FCE and iDVD iLife '08

I know this is an FC forum, but a lot of people here (myself included) eventually use iDVD, so before I go from iDVD 5 to the iLife '08 version, I just wanted to double-check if there were any ridiculous issues that would have been nice to know about before the upgrade. I realize this upgrade may be a tad overdue, but some hasty upgrades in the past had led to stuff not working, and I don't need that. Thankee!

hey there David,
you may have some issues if your version of FCE is 3.0 or earlier, but that's about QuickTime. i've had iLife 08 since it's release, done all the updates & had no issues. iDVD 08 has some differences from your version, but if you're familiar w/ any version past 04 & check out the online tutorials you should be fine. if not come on back.
good luck.

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    The Canon HV30 camcorder outputs HDV in 1080/60i, 1080/24p, 1080/30F, 1080/24F, 1080/30p. Which of these would yield the best results from a workflow and image quality point of view through FCE and iDVD for creating a DVD to be used on an HDTV fed by a progressive-scan DVD player?
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    Also interested if iMovie 9 is the same in these areas as FCE (which I already have).
    Thanks in advance!

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    I am considering buying FCE, as iMovie is driving me nuts with its limitations. What I am mainly interested in is converting old VHS tapes to DVD.
    I have a few questions for the FCE gurus:
    1. If I import into iMovie 08 and do a rough edit, then move the project to FCE, is there any downside to this?
    2. Is the audio editing in FCE pretty good, and is it possible to export audio at some point to Logic? (I'm an audio guy mainly, so audio cleanup will be a sticking point for me)
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    Thanks in advance for any and all help.

    1. If I import into iMovie 08 and do a rough edit, then move the project to FCE, is there any downside to this?
    You can do it and sometimes it arrives intact but don't count on it.
    The downside is that audio will have to be rendered as iMovie works in a multiplexed format.
    I'd suggest capturing and editing in FCE every time if there is an option.
    2. Is the audio editing in FCE pretty good, and is it possible to export audio at some point to Logic? (I'm an audio guy mainly, so audio cleanup will be a sticking point for me
    FCE has a few filters. Use the Open in Editor feature.
    3. Lastly, once the editing is done, I want to export to iDVD and make some menus and such. If I want to make a few custom video loops for menu screens, what is the best way to do that? Start a new project, edit clips together, and export it as a new movie?
    You don't need to create a new Project just make a new short Sequence in the existing Project. You can have more than one Sequence.
    You can also mark in/out points in the Timeline and only the selected section will export.

  • FCE4 and iDVD Anamorphic Ken Burns

    I created a 60min movie in iMovie8 using three media: 1) NTSC Anamorphic DV from a Panasonic PV-GS80, 2) JPEG 2816x2112 stills from a Panasonic DMC-FX3, and 3) 848x480 motion JPEG video from the DMC-FX3. An iMovie 8 project in 16:9 aspect was burned to DVD by iDVD and viewed on a 16:9 LCD TV with no problems encountered and pretty decent quality.
    However, frustrated by the lack of basic features in iMovie, I purchased FCE4 after speaking with an Apple rep at Best Buy who assured me that it could import iMovie8 projects. Although I was carrying a disc with my iMovie project, I wasn't allowed to verify this in the store. Unfortunately, Apple's claim that iMovie8 projects can be imported into FCE4 is grossly misleading at best. They say "With iMovie ’08, putting together a great movie is as quick as drag and drop. When you want to add professional polish to your project, simply export to Final Cut Express 4 and edit like a pro." In fact, contrary to the FCE4 manual, iMovie8 projects cannot simply be opened: Incompatible files. Apple tech support told me iMovie8 projects must first be exported as XML.
    The truth is that iMovie8 projects must be tediously recreated for FCE4 because it can't use MP3 audio files (must recapture from CD's), it doesn't recognize transitions (must recreate Ken Burns effects from scratch), and DV NTSC video clips are captured by iMovie8 at a mysteriously bloated 6.4 MBps rate rather than the 3.6MBps they should be (must recapture all DV). Apple must retract its claims or fix its products to enable upwards migration.
    Nevertheless, having recreated 10 minutes worth of movie in ten days of experimentation and reading most of FCE's 1152-page manual, I have yet to produce acceptable output from FCE. Besides the frustrating discrepancies between the manual and actual FCE4 operation, my biggest problems have been to maintain the 16:9 aspect in iDVD, and to render still images (with modest Ken Burns motion) with any semblance of quality in the final output.
    The FCE4 project settings are DV-NTSC Anamorphic 48KHz. Anamorphic video from the PV-GS80 is captured at 720x480pix, 29.97fps, DV/DVCPRO NTSC, 3.6MBps, 16-bit audio, NTSC pixels, Ana=Yes, Field=Lower (even). Stills are imported at 2816x2112pix, 29.97fps, Photo-JPEG, Square pix, Ana=No, Field=None. Motion JPEG is captured at 848x480pix, 30fps, Photo-JPEG, 1.6MBps, 8KHz x 8-bit audio, Square pix, Field=None.
    All these media appear correctly in 16:9 aspect within FCE4. However, unlike iMovie8, when FCE4 exports as QTMovie, the movie is not recognized as anamorphic by iDVD, so it is burned in a horizontally compressed 4:3 aspect. Why are there no options or controls when exporting as QTMovie, which seems to be the only way to avoid unnecessary processing and image degradation?
    Experimenting with FCE4's Export Using Quicktime Conversion, I was able to export the movie at 848x480, but at a huge cost in time for unnecessary transcoding and the resultant degradation in image quality.
    Experimenting with the Anamorphicizer third-party software that this BBS recommends to solve the incompatibility between FCE and iDVD, I found that the anamorphic aspect is recognized properly by iDVD, but still images are now unacceptably stretched horizontally. This seems like a poor solution to a simple problem of incompatibility within Apple's own products.
    Most recently I stumbled upon the observation that if a FCE4 sequence begins with a few frames of anamorphic DV from the Panasonic PV-GS80, this sequence can be exported as a QTMovie which iDVD will recognize as anamorphic, resulting in a DVD with the correct aspect. This doesn't always work, e.g. if the audio is removed from those few frames, or if their opacity is set to 0% to hide them. It reminds me of the Auto Conform feature in FCE4, but my Preference/Edit/AutoConform=Ask, and FCE4 has never asked. Furthermore, this works even if AutoConform=Never. Unfortunately, I don't want to start my movie with a DV clip but with a still, and this results in a 4:3 movie in iDVD. Furthermore, this "fix" doesn't seem to stick: after editing, the sequence can revert to 4:3 in iDVD for unknown reasons. I can find no mention of this behavior in the docs, and FCE4 shows no differences in properties between these sequences, so I don't know why it happens. Nevertheless, it seems preferable to Anamorphicizer, because still images are not stretched. Can anyone tell me why this happens so that I can control it predictably?
    My biggest remaining issue is that FCE4 renders still images with Ken Burns slow pans and zooms unacceptably poorly. First, some images but not others seem to have gross interlace distortion throughout the clip, as if the JPEG were interlaced. It seems like this problem develops after editing even for stills that once looked OK. Adding the Deinterlace filter merely softens the distorted images. Oddly enough, adding the Deinterlace filter or the Shift Fields filter and then deselecting it seems to fix the problem. I've tried changing the Field Dominance setting on stills from None, but no help. Since the original JPEG is progressive, this seems like an FCE bug. How can I avoid this distortion in the first place?
    Finally there is the issue that Ken Burns style pans and zooms create unacceptable aliasing and shimmering in the output, even if the motion is minimal. Easing zooms by changing Scale fast at first then slowing down doesn't help. Easing pans by changing in several steps (because the Center parameter can't have Bezier controls) makes the aliasing even more noticeable by changing the rate of shimmering in discrete steps. When still images contain significant detail and linear edges, there seems to be no level of Ken Burns motion that will result in a reasonable image on DVD. Why are these artifacts so much worse than with iMovie?
    As a newcomer to FCE4, I am very disappointed in Apple's failure to ensure a reasonable migration path from iMovie. Perhaps they have forgotten how the basic "bait and switch" strategy is supposed to work! I hope someone here can help more than two hours of hold time with Apple Tech Support helped me. I would be interested in any recommendations for other vendors' products that produce better results with less aggravation. If not, I am about ready to get my money back for FCE4!

    "This will explain what you can do about this..."
    I shouldn't be required to purchase QTPro just to fix the anamorphic bit in the movies exported by FCE, especially when iMovie8 sets the bit properly. Seems like an obvious FCE bug to me. Tom, any thoughts on why a segment with an anamorphic clip first is handled properly?
    "Where are you seeing the image degradation? Are you looking at the output on a video monitor?"
    I'm editing using a 21" ViewSonic LCD monitor, but then I burn DVD's to view on an LCD HDTV. The artifacts are apparent on both displays.
    " Changing anamorphic values after the material has been edited into the sequence will result in image stretching."
    I assume you mean setting the Anamorphic bit on my JPEG stills: I haven't done that. I'm saying that after using Anamorphicizer, some still images were definitely stretched horizontally. I created these by simply dragging a folder of JPEG images to the FCE browser. Other than setting the still duration default, I don't know what else I should do.
    "If you add motion to the images interlacing will be introduced. "
    I understand, but it is much worse on some images than others, so I'm trying to understand how I can minimize the ugliness of aliasing and shimmering. On some still images, FCE seems to me to have started with two mismatched frames, so that very exaggerated aliasing appears consistently throughout the clip, seemingly independent of the motion. I suspect data corruption in FCE, and I remember a warning in the manual about corruption being caused by copying sequences too many times, but can't find it now. Could this be my problem?
    I've also found that even though FCE claims to be a reference editor, not touching the original files, there is a problem with handling portrait versus landscape JPEGS. After importing JPEGs, sometimes the FCE image matches the file in the Finder, and sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't, I have found that if I rotate the Finder file, Save it, then Rotate it back and Save again, FCE will finally get its version rotated correctly. This never works by only changing the source file one time: I must do it twice.
    "If you're uncomfortable or unhappy with the application you might be better off using another one."
    I am mostly disappointed that FCE seems to be so out of sync with other Apple apps, and perhaps buggier than many. My guess is that iMovie and FCE are on a collision course instead of a rational product relationship. I would be happy for any recommendations, because I feel that the time I've invested in learning to use this seemingly overly embellished software may not have been well spent. On the other hand, if someone can correct my misunderstandings, I will be very grateful.

  • IPhoto and iDVD won't open after I reinstalled iLife '08

    I was unhappy with iMovie '08, so I tried to load an older version from my iLife '05. However, it copied over all of my iLife '08 apps. I was hoping it would give me the option of just installing the iMovie app. Everything opened except for iPhoto and iDVD. I then reinstalled iLife '08, to try and fix the problem, from the bundled software that came with the computer. But still, iPhoto and iDVD don't open. Here's what iPhoto report says...
    Process: iPhoto [3437]
    Path: /Applications/iPhoto.app/Contents/MacOS/iPhoto
    Identifier: com.apple.iPhoto
    Version: ??? (???)
    Build Info: iPhotoProject-3540000~2
    Code Type: X86 (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [68]
    Date/Time: 2008-02-01 07:26:47.404 +0200
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.1 (9B18)
    Report Version: 6
    Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread: 0
    Dyld Error Message:
    Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/UpgradeChecker.framework/Versions/A/UpgradeCheck er
    Referenced from: /Applications/iPhoto.app/Contents/MacOS/iPhoto
    Reason: image not found
    And here's what iDVD says:
    Process: iDVD [3453]
    Path: /Applications/iDVD.app/Contents/MacOS/iDVD
    Identifier: com.apple.iDVD
    Version: ??? (???)
    Build Info: iDVD-10910000~6
    Code Type: X86 (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [68]
    Date/Time: 2008-02-01 07:45:53.433 +0200
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.1 (9B18)
    Report Version: 6
    Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread: 0
    Dyld Error Message:
    Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/Oxygene.framework/Versions/A/Oxygene
    Referenced from: /Applications/iDVD.app/Contents/MacOS/iDVD
    Reason: image not found
    Can anyone help?

    delete all of your iLife applications and your iLife receipts - do not do anything with your iPhoto library
    Install iLife '08 and go to the Apple downloads page and download iPhoto 06 (a free download for iLife '08 owners) and install it and you will have the best of both worlds iLife '08 and iMovie 06

  • Updated to iLife '08 and now iMovie and iDVD won't Start

    I received a copy of iLife '08 for Christmas and finally got around to upgrading today. The new iPhoto works just fine but when I try to start iMovie, it crashes (I have included part of the Problem Report below). I have tried restarting and it doesn't help. Then I tried to start iDVD and it flashes the "Welcome" / "Open" screen and then quits before I can do anything -- no error report. Any ideas on how to:
    1) Fix both programs so they will launch -OR-
    2) Restore the old versions of iMovie and iDVD
    Process: iMovie [345]
    Path: /Applications/iMovie.app/Contents/MacOS/iMovie
    Identifier: com.apple.iMovie7
    Version: 7.0 (471)
    Build Info: iMovieApp-4710000~2
    Code Type: X86 (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [104]
    Date/Time: 2008-01-02 15:53:31.019 -0500
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.1 (9B18)
    Report Version: 6
    Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread: 0
    Application Specific Information:
    * Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Creating more than one Application'

    Run Software Update (under the Apple menu) and update that software.

  • I am using a new imac with osx lion 10.7.5 and have bought a copy of Apple iLife 11 on dvd a so that I can install iWeb and idvd, when I click on install iLife I get a message saying "iLife.kpg was signed with an invalid certificate

    I am using a new imac with osx lion 10.7.5 and have just bought Apple iLife 11 on dvd so that I can install iWeb and iDVD, as macs no longer ship with these apps. When I click on install iLife I get a message saying "iLife.kpg was signed with an invalid certificate.
    Next problem is that when moving through the installer and get to custom install, as I only want to install iDVD and iWeb, I am presented with the option to install iDVD, Sounds & Jingles and iWeb, but not sure what is going on with the other 3 options iLife Support etc, they seem to be greyed out but still look like they may install over the top of the newer versions already on my imac. Is it ok for me to just go ahead and hit install? Or do I have a problem?

    Yep, just install iDVD (plus sounds and jingles) and iWeb if you want it (but note that iWeb apparently won't work if you upgrade to Mountain Lion).
    Then use Software Update to get any late iDVD updates.

  • Why was i told i would have iLife 11' and iDVD and i don't?

    Hi Apple People
    I just bought the new MacBook pro about a week ago and when i asked at the sales desk if it will come with all the software e.g iDVD, iLife 11', iWeb
    they told me that yes it would,
    well i have have searched through my macbook for a long time now and its not on here.
    Why is this? they shouldnt say the programs are on here if there not.
    Any advice on how to go about dealing with apple and getting them for free because i dont think i should have o pay for something they already told me i was getting for free!
    Someone help me on how to go about this situation please

    Make a couple of phone calls.
    iDVD is a “Must Have".   (Yes, it should be included.)
    iDVD is tested with Lion and works great.
    Call Apple they will sent out iDVD at no charge.
    Most people report that by asking here:   http://www.apple.com/feedback/idvd.html
    or here:   http://www.apple.com/contact/
    they got a free copy of iDVD.
    If that doesn't work you can purchase iLife 11 on disk (don't get the download) for about $39.

  • Codec problems iMovie HD and iDVD

    I bought and installed iLife 06 and installed it. But it seems my computer has more problems creating movies in iMovie than ever. When I create a quicktime movie in 4:3 ratio and import it into iDVD, the ratio gets tossed right out the window and a majority of my movie is cropped off by the TV safe area. This is frustrating!

    I don't think the TV-safe area changed with iDVD versions. But if this is a major
    problem You should/could take a look at FinalCut Express. (Fairly cheep and good value)
    Here You can select WireFrame and change size of Your video (shrinking it slightly)
    so that it displays as You like it on Your TV.
    Bear in mind though that no CTR-TV displays Your movie exactly the same.
    I like FCE cause of this and that one can slihtly adjust a leaning horizon,
    blue/green screen included, color-correcting that works as it should and
    so much more that's just included - no need to buy plug-ins for a long while.
    Yours Bengt W

  • How do I access iWeb and iDVD on my new Macbook Air?

    I just bought a new MacBook Air and read that I can load iPhoto 11, iMovie 11, and GarageBand from the app store, which I did. I don't see iWeb or iDVD anywhere, on the MacBook or in the app store.
    I guess iWeb and iDVD are part of the iLife 11 package, which does not come with the MacBook Air (thought it did), but I wanted to check in case I am overlooking something.

    If you have another Mac that you can connect to your Air with a local area network or int the Target Disk Mode,  Transferring files between two computers using FireWire, you would be able to run the iLife 11 installer disk on the other Mac and select the Air as the location for the installation.

  • Can someone please tell me a simple but effective method for burning a slideshow to DVD? Now that the connection between iPhoto and iDVD no longer exists, I can't figure out a way to get there with an acceptable quality result.

    Can someone please tell me a simple but effective method for burning a slideshow to DVD? Now that the connection between iPhoto and iDVD no longer exists, I can't figure out a way to get there with an acceptable quality result.

    Export the slideshow out of iPhoto as a QT movie file via the Export button in the lower toolbar.  Select Size = Medium or Large.
    Open iDVD, select a theme and drag the exported QT movie file into the open iDVD window being careful to avoid any drop zones.
    Follow this workflow to help assure the best qualty video DVD:
    Once you have the project as you want it save it as a disk image via the File ➙ Save as Disk Image  menu option. This will separate the encoding process from the burn process. 
    To check the encoding mount the disk image, launch DVD Player and play it.  If it plays OK with DVD Player the encoding is good.
    Then burn to disk with Disk Utility or Toast at the slowest speed available (2x-4x) to assure the best burn quality.  Always use top quality media:  Verbatim, Maxell or Taiyo Yuden DVD-R are the most recommended in these forums.
    If iDVD was not preinstalled on your Mac you'll have to obtain it by purchasing a copy of the iLife 09 disk from a 3rd party retailier like Amazon.com: ilife 09: Software or eBay.com.  Why, because iDVD (and iWeb) was discontinued by Apple over a year ago. 
    Why iLife 09 instead of 11?
    If you have to purchase an iLife disc in order to obtain the iDVD application remember that the iLife 11 disc only provides  themes from iDVD 5-7.  The Software Update no longer installs the earlier themes when starting from the iLIfe 11 disk nor do any of the iDVD 7 updaters available from the Apple Downloads website contain them. 
    Currently the only sure fire way to get all themes is to start with the iLife 09 disc:
    This shows the iDVD contents in the iLife 09 disc via Pacifist:
    You then can upgrade from iDVD 7.0.3 to iDVD 7.1.2 via the updaters at the Apple Downloads webpage.

  • Idvd 8 V7 and Idvd 6

    I have a few questions.
    1. is Idvd 6HD compatible with idvd 8 (v7) and vice versa?
    2. I had a machine rebuilt a a local shop and idvd will not open, says no themes. Any idea where they went and if not in the location how do I get them. I do not have any disks.
    3. Can I have idvd 6HD and idvd 8 on the same hard drive and use each one? (i actually have the complete ilife 6 disk) If yes, how do i install and make this all work okay?

    1. is Idvd 6HD compatible with idvd 8 (v7) and vice versa?
    There are no product namned iDVD 6HD
    There are no HD - DVD at all - There was in a brief moment - I think Toshiba tried
    to do this and there is a component in DVD Studio Pro (4) that can code this to DVDs
    Still these DVDs - can't be played on standard DVD-players and on Most Macs
    (just a few Toshiba (and may be some Macs) can play-back this)
    DVD - is a standard and it's limited to SD-video - has nothing to do with iDVD
    Roxio Toast™ and Devideon™ and other DVD-encoding/burning programs will do just this.
    Yours Bengt W

  • Quality and aspect ratio with FCE and iPhoto

    Project started by importing hundreds of slides shot by different cameras with difference settings. Slides were imported into i-photo where I used the slideshow function to make several segments.  As I was choosing the photos and dragging them into slideshows I cropped them all into 16x9 ratio so they would all be uniform.  I then sent to QuickTime movie using the built in iPhoto export button and selected “custom export” setting with DV/DVCPRO-NTSC compression with quality set to “Best” and aspect ratio to 16x9.
    Then imported into FCE and did serious editing (music, effects, titles, etc.).  When finished I tried exporting as both a QT self-contained movie and QT conversion (using DV/DVCPRO and 16:9) but the quality is terrible and when I make a iDVD the picture is squeezed and distorted into a 4:3 ratio despite the fact that the IDVD is set to 16:9. I have spent over a month on this project and have fellow travelers waiting for my “creative” touch.  Can anyone tell me where I went wrong on both aspect ratio and quality? Thanks.
    PS: Am using MacBook Pro, OS 10.7.4 FCE 4.0.1 and iPhoto-11 9.3.2

    I'm not shure - but I can share my thoughts
    I tried exporting as both a QT self-contained movie and QT conversion (using DV/DVCPRO and 16:9)
    I DO NEVER - Use Export as QuickTime CONVERSION
    I DO - Share as QuickTime .mov - straight off
    I had problems with 16x9 until I understood that
    • I had to select type of project as WideScreen in FC
    • Browser Window in FinalCut E and Pro - can extend far to the Right with several Columns. One Column states Anamorphic. When set my material to this. THEN introduced it into TimeLine. Can not be done in after hand.
    • Export as above
    • In iDVD there are TWO places to set 16x9
    - When creating a NEW iDVD Project - SELECT --> WideSrceen
    - In iDVD Project / Projectinfo [ Shift+cmd+I ]- ALSO set 16x9
    Yours Bengt W

  • Lost iMovie, iPhoto and iDVD when hard drive crashed.

    I owned my iMac since 2007 and my first OS was 10.4.  As far back then, my iMac came with iMovie, iPhoto and iDVD already installed.  Since 2011, I had OS 10.6 on my iMac.  Two weekends ago, my hard drive crashed and lost many applications, including iMovie, iPhoto and iDVD.  I still had a copy of 10.6 on a disc and reinstalled it and even updated it to the version I had before my HD crashed.  I notice that iMovie, iPhoto and iDVD are not in my computer anymore. 
    I visited the download section on the Apple website and have found versions of iMovie, iPhoto and iDVD that would be compatable with OS 10.6.8, but for some reason I can't install them.  I was able to install iPhoto, but can't open it.  I can't even install iDVD.  I haven't tried to install iMovie.
    Is there any way I can install these applications I lost?  I realize purchasing a new copy of iLife is one option, but the version that is out now is not compatable with OS 10.6.8.

    I visited the download section on the Apple website and have found versions of iMovie, iPhoto and iDVD that would be compatable with OS 10.6.8, but for some reason I can't install them.
    These are not applications. They are updaters for the applications.
    You will have got a disk with your Mac that had the applications on it. You can reinstall from that.

  • Iphoto, imovie and iDVD gone after reinstall

    I just reinstalled Tiger on my Flatscreen iMac.
    Iphoto, iMovie and iDVD are no longer there.
    What can I do to get them back?

    How old is your Mac and is it used?
    If your Mac is fairly old and the 10.2 disk that came with the computer was your original System Restore disk, then Tiger must have been purchased separately and Software Update was used later to upgrade to 10.4.10. But the Tiger upgrade would not have included any iApp's. Buying iLife '05 or iLife '06 would be needed to give you all the iLife App's. If you bought or received your Mac used, then someone did not include the Tiger and iLife software packages with it. If this is the case, the only way to recover your programs is to buy iLife.
    If your Mac is fairly new, then your System Restore disks should contain Tiger 10.4.? and include all the iLife '06 App's. Again, if you bought or received your Mac used, then you may be missing the original System Restore disks that came with it. If this is the case, the only way to recover your programs is to buy iLife.
    Either way, If you do not have a system backup, then the only way to recover your missing App's is to buy iLife. Also, if you want to risk losing Tiger 10.4, do not attempt to run the installation program from the Jaguar 10.2 disk.

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