Feeling Stupid - How Do I Sync iTouch w/iCal

I'm going berserk - I have spent probably 3 hours total trying to figure out how to sync my new (and first) iPod/iTouch w/iCal. I've gone to iCal help and thought I got close but no luck.
I'm pulling my hair out. Why doesn't it just SYNC AUTOMATICALLY when I plug the iPod into the computer??? What do I need to do??
Thanks in advance.

Welcome to Apple Discussions.
Try using the steps listed in: Overview of syncing iPhone or iPod touch with your computer.

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    wheeler4747 wrote:
    welcome to discussions, wheeler4747 !
    how can i sync my itouch with my PC's outlook so i don't have to re-enter all my calendar info? i've read through all the manuals instructions for syncing and i tried to look on the itouch while it was conected to my pc but can't figure it out.
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    no. instead, take a look at this app.

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    Hi Linda,
    You might want to contact whomever supports that phone to see if they offer software for syncing with the Mac.  Palm used to for their products and Blackberry does for theirs.  Samsung might be the same.
    You need a program to do the sync for you.  If Samsung does not provide one then you can purchase one: http://www.markspace.com/products/android/missing-sync-android.html?source=picke r_android
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    but then displayed a screen image (new to me) of the end of USB cable that would plug into a PC port with an arrow pointing to the iTunes icon.
    Means the iPod encountered and error and you have to connect the iPod to a computer with iTunes and an internet connection and restore via iTunes.
    For how to restore:
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software
    To restore from backup see:
    iOS: How to back up     
    If you restore from iCloud backup the apps will be automatically downloaded. If you restore from iTunes backup the apps and music have to be in the iTunes library since synced media like apps and music are not included in the backup of the iOS device that iTunes makes.
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store        
    Also say you have iCloud but that requires iOS 5 or later except with your iOS verions (4.3.2) you can redownload iTunes purchases on the iPod.
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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    Yes you can. You need to do it through itunes. In itunes, you need to go to info and scroll down to address book/calender and then click on what you want. You may need to sync again.
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    Selected under the Info tab for your iPhone sync preferences with iTunes.
    Before the first sync for this data, enter one calendar event in iCal on your Mac. This will provide a merge prompt with the first sync for this data, which you want to select.

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    Does the iPod show up in iTunes on the Mac? If not try:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X
    If you  have iTunes 11 turn on the Sidebar. Go to iTunes>View and click on Show Sidebar. You can also do a Crtl+S to show the sidebar. The sidebar is where Devices appears. and Control+B to show the Menu bar
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    iOS: Transferring information from your current iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to a new device
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    Hey saltorre1!
    I have an article for you that can help you with that question:
    iOS: How to transfer or sync content to your computer
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities!

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    check this post by Zevoneer.

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    - The iTunes backup that iTunes makes included photos in the camera roll. If yo go to iTunes>Preferences>Devices what is the date of the backup? Is it when the photos were on the iPod? You have to restore from that backup.
    - What may have happened is that you backup the iPod after you restored the iPod but before restoring from backup. iTunes only keeps one backup and overwrites the previous backup with the changes.

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    BTW: Info tab in ITunes did not look like instructions (e.g., no selection boxes for contacts, calendar, etc.--only a message that syncing changes can be made on the ITouch.) Also, in ITunes Info tab, both the old and new MobileMe names were listed in the mail account selection box. I tried selecting the new, and then selecting both. Sync failed in both cases.

    Go to the preferences application on your Touch. Scroll down to *Mail, Contact, Calendars* and delete your previous MM account then enter your new one. That will start your Touch syncing on the new account.

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