Faxing from Oracle Apps on UNIX

This is being done by a lot of sites. I need some info - what packages are in use? What overheads for maintenance and installation? Are there any gotchas?

Thanks for your response.
But the thing is i am looking whether if u can create a database link from oracle to sqlserver from unix.If that's the case what is the driver i require and if not how can i do it ?
I am ready to create a intermediate windows server where i can pull the table temporarily and then from there to unix box.
If i can do it windows how can i achieve that.

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    Hi All,
    We are having Oracle Apps on Sun Solaris 5.8. We want to do faxing from our E Business Suit. I gone through the BLOG Entry for Faxing,where i found that i need to install CPUS. Can I installed CPUS on SUN Solaris? In the BLOG posted By TIM, it's wriiten there, that it can be installed on LINUX or UNIX only. Is there any way to installed it on SUN Solaris?
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    OR if i am using XMLP for faxing then, it will take care of all the things, no need for any third party tool.
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    SunSolaris is a flavor of UNIX so you can install and may even already have CUPS, get it to the latest version you can.
    The efax soluition is an open source 'driver' if you will to enable faxing via CUPS.
    You will not need anything else to do faxing from apps ... just cups and efax and your fax board of course.

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    [2006/04/04 10:03:57] Received "Receive_Dequeue_InputVariable" call from partner "PO_IN_QUEUE" More...
    <part xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" name="ReceiveDocument">
    <NOUN value="PO">PO</NOUN>
    <REVISION value="007">007</REVISION>
    <DATETIME qualifier="CREATION" type="T" index="1">
    <DATETIME qualifier="DOCUMENT" type="T" index="1">
    <OPERAMT qualifier="EXTENDED" type="T">
    <UOM />
    <DATETIME qualifier="ACTSTART" type="T" index="1">
    <YEAR />
    <MONTH />
    <DAY />
    <HOUR />
    <MINUTE />
    <SECOND />
    <TIMEZONE />
    <DATETIME qualifier="ACTEND" type="T" index="1">
    <YEAR />
    <MONTH />
    <DAY />
    <HOUR />
    <MINUTE />
    <SECOND />
    <TIMEZONE />
    <DESCRIPTN>Vendor's responsibility ceases upon transfer to carrier</DESCRIPTN>
    <TANDC />
    <DESCRIPTN>No Freight Charge</DESCRIPTN>
    <EXCHRATE />
    <YEAR />
    <MONTH />
    <DAY />
    <HOUR />
    <MINUTE />
    <SECOND />
    <TIMEZONE />
    <DATETIME qualifier="APPREQ" type="T" index="1">
    <YEAR />
    <MONTH />
    <DAY />
    <HOUR />
    <MINUTE />
    <SECOND />
    <TIMEZONE />
    <ATTRIBUTE1 />
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    <ATTRIBUTE13 />
    <ATTRIBUTE14 />
    <ATTRIBUTE15 />
    <ATTRIBUTE16 />
    <PCARDNUM />
    <DATETIME qualifier="EXPIRATION">
    <YEAR />
    <MONTH />
    <DAY />
    <HOUR />
    <MINUTE />
    <SECOND />
    <TIMEZONE />
    <NAME index="1">Nate OD88/VIS2 Supplier TEST</NAME>
    <TAXID />
    <TERMID />
    <ATTRIBUTE1 />
    <ATTRIBUTE2 />
    <ATTRIBUTE3 />
    <ATTRIBUTE4 />
    <ATTRIBUTE5 />
    <ATTRIBUTE6 />
    <ATTRIBUTE7 />
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    <ATTRIBUTE11 />
    <ATTRIBUTE12 />
    <ATTRIBUTE13 />
    <ATTRIBUTE14 />
    <ATTRIBUTE15 />
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    <ADDRLINE index="1">VIS2 address</ADDRLINE>
    <ADDRLINE index="2" />
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    <REGION />
    <TELEPHONE index="1" />
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    <ATTRIBUTE12 />
    <ATTRIBUTE13 />
    <ATTRIBUTE14 />
    <ATTRIBUTE15 />
    <ATTRIBUTE16 />
    <NAME index="1" />
    <EMAIL />
    <FAX index="1" />
    <TELEPHONE index="1">-</TELEPHONE>
    <NAME index="1">Vision Operations</NAME>
    <TAXID />
    <TERMID />
    <USERAREA />
    <ADDRLINE index="1">222 Oracle Way</ADDRLINE>
    <ADDRLINE index="2" />
    <ADDRLINE index="3" />
    <ADDRTYPE />
    <COUNTY />
    <FAX index="1" />
    <REGION />
    <TELEPHONE index="1" />
    <TELEPHONE index="2" />
    <TELEPHONE index="3" />
    <URL />
    <USERAREA />
    <NAME index="1">Ross, Nate</NAME>
    <EMAIL />
    <FAX index="1" />
    <TELEPHONE index="1" />
    <USERAREA />
    <NAME index="1">Vision Operations</NAME>
    <CURRENCY />
    <TERMID />
    <USERAREA />
    <ADDRLINE index="1">222 Oracle Way</ADDRLINE>
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    <COUNTY />
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    <REGION />
    <TELEPHONE index="1" />
    <TELEPHONE index="2" />
    <TELEPHONE index="3" />
    <URL />
    <USERAREA />
    <NAME index="1">UPS</NAME>
    <PARTNRID />
    <DESCRIPTN>Scheduled for payment 45 days from the invoice date (invoice terms date = system date, goods received date, invoice date or invoice received date). Invoice terms date can default from supplier header, site, PO, system default, etc.</DESCRIPTN>
    <TERMID>45 Net (terms date + 45)</TERMID>
    <DAYSNUM />
    <QUANTITY qualifier="PERCENT">
    <VALUE />
    <NUMOFDEC />
    <SIGN />
    <UOM />
    <USERAREA />
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    <NUMOFDEC />
    <OPERAMT qualifier="UNIT" type="T">
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    <DESCRIPTN>10-40W Car / Truck Motor Oil</DESCRIPTN>
    <ITEM>10-40W Oil</ITEM>
    <ITEMX />
    <CONFIGID />
    <TYPE1099 />
    <ATTRIBUTE1 />
    <ATTRIBUTE2 />
    <ATTRIBUTE3 />
    <ATTRIBUTE4 />
    <ATTRIBUTE5 />
    <ATTRIBUTE6 />
    <ATTRIBUTE7 />
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    <ATTRIBUTE10 />
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    <ATTRIBUTE13 />
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    <ATTRIBUTE3 />
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    <ATTRIBUTE15 />
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    <ATTRIBUTE16 />
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    <ATTRIBUTE18 />
    <ATTRIBUTE19 />
    <ATTRIBUTE20 />
    <JOBTITLE />
    <AMOUNT qualifier="TOTAL" type="T">
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    <SIGN />
    <CURRENCY />
    <DATETIME qualifier="ACTSTART" type="T" index="1">
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    <MONTH />
    <DAY />
    <HOUR />
    <MINUTE />
    <SECOND />
    <TIMEZONE />
    <DATETIME qualifier="ACTEND" type="T" index="1">
    <YEAR />
    <MONTH />
    <DAY />
    <HOUR />
    <MINUTE />
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    <DATETIME qualifier="NEEDDELV" type="T" index="1">
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    <MONTH />
    <DAY />
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    <SIGN />
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    <TAXCODE />
    <NAME index="1">Vision Operations</NAME>
    <TERMID />
    <USERAREA />
    <ADDRLINE index="1" />
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    <ADDRTYPE />
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    <REGION />
    <TELEPHONE index="1" />
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    <TELEPHONE index="3" />
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    <EMAIL />
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    <TELEPHONE index="1" />
    <NAME index="1" />
    <ONETIME />
    <PARTNRID />
    <USERAREA />
    <ADDRLINE index="1" />
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    <AMOUNT qualifier="TOTAL" type="T">
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    <NUMOFDEC />
    <SIGN />
    <CURRENCY />
    [2006/04/04 10:03:57] Updated variable "Invoke_Enqueue_InputVariable" More...
    <part xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" name="ReceiveDocument">
    <ReceiveDocument xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/apps/fnd/XMLGateway">
    <CNTROLAREA xmlns="">
    <NOUN value="PO">PO</NOUN>
    <REVISION value="007">007</REVISION>
    <DATETIME qualifier="CREATION" type="T" index="1">
    <DATAAREA xmlns="">
    <DATETIME qualifier="DOCUMENT" type="T" index="1">
    <OPERAMT qualifier="EXTENDED" type="T">
    <UOM />
    <DATETIME qualifier="ACTSTART" type="T" index="1">
    <YEAR />
    <MONTH />
    <DAY />
    <HOUR />
    <MINUTE />
    <SECOND />
    <TIMEZONE />
    <DATETIME qualifier="ACTEND" type="T" index="1">
    <YEAR />
    <MONTH />
    <DAY />
    <HOUR />
    <MINUTE />
    <SECOND />
    <TIMEZONE />
    <DESCRIPTN>Vendor's responsibility ceases upon transfer to carrier</DESCRIPTN>
    <TANDC />
    <DESCRIPTN>No Freight Charge</DESCRIPTN>
    <EXCHRATE />
    <YEAR />
    <MONTH />
    <DAY />
    <HOUR />
    <MINUTE />
    <SECOND />
    <TIMEZONE />
    <DATETIME qualifier="APPREQ" type="T" index="1">
    <YEAR />
    <MONTH />
    <DAY />
    <HOUR />
    <MINUTE />
    <SECOND />
    <TIMEZONE />
    <ATTRIBUTE1 />
    <ATTRIBUTE2 />
    <ATTRIBUTE3 />
    <ATTRIBUTE4 />
    <ATTRIBUTE5 />
    <ATTRIBUTE6 />
    <ATTRIBUTE7 />
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    <ATTRIBUTE9 />
    <ATTRIBUTE10 />
    <ATTRIBUTE11 />
    <ATTRIBUTE12 />
    <ATTRIBUTE13 />
    <ATTRIBUTE14 />
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    <ATTRIBUTE16 />
    <PCARDNUM />
    <DATETIME qualifier="EXPIRATION">
    <YEAR />
    <MONTH />
    <DAY />
    <HOUR />
    <MINUTE />
    <SECOND />
    <TIMEZONE />
    <NAME index="1">Nate OD88/VIS2 Supplier TEST</NAME>
    <TAXID />
    <TERMID />
    <ATTRIBUTE1 />
    <ATTRIBUTE2 />
    <ATTRIBUTE3 />
    <ATTRIBUTE4 />
    <ATTRIBUTE5 />
    <ATTRIBUTE6 />
    <ATTRIBUTE7 />
    <ATTRIBUTE8 />
    <ATTRIBUTE9 />
    <ATTRIBUTE10 />
    <ATTRIBUTE11 />
    <ATTRIBUTE12 />
    <ATTRIBUTE13 />
    <ATTRIBUTE14 />
    <ATTRIBUTE15 />
    <ATTRIBUTE16 />
    <ADDRLINE index="1">VIS2 address</ADDRLINE>
    <ADDRLINE index="2" />
    <ADDRLINE index="3" />
    <ADDRTYPE />
    <COUNTY />
    <FAX index="1" />
    <REGION />
    <TELEPHONE index="1" />
    <TELEPHONE index="2" />
    <TELEPHONE index="3" />
    <URL />
    <ATTRIBUTE1 />
    <ATTRIBUTE2 />
    <ATTRIBUTE3 />
    <ATTRIBUTE4 />
    <ATTRIBUTE5 />
    <ATTRIBUTE6 />
    <ATTRIBUTE7 />
    <ATTRIBUTE8 />
    <ATTRIBUTE9 />
    <ATTRIBUTE10 />
    <ATTRIBUTE11 />
    <ATTRIBUTE12 />
    <ATTRIBUTE13 />
    <ATTRIBUTE14 />
    <ATTRIBUTE15 />
    <ATTRIBUTE16 />
    <NAME index="1" />
    <EMAIL />
    <FAX index="1" />
    <TELEPHONE index="1">-</TELEPHONE>
    <NAME index="1">Vision Operations</NAME>
    <TAXID />
    <TERMID />
    <USERAREA />
    <ADDRLINE index="1">222 Oracle Way</ADDRLINE>
    <ADDRLINE index="2" />
    <ADDRLINE index="3" />
    <ADDRTYPE />
    <COUNTY />
    <FAX index="1" />
    <REGION />
    <TELEPHONE index="1" />
    <TELEPHONE index="2" />
    <TELEPHONE index="3" />
    <URL />
    <USERAREA />
    <NAME index="1">Ross, Nate</NAME>
    <EMAIL />
    <FAX index="1" />
    <TELEPHONE index="1" />
    <USERAREA />
    <NAME index="1">Vision Operations</NAME>
    <CURRENCY />
    <TERMID />
    <USERAREA />
    <ADDRLINE index="1">222 Oracle Way</ADDRLINE>
    <ADDRLINE index="2" />
    <ADDRLINE index="3" />
    <ADDRTYPE />
    <COUNTY />
    <FAX index="1" />
    <REGION />
    <TELEPHONE index="1" />
    <TELEPHONE index="2" />
    <TELEPHONE index="3" />
    <URL />
    <USERAREA />
    <NAME index="1">UPS</NAME>
    <PARTNRID />
    <DESCRIPTN>Scheduled for payment 45 days from the invoice date (invoice terms date = system date, goods received date, invoice date or invoice received date). Invoice terms date can default from supplier header, site, PO, system default, etc.</DESCRIPTN>
    <TERMID>45 Net (terms date + 45)</TERMID>
    <DAYSNUM />
    <QUANTITY qualifier="PERCENT">
    <VALUE />
    <NUMOFDEC />
    <SIGN />
    <UOM />
    <USERAREA />
    <QUANTITY qualifier="ORDERED">
    <NUMOFDEC />
    <OPERAMT qualifier="UNIT" type="T">
    <ITEMRVX />
    <DESCRIPTN>10-40W Car / Truck Motor Oil</DESCRIPTN>
    <ITEM>10-40W Oil</ITEM>
    <ITEMX />
    <CONFIGID />
    <TYPE1099 />
    <ATTRIBUTE1 />
    <ATTRIBUTE2 />
    <ATTRIBUTE3 />
    <ATTRIBUTE4 />
    <ATTRIBUTE5 />
    <ATTRIBUTE6 />
    <ATTRIBUTE7 />
    <ATTRIBUTE8 />
    <ATTRIBUTE9 />
    <ATTRIBUTE10 />
    <ATTRIBUTE11 />
    <ATTRIBUTE12 />
    <ATTRIBUTE13 />
    <ATTRIBUTE14 />
    <ATTRIBUTE15 />
    <ATTRIBUTE16 />
    <ATTRIBUTE1 />
    <ATTRIBUTE2 />
    <ATTRIBUTE3 />
    <ATTRIBUTE4 />
    <ATTRIBUTE5 />
    <ATTRIBUTE6 />
    <ATTRIBUTE7 />
    <ATTRIBUTE8 />
    <ATTRIBUTE9 />
    <ATTRIBUTE11 />
    <ATTRIBUTE12 />
    <ATTRIBUTE13 />
    <ATTRIBUTE14 />
    <ATTRIBUTE15 />
    <ATTRIBUTE16 />
    <ATTRIBUTE3 />
    <ATTRIBUTE4 />
    <ATTRIBUTE5 />
    <ATTRIBUTE6 />
    <ATTRIBUTE7 />
    <ATTRIBUTE8 />
    <ATTRIBUTE9 />
    <ATTRIBUTE10 />
    <ATTRIBUTE11 />
    <ATTRIBUTE12 />
    <ATTRIBUTE13 />
    <ATTRIBUTE14 />
    <ATTRIBUTE15 />
    <ATTRIBUTE16 />
    <ATTRIBUTE17 />
    <ATTRIBUTE18 />
    <ATTRIBUTE19 />
    <ATTRIBUTE20 />
    <JOBTITLE />
    <AMOUNT qualifier="TOTAL" type="T">
    <VALUE />
    <NUMOFDEC />
    <SIGN />
    <CURRENCY />
    <DATETIME qualifier="ACTSTART" type="T" index="1">
    <YEAR />
    <MONTH />
    <DAY />
    <HOUR />
    <MINUTE />
    <SECOND />
    <TIMEZONE />
    <DATETIME qualifier="ACTEND" type="T" index="1">
    <YEAR />
    <MONTH />
    <DAY />
    <HOUR />
    <MINUTE />
    <SECOND />
    <TIMEZONE />
    <DATETIME qualifier="NEEDDELV" type="T" index="1">
    <YEAR />
    <MONTH />
    <DAY />
    <HOUR />
    <MINUTE />
    <SECOND />
    <TIMEZONE />
    <QUANTITY qualifier="ORDERED">
    <NUMOFDEC />
    <DATETIME qualifier="PROMSHIP">
    <DATETIME qualifier="APPROVAL">
    <OPERAMT qualifier="UNIT" type="T">
    <NUMOFDEC />
    <SIGN />
    <UOMVALUE />
    <UOM />
    <TAXCODE />
    <NAME index="1">Vision Operations</NAME>
    <TERMID />
    <USERAREA />
    <ADDRLINE index="1" />
    <ADDRLINE index="2" />
    <ADDRLINE index="3" />
    <ADDRTYPE />
    <CITY />
    <COUNTRY />
    <COUNTY />
    <FAX index="1" />
    <REGION />
    <TELEPHONE index="1" />
    <TELEPHONE index="2" />
    <TELEPHONE index="3" />
    <URL />
    <USERAREA />
    <NAME index="1" />
    <EMAIL />
    <FAX index="1" />
    <TELEPHONE index="1" />
    <NAME index="1" />
    <ONETIME />
    <PARTNRID />
    <USERAREA />
    <ADDRLINE index="1" />
    <ADDRLINE index="2" />
    <ADDRTYPE />
    <NAME index="1" />
    <EMAIL />
    <FAX index="1" />
    <TELEPHONE index="1" />
    <AMOUNT qualifier="TOTAL" type="T">
    <VALUE />
    <NUMOFDEC />
    <SIGN />
    <CURRENCY />
    Invoke_QUEUE (faulted)
    [2006/04/04 10:03:59] "{http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension}remoteFault" has been thrown. less
    <remoteFault xmlns="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension">
    <part name="code">
    <part name="summary">
    <summary>file:/d01/oraAS/integration/orabpel/domains/default/tmp/.bpel_XML2APPS_1.0.jar/CreatePO.wsdl [ Enqueue_ptt::Enqueue(ReceiveDocument) ] - WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'Enqueue' failed due to: Enqueue failed. Enqueue failed. ; nested exception is: ORABPEL-11947 Enqueue failed. Enqueue failed. Please examine the log file to determine the problem.</summary>
    <part name="detail">
    WS-T Complete
    WS-T Close
    WS-T Fault
    WS-T Cancel
    WS-T Compensate
    [2006/04/04 10:03:59] "BPELFault" has not been caught by a catch block.
    [2006/04/04 10:03:59] BPEL process instance "18" cancelled
    WS-T Complete
    WS-T Close
    WS-T Fault
    WS-T Cancel
    WS-T Compensate
    Does anyone know where I can get help on an error message ORABPEL-11947? I looked everywhere but no success.
    Can someone help me on this?
    Thanks in advance,

    You have to integrate apps with BPEL using apps adapter and then from BPEL pass the message to Oracle B2B 11g -
    Oracle B2B 11g <---> Oracle BPEL 11g <--- Oracle Apps Adapter --> Oracle Apps
    As BPEL and B2B both are part of SOA suite 11g hence there is no additional cost and performance remain better.
    Preffered mode of integration would be through XML gateway.
    I could see that 856 outbound EDI map is available from Oracle but not the XML gateway map. If i have to use XML gateway then how i can create the XML gateway map.You may raise your question in apps forum -
    If you don't get any help there, raise a case with support.
    Edited by: Anuj Dwivedi on Oct 12, 2010 11:58 AM

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    < program was terminated by signal 11>
    But the same program I can able to run from unix
    Can Anyone help me out

    Thanks a lot,
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    ( I actually tried stopping and then starting but the result was the same )
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    public void Start()
    #region Update UI
    this.switch1.Caption = "On";
    this.switch1.Value = true;
    public void Stop()
    #region Update UI
    this.switch1.Caption = "Off";
    this.switch1.Value = false;
    #region Methods

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    I am not sure how concurrent program works, but may be one of the way might work out, let me know if Java Concurrent Program works a bit different way
    - [if async] Through concurrent program, you can insert message token to db or aq, and BPEL can be instantiated from there
    - If it supports pure java call, then you can look at multiple documents (e.g. http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/ias/bpel/pdf/orabpel-Tutorial7-InvokingBPELProcesses.pdf) to invoke your process
    - You can also use oracle db utility to invoke soap operation and get the result back

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    And should I deploy my OHS servers on web cache servers in the web tier? In future we want to expand J2EE installation, we will deploy Portal with SSO, OID etc.
    Shen Jie

    Shen Jie,
    Please review the Enterprise Deployment to see what are the best architectures.
    Hope this helps.

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    Help need immediately.
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    [email protected]

    there is no native support for directly faxing a report. you could e.g. use a fax-software that has a printer-driver that supports this.
    the oracle reports team

  • How to generate as XML output from Oracle Apps 11

    Hi Anyone has the experience to generate the output from Oracle Apps 11 as XML file? Database is 8.1.7, Oracle Apps 11. The concurrent program can be written in PL/SQL or can report 2.5 generate the output as XML?
    The scenario is:
    1) Run a concurrent program in Oracle Apps 11
    2) Output generated is XML (.xml)

    This forum is for Oracle XML DB features. XML DB is only available as of database 9iR2.
    You may be better off in legacy XML Features forum...
    PL/SQL XML Programming

  • To generate XML output from Oracle Apps 11

    Hi Anyone has the experience to generate the output from Oracle Apps 11 as XML file? Database is 8.17, Oracle Apps 11. The concurrent program can be written in PL/SQL or can report 2.5 generate the output as XML?
    The scenario is:
    1) Run a concurrent program in Oracle Apps 11
    2) Output generated is XML (.xml)

    This forum is for Oracle XML DB features. XML DB is only available as of database 9iR2.
    You may be better off in legacy XML Features forum...
    PL/SQL XML Programming

  • CSD_RULE_MATCH_FAILED-calling service request api from oracle apps adapter

    We are doing integration between Siebel and Oracle Apps. When a service request is created on Siebel we are passing that in Oracle Apps using Oracle Apps adapter which is calling a custom API which is doing all the validations and in turn is calling a public api for service request creation. There are two types of service requests - Field Service and Depot Repair. For Field Service we are able to successfully insert the data on Oracle Apps, but for Depot Repair we are getting an error 'CSD CSD_RULE_MATCH_FAILED' from the standard API.
    We have checked the setup and found it is proper. We invoked the pl/sql API from sql developer and we are able to insert the data. So we are facing this issue only when calling the api from oracle apps adapter.
    In the invoke call we have set these properties -
    Based on our analysis till now it is looking like a security context setup issue, but we are not really sure what properties to set.
    Any help in getting this through will be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Vijay,
    We have created the apps adapter with default settings as 'apps' user and set the properties Responsibility, RespApplication, Username of <invoke>. Other than that no other settings has been changed.
    Are we missing anything?
    This adapter is able to hit the database in case of 'Field Service' but it is failing for 'Depot Repair'.
    Edited by: 927382 on Apr 13, 2012 2:19 AM

  • Arabic data shows Junk in Excel when exporting from oracle Apps Screen.

    I have an Oracle Apps 11i with Arabic language enabled.
    When i export some screens from Oracle Apps to Excel from my Desktop the Arabic letters dispalys as Junk in the Excel.
    Do i need to apply any patch?

    You do not need to apply any patches. What is you application/database characterset? What is the application release?
    Does this happen on the clients or on specific ones only?
    Please set Windows environment variables as follows:
    - Go to Control Panel > Regional Options
    - Standard and formats: Make sure it is set to "Arabic (<Country>)"
    - In the Advanced tab, choose "Arabic (<Country>)"
    - Check "Default user account settings"
    - Click Apply and retest the issue

  • Calling APEX form with dynamic parameters from Oracle Apps 11.5.8

    I have successfully managed to setup access to APEX forms from Oracle Apps 11.5.8 menus utilising Form Functions passing a number of hardcoded parameter values as outlined in the document, http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/database/application_express/pdf/Extend_Oracle_Applications_11i.pdf.
    I am now trying to ZOOM from an Oracle Form passing values of form items (dynamic parameters) to an APEX form. I have so far not been able to do this.
    I've also tried using;
    web.show_document('http://derep.obup.co.uk:4657/pls/apex/f?p=100:1::::::p1_cust_account_id:'||name_in('ast_cu_act.account_id')||':', '_TOP');
    but this prompts for a username/password again as this bypasses the APEX Launch process that is defined in my Form Function.
    Is this possible in the parameters section of Form Functions? or elsewhere.

    Hi Daan
    We do havea couple of customers doing this, they have taken two approaches:
    1. Install XMLP on a separate server entirely - kick off conc request to extract data and then use Java Messaging Service (JMS) to push the resulting XML to the external server where they are using AQ to set up jobs for the XMLP server to work through, generating and delivering the final documents.
    2. Set XMLP up as a virtual printer - here the conc request again generates XML but this time the result is directed to a virtual printer namely XMLP. There is a perl or similar wrapper that gets called as the printer and accepts the data, template, output format and delivery destination as parameters.
    Apologies for the 10,000 feet overview, hope it helps. Tim

  • Accessing Discoverer Reports from Oracle Apps

    Hi all,
    Requirement: Accessing Discoverer Reports from Oracle Apps
    Discoverer: 11g
    Oracle Apps: 12i
    When I am trying to access the Discoverer Reports from Oracle apps, again it is asking for Oracle Apps Login details. Can we have any other option that can directly connect to the viewer without any intermission. Please its urgent requirement.

    Hi Arun,
    When I am trying to access the Discoverer Reports from Oracle apps, again it is asking for Oracle Apps Login details. Can we have any other option that can directly connect to the viewer without any intermission. Please its urgent requirement.Pl refer section *6.4. Set Applications profile options in Oracle E-Business Suite* from MOS tech note
    *Using Discoverer 11.1.1 with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 [ID 1074326.1]* and make sure that all profile options are set to a valid value.
    X A H E E R

  • While running the report from oracle apps

    While running the report from oracle apps i am getting the below error.
    First time when i ran it it works fine in the second time it is giving the below error like
    MSG-00001: After SRWINIT
    MSG-01000: Label sets failed
    MSG-01000: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
    REP-1419: 'beforereport': PL/SQL program aborted
    Can anyone please give your kind advice on it.

    what is the application version ?
    is it seeded report ? or customized

  • Calling java code from oracle apps form

    I've created my own java .class file and am attempting to call it from an oracle applications form. I am getting a runtime error while running the form, but I don't know what the error is because nothing is being reported to me.
    I've created the .java file in JDeveloper, compiled it into a .class file, deployed it to a .jar file, and placed it on the application server in a directory that the CLASSPATH can see it. I've added it to the archive parameter of the appsweb.cfg file and see that the .jar file is being downloaded when the JInitiator of Oracle Apps is started.
    I have also imported the .class file into the form via the Program -> Import Java Classes which resulted in PL/SQL package stubs created to call the .class methods.
    When I run the form, the java code is activated on a triggering event, PRE-INSERT. There is no java bean item in a block or on a canvas anywhere. I dont' think I need there to be since I am simply using the java code to perform actions during PRE-INSERT, not to display anything on the canvas.
    I have placed debug messages throughout my code and see that the error is occuring in the PL/SQL packaged stub at the line "JNI.GET_CLASS()" where the parameter to that call is the name of my class. I know it's erroring there because I am handling the "java_error" exception. I am displaying "ora_java.last_error" in the exception handling, but it is null.
    I am at a loss as to determine why I am having problems and how to display an error. Any suggestions? I'm happy to outline my steps and problem in more detail if I have missed something obvious.
    We are using Forms with Oracle Apps 11.5.7.

    Don't loose the heart. You have come too close to end.
    The scenario you have mentioned is very unique and something which will fit more in the forms forum. So I think that was a sincere answer to help you and not a "pass the buck" card type game :)
    You are lucky that you got Tapash interested into this issue, otherwise you see there is no OAF component involved out here.
    I have an article promised to some of the guys but will follow this issue.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Source List for MRP Area

    Is there a possibility to maintain source list for MRP purposes at storage Location level? We receive requirements from a couple of our subsidaries and we were consolidating this to be a single requirement for our suppliers, however this has changed