FF7A to work on Microsoft Excel

Hello guys
I work on ECC6 and I'd like to work on Microsoft Excel when running T-code FF7A.
I go to 'Views' -> Microsoft Excel, I have the excel on SAP but it is empty.
What can I do in order to display the information on Excel in SAP without export?
Thank you for your help.

Hello guys
I work on ECC6 and I'd like to work on Microsoft Excel when running T-code FF7A.
I go to 'Views' -> Microsoft Excel, I have the excel on SAP but it is empty.
What can I do in order to display the information on Excel in SAP without export?
Thank you for your help.

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    Check out Numbers in the App Store.  It is an excel compatible app.  As to your printing question, if your printer is not Airprint Enabled, there are apps you can buy as well.  Two that are highly regarded are Print Central and Printopia.  Both are about $9 in the App Store.  To see if your priner is Airprint enabled, check the following link:

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    I don't have 365 or C2R so I can't address your main question, so just a few thoughts which may not be applicable in your setup.
    Check the addin manager to see if your addins are listed and ticked. If listed (ticked or not) check the registry to see where the location is written, if ticked look here
    and look for keys named OPENx, where x is the order number the addin is loaded
    if not "ticked" instead of \Options look in \Add-in-Manager
    With a VBA macro or in the VBE's immediate window return
    Assuming you found a listing in the registry do the paths match, if not look in the .LibraryPath to see if the addins got unloaded there into the subfolder \Analysis
    If you find the file(s) try un-installing and reinstalling the addins, but browse to the actual folder don't simply tick. If you can't find the files, copy them (from a different system) to the folder indicated by .LibraryPath. In the addin manager uninstall
    them if installed, close the manager, open it again and the addins should be listed, tick to re-install.
    You say your other addins don't work, I wonder if some mixup has occurred with what Excel thinks is the default path, but note for other addins the default addins path is returned by app.UserLibraryPath
    Are you using a Chinese system?

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    In regarding of the issue, we'd better do some tests to narrow down the issue and find the root cause.
    Please copy the file with code to another PC (We'd better use the similar environment) to test.
    First, if it works well, this issue might be caused by the Excel or other program in your PC. I recommend we follow this KB to troubleshoot:
    Then, if the issue still exists, we could collect the Event log and App crash dump file to do deep troubleshoot.
    Second, if it still crashes Excel 2010 in other PC, it might be due to the VBA code. I suggest you upload the code and post the issue to MSND forum for Excel to get more help.
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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    File size at 4.5 milion records is 111MB so at 27 milion should be around 666MB...

    What version of Excel 2013 do you have installed? 32 bit or 64 bit? It sounds like 32 bit based on your above scenario. When you have excel open, open up task manager and watch your memory usage. 32 bit Excel is capped at 2 GB of RAM, but realistically it
    starts crashing right around the 650 MB to 1.2 GB range. (I've seen it crash anywhere in this range)
    I'd suggest either limiting your query down to pull much fewer rows or installing the 64 bit version of Office/Excel.
    In addition to what SQLBISchmidt has already mentioned, double check that you are only including columns that will actually be used within the Power Pivot model. Be especially careful with columns that have many distinct values (i.e. high cardinality) as
    these can be very costly in terms of memory consumption.
    Do you happen to have any complex calculated column calculations in the table or related tables? This can also cause these kind of issues if it is indeed memory-pressure related.
    You may find this official help article useful in finding a way to reduce the memory footprint of this table: http://office.microsoft.com/en-gb/excel-help/create-a-memory-efficient-data-model-using-excel-2013-and-the-power-pivot-add-in-HA103981538.aspx
    Please remember to mark a post that answers your question as an answer...If a post doesn't answer your question but you've found it helpful, please remember to vote it as helpful :)
    Website: nimblelearn.com, Blog:
    nimblelearn.com/blog, Twitter:

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    "Could you explain where you think you have to pay something?"
    I signed up for the site and posted a question their response was that they had an answer and they required credit card imformation.
    "If your problem is to read existing Excel files, then I am very surprised that OpenOffice would not open them.  If you could send me one or provide a url I could see what the problem is (tom at bluesky dot org)."
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    2. If it requires templates, are there commercial, shareware, or freeware templates that will achieve this?
    3. If so, what are the links to those repositories?
    4. Is there a set of step-by-step instructions to achieve this on PC and/or Mac?
    5. What are the links to those instructions?
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    it works for me without problems.
    Some information on my setup and what I did:
    - my primary browser language is English (en-us)
    1) Save the data in a file called hardware.txt:
    AEP016136,d2vmrw61,Laptop,Dell,m71,Gary Cleary,Active
    AEP016169,dhj3b71,Desktop,Dell,Dimension 4700,Unassigned,Active
    AEP016170,cn-0g8432-64180-52p-1yts,Monitor,Dell,E193FP,Unassigned,Active2) Load the data (Load text data) into an existing table by uploading a file:
    - File: hardware.txt
    - Separator: , (comma)
    Worked fine.
    3) Load the data (copy /paste spreadsheet data into an existing table):
    - Open the file hardware.txt in Excel and import it into the spreadsheet
    - copy all three lines and paste them into the textarea in XE (the difference is that the columns are no longer separated by commas but by tabs)
    Worked fine as well.
    Please try the above mentioned steps and see whether you still get the error.

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    ootb, changes in excel don't sync with a SharePoint list, the other way around is possible.
    Kind regards,
    Margriet Bruggeman
    Lois & Clark IT Services
    web site: http://www.loisandclark.eu
    blog: http://www.sharepointdragons.com

  • Excel Automation with Interop - Windows Service - Microsoft Excel cannot access the file

    I have a windows console application, which automates Excel. In our scenario the application gets called from a Windows Service. If the console app is executed directly everything works fine. If the console app is executed through the Win Service, we get
    the following error when trying to open the excel file:
    Unhandled exception Occured : 'Microsoft Excel cannot access the file 'bla.xls'. There are several possible reasons:
    The file name or path does not exist.
    The file is being used by another program.
    The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook.'.'
    The code snippet used to open the file:
    xlApp = new Application();xlApp.Visible = false;xlApp.UserControl = false;xlApp.Application.ScreenUpdating = false;xlApp.DisplayAlerts = false;xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open( Filename: filePath,  UpdateLinks: 2,  IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended: true, Editable: false);
    The console app and windows service are running on a Win Server 2008 64-bit OS with Excel 2013 32-bit installed. The service is running with a special user account, which has all the right permissions on accessed files and folders. The excel process is also
    started with the same account (I cheched that one). 
    I already tried to do the following, but to no avail:
    Run excel.exe /automation -> worked fine
    Created the folders and also gave full control to the account under which the service is run (even gave full control to Everyone)
    Configured DCOM
    Excel Application -> Identity -> Specific user account
    Excel Application -> Identity -> Interactive User
    Excel Application -> Security -> Launch permissions -> Everyone full control
    Several combinations of the above
    So I really am stuck with this problem right now. Any input on this is appreciated.

    I have a windows console application, which automates Excel. In our scenario the application gets called from a Windows Service. If the console app is executed directly everything works fine. If the console app is executed through the Win Service, we get
    the following error when trying to open the excel file
    Microsoft does not currently recommend, and does not support, Automation of Microsoft Office applications from any unattended, non-interactive client application or component (including ASP, ASP.NET, DCOM, and NT Services), because Office
    may exhibit unstable behavior and/or deadlock when Office is run in this environment.
    If you are building a solution that runs in a server-side context, you should try to use components that have been made safe for unattended execution. Or, you should try to find alternatives that allow at least part of the code to run client-side.
    If you use an Office application from a server-side solution, the application will lack many of the necessary capabilities to run successfully. Additionally, you will be taking risks with the stability of your overall solution.
    You can read more about that in the
    Considerations for server-side Automation of Office article.

  • Using a SQL for Oracle in Microsoft Excel Query

    I am having the most difficult time (in fact, I can't get it to work) trying to use an SQL I created in Toad for Oracle. It works fine in Toad for Oracle...gives me all the data I need. I am trying to use it in Excel for users that don't know SQL or Oracle so they can use the query to extract data they need for Charts, Graphs, etc.
    Here is the SQL code from Toad for Oracle:
    /* Formatted on 2006/09/22 11:42 (Formatter Plus v4.8.6) */
    SELECT a_compl_summary.incident_number, a_compl_summary.case_number,
           a_compl_summary.part_sequence, a_compl_summary.part_number,
           a_compl_summary.lot_number, a_compl_summary.alert_date,
           a_compl_summary.entry_date, a_compl_summary.NAME,
           a_compl_summary.MONTH, a_compl_summary.product_family,
           a_compl_summary.complaint, a_compl_summary.reportable,
           a_compl_summary.product_returned, a_compl_summary.case_desc,
           a_compl_summary.failure_invest_desc, a_compl_summary.lhr_search,
           a_compl_summary.root_cause, a_compl_summary.corrective_action,
      FROM chsuser.a_compl_summary,
    WHERE (    (a_compl_summary.product_division = 'CP')
            AND (    a_compl_summary.entry_date >= :date1
                 AND a_compl_summary.entry_date <= :date2
            AND (   a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE :pf1
                 OR a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE :pf2
                 OR a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE :pf3
                 OR a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE :pf4
                 OR a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE :pf5
            AND (a_compl_summary.region = :r1)
            AND (   a_compl_summary.NAME = :c1
                 OR a_compl_summary.NAME = :c2
                 OR a_compl_summary.NAME = :c3
                 OR a_compl_summary.NAME = :c4
                 OR a_compl_summary.NAME = :c5
            AND (a_compl_summary.complaint = :yorn)
            AND (   rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
                 OR rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
                 OR rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
                 OR rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
                 OR rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
            AND (rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification NOT LIKE
            AND (a_compl_summary.incident_number =
            AND (a_compl_summary.case_number = rp_qa_patient_codes.case_number)
            AND (a_compl_summary.part_sequence = rp_qa_patient_codes.part_sequence
            AND (a_compl_summary.incident_number =
            AND (a_compl_summary.case_number =
            AND (a_compl_summary.part_sequence =
            AND (rp_qa_reported_device_codes.incident_number =
            AND (rp_qa_reported_device_codes.case_number =
            AND (rp_qa_reported_device_codes.part_sequence =
           )Can someone help me...maybe point out what I'm doing wrong.
    Note: I also tried creating this query in Microsoft Query (the simple way) and when I first create it...it works...But then if I go back in to edit the query, and refresh the query or try to Return data to Excel, it gives me a ORA-00936 error message.
    Why it works when I first create the query in Excel, I don't know. But I have to validate the queries I'm creating (SQL or not) and I can't validate it if every time I go into edit the query (which may have to happen; that's why I have to fix this before I can submit my validation).
    Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Okay, I know I'm replying to my own threads here...but I want to add a little bit more information again.
    I was successful in figuring out that changing the :criteria to a ? worked.
    I tested this on 1 criteria at a time. Adding one more scenario ? at at time.
    It only worked up until about 3 scenarios of each criteria.
    Then when I refreshed the query in Microsoft Excel Query, I got an "out of memory" error, and then it ended up just erasing the SQL I had been using.
    Here's the SQL I had where it gave me this error. Am I possibly just making Excel work too hard? It just doesn't make sense because Toad for Oracle handled it in like 4 seconds. Which brings me back to an intial question I had. Can Excel use Toad for Oracle somehow?
    Here's the code:
    SELECT a_compl_summary.incident_number, a_compl_summary.case_number,
           a_compl_summary.part_sequence, a_compl_summary.part_number,
           a_compl_summary.lot_number, a_compl_summary.alert_date,
           a_compl_summary.entry_date, a_compl_summary.NAME,
           a_compl_summary.MONTH, a_compl_summary.product_family,
           a_compl_summary.complaint, a_compl_summary.reportable,
           a_compl_summary.product_returned, a_compl_summary.case_desc,
           a_compl_summary.failure_invest_desc, a_compl_summary.lhr_search,
           a_compl_summary.root_cause, a_compl_summary.corrective_action,
      FROM chsuser.a_compl_summary,
    WHERE (    (a_compl_summary.incident_number =
            AND (a_compl_summary.case_number = rp_qa_patient_codes.case_number)
            AND (a_compl_summary.part_sequence = rp_qa_patient_codes.part_sequence
            AND (a_compl_summary.incident_number =
            AND (a_compl_summary.case_number =
            AND (a_compl_summary.part_sequence =
            AND (rp_qa_reported_device_codes.incident_number =
            AND (rp_qa_reported_device_codes.case_number =
            AND (rp_qa_reported_device_codes.part_sequence =
    AND (a_compl_summary.product_division = 'CP')
            AND (    a_compl_summary.entry_date >= ?
                 AND a_compl_summary.entry_date <= ?
            AND (   a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE ?
                 OR a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE ?
                 OR a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE ?
                 OR a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE ?
                 OR a_compl_summary.product_family LIKE ?
            AND (a_compl_summary.region = ?)
            AND (   a_compl_summary.NAME = ?
                 OR a_compl_summary.NAME = ?
                 OR a_compl_summary.NAME = ?
                 OR a_compl_summary.NAME = ?
                 OR a_compl_summary.NAME = ?
            AND (a_compl_summary.complaint = ?)
            AND (   rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
                 OR rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
                 OR rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
                 OR rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
                 OR rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification LIKE
            AND (rp_qa_reported_device_codes.reported_dev_clarification NOT LIKE

  • Is Discoverer Plus compatible to the Microsoft Excel 2007?

    I have a Discoverer Report in which the data is formated with Bold,underlines, $ signs and different background color for the grnad totals etc..
    When i export the data to microsoft excel 2007 i loose all the formatting. Microsoft Excel 2003 did not had this problem.
    Is Microsoft Excel 2007 is compatible with Discoverer Plus? Do we have any Patch which will resolve this issue?
    Please advice.
    Thanks in advance.

    Is Microsoft Excel 2007 is compatible with Discoverer Plus?Yes,it is compatable with discoverer and we are also using office 2007
    Do we have any Patch which will resolve this issue?there is no patch required for this and it doesnt deal with patches.Do check out with your admininstartor installed office properly or not.By the ay did you install full version which is licensed or the crack version.I dont think so crack version works out.
    go through this link [http://support.microsoft.com/kb/277621]
    Hope it helps you.

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