Feature file sample: Bickham Script Pro (11/2004)

Attached is an FDK feature file for Bickham Script Pro (2004 revision). The same code should be informative for FontLab and other applications that use the Adobe OpenType feature language, particularly when it comes to coding of contextual substitutions.
NOTE 1: This should only be used as a reference for feature construction, and not for glyph names. The feature file uses "friendly names" which are often changed for final font output.
NOTE 2: This is NOT the same as Bickham Script Standard, which is an earlier and much less complicated typeface.
The main advantage of looking at the original feature file rather than decompiling in FontLab is that any glyph classes retain their original names. FontLab does an amazing job of decompiling features, but it has to invent names for glyph classes, and these are generally less clear than what was originally used in development.
This feature file is "warts and all," so there's even a comment on a bug I found, when going through the feature file. However, we wanted to leave the code intact so it matches what we shipped.

Were the .fea files for Bickham Script Pro & Minion Pro ever reposted? I found a reference to them at typophile and tracked down your original posts of them. But I can't find any attachment to either post. My attempt to seach for them using the Adobe forums search machine failed. Can they be reposted?

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    PDF is not a word processor file format.
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    PDF writers paint the content to the canvas that is the PDF page.
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    What to do?
    Master content in a logical hierarchy in the authoring file.   
    Always use the build-in Headings for Headings.     
    Use the built-in "table" feature.  
    Use a PDF writer process that is compliant with the ISO standard and that supports proper output of Tagged PDF.   
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    (2)  Support Export of PDF page content. 
    What constitutes a "well-formed tagged PDF?"
    This would be a PDF that is ISO 14289-1, PDF/UA-1 compliant.
    Be well... 

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    The PPTX file type is primarily associated with 'Power Point' by Microsoft Corporation.
    This is the new format for Microsoft Office documents.
    It is a combination of XML architecture and ZIP compression for size reduction.
    To open Office 2008 for Mac documents (format .xlsx, .docx, .pptx) in Office for Mac 2004, you must download and install the Open XML File Format Converter. This article describes how to obtain and install the Open XML File Format Converter for Mac.
    more here:
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    Are you 'uploading' it as a script? It is an export file and needs to be imported.
    1. Unzip and extract all files
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    Error "the application has faield to start because icuu32.dll was not found . re- installing the application may fix this problem"
    Script :
    #define DONT_REDEFINE // Console app needs native types
    #define WBUFLEN 512
    #include "fdetypes.h"
    #include "futils.h"
    #include "fapi.h"
    #include "fstrings.h"
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <ddeml.h> //not required
    #include <stdarg.h> //not required
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
    StringT opt_progid;
    CLSID pclsid;
    LPOLESTR progStr;
    HRESULT res;
    F_ObjHandleT docId;
    // Get the process name.
    if(argc == 2)
    opt_progid = F_StrCopyString((StringT)argv[1]);
    else {
    fprintf(stderr, "You must provide a process name.");
    // Convert the process name into a GUID
    progStr = (OLECHAR*)malloc( WBUFLEN*sizeof(wchar_t) );
    if(0 == MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0,
    (char *)opt_progid, -1,
      progStr, WBUFLEN )) {
    fprintf(stderr, "failed to allocate\n");
    if (progStr[0] == '{') // hex-codes within brackets
    res = CLSIDFromString(progStr, &pclsid);
    res = CLSIDFromProgID(progStr, &pclsid);
    if(res == S_OK)
    F_ApiWinConnectSession(NULL, NULL, &pclsid);
    if (!F_ApiAlive()) {
    fprintf(stderr, "No connection: %s\n", opt_progid);
    return 1;
    // Print the name of the current document.
    docId = F_ApiGetId(0, FV_SessionId, FP_ActiveDoc);
    if (docId) {
    StringT docname = F_ApiGetString(FO_Session, docId,
    fprintf(stderr, "Current document: %s\n", docname);
    } else
    fprintf(stderr, "No active document\n");
    return 0;
    we have got below steps from one of adobe person :
    can you please explaine clearly The above steps  and how can we generate PDF for a FM file without manual intervention .
    the actual requirement is :
    1) Goto installed location of FM and launch framemaker with specified process id.
    eg : $Installdir\FrameMaker.exe /progid:MyProcess
    2) Build the asynchronous client exe\dll with the help from attached sample client.
    3) Goto the location where client exe is copied and then run with specified FM process id.
    eg : asynch_script.exe MyProcess
    To resolve few dependencies, you can also copy the client exe to installed location of FM. So the above step in that case would be
    $Installdir\ asynch_script.exe MyProcess
    Hi All , We are going for upgrade of  Frame maker 8 which is on unix system  to FM 10 or 11. We are using Framemaker mainly for renditions, i.e to convert the fm documents to PDF. To convert fm document to PDF we are using the below mentioned command line utility available in FM 8.(on unix). /opt/app/frame8.0/bin/fmprint -i -p Sample.fm.fmtpl Sample.fm Currently the the fm file which need to converted to PDF and the FM 8(installed) are available on the same unix system ,so we were able to initiate/use the command line utility of FM 8. The rendition of the FM to PDF is On -Demand.( We are not running any batch activities/ bulk renditions).We are rendering the document as soon as the document  is available. As we upgrade the FM to newer versions which would be installed on the Windows machine as Frame maker 10 or 11 will not support unix plat form, so can you please let us know which option is better to use i.e we want to convert fm file to PDF using java program without any manual intevention . we came to know that about FDK and extend scripts but we are very new to those !! could you please any one can provide us ways and provide us sample codes/scripts to convert FM file to PDF !! and please let us know which one is better client / server version to do this .
    please heklp us as it is very important

    I am not clear which platform that you are asking this question for. Here is an answer for Windows.
    The icuuc32.dll is one of several unicode support libraries. These files are usually included in same directory as FrameMaker.exe (e.g. c:\Program Files\Adobe\FrameMaker11).
    If your asynchronous client is located in any other directory than this directory, icuuc32.dll will not be found when your asynchronous client starts. You need to set your Windows environment "Path" variable to include it's location (e.g. c:\Program Files\Adobe\FrameMaker 11). The "Path" will be searched when your asynchronous client starts and these files should then be found.
    with Windows Vista (I think Windows 7 in the same) the "Path" is set in Control Panel | System | Advanced System Settings | Environment Variables. I would suggest adding C:\Program Files\FrameMaker11 to the "Path" in the system variables.
    There will be several files in this directory that your asynchronous client needs to start.
    Hope this helps

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    Thank you!

    You can tell Apple directly at the link below.

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    Microsoft Office 2004 (Word) unable to save files
    I have been running Office 2004 on my Intel iMac with Snow Leopard for some time and all of a sudden I cannot save a document. Word just stopped responding and I have to force quit. I can open Word and create a new document but I cannot save it. I reinstalled Word but that didn’t help. Then went to the Internet and found at least one other Mac user having the same problem which it suggests is caused by a recent Mac Security Update:
    http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/mac/forum/macoffice2004-macword/word-2004-wil l-not-open-or-save-documents/b04eb870-9b0d-4f3b-bb47-b122301e36f6
    So I check for a new Mac Security Update and sure enough there was one. I downloaded it and now Word seems to be working, as it should. I can both open and save files. The only problem remaining is that when I open Word I get the following error message “An unexpected error occurred while trying to load the Microsoft Framework library”. I contacted Apple but they were unable to help.
    How can I get rid of this error message?

    Look, I realize you might have to get your machine working, so this is how you revert back.
    Restore proceedure to pre-Security Update 2012-001 v 1.0 & v 1.1
    #1 Backup your personal data off the machine.
    Backup files off the computer (not to TimeMachine). If you don't have a external drive, get one and connect to the USB/Firewire port and simply drag and drop copy your User folder to the external drive, it will copy all your files. It's best to have two backups of your data off the machine when trying to restore.
    Disconnect all drives now to prevent any mistakes from occuring.
    #2 Reinstall OS X 10.6 from disk
    Get out your 10.6 install disk and make sure it's clean and polished (very soft cloth and a bit of rubbing alcohol, no scratches) If your disk is borked, you'll have to order a new one from Apple with your serial number.
    Hold c boot off the 10.6 disk (wired keyboard, internal optical drive), use Disk Utility First Aid to >Repair Disk  of your internal drive  (do not format or erase!!), Quit DU and simply re-install 10.6.
    Note: Simply reinstalling 10.6 version from disk (without erasing the drive) only replaces 10.6.8 with 10.6.x and bundled Apple programs, won't touch your files (backup anyway)  or most programs, unless they installed a kext file into OS X itself. (only a few on average do this)
    #3 Update to 10.6.8 without Security Update 2012-001 v1.0 or v1.1
    Reboot and log in, update to 10.6.8 via Software Update, but EXCLUDE THE Security Update 2012-001 by checkinig the details and unchecking the blue check box.
    #4 Reinstall any non-working third party programs
    When you reboot, make sure to reinstall any programs that require kext files installed into OS X, you'll know, they won't work when you launch them or hang for some reason as they are missing the part they installed into OS X.
    If for some freakish reason you get gray screen at any time when booting (possible it might occur when you reinstall older programs), hold the shift key down while booting (Safe Mode, disables kext files) and update your installed third party software so it's compatible with 10.6.8.
    That's it really.

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