Fan-Speed/-Quality/-endurance? Best settings

Set fan-speeds via smcfancontrol regularly to
BOOSTA 1500rpm -> 36-47 °C
BOOSTB 1500rpm -> 32-47 °C
Exhaust 700rpm
INTAKE 700rpm
PowerSupply 700rpm ->32 and 38°C
Ati 4870 950rmp
Ambient is about 29 °C.
The extra noise doesn't bother me.
My questions:
are these rpm too much for the fans,
do I have to expect any failure
anytime soon?
Are the fan speed rpms unbalanced?
Any ratio for perfect airflow?

Hi Shadow,
I'm very, very glad to see you back. I knew that was a temporary outburst, that I myself am guilty of doing so often. Even here in my early days... before I got yelled at too.
I'm pretty sure everyone understands where you are coming from. A lot of G5 owners will know exactly where you are coming from.
No doubt about it, in my opinion anyway, a mac that runs cooler will last longer. But I think the best results in this case will be working from the outside in.
Just the other day I found out air conditioning is not nearly as prevalent in Europe as it is here in the US. But I honestly urge you, if you can, to get one if you don't already. I have one that exhausts to the outside but stands in my room. I don't know how I could live without it. My mac is always drawing in cooler than normal air and I really like that idea. Plus it dissipates the heat coming from the back which still is quite considerable.
No, I'm not letting this Mac fry to an early death like my G5s. Plus, really, with all that Apple sells nows, I really believe they have made some changes so they don't end up having any more discussion pages like you can see right now over in the G5 discussions. I mean, I can hear the question now from someone who has done some research. At an Apple Store someone will say, "Sure, I'll plunk down several hundred dollars for a new iPhone, but tell me. Is it going to last longer than 1/4 of a whole line of macs you once sold?".
Apple has too much at stake to make those dumb mistakes anymore. Just use your common sense, position your tower well, and maybe just get a fan that pushes fresh air through the front grill. Yeah, you'll have to be more concerned with dust, but, man, Apple has sure made it a lot easier to get inside and do cleaning.
Best of luck to you my friend. Glad to have you back.
PS: If you want to stay on top of the temps in your mac pick up this, it's wonderful and worth every penny:

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    You are trying to fix something that isn't broken.
    OS X controls the fan automatically to protect the cpu.
    Third party fan control software is not needed and may, if configured improperly, result in damage to the cpu although an Intel cpu is supposed to shutdown if it gets too hot.
    The minimum fan speed is 2000 RPM.  It will start to increase around 70 degrees C.

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    You're welcome, and thank you for the reply.
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    There is no way to get the exact same quality when transcoding from an editing source to a highly compressed H.264 QT. However, you can get a real high quality by adjusting the data rate.
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    Thanks for the reply.
    Referring back to your post 4.
    Additional info:  When I published my test video for DVD I chose “Computer” on the Publish+Share drop-down list, then chose MPEG, Presets: HDTV 1080p 29.97 High Quality.
    Saved and burned to DVD.  I also did the same choosing AVCHD Presets: MP4 – H264 1920x1080p 30. Saved and burned to DVD
    Let us clarify. When the end result is "...burned to DVD" in either case, are saying that you take your saved file to DVD-VIDEO on DVD disc or AVCHD on DVD disc, using another Premiere Elements 11 project on Windows 7 64 bit.
    My post numbered 1, contained the step by step for taking your 1080p60 Timeline directly to DVD-VIDEO on DVD disc or Blu-ray disc format on Blu-ray disc.
    If you are going to introduce intermediates in your workflow (Timeline content saved to file and then burn to disc), then I would offer the following scheme
    a. 1080p60 project preset (project 1)
    b. 1080p60 Timeline saved to file via
    with presets = MP4 - H.264 1920 x 1080p30 (and then under the Advanced Button/Video Tab, customize the export settings for 1080p60 instead of 1080p30)
    c. Import that back into Premiere Elements 1080p60 project (project 2) and burn to disc DVD-VIDEO on DVD disc, AVCHD on DVD disc, or Blu-ray disc format on Blu-ray disc..
    This is another alternative interpretation to your saved and burned to one project, you are doing two different to a file saved to the hard drive and after than the burn to disc (be it DVD-VIDEO on DVD disc, AVCHD format on DVD disc, or Blu-ray disc format on Blu-ray disc). If this is the case, there is no "intermediate".
    There used to be the discussion about HDV to DVD-VIDEO format on DVD disc - whether HDV file should be imported into the project as source or whether the user should downsize the HDV to DV widescreen in the camera before import into a DV Widescreen Premiere Elements project. As we getting into this type of question with your 1080p60 to DV widescreen?
    Please review and consider. And, then please let me know if any of the above addresses your considerations.

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    If you have a higher version it should include the earlier version settings.Usually each update is a rollup of previous changes plus newer.
    If you are having serious overheating problems I would use a laptop cooling pad with fan/fans. Also,a less radical approach to the mod posted above is drilling some air holes in the bottom of case where the GPU is located. Adding copper shims shown HERE  or HERE on his 'About ME' also keeps temps down.
    ******Clicking the Thumbs-Up button is a way to say -Thanks!.******
    **Click Accept as Solution on a Reply that solves your issue to help others**

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    Use the largest file, pixel wise, that you can. The books are printed at 300 dpi so the largest size the better to insure you'll get as close to that dpi for the largest page picture possible.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've written an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

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    Set your target CPU temp to around 50C and select the lowest target fan speed that the BIOS allows. maybe its 12,5% or 25%. You need to check.

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    i'm using a macbook pro early 2008
    and i use istatpro to monitor cpu gpu temp
    1. do the fans work with a min rpm around 2000 all the time?
    2. when i open quite a few apps, mbp get hot, and the gpu temp rises up to 80c degree also cpu temp rises to 60or70c degree. but the fan rpm is still around 2800.
    some guys using macbook/pro confirm that with temp around 80c, their fan has a rpm around 3000or4000.
    does someone else here have this situation above.
    is it normal?
    thanks a lot

    1) Yes, the default fan speed is 2000 rpm. At that speed they are nearly silent. The speed will increase with temperature. Max revs possible are 6000 rpm.
    2) Notebook computers get hot, regardless of make. The temps you see are reasonable for graphic-intensive applications. The MBP will automatically shut down if the temps get too high; I believe the cutoff point is just over 100°C.
    There are third-party programs that allow you to customize fan settings but they must be used with care. It's possible to overwork the fans by manually setting their speeds too high.
    The best approach is to insure that the MBP gets to use all its built-in cooling capacity. Using the computer on a pillow or blanket is bad; the case bottom dissipates heat but only if air can get under it. Use a lapboard if you must use the computer in your lap.
    Exhaust air emits from the hinge area in the back of the case. make sure nothing blocks the case there or you'll get overheating.

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    I read some other threads here, and I saw HIRO mention speedfan, so I installed that, but what puzzles me is neither software detect any fans, All I see is thermal sensors.
    I did replace the HDD that came with the laptop with a Samsung 830 SSD. I used the Recovery disks to install the new O/S, so all drivers came through just fine.
    Anyways, I like the fans being quiet, but once I'm over 50C or 55C I'd like this thing to start moving some serious dust. Is there a way to control their profile? The only option I saw was both in Bios and in Power Manager under "System Settings" there's an option "Optimize fan control to" and I have it set to Maximum Performance.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hey PhilZJ,
    Hey so Other people have an issue with speedfan not showing the fans and just temps you can use TPFancontrol if you want. On my T430 TPFancontrol shows temp of 53c and fan speed during start up but without pushing my temp past 55c the fan never kicks in or so TPF says being at RPMS stay at 0. Could I suggest you download TPFcontrol and run your game? See what temp and the RPMS your fan kicks up to? I would but playing games at work is frowned upon.
    Best Regards,
    P.S. So if you set TPFancontrol to manual at setting 1 you get RPMS of 3434 RPMS, at 7 you get 5000+ RPMS.
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  • Best Settings for Athlon 1700 + (no overclock) and other issues...

    The solution for my last problems sent me into other questions.
    1 - What are the best settings for an Athlon XP 1700+ and a KT3 Ultra Aru?
    2 - Athlon XP is anounced to have 266 fsb, but in bios you can change only to 220! Anyway, in the kt333 chipset specs says it has 266 fsb...
    I'm confused:
    What is the difference from the fsb in the athlon XP specs and the board Specs?
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    Do you know of issues regarding overheating problems in hdd over 60 gb size? I've heard that there are problems because of the high rotation (7200 rpm)...
    Anyway, i wanted to mount my raid for Professional Audio Recording... I guess i'll wait for ATA133 drives in Portugal...
    4 - USB 2 and Windows 98:
    Are there any drivers for 98se or do i have to stuck with usb 1?
    Thanks in advance!
    Miguel Catalão

    133 is your cpu speed 266 is ddr ram speed
    i think ata 133 is a bit of nonsense
    quickest disks i know are wb with 8 mb cache
    they run hot ,case fans and consider hd coolers
    try via website for drivers not sure

  • Increase Fan Speed

    How can I increase the internal fans in my computer? I only want like a 10% or so increase because the thing just gets so darn hot when I play games...Is there an easy way to control it so I can even create a script that when I have the game loaded it will increase their speed 10-20% and when I quit they will revert to default?

    Download and install SMCFanControl:
    With this program you can increase the default fan speeds. You can also create multiple presets for instance one for a slightly increased fan speeds which you may keep it at during normal use. Then have a another higher setting that you set it to when you are going to play games. This will require you to manually change the setting each time. It's easy enough to do though.
    If you are not already I would recommend installing iStat Pro or Temperature Monitor so that you can monitor your iMacs internal temperatures. This will help you to determine the best settings for your fans.

  • MOVED: Northbridge fan speed

    This topic has been moved to AMD64 nVidia Based board.

    I removed my NB fan on 865pe fis2r a long time ago and just kept the sink, but
    what I can remember, the fan-speed were somewhere around 6.000rpm.
    Your fan probably need some "grease" ( not the best of quality fans)
    On my P-serie boards I never had any fans mounted from the beginning.
    They came with just the heatsink.

Maybe you are looking for

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