EZ vinyl converter won't work with iTunes 10

I have just updated iTunes to iTunes 10. Now I cannot get EZ vinyl converter to open. On trying to open it I keep getting the message "this programme requires you to have apples iTunes installed..."! Updating to the newest version of ez vinyl converter has not made any difference. EZ vinyl converter has been working fine for me for years but I still have a lot of vinyl I want to convert. Help!! Is it possible to "downdate" back to iTunes 9 which worked OK?

Mixmeister no help but ION support came up with (simple) answer. Seems problem was with upgrade to i-Tunes 10. Control panel ; programmes ; change i-tunes ; Repair i-Tunes. Worked a treat, no further problems. Thanks for your help. Cheers.

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    As Demo indicated, IDs unfortunately can not be combined.
    Decide which one you want to be "primary" and routinely remain logged on to that one on both the iPad and the computer.  That way, all new purchases will be on the primary and you won't be making the problem any worse.
    Change the password on one of the IDs so that both IDs use the same password.
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    1. Update iTunes to the latest version. Plug in your iPod. If iTunes still can't recognize it, then in iTunes in the top left corner click help> run diagnostics. On the box that comes up, check the last two things. Click next and it should identify your iPod.
    2. Click on your windows start menu. Type in "services". Click on it and when it pops up, on the bottom of it click on "standard". Now Scroll down to find "Apple Mobile Device" Right click it when you see it and click on "Start". When it has started, close iTunes and replug in your iPod and it should show up.
    3. Check the USB cable
    4 Verify that Apple Mobile Device Support is installed
    5. Restart the Apple Mobile Device Service and verify that the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is installed.
    6. If you just want to add some photos, songs and movies from computer to your devices, you can use an iTunes alternative to do the job
    7. Check for third-party software conflicts.
    <Link Edited By Host>

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    It says it cannot removed the older version of iTunes.
    Doublechecking before proceeding ... what's the precise text of that message, please? (There's a couple of different ones I can think of that you might be getting.)

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    That above article will not resolve the issue. It explaines it clearly in the article.
    "Using an iPod formatted for Macintosh on a Windows computer is not supported. Using an iPod formatted for Windows on a Macintosh computer is not supported."
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