FCP X problem with photos.

I have a Canon 7d And when i import de photos to the FCP X read it ok, but when i put the photos in tilmeline, in the "final" screen the image turns back or green. I tried with another images and its ok.
How i resolve this problem??

try this
<a href="http://s761.photobucket.com/user/pandaclx92/media/panoramica_HDR2.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx251/pandaclx92/panoramica_HDR2.jpg" border="0" alt="paris photo panoramica_HDR2.jpg"/></a>

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    Welcome to the discussions...
    I believe this has to do with using YUV or RGB as the rendering method. RT is always RGB, but try changing the setting for your timeline to whatever it is not now...
    post back,

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    razzbust wrote:
    ...but the films won't copy and comes up with message videos not copied cannot be played on this ipod
    Self explanatory.
    You could try creating an iPod version of the films.
    Use CTRL and B to display the Menu bar shown above. Alternatively, use the ALT key, followed by the F key, the W key and finally the I (eye) key - that's (menu)/File/Create New Version/Create iPod or iPhone version.

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    Re: iweb site on my personal domain name locks up
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    Edit > Transparency Blend Space > Document RGB

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    There is a solution!!
    After installing iOS4.0.1 update on my 3G, I too had the black
    blob in my camera roll. As posted in an earlier thread, here's
    one way to resolve this problem. It worked for me!
    Just email the photos that don't appear in the camera roll to myself,
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    Moving discussion to Bridge forum.

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    How it's supposed to look (captured by screen shot): http://img148.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=63601Screen_shot_2009-11-12_at_4.55_122576lo.jpg
    How it is being saved: http://img127.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=63605Photo_on_2009-11-12_at_16_122409lo.jpg
    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated

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    annefromtallahassee wrote:
    I get the following message "There is a problem with the photo with the filename '(Null).'  The full resolution version of this photo either cannot be located or is corrupt.  Please replace the photo or delete it from your book."  This message appears after place the order and it starts to submit the pages of the book.  I get as far as page 9 of 60.  I have open the pictures using photoshop and have renamed them and saved them as a tif format.  Any suggestions?
    I believe that you have gone into the iPhoto library and made changes using photoshop - is that correct
    If so then you have trashed your iPhoto library and must put it back exactly as it was - loading a backup is the easiest (probably the only) way
    NEVER make any changes to the content or structure of the iPhoto library using the finder or any program that is not fully iPhoto aware

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    Thanks for any ideas you may have or help you can provide.

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    That can be caused by a problem with the color profile for your display monitor or color profiles embedded in images.<br />
    You can disable color management to test that.<br />
    You can set the pref gfx.color_management.mode to 0 on the about:config page to disable Color Management.<br />
    You need to close and restart Firefox to make the change effective.<br />
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/gfx.color_management.mode

  • Hi friends. Problem with photo program...

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    Anyway the matter is about photoshop elements 9.   It is installed on an Imac 21.5" machine with a i5 - 2.5 ghz
    "sandy bridge" 4 cores proccesor. 12 gb of ram. Everything runs smoothly with snow leopard, cause i´ve read
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    However a have problems with Elements 9.  Fortunely a have aperture 3 also with easy can be used as an
    alternative. With elements i experience the program is very slow. Slow when i scroll up and down and slow
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    understand whats coming from is that it gives me the message now and then "missing file´s"  and then the
    option "reconnect missing files"  Why and where is this problem comming from.  My only teory myselve is
    that it is because i have 3 different photo programs. (Elements, Aperture and Iphoto)  I have 2 eksternal
    harddrive connected wich one of them is used as the backup "Timemachine"
    If any of you have some thoughts or ideas they will be welcome.

    for quick response
    I can access the aam now that I know what it stands for by opening the application seperately from the desktop and download. What I cant do is download from the cloud site where it is unable to locate and open the aam from there. As long as I can download I dont have a problem with it Im guessing it may well be a windows or browser issue. I will try from chrome if I it doesnt work I will let the firum know I would be interested to know whether its something Im doing or its a common issue.

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