Feature Request: Unified Inbox (or if not, then skip to inbox if new items)

I'd like to see a unified Inbox for iPhone Mail similar to the OS X Mail app's. If that weren't forthcoming, I'd at least like to see a tweak when navigating mail accounts so that when an account has new mail, selecting the account goes straight to the inbox instead of requiring the extra step of selecting the inbox. The reasoning is that if one selects an account with new items, chances are they want to view them, not select some other folder. On the way out it goes back to the list of folders (mailboxes) from the inbox. Also, if there are no new items, then selecting the account goes to the list of folders (mailboxes). For the rare occasion when one does not want to go straight to the inbox when new items are in it, the cost is an extra tap to go back (then again, a preference could be provided to defeat the jump navigation for new items).

Tell Apple:

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  • Feature request : import of multi-line notes in CSV or tab-delimited file

    This is a feature request to the AddressBook development team:
    Following a question posted here and asked to support (thanks to Barry and Julia from ADC), it turns out that AddressBook is not ready yet to import multi-line notes from a CSV or tab-delimited file.
    I would like to kindly suggest the AddressBook development team to update the import methods for such flat files to parse the text of what is assigned to the Notes field, and convert documented escape sequences to their pre-determined corresponding special character.
    I would think that the following would be pretty easy to implement, and easy for the targeted audience (enthousiasts power-users and up) to remember:
    "\n " : mark a new line (same as ^p in Word)
    "\t " : replace by a tab
    I would keep the trailing space to avoid problems with DOS-type file path problems.
    and of course...
    "\\n " and "\\t " for whoever would want to import notes about \n and \t
    For example, in a Notes column, the text:
    "Escape sequence \\n :\n move the text to a new line\n \n while escape sequence \\t :\t move the text to the next horizontal tab"
    would give the following (just consider text between <Note> marks):
    Escape sequence \n:
    move the text to a new line
    while escape sequence \t: move the text to the next horizontal tab
    Thanks for reading...
    Frédéric Denis

    The developers do not necessarily read these USER discussion pages. If you want to make suggestions and know they will be read (which is at least a step towards implementation) use the OS X feedback page.

  • Feature Request: Unified DVE tool

    As I begin experimenting with Premiere Pro CC, I keep wishing there was more of a unifed DVE tool that emcompess tools that are currently available, but as seprate actions.
    In my mind a unified DVE tool would have most of the features currently under the motion tab: Position, Scale, Uniform Scale, Rotation, Anchor Point.  It would also have Opacity. 
    It would also have the main features of the Basic 3D effect but implemented as part of Rotation.  Calling them Swivel and Tilt is non standard.  Look at After Effects.
    It would have the elements of Corner PIn effect.
    It would have the ability to crop the image.
    It would have the ability to add either softness to the crop or a border or both.
    I think you see where I am going with this.
    It slows down your workflow to have to go hunting for these commonly used tools.
    Thanks for reading.

    Hello Ann,
    Most of my questions relate to having spent more than an afternoon pushing buttons with all the effects.  It is important to understand that I come from a background of smoke and Avid DS - two very strong effects / editing applications.  Plus I am reasonably comfortable with After Effects.
    I am trying to determine if Premiere will satisfy my client's expectations for effects work within the editing application.  I realize that some of the things I look for can be more easily dealt with by pushing to After Effects.
    I just want to know what can and can not be done with the native tools in Premiere.

  • Lookup field not rendering like drop down in New Item form

    I have been making a page to add new item to a list, for this i am using new item form.
    I am having a two lookup fields in that list of which one contains more than 20 items and other only 3.
    My first problem is that first lookup renders as a text box ONLY in IE 9 mode(nothing appears even when you click on the down arrow), but when I change the mode to IE 8, the rendering changes to a textbox + ajax + filtering list instead of the simple drop
    down list control.
    I have read several blogs about this, but could'nt find a simple solution.
    Anyone has any idea on this?
    IE rendered 1st lookup like this:
    <INPUT onkeydown="CoreInvoke('HandleKey')"
    id=ctl00_ctl20_g_2f56956b_9ff1_48a5_af9a_ba167804f29a_ctl00_ctl05_ctl01_ctl00_ctl00_ctl04_ctl00_ctl01 onchange="CoreInvoke('HandleChange')"
    title=Country onfocusout="CoreInvoke('HandleLoseFocus')"
    value=(None) type=text match choices="(None)|0|Austria|1|Belgium|2|Bulgaria|3|Cyprus|4|Denmark|5|Finland|6|Germany|7|Kazakhstan|8|Liechtenstein|9|Moldavia|10|Norway|11|Poland|12|Portugal|13|Romania|14|Russia|15|Slovania|16|Spain|17|Sweden|18|Switzerland|19|The Netherlands|20|Turkey|21|Ukraine|22|United Kingdom|23" optHid="SPCountry_Hidden"
    alt="Display lookup values"
    <SELECT style="Z-INDEX: 2; POSITION: absolute; DISPLAY: none; TOP: 871px; LEFT: 640px"
    ondblclick=HandleOptDblClick() tabIndex=-1 size=8
    name=_Select ctrl="ctl00_ctl20_g_2f56956b_9ff1_48a5_af9a_ba167804f29a_ctl00_ctl05_ctl01_ctl00_ctl00_ctl04_ctl00_ctl01">
    <OPTION selected value=0>(None)</OPTION>
    <OPTION value=1>Austria</OPTION>
    <OPTION value=2>Belgium</OPTION>
    <OPTION value=3>Bulgaria</OPTION>
    <OPTION value=4>Cyprus</OPTION>
    <OPTION value=5>Denmark</OPTION>... and so on
    Regards, Nayan

    We had the same issue in our environment and we made use of jQuery to resolve the issue. The idea has been taken from SPServices.codeplex as mentioned by Christophe, but extends it in a way with few changes to make it work in our environment for each instance
    of this drop-down in the entire web application.
    columnName = $(
    // Main Function
    function OverrideDropDownList(columnName) {
    // Construct a drop down list object
    var lookupDDL =
    new DropDownList(columnName);
    // Do this only in complex mode...
    if (lookupDDL.Type ==
    "C") {
    // Hide the text box and drop down arrow
    // Construct the simple drop down field with change trigger
    var tempDDLName =
    "_" + columnName;
    if (lookupDDL.Obj.parent().find("select[ID='"
    + tempDDLName + "']").length == 0) {
    "<select name='" + tempDDLName +
    "' id='" + tempDDLName +
    "' title='" + tempDDLName +
    "select[ID='" + tempDDLName +
    function () {
    updateOriginalField(columnName, tempDDLName);
    // Get all the options
    var splittedChoices = lookupDDL.Obj.attr('choices').split("|");
    // get selected value
    var hiddenVal = $('input[name='
    + lookupDDL.Obj.attr("optHid") +
    if (hiddenVal ==
    "0") {
    hiddenVal = lookupDDL.Obj.attr(
    // Replacing the drop down object with the simple drop down list
    lookupDDL =
    new DropDownList(tempDDLName);
    // Populate the drop down list
    for (var
    i = 0; i < splittedChoices.length; i++) {
    var optionVal = splittedChoices[i];
    var optionId = splittedChoices[i];
    var selected = (optionId == hiddenVal) ?
    " selected='selected'" :
    "<option" + selected +
    " value='" + optionId +
    "'>" + optionVal +
    // method to update the original and hidden field.
    function updateOriginalField(child, temp) {
    var childSelect =
    new DropDownList(child);
    var tempSelect =
    new DropDownList(temp);
    // Set the text box
    "value", tempSelect.Obj.find("option:selected").val());
    // Get Hidden ID
    var hiddenId = childSelect.Obj.attr("optHid");
    // Update the hidden variable
    'input[name=' + hiddenId +
    // just to construct a drop down box object. Idea taken from SPServces
    function DropDownList(colName) {
    if ((this.Obj
    = $("input[Title='" + colName +
    "']")).html() !=
    null) {
    this.Type =
    // Multi-select: This will find the multi-select column control on English and most other languages sites where the Title looks like 'Column Name possible values'
    // Simple - when they are less than 20 items
    if ((this.Obj
    = $("select[Title='" + colName +
    "']")).html() !=
    null) {
    this.Type =
    // Compound - when they are more than 20 items
    if ((this.Obj
    = $("input[Title='" + colName +
    "']")).html() !=
    null) {
    this.Type =
    // Multi-select: This will find the multi-select column control on English and most other languages sites where the Title looks like 'Column Name possible values'
    if ((this.Obj
    = $("select[ID$='SelectCandidate'][Title^='" + colName +
    " ']")).html() !=
    null) {
    this.Type =
    // Multi-select: This will find the multi-select column control on a Russian site (and perhaps others) where the Title looks like 'Russion stuff: Column Name'
    if ((this.Obj
    = $("select[ID$='SelectCandidate'][Title$=': " + colName +
    "']")).html() !=
    null) {
    this.Type =
    this.Type =
    // End of function dropdownCtl
    - Sid

  • PerformancePoint Designer is not loading when clicking on "Add new item" from PerformancePoint Content List

    I am using Internet Explorer 9 to create a new item by launching Performance Point Dashboard Designer from browser. 
    When i click on "Add new item", an Iframe will open showing dashboard design redirect which keep loading for couple of minutes and the designer never opens. 
    Yes, there are working workarounds like opening these links in other tab or opening dashboard designer directly or by clicking on "Run Dashboard Designer"  from BI Center homepage. 
    However, Can someone please help me how to get designer opened when "Add new item" has been clicked from  PerformancePoint Content List from browser? 
    Thanks in advance.
    NKV Prasad Panthangi

    An Update :
    I found this is due to the browser limitation. 
    I have downgraded my Internet Explorer Browser to IE 8 and did the following changes in my browser settings. 
    Tools --> Internet Options --> Navigate to Security Tab --> Click on Custom Level Button --> Under Download --> Select "Enable" radio box for Automatic Prompting for File Downloads. 
    Sadly, I cannot ask users to downgrade their browser to IE 8 because MS already stopped support for this browser and there are no other solution for this except going by workarounds. 
    This clearly says why people are moving away from PerformancePoint Services in SharePoint. 
    NKV Prasad Panthangi

  • Bug Report: Feature Request/Bug Report Form

    Re: Feature Request/Bug Report Form
    The Feature Request/Bug Report Form does not include a drop-down option for Creative Cloud.

    Hi Stephen,
    We are collecting feature requests as idea threads here on the forums versus using that form. If you believe you have discovered a bug with Creative Cloud please post about it here on the forums.

  • When-Mouse-Click does not fire if When-new-item-instance exists

    We are using Forms 6i Patch 12.
    The When-Mouse-Click trigger (at block level) is not getting fired when a When-new-item-instance trigger exists on a given item on which mouse is clicked.
    We need to synchronize keyboard and mouse events such that if the validation on certain key items fails, the cursor should go to one of the specified items as per the validation rules.
    The validation rules are different on leaving from different items. Complex validation rules require cursor to go to a different item than the current item on which the validation fires.
    Since go_item cannot be used in when-validate-item, we are using a combination of key-next-item and when-mouse-click.
    But, this strategy seems to fail if mouse is clicked over an item having a when-new-item-instance trigger.
    Also, we need the When-mouse-click trigger to fire before When-new-item-instance.
    Any pointers to solving the firing of trigger or strategy will be appreciated!

    This solution we have tried and it works also.
    However, we end up in another problem in the form. For overall picture, please see my latest post for "Forms Valid status" at Forms Valid status

  • (Harmful) edit not visible in WkiHistory in "Feature Requests"

    Maybe this should be a discussion.
    I've just removed a porn link from the Forums table in "Feature Requests for..."
    The disturbing part is that the edit I removed first appeared in Rev.233, but was not visible in the WikiHistory.  I can construct a lot of scenarios here (but I won't!) and all of them are scary.  I cannot construct a scenario with a "harmless"
    I'm only a newbie, it's not for me to take this further.  But I am sufficiently experienced to know that a revision of best practise access control should be undertaken.  Yesterday would be a good time to initiate it.

    Hi Richard -
    Thanks for answering.  It's the comment to the edit that's missing.
    I believe (I have not tested) that blank comments are not listed as part of the edit, so all we get is the user's edit listing, but no clue of what was done in the edit.
    I draw your attention to Wikipedia, where all parts of the edit are summarized in the History List.  I don't believe the Technet Wiki History needs that amount of data, but OTOH that is the sort of thing computers excel at.  But I do believe Technet
    Wiki should record blank comments as well as filled comments.  Maybe a blank comment could be filled with the first 10 or 20 words of the edit?
    Okay, please add the feature request to the Wiki section:
    Hey, thanks for your edits here:
    You removed a dead link and a spam link!
    And the history tab showed me all that!
    We're actually thinking of migrating to the Wikimedia platform. Then that would give us your feature request. But it's best to capture it on our list so we don't lose sight of it.
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • Feature Request "Copy of column-name" in 2.1.1 not working

    Scanning all the feature requests added to 2.1.1, i came across to the following one:
    Title: Copy of column-name
    after getting the query result it would be greate if we can mark the column-name and the copy the name of the column to the clipboard for further use (e.g. select colum_name from table ...)
    Try 2.1.1. You can drag a selection of columns to the worksheet. If not, then please provide more detail in future request.
    Status: In Release 2.1.1 ;
    Now i've tried few times to drag the column from the query result into the worksheet but it doesn't work. The only thing which works is to change the columns orders in the grid result.
    Anybody experience the same result?

    I'm already aware of this and it's working but the downside is that it copies the cell value too which i don't see the point.
    If i want the cell values than i can export or copy them.
    The request description was different though.
    Unfortunately you can't drag the column name from the navigator or result grid. Would be nice if it would.
    Is anything else i can do to get this fix or are you gonna raise a CQ for this?

  • Feature request...rich-text for notes field

    I hope Adobe reads these posts!  Notes in Presenter would be much better if they accepted rich-text.  This only makes sense since the Notes field in PowerPoint is rich-text.  Please add this feature in future releases.

    You could get directly to the Adobe team if you filled out a proper feature request. Here is the link:
    Then you will be sure that they read your request, and they do, believe me,

  • Feature Request: Option to Not Autohide Video Controller

    Curently, when you enable the built in video controller it will auto-hide when the cursor is not over the movie. I'd like to request you make the autohide feature a checkbox option in the Video properties area and have the video controller stay on the screen as the default behavior. Here's why.
    When students come to a sheet with an enbedded video, they have no idea it's a video unless they accidentially move the cursor over the video area. It would be great to have the video controller always visible to let users know there is a video on the sheet, and would save developers some time from having to add instructions on the sheet to play the video. I'd like to remove any/all confusion the students might have in using content built by ROME.
    David Egbert

    Thanks David! This is now added to the feature request list.
    Forum Moderator

  • Working collection, not necessarilly pinned - New feature request

    Do you think this is a useful feature?
    Currently when you are working with objects the only way to keep "non-editing" windows is to pin them.
    Can this behaviour be extended as a new node that allows you keep a "working collection" of different object types. The method of user operation that I can see is have a context menu on each object in the node, do a right click "Add to working list".
    * Having the ability to add objects maybe from a different schema to the list could be nice. That way the "working collection" is not limited to a connection.
    * If this list of objects can be saved for later reuse, it could make it even more functional.
    Is it possible to do this as a customisation/extension?

    Have you created an feature request for this on the Exchange? Or identified any existing request that is equivalent? Sounds worthwhile.No I haven't. I was hoping for some community response. It seemed like something some would have requested.
    I like your idea of a restore. A ability to restore via a session manager even more powerful (As long as dead/obselete objects and broken connections are managed well).
    My suggestion was more inclined towards the "project based working" mentioned by Jim.
    I did a little bit of digging around and found this, [Favorites folder to store a collection of objects|http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=42626:39:3557915450647134::NO::P39_ID:301] : Accepted
    Thanks for replying Sue. Any chance "[Favorites folder to store a collection of objects|http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=42626:39:3557915450647134::NO::P39_ID:301]" would make into version 2.0?

  • IOS 7 feature request: Option for home button to home not folder.

    IOS 7 feature request: Option for home button to home not folder. Maybe for some this workflow is good but not for me. To many clicks. At least give the option to have my home button take me to my home page. 9 times out of 10 that's where I want to go. Not back to my folder.

    send your feedback here http://www.apple.com/feedback/

  • TB show all my inboxes but will not show the emails in my most recent account in the unified inbox.

    Thunderbird successfully displays all of my e-mail accounts in the list of accounts and displays all of the inboxes correctly however it doesn't display the e-mails at my newest address in the unified inbox. To see them, I have to click on that particular e-mail accounts inbox. In every way, this account appears to be set up the same as the all the other ones. The newest e-mail account is a second account through Zoho. What do you think is the problem?
    Mac OS 10.9
    Thunderbird 31.6
    [email protected]

    ''LeoJoy [[#question-1058991|said]]''
    Thunderbird successfully displays all of my e-mail accounts in the list of accounts and displays all of the inboxes correctly however it doesn't display the e-mails at my newest address in the unified inbox. To see them, I have to click on that particular e-mail accounts inbox. In every way, this account appears to be set up the same as the all the other ones. The newest e-mail account is a second account through Zoho. What do you think is the problem?
    Mac OS 10.9
    Thunderbird 31.6
    [email protected]
    Thank you. I had to select the search from the menu instead og by right clicking but it worked just the same.

  • Feature Requests for BlackBerry​10 OS

    This thread has been closed and is continued in this new thread here: 
    Feature Requests beyond BlackBerry OS10.3.1
    Please click on that link.
    Let's use this thread to list BlackBerry10 OS feature requests. There's nothing official to this thread, but one never knows who might view it and get an idea or two to move foward.
    Please let's keep it to feature requests with simple short statements and comments, in this manner:
    1. Ability to lock the volume keys (since they are so easliy pressed when retrieving from holster)
    2. Personal distribution groups Address Book
    4. Add BBM Group icon to home screen
    **This thread is not for bug reports (i.e., the calendar glitches when I set the date) or for debate or discussion of the worthiness of a feature request.
    So, what would YOU add to BB10?
    What do YOU need to make the OS platform work better for you?
    Here are the collected feature requests as of 04 April 2013. Thanks for Ride_The_Sky for helping collect these from this thread.
    There are listed in no order, just as collected.
    Ability to lock the volume keys (since they are so easily pressed when retrieving from holster)
    Personal distribution groups Address Book
    Add BBM Group icon to home screen
    Way to add line carriage to BBM messages
    Why doesn't the most used name come up first? <- In latest OS, there is another line with most common contacts, but when typing it won't provide most commonly emailed contacts.
    Bring back the option "Send As" or include this option in "Share"
    Enable word wrap when zooming in to emails and messages.
    Import Distribution lists from Outlook on your desktop to your Z10?
    *The option* to always show the hub main screen when opening the hub, so when peeking it always shows the hub even if you leave it in another screen.
    Offer Balance without BES to have two workspaces in device.
    Delete on Server/Device/Both
    Delete on Server but Keep on Device (This is going to be tough since EAS does not work like POP, using POP you can do this by deleting on server after sync)
    Auto power on/off or Auto Do Not Disturb / Scheduled Airplane Mode / Scheduled Silence Mode / Scheduled Custom Profile
    Default Currency Option
    More options to lower data usage in e-mail (Headers Only / Roaming Profiles)
    Snooze a notification/reminder for more than 5 minutes.
    Customized Notifications
    Disable certain accounts to stop receiving email or notifications from them temporarily to avoid data usage.
    Way to delete recent pictures, videos.
    Office Hub customization, sorting, editing, etc., on the fly.
    Select which contact groups to sync, and ability delete all contacts.
    Larger text select tabs
    Add more options to dropbar.
    Improve browser functionality and display, add customization and management of Bookmarks.
    Calendar in Landscape mode
    Option to Disable shutter sounds in camera.
    Auto BCC option
    Multiple appointments in lock screen, not only next one.
    Increase email check frequency, custom minutes (possibly battery concern, most accounts use push nowadays)
    Ability to hide "texting" numbers such as Work, home, etc that aren't able to receive texts
    Ability to have multiple mobile numbers, such as mobile1, mobile2, for people with more than one cellphone
    Ability to have multiple work numbers, home numbers, etc
    Ability to have option for actually creating "custom" names for phone numbers, emails, VOIP,
    Ability to have multiple WORK emails fields for same contact ...
    Ability for a custom note field for each contact, for misc information such as store hours, reference numbers, business account numbers,
    Ability for filter or unselect specific Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook contacts so they all don't appear
    Ability to "share" contact info with someone else ... like a vcard or the like
    Ability to have custom Individual text and ringtones for each contact set within contacts app
    Vibrate option for Alarm
    Mail Filters for Priority mails.
    Option to block ringtones from music app (i don't see ringtones in my music app, I guess poster refers to custom mp3 files)
    Swipe down to close, up to minimize (but some apps have menus associated with swipe up gesture)
    Swipe half way up the screen to minimize an application to an active tile.
    Swipe it all the way up the screen to close the application.
    Playbook app switching gestures (swipe sideways, I guess this won't work since there are other gestures associated with side-swiping)
    Lock screen with gesture (or maybe they should just add a button on home screen, somewhere on top or bottom)
    Airplane mode on status bar options.
    Option to customize status bar with select Settings/Options.
    Colors for Hub!
    Face recognition for camera, being able to associate contacts with faces or pull info from Facebook, etc.
    Weather info on Lock Screen (if I may add, and constant info on top status bar, simple temp info should be enough)
    We need groups back in contacts please.
    Import text messages in various formats from various systems.
    Sorting and Ordering of the way contacts are displayed depending on account.
    While editing an entry in calendar, notification about a recent call may cause loss of data in that entry.
    Location for Calendar entries and be able to see it on the map with a tap.
    Being able to see multiple pictures from an email by swiping left and right to see next/previous without having to reopen (I must say the same thing is needed for App World, why can't we just scroll through screenshots??)
    Multiple flags or ability to set a flag date, associate with a reminder.
    Move people from TO to CC or BCC easily (If I may add, also ability to backspace to delete a contact without having to tap the X in blue box).
    Option to add favorites to Hub for easy to reach contact management (I think it is same as going to contacts and choosing Favs)
    Being able to answer and make calls when the phone is locked.
    Add more colors to LED notification (I think they are there now, orange, green, red so far, did not see blue, I don't think blue is needed in my opinion)
    Change the way to add date and time for appointment, rollbar is too slow and too sensitive.
    Dismiss and Snooze buttons for Alarm to be different colors, larger, easier to notice.
    Make it easier to order world clocks, instead of the order they are added.
    Alarms based on days/schedule.
    Easier way to get to the bottom of e-mails (I think it scrolls pretty fast, I think poster wants "B" shortcut)
    Easer way to get to the bottom of web pages (same as above, space or B shortcut?)
    Add option to ask if you really want to dial, instead of just dialing right away every time a phone number is clicked/tapped on.
    Ability to resize image before attaching to an e-mail.
    More than 30 days email sync on device, please!
    Make BB boot up slower, so we can actually get to do something else while waiting for it to start!
    SSH client would be nice.
    Another keyboard like Swipe (honestly, I have never typed faster in my life on any other on screen keyboard, Z10 keyboard is awesome!)
    Volume lock/unlock button on demand.
    Auto Run app on device boot up.
    Lock or Pin apps.
    Ability to run background apps (Google Talk is running in the background, or it is tricking me, I don't know but I am getting messages from it when it is shut down on BB10, I hope they do Skype the same way)
    Ability to have multiple documents of same type open at the same time (tabbed docs2go)
    Calendar sharing of BB10 users in the area/company/group.
    PIN Messaging to return.
    Preview e-mails, calendar and other information on lock screen (privacy?)
    Way to clear anything in any "Recent" menu, videos, pictures, etc..
    Ability to hide apps, docs, pics, videos, folders, etc..
    BBM Group Picture notification.
    Support WhatsApp more.
    Another tap for important numbers (Favorites work for this, and on top of speed dial)
    From Call Menu when going into contacts, it should be ready to search with keyboard out.
    Option to customize volume key to act as page up/down, etc depending on app running.
    Red star in app world (means you need to run Updates, just refresh and check by swiping down from top)
    Better headphones with the phone (hey, we didn't even get any!)
    Better night shots in camera (hardware or software improvement?)
    Ability to choose which address book to sync with bluetooth car.
    When app is opened from a folder three or four pages into apps list, we hope the screen can go back to that spot when the app is closed (sadly it uses active frames at the moment)
    Change acceptance of auto corrected key, instead of space key, make it something else (actually, you can just backspace to un-autocorrect it back to what you typed).
    Ability to load certificates (X 509 S/MIME and/or PGP/MIME) from a computer
    Ability to sign and or encrypt emails (POP3)  before sending (As in MS Office Outlook)
    Ability to receive and recognize signed and or encrypted emails (POP3) (As in MS Office Outlook)
    Add a password/certificate manager that doesn't require manual copy/paste
    Ability to encrypt the memories Device and Media of the Q10 like it is done for the BB9900
    Ability to encrypt selected folders (preferably by Private Key)
    Ability to create Self-Decrypting Archive like in PGP
    Ability to delete email-messages by group as an alternate option to one by one
    Opening Video-chat to non-BBM users (Skype for instance)
    For above encryption request, SecuSmart was suggested...
    Renaming the file without extension can break the file or hide it from pictures list.
    Wallpaper scrolling sideways.
    Standalone e-mail app (not sure how different it is than choosing emails-only for hub)
    Different colors or small tabs in different colors for different accounts in Hub.
    Share webpages with smart tag (I think you can just create it by pasting the URL into create QR)
    Application management (being able to see which app takes up how much space, etc..) CPU/Memory/Battery Usage/Data Usage/Storage Usage in more details
    Custom vibration options.
    Move Send button in BBM to avoid accidental submission of message
    Forward As… SMS, MMS, EMAIL from one to another.
    Send SMS to new numbers (I think you can still do this from call log)
    Single key press to change profiles.
    Insert a picture into an e-mail. (I think he means into the body of email)
    Turning off links of contacts (I think poster did not have multiple accounts, actually BB10 goes ahead and adds all new contacts into all address books in all accounts without user permission.. Create a contact in Hotmail? Gets copied to Gmail.. and then linked, terrible implementation in my opinion)
    Presets for browser bookmarks, faster access to bookmarks. (My suggestion was to create a home screen, select 12 icons 3x4 or 16 icons 4x4 as home screen/start page)
    Being able to allow flash based on website/url/server.
    Ability to adjust different sounds/volumes for different BBM users/groups
    Better Voice Dial and Voice Commands (shorter and easier operation)
    Ability close one or all web pages/tabs, add "Close All" button.
    Call Recording
    Faster way to delete e-mails, such as file icons next to e-mails,  or Swipe to Delete! Swipe to File!?
    Customize email signatures with formatting.
    Phone to stay on screen (dial pad always available in panes)
    More Options for Clock.
    In Playbook we can have a single character password, why not on BB10? "too short" well it is my decision, isn't it?
    There is no way to go next/previous while reading an e-mail. Please add these functions.
    Add to the e-mail client, Next Unread / Previous Unread.
    E-mail or Hub should have more buttons at the bottom in landscape mode. Why keep only three (or four in e-mail view) buttons when you have the real estate. It would be extremely handy if you allowed users to edit which buttons should go at the bottom. Next Previous is really needed while reading an e-mail. For example I would love to add "File" button at the bottom as a shortcut instead of forward, I rarely forward, but I file all the time. Maybe allow users to have two row of keys, add next/previous/unread. Or it could be done with a gesture. How about swiping the account name (top blue bar while reading e-mail) left and right?
    When you create a new contact in BlackBerry, it gets synced to all accounts on the Hub. There is no way to limit the new contact to a specific account.
    Sometimes when you file an e-mail to a folder, it stops and waits few seconds with no message. Even when it files immediately, there is a confirmation message that takes time to appear and disappear, and the folder list does not disappear automatically.
    Messages filed automatically by server using server side filter rules are still showing up on Blackberry hub/inbox. In older BB versions the filtered messages did not show up in the list, filed messages still did.
    When you filter your e-mails using Filter / Unread function, new unread e-mails do not show up until you close the filter and re-open. It won't just keep refreshing your screen with unread e-mails. Can BB add a button to the hub "Unread Hub" so when hub shows 8 or 2, you can actually see unread items easily without having to through so many taps.
    Native BB QR scanner (Smart Tags) does not work with barcodes (it only scans with no way to use the information). There is Open In function but it doesn't work properly.
    We need to add more customs search providers, and be able to add custom search strings/wildcards. For example currently there is Google, Bing, Yahoo, Foursquare, etc..
    I hope BB introduces the ability include more standard & custom searches, IMDB, PriceGrabber, Ebay, Youtube, XYZ Forums, ABC Newspaper, 123 Database, Etc.. Most sites nowadays provide search string in their URL Search=?* etc...
    None of the Battery apps can access system settings to add a battery icon to the top. I wish battery percentage was there.
    There is no way to check carrier/mobile signal strength.
    Blackberry, please add the date and carrier / SSID info to the top. Sometimes we just want to glance at the top to see the date without having to swipe.
    Please bring back keyboard shortcuts. Since we can easily swipe up to bring the keyboard, just add keyboard shortcuts in e-mail, phone (true speed dialing, dialing by word?), and browser, etc.. if possible. I could always call 1800SOMETHING# now I have to look up the number or use dial pad.. Please bring it back.
    Camera zoom function needs to be fixed, also please include option of fixed focus by tapping on the screen to focus. The auto focus in video is focusing in and out to various objects all the time. Stabilization feature also causes tearing/ripples, I guess it is good if you are stationary. Or use Volume Keys to Zoom.
    Please allow more than 12 icons in an icon group/folder, I hated Apple for limiting apps per folder, please fix it.
    Auto ON/OFF feature is not there anymore. BB should consider Auto DND (DoNotDisturb) or Auto Silent/Airplane modes instead.
    Please find a way to stop the music app from automatically starting up every time it connects to bluetooth like car audio. This is very annoying.
    No Panaroma mode in Camera app, why not? It is very easy to incorporate. This could be a nice addition to next release, and easy.
    The text selection grips needs to be a little bigger, sometimes I cannot see where I am moving them, they work better in Playbook, nice big tabs.
    Call Functions, before answering a phone add sideways gesture functions, like swiping right will forward the call, swiping left will answer with a test message, etc..
    Or there should be a way to reject the call without sending it to voice mail, phones had this function a decade ago, I don't know what happened to it.
    We used to be able to see the "History" without having to save the contact. Now I don't see any way to "View History" of a certain phone number, it just keeps adding
    them as individual entries to the log. Now I can't see when was the last time they called me, how many times we spoke which day, etc... I loved this feature in BB5.
    Where is BB Traffic? Where is BB Weather, without having to run an active frame? It will eventually disappear if you run too many apps. I liked a little Icon that shows me what the temp is, instead of running a whole app.
    There is no Skype. This day and age with all other platforms having it, please either get skype (Microsoft) to cooperate, or open up BBM to other platforms. If necessary, pay Skype to develop the app, then charge BB users for the app. Most will gladly pay.
    Can we tap and hold on an active frame to pin it, or can we pin two favorite apps between Call and Search & Search and Camera buttons in the bottom bar? How about Close All running Active Frames app to quickly free up ram?
    I hope next generation devices have two speakers or speaker that is facing forward. When playing games or watching videos in landscape mode, I find my palm muting the speaker. I have to hold it gently with fingers to have a gap in between, something I don't want to do when I am on the subway or bus.
    Blackberry Maps should have a Zoom In/Zoom Out buttons, sometimes using it with one hand, it is impossible to zoom in and out. (Zoom in is OK but we can't zoom back out)
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
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    - ability to choose deletion of an email on handset only
    - desktop software working with all older BB's allowing drag and drop type of transferring data, contacts etc. (BB link doesn't recognize my old Storm) 
    - auto power on/off
    - contacts syncing with yahoo & Outlook (almost two weeks trying to work around it and no luck)

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