Faking input into a console

Hello All,
I was just wondering how I'd go about faking input into a console, I want to be able to do this for test purposes.
Thanks in advance.

This is what I have got at the moment
public void inputToConsole(String input) {
          BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(
                    new StringBufferInputStream(input));
     }The problem is that it continues to be read in, is there a way that I could get the input stream to end once it's been read?
Edited by: Y.S.Wheeler on Oct 19, 2008 10:41 PM

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    Gui = Graphical User Interface; Command Line = DOS
    also, just use this file, save it as PrimitiveInput.java and compile it with the javac tool that comes with the Java Development Kit:
    import java.io.*;
    * This class provides a collection of basic methods to perform
    * primitive type console input.
    public class PrimitiveInput
    static BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(System.in));
    * read the next line from the keyboard as a String
    * @return the line as a String
    * @throws IOException
    public static String readString() throws IOException
    return in.readLine() ;
    * read the first character on the line
    * @return the first character on the line
    * @throws IOException
    public static char readCharacter() throws IOException
    String s = in.readLine();
    if (s.length() == 0)
    return '\0';
    return s.charAt(0);
    * read the next line as an integer
    * @return the line as an integer
    * @throws IOException
    public static int readInteger() throws IOException
    String line = in.readLine();
    int i = Integer.valueOf(line.trim()).intValue();
    return i;
    catch (Exception e)
    throw new IOException("invalid integer format");
    * read the next line as a float
    * @return the line as a float
    * @throws IOException
    public static float readFloat() throws IOException
    String line = in.readLine();
    return Float.valueOf(line.trim()).floatValue();
    catch (Exception e)
    throw new IOException("invalid float format");
    * read the next line as a double
    * @return the line as a double
    * @throws IOException
    public static double readDouble() throws IOException
    String line = in.readLine();
    return Double.valueOf(line.trim()).doubleValue();
    catch (Exception e)
    throw new IOException("invalid double format");
    } // End PrimitiveInput.java

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    Tommy, attached find a cheeseball way of doing this that has given me a LOT of mileage over the years.  IT lends itself nicely to a couple of really good practices that NI recommend, but I have given you the bare-bones to "see under the hood".  
    The recommended practices:
    1. You can make this a nice tight sub-vi where you can put it into a core library of routines that you'll use over the years, even extending the logic to look only for changes, etc.
    2.  If you are thinking about Front Panel design considerations, you'll want to use arrays of controls where possible, as that's a nice neat way of containerizing your switch for both the FP and Block Diagram.
    Have fun.  I have TONS of these types of things, so feel free to PM me if you have any other needs.
    Wes Ramm, Cyth UK
    Boolean Switch Logic.vi ‏11 KB

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    [11/Sep/2004:10:36:11] info ( 6194): successful server startup
    [11/Sep/2004:10:36:11] info ( 6194): SunONE-WebServer-Enterprise/6.0SP3 B05/14/2003 17:58
    [11/Sep/2004:10:36:11] warning ( 6194): admin40_check_ds_availability_init(): WARNING: Unable to determine the location of the User and Group DS (unable to set User/Group baseDN)
    [11/Sep/2004:10:36:11] failure ( 6194): Warning! admin40_task_eval_init(): unable to build User Group Info (unable to set User/Group baseDN)
    [11/Sep/2004:10:36:11] failure ( 6194): admin40_host_ip_init(): PSET failure: Failed to create PSET handle (pset error = Authentication failed)
    [11/Sep/2004:10:36:11] info ( 6196): Installing a new configuration
    [11/Sep/2004:10:36:11] info ( 6196): [LS ls1] http://ldap.mic.com, port 390 ready to accept requests
    [11/Sep/2004:10:36:11] info ( 6196): A new configuration was successfully installed
    [11/Sep/2004:10:36:12] info ( 6196): Using the Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM v1.4.1_01a from Sun Microsystems Inc.
    [11/Sep/2004:10:36:12] info ( 6196): Loading IWSSessionManager by default.
    [11/Sep/2004:10:36:12] info ( 6196): IWSSessionManager: Maximum number of sessions is 1000
    [11/Sep/2004:10:36:12] security ( 6196): for host trying to GET /, admin40_host_ip_check reports: Unauthorized host ip=, connection rejected
    [11/Sep/2004:10:36:57] security ( 6196): for host ldap. trying to GET /admin-serv/authenticate, admin40_host_ip_check reports: Unauthorized host ip=::ffff:, connection rejected
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    here is solution:
    Document ID:     75322
    Resolution:     Top
    The reason you cannot log in to the console is because a password
    has expired. That password belongs to the admin-serv-<hostname>
    user.  Don't confuse this user with the normal
    admin user in LDAP.  Unfortunately, the admin-serv-<hostname>
    user is not like the Directory Manager; that is, the password for the
    admin-serv-<hostname> user will expire unless you take some
    corrective action beforehand, such as adding the user to a group with
    passwords that never expire or adding a specific password policy
    to the user.
    Every time a user (Directory Manager, Admin, and so on) logs in to the
    console, the user (admin-serv-<hostname>) needs to successfully bind
    to the directory server.  If the password has expired, that bind cannot
    To find the user (admin-serv-<hostname>), perform the following steps.
    Step 1:  Locate the User With the Expired Password
    Search for the user (admin-serv-<hostname>) using the following
    syntax as an example:
    root/edog# ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w <password> -h <hostname>
    -p <port> -b o=netscaperoot "cn=admin-serv-*"
    The following provides an example of an search for the user:
       root/edog# ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w dirmanager -b
       o=netscaperoot cn=admin-serv-edog
       cn=admin-serv-edog, cn=Netscape Administration Server, cn=Server Group,
       cn=edog.labnet.east.sun.com, ou=labnet.east.sun.com, o=NetscapeRoot
       serverProductName=Administration Server
       uniqueMember=cn=admin-serv-edog, cn=Netscape Administration Server,
       cn=Server Group, cn=edog.labnet.east.sun.com, ou=labnet.east.sun.com,
    Step 2:  Manually Change the User's Password
    a) Use the Directory Manager to change the user password attribute in
       the following entry (returned by the command in Step 1).
       cn=admin-serv-edog, cn=Netscape Administration Server, cn=Server Group,
       cn=edog.labnet.east.sun.com, ou=labnet.east.sun.com, o=NetscapeRoot
    b) Use the ldapmodify command, as in the following example, with a new
       password, such as "abcd1234":
       ./ldapmodify -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w dirmanager -h <hostname> -p
       dn: cn=admin-serv-edog, cn=Netscape Administration Server, cn=Server
       cn=edog.labnet.east.sun.com, ou=labnet.east.sun.com, o=NetscapeRoot
       userpassword: abcd1234
    Step 3: Edit the adm.conf File (<server root>/adm-serv/config)
    a) Stop the Administration Server:
    Now, change the password in the Administration Server's
    adm.conf file so it knows to use the new password to bind
    to the directory server.
    b) Change the directory:
        cd <server root>/admin-serv/config
    c) Use the vi text editor in the adm.conf file to find a line that is
       similar to the following:
        siepid:   admin
    d) Edit the adm.conf file so the siepid value matches the new password
        that you created Step 2:
        siepid:   abcd1234
    e) Start the Administration Server and make certain that you see no
       "PSET failed" errors in the errors log.  These errors indicate that
       there was a problem loading the o=netscaperoot information.
    Now, you should have no problem logging into the console.

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    Applications Engineer
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    ~$ cat <<-'EOF' | sudo systemctl edit sabnzbd
    Received SIGHUP or SIGTERM
    Buffer written to /etc/systemd/system/sabnzbd.service.d/.override.confe61282feb5338872.save
    editor failed with error code 1.
    Edition of /etc/systemd/system/sabnzbd.service.d/override.conf canceled: temporary file empty
    ~$ cat /etc/systemd/system/sabnzbd.service.d/.override.confe61282feb5338872.save
    [Service] Group=media
    any tips for piping input into systemctl edit ?

    advantage of using systemctl is I can do this for multiple services at the same time, and have it create the correct directories
    echo -e "[Service]\nGroup=media" | nano -
    nano <(echo -e "[Service]\nGroup=media")
    sudo systemctl edit sabnzbd <(echo -e "[Service]\nGroup=media")
    https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob … tl.c#L5761
    Last edited by bond (2015-04-08 01:22:33)

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