Family storage options

hey all,
Solutions needed please to photo & video sharing across 2 macs (imac and macair both Yosemite) both on same network - one wired, one wireless.
My wife and I take pictures on iphone, connect to iPhoto and our respective macs. If I take camera pictures / movies I upload to imac and save via folders in my pictures and movies (old habits). Problem is we want to share the photos & videos and have 1 single location.
What options do we have?
Currently thinking of just syncing to one iPhoto library and sharing the library across network, but wife's drive is 128gb so that won't last. Then share movies over shared network.
Any better options out there? Ideal world is one drive, but 2 syncing locations.

Currently thinking of just syncing to one iPhoto library and sharing the library across network, but wife's drive is 128gb so that won't last. Then share movies over shared network.
That will not work, because an iPhoto library must not be stored on a network share. iPhoto requires the library to be stored on a locally mounted drive.
The only method Apple supports to share an iPhoto library is on a sneaker drive - an external drive that you plug into the computer whre you want to use it.
See Apple's support document:   iPhoto: Sharing libraries among multiple users
If you store the library on a remote volume, you are risking library corruption and dataloss.

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi BerryHalps
    Welcome to BlackBerry Support Community Forums
    Please refer to this KB Article :
    KB13564 : How to enable or disable mass storage mode on the BlackBerry smartphone
    But as you told that you don't have any Media card on your phone then mass storage mode will not work .You can refer to this KB Article and transfer your Images or Photos from your BlackBerry to a Computer :
    KB29523  :    How to manually transfer files between a BlackBerry smartphone and a Windows computer
    Good luck.
    Click " Like " if you want to Thank someone.
    If Problem Resolves mark the post(s) as " Solution ", so that other can make use of it.

  • Oracle White Paper- Storage Option for RAC. on Linux

    This in reference with White Paper.. Stotage Option for RAC on LINUX. Author- Umadevi Byrappa.
    Which states on page 10: To Use NAS for RAC database file storage select the file system storage option in OUI. or the Clustered file system storage option in DBCA.
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    Nadeem ( [email protected] )

    NFS isn't a clustered file system at all - by RFC it is an exported file system with access controls
    If your vendor offers an NFS solution over and beyond that - more power to them. However that isn't "NFS"..
    You can use NFS in a clustered server environment (to mount apps, read only data and for synchronous access to files), however it doesn't support the concurrency out of the box for RDBMS transactions - if a vendor is supporting this promise then that is for you to decide.
    However i stand by my statement that NFS is a file system exported across your network and not a full clustered file system.

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         "STATUS" VARCHAR2(256),
         "STATE" VARCHAR2(256),
         "USER_ID" VARCHAR2(256),
         "APP_ID" VARCHAR2(256),
    INITRANS 20  
    TABLESPACE "####_####_DATA"
    XMLSCHEMA "" ELEMENT "Invoice" ID #####"
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    I suggest you read this paper : Oracle XML DB : Choosing the Best XMLType Storage Option for Your Use Case
    It is available on the XML DB home page along with other documents you may be interested in.
    To sum up, the storage method you need depends on the requirement, i.e. how XML data is accessed.
    There was one where a Mr. Drake was explaining something about not using clob as an attribute to storing the xml and that "it will break your application."I think the message Mark Drake wanted to convey is that CLOB storage is now deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore (though still supported for backward compatibility).
    The default XMLType storage starting with version is now Binary XML, a posted-parsed binary format that optimizes both storage size and data access (via XQuery), so you should at least use it instead of the BASICFILE CLOB.
    Schema-based Binary XML is also available, it adds another layer of "awareness" for Oracle to manage instance documents.
    To use this feature, the XML schema must be registered with "options => dbms_xmlschema.REGISTER_BINARYXML".
    The other common approach for schema-based XML is Object-Relational storage.
    BTW... you may want to post here next time, in the dedicated forum : {forum:id=34}
    Mark Drake is one of the regular user, along with Marco Gralike you've probably seen too at OOW.
    Edited by: odie_63 on 18 oct. 2012 21:55

  • Photos App compression while using Optimized Mac Storage option

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    1. Start up in Safe Mode.
    2. Empty Trash.
    3. Re-index Macintosh HD.
        This will take a while. Wait until it is finished.
        System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy
      If you don’t have Macintosh HD icon on the desktop,
      Finder > Preferences > General > Show these items on the desktop:
      Enable “Hard disks”.

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    UPDATE BY ORIGINAL POSTER TO BELOW - The below is not accurate about RAID being disabled on "All" HP home line computers per research from Big_Dave (Thanks!) - It is what I was told by the HP Escalation Team Friday however - not just my MB but all - which we are seeing is not correct per the customizable Envy model in the following post. It may just be certain models or just my current model's MB...?? I struck thru some of the detail, but leaving it mostly intact so others can see the misinformation I was given.
    Thanks for passing along. Below is what I found out about how RAID is disabled by HP now.
    I also had an email going back and forth with HP support and they sent to HP Escalation team who I ended up talking with yesterday who researched it for a day and found out that HP has disabled RAID on the motherboard for all of their home PC line! As we were thinking above. Only servers can do RAID now is the word.  Hard to believe they'd do that. The rep said he believed it had to do with people calling HP when they lost data due to setting up using RAID 0 and thinking that protected them (all it does is make a big disk, no redundancy like RAID 1). 
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    Note: I even called AMI (American Megatrend, Inc.) with HP on the line who said they sold the MB to HP fully capable of RAID which is what led the escalation rep to research to whomever he talked to and found out HP is disabling it out the door to their unaware consumers.
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    Luckily I'm within my return window and will be taking this computer back. Sad considering how much time I've put into it thinking I had a computer capable to do what I need.
    Anyway - please help spread the word so HP can get this into their knowledge DB and boards that RAID is GONE - removed purposefully by HP.

  • "Set up Family Sharing option" missing from iCloud settings

    I'm trying to set up a child (under 13) via. my Apple ID/iPod touch.
    There is no "Set up Family Sharing" option when we go to Settings > iCloud.
    What do I do?

    Hi Elliot,
    Happy Holidays! To set up Family Sharing, you need to have iOS 8 on your iPod touch.  Check to see if you have updated to the latest version, which is 8.1.2 on your device. 
    Update the iOS software on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support
    iOS software updates introduce new features that let you do even more with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Be sure to keep your devices up to date so that you don't miss out on the latest features.
    Before you update
    Back up your device to iCloud or iTunes.
    If you use your device's Personal Hotspot for your computer's Internet connection, update your device wirelessly or connect your computer to another network.
    Update your device wirelessly
    The easiest way to update your device is wirelessly, also called “over the air.” Here’s how:
    Plug in your device to a power source.
    Tap Settings > General > Software Update.
    Tap Download and Install. Updates might download automatically while your device is connected to Wi-Fi and a power source.
    Tap Install, or tap Later to install the update later. If you use a passcode, you'll need to enter it before installing the update.
    If you have some free space, but not enough to update over the air, you can either update using iTunes or delete content manually from your device. Whether you use iTunes or update over the air, you'll have the same amount of free space on your device after you update.
    The resource below explains how to set up Family Sharing and how to create an Apple ID for your child.
    Start or join a family group using Family Sharing - Apple Support
    Start or join a family group using Family Sharing
    Family Sharing makes it easy for up to six people in your family to share each other’s iTunes, iBooks, and App Store purchases without sharing accounts. Pay for family purchases with the same credit card and approve kids’ spending right from a parent’s device. And share photos, a family calendar, and more to help keep everyone connected.
    Use the steps below to start a new family group or join an existing family group. You can be a part of only one family at a time.Get started
    Here's what you'll need to use Family Sharing:
    An Apple ID signed in to iCloud and iTunes
    iOS 8 on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch or OS X Yosemite on your Mac
    Start a family group
    One adult in the family—the family organizer—can set up Family Sharing for the group. When you set up Family Sharing, you'll be asked to confirm that you agree to pay for purchases initiated by the family members you invite and that you have a valid payment method on file. Valid payment methods for setting up Family Sharing include credit cards and debit cards.
    Set up Family Sharing
    Use these steps in iOS 8:
    Go to Settings > iCloud.
    Tap Set Up Family Sharing, then tap Get Started.
    Confirm that you want to be the family organizer and that you're signed in with your personal Apple ID.
    Follow the onscreen instructions.
    Use these steps in OS X Yosemite:
    Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click iCloud.
    Click Set Up Family.
    Follow the onscreen instructions.
    After you set up Family Sharing, you can invite your family members to join.Invite people to join your family
    Use these steps in iOS 8:
    Go to Settings > iCloud > Family > Add Family Member.
    Enter your family member's name or email address.
    Follow the onscreen instructions. After you send the invitation, you can check its status under the person's name in Settings > iCloud > Family.
    Use these steps in OS X Yosemite:
    Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click iCloud.
    Click Manage Family.
    Click +, then follow the onscreen instructions.
    You can also use these steps to create an Apple ID for a child and add them to your family group. When you create an account for a child, you must use a credit card as the payment method as part of providing your parental consent. After you create the child's Apple ID, you can change your payment method back to a debit card if you choose.Join a family group
    You can accept or decline an invitation to join a family from you iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac. If the invitation is sent to your email address, you can also respond right from your email. To accept an invitation in iOS 8, go to Settings > iCloud > Invitations. In OS X Yosemite, choose Apple menu > System Preferences > iCloud > Manage Family.  Then follow the onscreen instructions.
    Here's what you'll be asked to do when you join:
    Confirm your Apple ID and password.
    Choose if you want to share your content and which iTunes Store account you want to share from.
    Choose if you want to share your location. If you agree, your location can be displayed on family members’ devices in Find My Friends and Messages, and the location of your shared devices will also appear on family members’ devices in Find My iPhone.
    What's next
    You can share eligible iTunes Store, iBooks Store, and App Store content, family photos, a family calendar, your location, and more.
    Get help using Family Sharing.
    See what you can share and how to download content from your family members. You need to use the iTunes Store in the same country as your family members to use Family Sharing.
    Choose when to share your location with your family members.
    Learn about family purchases and payments.
    Manage your child's account and use Ask to Buy.
    Learn more
    Family Sharing requires a personal Apple ID signed in to iCloud and iTunes. Music, movies, TV shows, and books can be downloaded on up to 10 devices per account, five of which can be computers. iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite are required to set up or join a Family Sharing group and are recommended for full functionality. Not all content is eligible for Family Sharing. Content can be hidden by family members; hidden content is not available for download. Content downloaded from family members or acquired via redemption codes is not subject to Ask to Buy.
    Last Modified: Oct 16, 2014
    - Judy

  • What's the FASTEST file storage option ?

    Hi all,
    Im building an application in Java where indexing and storing of data is a major area of the app. It should be able to store the data as well as retrieve them rapidly as well as the files should be small in size.
    Knowing Java's popularity with XML, I've chosen that as one candidate, but the problem is Im not too sure how the above 2 criteria will match with XML.
    1) Is XML fast enuf considering retrieval of data ?
    2) And how about the[b] storage sizes ?
    Or should I scrap XML and build my own version file structure such as a B-tree ?
    How difficult would that be considering limited development time ?
    thanx in advance ....

    Anyway to deal with this post piece by piece.
    I agree with you that database infact rules out other
    options when it comes to speed and storage. Im not in
    anyway trying to abuse XML as a storage mechanism. If
    I had the freedom to use a database, I know I wudnt
    even hav posted this question, cos database wins
    hands down in ease of programmin, maintain, store and
    rapid response.
    Okay first of all my post was not a personal attack against you. There are plenty of people who abuse or ty to abuse XML as a storage mechanism with extremely unhappy results. I want to make that point clear not just to you but to any future readers of this thread so that if they are considering such a course of action they should come back to reality.
    It wud be insane to ask the client to
    to install a DBMS jus to make sure the P2P app wud
    run. As for the details about the solution, it is a
    P2P app, but not to share content as such traditional
    ones. Its supposed to help ppl arrive at better
    seacrh results on a Web Search Engine.Well this was dealt with previously. In short using JDBC does NOT imply a full blown database server. It could be a standalone database like Access or you could write your own driver that accesses a proprietary file directly or you could use a plain text driver.
    The point is that if you use JDBC you decouple your application from the storage. This is the important point. Because it means you can switch the storage mechanism as best fits you later without having to rewrite gobs of code.
    As for the requiremtns, I need a storage mechanism
    sm to store the rankings a user might have given
    indivuidually per page or website. I need to store
    them as well as access them anytime I want and share
    them with the peers. Not only rankings I need to
    store other deatils like the search string, the
    datetime of the query etc.All the more reason to look at a database of some sort... an embedded database would be fine.
    I will let you know more of the requiremtns as soon
    on as I advance onto it. Right now Im not
    concentratin on the storage part of it. ( Jus
    thinking of goin ahead with XML ) and rather
    implementing the P2P communication area. I was jus
    doing some research on what would be the best storage
    option for dealing with the app's "data". I read
    on a book that B-Tress and such data structures can
    actually be implemented on file storage thus giving
    better performance. And also I was looking for
    material ( white papers and such ) discussing the
    various issues of each storage option available
    currently which will stand as proof for the final
    solution I am gonna take.
    Okay here is the problem with all this. How do you think databases implement indexes?
    Hint: while it is all in the end vednor specific the answer is some sort of tree structure.
    So again back to the point if you want to write your own tree structure go right ahead... I think it's pointless but go right ahead. What you should do though is write it so that your application accesses this structure through JDBC so that later when you decide that re-inventing the wheel was not such a hot idea you can change the storage implementation without destroying your application.

  • RAC Storage Options ( Openfiler or Wasabi )

    Hi RAC gurus..
    I need your advice regarding storage options for our RAC development environment.
    Since it is a development environment so management is reluctant to invest in SAN , Our production is a 2 node RAC on windows 2003 server mounted on Dell SAN.
    We have two spare servers available with Intel Xeon processors and SAS disks on them. SAN is out of question here and since we are on windows we cannot use NAS.
    I was reviewing the storage options and came across to Openfiler and Wasabi Storage Builder softwares which can transform your server ( spare ones ) into virtual SANs for shared storage purposes.
    I want to know if its reliable, scalable and whether it can be put to production one day or not? Which one is better Openfiler or Wasabi ?

    whether it can be put to production one day or not?
    you need to ask this to oracle support to get a correct answer ; moreover for a production system, I will only use certified hardware .

  • Best storage option

    is GPFS on AIX considered the best storage option for oracle RAC ?

    1) ASM is Oracle best practice for storage of both single instance and RAC 10g Oracle databases
    2) Once you use it and know it, there is no come back from ASM, is by far the best performing, easy to manage and flexible storage option.
    3) Dont be afraid of raw devices + ASM, you will configure your raw devices once and then all the work you have to do is from time to time just add new disks according to your requirements, ASM + Oracle Managed Files will do all the dirty job: Extend datafiles, balance and spread IO.

  • Storage option for Non leaf level dimension members: Store vs Dynamic calc

    Hi All,
    What is the general rule regarding the storage options for non leaf level members? My understanding is that it should be Dynamic Calc under normal circumstances and have it as store if we are going to load data at non leaf level. Is this correct? Are there any other considerations while defining the members?
    Thanks and Regards,

    Don't forget to consider whether the dimension is sparse or dense. Upper level dynamic calcs generally work well on dense dimensions as long as you aren't entering data into upper level members. Upper level dynamic calcs in a sparse dimension CAN work well, but usually only on smaller dimensions. This really depends on what else you have going on in your cube. On large sparse dimensions, upper levels are almost always stored, but this is one of those areas where you can sometimes bend the rules.
    Also, don't forget to consider the calc order implications of making something stored or dynamic.
    - Jake

  • The Wifi storage options are interesting but it seems they only allow to read files from the device on the iPad but not transfer files to the storage device via WiFi.   I'm looking for a possibility to use the iPad for photography while traveling, without

    the Wifi storage options are interesting but it seems they only allow to read files from the device on the iPad but not transfer files to the storage device via WiFi.
    I'm looking for a possibility to use the iPad for photography while traveling, without the access to a computer.
    Shooting photo's in RAW format crates pretty big files that will fill up the iPad's memory pretty fast if you shoot a lot during a (let's say) month long trip.
    my idea was to use load the photo's to the iPad so i could view them and sort out any bad ones. then copy them over to the storage device so i can continue using my CF cards for shooting. I have an image thank for copying the photo's directly to the HDD but it would be so sweet to be able to check them on the iPad before hand.
    any suggestions?

    Check out pogo plug device, it allows you to upload camera roll via wifi.

  • Facing problem while using JDBC Storage option in FileStoreProvider

    HI all,
    We are using oracle version and of Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition.
    In order to use the JDBC storage option , we are follwing the below steps:
    1. On your Content Server instance, install and enable the FileStoreProvider component.
    2. Configure FileStoreProvider to create a JDBC storage rule as desired.
    3. Upon restart of Content Server, FileStoreProvider will create the table to store files.
    4. Log into the database instance for Content Server
    5. Drop the filestorage table created by FileStoreProvider (which uses Basic LOBs)
    6. Recreate the filestorage table to leverage SecureFiles.
    Here is a *sample*
    Now when we checked in a new item in the content server, the details of the content is not getting updated in the DB.
    Please provide your inputs. Do we need to do any other configuration changes?
    Thanks in advance,

    Could you please specify what you mean by "the details of the content is not getting updated in the DB"?
    Does it mean that the checkin service fails? Or, it succeeds (you can verify from gui that both metadata and content were updated), but you cannot find updates in the database?

  • N81 storage options

    I would like to know, if I select memory card as my storage option for messages, does it store my emails on the memory card also?

    yes also your mails will be stored on your ip ie yahoo google etc
    If  i have helped at all a click on the white star below would be nice thanks.
    Now using the Lumia 1520

  • Is there a family license option of creative cloud available for purchase

    Is there a family license option of creative cloud available for purchase

    As of now, no. There are two license options for Creative Cloud: individual regular licenses, and volume licenses targeted at businesses:
    The Creative Cloud license agreement allows for subscribers to download and install Adobe applications from Creative Cloud on up to two computers. These applications can be used by you and your family, but the same application cannot be running simultaneously on both computers.

Maybe you are looking for