Feedback on 1995970

   we have same problem as this notes mentioned,but after we reinstall the portal 7.31 and apply spstack 10, the problem is still same. but according to notes after sp 10 pl9 ,it should be solved.
larry zhu

Hi Matan
Could it be that the following error message(Query analyzer) is related to the patches?
"ABEND RSWWW (051): Inconsistency in the database for object  (03 )"
Kind regards

Similar Messages

  • My ipod touch is not being recognized by my computer and gives no feedback when I connect it to my pc

    Hi... I really need some help from you guys. My ipod touch is not responding whenever I connect it to my PC. It gives no feedback. The battery image that is shown when I charge my ipod touch doesn't show up unlike if I charge it using the wall charger. I have used different kinds of ports and I ended up with similar things. No response! . However, I can still use my ipod and play music with it. The only problem is its syncing ability is gone. I have only used it for a year now and the warranty that came with it is expired. I hope I can get a good answer from you guys. ThanKs!!!

    I am afraid that the solution did not work... the ipod touch of mine seems really not functioning. It receives an electric isgnal from the computer but it doesnt sync at all... Whenever I put my ipod touch off and plug it to my computer it turns on but it doesnt sync... .. Moreover, I have used different PCs so as to try it syncing.. I have used mac book pro and windows 7 laptops but it gives similar feedback, which is NO FEEDBACK at all...

  • Expert day feedback

    Nice idea.  Looks like some were helped.  My 2 questions received no responses and have not been moved to the other forums (at least as far as Search sees).  It would be nice to provide at least a courtesy response to each question.  Even if it is just that you have no answer...or that you are working on an answer and expect to move the message to Forum "XYZ" within X days.  It could all be automated so the message goes out in a couple of clicks.  So it needn't take much time or effort on behalf of the techs.
    Right now I am in limbo.  I want to repost on one of the normal boards, but do not want to appear to be double posting when (if) my original messages from the Expert board gets moved to the normal boards.
    What should I do?
    By the way, the questions I asked did not seem particularly difficult.  One was how to add ATSC channels to Win7 MCE that had already be set up as QAM only (without losing my QAM channel lineup).  The other was how to delete the Vista 32 recovery partition on my HP dv9700z hard drive after a custom install of Win7 64.  I would have thought that I was just dense in not finding the answers myself, and that an HP/MS expert would have been able to answer them quickly....much the way the Geniouses at the Apple Store handle Mac issues.
    Message Edited by bkspero on 11-07-2009 09:13 AM

    Hi bkspero,
    Thank you for the feedback.  To address your concerns, your posts made during the Expert event can be found here:
    Add ATSC channels to existing QAM lineup in Windows 7 Media Center
    Delete Vista recovery partition after Win 7 upgrade
    They were moved to the appropriate post-event forum and left open for responses.  If you still need assistance with these issues, you may want to reply to your posts and let everyone know you're still looking for answers.  This reply will serve to "bump" your threads back to the top of the first page of the forums as well.
    Clicking the "Kudos star" to the left is a great way to say thanks!
    When your problem has been solved, accept the solution by clicking the "Accept as Solution" button to help other members in the future!
    Rules of Participation

  • DPS Feedback From Client: A Book Publisher's Perspective

    I thought it might be helpful to both Adobe and other publishers to post some real-world feedback from one of our clients.
    But first, some background:
    We are a book publisher moving into the realm of book apps. Our book apps or not at all like their printed counterparts and mix in a bunch of new content and interactive features. Our apps are also not like magazines, which is what DPS feels like it was designed for.
    We've been doing some testing with DPS, especially as it relates to a business model for us and our clients. We've also been testing resolutions, and figuring out the differences between single-issue and multi-issue apps.
    I posted an overview of where our tests led us in terms of single vs. multi, here:
    and I posted some resolutions tests to see if an iPad 1/2 resolution app would look "good enough" on an iPad 3 (or the new iPad), here:
    and finally an overview of what we hope Adobe will do with single-issue apps and renditions, here:
    Below is a continuation of our DPS discovery process. At the same time we are exploring HTML5/CSS3/Javascript development with Baker. Although we've developed our own webapps, run everything in Amazon's cloud (ec2, s3) and have a development team familiar with everything needed to get a book app out via HTML, we are giving DPS a fair shot because we've invested so much money in Adobe's software and we'd rather our production team handle book apps instead of our development team.
    With all of that said as a backdrop, we presented an interested client with the option of publishing two single-issue apps (iPad 1/2 and iPad 3) or publishing one multi-issue app.
    Pricing wise, we kept our design fees the same with either option. The only pricing difference was $395x2 for the single-issue app route vs. a monthly charge to help us offset Adobe's monthly charge for the multi-issue app.
    The questions from the client and answers from us went like this, in roughly this order:
    Q: With the single-issue app, we don't pay an ongoing monthly fee?
    A: Correct. It's just the up-front per-app fee.
    Q: And in the multi-issue app arrangement, it doesn't matter how little our sales trickle in 6-9 months down the line, we're still paying the monthly fee if we want to have the app for sale at all?
    A: Yes.
    Q: Does either option limit us in terms of how long the app will be available for download?
    A: No. Both options allow for ongoing sales of the app. The primary difference being you pay monthly to keep the app "alive" for multi-issue apps whereas single-issue apps live indefinitely with no monthly cost.
    Q: So it seems like single-issue apps are the way for us.
    A: From a pricing standpoint alone, yes, because most of your app sales will occur in the first month or two and single-issue apps do not carry any monthly costs down the line. That said, single-issue apps have some serious limitations.
    Q: Like?
    A: For starters, we would have to develop two apps to target iPad 1/2 and iPad 3.
    Q: So the customer would have to make the choice? We are expecting the customer to get  technical and figure out which app is for their device?
    A: Yes. Renditions only exist in multi-issue apps, currently.
    Q: Let's suppose we can get over that because eventually we will want to develop an Android version and a Kindle Fire version and in that case we are expecting customers to know which app works on their device...
    A: Let me stop you there. Single-issue apps only work for iPad.
    Q: So if we go the single-issue route, we simply can't ever develop an Android or Kindle Fire app?
    A: Not as a single-issue app for any other platform than iPad. If it was essential you release on other platforms, we could look into converting the single-issue app into a multi-issue app later on, although we'd be looking at that monthly charge again.
    Q: Right, which simply doesn't make sense for our app because of its timely nature.
    A: We agree. Let's give up developing for other platforms for now and even indefinitely and focus in on just the iPad single-issue app development.
    Q: Okay. So we release two apps, one for iPad 1/2 and one for iPad 3 using single-issue apps. What if we want to update the app down the road? Do we update both apps at once?
    A: Actually, with single-issue apps, you can't update the app. Once it's submitted to Apple, it's locked in once and for all. Only multi-issue apps can be updated.
    Q: That's another serious issue for us. Are there any other limitations we haven't discussed?
    A: There are two more limitations: 1) Single-issue apps rely on the latest version of Adobe Content Viewer approved by Apple. Currently, version 19 of Adobe's DPS tools work with the Adobe Content Viewer that's approved and live in the App Store. That means we can develop your app using v19 of Adobe's tools but will have to hold off on updating to v20. This isn't so much a real issue as a potential issue. If, for example, v20 has some killer feature you really want to have, we simply couldn't use it. 2) Single-issue apps have no analytics.
    Q: With all of these limitations, we're going to have to discuss internally which way to go. What's your recommendation?
    A: All things considered, we think single-issue apps is the best solution now for your app. We have no exact target sales numbers in mind, but it's almost a certainty you will sell 80% of all app sales in the first 1-2 months. Knowing you want to keep the app available indefinitely means a single-issue app is the only way to go.
    After two days and a few conference calls, the client decided to move forward with two single-issue apps, although a bit begrudgingly. We didn't pull any punches and let them know we expect Adobe to spend some time refining their pricing strategy and unifying the feature set as the technology starts to grow up. At this point, the seemingly wonky pricing structure and feature parity is the cost of being on the bleeding edge.
    And we are now jumping into developing the app with DPS for our client. I should say, however, we are also working quickly to come up with a viable HTML5 route for publishing to avoid Adobe's system altogether. At this point I anticipate we will move to HTML in the next 2-5 months if Adobe's pricing/features don't start to move toward what we need. If we do jump to HTML, the answer to most clients' questions will be, "we can do that; for cheap; on all devices" and so on, which is a pretty attractive thing.
    This ended up being considerably longer than I had originally envisioned, but my hope is it is useful for Adobe in refining the product and helpful for other publishers just starting down the DPS path.

    Agreed. It wouldn't be right for us to pass on Adobe DPS' entire monthly charge to one client, and we have no plans to do so. We are still fine tuning the amount we would pass on to each client.
    From our perspective, we are hesitant to invest anything at all in the multi-issue route because other paths to digital publishing/apps are looking more and more attractive. If we put out a handful of DPS multi-issue apps now (say, 4-5) then jump to HTML in 3-6 months, we will have to maintain Adobe's monthly fee indefinitely for the first 4-5 apps. It's as if we are paying Adobe for the right to be locked into paying Adobe monthly. No thanks.
    From the client's perspective, even if the monthly amount we pass on is minimal, simple math shows at some point monthly sales will not cover the monthly carrying cost. When that point comes is pretty crucial to figure out, but it's likely it will come in month 2 or 3, which means the client would be forced to pull the app from the app store just 2-3 months after its release.
    I keep trying to find a parallel for the business model in this new book app world. What is Adobe's role if we were talking traditional book publishing?
    - The book store? No, that's the role of whichever app store the app is sold through (Apple's App Store, Android Market, etc.).
    - The distributor? Possibly, since you could consider Adobe hosting the files as a type of distribution service (although, I'd prefer to host it all myself). If Adobe is the distributor, $0.30/download seems reasonable.
    - The press? I suppose this could be argued since Adobe takes an input of files and outputs an app like a press takes an input of files and outputs a printed product. That's sorta like a press. But if that's the case, a per app fee (or even a per download fee) makes more sense than a monthly carrying cost. We don't pay our presses monthly after they've printed our books for the right to sell them. 
    Obviously, there's a flaw in thinking about this new world in old ways, but I'd still like to figure out exactly what Adobe's role is and why we (or our clients) would pay Adobe monthly. If, for example, Adobe's pricing scheme was something more like $400 per app created (with all features like renditions, updates, social sharing, etc.) + $0.30 per download to host the file with an option to bypass Adobe's (shaky) hosting service, we'd jump into DPS with no reservations and be publishing dozens of apps per year. Instead, we're dabbling with publishing one app and working as quickly as possible to find other solutions, which would eventually lead to converting our Adobe Create Suite based production team to an HTML/CSS/Javascript team.

  • Feedback for forum: WAP4410N lock ups - how we fixed!

    Hi All,
    Our organisation struggled for the past 12 months with 6 x WAP4410N devices in our small office environment - configured as access points, same ssid, separate channels, no interference. Our errors consisted of:
    1. Random lockups, up to 3 times a day - requiring reboot to fix
    2. Not passing on DHCP requests - requiring reboot to fix
    3. Some wireless devices unable to ever make a successful connect
    Over this 12 month period we upgraded firmware, last  being, applied tips from this forum, and also opened cases with Cisco - we ended up resorting to 4 reboots per day for each device to get some productivity out of these access points.
    Start of this month we contacted Eric Moyers, Cisco Engineer who monitors this forum, who assisted with opening a new Cisco case. This case was escalated immediately, beta firmware provided and tested, feedback provided as still same failures. Cisco then provided the option of full refund on all 6 devices which we accepted - provided proof of purchase (original invoices). We then purchased 6 x WAP321  inconjunction with advice from Eric - slighly more expensive than the WAP4410N, however we could have gone with WAP121's.
    10 days ago we implemented the WAP321's, configuration so simple, and have had absolutely 100% trouble free success - no lockups, dropouts, refusing connections and every wireless device we have successfully connects.
    I hope this information can help those of you who struggle for resolution of WAP4410N  issues - raising a case is easy with Cisco, testing by Cisco support quick, refund painless and deployment of WAP321s simple. My management is extrememly happy with the outcome. If you want to contact Eric you will see his regular posts here and he even lists his direct email address.
    Kindest regards,
    Dale Bentley

    First of all thanks to all for the help, and CJLittle...LMAO !  My car is a Scooby and a nice blue paint job !  Believe it or not they assured me all this would work.. I bought it in one package and even questioned it.  Also to be fair up until then they had always been very good... shows they have no zero about 3200XP 200 fsbetc...  When I went back with the power supply and told them they changed it out and let me off on the extra money it should have been.
    The crashes are as follows :-
    Locks up after random amounts of time in games, sometimes dont even get to load it up at all, other times I can play 2 hours.  When the games lock up usually there is a high pitch squeal and can only get out of it by reset or power off.
    I cannot install Zone Alarm Pro or Agnitum Outpost are 2 anyway (there are others) these just come up with the installer screen and hangs there, I have to go to Task Manager to close them down, unlike the lock up in games.
    The cooler is the Coolermaster Jet... and the temperature is more than acceptable (right now is 44 C) so I cannot see that at all being a factor.
    leds are on on the d bracket when it locks, I did not know of this function and will check it out. Thanks for that tip.[/list=1]
    Question from me: would the 2700 RAM cause these lockups ?  I would have thought it would just not work at all ?  If this is possible then I will go and change out the RAM as tuning it down to 166 (if it is possible) does not appeal to me !  But yes it may show what the problem is.
    Thanks again, will see what happens...

  • I got a message to help test Mozilla and Mozilla is stopping the download of this even though I "Allowed it? The feedback submit will not let me submit any feedback to you? All info is included below,

    I downloaded Version 4 of Mozilla yesterday because while playing Farmville a Zynga game on Facebook my computer was going very slow and an error message kept coming up saying internet connection had been lost and it reconnects. I use for security and live support, they have checked and rechecked my pc . There is nothing wrong with it. About 3 weeks ago FB/Z made a change saying they were going to throttle the game and control the limits on gift giving. This is when all the problems started that I'm experiencing now. It happened in the past when I first started playing while I was using IE 8. That is why I first started using Firefox. Firefox was so much better; no hang ups, no disconnections. The games played really smooth and easy. Now Firefox is doing the same things that IE was doing. I tried Comodo Dragon for a while. It ran really fast without problems. But, I was getting all kinds of Facebook notices because Dragon's security wouldn't let them into my email or anything. In other words Facebook cannot handle a good browser with good security. I went back to using Mozilla and have been using it ever since. But, this is horrible. It is constantly saying waiting on app.facebook...... and everything just freezes up. Then today, I got a message from Mozilla about being in a test for a week to help Mozilla make the program better. I agreed and tried to download it. It couldn't be downloaded "because Firefox was preventing the download." I clicked on"Allow" the info bar went away. It was downloading but then I got a message in the download progress bar saying it could not be downloaded because Firefox would not let it. I deleted the previous version of Firefox yesterday because I thought it would interfere with the new one so it isn't that. I am using Windows 7 and it is up to date. I sent one feedback message today but I had to work to get it to submit. I tried again about a 30 minutes ago when I got the join the test group message again and nothing would submit so I came to to this page to let you know what was going on. I don't know anything else to tell you. Is it possible that to throttle down the games the Facebook browser is using to much memory and processor speed and this is causing the computers to freeze up. Other game players are having these same issues. I bragged about Mozilla for over a year to my friends on Facebook and got a lot of them to change over to it. They have loved it. Now I worry about what's going on. These problems are happening almost every time I make I do anything. It is constant?

    EDIT: To try to work out what those two midden volumes are do I tried this in terminal, gave me this:
    garys-mac-pro:volumes gary$ ls -l -a -i
    total 524
      13694 drwxrwxrwt@  7 root  admin     238 30 Oct 22:07 .
          2 drwxr-xr-x@ 38 root  wheel    1360 21 Oct 23:35 ..
          8 drwxrwxrwx   1 gary  staff  131072  1 Jan  1980 Data
          5 drwxrwxrwx   1 gary  staff  131072  1 Jan  1980 Linux
    3332740 lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  admin       1 30 Oct 22:03 OSX Maveriks -> /
          2 drwxr-xr-x   1 gary  staff   12288 11 Oct 19:20 Untitled
      47104 drwxr-xr-x   1 gary  staff    2048 12 Sep 17:59 Untitled 1
    garys-mac-pro:volumes gary$
    I presume those ghost type volumes, net and home, are the ones showing up there with names as . and .. and run by 7 root admin. Shouldn't technically I be the user admin since only I use this machine? No idea why i'm listed as gary staff ... Soz for all the questions, I really wanna learn

  • Voice feedback volume?

    Is there any solution to the low feedback voice volume? I can barely hear it at all. And I'm pretty sure sometimes he doesn't even say anything.
    (2nd gen iPod touch)

    Yea, I have a friend who has noticed this issue on his Z10.
    I've tested on my Z30, and the voice feedback is loud and clear. We'll have to figure out the differenced in the devices or OS release, or settings.
    What is your Operating System loaded to your device? Look at Options >  From the main screen, swipe down from the top black bezel to Settings > About... what is the OS Version listed there?
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  • How do I provide feedback to Adobe?  Is anyone listening?

    Periodically I find situations in using Adobe products where I can't imagine why the product or service is set up or operates in a particular way.  When I go to Adobe web site there is no avenue for feedback.  I wonder, does Adobe make it difficult to give feedback because it doesn't want to hear from a very loyal customer?
    Today, for example, I got a message to update Adobe Acrobat Reader.  This sent all kinds of beware signals in my mind because of past experiences. (see explanation below)  So I decided to give feedback using a feedback button on the updater.  The feedback assumed I was already done the update because it asked me to give a general impression of my experience.  So I stopped there and proceeded first with the update.  However after I finished the update, the feedback button had disappeared.  Why?  Because the last step in the updating process was to reboot.  Once I rebooted, I could not find a feeback mechanism anywhere in the Adobe web pages.
    So here's my feedback on this particular experience.
    1.  Make a feedback mechansim appear after bootup in a manner similar to the message asking me to update.
    2.  And now to the feedback I wanted to send Adobe.  Stop 3rd party companies from sending "update" messages for Adobe Acrobat.
    Explanation:  Although it hasn't happened recently, in the last few years I have received multiple times an Adobe update message that I'm now guessing came from Google instead of Adobe.  I think it came from Google because I kept receiving the message even after the update was completed.  More important, after the update I discovered that Google Chrome was installed.  I really don't like Chrome.  It messes with and controls a lot of things on my computer that I don't want to have happen.  For example, after discovering Google Chrome on my computer I uninstalled it. But then I found the attachments and forwards people sent me in e-mails no longer would open when I clicked on the web page addresses in the e-mail.  All I got were blank pages with some kind of "sorry" message.  So I searched the Internet for about an hour and eventually found one helpful soul who explained how to unscramble the Google Chrome uninstall problem.  Get this, first I had to install Foxfire and then make it, not Internet Explorer, be primary.  Later on in the process, I was able to switch back to Internet Explorer as primary. There was a lot more involved but the outcome was successful.  My conclusion, two hours of wasted time after updating a product from a company I totally respect, Adobe Reader. 
    Please tell Adobe to stop letting third party companies use it's updating mechanisms.  Not knowing for sure if the update is coming from Adobe or from some other company is real incentive to ignore update messages, which in turn means the product in question becomes less and less effective.
    Thanks for listening.

    Thank you for your time and your thoughts about my experience being spam related.  I agree with that as a possibility, but read on. 
    Maybe my use of the word "message" was misleading.  In my entry above I was referring to a pop-up message for updates that happens at the end of boot up process.  I've always regarded those updates were linked to software installed on the computer and therefore trustworhty, especially when the company logo was included.  I'm a bit more cautious since the Google Chrome incident, but still find it difficult to be totally certain about the origin of the update.
    In the subsequent updates for Adobe Acrobat, after the Google Chrome incident, I discovered a small checked box on the lower left hand corner of the update page.  And beside the box in very small print was "install Google Chrome".  I can only guess who was behind that connection, but I never imagined it was from anyone other than Adobe or Google, since those were the only programs that appeared to be related to the "message".
    I'm not trying to make a case against Adobe, far from it, other than to give them feedback for what its worth that somehow their product is being combined with another company during updates on my computer.  The computer in question is dedicated almost exclusively for Adobe products including Creative Suite Master Collection which I use in my photography business.  My intention are to keep all images and videos relatively secure by minimizing the risk of things that you explain can happen, so there is no e-mail correspondece or Internet searches other than to Adobe company sites.  So, updates are about the only outside connection I have with that computer.
    Thanks again. 

  • YOGA 2 PRO (13) Feedback

    On December 1 I ordered a Yoga 2 Pro and it arrived a couple weeks later.  The laptop definitely is nice to look at and is light weight.  Unfortunately that's where the good feelings end.  The system arrived with Windows 8.1 and I am starting to question the compatibility / testing of the hardware with the software.
    To me the response time of such a high powered laptop (i7/4G/256SSD) seems sluggish and the OS/software is quirky.  Examples of such include having to reboot or shut down every time I need to use the laptop.  Many times the laptop will freeze or take 3 - 5 minutes to wake up. I think this is a configuration issue but multiple calls to Technical Support did not correct the problem.  Tech support modified my power settings and even shut off all window upgrade notifications (odd).  They suggested I do not update the drivers or window operating system (odd).  Technical Support also modified the hard drive to continuosly operate for "9999 minutes" which I wonder how that will impact the long term operations of the hard drive.  Eventually we restored the laptop to factory settings and that has not helped either.  Interesting the laptop includes a one click restore which seems like a feature you should not need but then you realize it might be out of necessity!
    The laptop also makes verbal notifications when it goes into sleep mode.  At first I could not determine what was causing the notification but today I am now seeing multiple "yoga transition" icons appearing in my system tray.  My laptop just went into sleep mode, it began sending warning signals, and by the time I was able to wake it up there were 16 yoga transitions icons in my system tray.  I'm not sure why yoga transition is running because I did not take the laptop out of laptop mode.  The extra processing may be the cause of the delayed response for wake up and the freezing of the laptop.
    Both IE and Chrome seem to have challenges too and at times the wireless connection is quite slow.  Also note Technical Support said there no way to hard wire to your router (wireless only) and no additional slot to upgrade RAM.
    Part of my issue may be the laptop does not connect to a monitor very well.  Since the purchase the laptop rarely leaves my desk and I do not use the convertible option so I connect to a monitor 99% of the time.  I've been trying to get the basics working first.  I connected to my monitor via a 1-Meter Micro HDMI to DVI-D cable.  There seems to be a problem here which may be causing the freezing issue; just a hunch based on endless testing.
    Has anyone else had any issues with this laptop?
    It would be great to have some feedback.  I also contacted Microsoft who made it immediately clear that Lenovo had screwed up the OS.  Microsoft provided absolutely no help and said I needed to educate myself about how software licensing works. 
    For background... my usage at this point is basic email and web surfing.  I've invested approximately 20 hours in trying to work out the kinks.  Given the sluggishness and configuration quirks it seems like a poor choice so far. 
    January 9th Update - Contacted Lenovo Post Sale team today.  The Post Sale team has issued an order for a new laptop to replace existing defective laptop.  I will provide further updates when new laptop arrives.

    Please confirm that your driver is v17.0.1.5 by looking in Device Manager, if you would.
    ( )
    I ask because, in the course of doing some troubleshooting with a colleague recently, I updated my Y2P to the driver above and it has been rock-stable.
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    X1C3 Helix X220 X301 X200T T61p T60p Y3P • T520 T420 T510 T400 R400 T61 Y2P Y13
    I am not a Lenovo employee.

  • 7.0 and your feedback on the new chat UI

    Totaly agree that it would also be nice to be able to hide the useless "Home" and "Call phones" buttons on the contact list.It can be a part of a "compact list" mode or as a separate option. I never use them. 

    Hi Skype Community,
    Since releasing the new chat experience on desktops to users on Windows and Mac we've looked closely into the feedback you've shared with us. Since September we've released multiple updates to Skype for Windows and Skype for Mac to incorporate smaller changes based on your feedback.
    Today we are making Skype 7.0 for Windows desktop available for download from
    New in
    Compact sidebar: Some of you asked us to see more contacts and conversation in the left hand sidebar. Enable the option "Compact Sidebar View" from the "View" menu for a more compact layout.
    Compact Chat View: If you can live without your chat message having some whitespace around them to give them room to breathe you can now increase your "message per inch" ratio drastically by activating "Compact Chat view" in Skype Options - "IM & SMS" - Advanced settings. Also don't miss out on the other available tweaks to the UI we wrote about earlier.
    Toggle for large emoticons: Some users prefer not to show emoticons sent in an individual messages in a larger size. You can find an option to toggle this in the Skype Options - "IM & SMS" - "IM appearance"
    Toggle for unread messages: You can now quickly switch between your conversations that contain unread messages and all by using the dropdown on top right of your "Recent" list. See the screenshot on the right
    Touch scrolling: If you are sporting a device with a touch screen like a tablet you can now use vertical finger swipes to scroll in conversations. Better have a screen wipe at hand all the time though
    Disabling chat formatting: Especially role players using Skype have shared that they'd prefer the new text formatting options introduced in 6.22 to not apply to their IMs. This formatting is based on the use of wrapping parts of the message in characters like *, _ or ~. You can disable this permanently for all of your chats, by sending the following chat command to any of your chats:
    /setupkey *Lib/Conversation/EnableWiki 0
    To enable the formatting again please use this command:
    /setupkey *Lib/Conversation/EnableWiki 1
    This setting doesn't seem to stick reliably in 7.0 over restarts of the app. Skype is looking into this.
    Please give the new 7.0 version a spin and customize Skype layout and design closer to your liking. We are looking forward for your feedback.

  • MIDI feedback loops

    Per a different thread discussion, I've started using Plogue Bidule to host most of my Audio units and I'm using IAC to send MIDI from MainStage to Blogue.
    However, I frequently get popup dialogs warning me that there is a MIDI feedback loop and I'm prompted to "go online" or "stay offline". I'm doing the latter and everything works fine but I'm wondering how to fix this problem (or at least get rid of the dialog).
    I'm not near the machine at the moment but I'm wondering if MainStage is automatically receiving MIDI back from those IAC ports and just blindly sending events out again? If that's what's happening, I can probably create some more dummy MIDI devices and associate them with those ports but it's a pity to have to do this.

    This doesn't really answer your question, but I am using Reason with MainStage through rewire and can remote control reason fine with MIDI. Once I launch Reason I can create an external instrument channel strip in MainStage. Then I can set the port to Reason and choose a channel, and then map one of my knobs to send a specific midi controller on this external channel strip. Then Reason receives this midi controller whenever I turn the knob on screen. I imagine you should be able to do something pretty similar with Live in slave mode...

  • Real Instruments Feedback Garageband 08

    I bought ilife 08. I usually use Protools to record with my Mbox but I wanted to screw around with Garageband. I can not for the life of me get real instruments to work. When it records all i get is a feedback loop from the moment I hit the record button... instrument plugged in or not.
    But let me back up a bit. I was messing around with Garageband loops and they were all distorted. I wanted to monitor through my Mbox so I checked Preferences in Garageband and also in the OS and sure enough one of them was set to line output or something. Switched that and loops and software instruments worked fine. No distortion.
    So all input output prefs are set to use the Mbox. I open Garageband.. choose real instruments. Plug my ukulele into source 1 on my Mbox and select instrument. I can hear it monitoring through my headphones but I hit record the wave file shows straight feedback. I stop recording and go back and listen to it. Just feedback.
    I mess around with the input controls again. It will record fine if i use the built in microphone. I decide maybe it is the pick up in the Uke. Try plugging in my guitar. Same thing. Decide to use my Neuman microphone. Select mic... turn on phantom power. Same thing. Feedback.
    I thought.. maybe my Mbox is messed up. I go to open Protools now and it won't even open. I'm assuming it didn't like something Garageband installed... and now i can't find my Protools install disk. Grrrr.
    Maybe i need a driver update for the Mbox? I don't even know where to begin with that one... I did a google search and found I could check settings in the Digi Core Audio Manager and now it pops up every time I open Garageband regardless of setting it not to in the prefs... But that is another story. Also messing with that did not help.
    What in the world am I doing wrong? I feel like there is probably something really simple i am overlooking. I am going to take my Mbox to my friends place tomorrow and plug it into his Mac and see how it goes. In the meantime is there anything obvious I am overlooking? I'm not a complete idiot when it comes to techy stuff but this is making me feel like a real idiot.
    I appreciate any assistance. Please be kind if the answer is obvious and I am just a dumb-dumb. I have a fragile ego. haha.

    Start with this:
    Is it maybe because your Mbox have sample rate set other than 44.1 khz? If so, bring it back to 44.1 khz.
    Also, GB set a real instrument track enable to record automatically everytime you open GB. Why? Have no idea!? If that track been leave with monitor to "on", and the original source of recording is different than the one use when the track have been set up, like for exemple, your Mbox is closed, GB automatically set the default audio source as the builtin microphone, if there is one. Imagine if the input level is at its max, feedback occur!
    Is it possible GB don't use your Mbox as audio input, and set builtin microphone instead, which is really really sensible? Or have you forget to check in the track infos and forgot to choose you Mbox as audio input for a particular track? Instead, builtin microphone is use by GB by default and the feedback occur? Btw, you have to do it everytime you create a new real instrument track, to verify if everything is ok before recording new stuff on the new track.
    With my FA-101 Edirol, when I change the sample rate while GB is open, I have to restart the audio interface. If not, GB recordings sounds incorrect. In those cases, I prefer restart everything, GB and audio interface all together. That way, I'm sure everything is ok before trying a new recording.

  • New System Build feedback/advice, please...

    Time to build a new WorkStation. My motivation for upgrading is that I have been using a mediocore laptop (i7m, 8gb, 250gb ) from my work as my home system for the last 2 years, I am starting to get more freelance coming in and need a good desktop.
    I am not so sure about my processor, mother board and video card choice. I am more interested in app usability than absolute throughput and want to maximise my dollar investment.
    Purchase date: this week
    Budget:  I'd like to stay close to $1000-1300, but can spend more for significant performance gains. As I do more  research, my inclinations are trending higher.
    System Usage: My primary uses will include photo editing with Lightroom and Photoshop, 3D graphics using 3D studio Max, Maya and Mud Box, HD video editing using Premiere and After Affects and  Web Design. I will also use it as an HD media player and hifi audio is important. Maximizing cs6 performance in premiere & pShop is my main target. I am focused mainly on user experience while running these apps. If I need to encode hrs of video or crank out frames in max/maya, I can do it at work. I seldom run games.
    Monitors: I'm running two Dell U2410's IPS, calibrated w\Color Munki, one portrait one lanscape.
    Parts to Upgrade: Full system build
    O/S : Win7 Ultimate, I might play with Ubuntu/Virtualization
    Vendor: Newegg unless I can save big $$ else where. I like B&H.
    It needs to be an Intel machine & I have chosen lga 2011 becuase I'll eventually go to 64gb. I'll do some modest overclocking.
    Any advice is appreciated. Thank you for your expertise.
    Intel Core i7-3820 Sandy Bridge-E 3.6GHz (3.8GHz Turbo Boost) LGA 2011 130W Quad-Core Desktop Processor BX80619i73820
    $299 w/ship
    Intel Core i7-3930K Sandy Bridge-E 3.2GHz (3.8GHz Turbo) LGA 2011 130W Six-Core Desktop Processor BX80619i73930K
    $569 w/ship
    Do you have any feeling about how much I'll gain by going to the 6 core cpu over the 4 core? Remember, for me usability in the cs6 apps is more important than marginal gains in throughput.
    MSI X79A-GD45 (8D) LGA 2011 Intel X79 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard with UEFI BIOS
    $218 w/ship
    ASRock X79 Extreme6 LGA 2011 Intel X79 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard
    $240 w/ship
    MSI Big Bang-XPower II LGA 2011 Intel X79 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 XL ATX Intel Motherboard with UEFI BIOS
    I would really appreciate any feedback on mobos in regards to maximizing cs6...7...8 performance, system logiveity, and performance. Is it worth it to go for a higer end mobo? If so which one. I like the msi's based on eventually ug to 128 gb, but are they money well spent? Any probs w/these mobo's?
    G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Desktop Memory Model F3-12800CL10Q-32GBXL
    Hard Drive:
    SAMSUNG 830 Series MZ-7PC256B/WW 2.5" 256GB SATA III MLC Internal Solid State Drive (SSD)
    GIGABYTE GV-N65TOC-1GI GeForce GTX 650 Ti 1GB 128-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 x16 HDCP Ready Video Card
    $160 w/ship
    MSI N660 Ti PE 2GD5/OC GeForce GTX 660 Ti 2GB 192-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Support Video Card
    Item#: N82E16814127696
    I am still a little unsure of the real world differnces that I'll realize by doubling my video card expense, advice please?
    Optical Drive:
    LG Black 14X BD-R 2X BD-RE 16X DVD+R 5X DVD-RAM 12X BD-ROM 4MB Cache SATA BDXL Blu-Ray Burner with SW, 3D Play Back - BH14NS40
    COOLER MASTER HAF 912 RC-912-KKN1 Black SECC/ ABS Plastic ATX Mid Tower Computer Case
    Power Supply:
    FX Core Edition PRO650W (P1-650S-NLB9) 650W ATX12V 2.2 & ESP12V 2.91 SLI Ready CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified Active PFC Power Supply
    Total     $1190
    or    $1760
    I have picked the MSI motherboard due to its support for 128gb ram, superior audio and other high end features. The AS Rock for its rep for solid value/performance. Opinions?
    Finally, I would like some advice on video cards. I prefer nVidia to ATI, but I'm not sure which chip to go for. The six fifties are cheaper, but the 660 ti provides more CUDA cores.

    I sure wish you would quick picking fights with lots of knowledgeable people just trying to help people build good PCs for running Adobe Premiere. (I am stating that based on not just this thread, but rather the strong challenges you seem to bring to about half of the threads that you've chosen to participate in).
    I was the original poster to suggest that Neal select a larger case. Next Harm agreed and cited 6 points which I would agree with regarding why a larger box is better for a video editing rig.
    What are the typical goals for someone wanting a video editing PC? I would expect that most users want:
    - robust, runs and never fails
    - has incredible power; face it, video editing with AVCHD is one of the most taxing applications a PC can face today
    - quiet; who wants to be doing creative work with any server room like wind noise
    Now let me be specific where you are simply WRONG WRONG WRONG:
    You stated: "Back pressure increases in larger spaces due to natural impedance of airflow (much like with electricity traveling over distance)"
    Fact: Exactly the opposite; Back pressure decreases in larger spaces due to more room for the air to flow (much like thicker copper passes electricity with less resistance than a thin wire)
    Your stated: "Open non-compartmentalized spaces are a recipe for hot spots - areas of turbulence with higher temperatures." and then cited a server room article talking about cooling air taking the path of least resistance -- going under the floor in a server room, instead of through rack mounted servers.
    Fact: Lots of open space for large, slow moving fans to keep a video editing box cool is a great way to go
    You stated: "Full towers - in themselves - are worse for cooling"
    Fact: That is one crazy indefensible statement!
    I seriously doubt that you fully comprehend the differences and importance of thermal conductivity, heat capacity, conduction, convection, and radiation for you to make the statements that you have so far and these are the staples for discussing how heat transfer takes place.
    Note to other readers... There are lots of ways to cool components including cpus, hard drives, gpus and memory. I suspect that the noise levels brought by servers and some gamers would be totally offensive to the ambient noise level that you want in the room with you for video editing. Therefore we are left with just a few quiet alternatives: 1) lots of volume at low velocity (large cases, large fans, slow rpm), 2) liquid cooling, and 3) Cases with doors or baffles to keep the sound from a noisier solution from getting back to your ears.

  • New to PRE and need feedback on my system build

    I played around with the trial version on my old computer and decided to go ahead and purchase PRE 9 and PSE 9 together. I have built a few PC's in my day and recently completed my current build running my purchased software. I was hoping that I could get some feedback on what I have and what I might change to get better performance. PRE is very jittery when scrolling through content and playing back the timeline. Sometimes I don't even see a transition. I am new to video editing in general and capture in HD with my Canon HF S100, so I am planning on editing in HD as well. Sorry for the NoBo question, but my machine smokes until I fire up PRE. I may be using the application incorrectly, but I am assuming that my low end video card, is an area of concern/bottleneck. I don't want to blow $800 on a Quadro 4000 if it won't make a huge difference, but I assume it will. Thanks in advance for any and all help.
    High level build
    MoBo - ASUS P6X58D Premium LGA 1366 Intel X58 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard
    PSW - CORSAIR HX Series CMPSU-620HX 620W ATX12V v2.2 and EPS12V 2.91 SLI Certified
    Proc - Intel Core i7-950 Bloomfield 3.06GHz LGA 1366 130W Quad-Core Processor
    Mem - 12GB Mushkin Enhanced Redline 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM
         OS - Crucial RealSSD C300
         Media - Western Digital VelociRaptor WD6000HLHX 600GB 10000 RPM SATA 6.0Gb
    OS - Windows 7 x64 SP1
    Video - NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT
    Detailed DxDiag output below.
    System Information
    Time of this report: 2/27/2011, 19:30:14
    Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850)
    Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
    System Manufacturer: System manufacturer
    System Model: System Product Name
    BIOS: BIOS Date: 05/25/10 14:57:23 Ver: 08.00.15
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         950  @ 3.07GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.1GHz
    Memory: 12288MB RAM
    Available OS Memory: 12280MB RAM
    Page File: 8908MB used, 15647MB available
    Windows Dir: C:\Windows
    DirectX Version: DirectX 11
    DX Setup Parameters: Not found
    User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
    System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
    DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
    DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 32bit Unicode
    Display Devices
    Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT
    Manufacturer: NVIDIA
    Chip type: GeForce 9500 GT
    DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
    Display Memory: 4069 MB
    Dedicated Memory: 997 MB
    Shared Memory: 3071 MB
    Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)
    Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor
    Monitor Model: ASUS VH242
    Monitor Id: ACI24FA
    Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.000Hz)
    Output Type: DVI
    Driver Name: nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um
    Driver File Version: 8.17.0012.5896 (English)
    Driver Version:
    DDI Version: 10
    Driver Model: WDDM 1.1
    Driver Attributes: Final Retail
    Driver Date/Size: 7/10/2010 04:38:00, 12471400 bytes
    WHQL Logo'd: n/a
    WHQL Date Stamp: n/a
    Driver Strong Name: oem3.inf:NVIDIA_SetA_Devices.NTamd64.6.1:Section003:\ven_10de&dev_0640
    Rank Of Driver: 00E62001
    Video Accel: ModeMPEG2_A ModeMPEG2_C ModeVC1_C ModeWMV9_C
    D3D9 Overlay: Supported
    DXVA-HD: Supported
    DDraw Status: Enabled
    D3D Status: Enabled
    AGP Status: Enabled

    This ARTICLE will give you some tips on your I/O sub-system setup for video-editing.
    As for the Scratch Disks, think of those as the "working files," that PrE produces and needs to edit video. Part of those will be the Media Cache, where you will have the CFA (Conformed Audio) files, the PEK files for Waveform Display, etc. For a bit of background on Conforming, see this ARTICLE.
    Now, for ultimate performance, one would want to spread the I/O load over as many discs, as is possible. The OS and programs accessing the HDD is a given, but you have already segregated them onto C:\. Then, one has the Scratch Disks, which also require quite a bit of access. The media is accessed often for many operations, and then there is the need to Export/Share. In a perfect world, one would allocate a separate HDD for each of those operations, with one caveat: when one has finished a Project, there will then be the cleanup of the files. If one has spread the Project over multiple physical HDD's, they must go to each, and do the cleanup. OTOH, and at the sacrifice of ultimate spead with I/O access, if one has placed their Project into a root folder, say [Project Name], and then accepted the default location for the Scratch Disks, for Same As Project, all they have to do is Delete that Project Name root folder, and everything else comes with it. As I migrate Projects between computers, I locate everything in a Project Name root folder on an external, and then everything is below that folder structure. For media, I leave my Assets on an NAS, and just Copy over what I need to the various media sub-folders, like Video, Stills, Music, Audio, etc. I give up performance, but have everything that I need to move the Project about, and cleanup is easy. In my case, each external has a permanent drive letter assignment in the OS of each computer, so that drive Z:\ is always Z:\ on each computer, and regardless of what else might be plugged-in to that computer. Makes life simple for me.
    Hope that this helps.
    Good luck,

  • I request your feedback on my Swing application - juwo

    Would you like to test drive an innovative prototype called juwo/NP?
    You can give me feedback and help me improve it. You can play a part in bringing out something that IMHO is a useful everyday tool.
    To those who help others on this forum, I can send you the demos, and competitive analysis matrix - if you are interested. However, you would have to give me your word that (sorry, I dont know how to put it diplomatically) you will not rip off any new ideas nor forward the links. Also I want to avoid sending demos to competitors so please tell me if you work for one.
    Several of you have helped me through my Swing obstacles in developing juwo/NP by answering my queries - philip74, JayDS, camickr, hiwa and others. Thank you.
    Unfortunately, progress has slowed.
    (see So I have decided to release it anyway. Basic functionality is complete. However some people say it is not user friendly. Also mouseClicked() fails on JDK 1.6.
    What is juwo? (
    A "Swiss Army knife" piece of software that gives more power to consumers to structure audio, video and text as a bullet list, to more easily index and annotate them, and to share the lists with others. Its benefits extend to multimedia as related to more enriching broadcasts, collaboration and organizing.
    Anil Philip
    anil AT juwo DOT com
    Olathe, KS

    an innovative prototype
    competitive analysis matrix
    gives more power to consumersSounds like you're still trying to market it. I think that you can't really interest people (and create a good viral "word of mouth") by keeping everything so closed. I understand that you are afraid of being ripped off by the competition, but if you're always one step ahead of them, it doesn't matter that they copy your old features, as long as you're constantly producing new ones.
    I'm looking at the screenshot on the site and what exactly am i seeing? Pixels and lines? It doesn't really make me want to download and try it out. And these days, if one look doesn't stop the casual browsing user, than he's gone.
    What i'm trying to say is - don't be afraid to put fully functioning demo on your site and all the best screenshots (in the original resolution) that you have.

Maybe you are looking for