Fans won't shut off on Yikes! while sleeping

Hey everyone. My Yikes! G4 will sleep somewhat (screen goes blank, hard drives turn off) when running OS X, but the fans never turn off, and the optical mouse remains lit (moving it will wake the computer up). This has happened under both 10.3 and 10.4. I have a SCSI card (pulled from a Power Mac G3) installed, but even before it was there, the computer still refused to truly sleep under OS X. It sleeps perfectly fine under OS 9. My Beige G3 (running 10.2.6 and 9.2.2) behaves the same way. I have a feeling that the computer is drawing more power in this 'light sleep' mode than it would if it were truly sleeping. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
PowerMac G4 (PCI Graphics)   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   512MB RAM, DVD-ROM, SCSI card

At the moment, I have no USB devices attached other than the Apple keyboard and pro mouse, and I have no Firewire devices plugged in. As far as modifications, I have installed a second HD, bumped the CPU speed up by 50MHz, installed a stock-type DVD-ROM drive (with the corresponding video card/DVD decoder), and installed a SCSI card (a pull from a PowerMac G3, and has nothing connected to it), but it never went into deep sleep under OS X even before I made these modifications. Again, any ideas? TIA.

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    Go to Solution.

    FYI to all the helpful folks here (and any looking to shut their jet engine off as well): Flashing the BIOS did the trick.
    First I had to find a website with DOS OS files and put those on the USB instead of Vista.  Oldie but a goodie, but at least it booted! No other versions would.
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    Thanks to all for the hints - I believe I had gotten the idea of flashing the BIOS to solve this from some other thread I found here.  This is a very nice forum to have bookmarked.  

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    When you start your mini from cold (after at least an hour powered down) does the fan spin up to full speed immediately, or does it start out normally and then speed up after a few minutes or so? Did you have the system open for any reason just before this behavior started?
    If you had the system open, it might be something as simple as the fan control cable that is not connected. When disconnected, the fan will run at full speed all the time.
    It the fan runs at full speed almost immediately from cold, then it would suggest one of two things: either the system is suffering from something like a loose heatsink, or there is an errant process running that is putting the system under heavy load. You can check that by opening Activity Monitor (in Applications>Utilities) at looking to see if the CPU load is consistently high. If it is, look for a process that is causing it.
    If the fan runs quietly at first, and then speeds up, after a few minutes, then it does seem likely to be a heating issue. Aside from making sure the vents around the base and on the back are clear by using a good vacuum cleaner, it's possible there is enough debris inside to obstruct the airflow. If you've opened up the system previously for any reason, now might be a good time to do so again, for a quick inspection and clean out.
    I would also perform an SMC reset if you have not already done so:
    To reset the SMC on an Intel mini:
    -From the Apple menu, choose Shut Down (or if the computer is not responding, hold the power button until it turns off).
    -Unplug all cables from the computer, including the power cord and any display cables.
    -Wait at least 15 seconds.
    -Plug the power cord back in, making sure the power button is not being pressed at the time.
    -Then reconnect your keyboard and mouse to the computer.
    -Press the power button on the back to start up your computer.
    And to ensure you are not suffering from a range of broad 'tuning' type issues, download a copy of YASU ( and run all tasks. This clears cache files, resets logs files, updates prebinding, performs a permission repair and a few other tasks. After the reboot (which will be slower than usual) your system should run a little better.
    ... i don't know if the Apple Store would look at it for free if i brought it in....
    You can make an appointment at the 'genius Bar' of your local Apple store - they will look at your system for free, and help with a diagnosis. What they generally wont do without charging for it is anything that involves opening the system up. However, it's worth paying them a visit for a bit of hands on work!

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    TTry a reset. Hold down on the sleep AND home buttons at the same time - for 10 seconds or so - until the Apple Logo appears on the screen. When the logo appears, let go of the buttons and let the iPd start up. After it starts up, then try to shut down again.
    BTW, I amost never shut my iPads or iPhone off. I simply let them sleep. I recharge the battery when needed but always while the iPads or phone is still powered up.

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    Erase iPad and setup iPad from scratch
    1. Launch web browser on your computer
    2. Sign in to
    3. Tap on Find My iPhone
    4. Select the iPad to be erased
    5. Tap Erase iPad
    6. Message: All your content and settings will be erased. An erase iPad cannot be located or tracked
    7. Tap Erase
    8. Enter Apple ID and Password
    9. Tap Next
    10. Enter a phone number where you can be reached. It will be shown on your iPad after it has been erased
    11. Enter phone number
    12. Tap Next
    13. Tap Erase iPad
    14. This message will be shown on your iPad after it's been erase "This iPad has been lost. Please call 12345678"
    15. Done
    16. Erase started
    16. OK
    17. Remove from Account (this will allow iPad to be activated and used by another person)
    Setup wiped iPad
    1. Slide to unlock
    2. Select English
    3. Select Country
    4. Choose Wi-Fi Network
    5. Enter Wi-Fi password
    6. Activate iPad
    7. Apple ID and Password
    8. Apple ID and Password
    9. Enable Location Service
    10. Select "Restore from iCloud Backup"
    11. Enter iCloud password
    12. Agree to Terms and Conditions
    13. Choose backup
    14. Select "Backup file in iCloud"
    15. Hello (Welcome)
    16. Slide to unlock
    17. Update Completed
    18. Continue
    19. Enter Apple ID and Password
    20. Updating iCloud
    21. Select "Don't Add Passcode"
    22. Welcome to iPad
    23. Get Started
    24. Restore Apps and Media. Your settings have been restored. Connect to power to save battery while apps and media are downloading
    25. Sign in to iCloud

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    If anyone can help I will be eternally grateful. I love this phone and hope this won't become a recurring issue.

    My Lg Ally also had the exact same problem. I called tech support and after a couple of subsequent freezes, Verizon sent me a new phone. After a couple of days, the new phone is experiencing similar symptoms. The one thing I noticed that both phones had in common was the location where the freezing occurred. I was trying to place a call, when located approximately a hundred and fifty yards from a known cell site. I wonder if you have noticed the problem reoccurring at a particular location or proximity to a cell site. This is just an observation that I have made. As far as the battery, I would try to find a small piece of plastic or even a small baby spoon to pry the battery out. Something that will not damage the case. The only way to reset the phone is to pull out the battery. After you remove the battery, you might put a small tab of tape around the top. This way, if it happens again, you can pull on the tab of tape to remove the battery. (kind of like you see in the battery holder compartment of portable radios.) I hope this is not a common problem with these phones. Hopefully Verizon and LG will identify this problem immediately.

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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - If still not successful that indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    Service and Repair -  Repair options (require hardware serial number) one  <-- enter correct country once on page

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    I have not had any experience in getting any devices repaired so I'm not sure which store to resort to. An official Apple store should more than likely get you what you need, but I'm guessing it's probably more expensive. (if any cost for your situation)
    I hope you get your problem resolved.
    ~Lt. Leviathan

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    My iPhone 4s is stuck in AirPlay screen.  It won't shut off, software is current, it rings but the screen doesn't change so I can't take any calls. What do I do?

    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    If you have problems restoring (if that is necessary) the iPhone
    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iPhone fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - If still not successful that indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

  • Won't shut off

    My MacBook Pro won't shut off.  I click the Apple.  Then, I click "shut down".  The screen goes gray and the spinning gear starts.  But, it never shuts down.  I eventually have to press the manual shut down button on the keyboard.  Solution???

    It happened to me before but after I repaired the disk permissions, my mac runs a lot smoother now, so I recommend you to go to Applications>Utility>Disk Utility. Click on "First aid" then go to the top left corner and click on your hard drive then click Verify Disk Permissions, then if some errors pops out and when verification is complete click "Repair Disk Permissions" then restart your Mac. This will make your mac run a lot smoother. Try this at your own risk. If anything bad occurs do not blame me.
    If you do not want it to happen again, I recommend you to download this:
    This Application helps you to keep your mac running smooth.
    Hope this solution helps!

  • Ipad 2 won't shut off.

    My ipad 2 won't shut off. I've even tried the hard shut down, holding down the home button and the power button at e same time and nothing happened. It runs like normal except I can't get it o power down anyone have any ideas?

    You can try resetting all settings. Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings. You will have to enter all of your device settings again.... All of the settings in the settings app will have to be re-entered.
    If that doesn't work, try restoring from a backup - if you have a current backup that was created before this problem occurred.
    How to backup and restore from a backup

  • IPad 1 won't shut off

    My iPad 1 won't shut off. I've held the sleep button down for up to a minute but the shut off slider never pops up. Any suggestions? 

    1. Let the iPad run till it auto shut down
    2. Charge the battery
    3. Restart and see if problem goes away.

  • I wasn't able to access my email on my pad, so I tried to shut it off, thinking I needed a software update.  Now my ipad won't shut off.  Any ideas?

    My email was a white blank screen on my ipad.  Thinking I needed a software update, I tried to shut it off.  Now all I have is a black screen and the "working" logo in the center, but it won't shut off.
    Any ideas?

    When you reset the iPad, wait until the Apple logo appears on the screen before you let go of the buttons.
    Hold down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider if it appears on the screen - let go of the buttons. Let the iPad start up.

  • TS3274 iPad won't shut off.  Display doesn't respond to slide motion.

    iPad won't shut off.  Display doesn't respond to slide motion.

    Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the home button together until the apple logo appears (ignore the ON/OFF slider) then let both buttons go and wait for device to restart (no data will be lost).

Maybe you are looking for