Field mapping problem using EntityManager.refresh(...) and @SecondaryTable

I am experiencing an exception indicating a missing mapping for a field. My problem is that I have a mapping! I suspect the problem has something to do with the fact the field in question is also the @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug in the refresh() method code since the find() method works with no problem? Thanks in advance.
Code and log excerpts follow:
Calling Code...
TaxableDescription description = em.find( TaxableDescription.class, cusip );
if (refreshEntity) {
{color:#ff0000}em.refresh( description );{color}
Entity Code..
{color:#ff0000}@Table( name="f_ISSUE" )
referencedColumnName="issue_id", name="issue_id"
query="SELECT d FROM TaxableDescription d WHERE d.cusip = :cusip"
public class TaxableDescription
extends Description implements Serializable
private long issueID;
private long fkIssueID;
private String interestFrequencyCode;
private Date nextCallDate;
private double nextCallPrice;
private Date parCallDate;
private double parCallPrice;
private boolean defaulted;
private String variableCouponType;
@Column( name="issue_id", table="f_ISSUE" )
public long getIssueID() {
return issueID;
public void setIssueID( long issueID ) {
this.issueID = issueID;
@Column( name="CUSIP_nbr" )
public String getCusip() {
return super.getCusip();
public void setCusip(String cusip) {
@Column( name="maturity", updatable=false, insertable=false )
public Date getMaturity() {
return super.getMaturity();
public void setMaturity(Date maturity) {
{color:#ff0000} @Column( table="f_COUPON_INFO", name="issue_id", insertable=false, updatable=false )
{color} public long getFkIssueID() {
return fkIssueID;
public void setFkIssueID( long fkIssueID ) {
this.fkIssueID = fkIssueID;
@Column( table="f_COUPON_INFO", name="coupon", updatable=false, insertable=false )
public double getCoupon() {
return super.getCoupon();
public void setCoupon(double coupon) {
super.setCoupon( coupon );
@Column( table="f_COUPON_INFO", name="interest_frequency", updatable=false, insertable=false )
public String getInterestFrequencyCode() {
return interestFrequencyCode;
public void setInterestFrequencyCode( String interestFrequencyCode ) {
this.interestFrequencyCode = interestFrequencyCode;
@Column( table="f_COUPON_INFO", name="dated_date", updatable=false, insertable=false )
@Temporal( TemporalType.DATE )
public Date getDatedDate() {
return super.getDatedDate();
public void setDatedDate(Date datedDate) {
@Column( table="f_COUPON_INFO", name="first_interest_date", updatable=false, insertable=false )
@Temporal( TemporalType.DATE )
public Date getFirstInterestDate() {
return super.getFirstInterestDate();
public void setFirstInterestDate(Date firstInterestDate) {
@Column( name="next_call_date", updatable=false, insertable=false )
@Temporal( TemporalType.DATE )
protected Date getNextCallDate() {
return nextCallDate;
protected void setNextCallDate( Date date ) {
this.nextCallDate = date;
@Column( name="next_call_rate", updatable=false, insertable=false )
protected double getNextCallPrice() {
return nextCallPrice;
protected void setNextCallPrice( double value ) {
this.nextCallPrice = value;
@Column( name="par_call_date", updatable=false, insertable=false )
@Temporal( TemporalType.DATE )
protected Date getParCallDate() {
return parCallDate;
protected void setParCallDate( Date date ) {
this.parCallDate = date;
@Column( name="par_call_rate", updatable=false, insertable=false )
protected double getParCallPrice() {
return parCallPrice;
protected void setParCallPrice( double value ) {
this.parCallPrice = value;
@Column( name="moodys_code", updatable=false, insertable=false )
public Integer getIntegerMoodysCode() {
return super.getMoodysCode();
public void setIntegerMoodysCode(Integer moodysCode) {
super.setMoodysCode( moodysCode != null ? moodysCode : 99 );
@Column( name="s_p_code", updatable=false, insertable=false )
public Integer getIntegerSpCode() {
return super.getSpCode();
public void setIntegerSpCode(Integer spCode) {
super.setSpCode( spCode != null ? spCode : 99 );
@Column( name="fitch_code", updatable=false, insertable=false )
public Integer getIntegerFitchCode() {
return super.getFitchCode();
public void setIntegerFitchCode(Integer fitchCode) {
super.setFitchCode( fitchCode != null ? fitchCode : 99 );
@Column( name="principal_amt", updatable=false, insertable=false )
public double getPrincipalAmount() {
return super.getPrincipalAmount();
public void setPrincipalAmount(double principalAmount) {
public boolean getDefaulted() {
return defaulted;
public boolean isDefaulted() {
return defaulted;
public void setDefaulted( boolean defaulted ) {
this.defaulted = defaulted;
@Column( name="defaulted", updatable=false, insertable=false )
public String getDefaultedFlag() {
return defaulted ? "Y" : "N";
public void setDefaultedFlag( String defaultedFlag ) {
this.defaulted = "Y".equalsIgnoreCase( defaultedFlag );
@Column( table="f_COUPON_INFO", name="coupon_change_indicator", updatable=false, insertable=false )
public String getVariableCouponType() {
return variableCouponType;
public void setVariableCouponType( String variableCouponType ) {
this.variableCouponType = variableCouponType;
@OneToMany( targetEntity=com.bondtrac.entities.TaxableCouponStepEntity.class )
joinColumns=@JoinColumn( name="issue_id", referencedColumnName="issue_id" )
public List getCouponSteps() {
return super.getCouponStepSchedule();
public void setCouponSteps( List couponSteps ) {
super.setCouponStepSchedule( couponSteps );
private void postLoad() {
if ( interestFrequencyCode != null &&
interestFrequencyCode.length() > 0 )
int intFreq = 2;
try {
intFreq = Integer.parseInt( interestFrequencyCode );
catch ( Exception e ) {}
if ( intFreq <= 0 ) intFreq = 2;
super.setInterestFrequency( intFreq );
else {
super.setInterestFrequency( 2 );
if ( nextCallDate != null || parCallDate != null ) {
CallSchedule _callSchedule = super.getCallSchedule();
if ( _callSchedule == null ) {
_callSchedule = new CallSchedule();
super.setCallSchedule( _callSchedule );
if ( nextCallDate != null ) {
_callSchedule.addCall( nextCallDate, nextCallPrice );
if ( parCallDate != null ) {
_callSchedule.addCall( parCallDate, parCallPrice );
private void preUpdate() {
switch ( super.getInterestFrequency() ) {
case 2 : interestFrequencyCode = "2"; break;
case 1 : interestFrequencyCode = "1"; break;
case 4 : interestFrequencyCode = "4"; break;
case 12 : interestFrequencyCode = "12"; break;
case 99 : interestFrequencyCode = "99"; break;
default : interestFrequencyCode = "2"; break;
nextCallDate = null;
nextCallPrice = 0.0;
parCallDate = null;
parCallPrice = 0.0;
CallSchedule _callSchedule = super.getCallSchedule();
if ( _callSchedule != null ) {
Call call = _callSchedule.getNextCall();
if ( call != null ) {
nextCallDate = call.getDate();
nextCallPrice = call.getAmount();
call = _callSchedule.getNextParCall();
if ( call != null ) {
parCallDate = call.getDate();
parCallPrice = call.getAmount();
public int hashCode() {
return cusip != null ? cusip.hashCode() : 0;
public boolean equals( Object o ) {
if ( !( o instanceof TaxableDescription ) ) return false;
TaxableDescription otherDescription = (TaxableDescription)o;
if ( cusip == otherDescription.cusip ) return true;
if ( cusip != null ) return cusip.equals( otherDescription.cusip );
return false;
Server log entry...
[#|2008-11-20T17:41:42.389-0600|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1|oracle.toplink.essentials.session.file:/opt/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/Bondtrac-EE/Bondtrac-EE-pu.jar-BondtracPU|_ThreadID=36;_ThreadName=p: thread-pool-1; w: 44;_RequestID=5b92f658-e52c-4b83-aafc-454a052fc30b;|
Local Exception Stack:
Exception [TOPLINK-45] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0.1 (Build b04-fcs (04/11/2008))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DescriptorException
{color:#ff0000}Exception Description: Missing mapping for field [f_COUPON_INFO.issue_id].{color}
Descriptor: RelationalDescriptor(com.bondtrac.entities.TaxableDescription --> [DatabaseTable(f_ISSUE), DatabaseTable(f_COUPON_INFO)])
at oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DescriptorException.missingMappingForField(
at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.addPrimaryKeyForNonDefaultTable(
at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.buildRowForTranslation(
at oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.ReadObjectQuery.prepareForExecution(
at oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.DatabaseQuery.execute(
at oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.ObjectLevelReadQuery.execute(
at oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.ObjectLevelReadQuery.executeInUnitOfWork(
at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl.internalExecuteQuery(
at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession.executeQuery(
at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession.executeQuery(
at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.base.EntityManagerImpl.refresh(
at com.sun.enterprise.util.EntityManagerWrapper.refresh(
at com.bondtrac.ejb.DescriptionDAOBean.getDescription(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.sun.ejb.containers.BaseContainer.invokeTargetBeanMethod(
at com.sun.ejb.containers.BaseContainer.intercept(
at com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBLocalObjectInvocationHandler.invoke(
at com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBLocalObjectInvocationHandlerDelegate.invoke(
at $Proxy197.getDescription(Unknown Source)
at com.bondtrac.offeringprocessor.OfferingProcessorBean.process(
at com.bondtrac.offeringprocessor.OfferingProcessorBean.processOfferingEntity(
at com.bondtrac.offeringprocessor.OfferingProcessorBean.calculateOfferings(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.sun.ejb.containers.BaseContainer.invokeTargetBeanMethod(
at com.sun.ejb.containers.BaseContainer.intercept(
at com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBObjectInvocationHandler.invoke(
at com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBObjectInvocationHandlerDelegate.invoke(
at $Proxy198.calculateOfferings(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

What database are you using? My guess is that the database you are using returns field names in Uppercase. While the database may not be case sensitive, most databases will convert the field names to either all upper or lower case when returning the metadata - which associates the fields to the values. In this case, it is looking for a value for "issue_id" in the returned results, when I suspect that the database returned a value for "ISSUE_ID". Try having your column names match what the database will return and see if you still get problems.
The other part to this problem is that it does not appear mapped correctly. The primarykeyJoincolumn isn't using primary key fields (CUSIP_nbr is specified as the id), and you have a join table also using the "issue_id" field, so it really should be the id. Either way, the Secondary table is specifying f_ISSUE.issue_id to be a foreign key to f_COUPON_INFO.issue_id, and so the getFkIssueID annotation should be marked insertable=true, updateable =true and the annotation on getIssueID marked insertable=false, updatable=false,since it is set through the f_COUPON_INFO.issue_id field. Fixing this will also likely resolve the issue - the error says it can't find a mapping for the f_COUPON_INFO.issue_id but from looking at the code, what I believe it means is that it can't find a writable mapping. Reading this over again, it looks very confusing but I dont know if I can explain it much better. The field f_COUPON_INFO needs to be writeable and set by the application because you have marked it as controlling the field in f_ISSUE. The field in f_ISSUE needs to be read only, because the value is set/controlled by the value in f_COUPON_INFO.
Best Regards,

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    THAT'S IT.  Sir, you have solved my problem.  Thank you!!
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    Thank you again!  You have made me and my wireless keyboard very happy.

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    probs.png ‏112 KB

    Hi there,
    it seems that german is your mothertongue, so I'll reply on german.
    Digitale Eingänge müssen Software getaktet werden, da nur analoge Eingänge Hardware-Takt Unterstützung haben!
    Sie können den Hardware-Takt nur mit analogen Eingängen einsetzen, die, von einem Timer gesteuert, gepuffert Werte einlesen können. Digitale Größen verarbeitet der Hardware-Takt nicht.
    Mit dem Hardware-Takt erreichen Sie sehr hohe Abtastraten. DIAdem überträgt die gewünschte Rate und die Kanalliste auf die Karte und startet die Messung. Die Hardware erfasst die Daten selbstständig und sammelt die Daten. Der PC ist nur für den Abtransport und die Weiterverarbeitung verantwortlich.[...]
    Da digitale Signale nicht im Hardware-Takt erfasst werden können, müssen diese Signale parallel in Software-Takten ermittelt werden. Dies kann zu zeitlichen Verschiebungen führen, weil sowohl beim Start der Messung als auch während der Messung keine Synchronisierung der Timer im PC und im Messgerät erfolgen kann. Da zwei Timer nie ganz genau gleichzeitig gestartet werden und auch nie ganz genau gleich schnell laufen, stimmen die Zeiten in den Zeitkanälen nach der Messung nicht genau überein. Üblicherweise betragen die Abweichungen einige Millisekunden.[...]
    Weiters hab ich mal n Versuchsaufbau für die Frequenzmessung gemacht. Ich konnte problemlos Frequenzen messen...
    Am besten du schilderst kurz den Aufbau deiner Messung, was du messen möchtest und wie du den Max konfiguriert hast.
    Mfg Markus

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    FaceTime doesn't do any of that, so I'll assume you mean Messages.
    From the Messages menu bar, select
    Video ▹ Connection Doctor
    In the window that opens, select
    Show: Capabilities
    There should be a checkmark on the line with the words "1-on-1 video chat." Select
    Show: Network Status
    You should have two green dots.
    Make sure that you and the other party meet the applicable requirements shown in these support articles:
    Share your screen
    Requirements for audio chats, video chats, and screen sharing
    See also:
    Fix video chat issues

  • Problem using Illustrator CS5 and CC 2014 in same PC

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        If version = 1 Then
            Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application.CS5") 
        ElseIf version = 2 Then
            Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application.CS6") 
        ElseIf version = 3 Then
            Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application.CC.2014") 
            Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application") 
        End if
    This is working correctly in one system where CS5 and CC 2014 are both installed. However, in another similar system, where CS5 and CC 2014 are both installed, this is failing. There, always the CC 2014 version is being used, even when the user wants to use CS5. On inspection it is found that the issue is with registry entry of LocalServer32 subkey of the Illustrator.Application.CS5 automation object. There I see, the path of CC 2014 executable is stored, not that of CS5. The value is C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 (32 Bit)\Support Files\Contents\Windows\Illustrator.exe /automation. Hence, the statement CreateObject("Illustrator.Application.CS5") is actually starting the CC 2014 Illustrator version.
    Does anyone know how this could have happened? Is this some installation behavior of CS5 or CC 2014, that can be controlled? In this machine CC 2014 was installed after CS5. Does CC 2014 change the registry settings of CS5, if it was installed? That seems very unlikely, as then how can one use both CS5 and CC 2014 in a system through scripts? It is possible that this is a one-off case where the registry entries have been "accidentally" changed. However, I would like to be sure.
    I can re-install CS5 in this system where the issue is noted and probably the problem will go away. However, the scripts may be used in many different installations and I cannot possibly ask users to reinstall Illustrator everywhere. Moreover, this problem can occur sometimes in the future too. 
    Any suggestion regarding the cause and a possible full-proof solution will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,
    Joydeep Ray

    are you referring to the audio meters panel?  im on windows, and i can right click the meters panel and get options for "dynamic peaks".   there are audio effects, from the effects panel if thats what you are looking for?  i have one named "Dynamics" as well as several compressors.

  • Small problem with meta refresh and setting url

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    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="<c:out value='${pageContext.session.maxInactiveInterval+60}'/>">This works fine in that 60 second after the session times out the refresh is called. This then goes into my action class and checks to see if my user object is still in session. It does not find it and forwards it to my login page with a message saying the session timed out.
    this works just fine
    Now instead of this happening I want to forward to an error page.
    so I can add a url into the content section of the tab... but when I try to use a
    <c:out value='${pageContext.request.contextPath}'/>this evaluates to nothing.. so that then the forward is to /sessionTimoutError.jsp instead of /appName/jsp/sessionTimeoutError.jsp.
    So my question is more of a verification. Is it true then that when the session times out it has absolutely nothing to do with struts and java.. and that when the refresh actually gets called and forwards it back to the logoff page that I've in effect created a new session that will timeout in 60 minutes and call a refresh in 61minutes?
    So the only way I can think of forwarding to the other page would be to change the forward in my action class... but changing this is not worth modifying all the action classes.. and I can't just change the definition of the forward since other places use that forward and I don't want to change them either...
    any othe ways anyone could think of doing this without hardcoding any url's in?

    Is it true then that when the session times out it has absolutely nothing to do with struts and java.Nothing to do with Struts, it's about JSP/servlet stuff specifically.
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="61; url=/timeout.html">that's the proper format, so you can dynamically write whatever URL you want.
    and that when the refresh actually gets called and forwards it back to the logoff pageOnly if the page that's reloaded checks for the valid login info and forwards. This is a common way to do it, of course.

  • Problem using Change production and SFC step status with Simultanious group

    We just upgraded to ME 5.2 SP5 patch which was released two days back, the problem with Simultanious group is fixed and SFC gets the correct next step as per defined in the router (Previously there was bug).
    But when we try to use change production and put SFC in simultanious router at some particular operation as que it is getting in que at all operations and really can be started and completed even at the last operation.
    Same is the case with step status if we put it in que at some intermediate operation all operation listed above are becoming in que irrespective of the flow defined in simultanious router.
    Please let me know how to handle this.
    Pushkar Patil

    Hi Pushkar,
    It seems to be a bug. I would suggest opening a ticket on this.

  • Problem using TAPI triggers and merge statement

    I use Designer tapi triggers on a table. When I try to execute a merge statement, I get the following error:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: NULL index table key value.
    Is there a restriction when using TAPI triggers and merge statements that anyone is aware of?

    No restrictions on MERGE commands that I know of. I have, however, seen the TAPI give inexplicable ORA-06502 errors. It would help to know what line in which procedure or trigger gave the error. That information should have been in the error stack.

  • Problems using window.close() and setting fields

    I have two problems:
    First one is:
    I created a simple JSP with 'Save' and 'Exit' Buttons. In the Exit button on click event I invoked a function closeWindow, which calls teh window.close(). But on clicking Exit, the window does not close. Can anyone please tell me why.
    Second one is:
    The JSP also needs to get loaded with some values in the Textfields. Theses values are extracted from a text field using a Java class. I am able to see that these values are extracted from the text file and are loaded into Java vars, but when I am trying to set this value into a text field, it is NOT getting set.
    (filePathDetails is the instance of the class that extracts the text values)
    The entire code is posted below:
    <%@ page language="java" import="ftpScheduler.*" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>
    <% FolderPathInfo filePathDetails = new FolderPathInfo(); %>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <title>PATH DETAILS</title>
        <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
         function setPaths(){
                   textAncPath1.value = <%=filePathDetails.localDirPath1 %>;
                   textAncPath2.value = <%=filePathDetails.localDirPath2 %>;
                   textArchivePath.value = <%=filePathDetails.archiveDirPath %>;
                   textLogPath.value = <%=filePathDetails.logFilePath %>;
         function closeWindow(){
    <body bgcolor="#c0c0c0" onload="setPaths()">
         <FORM name="pathDetails" method="get" action="">
         <FONT face="Arial" size="3"><STRONG>Directory Paths:</STRONG></FONT>
           <TABLE border="0" cellspacing="" height="60" width="450"
                                                        style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial" align="center">
           <COL width="45%">
           <COL width="55%">
           <TD><LABEL>Ancillary Transmit Path1 :</LABEL></TD>
           <TD><INPUT type="text" name="textAncPath1" width="290" maxlength="350"/></TD>
           <TD><LABEL>Ancillary Transmit Path2 :</LABEL></TD>
           <TD><INPUT type="text" name="textAncPath2" width="290" maxlength="350"/></TD>
           <TD><LABEL>Archive Path :</LABEL></TD>
           <TD><INPUT type="text" name="textArchivePath" width="290" maxlength="350"/></TD>
           <TD><LABEL>Log File Path :</LABEL></TD>
           <TD><INPUT type="text" name="textLogPath" width="290" maxlength="350"/></TD>
           <P align="center">
              <INPUT type="submit" name="buttonSave" value="Save">
              <INPUT type="button" name="buttonExit" value=" Exit " onclick="closeWindow()">
    </html>Please help me.
    Thanks in advance.

    Try the following..
    For problem 1:
    Use window.close() instead of window.closeWindow().
    For the second problem
    don't call the function setPaths() at onload. Rather
    call the function after the page is loaded. You can
    try like this.
    If it doesn't work then check whether the browser is
    giving any JavaScript error message.
    <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
    setPaths() ;
         function setPaths(){
    document.pathDetails.element[0].value =
    = <%=filePathDetails.localDirPath1 %>;
    textAncPath1.value =
    e = <%=filePathDetails.localDirPath1 %>;
    textAncPath2.value =
    e = <%=filePathDetails.localDirPath2 %>;
    textArchivePath.value =
    e = <%=filePathDetails.archiveDirPath %>;
    textLogPath.value = <%=filePathDetails.logFilePath
    ath %>;
         function closeWindow(){
    Actually I did try window.close(), but I still am not able to close the current window.
    And as for the problem of setting up the field values, sorry the given solution doesnt seem to work. :-(..
    I have pasted the entire code, I dont know where teh flaw is. Please review the same and let me know.
    Your help is very much appreciated.
    <%@ page language="java" import="ftpScheduler.*" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>
    <% FolderPathInfo filePathDetails = new FolderPathInfo();%>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <title>PATH DETAILS</title>
         <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
         function setPaths(){
              document.pathDetails.textAncPath1.value = "Anything";
                   textAncPath1.value = <%=filePathDetails.localDirPath1%>;
                   textAncPath2.value = <%=filePathDetails.localDirPath2%>;
                   textArchivePath.value = <%=filePathDetails.archiveDirPath%>;
                   textLogPath.value = <%=filePathDetails.logFilePath%>;
         function exitWindow(){
    <body bgcolor="#c0c0c0">
         <FORM name="pathDetails" method="get" action="/FTPSchedulerApp/ftpScheduler/">
         <FONT face="Arial" size="3"><STRONG>Directory Paths:</STRONG></FONT>
           <TABLE name="tempTable" border="0" cellspacing="" height="60" width="450" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial" align="center">
           <COL width="45%">
           <COL width="55%">
           <TD><LABEL>Ancillary Transmit Path1 :</LABEL></TD>
           <TD><INPUT type="text" name="textAncPath1" width="290" maxlength="350"/></TD>
           <TD><LABEL>Ancillary Transmit Path2 :</LABEL></TD>
           <TD><INPUT type="text" name="textAncPath2" width="290" maxlength="350"/></TD>
           <TD><LABEL>Archive Path :</LABEL></TD>
           <TD><INPUT type="text" name="textArchivePath" width="290" maxlength="350"/></TD>
           <TD><LABEL>Log File Path :</LABEL></TD>
           <TD><INPUT type="text" name="textLogPath" width="290" maxlength="350"/></TD>
           <div align="center">
              <INPUT type="submit" name="buttonSave" value="Save"/>
              <input type="reset" name="buttonReset" value="Reset" onclick="setPaths()"/>
              <button name="buttonExit" onclick="exitWindow()"> Exit </button>

  • Mapping Problem using hibernate and annotations

    i am German student and new to hibernate. I established a mn conetction between to entities using hbm.xml mapping files. now I try to create the same connection applying annotations. unfortunately it does not work and I do not now why. First my error message followed by my classes and xml's:
    Initial SessionFactory creation mappedBy reference an unknown target entity property: domain.Termin.person in domain.Person.termine
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
    at services.HibernateUtil.sessionFactory(
    at services.HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(
    at test.Test.main(
    Caused by: org.hibernate.AnnotationException: mappedBy reference an unknown target entity property: domain.Termin.person in domain.Person.termine
    at org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.CollectionBinder.bindStarToManySecondPass(
    at org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.CollectionBinder$1.secondPass(
    at org.hibernate.cfg.CollectionSecondPass.doSecondPass(
    at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.secondPassCompile(
    at org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration.secondPassCompile(
    at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory(
    at org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration.buildSessionFactory(
    at services.HibernateUtil.sessionFactory(
    ... 2 more
    package domain;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.List;
    import domain.Termin;
    import javax.persistence.Entity;
    import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
    import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
    import javax.persistence.Id;
    import javax.persistence.ManyToMany;
    import javax.persistence.Table;
    @Table(name = "PERSON")
    public class Person {
       private long id;
       private String vorname;
       private String nachname;
       private List<Termin> termine=new LinkedList<Termin>();
       public Person() {
       @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO)
       public long getId() {
          return id;
       public void setId(long id) {
 = id;
       public String getNachname() {
          return nachname;
       public void setNachname(String nachname) {
          this.nachname = nachname;
       public String getVorname() {
          return vorname;
       public void setVorname(String vorname) {
          this.vorname = vorname;
       public void addTermin(Termin termin){
       public List<Termin> getTermine() {
          return termine;
       public void setTermine(List<Termin> termine) {
          this.termine = termine;
    package domain;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.persistence.Entity;
    import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
    import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
    import javax.persistence.Id;
    import javax.persistence.ManyToMany;
    import javax.persistence.Table;
    @Table(name = "TERMIN")
    public class Termin {
       private long id;
       private String titel;
       private Person eigentuemer;
       private List<Person> teilnehmer= new ArrayList<Person>();
       public void addTeilnehmer(Person person){
       public List<Person> getTeilnehmer() {
          return teilnehmer;
       public void setTeilnehmer(List<Person> teilnehmer) {
          this.teilnehmer = teilnehmer;
       public Termin() {
       @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO)
       public long getId() {
          return id;
       public void setId(long id) {
 = id;
       public String getTitel() {
          return titel;
       public void setTitel(String titel) {
          this.titel = titel;
       public Person getEigentuemer() {
          return eigentuemer;
       public void setEigentuemer(Person eigentuemer) {
          this.eigentuemer = eigentuemer;
    package test;
    import org.hibernate.Session;
    import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
    import org.hibernate.Transaction;
    import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
    import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport;
    import services.HibernateUtil;
    import domain.Person;
    import domain.Termin;
    public class Test {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
          Session session = null;
          session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
          /*      Person person1 =new Person();
          Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
          Person person2 =new Person();
          session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
          transaction = session.beginTransaction();
          Termin termin1 =new Termin();
          session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
          transaction = session.beginTransaction();
       Termin termin2 =new Termin();
          transaction = session.beginTransaction();
    package services;
    import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
    import org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration;
    import domain.Person;
    import domain.Termin;
    public class HibernateUtil {
       private static boolean recreateDB = false;
       public static void setRecreateDB(boolean recreateDB) {
          HibernateUtil.recreateDB = recreateDB;
       public static SessionFactory getSessionFactory() {
          if (sessionFactory == null) {
             sessionFactory = sessionFactory("hibernate.cfg.xml");
          return sessionFactory;
       private static SessionFactory sessionFactory = null;
       private static SessionFactory sessionFactory(String configurationFileName) {
          try {
             AnnotationConfiguration annotationConfiguration =
                new AnnotationConfiguration()
             if (recreateDB) annotationConfiguration.setProperty("", "create");
             return annotationConfiguration.buildSessionFactory();
          } catch (Throwable ex){
             System.err.println("Initial SessionFactory creation failed." + ex);
             throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration
        PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD//EN"
        <session-factory >
          <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class"></property>
            <property name="hibernate.connection.password">application</property>
            <property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost/test</property>
            <property name="hibernate.connection.username">application</property>
            <property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</property>
           <property name="current_session_context_class">thread</property>
          <property name="hibernate.show_sql">true</property>

    The error message is pretty much telling you the problem:
    mappedBy reference an unknown target entity property: domain.Termin.person in domain.Person.termine
    This tells you that there's a mappedBy setting on the Person class's termine property annotation, and that the property it's referring to (the person property of the Termin class) doesn't exist.
    public List<Termin> getTermine() {
       return termine;
    }If we have a look at the Termin class, indeed it has the following properties:
    eigentuemerAnd no person property. Remember, a property is defined by the existence of a get/set pair for the name. It's unrelated to the types returned by them and the private variables implementing them.
    mappedBy has the equivalent effect to the inverse property in a hbm.xml mapping file - it defines which entity's property will cause the foreign key value to be updated (persisting the relationship to the database). From the context of your code, I'm guessing you really want the annotation to read:

  • Flat file mandatory field mapping problem

    Hi Guys,
    I am mapping xml to the positional flat file.
    There is only one field in the output FF 'provider_state' which is not being mapped.
    As a change I added new field after the provider_state.
    My problem is that the provider_state with length 2 is not produced in the output as blank spaces to match the position flat file.
    However, I have tried creating the record using xslt and also tried to add default 'spacespace' in the schema, tried mapping 'spacespace' in the outpt.
    When I try to add space2 I get CRLF in the output at the filed position.
    In short last field '%' should be at 733 position but it is at 731.
    Thanks in advance...
    //Dhiraj Bhavsar

    Hi Dhiraj,
    This is by design and 
    You may want to change provider_id to attribute if its element.
    To resolve this please check this..
    Ritu Raj
    When you see answers and helpful posts,
    please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer

  • Appending ns1: in Every field[MAPPING PROBLEM]

    Hi All,
    I am facing a strange problem when generating the output XML file. The file is generating in XML format with an additional ns1 in each line.
    Any idea on this guys.
    <ns1:iABC xmlns:ns1="">
         <ns1:sender name="XYZ">
         <ns1:receiver name="PQR">
    <ns1:ID ="0000000000000000000000012"></b>
    Many Thanks,
    Edited by: JGD on May 19, 2008 2:56 PM

    Hi Stefan.
    Well, the answer is "no"
    According to XML spec both declarations
    <iABC xmlns="">
    <ns:iABC xmlns=ns:"">
    are semantically identical.
    Any standard xml parser will work with both declarations the same way. The mapping tool always use the first way.
    Sometimes legacy systems use "xml like" format with some special restrictions.
    In this case the only way to handle that is to use workarounds like with the anonymizer bean.
    Another problem I'm aware of is the target file encoding. That's "not officially" solved with hidden menu which you can see if you hold CTRL+SHIFT keys and right click on data flow editor. The last menu item is "encoding" - you can set the encoding of the resulting xml there
    Best regards

  • Mapping Drives using a PIX501 and vpn client

    We have a 501 and are using cisco vpn client. We have a Windows 2000 and a windows 2003 server on the network we are connecting to. We use windows authentication when we logon the vpn. We are mapping drives on both servers onto the client. The mapped drives on the 2000 server are visable to the client. The mapped drives on the 2003 server are not even when we try to remap. We have Routing and Remote Access enabled on the 2003 server but still fail to map the drives (or ping the 2003 server). Can anyone out there shed any light on our problem. Thanks

    Start with this link which gives a number of examples on how to configure a VPN client with the VPN 3000 -

  • Problems using LiveCycle Designer and Web Services

    Hi there.
    I've just finished reading all the 485 post in this forum, and I've already looked at all the samples and FAQ's, but I still I have the same problem, and it seems I'm not the only one. Here goes:
    I have a .NET Web Service that exposes three methods: one that indicates which PDF to open, one to pre-populate some of the fields of the form and another one to handle the submitted form.
    The first method is called within my web application and simply determines which pdf form to open in a given context. This one is cool and I have no problems here.
    The second method populates my pdf form. But here starts the trouble. I can't seem to make the pdf call the web service when it is loaded. I mean, what I want is to tell the pdf form that when he loads (and before he shows on the browser), he should call the web service method that pre-populates him. But I can't seem to be able to do this. I've seen JimmiPham's CheckCreditCard.pdf sample, but what he does is call the web service upon a click on the button. What I wanted is similar but on the load of the form. I've added the following line of javascript code to the initialize method of a textbox:
    msg.rawValue = xfa.connectionSet.conn.execute(0);
    where msg is the textbox and conn is the name of my connection. I've used this code based on the sample of the designer help. I've also tried to drag and drop the button from the dataview (the one that is automatically generated) but it wont work. If I press it it gives me an error stating that there was an error attempting to read the web service file (*.asmx).
    I've also tried to drag and drop the textbox in the generated web service response (in the dataview) but nothing works.
    Does anyone have any ideas of what am I doing wrong? This is my first contact with this technology, and I really don't know very well how to manipulate it...

    Hi Jimmy.<br /><br />Thanks for the help.<br />I'm getting really desperate now. Your sample doesn't work. However I have some more info that might bring some light into the fight...<br />I've seen your sample (awesome work), tried it and saved it. Then I opened it with designer 7.0 and checked the code in the click event of the button.<br />Then I copied/pasted your code into my form. I dragged a text box and a button into my form and left them with the default names (TextBox1 and Button1). In the click event of Button1 I've pasted your code and then changed the parts I wanted, as follows:<br /><br />----- form1.#subform[0].Button1::click - (JavaScript, client) --------------------------------------<br />var cWSURL = "http://localhost/SIIOP.PDFManager/PDFManager.asmx?WSDL";<br /><br />app.alert("Setup webservicex PopulatePDF Interface using WSDL URL: \"" + cWSURL + "\"\n");<br /><br />SOAP.wiredump = true;<br /><br />var service = SOAP.connect(cWSURL);<br /><br />if(typeof service != "object")<br />     app.alert("Couldn't get PopulatePDF WSDL object");<br /><br />if(service.PopulatePDF == "undefined")<br />     app.alert("Couldn't get webservicex.PopulatePDF Call");<br /><br />var e;<br /><br />// I need no parameters<br />//var param =<br />//{<br />//    "CardNumber": xfa.resolveNode("CardNumber").rawValue<br />//};<br /><br />try<br />{<br />    app.alert("Make PopulatePDF SOAP call");<br />     <br />//     var result = service.CheckCC(param);<br />     var result = service.PopulatePDF();<br /><br />     if((result == "") || (result == null))  {<br />          app.alert("WebService PopulatePDF returns nothing");<br />         result = "<no results returned>";<br />          }<br /><br />function dump(obj)<br />{<br /><br />    if(typeof obj == "object")<br />    {<br />        for(var i in obj)<br />        {<br />             app.alert("note1: " + i + " = " + obj[i]);<br />             if (i == "string")<br />               {<br />                    xfa.form.Page1.TextField1.rawValue = obj[i];<br />               }<br />          }<br />    }<br />    else app.alert("note2: " + i + " = " + obj[i]);<br />}<br /><br />dump(result);<br /><br />SOAP.wiredump = false;<br /><br />     //;<br />     //xfa.resolveNode("CardType").rawValue = result["urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1diffgram"]["NewDataSet"]["Table"].CardTy pe;<br />     //xfa.resolveNode("CardValid").rawValue = result["urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1diffgram"]["NewDataSet"]["Table"].CardVa lid;<br /><br />}<br />catch(e)<br />{<br />     app.alert("Problem with webservicex.PopulatePDF Call: " + e);<br />}<br /><br />I saved the form and opened it with internet explorer. When I press the button, I get the first alert stating that "Setup webservicex PopulatePDF Interface using WSDL URL: http://localhost/SIIOP.PDFManager/PDFManager.asmx?WSDL". That's correct.<br />Then I get an alert that says "Couldn't get PopulatePDF WSDL object", which means that he can't get the object. The result is undefined. But that's odd, since I can establish a data connection to this WSDL using the New Data Connection wizard, and in this wizard it even says which methods and actions the web service has... So, the problem must be in the way the web service exposes himself to the PDF, right? <br />Well anyway, here follows the wsdl I have:<br /><br /> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <br />- <wsdl:definitions xmlns:http="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:tm="" xmlns:mime="" targetNamespace="" xmlns:wsdl=""><br />- <wsdl:types><br />- <s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace=""><br />- <s:element name="PopulatePDF"><br />  <s:complexType /> <br />  </s:element><br />- <s:element name="PopulatePDFResponse"><br />- <s:complexType><br />- <s:sequence><br />  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="PopulatePDFResult" type="s:string" /> <br />  </s:sequence><br />  </s:complexType><br />  </s:element><br />- <s:element name="CallPDF"><br />  <s:complexType /> <br />  </s:element><br />- <s:element name="CallPDFResponse"><br />- <s:complexType><br />- <s:sequence><br />  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="CallPDFResult" type="s:string" /> <br />  </s:sequence><br />  </s:complexType><br />  </s:element><br />- <s:element name="HandleSubmittedPDF"><br />  <s:complexType /> <br />  </s:element><br />- <s:element name="HandleSubmittedPDFResponse"><br />- <s:complexType><br />- <s:sequence><br />  <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="HandleSubmittedPDFResult" type="s:string" /> <br />  </s:sequence><br />  </s:complexType><br />  </s:element><br />  </s:schema><br />  </wsdl:types><br />- <wsdl:message name="PopulatePDFSoapIn"><br />  <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:PopulatePDF" /> <br />  </wsdl:message><br />- <wsdl:message name="PopulatePDFSoapOut"><br />  <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:PopulatePDFResponse" /> <br />  </wsdl:message><br />- <wsdl:message name="CallPDFSoapIn"><br />  <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:CallPDF" /> <br />  </wsdl:message><br />- <wsdl:message name="CallPDFSoapOut"><br />  <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:CallPDFResponse" /> <br />  </wsdl:message><br />- <wsdl:message name="HandleSubmittedPDFSoapIn"><br />  <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:HandleSubmittedPDF" /> <br />  </wsdl:message><br />- <wsdl:message name="HandleSubmittedPDFSoapOut"><br />  <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:HandleSubmittedPDFResponse" /> <br />  </wsdl:message><br />- <wsdl:portType name="PDFManagerSoap"><br />- <wsdl:operation name="PopulatePDF"><br />  <wsdl:input message="tns:PopulatePDFSoapIn" /> <br />  <wsdl:output message="tns:PopulatePDFSoapOut" /> <br />  </wsdl:operation><br />- <wsdl:operation name="CallPDF"><br />  <wsdl:input message="tns:CallPDFSoapIn" /> <br />  <wsdl:output message="tns:CallPDFSoapOut" /> <br />  </wsdl:operation><br />- <wsdl:operation name="HandleSubmittedPDF"><br />  <wsdl:input message="tns:HandleSubmittedPDFSoapIn" /> <br />  <wsdl:output message="tns:HandleSubmittedPDFSoapOut" /> <br />  </wsdl:operation><br />  </wsdl:portType><br />- <wsdl:binding name="PDFManagerSoap" type="tns:PDFManagerSoap"><br />  <soap:binding transport="" style="document" /> <br />- <wsdl:operation name="PopulatePDF"><br />  <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document" /> <br />- <wsdl:input><br />  <soap:body use="literal" /> <br />  </wsdl:input><br />- <wsdl:output><br />  <soap:body use="literal" /> <br />  </wsdl:output><br />  </wsdl:operation><br />- <wsdl:operation name="CallPDF"><br />  <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document" /> <br />- <wsdl:input><br />  <soap:body use="literal" /> <br />  </wsdl:input><br />- <wsdl:output><br />  <soap:body use="literal" /> <br />  </wsdl:output><br />  </wsdl:operation><br />- <wsdl:operation name="HandleSubmittedPDF"><br />  <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document" /> <br />- <wsdl:input><br />  <soap:body use="literal" /> <br />  </wsdl:input><br />- <wsdl:output><br />  <soap:body use="literal" /> <br />  </wsdl:output><br />  </wsdl:operation><br />  </wsdl:binding><br />- <wsdl:service name="PDFManager"><br />  <documentation xmlns="" /> <br />- <wsdl:port name="PDFManagerSoap" binding="tns:PDFManagerSoap"><br />  <soap:address location="http://localhost/SIIOP.PDFManager/PDFManager.asmx" /> <br />  </wsdl:port><br />  </wsdl:service><br />  </wsdl:definitions><br /><br />If I invoke this webservice method through Internet Explorer, I get the following response:<br /><br />  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <br />  <string xmlns="">Hello World</string>

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