analyzing the partition would be the best way to go, only that means analysing the entire partition, not just the subpartition, I guess? But if other inserts are taking place at the same time, having several analyzes taking place won't help the speed of inserting, or won't it matter?
    Do you have the "default" 10g statistics gathering
    job active? This could also explain why you get
    different execution plans at different execution
    times. If the job determines that the statistics of
    some of your partitions are stale then it will
    attempt to gather statistics even if you already have
    statistics imported/generated.No, we turned that off. The stats do not change when we rerun the query - we guess there is some sort of contention taking place, possibly when reading from the UNDO, although I would expect that to show up in the waits - it doesn't appear to though.
    Data loads can load anything from 200 rows to
    20million rows into the table, with most of therows
    ending up in the Default subpartition. Most of the
    runs that load a larger set of rows have been setup
    to add into one of the other 4 subpartitions.
    I'm not sure about above description. Do most of the
    rows end up in the default subpartition (most rows in
    default partition) or do the larger sets load into
    the other 4 ones... (most rows in the non-default
    partitions)?Sorry, I mean that the loads that load say 20million + rows at a time have a specified subpartition to go into (defined via some config. We had to make up a "partition key" in order to do this as there is nothing in the data that lends itself to the subpartition list, unfortunately - the process determines which subpartition to load to/extract from via a config table), but this applies to not many of the runs. So, the majority of the runs (with fewer rows) go into the default partition.
    The query itself scans the index, not the table, doing partition pruning, etc.
    The same SQL_ID doesn't mean it's the same plan. So
    are you 100% sure that the plans where the same? I
    could imagine (see above) that the execution plans
    might be different.The DBA looking at it said that the plans were the same, and I have no reason to doubt him. Also, the session browser in Toad shows the same explain plan in the "Current Statement" tab for normal and abnormal runs and is as follows:
    Time     IO Cost     CPU Cost     Cardinality     Bytes     Cost     Plan
                             6     SELECT STATEMENT  ALL_ROWS                    
    4 1     4 4     4 82,406     4 1     4 20     4 6          4 HASH UNIQUE                 
    3 1     3 4     3 28,686     3 1     3 20     3 5               3 PARTITION RANGE SINGLE  Partition #: 2            
    2 1     2 4     2 28,686     2 1     2 20     2 5                    2 PARTITION LIST SINGLE  Partition #: 3       
    1 1     1 4     1 28,686     1 1     1 20     1 5                         1 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX TAB_A_IDX Access Predicates: "RUN_ID"=:B3 AND "COB_DATE"=:B2 AND "PARTITION_KEY"=:B1  Partition #: 3 
    How do you perform your INSERTs? Are overlapping
    loads and queries actually working on the same
    (sub-)partition of the table or in different ones? Do
    you use direct-path inserts or parallel dml?
    Direct-path inserts as far I know create "clean"
    blocks that do not need a delayed block cleanout.We insert using a select from an external table - there's a parallel hint in there, but I think that is often ignored (at least, I've never seen any hint of sessions running in parallel when looking at the session browser, and I've seen it happen in one of our dev databases, so...). As mentioned above, rows could get inserted into different partitions, although the majority of runs load into the default subpartition. In practise, I don't think more than 3 or 4 loads take place at the same time.
    If you loading and querying different partitions then
    your queries shouldn't have to check for UNDO except
    for the delayed block cleanout case.
    You should check at least two important things:
    - Are the execution plans different for the slow and
    normal executions?
    - Get the session statistics (logical I/Os, redo
    generated) for the normal and slow ones in order to
    see and compare the amount of work that they
    generate, and to find out how much redo your query
    potentially generated due to delayed block cleanout.It's difficult to do a direct comparison that's exact, due to other work going on in the database, and the abnormal query taking far longer than normal, but here is the ASH comparison between a normal run (1st) and our abnormal run (2nd) (both taken over 90 mins, and the first run may well include other runs that use the same query in the results):
                  Exec Time of DB    Exec Time (ms)      #Exec/sec   CPU Time (ms)   Physical Reads / Exec  #Rows Processed    
                  Time                / Exec             (DB Time)    / Exec                                 / Exec
    SQL Id        1st  2nd   Diff    1st     2nd         1st  2nd    1st    2nd      1st       2nd          1st  2nd         Multiple Plans   SQL Text
    gpgaxqgnssnvt 3.54 15.76 12.23   223,751 1,720,297   0.00 0.00   11,127 49,095   42,333.00 176,565.00   2.67 4.00        No               SELECT DISTINCT VALUE_CURRENCY...

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    Conversely, could it be that only the jar files that contain code that wants to write files to
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    One example is when you call a public method of the applet from javascript. There is a
    sollution other that signing all.
    second post

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    Hi there,
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    Yes, I tried this, but it leads to "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not call FX.exit() twice".
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    Thanks in advance.

    You can certainly generates PDF documents in Java using 3rd party, free libraries, probably .doc documents as well. Google for these and you'll find them.
    You should try Eclipse and NetBeans. Both are free and widely used for Java development.

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    For your first question about exception list: If Windows Firewall is blocking a program and you want to allow that program to communicate through the firewall, you can usually do that by selecting the program in the list of allowed programs (also called
    the exceptions list) in Windows Firewall.
    For the second question, that means Firewall allow your Skype to communicate through Firewall.
    You can add items manually, or just choose following settings after installing or configuring first open network app:
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    Question: Not knowing the problem of how to go to solve swing bug of applet , it is unable to read webpages to cause pda.

    Right. Make "number" a field, and take it out of the
    method signature for paint.
    Because you didn't use the same signature, you didn't
    override the existing paint(Graphics) method, you
    just overloaded it. That means that when the GUI
    thread tries to make your applet paint itself, it
    calls the original paint(Graphics) method, and not
    your paint(Graphics, int) method -- and so your
    method never gets called.
    Hi Paul,
    Not to sure whether is this what you mean by above statement, i just understand the statement in bold, anyway i ammend the program , this time i declare another variable outside the init() and paint() call int num
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Draw extends JApplet
        int num;
        public void init()
        \\ask user for input (1, 2 or 3) = String numberStr
        num = Integer.parseInt(numberStr)
        public void paint(Graphics page)
            for (int index = 0; index < 100; index++)
            switch (num)
            \\ my statement code
    }Anyway it works, thanks..:)
    my last assigment before my exam.

  • Really Need Help: Advanced Applet Needs

    Dear All
    I am writing a web document (HTML)
    that contains MainMenu.class
    The MainMenu.class will call the other class
    News.class when needed.
    (to view the main menu for my site, which directs the user to other services like News.class)
    (which will comunicate with the web server to retrive new data there)
    News.class is heavy, so I am thinking to Install it at the client machine.
    but the News.class could be changed:
    By Me:to modify its inner methods, or add new methods
    By Client :     to hack my server, or by mistake
    so I thought that
    MainMenu.class could have a simple logic
    to check (@ machine of the client):
    =>if the News.class is there (at the client machine) and not hacked by user
    or changed for any reason,and is the same as the News.class
    at my web server ---> the News.class will run successfully
    =>if the News.class is there (at the client machine) but changed for any reason -->
    the MainMenu.class will install (DownLoad and Store) the News.class from the web server.
    =>if the News.class is there (at the client machine) and not changed,
    but differs from the one on my webserver (I modified the News.class on my web server, new version)
    -->the MainMenu.class will install (DownLoad and Store) the News.class from the web server.
    if the News.class is not there (not installed before)-->
    the MainMenu.class will install (DownLoad and Store) the News.class from the web server.
    Any Help Highly appreciated
    my question is
    How to do this ?
    Any Ideas

    I just wanted to add
    what technologies do i need
    - applet signing ?
    - access rights ?
    - how to install ????
    - how to update ????
    - how to check version ?
    what is the order of the steps ?
    Not Necesary a code ?

  • Westell/Airport Extreme/Airport Express question

    I've read so many different options to extend a wireless network my head's spinning.
    Have Westell DSL modem; Have had the Extreme also routing (but causing double NAT problems) so want to bridge it. Just got Airport Express, which I want to also put in bridge mode, connect to AEBS via Ethernet, providing wireless coverage in a distant room in the house.
    Question 1:
    Can both the Extreme and the Express be put in bridge mode, so that all they're doing is providing wireless coverage? I'd do all my Port forwarding in the Westell then.
    Question 2: I thought I had the Express plugged into a port on the Extreme, but discovered it was actually plugged into the Westell (two wireless networks "side by side". If they're named the same, will it work that way? I would like access to the hard drive plugged into the Extreme, no matter which wireless network I'm accessing.
    My suspicion is that the setup will work, but it's not *really* extending my Extreme network at all; it's just another network. All the IPs though are coming from the Westell.
    I'm very confused!

    Question 1:
    Can both the Extreme and the Express be put in bridge mode, so that all they're doing is providing wireless coverage? I'd do all my Port forwarding in the Westell then.
    Question 2: I thought I had the Express plugged into a port on the Extreme, but discovered it was actually plugged into the Westell (two wireless networks "side by side". If they're named the same, will it work that way? I would like access to the hard drive plugged into the Extreme, no matter which wireless network I'm accessing.
    Is your goal to have both AirPorts be connected back to the Westell gateway by Ethernet? If so, you can configure the entire network as a roaming network. If on the other hand, you will only have the Extreme connected to the gateway by Ethernet and the Express connected to the Extreme by wireless, then you can configure the AirPorts for an extended network?
    Please check out this Apple Support article on extending networks with AirPorts.

  • Able to advance past question with wrong answer

    The following applies to a multiple choice question in Captivate 3.0.1 Build 589. You are able to advance through a question even if you have selected the wrong answer by doing the following:
    Answer a question incorrectly. A box saying "Try Again" pops up.
    Press the previous button on the Captivate navigation bar to go to the previous slide.
    Press the next button on the Captivate navigation bar to advance to the question slide. The incorrect answer is still selected.
    Press the next button on the Captivate navigation bar while the incorrect answer is still selected.
    Captivate advances, even though you have not answered the question correctly.
    This is a major issue for me for two reasons. A) It allows learners to advance without demonstrating that they learned what we are trying to teach them, and B) It actually misinforms learners by letting them advance with the wrong answer selected, so they may actually believe that what they answered is correct.
    Does anyone else have this problem? Anyone have any ideas how I can fix it?
    Thanks very much for your help,

    Do you know what wrong answer options you have selected? If you do not want the user to advance when they select a wrong answer, you can make sure they do not. On the question slides of interest, go to Edit Question. Select Options. Under "If wrong answer" section, select Infinite attempts. Now the user will not be able to advance until he/she gets the answer correct. The only side note on this is the user will get the Incorrect Answer message only one time. After that there are no response message until the correct answer is chosen. Hope this helps.

  • LocalConnection Advanced use question

    Does anybody know if it is actually possible to have two
    flash movies talk to each other when one is in an iframe at a
    different domain and one is in the page containing the iframe?
    I spent quite a bit of time yesterday going through varoius
    permutaions on naming the connections. The closest I got to
    anythign was when I got my sender movie in Flash to successfully
    talk to the reciever movie in the browser, that was accomplished
    having an underscore in front fo the connection name in sender and
    reciever. But when the reciever swf is in a page containing an
    iframe with the sender swf nothing appears to happen.
    Since I got flash player (and an executable version of the
    sender) to commicate with the browser based reciever I figure this
    should be possible. But i can't seem to figure out what I'm missing
    in the browser based versions.
    The intent of this exercise is to allow technology I am
    helping to delop to be included in a page using an iframe while
    providing feedback to listener movie in the site the iframe is
    embedded in. From there we would provide an api for interacting
    with the listener movie so that sites wishing to embed our
    technology could handle certain events. I realize of course that
    interframe communication between frames at different domains is a
    violation of the same domain rule at the heart of most browser
    security. So, I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't possible. And
    yet, I could communicate between flash player and the listener so I
    still wonder at the possibility.
    Does anybody know if what I'm attempting is even possible?
    And if so, any clues as to what may be the problem? If anybody
    chooses to help with the problem or innovate a work around I would
    be happy to share the source files I've been playing with, which
    are simple bare bones swfs.

    "> One more question along this topic of advanced usage
    > of LocalConnections ... is there a reccomended method
    > of dealing with multiple windows being open with the
    > same reciever movie so that the sender movies aren't all
    > sending back to the originally opened movie?
    What about sending an arbitrary id as one of the parameters
    with your
    message? All movies listen, but when a message comes, each
    movie checks to
    see if the id param matches a correlating id of its own. This
    could be a
    variable stored in the root of each listening movie. (Am I
    movie "A"? Yes?
    Okay, I'll follow these instructions.)"
    The problem with the arbitrary id is that I have to send it
    somewhere, and I need to know the name of the connection to send it
    to, but each connection name must be unique. That is why if you
    open a new window messaging goes to the first window, the
    connection command in the second window will fail because the name
    will aready be taken in window one. And the other movies won't know
    that and will all send to the named connection which is still in
    window one.
    The connect function will fail if a connection already
    exist.s So, on the one hand all I have to have is a loop that keeps
    trying to connect until it finds a free connection. The problem I
    am thinking about is having two movies in the same window, one in
    the page displayed, and one in an iframe, as I set up on that demo
    page. I'll want the one in the iframe to communicate with the one
    in the outer page for validation purposes. If all there is is one
    window then that's fine. But if sombody were to hit Ctrl+N in IE
    they would get a new browser window with the same page. The problem
    is how to make it so that the two movies in each window know to
    only communicate with each other in only that window?
    My thought is that I can use the incremental connection id
    technique in each movie and figure that if the increment is
    firstMovie_2 in one movie then it should communicate with
    otherMovie_2. What I'm worried about in this scenario though is
    what happens if the user is caffienated and hits Ctrl+N five times?
    Will the two movies increment correctly for each browser window? Or
    will there end up a couple windows with a firstMovie_3 and
    secondMovie_2 because things didn't load in a controlled sort of
    I think the incremental technique would be fine for if a
    window closed because that would free the connection id and the
    loop would always start at 0, so if you had five windows opened and
    closed the first one and opened a new one, the new window would use
    the ids with the _0 increment.
    Anyway, its helping me to write this stuff out. I'm going to
    implement the incremental id thing and I'll report my findings.
    As to looking deep into the technotes and docs. That
    article was great for the table it has in the middle of it which
    outlines what is needed for the various ways you try to connect
    My only other reccomendation is the help docs and Excedrin
    since it has both Acetometaphin AND caffeine and both are useful
    for trudging through the fine points of the flash docs ;).

  • Help - Applet Question ???

    Hi, I thought I post it yesterday, but I could not find it.
    I write a simple applet as follow:
    public class demoapplet extends Applet {
    private StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(1000);
    public void init() { }
    public void start() {
    //display start info
    buff = processXML();
    //display start info
    public void disp(string st) {
    Graphics g;
    public stringbuffer processXML() { ...}
    public void sendHTTP(stringbuffer buf) {... }
    My question:
    1. How to init Graphics object?
    If I use paint method, I can not pass string variable.
    2. How to send stringbuffer to another application
    via HTTP?
    3. Any problem I put my processXML and sendHTTP in start method? It only be called once when user load html page.
    Many thanks

    Hey Hi! david...
    first of all make your questions a bit more clear,
    about getting the graphics object you can get it by
    Graphics g=getGraphics();
    in the Applet.
    Also about getting the string in the paint method of the Applet. you can declare a string variable in the class and it would be accessible in the paint method.
    I first of all suggest you to get your basics right ..

  • I have a Airport network at home with a Time capsule connected via ethernet cable to modem. Also the network is extended wirelessley with an Airport Extreme. My question is I now wish to add a second Airport extreme but am considering a hard wire connecti

    I have a Airport network at home with a Time capsule connected via ethernet cable to modem. Also the network is extended wirelessley with an Airport Extreme. I now wish to add a second Airport extreme but am considering a hard wire connection with 100 ft of cat 6 cable from the Time capsule to the second Airport extreme.  Can my network operate properly to extend the network with both a wireless and wired extend functionallity?

    I now wish to add a second Airport extreme but am considering a hard wire connection with 100 ft of cat 6 cable from the Time capsule to the second Airport extreme.
    Excellent plan.
    Can my network operate properly to extend the network with both a wireless and wired extend functionallity?
    Yes, but don't get confused about the second AirPort Extreme, as it would not be configured to "extend" a wireless network.....it would be configured to "create a wireless network" using the same wireless network name, security settings and password as the Time Capsule network. Configure the second Extreme in Bridge Mode.
    This Apple support document will show you how to hookup and configure the second AirPort Extreme:

  • 11i Advanced Pricing Questions on usage of Item Category Segment Values

    Hi All,
    we are on 11i, i am trying to setup on modifiers using Item Categories. Customer has 4 segment category structure.
    Category structure= Vendor, Group, Style, Price code , here is how Data looks = 060.10.800.40
    In 11i, can we setup Modifiers on Segment1 & Segment 2 ( 060.10), so system picks up all values for segment3 and segment4.
    I understand R12 can do this as per Metalink Note: 746020.1. is this supported in 11i.? I am unable to accomplish this.

    Please donot post more questions in a single thread. If you post it separately, you will get many responses and detailed explanations from more members.
    Regarding your queries.,
    1. Relevant for delivery field in Item Category is for TEXT Items and for others you should configure the field in Schedule lines.
    3. Shipping conditions will be defaulted from the CMR of SP. If a value exists in the sales document type (eg. OR) then it will have priority and will replace the value defaulted from CMR.
    5. The pricing applies to Item Level only. But you cannot determine different procedures for different line items.
    6. Header conditions will not have access sequence and you cannot create condition records for header conditions in VK11.
    7. In consignment process - the first two steps are mandatory i.e., Consignment fillup and consignment issue.
    The other two steps are required only if there are returns from the customer(not consignee) and if there are any unsold stocks at the consignee.

  • Specify Remote Location for PrintWriter (applet question)

    I am trying to use a Java applet to access a URL, read in its text content, and save it to a file. The applet is run off an online host (our school server) so I made it a signed JAR file so I could access other hosts. However, here is my problem. The applet itself is in a remote location (our school server, a unix server). I can edit the directory via SSH to add files, and these files become accessible via my homepage (where I'm running the applet from in my browser). But what I need to do is write a file IN THE SAME DIRECTORY as the applet is being run from (ie, the remote directory). But I find that when I run the applet from my browser, it instead by default saves the file I've written to in the local machine's home directory (the desktop). How can I force the applet to save/write to a file in that remote directory (I have the permissions set up on it so that non-owner can write to the directory).
    Maybe this isn't possible. I wasn't sure. Here is my code:
          //get URL containing the escape table
          URL inputURL = new URL(inputLocation);
          //make connection to the URL
          URLConnection inputCon = inputURL.openConnection();
          //save URL's contents as text file in same directory
          BufferedReader inputStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputCon.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"));
          //save with same name as URL file
          File file = new File(inputURL.getFile());
          String filename = file.getName();
          PrintWriter outputStream = new PrintWriter(new File(filename), "UTF-8"); //this didn't work either: outputStream = new PrintWriter(filename, "UTF-8");
          //line of current input
          String line = null;
          //output text file to local text file line-by-line
          while((line = inputStream.readLine()) != null)
            System.out.println("line=" + line); //TEST TO MAKE SURE ACTUALLY READING FILE
          }According to my System.out.println, it IS actually accessing the URL and reading each line from the URL's text file correctly, and outputStream.println(line) is correctly printing to the file; it's just doing it in the wrong place!
    Also, I should specify: I can't hard encode the file location. It could be anywhere in my html directory. Rather, I want a way to save it in the same directory as the applet was deployed from.

    It's for an assignment. All our assignments have to be applets and run from our unix server. I have to access a URL and get data from it, then create that file, then use that file as a reference table for something else.
    The tragic part is I think I have everything else working, but I've no way to test it, as I cannot figure out how to access URLs in jgrasp (my IDE - just running the java file itself as an applet within the IDE has the error message about being unable to connect to the URL, since the applet is not signed, but I've no way how to get around that within the IDE itself) so I am testing it directly on the server as a signed jar file so I can at least access the urls.
    The requirements stated:
    "make a text file (UTF-8 encoding) of the file name t in the same directory where an applet is deployed; "
    # A program must be written as an applet in Java. Other programming languages such as JavaScript cannot be used.
    # The applet must be deployed on the ITS Web server
    I could be missing something, honestly. >_< I might have a word with the TA. I'm just really frustrated since I have everything else working.

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