Feature Request - Parental Contols for Email - iTouch

It is so easy to set up a new email account on the iTouch. It would be wonderful to have this available as a choice under "restrictions". I have turned off Safari, but the email setup feature is still active. I can't believe this easy control is not already available. Please add it!

you're addressing fellow end-users on this forum. for Apple to hear you, you need to route your request through the proper channels, which would be _*iPod Touch Feedback*_.
happy computing !

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    How do you go about setting up parental controls for an itouch?

    I know this is not helpful at all
    But if your kid has half a brain he'll (or she'll) be able to get past parental locks.
    Instead of ignoring and blocking something you think is a problem how about you talk to them about it.
    *Does a load of good.*
    but if your INTENT on doing this, you can easily find the parental control options in the touch's settings. But i assure you they will be able to get past it.

  • Feature Request - Please allow for a "classic" view option.

    Please allow for a "classic" view option like you have in Mail.  Miss the sidebar that had a list of all the calendars using.  The pop up list is not nearly as functional.  iCal in Lion may be great for touch screen users but is a step back on the intuitive scale for Mac users.
    Also, the delete / revert button are too close to the done button.  Too easy to hit on accident.

    This is a good feature request and should be submitted here: Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form
    The team reviews all the requests that come in through that form. It is a guaranteed way to get your request seen while we do not always see everything that gets posted to the forums.

  • Feature Request: Raw-Lite for the F5/F55

    Hi Sony Staff, Here's a feature request that I've been pondering for a long time now. Raw Lite on the F5(5). Is it a possibility? I'm a huge fan of the conventional 3:1 compressed 4K 16-bit Linear Raw from the AXS-R5. It provides a supremely high quality digital negative, with as much detail and tonality as you could ever really need. However the file sizes are very large. 1TB yeilds roughly an hour of recording time. And the storage costs associated with that are enough to scare away MANY producers from shooting Sony Raw (even with all of the benefits that doing so offers).  You guys have addressed this issue nicely with the F65 by offering Raw Lite with it's 6:1 compression (which coincidentally, is a compression rate that many, many producers are content to shoot with on the most prolific raw cameras out their - the Red Epic/Dragon/Scarlet cameras). Being able to offer producers the option to shoot Sony Raw Lite, with it's massively more managable file sizes would greatly increase the uptake of Sony Raw for production - and that benefits everyone. It benefits the camera department with a superior digital negative, it benefits post-production with greater latitude for grading and VFX, it benefits producers with a superior end product, and it benefits audiences with better looking images. Given that the F65 was able to be upgraded to offer this additional raw recording option, I assume (and hope) that it's not an impossiblity for the F5(5). So I'd urge you to strongly consider this feature request, and the added appeal it would bring to the cameras as a capture choice. Cheers, Mark

    I disagree that there is little difference between 12bit and 16 bit linear raw. The difference is huge. Shadows and dark areas from the FS7/FS700 are pretty grim, lot's of noise caused by the data rounding. Besides, in terms of bit rate it's not a question of simply reducing the bit depth, you need to increase the compression. For linear raw you need 16 bits unless you do an extreme amount of data rounding. For Linear raw, if the first stop is represented by just 2 bits of data (which results in very blocky noise as noise will be one of 4 luma levels and cannot be smoothly reproduced):  stop 1: 2 bitsstop 2: 4stop 3: 8stop 4: 16stop 5: 32stop 6: 64stop 7 128 (8 bit linear limit, 128 + 128 = 256 bits)stop 8: 256stop 9: 512 (10 bit linear limit)stop 10: 1024stop 11: 2048 (12 bit linear limit)stop 12: 4096stop 13: 8192 stop 14: 16384 bitsstop 15: 32768 bits (16 bit linear limit) If you move this scale up so that the first stop is represented by using 4 bits of data you will still have pretty coarse shadows and noise (one whole f stop will only have 16 posible luma values). So rather than just use binary math most linear raw systems use floating point math to make more bits available for the shadows. But with 12bit there just isn't anywhere near the same amount of "spare" bits that you get with 16 bit, so the shadows and low key areas really suffer. Just go and look at the FS7/FS700 boards and all the compliants about unusable, grainy and blocky shadow areas in the raw. Sure raw lite would be a welcome option, but it wouldn't be one for me. The whole point of raw for me is a robust, bomb proof format that you can expose and grade as you wish without worrying about artefacts etc.  

  • Feature request - 'shadow' settings for changing locked VM settings

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    changed for me before starting up again. That way, I could make the change (although it would tell me it couldn't be changed right now), and schedule the computer to restart sometime overnight, so that I don't have to either a) get up at 3am to do it manually
    or b)work out what powershell command to run which would shut the machine down, make the changes, then start it up again - and hope that I'd done it correctly :-)
    I hope this is a useful feature request. Generally very happy with all the improvements you keep making, thanks.
    (I didn't find anywhere else I could submit a feature request, so I hope this gets to someone that can use it.)

    I like that as a feature for those who manage via GUI.  It would be possible to create script to accomplish the same thing and then schedule the script for execution later.  But for GUI users, it makes sense to me.
    I think the forums would be a good place for putting feature suggestions.  It could easily be a Sticky post that would always appear at the top of the forum.  Anyone with an idea for a new feature could add a post to the Stickey post, and
    Microsoft PM's could just read that Sticky post from time to time.  And, the built in Vote capability would allow other forum readers/contributors the ability to vote on it if they like it.  It would be a useful Sticky post on any product forum.
    .:|:.:|:. tim

  • Feature Request - My idea for a Today Screen...y​our thoughts??

    Submitted this to Palm as a feature request. Curious what others think about the idea. I know there are apps such as Active Home Screen (AHS) being tested and developed, but my approach would be contained within WebOS, thus not dependent upon running another App.
    Let me know your thoughts...
    I think it would be great to have a page very similar to a launcher page that shows a summary of certain data for the day...such as Weather, Tasks, a Calendar agenda for the day, etc.
    My ideal feature would be to make this function the same way a launcher page does...swipe up to display and again to dismiss.
    I would prefer to split the gesture area in half, so that one half displays the current launcher pages, and the other half displays the today screen. For example swiping up on the left side of the gesture area launches the Today screen, and swiping up on the right side displays the standard launcher pages.
    It would be an active page that updates based on current weather, next appointment, etc. Also, being able to tap one of the displayed summaries would launch that app.
    One of the great features of WebOS is multi-tasking, however in some ways you are forced to over multi-task. Sometimes all you need to see is an overview of the day or whats coming up next without having to run 3 or 4 apps to get an idea of what the day looks like. Thus allowing you to save more of that precious multi-tasking benefit for apps that are constantly in use.
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    Great ideas!
    I encourage you to share these ideas and software requests, along with any hardware changes you would like to suggest with our developers at www.palm.com/feedback so we can make the changes that our customers want to see.
    Life moves fast, don't miss a thing!

  • Feature Request(?): Readline for zonecfg

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    Just a thought. :)
    Admittedly with the ability to use "info" at all stages of configuration it's not really neccisary, but again just adds some polish.

    I'm not sure if it's appropriate to make a feature request, but I thought I might throw it out there
    since thats kind of what Express is all about. Is there any merit in adding readline support to zonecfg
    for command history recall and editing? I admit to never having written an app that used readline so I
    don't know how much work it is, but imho interfaces using readline always feel much more polished.Actually, the coding isn't the problem. It turns out that GNU readline is GPL (as opposed to LGPL).
    That means that you may not use it without GPLing all software that links with it.
    I believe that one of my coworkers is investingating whether we can solve this using another
    library which provides readline-like functionality. In the mean time, I have opened bugid
    "5005631 Readline for zonecfg" on your behalf. Thanks for the RFE!

  • Feature Request: Export catalog for 2nd editor/machine

    Since there isn't a shared network environment for LR, to involve multiple editors or multiple locations for the same editor on large projects, I often need to export a subset of a catalog so someone else can work on it, or I can work on it off my laptop somewhere other than the studio, using only the proxy 1:1 previews to make my decisions from and then re-assimilate those edit changes to the master catalog of that job, usually back on my primary workstation.  This process also allows me to start processing out parts of the job while other parts are being edited on other machines, or letting my primary workstation process while I use a 2nd workstation to continue editing at speed on.
    I can make this happen, but it's all on me to remember which portions of the catalog have been exported, where their destination was/is, remember not to make any changes to that portion of the library while the subsection has been exported, and an over-lengthy and complicated merging of exported and internal catalogs.
    It would be incredibly useful if LR could show the status (checked out for primary edit, checked out for client approval, etc.) of any exported catalog by mousing over that visibly different section and build in a preference for those varied conditions to potentially limit any changes to that subset of images while the export is still 'checked-out.'  A true merge would be nice to allow possible overlaps of work on the same images, but a managed lock-out would be sufficient to start with.
    As it is, the re-assimilation process for me involves removing images from the master catalog leaving the raw files in place, and re-importing the exported catalog which also necessitates the needless redundancy of bringing the 1:1 previews back in as well.  At the scale I'm doing this it's overly time consuming, compared to the speed of just bringing in the library itself.  The process also puts me in the place of deleting images from a catalog while they're essentially still in use, which is scary from a file management standpoint, usually with me having 4 and 5 copies of that library lingering around until all the manual merging actions are finished.

    That's a feature I've asked for myself Brad, in the absense of true network use.  As it's not likely to make the final release, and we wouldn't want the request to get lost in beta land, might I suggest adding it as a suggestion on the Feature Request forum http://feedback.photoshop.com/photoshop_family where it can easily be tracked?  If you post the link to your request here, others can also vote on your request.

  • Feature Request: support previews for png files

    i like to see previews supported for png files.  This is a common file type and should be supported  Especially since it is one of the options supported for export to creative cloud from photoshop touch.  It would make a lot more sense.

    You would want to go here for feature requests: Photoshop Family Customer Community

  • Feature Request: Disable Checkbox for Palette Fade in CS3

    Dear Adobe Team,
    please be so kind and give us a switch to disable the - Palette Fade Feature - of the CS3 Applications.
    It just distracts (some of us) from work. - Fast Copy/Paste actions are a bit harder this way, even though it's fast on new machines. (Which is obvious because
    Even though some of us bought new fast computers to have programmes INSTANTLY available.
    I'm looking so much forward to your response
    Florian Schommertz
    Dear Forum - please make this a petition to have this checkbox available, and DO NOT start another, RAM/G4/G5 discussion about the speed of the palette fading.
    Just, sign with your Name, and/or, Account ID here and help us all get rid of the GUI-Desaster.

    This is not the feature request forum nor the feature request form. If you really want to make this a feature request do a search for feature request and submit an actual feature request/bug report form to Adobe. All you are doing here is feature requesting to other users that can do nothing about the issue.

  • Feature Request: File Management for Creative Cloud Mobile

    I like the new Creative Cloud app but I am surprised that it is not possible to manage any files or folders.  This weakens the usefulness of the app since it forces a user to use the creative cloud website for this.  This should be part of the app and would improve the functionality of the app.

    You would want to go here for feature requests: Photoshop Family Customer Community

  • Feature Requests/Bug Reports for PlayBook OS 2.0

    I'd like to report a few bugs/features that I think would really help make PlayBook better.
    Although most are minor items there is a chance that some items would be better suited as private reports directly to RIM.  If there is an appropriate channel to do so, please advise.
    For now, these 4 items are the main ones that come to mind.
    1.) Screen settings: I would **really**, **really** like to have an option to go to standby after 30min, 1hour, 2hours, or better yet - **never** (especially when I'm plugged in to A/C power or docked.  There are several apps I enjoy using (e.g. Browser) that I read/watch... only to have the device try to auto-suspend when the 5min is up.
    2.) If it is possible, it would be very nice if holding the volume up/down buttons actually continuously increased/decreased the volume vs. having to press the buttons multiple times
    3.) When using the Browser, I often minimize/auto-hide the location bar to maximize my screen real-estate... however when swiping down to view it... if I type a partial address and notice a match in the drop down for the site I want... I can't click on it, as this triggers the menu's auto-hide action
    4.) The new Messages app is great!  My only issue is that although I like the blinking red LED indicator (similar to a BB phone), the red corner marker in the top left of the screen is too distracting (and ruins the asthetics) of the apps/games I'm running when I get new messages all day long.  It would be very nice if there was a separate option for this indicator. (e.g. I still want the LED light, and the email count/icon indicator... just not the red corner overlay)
    Otherwise I'm loving my PlayBook both as a user and a developer and I'm looking forward to whats to come. ;-)
    PlayBook Apps: DataMine, Dots + Boxes, 5 Marbles
    BlackBerry SmartPhone Apps: 5 Marbles Soon: **** (D.Z.A), ****Quest, **** Challenge, VaultCracker, DevBrowser, Radial****

    Allow me to use the native contact, calendar and email apps to work with my contacts, calendar and email that are on my phone/desktop. Can't believe that this is not already done.

  • Feature Requests - Adobe Reader for Android

    Adobe Reader for Android is a good start, it renders well (and renders 2 pages at a time), and the UI is nice, but there are some missing features.
    Please can we have the following features added in the next update;
    # Bookmark support, including the ability to create and modify bookmarks.
    # A method of jumping to a specific page in the document
    # Ability to share the file by email
    # Ability to copy text
    # A method of searching text in the document
    Thanks for the app, it looks promising, but needs the above features added to be a better app than Repligo Reader.

    My company is anxiously looking to find out if you will be supporti
    ng XFDF, FDF features so we may display and submit forms on Android Tablets!
    The marriage of Adobe Forms, the Web and Tablets blows the doors open to numerous new applications and markets and squarely puts Adobe as the focal point of such solutions.
    Our  software has been PC-based and the 75% of our solution is usable for the tablet market.  The other 25% of our functionality relies on displaying and completing Adobe forms over the web.  Our customers are BEGGING for it.
    So can you PLEASE PROOVIDE INSIGHT AS TO IF/WHEN you would be including full form functionality in the READER product for Android?
    Many of us ANXIOUSLY await your resonse! Thanks.

  • Feature request: Replaygain support for FLAC files

    Hi guys,
    When converting some of my mp3's to FLAC, I noticed that the REPLAY_GAIN_TRACK tags are not used by the Walkman app on my Z3C. It works perfectly for mp3 files though. This is a real obstacle for me as I do not like having to change the volume all the time when playing different kinds of music.
    So my request would be to extend the replaygain support to FLAC files. I think anyone who uses FLAC files would consider that a very welcome addition, and it should be really easy to do!

    No, the album art actually works for both mp3 and FLAC. What I'm referring to is the REPLAY_GAIN_TRACK tag that you can attach to your files (for mp3 you could use e.g. the program called mp3gain). This allows you to normalize the volume of each track to for instance 92dB. When you do this, you will find that each track plays at a pleasant loudness without having to change the volume all the time. Or to put it differently, if this tag is not supported (like for FLAC at the moment), then I'm listening to one track and when the next one starts it may be way louder or quieter, meaning I have to reach for my phone and change the volume. It really is a very nice feature to have, and since Sony has it working for mp3 it seems very easy to extend this support to FLAC as well.
    Are you having issues with album art though? Perhaps I could help you then.

  • Feature request - Vector export for all CC customers (free or paid)

    This is a fantastic tool, that can replace or add really much to the field already covered by Adobe Ideas. It just need to do all the job as Ideas do: export a professional and useable vector file.
    I understand the need of prospecting more customers to the CC service, but it can be done in several other ways. As a professional illustrator, and a huge user of the iPad as a creative tool, not always I need to rely on Adobe Illustrator to finish any job (when I need of it, is just for type work, and I am already using a CS6 version for it, with no intentions - read $$$ - to change for CC by now). My suggestions are:
    a. the addition of this simple export feature (maybe even by e-mail as Ideas do), for free - it would be really kind of Adobe's part ;
    b. not being possible this feature addition for free, make it a paid app, but complete in terms of export options;
    c. or include the vector export feature as an in-app purchase (in both cases I would be paying for it without thinking twice, and I'm sure many other people too).
    That's it. I hope this little - but EXTREMELLY IMPORTANT - request could be implemented as soon as possible in a future update.

    Adobe is the worst tech company on the planet as far as treating their customers well. I've unfortunately been using their products since Illustrator88 as they've been industry standard. I've paid exorbitant amounts to keep the Adobe upgrade extortion ring going. And now, they'd suggest we "upgrade" to IllustratorDraw from AdobeIdeas, crippling the best feature the app has–the ability to export vector art for refining elsewhere. This has actually become a part of my workflow so I'm not giving up Ideas any time soon. As much as I like the new features of Illustrator Draw, they are USELESS (Hear that Adobe?) without the ability to export vector art.
    Thanks for another collective poke in the eye, Adobe. If there's any justice, the $50 AffinityDesigner app will unseat you as emperor soon. Affinity Designer - Vector art & design

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