Fan system replacement for hp pavillon a6110 uk

I need to replace the system fan of my desktop HP Pavillon a6110.UK unfortunately I don't have the specification. Please can some body on this forum help with this.Or better still the. Voltage rating.
Thank you

Hello , Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More. I understand that you are looking to replace the system fan for your desktop computer, and I would be happy to help you! To obtain a replacement fan, please contact our technical support for further assistance in this matter by clicking the link below to get the support number for your region.
I hope this helps!

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    Check the following Statements
    data v_var1 type x value '1F'.
    data v_len(5) type n.
    c_ecc6_tab(1) type c value cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab.
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    Thanks & regards
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    Go to Solution.

    I finally found the answer!
    Go to
    The link was straight from te official Toshiba website. You can search for your laptop right down to the part you're looking for. Compatible fans include:
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  • QuickJog 1.0 - Shuttle/Jog Replacement for Premiere CS6... almost

    quickJog 1.0 - "fixing what Adobe broke in CS6"
    a shuttle/jog replacement for Premiere/Prelude CS6
    * see below for download links and instructions *
    I'll waste no time in expressing my opinion on this one: I loved the jog control in previous versions of Premiere, and a small part of my heart died when I realised that those beloved controls couldn't be reinstated in CS6 (though an ever larger chunk died when I realised that Q and W don't work by default in Prelude... ).
    JKL is great as a concept, but in practice, not very responsive - it's difficult to make precise jumps in speed quickly, and I'd hate to log footage in CS6 using the JKL keys alone.
    It was whilst reading through a different thread on the forums that I had an idea. Why not just jog with the middle mouse button? REAPER uses a similar idea to great effect for scrubbing.
    And so the journey began.
    Installing/using quickJog
    Glovepie is only available for Windows. The script, therefore, only works on Windows.
    Sorry Mac users.
    To use quickJog, you'll need to download the following:
    GlovePie, from Doesn't matter whether you grab the version with or without emotiv support, as long as it's a recent version
    The quickJog script, from (unreserved thanks go to Creative Inlet Films for hosting this)
    A mouse with a middle-mouse button/clickable scroll wheel
    You'll also need to ensure:
    The JKL keys have not been re-mapped in Premiere. This is essential, as quickJog 'presses' the JKL keys to alter the jog speed in Premiere.
    Is currently as simple as...
    Start Glovepie
    From the File menu, select Open...
    Navigate to wherever you unzipped the quickJog script. Open it.
    Click the Run button
    Click the [ .] button at the end of the menu bar to minimise Glovepie to the system tray
    To shuttle, click on the program monitor, source monitor or trim monitor, and scroll the mouse wheel. This functionality is built-into Premiere. You can hold Shift for bigger jumps.
    To jog, click and hold the middle-mouse button over the source monitor, program monitor, or timeline, and move left or right to increase/decrese the jog speed (just like the old jog slider).
    QuickJog tracks the position of the mouse itself, not the position of your mouse cursor, so don't worry about the cursor touching the edge of your screen.
    Keep your eyes on the video, not the mouse!
    To exit, right-click the glovePie icon, and select Exit.
    quickJog works in Prelude too, which is pretty cool.
    HOW AWESOME WOULD SOME EXTRA BITS OF INFORMATION BE FOR THE WORLD? Like information on how to tweak the configuration variables??
    Pretty awesome, I'd say James. Have you thought about actually writing this section, then?
    Paha! Don't be crass.

    I stand humbly informed!
    In hindsight, I'm not surprised that the JKL keys are a popular choice amongst editors (especially for those who've moved across from other NLEs), but it does rest somewhat uncomfortably in my heart. It feels like Adobe have replaced the pedals and gearstick in my car with a keyboard: not great for those moments when a child runs into the road.
    The Shuttle Pro (and Bella to my knowledge?) controllers emulate left/right arrow keypresses to do their work, making the playback 'glitchy' during shuttle operations - I don't like that. I didn't particularly like the feel of the Shuttle Pro when I tried it either. I do like controllers like this (I have one), but have been working for some time on interfacing between the Sony 9-pin protocol and Premiere.
    As such, my intermediate preference has been to use a graphics tablet (with a keyboard) for NLE work - hence why having the jog/shuttle controls on screen was so darn useful! Now that I have quickJog mapped to the stylus eraser, edits are much faster.
    Quick aside: Huge commendations on just how much can be mapped to keyboard shortcuts in Premiere, huzzah!

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    Hello mshameel,
    It may help to reset your system's SMC and NVRAM.
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  • A replacement for the Quicksort function in the C++ library

    Hi every one,
    I'd like to introduce and share a new Triple State Quicksort algorithm which was the result of my research in sorting algorithms during the last few years. The new algorithm reduces the number of swaps to about two thirds (2/3) of classical Quicksort. A multitude
    of other improvements are implemented. Test results against the std::sort() function shows an average of 43% improvement in speed throughout various input array types. It does this by trading space for performance at the price of n/2 temporary extra spaces.
    The extra space is allocated automatically and efficiently in a way that reduces memory fragmentation and optimizes performance.
    Triple State Algorithm
    The classical way of doing Quicksort is as follows:
    - Choose one element p. Called pivot. Try to make it close to the median.
    - Divide the array into two parts. A lower (left) part that is all less than p. And a higher (right) part that is all greater than p.
    - Recursively sort the left and right parts using the same method above.
    - Stop recursion when a part reaches a size that can be trivially sorted.
     The difference between the various implementations is in how they choose the pivot p, and where equal elements to the pivot are placed. There are several schemes as follows:
    [ <=p | ? | >=p ]
    [ <p | >=p | ? ]
    [ <=p | =p | ? | >p ]
    [ =p | <p | ? | >p ]  Then swap = part to middle at the end
    [ =p | <p | ? | >p | =p ]  Then swap = parts to middle at the end
    Where the goal (or the ideal goal) of the above schemes (at the end of a recursive stage) is to reach the following:
    [ <p | =p | >p ]
    The above would allow exclusion of the =p part from further recursive calls thus reducing the number of comparisons. However, there is a difficulty in reaching the above scheme with minimal swaps. All previous implementation of Quicksort could not immediately
    put =p elements in the middle using minimal swaps, first because p might not be in the perfect middle (i.e. median), second because we don’t know how many elements are in the =p part until we finish the current recursive stage.
    The new Triple State method first enters a monitoring state 1 while comparing and swapping. Elements equal to p are immediately copied to the middle if they are not already there, following this scheme:
    [ <p | ? | =p | ? | >p ]
    Then when either the left (<p) part or the right (>p) part meet the middle (=p) part, the algorithm will jump to one of two specialized states. One state handles the case for a relatively small =p part. And the other state handles the case for a relatively
    large =p part. This method adapts to the nature of the input array better than the ordinary classical Quicksort.
    Further reducing number of swaps
    A typical quicksort loop scans from left, then scans from right. Then swaps. As follows:
    while (l<=r)
    while (ar[l]<p)
    while (ar[r]>p)
    if (l<r)
    { Swap(ar[l],ar[r]);
    l++; r--;
    else if (l==r)
    { l++; r--; break;
    The Swap macro above does three copy operations:
    Temp=ar[l]; ar[l]=ar[r]; ar[r]=temp;
    There exists another method that will almost eliminate the need for that third temporary variable copy operation. By copying only the first ar[r] that is less than or equal to p, to the temp variable, we create an empty space in the array. Then we proceed scanning
    from left to find the first ar[l] that is greater than or equal to p. Then copy ar[r]=ar[l]. Now the empty space is at ar[l]. We scan from right again then copy ar[l]=ar[r] and continue as such. As long as the temp variable hasn’t been copied back to the array,
    the empty space will remain there juggling left and right. The following code snippet explains.
    // Pre-scan from the right
    while (ar[r]>p)
    temp = ar[r];
    // Main loop
    while (l<r)
    while (l<r && ar[l]<p)
    if (l<r) ar[r--] = ar[l];
    while (l<r && ar[r]>p)
    if (l<r) ar[l++] = ar[r];
    // After loop finishes, copy temp to left side
    ar[r] = temp; l++;
    if (temp==p) r--;
    (For simplicity, the code above does not handle equal values efficiently. Refer to the complete code for the elaborate version).
    This method is not new, a similar method has been used before (read:
    However it has a negative side effect on some common cases like nearly sorted or nearly reversed arrays causing undesirable shifting that renders it less efficient in those cases. However, when used with the Triple State algorithm combined with further common
    cases handling, it eventually proves more efficient than the classical swapping approach.
    Run time tests
    Here are some test results, done on an i5 2.9Ghz with 6Gb of RAM. Sorting a random array of integers. Each test is repeated 5000 times. Times shown in milliseconds.
    size std::sort() Triple State QuickSort
    5000 2039 1609
    6000 2412 1900
    7000 2733 2220
    8000 2993 2484
    9000 3361 2778
    10000 3591 3093
    It gets even faster when used with other types of input or when the size of each element is large. The following test is done for random large arrays of up to 1000000 elements where each element size is 56 bytes. Test is repeated 25 times.
    size std::sort() Triple State QuickSort
    100000 1607 424
    200000 3165 845
    300000 4534 1287
    400000 6461 1700
    500000 7668 2123
    600000 9794 2548
    700000 10745 3001
    800000 12343 3425
    900000 13790 3865
    1000000 15663 4348
    Further extensive tests has been done following Jon Bentley’s framework of tests for the following input array types:
    sawtooth: ar[i] = i % arange
    random: ar[i] = GenRand() % arange + 1
    stagger: ar[i] = (i* arange + i) % n
    plateau: ar[i] = min(i, arange)
    shuffle: ar[i] = rand()%arange? (j+=2): (k+=2)
    I also add the following two input types, just to add a little torture:
    Hill: ar[i] = min(i<(size>>1)? i:size-i,arange);
    Organ Pipes: (see full code for details)
    Where each case above is sorted then reordered in 6 deferent ways then sorted again after each reorder as follows:
    Sorted, reversed, front half reversed, back half reversed, dithered, fort.
    Note: GenRand() above is a certified random number generator based on Park-Miller method. This is to avoid any non-uniform behavior in C++ rand().
    The complete test results can be found here:
    Theoretical Analysis
    A Classical Quicksort algorithm performs less than 2n*ln(n) comparisons on the average (check JACEK CICHON’s paper) and less than 0.333n*ln(n) swaps on the average (check Wild and Nebel’s paper). Triple state will perform about the same number of comparisons
    but with less swaps of about 0.222n*ln(n) in theory. In practice however, Triple State Quicksort will perform even less comparisons in large arrays because of a new 5 stage pivot selection algorithm that is used. Here is the detailed theoretical analysis:
    Using SSE2 instruction set
    SSE2 uses the 128bit sized XMM registers that can do memory copy operations in parallel since there are 8 registers of them. SSE2 is primarily used in speeding up copying large memory blocks in real-time graphics demanding applications.
    In order to use SSE2, copied memory blocks have to be 16byte aligned. Triple State Quicksort will automatically detect if element size and the array starting address are 16byte aligned and if so, will switch to using SSE2 instructions for extra speedup. This
    decision is made only once when the function is called so it has minor overhead.
    Few other notes
    - The standard C++ sorting function in almost all platforms religiously takes a “call back pointer” to a comparison function that the user/programmer provides. This is obviously for flexibility and to allow closed sourced libraries. Triple State
    defaults to using a call back function. However, call back functions have bad overhead when called millions of times. Using inline/operator or macro based comparisons will greatly improve performance. An improvement of about 30% to 40% can be expected. Thus,
    I seriously advise against using a call back function when ever possible. You can disable the call back function in my code by #undefining CALL_BACK precompiler directive.
    - Like most other efficient implementations, Triple State switches to insertion sort for tiny arrays, whenever the size of a sub-part of the array is less than TINY_THRESH directive. This threshold is empirically chosen. I set it to 15. Increasing this
    threshold will improve the speed when sorting nearly sorted and reversed arrays, or arrays that are concatenations of both cases (which are common). But will slow down sorting random or other types of arrays. To remedy this, I provide a dual threshold method
    that can be enabled by #defining DUAL_THRESH directive. Once enabled, another threshold TINY_THRESH2 will be used which should be set lower than TINY_THRESH. I set it to 9. The algorithm is able to “guess” if the array or sub part of the array is already sorted
    or reversed, and if so will use TINY_THRESH as it’s threshold, otherwise it will use the smaller threshold TINY_THRESH2. Notice that the “guessing” here is NOT fool proof, it can miss. So set both thresholds wisely.
    - You can #define the RANDOM_SAMPLES precompiler directive to add randomness to the pivoting system to lower the chances of the worst case happening at a minor performance hit.
    -When element size is very large (320 bytes or more). The function/algorithm uses a new “late swapping” method. This will auto create an internal array of pointers, sort the pointers array, then swap the original array elements to sorted order using minimal
    swaps for a maximum of n/2 swaps. You can change the 320 bytes threshold with the LATE_SWAP_THRESH directive.
    - The function provided here is optimized to the bone for performance. It is one monolithic piece of complex code that is ugly, and almost unreadable. Sorry about that, but inorder to achieve improved speed, I had to ignore common and good coding standards
    a little. I don’t advise anyone to code like this, and I my self don’t. This is really a special case for sorting only. So please don’t trip if you see weird code, most of it have a good reason.
    Finally, I would like to present the new function to Microsoft and the community for further investigation and possibly, inclusion in VC++ or any C++ library as a replacement for the sorting function.
    You can find the complete VC++ project/code along with a minimal test program here:
    Important: To fairly compare two sorting functions, both should either use or NOT use a call back function. If one uses and another doesn’t, then you will get unfair results, the one that doesn’t use a call back function will most likely win no matter how bad
    it is!!
    Ammar Muqaddas

    Thanks for your interest.
    Excuse my ignorance as I'm not sure what you meant by "1 of 5" optimization. Did you mean median of 5 ?
    Regarding swapping pointers, yes it is common sense and rather common among programmers to swap pointers instead of swapping large data types, at the small price of indirect access to the actual data through the pointers.
    However, there is a rather unobvious and quite terrible side effect of using this trick. After the pointer array is sorted, sequential (sorted) access to the actual data throughout the remaining of the program will suffer heavily because of cache misses.
    Memory is being accessed randomly because the pointers still point to the unsorted data causing many many cache misses, which will render the program itself slow, although the sort was fast!!.
    Multi-threaded qsort is a good idea in principle and easy to implement obviously because qsort itself is recursive. The thing is Multi-threaded qsort is actually just stealing CPU time from other cores that might be busy running other apps, this might slow
    down other apps, which might not be ideal for servers. The thing researchers usually try to do is to do the improvement in the algorithm it self.
    I Will try to look at your sorting code, lets see if I can compile it.

  • Need replacement for function module "WWW_GET_SCRIPT_AND_HTML"

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                obj_name = 'SDCAS_XML_TEMPLATE'
                html     = xml_output.
    Thanks n regards,

    Hi Indu,
    Did you find the answer? If so could you post it?
    Thanks in Advanced!
    Kind Regards,
    Gerardo J

  • IWeb - looking for replacements for 'blog' & 'photos'

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    My biggest concern is finding suitable replacements for the blog and photo galleries that can be embedded into iWeb having a matching 'look and feel'.
    I have developed many robust (well of 50) websites with iWeb and they are active websites.   The websites have:
    Custom layouts (i.e. not using the suppled defalut template)
    Blog pages (used as 'News' entries)
    Photo pages
    HTML Snipits
    Many have been designed for use with charity events and recieve quite a bit of traffic (see stats below) before and during the event.
    As for the hosting - we will use GoDaddy or other Domain Provide with Hosting services.   We have already moved some of the more less complicated websites over. 
    I love iWeb (I know it has it's faults and I have probably pushed it to it's limits but it has handled it well).  I have tried looking at other products like Rapidweaver & Freeway Pro (Dreamweaver would be out of the question for me as I'm not a programmer - I can deal with some basic html code for snippets and such - but that's my limit).  My partner has begun looking at Wordpress.  However, the biggest drawback from what I've seen from these other products is that I can't duplicate the freedom and ease of designing a template/layout the way I want it.  I have tried to duplicate a website I have done in iWeb and I simply can't do it with these other products (at least without a great deal of work - if at all).
    So, I wish to continue using iWeb for the main website desgin but desparately need to find good replacements for the blog and photo galleries to move over my existing websites.
    Please HELP!  
    This is my 1st time up on the forums so I do apologise if this has been dealt with before.  In my searches - I just haven't really found an answer which is why I'm submitting this question.
    Many thanks, MichelleSC
    P.S. I have been an Apple user since Apple began and have always raved about their products.   This is the 1st time I have been frustration with Apple.  I really wish they would continue to develop iWeb and keep Mobileme.

    Do you have visitors post comments to your blog or it is one the only includes your entries?  If it's the atter then you can continue to use the iWeb blog. If you currently have visitors comment on the entires you will have to move to a new blogging system, one of those suggested by Ethmoid and Jeff.
    As for photo albums I've just run across a new site called ZangZig which offers albums similar to MobileMe galleries with most of it's features plus one that MMe didn't have.  The capability of selling your photos. 
    One convenient feature of it is that it can move/copy photos from your existing MMe galleries as well as your iPhoto library and other sources:
    As for for iWeb can do after MMe is gone read the following:
    On June 30, 2012 MobileMe will be shutdown. HOWEVER, iWeb will still continue to work but without the following:
    Features No Longer Available Once MobileMe is Discontinued:
    ◼ Password protection
    ◼ Blog and photo comments
    ◼ Blog search
    ◼ Hit counter
    ◼ MobileMe Gallery
    Currently if the site is published directly from iWeb to the 3rd party server the RSS feed and slideshow subscription features will work. However, if the site is first published to a folder on the hard drive and then uploaded to the sever with a 3rd party FTP client those two features will be broken.
    All of these features can be replaced with 3rd party options.
    There's another problem and that's with iWeb's popup slideshows.  Once the MMe servers are no longer online the popup slideshow buttons will not display their images.
    Click to view full size
    However, Roddy McKay and I have figured out a way to modify existing sites with those slideshows and iWeb itself so that those images will display as expected once MobileMe servers are gone.  How to is described in this tutorial: iW14 - Modify iWeb So Popup Slideshows Will Work After MobileMe is Discontinued.  There's a link in the tutorial to download the file that one needs to be edited and replaced in existing slideshows and in the iWeb application for future slideshows. Once replaced in the application it's back to life as usual for iWeb.

  • What is the cpu fan part no for dv6 2060ea

    what is the cpu fan part no for dv6 2060ea

    Please find the web link given below check the part number under page 4-39 Removal and replacement procedures will let you know how to replace the part and the part number as well.
    Let us know how it goes!
    "I work for HP."
    ****Click the (purple thumbs up icon in the lower right corner of a post) to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****

  • Replacement for iTunes

    I recently, after using iTunes for years, started having big problems with iTunes 7.7.1. Songs are stopping and starting (to update info?), when just picking a new song it hangs up for a few seconds, and in general iTunes seems to be hogging all of the CPU. After exhausting all possibilities, I reinstalled my system, installed iTunes 7.6.2, and re-imported my 160 GB library.
    This did not fix my problem. If I play any of these files in the preview window they do not skip. iTunes is really a pathetic JOKE!
    Does anyone know of a good replacement for iTunes. I write music for a living, so setting up playlists and cross-referencing etc. is a very important for me professionally.

    Hi William.
    Just to add to the equasion. I am running Tiger 10.4.11 and have installed the latest iTunes update. I've been lucky with the new update, so I can't speak to that. But before and since the update I have never had any issues with iTunes using Tiger. If I had to pick, my guess would be the update (or backdate) is causing the problems. Here is the link to iTunes support:
    I hope this helps.
    Message was edited by: much wiser now

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    Hi James,
    If you like to use SAP web dispatcher as a solution for load balancing portal application, you no need to create system object under systems..
    You have to install web dispatcher as separate instance where you need to configure portal apps into it..
    Configure web dispatcher like to hit the admin port, use http://<webdisp-server>:<adminport>/sap/admin
    For normal portal access, use http://<friendly URL>/irj/portal
    The good news is that the webdispatcher knows that the portal supports SSL
    Another advantage of this config, is the webdisp, will just replace the apache redirect server. Users will access, without any port number, since we are redirecting 80 to the backend j2ee. Also, https should work like in the normal world.
    Profile will be like below...
    SAPSYSTEM = 00
    DIR_CT_RUN = $(DIR_EXE_ROOT)/run
    Accesssability of Message Server
    Message Server Parameters ##########
    NOTE: The "ms/http_port" must match the profile on the Central Instance
    rdisp/mshost = <FQDN of portal CI Host>
    ms/http_port = <Ms port of portal>
    SAP Web Dispatcher Ports
    #icm/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTP,PORT=81$$
    icm/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTP,PORT=80, TIMEOUT=3600, EXTBIND=1 (some OS will not allow to bind ports <1024)
    Admin port details
    icm/server_port_1 = PROT=HTTP,PORT=3200
    #, EXTBIND=1
    icm/HTTP/admin_0 =
    icm/HTTP/redirect_0 = PREFIX=/ , TO=http://<friendly URL name>/irj/portal
    WebAS Message Server Parameters
    rdisp/TRACE = 1
    icm/trace_secured_data = 1

  • What is whole system replacement

    I have searched everywhere but I cannot find an explanation as to what this is so could someone please tell me what a whole system replacement is. I only know that it is a data recovery method. I also know that it is used after a disaster occurs in an
    organization as part of their disaster recovery plan

    Yes, based on my knowledge, whole system replacement would mean if huge disaste happened to your system and  you could no longer use it, then the whole system would be replaced for you.
    In windows 7, you can backup your personal files and create a system image, which can avoid such disaster in case your system is damaged or you upgrade to other windows version.
    More information about Windows Backup and Restore, please refer to these articles:
    Andy Altmann
    TechNet Community Support

  • Homogeous system copy for machine refreshment

    Hello SAP expert,
    I'd like to migrate our sap system() from power5 to power7, and  the host name and the ip address will be kept unchanged on the power7 machine.  We want to use homogeous system copy for  db6 to migrate the sap system for testing. And after the testing, we want to just use db2 backup/restore to replace the database without system copy again. I know there are several steps in sapinst after db restore when I do a system copy, but the hostname, ip and user are unchanged, so  I think there is no need to do a system copy again. Could someone help confirm that?
    And we also want to seperate DB instance and CI to different machine, can we just do a db backup/restore for this case too? And I am not sure if some information about CI and diaglog instance is recorded, if so, I just concern there is some inconsistency if I just replace the database instead of do a homogeous system copy again.

    Hi Sunny,
    Is those report very key? The ip, hostname, system user will keep unchanged and only the machine will be changed from AIX5 to AIX6, so after I do a whole homogeous system copy for the first time and all sap related files are already moved to the new machine, so the next time I want to restore the db with the backup taken on AIX5 to new machine directly without reinstall sap system, it will reserve some time and reduce the effort. Do you think if there is any problem if I do this? Thanks.

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