FBL5N Review Open and Cleared Invoices per Customer

WHen one of our users goes into FBL5N to review open and cleared invoices he adds the WBS and the Profit Center. When the report runs it is blank. I looked at the invoice itself and the WBS and Profit center is on the invoice but I don't know why it doesn't show up on the report. Can anyone tell me why this happens? Do I need to make any kind of adjustment before running the report?

I looked at the VF03 and there is a WBS and Profit Center on the Invoice. If this report shows Open and Cleared invoices then it should bring what is on the invoice in the report but doesn't.
I had someone email me this response"
Hi linda,
For your info, The reason why profit center and WBS element blank in report FBL5N is, this report purposely used to display subledger account.When me made a posting, balance sheet account is not require
cost object.Only PNL account require cost object.
I would like to know what other report in SAP shows open and cleared invoices with the Profit Center and WBS?

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    Hi Friends..
    Can someone suggest how to download the open and cleared invoices in an excel format to users PC either in foreground or bakground based on customer account (KNA1-kunnr) and company code..
    your help is greatly appreciateld and rightly rewarded...
    Thanks again..

    hi Kranthi,
    here is the sample code for GUI_DOWNLOAD AND GUI_UPLOAD
    hope this might help you
                W_WSD_FILETYPE01 TYPE CHAR10.
          W_WSD_FILENAME01 = P_OUT1.
          W_WSD_FILETYPE01 = 'DAT'.
                 BIN_FILESIZE                    =
                   FILENAME                        = W_WSD_FILENAME01
                   FILETYPE                        = W_WSD_FILETYPE01
                 APPEND                          = ' '
                 WRITE_FIELD_SEPARATOR           = ' '
                 HEADER                          = '00'
                 TRUNC_TRAILING_BLANKS           = ' '
                 WRITE_LF                        = 'X'
                 COL_SELECT                      = ' '
                 COL_SELECT_MASK                 = ' '
                 DAT_MODE                        = ' '
                 CONFIRM_OVERWRITE               = ' '
                 NO_AUTH_CHECK                   = ' '
                 CODEPAGE                        = ' '
                 IGNORE_CERR                     = ABAP_TRUE
                 REPLACEMENT                     = '#'
                 WRITE_BOM                       = ' '
                 TRUNC_TRAILING_BLANKS_EOL       = 'X'
                 WK1_N_FORMAT                    = ' '
                 WK1_N_SIZE                      = ' '
                 WK1_T_FORMAT                    = ' '
                 WK1_T_SIZE                      = ' '
                 FILELENGTH                      =
                   DATA_TAB                        = ITAB_VBAK
                 FIELDNAMES                      =
                   FILE_WRITE_ERROR                = 1
                   NO_BATCH                        = 2
                   GUI_REFUSE_FILETRANSFER         = 3
                   INVALID_TYPE                    = 4
                   NO_AUTHORITY                    = 5
                   UNKNOWN_ERROR                   = 6
                   HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED              = 7
                   SEPARATOR_NOT_ALLOWED           = 8
                   FILESIZE_NOT_ALLOWED            = 9
                   HEADER_TOO_LONG                 = 10
                   DP_ERROR_CREATE                 = 11
                   DP_ERROR_SEND                   = 12
                   DP_ERROR_WRITE                  = 13
                   UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR                = 14
                   ACCESS_DENIED                   = 15
                   DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY                = 16
                   DISK_FULL                       = 17
                   DP_TIMEOUT                      = 18
                   FILE_NOT_FOUND                  = 19
                   DATAPROVIDER_EXCEPTION          = 20
                   CONTROL_FLUSH_ERROR             = 21
                   OTHERS                          = 22  .
               IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
                 WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
      W_WSU_FILETYPE02 = 'ASC'.
          FILENAME                      = W_WSU_FILENAME02
          FILETYPE                      = W_WSU_FILETYPE02
          DATA_TAB                      = ITAB_INFILE
          FILE_OPEN_ERROR               = 1
          FILE_READ_ERROR               = 2
          NO_BATCH                      = 3
          GUI_REFUSE_FILETRANSFER       = 4
          INVALID_TYPE                  = 5
          NO_AUTHORITY                  = 6
          UNKNOWN_ERROR                 = 7
          BAD_DATA_FORMAT               = 8
          HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED            = 9
          SEPARATOR_NOT_ALLOWED         = 10
          HEADER_TOO_LONG               = 11
          UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR              = 12
          ACCESS_DENIED                 = 13
          DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY              = 14
          DISK_FULL                     = 15
          DP_TIMEOUT                    = 16
          OTHERS                        = 17
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.

  • Custom purchase requsitionto vendor open and cleared payment report

    dear all i develop report but i cant ableto show in that open amount and cleared amount of vender in that report so please see this report and feedback me for logic to show open and clear amount of vendor purchase orderwise or vendorwise
    report zpo_purchase_history no standard page heading message-id 00.
    TABLES : bsik, bsak, lfa1, lfb1, skb1, t001, bapifvdexp_vzzbepp.
    types :begin of ty_po,
            banfn type eban-banfn,
            "Purchase Requisition Number
            bnfpo type eban-bnfpo,
            "Item Number of Purchase Requisition
            ekgrp type eban-ekgrp,                 "Purchasing Group
            badat type eban-badat,
            "Requisition (Request) Date
            menge type eban-menge,
             PSTYP type eban-PSTYP,
            "Purchase Requisition Quantity
            meins type eban-meins,
            "Purchase Requisition Unit of Measure
            lifnr type ekko-lifnr,                 "Vendor Account Number
            bedat type ekko-bedat,                 "Purchasing Document Date
            ebeln type ekpo-ebeln,
            "Purchasing Document Number
            ebelp type ekpo-ebelp,
            "Item Number of Purchasing Document
            matkl type ekpo-matkl,                 "Material Group
            mtart type ekpo-mtart,                 "Material Type
            matnr type ekpo-matnr,                 "Material Number
            txz01 type ekpo-txz01,                 "Short Text
            menge1 type ekpo-menge,                "Purchase Order Quantity
            meins1 type ekpo-meins,
            "Purchase Order Unit of Measure
            balqty type ekpo-menge,                "Balance Quantity
            netpr type ekpo-netpr,
            "Net Price in Purchasing Document
            peinh type ekpo-peinh,                 "Price Unit
            mblnr type mseg-mblnr,
            "Number of Material Document
            zeile type mseg-zeile,                 "Item in Material Document
            menge2 type mseg-menge,                "GR Quantity
            meins2 type mseg-meins,                "GR Unit of Measure
            werks type mseg-werks,                 "Plant
            charg type mseg-charg,                 "Batch
            belnr type rbkp-belnr,
            "Document Number of an Invoice Document
            bldat type ekbe-bldat,                 "Document Date in Document
            belnr_b type rbkp-belnr,
            SHKZG type ekbe-SHKZG ,                "Debit/Credit Indicator
            DMBTR type   bsik-dmbtr,                "Amount in Local Currency
            DMBTR_C type   bsAk-dmbtr,                "Amount in Local Currency
            thick(10) type c,                      "Thickness
            width(10) type c,                      "Width
            length(10) type c,                     "Length
            grade(10) type c,                        "Grade
            BELNR_d type bseg-belnr,
            xblnr type bkpf-xblnr,
            awkey  type bkpf-awkey,
            RMWWR type rbkp-RMWWR,
            WMWST1 type rbkp-WMWST1,
            end of ty_po.
    types :begin of ty_ekko,
            ebeln type ekko-ebeln,
            lifnr type ekko-lifnr,
            bedat type ekko-bedat,
            end of ty_ekko.
    types:begin of ty_ekpo,
            ebeln type ekpo-ebeln,
            ebelp type ekpo-ebelp,
            matnr type ekpo-matnr,
            txz01 type ekpo-txz01,
            menge type ekpo-menge,
            meins type ekpo-meins,
            netpr type ekpo-netpr,
            peinh type ekpo-peinh,
            banfn type ekpo-banfn,
            bnfpo type ekpo-bnfpo,
            mtart type ekpo-mtart,
            end of ty_ekpo.
    types :begin of ty_eban,
            banfn type eban-banfn,
            bnfpo type eban-bnfpo,
            matnr type eban-matnr,
            menge type eban-menge,
            meins type eban-meins,
            end of ty_eban.
    types : begin of ty_ekbe,
             ebeln type ekbe-ebeln,
             ebelp type ekbe-ebelp,
             belnr type ekbe-belnr,
             bldat type ekbe-bldat,
             gjahr type ekbe-gjahr,
             buzei type ekbe-buzei,
             matnr type ekbe-matnr,
             DMBTR type ekbe-dmbtr,
             shkzg type ekbe-shkzg,
             end of ty_ekbe.
    types : begin of ty_mseg,
             mblnr type mseg-mblnr,
             mjahr type mseg-mjahr,
             zeile type mseg-zeile,
             menge type mseg-menge,
             meins type mseg-meins,
             ebeln type mseg-ebeln,
             ebelp type mseg-ebelp,
             matnr type mseg-matnr,
             werks type mseg-werks,
             charg type mseg-charg,
             end of ty_mseg.
    types : begin of ty_rbkp,
             belnr type rbkp-belnr,
             gjahr type rbkp-gjahr,
             bldat type rbkp-bldat,
             lifnr type rbkp-lifnr,
             ZUONR type rbkp-ZUONR,
             RMWWR type rbkp-RMWWR,
             WMWST1 type rbkp-WMWST1,
             end of ty_rbkp.
    types : begin of ty_bseg,
             bukrs type bseg-bukrs,
             belnr type bseg-belnr,
             gjahr type bseg-gjahr,
             buzei type bseg-buzei,
             valut type bseg-valut,
             wrbtr type bseg-wrbtr ,
             augbl type bseg-augbl,
             matnr type bseg-matnr,
             lifnr type bseg-lifnr,
             ebeln type bseg-ebeln,
             end of ty_bseg.
    types : begin of ty_rseg,
             belnr type rseg-belnr,
             gjahr type rseg-gjahr,
             ebeln type rseg-ebeln,
             ebelp type rseg-ebelp,
             matnr type rseg-matnr,
             bukrs type rseg-bukrs,
             end of ty_rseg.
    types : begin of ty_bsik,
             belnr type bsik-belnr,
              buzei type bsik-buzei,
             DMBTR type bsik-DMBTR,
             budat type bsik-budat,
             shkzg type bsik-shkzg,
             ebeln type bsik-ebeln,
             lifnr type bsik-lifnr,
             end of ty_bsik.
    types : begin of ty_bsak,
             belnr type bsak-belnr,
       lifnr type bsak-lifnr,
        ebeln type bsak-ebeln,
             DMBTR_C type bsak-DMBTR,
    ZUONR type bsak-ZUONR,
             end of ty_bsak.
    types: begin of ty_bkpf,
             BELNR type bkpf-belnr,
             xblnr type bkpf-xblnr,
             awkey  type bkpf-awkey,
           end of ty_bkpf.
    data: it_po type standard table of ty_po,
           it_ekko type standard table of ty_ekko,
           it_ekpo type standard table of ty_ekpo,
           it_eban type standard table of ty_eban,
           it_ekbe type standard table of ty_ekbe,
           it_mseg type standard table of ty_mseg,
           it_rbkp type standard table of ty_rbkp,
           it_rseg type standard table of ty_rseg,
           it_bseg type standard table of ty_bseg,
           it_bsik type STANDARD TABLE OF ty_bsik with header line,
           it_bsak type STANDARD TABLE OF ty_bsak,
           it_bkpf type standard table of ty_bkpf,
           wa_po type ty_po,
           wa_ekko type ty_ekko,
           wa_ekpo type ty_ekpo,
           wa_eban type ty_eban,
           wa_mseg type ty_mseg,
           wa_rbkp type ty_rbkp,
           wa_rseg type ty_rseg,
           wa_bseg type ty_bseg,
           wa_ekbe type ty_ekbe,
           wa_bsik type ty_bsik,
           wa_bsak type ty_bsak,
           wa_bkpf type ty_bkpf.
    data: it_fcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
           it_lshead type slis_t_listheader,
           it_sort type slis_t_sortinfo_alv,
           wa_fcat type slis_fieldcat_alv,
           wa_lshead type slis_listheader,
           wa_layout type slis_layout_alv,
           wa_sort type slis_sortinfo_alv.
    data :it_cl_data like table of clobjdat,
           wa_cl_data like clobjdat.
    data: values(10) type n.
    data: value1(4) type N.
    data: c_matkl type ekpo-matkl,
           c_matnr type ekpo-matnr,
           c_ekgrp type eban-ekgrp,
           c_badat type eban-badat,
           c_index type sy-tabix,
           c_grmenge type mseg-erfmg,
           c_low(10) type c,
           c_high(10) type c,
           c_date type string,
           c_bukrs type ekko-bukrs,
           c_WERKS type eban-WERKS.
    data: gd_date(10).
    *********Selection screen variables*********
    selection-screen:begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
    select-options: s_bukrs for c_bukrs DEFAULT  'bmp1',
                     s_WERKS for c_WERKS,
                     s_matnr for c_matnr DEFAULT 'rm-01',
                     s_matkl for c_matkl ,
                     s_badat for c_badat ,"obligatory,
                     s_ekgrp for c_ekgrp.
    parameters: ch_bal as checkbox.
    selection-screen:end of block b1.
       perform getdata.
       perform setdata.
       perform fieldcat.
       perform display.
    *&      Form  GETDATA
    form getdata .
       select a~BANFN
              into corresponding fields of table it_po
              from eban as a inner join ekpo as b
              on a~banfn = b~banfn and
                 a~bnfpo = b~bnfpo AND
                 A~KNTTP = B~KNTTP and
                 a~PSTYP = b~PSTYP
              where  a~badat in s_badat and
                     a~ekgrp in s_ekgrp and
                     a~WERKS in s_WERKS and
                     b~matnr in s_matnr and
                     b~matkl in s_matkl and
                     b~bukrs in s_bukrs and
                     b~loekz <> 'L' and
                     a~loekz <> 'X'.
       if it_po[] is not initial.
         select ebeln
                from ekpo into table it_ekpo
                for all entries in it_po
                where ebeln = it_po-ebeln and
                      ebelp = it_po-ebelp and
                      loekz <> 'L'.
         select banfn
                from eban into table it_eban
                for all entries in it_po
                where banfn = it_po-banfn and
                      bnfpo = it_po-bnfpo and
                      loekz <> 'X'.
         if it_ekpo[] is not initial.
           select ebeln
                  from ekko into table it_ekko
                  for all entries in it_ekpo
                  where ebeln = it_ekpo-ebeln.
           select ebeln
                  from ekbe into table it_ekbe
                  for all entries in it_ekpo
                  where ebeln = it_ekpo-ebeln and
                        ebelp = it_ekpo-ebelp .
    *if it_ekbe-shkzg = 'H'.
    **ekbe-dmbtr = ekbe-dmbtr * -1.
    **ekbe-menge = ekbe-menge * -1.
    * select belnr
    *             gjahr
    *             ebeln
    *             ebelp
    *     from bseg into table it_bseg
    *             for all entries in it_ekpo
    *             where ebeln = it_ekpo-ebeln and
    *                   ebelp = it_ekpo-ebelp.
           select belnr
                  from rseg into table it_rseg
                  for all entries in it_ekpo
                  where ebeln = it_ekpo-ebeln and
                        ebelp = it_ekpo-ebelp.
         if it_ekbe[] is not initial.
           select mblnr
                  from mseg into table it_mseg
                  for all entries in it_ekbe
                  where mblnr = it_ekbe-belnr and
                        mjahr = it_ekbe-gjahr and
                        zeile = it_ekbe-buzei and
                        bwart = '101'.
         if it_rseg[] is not initial.
           select belnr
                  from rbkp into table it_rbkp
                  for all entries in it_rseg
                  where belnr = it_rseg-belnr.
    *if it_rseg[] is not initial.
    *      SELECT bukrs
    *              belnr
    *              gjahr
    *              buzei
    *              valut
    *              wrbtr
    *              augbl
    *              matnr
    *              lifnr
    *              ebeln
    *        INTO TABLE it_bseg
    *          FROM bseg
    *          FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_rseg
    *          WHERE bukrs = it_rseg-bukrs and ebeln = it_rseg-ebeln and mwskz = ''.
    *loop at it_BKPF into wa_BKPF.
    *  values = wa_rbkp-belnr.
    *  value1 = wa_rbkp-gjahr.
       data: aekey_1 type string .
    *CONCATENATE values value1 into aekey_1.
    *  if it_BSEG[] is not initial.
    *MESSAGE aekey_1 type 'I'.
           SELECT single belnr xblnr awkey into wa_bkpf
             from bkpf
             where awkey = aekey_1.
    SELECT SINGLe belnr
       FROM bsik
    *FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_bseg
        bukrs in s_bukrs and
        lifnr = wa_rbkp-lifnr
    *AND gjahr = it_bseg-gjahr
    * AND
        belnr = wa_bkpf-belnr.
    insert wa_bsik into table it_bsik.
    CLEAR wa_bsik.
    CLEAR it_bsik.
    * and ebeln = it_bseg-ebeln .
    *    select BELNR
    **           SHKZG
    **           DMBTR
    *           from bkpf into table it_bkpf
    *            for ALL ENTRIES IN it_rbkp
    *            where belnr = it_rbkp-belnr.
    *        ENDif.
    IF IT_bseg[] IS NOT INITIAL.
           select belnr
                  from bsik into table it_bsik
                  for all entries in it_bseg
                  where belnr = it_bseg-belnr.
           select belnr
                  from bsak into table it_bsak
                  for all entries in it_bseg
                  where belnr = it_bseg-belnr.
         message s002.
         leave list-processing.
    endform.                    " GETDATA
    *&      Form  SETDATA
    form setdata .
       clear wa_po.
       loop at it_po into wa_po.
         c_index = sy-tabix.
    ********Calculate PR Quantity**********
         clear wa_eban.
         read table it_eban into wa_eban
                    with key banfn = wa_po-banfn
                             bnfpo = wa_po-bnfpo.
         if sy-subrc eq 0.
           move:wa_eban-menge to wa_po-menge,
                wa_eban-meins to wa_po-meins.
    ********Calculate PO Quantity**********
         clear wa_ekpo.
         read table it_ekpo into wa_ekpo
                    with key banfn = wa_po-banfn
                             bnfpo = wa_po-bnfpo .
         if sy-subrc eq 0.
           move:wa_ekpo-txz01 to wa_po-txz01,
                wa_ekpo-netpr to wa_po-netpr,
                wa_ekpo-peinh to wa_po-peinh,
                wa_ekpo-mtart to wa_po-mtart,
                wa_ekpo-menge to wa_po-menge1,
                wa_ekpo-meins to wa_po-meins1.
    ********Calculate Balance Quantity******
         clear wa_mseg.
         loop at it_mseg into wa_mseg
                where ebeln = wa_po-ebeln and
                      ebelp = wa_po-ebelp.
           c_grmenge = c_grmenge + wa_mseg-menge.
         move:wa_mseg-mblnr to wa_po-mblnr,
              c_grmenge to wa_po-menge2,
              wa_mseg-meins to wa_po-meins2,
              wa_mseg-werks to wa_po-werks,
              wa_mseg-charg to wa_po-charg.
         wa_po-balqty = wa_eban-menge - c_grmenge.
         clear : wa_rseg,wa_rbkp.
         read table it_rseg into wa_rseg with key
                        ebeln = wa_mseg-ebeln
                        ebelp = wa_mseg-ebelp.
         read table it_rbkp into wa_rbkp
                    with key belnr = wa_rseg-belnr
                             gjahr = wa_rseg-gjahr.
         if sy-subrc eq 0.
           move : wa_rbkp-belnr to wa_po-belnr,
                  wa_rbkp-bldat to wa_po-bldat,
                  wa_rbkp-RMWWR to wa_po-RMWWR,
                  WA_RBKP-WMWST1 TO WA_PO-WMWST1.
           read table it_bseg into wa_bseg with key
                         ebeln = wa_rseg-ebeln
                         bukrs = wa_rseg-bukrs.
           if sy-subrc eq 0.
             move wa_bseg-belnr to wa_po-belnr_d.
    *    read table it_bkpf into wa_bkpf
    *    with key belnr = wa_ekbe-belnr.
    *    read table it_bseg into wa_bseg
    *    with key belnr = wa_bkpf-belnr.
    CLEAR wa_bsik.
    clear it_bsik.
         read table it_bsik into wa_bsik
         with key belnr = wa_bkpf-belnr.
    *    if wa_bsik-shkzg = 'H'.
    *     wa_bsik-DMBTR = wa_bsik-DMBTR * 1.
    *     endif.
           if sy-subrc eq 0.
             move : wa_bsik-belnr to wa_po-belnr,
                     wa_bsik-DMBTR to wa_po-DMBTR.
    *    clear wa_bsik.
    *    read table it_bsik into wa_bsik
    *               with key  belnr = wa_bseg-belnr.
    *    if sy-subrc eq 0.
    *        move : wa_bsik-DMBTR to wa_po-DMBTR.
    *    endif.
    *clear wa_bsak.
    *    read table it_bsak into wa_bsak
    *               with key  belnr = wa_bseg-belnr.
    *    if sy-subrc eq 0.
    *        move : wa_bsak-DMBTR_C to wa_po-DMBTR_C.
    *    endif.
    *clear : wa_rbkp.
    *loop at it_bsik into wa_bsik.
    *read table it_bsik into wa_bsik with key belnr = wa_rbkp-belnr.
    *if sy-subrc eq 0.
    *  move : wa_bsik-DMBTR to wa_po-DMBTR.
    *    endif.
    *********Assign Vendor,PO Date*********
         clear wa_ekko.
         read table it_ekko into wa_ekko
                    with key ebeln = wa_po-ebeln.
         if sy-subrc eq 0.
           move:wa_ekko-lifnr to wa_po-lifnr,
                wa_ekko-bedat to wa_po-bedat.
    *clear wa_ekko.
    *read table it_ekko into wa_ekko
    *with key lifnr = wa_po-lifnr.
    *if sy-subrc eq 0.
    *  move: wa_bsik-DMBTR to wa_po-DMBTR.
    *  endif.
    *    call function 'ZSD_BATCH_CLASSIFICATION_DATA'
    *      exporting
    **        ch_charg                   = wa_po-charg
    *        ch_matnr                   = wa_po-matnr
    *        ch_werks                   = wa_po-werks
    *      tables
    *        cl_data                    = it_cl_data
    **       I_SEL_CHARACTERISTIC       =
         loop at it_cl_data into wa_cl_data.
           if wa_cl_data-ausp1 ne '?'.
             if wa_cl_data-atnam eq 'THICKNESS'.
               move wa_cl_data-ausp1 to wa_po-thick.
             elseif wa_cl_data-atnam eq 'LENGTH'.
               move wa_cl_data-ausp1 to wa_po-length.
             elseif wa_cl_data-atnam eq 'WIDTH'.
               move wa_cl_data-ausp1 to wa_po-width.
             elseif wa_cl_data-atnam eq 'GRADE'.
               move wa_cl_data-ausp1 to wa_po-grade.
         modify it_po from wa_po index c_index.
         clear :c_grmenge,wa_po,wa_ekpo,wa_mseg,c_index.
    endform.                    " SETDATA
    *&      Form  FIELDCAT
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    form fieldcat .
       perform buildfields using '1' 'BANFN'  'IT_PO' 'PR Number' '' ''.
    *  perform buildfields using '2' 'BNFPO'  'IT_PO' 'PR Item Number' '' ''.
       perform  buildfields using '2' 'KNTTP' 'IT_PO' 'A/c Assignment Cat' '' ''.
       perform  buildfields using '2' 'PSTYP' 'IT_PO' 'Item Cat' '' ''.
       perform buildfields using '3' 'EKGRP'  'IT_PO' 'Purchase Group' '' ''.
       perform buildfields using '4' 'BADAT'  'IT_PO' 'Request Date' '' ''.
       perform buildfields using '5' 'MENGE'  'IT_PO' 'PR Quantity'  'X' ''.
       perform buildfields using '6' 'MEINS'  'IT_PO' 'PR Unit' '' ''.
       perform buildfields using '7' 'LIFNR'  'IT_PO' 'Vendor Number' '' ''.
       perform buildfields using '8' 'EBELN'  'IT_PO' 'Purchasing Doc No' '' ''  .
       perform buildfields using '9' 'BEDAT'  'IT_PO' 'PO Date' '' ''.
       perform buildfields using '10' 'MTART' 'IT_PO' 'Material Type' '' ''.
       perform buildfields using '11' 'MATKL' 'IT_PO' 'Material Group' '' ''.
       perform buildfields using '12' 'MATNR' 'IT_PO' 'Material Number' '' ''.
       perform buildfields using '13' 'TXZ01' 'IT_PO' 'Material Desc' '' ''.
       perform buildfields using '18' 'MENGE1' 'IT_PO' 'PO Quantity' 'X' ''.
       perform buildfields using '19' 'MEINS' 'IT_PO' 'PO Unit' '' ''.
       perform buildfields using '20' 'NETPR' 'IT_PO' 'Net Price' '' ''.
       perform buildfields using '21' 'PEINH' 'IT_PO' 'Price Unit' '' ''.
       perform buildfields using '22' 'MBLNR' 'IT_PO' 'GR Number' '' ''.
       perform buildfields using '23' 'MENGE2' 'IT_PO' 'GR Quantity' 'X' ''.
       perform buildfields using '24' 'MEINS2' 'IT_PO' 'GR Unit' '' ''.
       perform buildfields using '25' 'BELNR' 'IT_PO' 'Invoice doc. number' '' ''.
       perform buildfields using '26' 'BLDAT' 'IT_PO' 'Invoice Date' '' ''.
    *  perform buildfields using '26' 'BELNR_D' 'IT_POP' 'A/C Doc. No.' '' ''.
    *  perform buildfields using '26' 'AUGBL' 'IT_PO' 'Clearing Doc No.' '' ''.
       perform buildfields using '26' 'DMBTR' 'IT_PO' 'OPEN AMOUNT' '' ''.
      perform buildfields using '26' 'DMBTR' 'IT_PO' 'clear AMOUNT' '' ''.
    *  perform buildfields using '26' 'DMBTR_C' 'IT_PO' 'Clear balance' '' ''.
       if ch_bal = 'X'.
         perform buildfields using '27' 'BALQTY' 'IT_PO' 'Balance Quantity'
         'X' ''.
       perform buildfields using '26' 'WMWST1' 'IT_PO' 'TOTAL TAX ADDED' 'X' ''.
       perform buildfields using '26' 'RMWWR' 'IT_PO' 'TOTAL AMOUNT IN INVOICE' 'X' ''.
    endform.                    " FIELDCAT
    *&      Form  BUILDFIELDS
    *       text
    *      -->P_0449   text
    *      -->P_0450   text
    *      -->P_0451   text
    *      -->P_0452   text
    form buildfields  using    value(p_col_pos) like sy-cucol
                                value(p_fldname) type slis_fieldname
                                value(p_tabname) type slis_tabname
                                value(p_reptext) like dd03p-reptext
                                value(p_do_sum) type char1
                                value(hotspot) type char1.
       wa_fcat-col_pos = p_col_pos.
       wa_fcat-fieldname = p_fldname.
       wa_fcat-tabname = p_tabname.
       wa_fcat-reptext_ddic = p_reptext.
       wa_fcat-do_sum = p_do_sum.
       wa_fcat-hotspot = hotspot.
       append wa_fcat to it_fcat.
       clear wa_fcat.
    endform.                    " BUILDFIELDS
    *&      Form  DISPLAY
    form display .
       clear wa_layout.
       wa_layout-zebra = 'X'.
       wa_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
    * wa_layout-box_fieldname     = 'SEL'.
    * wa_layout-edit = 'X'.
       perform build_sort using 'BANFN' '1' 'X'.
       call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
    *   I_INTERFACE_CHECK                 = ' '
    *   I_BYPASSING_BUFFER                = ' '
    *   I_BUFFER_ACTIVE                   = ' '
          i_callback_program               = sy-cprog
    *   I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET          = ' '
          i_callback_top_of_page           = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'
    *   I_CALLBACK_HTML_TOP_OF_PAGE       = ' '
    *   I_CALLBACK_HTML_END_OF_LIST       = ' '
    *   I_STRUCTURE_NAME                  =
        i_background_id                   = 'ALV_BACKGROUND'
    *   I_GRID_TITLE                      =
    *   I_GRID_SETTINGS                   =
          is_layout                        = wa_layout
          it_fieldcat                      = it_fcat
    *   IT_EXCLUDING                      =
    *   IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS                 =
         it_sort                           = it_sort
    *   IT_FILTER                         =
    *   IS_SEL_HIDE                       =
    *   I_DEFAULT                         = 'X'
        I_SAVE                            = 'A'
    *   IS_VARIANT                        =
    *   IT_EVENTS                         =
    *   IT_EVENT_EXIT                     =
    *   IS_PRINT                          =
    *   IS_REPREP_ID                      =
    *   I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN             = 0
    *   I_SCREEN_START_LINE               = 0
    *   I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN               = 0
    *   I_SCREEN_END_LINE                 = 0
    *   I_HTML_HEIGHT_TOP                 = 0
    *   I_HTML_HEIGHT_END                 = 0
    *   IT_ALV_GRAPHICS                   =
    *   IT_HYPERLINK                      =
    *   IT_ADD_FIELDCAT                   =
    *   IT_EXCEPT_QINFO                   =
    *   E_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_CALLER           =
    *   ES_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_USER            =
           t_outtab                          = it_po[]
        program_error                     = 1
        others                            = 2
       if sy-subrc <> 0.
         message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                 with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    endform.                    " DISPLAY
    *&      Form  top_of_page
    *       text
    form top_of_page.                                           "#EC *
    **********Create report header*********
       refresh it_lshead.
       clear wa_lshead.
    **********To display date in header*********
    *  write: s_badat-low to c_low dd/mm/yyyy,s_badat-high to c_high
    *  dd/mm/yyyy.
    *  if s_badat-high is initial.
    *    concatenate 'Dated on' c_low into c_date separated by space.
    *  else.
    *    concatenate 'Dated between' c_low 'and' c_high into c_date separated
    *    by space.
    *  endif.
       wa_lshead-typ = 'H'.
       wa_lshead-info = 'PR To Payment History'.
    *  'Pending Indents History -

    We had a requirement to retrieve "aging of receiveables" by customer. Basically, it goes thru each record and depending on the due date places the amounts in the following buckets (example). 0-30 day Overdue, 31-60 days Overdue, 61-90 days overdue, 30+ days overdue, 60+ days overdue) etc all the way to 6+ years overdue.
    There are also cooresponding buckets for coming due analysis. For example, what is: 0-30 days coming due, 31-60 days coming due, 30+ days coming due, etc...
    To do this, first I needed to be able be able to produce an open items statement at any given time in the past. Now, this seems impossible because of how the items go from open to cleared all the time. And an item that was open one month ago, may not be open anymore.
    What I did was first remove any selections on item status. Then compare the posting date with teh key date in the past, if the posting date is less than or equal to the key date, keep the record.
    Then compare the clearing date with the key date. First, keep all that are #. (This keeps all records still open from that posting date/key date)
    Then, add another check for all items that were cleared after the key date (GT Key Date). This gives you the open items on that date.
    Hope that makes sense. Let me know if you want clarification.

  • Where we can link the vendor & Customer open and cleared iteams.

    Dear Experts,
               Vendor & Customer open line iteam and clear line iteams tables is BSIK, BSID, BSIAK,BSAD, But where we can link the open iteam and clear iteam, what is the link table of open iteam and cleared iteam. And where we can link the vendor & Customer open and cleared iteams.
    For example vendor & Customer linked table is KLPA.
    Same above the G/L open line iteam and clear line iteams tables is BSIS, BSAS,where we can link the open iteam and clear iteam, what is the link table of open iteam and cleared iteam.
    Thanks in Advance,.

    Sorry to say you but it is mandatory.
    Everybody is trying to help others and solve their problem. When you say i am not asking for that and looking for this, it looks a bit arrogant.
    Tables are
    BSID (open items) and BSAD (cleared items)
    Vendor - similarly
    BSAK and BSIK
    Let us know if you still need any help
    Edited by: nkonnipati on Jan 28, 2012 5:51 AM

  • Open and Cleared Items

    Hi all
    We are currently busy finalising our FI-CA BW Data Modeling exercise - and in process to complete Dataflow documentation.
    We will make use of the standard open and cleared item extractors with enhancements on different levels. Some background on the requirements:
    - We will have to extract document types, divisions, dates, clearing reasons, contract account, Business Partner etc.. information to meet the requirements.
    - We will have to keep history for at least 26 months to produce the required management reports (very high number of data), and 'partition' the cubes on date level for both Cleared and Open Items.
    - Most of the reports display 13 months worth of billing/ payment figures. I.e. the report for the end of October show billings vs. payments for October 2006, September, August, July, ... to October 2005.
    - The requirement is that the report figures will not change from one month to the next (i.e. if I run the report for end of October - all figures from October 2006 to Oct 2005 will remain the same when I run the report for end of November). I.e. if reversals, transfers, returns etc. occur - these will be picked up in later months.
    - For the above requirement, we are looking at extracting open (end of month) and cleared items (for the specific monthly interval) on a monthly basis, and appending the data in the cubes. We will then always base the June figure in the report on the June month extraction (LAUFD/ LAUFI fields) and we will pick up any movement in the next month/s - i.e. July.
    Has anyone had these types of requirements before - to report on billings vs. payments, and report on history as described above. We would appreciate it if you could share your report requirements, and also design documents, especially the DataFlow documentation that we can look at as input to our design.

    We had a requirement to retrieve "aging of receiveables" by customer. Basically, it goes thru each record and depending on the due date places the amounts in the following buckets (example). 0-30 day Overdue, 31-60 days Overdue, 61-90 days overdue, 30+ days overdue, 60+ days overdue) etc all the way to 6+ years overdue.
    There are also cooresponding buckets for coming due analysis. For example, what is: 0-30 days coming due, 31-60 days coming due, 30+ days coming due, etc...
    To do this, first I needed to be able be able to produce an open items statement at any given time in the past. Now, this seems impossible because of how the items go from open to cleared all the time. And an item that was open one month ago, may not be open anymore.
    What I did was first remove any selections on item status. Then compare the posting date with teh key date in the past, if the posting date is less than or equal to the key date, keep the record.
    Then compare the clearing date with the key date. First, keep all that are #. (This keeps all records still open from that posting date/key date)
    Then, add another check for all items that were cleared after the key date (GT Key Date). This gives you the open items on that date.
    Hope that makes sense. Let me know if you want clarification.

  • Open and closed invoices

    hi experts,
    I have to capture the parked, open and closed invoices in a report in reference to vendor...
    I got the parked invoice condition from the table BSTAT either v or w.
    But i am not getting the idea how to capture the open and closed invoices...
    Some one suggested me to use the ITEMSET structure but i donno how to capture those values can anyone suggest me how to do it...?

    you can use the same query...Also check the new code after the select..
    AND BSTAT IN ( ' ' , 'A' ) " ' ' - Normal document, A - Parked doc
    AND CPUDT IN SO_CPUDT " Selection screen input.
    AND EBELN IN SO_EBELN " selection-screen input
      IF T_BKPF-BSTAT = 'A'.
        WRITE: / T_BKPF-BELNR , ' - Parked'.
    process the next record.
    Check for Open / Closed.
                                   AND      BUKRS = T_BKPF-BUKRS
                                   AND      GJAHR = T_BKPF-GJAHR
                                   AND      AUGBL <> ' '.
    If the return code is 0 then the document is cleared..
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        WRITE: / T_BKPF-BELNR , ' - Closed'.
    Else the document is not cleared.
        WRITE: / T_BKPF-BELNR , ' - Open'.

  • Differentiating between open and closed invoices

    Hi all
           I am using a database view of tables VBRK and VRKPA  for fetching invoice list based on the customer number. Can I use  'VBRK-RFBSK = C' to differentiate between closed  and open invoices?  If not is there any other field i can use from this particular view for the same.

    Hi Asim,
    Yes, you are absolutely right. This field give you the exact result like which billing dcoument is open and which is closed.

  • Open and cleared items FBL3n

    Hi Guys,
    I have a query.
    In FBL3n for G/L line item display , we select open items or cleared items on a particular date.
    What is the meaning of this? open in what sense? cleared in what sense?

    You can set up accounts with open item management if offsetting entries are to be assigned to the postings made to these accounts. Postings to these accounts represent incomplete transactions.
    A goods receipt/invoice receipt (GR/IR) clearing account should be managed on an open item basis so that you can check at any time whether invoices have been received for the goods received for an order.
    Items posted to accounts managed on an open item basis are marked as open or cleared. The balance of these accounts is always equal to the balance of the open items.
    You can say that open items means vendor or customers needs to be paid.

  • Posting Cash Payments and Clearing Invoices

    Hi everybody,
    Can anybody suggest a transaction to post payments (money) and clear FI invoices.
    I am looking for a transaction where the user can pull an invoice by doing a search by invoice number, or by PO number, and to post a payment against the invoice, do clear it down.
    I tried the transaction F-28 and, apparently, I can´t search the invoice by the PO number.
    Appreciate your help!
    Thank you very much!
    Kind regards

    If I understand correctly you are trying to make payment for vendor invoice. Whereas, the transaction code F-28 relating to Customers.
    You have two option in SAP to post invoice
    1. MIRO - If you have Purchase Order details and your MM module is in place, then you can post. However, before posting MIRO, you should have Purchase Order in place ME21N and goods receipt must have been made in MIGO.
    2. If it is pure FI Invoice, then you can post the invoice through F-43 or FB60
    Now for any of the invoices 1 or 2, you would like to make the payment,
    You can make the payment by using
    F-53 - Creates Payment Document (To assign check manually use FCH5, to assign automatically use FBZ5)
    F-58 - Creates the Payment document as well as assign the check automatically.
    F110 - For Automatic Payment Program
    If you want to void the check, then FCH9
    If you want to void the check as well reverse payment document FCH8
    If you have not assigned any check so far, but would like to reverse the payment document, then use FBRA.
    Once you have reversed the payment, if you still wanted reverse invoice document, then use FB08.
    If you want to see the check register, use FCHN.
    To update the check number on assignment or reference field, you can use FCHU.
    May be some of transaction codes are irrelevant for you, but just for your future reference, I have provided additional information.
    Please let me know if you need any further information.

  • Issues during posting and Clearing together in custom code SAP FICA

    Hello Experts,
    We have a custom functionality for credit card refunds. For account update during refunds a new debit document is created and force cleared with the credit card payment posted earlier on customer account. Logic for posting the debit document and clearing it with an already existing payment is in the same RFC Function module. Once the document is posted code issues COMMIT work and then goes for clearing.
    We are facing intermittent failures during this process. Clearing fails to happen on some accounts.
    Can this be because we are trying to do two types of database update on same document( i.e., creation and then clearing)?
    Kindly advice.

    Hi Josep,
    Same situation was faced by me in custom RFC FM,
    so as a solution i put a wait of 2 second after debit document was posted and then credit card payment was executed after wait, moreover one more thing to be taken care is that while posting the debit document system apply some locking entry so if possible clear the lock entry and then start credit card payment.
    Hope it helps.

  • A/R balance and outstanding checks per customer

    Hi Experts,
    Is there a way to query to get the information as to the A/R balance and the Outstanding checks of a customer? Columns would be document number, document date, Customer Name, A/R balance, Outstanding checks and Total. Parameters will be date start/end, Customer code from/end.
    Many thanks!

    Dear Mr Elicor,
    I am working on the query. At the best of my knowleadge the tables involved are the OINV, OCHH and ORCT.
    There are other tables that can be involved (e.g. RCT1), but I think that with the 3 tables above we can get all the data.
    select t0.docnum, t0.docdate, t0.cardcode, t0.doctotal, t1.checksum, t2.deposited, t2.checknum
    from oinv t0 inner join orct t1 on t0.docnum = t1.docnum
    join ochh t2 on t1.docentry = t2.rcptnum
    where t1.checksum <> 0 and t2.deposited <> 'c'
    The t2.deposited tells us if the check has been paied, so there is no open payment for it.
    Please, let me know if this query helps you.
    Marcella Rivi
    SAP Business One Forums Team

  • AR open and cleared items

    to get a handle on forecasting trade receivables we need to compare what the forecast says and what the company actually receives from our customers.
    To check the real receivables we intended to use FBL5N with followin selection criterias:
    Company code
    all items - posting date
    Reconciliation acct
    Posting key
    If we run with these criterias in the backgroud the run time is 20000 sec, what is not optimal.
    Please, is there any other report available or would you know how to improve the runtime?
    Thank you very much in advance
    Kind regards

    if, it's only a forecast you can use the balanaces of AR . report RFDSLD00
    or tcode FD10N or anlyse the CounterParty Account Number in GL

  • Creating collective invoice per customer - to be generated periodically (Every other week)

    Dear all,
    I am looking to generate a collective invoice every 14 days, for for all invoices(F2) generated by the specific customer within that time frame. This should be generated through a background job.
    Could anyone advice me on how to set this up? Answers are greatly appreciated!

    Shedule the job every 14 days once with a variant. Generally same payer only it will pickup for collective invoicing so you need not to worry as same customer.
    Thanks & Regards

  • Wanted: Simple, Straightforward Logging of File Opens and File Closes Per This Specification -- Is Windows Capable of This?

    What is needed is for Windows to log every attempt to open any file on the system.  The log shall contain a timestamp, name of file, the type of access required
    (read only, write only, read and write, exclusive use, non-exclusive use), and name of the process or service that wants the file open.  Also there must be a record of how the operating system disposed of the request.  If the open is successful,
    say so. If not, say so, and why.  We had this info on the mainframe in 1972.  It would be useful to log file close events, as well.  The close event will disclose what the program did to the file.  For example, did the program write into
    the file?  Did the program read from file?  Did the program truncate the file and write?  Did the program extend the file?  Did the program change the name of the file?   Did the program change any file attributes and, if so,
    which ones?  A file can have multiple streams.  Disclose which streams were affected.
    There is a Security Auditing feature in Windows that doesn't meet this specification.  So that is not the answer.   What is the answer? 

    I have downloaded Process Monitor and tried it on my lab computer. It certainly is comprehensive in its output. I'm going to try it on the production machines in hope of catching clues as to who does what to whom in the file system that is causing
    3rd party software to reboot the computer. The author of the troublesome program claims he must reboot the computer at the drop of a hat. For example, some file he must open right now is "locked" by some other program, not his program mind you, some
    other program. Okay. So what else is running on the production system that may be doing this? Prove that some other program is doing this.  The fact that we must log all file system activity up to the moment of reboot poses a special issue.  
    Will the Process Monitor log lose any file system events because it cannot properly close the log as the system is being rebooted?  It is interesting the Federal Government is fine with Microsoft delivering an operating system that has no comprehensive
    file access logging capability.  Process Monitor may do it.  But one cannot run that behemoth 24/7/365.  (I hear you saying "Oh.  But we have Security Audits."  A CISSP may be impressed with that one.)

  • Doubt about report FBL5N of screen field:Open items and Cleared items

    i know the report FBL5N is use DDF LDB and the report work flow is BSID->BKFP->BSEG
    but i don't know to differentiate Open Items and Cleared items in this report.
    Open items and Cleared items stand for a field flag in these table (BSID,BKFP,BSEG )? if true the field is?
    or they must be calc in program ? if true what about calc rules?
    waiting for help! thank you!

    Here is the difference in Open Items and Cleared Items.
    In FI first the document is Open (when it is posted) so the entry is made in table BSID. Once the document is cleared, it will move from BSID to BSAD. And for Cleared item you will see Clearing Document no and Clearing date values updated (these are blank when the item is open).
    The only difference in Open and Cleared is via Clearing Document and Clearing Date. If the values are present, it means document is cleared.
    Hope this helps.
    Message was edited by:
            Ashish Gundawar

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