"Failure publishing Prosite. Please try again later."

I have a problem with publishing my ProSite: "Failure publishing Prosite. Please try again later." I tried many times, other days, still not working and I don't know why. Why it doesn't tell me the reason?
Thank you

Hello - so sorry to hear that - we can definitely help! What is the email address you use to login to this account? We can fix this, but need to make sure I'm identifying the correct account and it appears you may have two.
The Behance Team

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    After nearly a week, my blogs published on .Mac via iWeb have returned this morning. They are complete and unaltered. Previous attempts to re upload them had systematically failed. I had written to Support and gotten an auto reply but no other response. I assume i will be hearing from Apple today. So this matter is concluded for me and I hope that others experiencing similar problems are also now seeing them fixed. If that is not the case and you have not written a service request email to Apple for .Mac support, I suggest you do so immediately. It worked for me.
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    Other Mac-related threads mention a similar error that includes something to the effect of "(attempt to index a nil value)," but that parenthesized message does NOT appear in this case, and needless to say the Mac solution that has been posted for this problem (http://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom/kb/error-unexpected-sign-failure-occurs.html) doesn't apply to a PC.
    Any suggestions/solutions would be appreciated. Thanks!
    Update 4/29/14: After having changed nothing, I am able to sign in to Lightroom again (although the sign in does not persist when I close Lightroom). I had a case pending with Adobe support, that had been escalated; perhaps over the past day they did something behind the scenes to solve my primary sign-in issue, but if so, they didn't communicate it to me.
    Message was edited by: DoNotWantAScreenName

    I got the same error in Windows 7. Here's what I found - jump ahead if you find the technical terms confusing.
    For me, it turned out to be a network configuration problem related to IPv6, as Ary Gunawan has said. In simple terms, Windows claims that it has a working IPv6 setup, and therefore Lightroom tries to connect to an IPv6 address instead of an old-school IPv4 one, and that fails.
    I haven't been able to establish with certainty if it is a local problem in my network config, or related to my ISP, or if Adobe screwed up. What I do know is that Lightroom returns an extremely unhelpful error message, doesn't provide an error log of any sort, and fails to switch to IPv4 when there is an problem.
    Disabling IPv6 support in Windows worked for me, but may cause unwanted side effects because Windows relies on it (says Microsoft). It's better to make Windows prefer IPv4, but leave IPv6 in place.
    So I fixed it with a tool called "Prefer IPv4 over IPv6" (Microsoft Fix it 50410), available at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2533454 . After running it and rebooting, LR did work.
    If you try the fix but need to go back to the Windows default configuration for whatever reason, just run the tool "Prefer IPv6 over IPv4" from the same page.
    More configuration tools, including one to completely turn off IPv6, are available at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929852 .
    Good luck!

  • Error publishing a folio: An error has occurred while trying to publish your folio.  We could not start this operation. Please try again later.

    I can't publish a folio into my DPS Professional Account.
    This is the error message:
    An error has occurred while trying to publish your folio.
    We could not start this operation. Please try again later.
    Anyone can help?

    It seems there is something wrong with your sign up process, sorry for the inconvenience, this is technical forum, the account issue is out of our range, please follow steps below to contact with azure support, it's a best choice for you.
    Get the support channel at:
    If you have any other concern, please feel free to let me know.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • I have an issue login into lightroom mobile on my desktop, it keeps coming up with  Lightroom has experienced an unexpected sign in failure. Please try again later.(Attempt to index a nil value can anyone ahead some light on this please?

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  • Install failure:We are currently experiencing some issues, please try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer support

    Why do all of the desktop application installations fail with this message:
    Photoshop: how to install
    We are currently experiencing some issues, please try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer support.
    (Although the application name matches the respective application).
    The troubleshooting guide refers to error numbers but none of the failures provide error numbers.

    Since you are experiencing the difficulty with multiple web browser then it would need to be caused by something global such as anti virus software. Any software which will affect your web browsers ability to accept cookies and secure connections could be causing the behavior you are experiencing.
    I would also recommend clearing your cache and cookies if you have not done so already.
    If you can please update this discussion with the software title and version of the software, affecting your ability to download Adobe software, it would be appreciated.

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  • Exchange Receive Connector Temporary Server Error. Please Try again later. PRX4

    Hi , 
    I installated Exchange server 2013 on Windows 2012 R2 Servers.. 
    Topology ; 
    1 Active Directory Server : Windows 2012 r2 all updates installed. 
    1 Exchange 2013 Server : Windows 2012 r2 all updates installed.
    I configured send Connector settings and I checked Receive connectors Default Frontend Exchange settings. Anonymous users is ok and don't have any problem.
    When I send mail Exchange -> Internet  mail goes. this is ok. 
    But when I send mail Internet -> Exchange I am getting this error ; 
    Message or connection acked with status Retry and response 451 4.4.0 Primary target IP address responded with: ""501 5.5.4 Required arguments not present."" Attempted failover to alternate host, but that did not succeed. Either there
    are no alternate hosts, or delivery failed to all alternate hosts. The last endpoint attempted was xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2525
    telnet results are below ; 
    220 exchange.bulut.email Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Tue, 30 Dec 2014
    14:12:19 +0200
    EHLO bulut.email                      250-exchange.bulut.email Hello [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
    250-SIZE 37748736
    250-AUTH NTLM
    250 XRDST
    MAIL FROM:[email protected]                     250 2.1.0 Sender OK
    RCPT TO:[email protected] NOTIFY=success,failure                 250 2.1.5 Recipient OK
    DATA354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
    Subject: Test from Contosoa
    This is a test message
    451 4.7.0 Temporary server error. Please try again later. PRX4
    QUIT                                221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel
    Thanks. Regards.

    If the CAS and MBX servers are collocated on the same server the SMTP Receive connection for the Transport service will listen on 2525 instead of 25. This is because two services (FET and Transport Service) can’t listen on the same port.
    Refer from this article:
    Please try to create an endpoint for 2525 on default receive connector to test mail flow by the following steps:
    EAC -> mail flow -> receive connectors -> Default EXCHANGE
    Click Edit then click scoping tab.
    Under Network adapter bindings, click
    add button to create port 2525 for all available Ipv4/Ipv6 addresses.
    Best Regards.

  • Failed to install the new preview build, please try again later. 0xC1900107

    I'm trying to upgrade Windows 10 TP for Enterprise to the new build 8460, but I keep getting the error message
    Failed to install the new preview build, please try again later. 0xC1900107
    I don't find any reference to that error code. I've seen similar reports in the forum, but with different error codes and with the message "Failed to upgrade" rather than "Failed to install". I haven't played with the reg keys on this
    The event viewer shows the following event:
    Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0xC1900107: fbl_release 9860 Enterprise.
    The upgrade to a non-Enterprise device started at the same time went through without problems.

    Hi Russell,
    What’s the situation now?
    There would be a cause that the upgrade is running background, so a retry would fail in this situation.
    You can check the action log  in C:\$Windows.~BT\source\panther\setupact.log
    Check the time line to see if it is running for upgrade.
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • I mistakenly created a new library but was eventually able to retrieve it.  Now when I try to upload to facebook I receive an error message to "Please try again later". It's been 5 days.  I have tried several times a day.  I have tried to unlock permissio

    I am unable to upload photos/albums to facebook.  I used to be able to until I mistakenly created a new library.  I was able to revert back to my library that contains my photo's but now it won't upload to facebook.  It will to flickr.  I have rebuilt the library cache and permissions.  I have unlocked the permissions.  I keep encountering the error "Please try again later".  It's been 5 days.  There is no fix on this issue ANYWHERE!  I can upload from my desktop. Please help.

    Have you tried to sign out of Facebook  in iPhoto and to start over? Remove your Facebook account from the iPhoto Preferences > Accounts panel. Select Facebook and press the "-" button.
    Quit iPhoto,  make sure, your Facebook albums no longer do show, then add the Facebook account again by pressing "+".
    Then try to publish your albums again. If there are still problems, try LarryHN's user tip.
                     A solution to FaceBook posting issues
    In the long run, it is much simpler, to export your albums from iPhoto to the Desktop and to upload them from your Facebook page. This way, you will avoid all the problems caused by syncing the albums between your iPhoto library and Facebook.

  • There was an issue connecting to the server. please try again later. 124.

    I'm trying to publish a site withdreamweaver as one of the 5 sites I get with my CC account using business catalyst, but I get the following error message "There was an issue connecting to the server. Please try again later. 124." whenever i try and connect which doesnt really help.
    I'm logged in with the correct account in dreamweaver, and i have no issues publishing sites from muse using my CC account.

    Hi Pirmin87,
    There was a known brief outage a few days ago that could have resulted in this.
    - http://status.businesscatalyst.com/
    However at the moment everything should be connecting fine.  If still an on-going issue please reach BC direct chat support for further investigation. 
    - http://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html?product=business-catalyst
    Kind regards,

  • Error During Purchase: Please try again later

    We have created an app that has free content and are now trying our first in-app purchase. We've updated the app with the in-app purchase and have gotten Apple's approval and it is now available for download on the App store. The problem we are having is that some users are able to download the in-app purchase folio with no problems, while others are getting this error: "Error During Purchase: Please try again later." We are not seeing any differences between the iPad's/app versions being used. The latest versions of iOS and of the app are producing these inconsistent errors. For the ones having errors, we have tried deleting and reinstalling the app, but still getting the same error message. Any advice on what could be going on?

    answering your questions:
    - Did you use the same Product ID when creating the in-app purchase and publishing the folio?
    Yes, I'm using the same Product ID. So, after publishing the folio, it appears at my in-app test.
    - Are the retail folios set as public?
    If I publish a free issue, I can test the download. The problem is when I set it as retail. The issue and the price appears, but when I try to make the purchase, after I confirm my purchase with an Apple test user, with the [Environment: Sandbox], it says: "ERROR DURING PURCHASE - Please try again later"
    - Are your in-app purchases cleared for sale?
    I think so. When I published, I've set as Public, Retail and the same Product ID I used at iTunnes Connect. So, when I'm testing at my in-app, the folio appears. Is there any other place I have to go?

  • 451 4.7.0 Temporary server error. Please try again later. PRX5

    I've noticed that on occassion when I connect to my Exchange 2013 CU 1 server, the server will respond with "451 4.7.0 Temporary server error. Please try again later. PRX5" after I submit an e-mail for delivery.  It accepts the sender, verifies
    the recipient, asks for data and fails only upon submission.  Trying again right after the failure usually takes care of the problem what that's not a fix.  What's causing the problem? Anyone else seen this?

    whohoo, i FINALLY figured it out - and what can i say? the cause was another hickup of the ECP, i would call it a bug but what do i know? ;)
    turns out that ex2013 has huge problems when you leave the DNS lookups setting in the server properties to "All network adapters", instead you should select a specific NIC or enter the IPs of your DNS servers manually. well, this is mentioned in numerous threads
    all over the forums and obviously for many people, that was the solution.
    BUT...i still had no mail flow after setting the DNS servers manually and my logs still filled up with DNS errors. in the end it turned out that the setting in the ECP only configures the transport service, but NOT the the frontend transport service. you can
    easily check this with get-transportservice and get-frontendtransportservice and looking at the ExternalDNS and InternalDNS settings...sure enough, for me only the Transport Service had the configuration applied that i set in the ECP.
    so, i configured set-frontendtransportservice with the same DNS settings as the transport service, and finally my mailflow is working...i can hardly believe it, and i can't believe that i found literally nothing about this behavior/bug of the ECP on the net.
    so, this is my solution - maybe it helps someone else :)

  • Unable to Update iPhoto after upgrading to Maverick.  Error "There was an error in the App Store. Please try again later. (20)".  Please help.

    I just updated my software to Mavericks and I have been trying to update iPhoto on my system without success.  Error from App Store is "There was an error in the App Store. Please try again later. (20)".
    Can anyone help with this please.
    Thank you.

    Try this:
    Make sure this checkbox is checked in the System/Sharing preference pane:
    If it is, uncheck it and then recheck and try ordering again.

  • This device is currently being registered for ePrint. Please try again later.

    I bought a new HP LaserJet 500 Color M551dn earlier this week and when I click on "Enable HP Web Services" it has been stuck on the following message for days:  "This device is currently being registered for ePrint. Please try again later."  I have tried manually assigning a new IP address and changing the DNS settings to and as suggested in other posts but it has not made any difference.  Perphaps someone from HP can resolve this issue.  Please help.

    ‎Thank you for using HP Support Forum. I have brought your issue to the appropriate team within HP. They will likely request information from you in order to look up your case details or product serial number. Please look for a private message from an identified HP contact. Additionally, keep in mind not to publicly post ( serial numbers and case details).
    If you are unfamiliar with the Forum's private messaging please click here to learn more.
    Thank you,
    I Work for HP

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