FDM does not finish loading mapping tables. FDM stops loading maps

We are loading large mapping tables into FDM in text (.trn) format.
The mapping tables approximately 20,000 rows load in about 6 minutes. After a few days of loading maps, deleting maps and reloading maps FDM slows down to loading 1 or two RECORDS a MINUTE.
We have tried bouncing the server and databases this gives only temporary relief. We have also looked at database space on the linux server and it seems OK.
Has anyone hit this issue before as it effectively renders FDM unusable.

I have not seen this before when loading a text based map template. How many records are in the template?

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    At the right end of the address bar is an icon that changes between stop ("x"), reload (circle-arrow), and go (if you are typing in the address bar). When the page won't finish, if you see the stop button, you can try clicking that.
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    Hi I have the same problem as you mkd and I have the same type of video card.  To be sure it is not the  Xorg configuration, I install XFCE4, which works just fine. So I think the problem is KDE.
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    Is that Firefox safe mode or Windows safe mode?
    If it does work in Firefox Safe-mode then disable all extensions and then try to find which is causing it by enabling one at a time until the problem reappears.
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    Hi Arun,
    Thanks for reply.
    We are dropping and recreating the indices everytime we load. We are doing this through Process chain. We did drop the cube (deleted all the data) and reloaded, after 2nd run again the issue appeared.
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks and regards,


    Hi all,
    I am trying to bulk load an N-Triples file using a staging table according to instructions given in documentation (RDF Semantic Graph Overview).
    The file contains about 23,000,000 triples, and I have split it in 16 files of 1,437,500 triples, in order to load them in parallel.
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        staging_table => 'STAGE_TABLE'
       ,source_table  => 'STAGE_TABLE_SOURCE'
       ,input_format  => 'N-TRIPLE'
       ,parallel          => '16');
    Then, I call SEM_APIS.BULK_LOAD_FROM_STAGING_TABLE to load data into the semantic store:
            model_name  => 'rdfmodel',
            table_owner => 'rdfuser',
            table_name  => 'stage_table'
    However, this operation does not finish. I left it running for more than 5 hours and not any triple is inserted into the table mdsys.semm_rdfmodel.
    Also, I have observed that even if PARALLEL parameter is set the most CPUs remain idle. Usually, only one or two CPUs are used to a percentage more than 50% (I check it using htop).
    Any hint about how I can find out what goes wrong will be very appreciated!
    Best regards,

    Hi Souri,
    thank you for you advices!
    I enabled parallel dml but the results are the same. I, also, created the RDF$ET_TABLE and it seems that the events that do not finish are FIND_AND_RESOLVE_BATCH_DUPS and -find_BATCH_DUP_SELECTIONS.
    To find unfinished events I posed the query:
    SELECT DISTINCT proc_sid, event_name, start_time, end_time, start_comment, end_comment
    WHERE end_time IS NULL
    ORDER BY start_time ASC;
    and the results are the following:
    06-FEB-14 AM
    06-FEB-14 AM
    06-FEB-14 AM
    I suppose that these events are about duplicates. So, I thought that adding the flag DEL_BATCH_DUPS=USE_INSERT to the sem_apis.bulk_load_from_staging_table call would help. I added this flag and retried. The storing, again, did not finish after 5 hours but the results of the query for the unfinished events are slightly different:
    05-FEB-14 PM
    05-FEB-14 PM
    Best regards,
    Message was edited by: 28f0f31d-f7f8-4fcd-a737-4d97bf31ab13

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    Please help me.

    I also have the Mcaffe security centre so on the face of it we have very similar situations and I had not problems.
    You asked what I meant about saving the installer on your PC.
    When you go to the iTunes download page:
    And click on download, you should be offered the choice of running the installer or saving it. You need to click on save and then choose a folder on you PC where you want it saved. But I think you already did that.
    After the installer file - iTunessetup.exe - is save on your computer, you double click on it to run it.
    It's very odd that the installer fails at different stages. usually when the installation fails, it is at a specific stage and usually generates an error message.
    I am afraid I am mystified. Have you had any other problems with your PC which might suggest a general problem not specific to iTunes?
    The only other suggestion I have is to download a fresh copy of the installer - in case it got corrupted. You could also try using "run as administrator" to run the installer. It should be an option if you right click on the installer file.
    The other thing it might be worth trying is to install it from another account, but you would need to create another administrator account if you don't a;ready have one. Or if you have another account that is not an admin account, you can temporarily promote it from the control panel>>User accounts.

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    FIELD DELIMITED BY '\t' ERROR LOG '/debug/testdatabase/file.err'
    THREADS 10
    BATCH 10000
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    Both machines run HANA version (NewDB100_REL), while the OS is
    SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11.1 on machine A and
    SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11.2 on machine B.
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    I seem to have a similar problem to the one described here, but the answers there do not help me: http://scn.sap.com/thread/3396582 I specified the record delimiter, and I used a python script to check for any strange characters that are not supposed to be there, but didn't find any.
    If I copy the file to my windows PC and use the "File Menu -> Import -> SAP Hana Content -> Data from Local file" function, it imports the file correctly into B, but I need to be able to do it from JAVA.
    Machine A administration view:
    Machine B administration view:
    If you have any idea what might cause this behavior or where I can find more information on this problem please give me a hint.

    Hi Joseph,
    First from the pics, the revision of your SAP HANA instance is 73 instead of 74. Since I have no identical environment, I cannot test it for you. But can you try the simplest scenario? You can create a table with only one column table try to import a CSV file with only one row.
    Best regards,

  • Entry does not exists in check table -- Validation

    Hi friends..,
      I am able to create new entries in my table with INSERT statement through a function module.
    But, the problem is..,
    I am having one key field in my table, and T1(another table) is check table for this.
    So while creating the entries through SE11, its giving error message like ENTRY DOES NOT EXISTS IN CHECK TABLE. But the same entry i am able map through my function module..!
    Any extra settings reuired for this..?
    Am i need to write validation code?

    Hi...Rama chary..,
    I am having separate function modules to do this..!
    So here I can't to update two table at time.
    My function module updating a table field with out checking it wrt its check table..!
    Even i write code to check table , it will not meet the functionality of SE11 error..!??
    so what can i do..?

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    Hi experts,
    Why Bex report does not show loaded data at once after loading is finished but after some time?
    Could be the reason of it:
    a) huge amount of data in infocube.
    b) there are no deleting/creating indexes before/after loading, because it takes too much time
    c) anothe reason?
    Thank you,

    Hi Tigr,
    A and B both can be the reasons behind, but normally in case of B option the results on report output can be wrong like duplicates sort of showing you double figures.
    C - it can be resource issue, so please look into all and double check with basis if thats the case.

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    I see that you ave changed some network.http prefs.<br />
    Doing that can cause all kinds of problems because not all servers like such changes, so you can try to reset those prefs on the about:config page.<br />
    network.http.max-connections 48<br />
    network.http.max-connections-per-server 16<br />
    network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy 16<br />
    network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server 8<br />
    network.http.pipelining true<br />
    network.http.pipelining.firstrequest true<br />
    network.http.pipelining.maxrequests 8<br />
    network.http.proxy.pipelining true<br />
    network.http.request.max-start-delay 0<br />
    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of your add-ons is causing your problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    See [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] and [[Troubleshooting plugins]]

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    Solving the iTunes Installation Problems in Windows
    1. Apple has posted their solution here: iTunes 11.1.4 for Windows- Unable to install or open - MSVCR80 issue.
    2. If the Apple article does not fully resolve the problem for you, then try Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates - MSVCR80.

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