False New Mail Indicator in Dock

This morning when I launched Mail it showed 3 new messages. Looking to my Mail folders I saw none. Sifting through my Mail folders I found 2 messages from back in March that had become unread. The 3rd mysterious new message is still un found.
Any ideas please.

Create a smart mailbox in Mail > Mailbox > New smart mailbox... 
That should point the the unread messages.

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    Reset your phone(hold down home and sleep/wake buttons until the Apple logo comes up)
    As for Gmail go to Settings>Mail>Select the Gmail account>Advanced> and make sure that in the Mailbox Behaviors the Sent Mailbox is set to <Sent Messages>

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    Hi Al,
    Not certain, but this can fix myriad Mail problems...
    Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, then move these folder & file to the Desktop.
    Move this Folder to the Desktop...
    Move this file to the Desktop...
    /Users/YourUserName/Library/Mail/Envelope Index

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    Thank you very much!

    Not sure if this will work but try going into your email and hit bb menu key and choose message alerts and make sure you have a notification set for each one
    Hope it helps
    Hope I was able to help
    If you have received information that has helped you out, please give them Kudos.
    If your problem has been solved, please click on the post that resolved the issue

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    I had the same problem, except that Mail was constantly adding 9 to the number of new mail count. Neither reindexing nor rebuilding the mailboxes solved the problem. Finally, I went into Mail preferences, and on the general tab, I set the new mail indicator option to "inbox only" and it's working fine now. Hope this helps.

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    I recall I have a "ghost" email issue a while back. Mail's dock icon would say I had 2 unread mails, but when I'd look at the Inbox there was nothing to be seen, and the count mysterious went to zero .. only to go back to 2 some time later.
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    Thanks for the replies. I do have preferences set as you suggest but am not getting the notifications when Mail is in the background. I'll just live with it...

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    What is going on here?

    I'd get EasyFind...
    Here's a direct download link to EasyFind 4.0 which runs in 10.3.9 & up...
    From this page,
    Freeware applications:
    * EasyFind 4.0
    * PhotoStickies 5.6
    * ThumbsUp 4.3
    * XMenu 1.8
    Use it to search your whole drive for case insensitive & show invisibles...
    (dot ee em el ex)
    Sort by Date & see if we can find these emails next time the count goes up.

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    In Mail's General preferences, you can set the "Dock unread count" popup menu to "All Mailboxes" instead of "Inbox Only".
    If you need an even more specific way to determine the quantity, you can create a new smart mailbox in which you define how you want the count generated. You can then set the popup menu to this smart mailbox instead of the "All Mailboxes" or "Inbox Only" choices.
    Hope this helps....

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    Glad to see that someone else has the same problem as me!!
    I only have about 10 different folders with rules attached so I've taken to clicking on each folder when checking for new mail.
    It's incredibly annoying though and is again a problem only since I upgraded to Leopard.
    Anyone got any ideas or insight?!
    As Sean put it perfectly - 'Bah'!!

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    Is there some way to fix this so that it notifies me of all new emails?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Are you running leopard?
    Under preferences on my mail (version 3.1.1 i think) then the 'general' tab there is an option "dock unread count" which you can set to inbox/none or all mailboxes.
    I don't remember this being an option under Tiger but it may be worth looking for if you're not on Leopard.
    Hope this helps

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