Fake Invoice Email / Security Breach

This morning I received a fake email asking for an invoice payment in relation to adobe services.  The email came from and email address @adobefinance.com which is clearly not real.  The email also contains an invoice.doc file which I don't want to open in case it contains a virus etc.
I was wondering if anyone else has received such and email?
I also wanted to bring this to Adobe's attention so it can be shut down.
Quite worrying how these people may have gained my details from Adobe, has the your system / customer information been hacked again?

Hi radm4
Thank you for highlighting this.
From Prevent Phishing | Adobe Security
Concerned About an Adobe Email You Have Received?
If you think you have been a victim of a phishing email purporting to be from Adobe, send a copy of the offending email to our customer support team so we can investigate.
Kind regards

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    I typed my email address in Google and my Behance pdf resume shows up with all my information. Did you all know this? This is a security breach in my opinion.
    Message was edited by: Carol Smith

    HI Carol,
    Thanks for writing. It looks like you had selected your work experience to be visible to the public, so this is why it was visible online. Now I see that you have your work experience listed as private (other than what you have on your profile), so this should no longer be the case. Let me know if you're still seeing this searh result and what exact google term you searched for it to come up.
    Thanks, talk to you soon!

  • Security breach email

    I got an email that said there had been a security breach at Adobe and that I needed to enter new info. Is this legitimate?

    There is a legit e-mail about this, with links to adobe.com in it.
    Without seeing your particular e-mail it’s hard to say if yours is legit or someone taking advantage of the real Adobe situation. 
    Always check the actual URL of a site you’re logging into when being asked to update information, to make sure it is not some sort of bogus spoof site.

  • Security Breach on the Ubuntu Forums

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    Ubuntu Forums is down for maintenance
    There has been a security breach on the Ubuntu Forums. The Canonical IS team is working hard as we speak to restore normal operations. This page will be updated regularly with progress reports.
    What we know
    Unfortunately the attackers have gotten every user's local username, password, and email address from the Ubuntu Forums database.
    The passwords are not stored in plain text, they are stored as salted hashes. However, if you were using the same password as your Ubuntu Forums one on another service (such as email), you are strongly encouraged to change the password on the other service ASAP.
    Ubuntu One, Launchpad and other Ubuntu/Canonical services are NOT affected by the breach.
    Progress report
    2013-07-20 2011UTC: Reports of defacement
    2013-07-20 2015UTC: Site taken down, this splash page put in place while investigation continues.
    If you're using Ubuntu and need technical support please see the following page for support:
    Finding Help.
    If you're looking for a place to discuss Ubuntu, in the meantime we encourage you to check out these sites:
    Last edited by w201 (2013-07-22 08:59:58)

    fukawi2 wrote:An unfortunate event for Canonical and the Ubuntu team. Glad to see the passwords were at least hashed, and with a salt.
    Unfortunately md5 hashes even with salt are easily crackable. On the other hand, it's just a forum account and since they alerted people early, anyone foolish enough to use the same password elseware can change the other password on time.
    One thing I disliked is that they haven't alerted people by email, at least I haven't got one yet. I got this information from various source, but many people (dormant accounts / less frequent users) are unlikely to know of it.
    Last edited by x33a (2013-07-22 17:15:35)

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    I did a full erase/reformat regardless.

    See if you might have this malware redirecting DNS queries...
    How to fix...
    Nasty Nasty ! 1023.dmg...

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    Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
    < Edited by Host >

    It sounds like through a typo or cluelessness or what have you that someone else signed up for that Apple ID before you, so it "belongs" to them now.
    There would be some things they could not do with it unless they verify a different email address as primary though since obviously they don't have access to your real email account.
    But anyone can create any possible Apple ID by making up any possible ID in an email address format, whether or not it is a real email address of theirs, what matters are the verified email addresses within it at appleid.apple.com.
    You would need to pick another Apple ID though. It would be a security breach at this point to someone else if you managed to take that Apple ID from the other person regardless of their mistake.

  • BT eMail Security

    Folks, over the last three weeks I have had one of my eMail accounts breached three times on the Yahoo platform. What BT / Yahoo have seen is un-useal activity on my accound and have locked it, which I completely understand. Each time I have changed the password to a completely different one.
    Are other people seeing this issue?
    Would the moderators like to comment on what is BT doing to improve the security on the BT eMial (Yahoo) platform.
    Megadodo Publications
    Ursa Minor Beta
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side
    If the the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

    the_tinkers wrote:
    I have had the same problem for a couple of weeks, having to reset my password eight times, and BT help desk were useless - they just told me to change my password and everything would be OK. Some hope - it kept  happening again within a couple of hours. However, I saw on a forum somewhere (I can't find it again) reference to the problem occurring if you use an ipad, iphone and Outlook all trying to download emails, as I was. I recall it saying that it was suggested that the ipad should have email Push switched off which I did (not knowing what on earth it was!) and the problem hasn't recurred over the last two days.
    I think you may have had a different problem. 
    Problem 1.  Being asked repeatedly to input your password because BT think your account has been compromised and  as a result have frozen your account until you reset your password.
    Problem 2. Being asked repeatedly to input your password because you are accessing your account from several devices at the same time. Changing your password will solve this temporarily.
    Based on the information supplied you appear to have problem 2. More information is required to confirm this.
    My advice for problem 2, posted a long time ago was:
    There are several reasons why you get password rejected messages however based on the information you have supplied I have the following observations and advice.
    1.  The failure message incorrect in that your username and password is likely to be correct but is being rejected for another reason.
    2.  The most likely cause is some form of timeout.
    3.  Providing you have a reasonably fast connection the timeout is likely to be because your account is being accessed by two or more of your devices at the same time.
    4. To stop this happening you need to do the following.
    a)  Do not use webmail unless you have to.
    b)  If you do you use webmail make sure that you sign out when finished.
    c)  Make sure that all your devices do not check for emails automatically but require manual intervention.
    d)  Use POP instead of IMAP in email clients.
    e)  Make sure smartphones and  tablets have Email accounts Push "off "and Fetch data "manually".
    5.  If you have done all of the above and still get a failure then logging in and out of webmail will usually clear the problem. YOU DO NOT NEED TO CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD.

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    John B

    You will need to contact Support for this type of request.

  • Security breach after updating FlashPlayer

    I just submitted a detailed description and request to Adobe security.  Briefly, I have been experiencing numerous security breaches in the form of spoofs asking for re-updates of software I have just updated, including FP and Java.  I may have been a victim of a drive by attack during one of my attempts to install the FP update.  I'm running FireFox on Win7 64bit.  I checked and I'm running the latest vsn of FP.
    Here is the URL for one of the latter:
    http://d11vdn9ox0j18d.cloudfront.net/html/pu/common.html?ait=Ad%20Info&u=http%3A%2F%2F1146 95url.directdisplayad.com%2Fcresults.jsp%3Fp%3D114695%26xyz%26ron%3Don%26ip%3D24.21.105.29 %26url%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252fphys.org%252fnews%252f2013-06-ultrasensitive-molybdenum-based- image-sensor.html%26aid%3D0%26subid%3D623%26context%3DAn%2Bultrasensitive%2Bmolybdenum-bas ed%2Bimage%2Bsensor%26mb%3D.003%26partnerMin%3D.003%26ronMin%3D.003%26selectedKeyword%3Dro n%26selectedListingId%3D7870593%26qs%3DJQwDFAMXaSFTVkVJRkRRSQ1ORURuXF5AW1QRc1pFBhAdEVReXRY QEWtaWkBbQ1Q8HgZPSEBSGw4aRBwRfVlcRFRRBiYcXkJXQEVcWVwHT0NuWUNAXF0Rc0gIBUQCGwdJHGhFHGZYD0ldV kInXwdESBRCUF5bEBkSMAtbFkoWTCoaXkNfAhEPK1NJVVUjTF4RSVdGYFwFAhEJB0cAHEYHVDI5UFYLAE8xDwQbHU1 GW1ZeEAdMMh0OGAkBYjxTMVQVGRBUWFYWERRqWksTBQEdd1ZQRUlJUg0dUxEPEWJcW0JKEFIpUwsGDQBRWg5LE0cEY Q8OAA0BTygHDRMNHwZHDAFMBBM1CgwdHARJIgAQV0sWHQcLC1kPUTsZSEMKAgV2CgACFBMVBB8PSEZPdltbAx4GBXY KUkNNRk1cSlwXSlZ2WgkCAwt_d1ZQRUlJK1xYXhcRGQ%3D%3D
       Many other suspicious URLs are from cloudfront as well.
      Has anyone else experienced these?
       What can I do to repair this obvious security problem?

    Never download Adobe updates from anywhere else than the Adobe.com website!
    There have been many reports of fake alerts to update Flash Player, Adobe Reader, and other Adobe products.  I don't know how you get them; either your system is infected with malware, or websites you visit are.

  • IPad / AT&T Security breach

    What is the implication of the security breach reported at http://gawker.com/5559346/ for our iPad's? Is there any direct action we should take right now to protect our equipment and accounts?

    Ahh i think i know how they did it. Do u remember when u goto cellular data in settings and check your account with AT&T, your email was pre filled with your email, now if u go, u gotts tyoe your email address out.. They must have passed series of iccid numbers (sim card serials num) and the webpage returned the email addresses... So now we gotta tyoe in our email address to get to our accounts, what a pain !
    These hackers ought to be bougt to account for this thou, just cuz you discover a hole, doesn't mean u exploit it for financial gain and THEN decide to tell att about it... Tsk tsk o well mines just a gmail account anyway.

  • IMac security breach

    How can I check to see if my iMac has had a security breach?

    The only way you can be sure that the computer is not compromised is to erase at least the startup volume and restore it to something like the status quo ante. The easiest approach is to recover the entire system from a backup that predates the attack. Obviously, that's only practical if you know when the attack took place, and it was recent, and you have such a backup. You will lose all changes to data, such as email, that were made after the time of the snapshot. Some of those changes can be restored from a later backup.
    If you can't do that, then you should erase and install OS X. If you don't already have at least two complete, independent backups of all data, then you must make them first. One backup is not enough to be safe.
    When you restart after the installation, you'll be prompted to go through the initial setup process for a new computer. That’s when you transfer the data from a backup in Setup Assistant.
    Select only users in the Setup Assistant dialog—not Applications, Other files and folders, or Computer & Network Settings. Don't transfer the Guest account, if it was enabled.
    Reinstall third-party software from original media or fresh downloads—not from a backup, which may be contaminated.
    That being done, change all Internet passwords and check all financial accounts for unauthorized transactions. Do this after the system has been secured, not before.

  • Cisco Email Security Appliance (ESA) - Reporting

    In previous versions on ESA you could export data and reports in CSV formats using an API. Is that still available?
    >From the following document :
    The Reporting API feature allows you to download the same data collected by the Email Security Monitor component of the IronPort Email Security appliance or Security Management appliance in a comma separated value (CSV) format. This format allows users to integrate the IronPort appliance's data gathering capabilities into other IT and business reporting systems. 
    You can retrieve the data used to build the charts and graphs in the Email Security Monitor feature via HTTP. This is useful if you plan to perform further analysis on the data via other tools. The data is available in standard comma separated value (CSV) format. The easiest way to get the HTTP query you will need is to configure one of the Email Security Monitor pages to display the type of data you want. You can then simply click the Export... link to initiate the download process.

    It went away, there's a new one (RESTful) in 9.0/9.1

  • When I try to open an .ai/pdf file received through my email, it won't open and asks for a password. I have never set up any kind of password for email security, but have tried typing in my standard passwords. Nothing works. I wonder if it has anything to

    When I try to open an .ai/pdf file received through my email, it won't open and asks for a password. I have never set up any kind of password for email security, but have tried typing in my standard passwords. Nothing works. I wonder if it has anything to do with the use of my Wacom3 Tablet...I've been having trouble with it and was getting the same message when trying to open the User's Manual in my Applications/WacomTablet file on my hard drive. Any suggestions? I just downloaded the latest version for the Wacom and recently upgraded to Snow Leopard 10.6.7 (which I hate, and my CS3 hates, etc.)

    It sounds like you have a a password-protected PDF. The password was set by the person who encoded it.

  • When I close firefox "everything " is cleared! EXCEPT when I open it again and anything i have copied to the clipboard (paste icon) remains lit... I believe this can be a security breach because I clear everything when closing firefox !!

    I have my settings to clear everything when I close firefox ver 3.6.13. If I copy something to the clipboard, the Paste icon lights up so I can paste the text... which is normal.
    The problem is when I close the browser and everything is suppose to clear (history, etc) the PASTE Icon still lights up for me to paste again.
    This can be a security breach because I want everything cleared when closing the browser !!!
    The only way I can rid myself of this problem is to restart the computer... which clears the clipboard of the operatinging... which is absolutely normal as well.
    I should not have to restart the computer each time.
    Try It !!! type text in any box... then paste it by using the PASTE Icon
    CLEAR all your history, everything ... then close firefox
    Reopen the browser... and the PASTE Icon will light up

    I only had a few addons installed, I disabled Zone Alarm toolbar, View Source Chart 3.01. I also had 5 separate java console updates/addons, and I uninstalled all but the latest java console 6.0.21. All I have now is Roboform 6.9.98, Firebug 1.5.4, Java console 6.0.21, Java quick starter 1.0. So far, so good, the problem has not occurred today. I hope this is it, I will be more sure after a few days problem free. Thanks for the info.

  • Popup with the text "Security Breach" in Safari

    My son told me he saw a popup with the text "Security Breach" when visiting a website. He is concerned that his phone may be compromized. He is using Safari, iOS 6.0.1 on a iPhone 4S. The was a n OK button on the popup. He pressed it and the popup disappeared. Is there serious danger here?

    This may be caused by a problem with an add-on. Try the procedure in the [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] article.

Maybe you are looking for