Fila SMQ2 travando.

Bom dia a todos.
De vez em quando, filas de mensagens de NF-e no PI ficam processando a mensagem: CANCR_CancellationRequestProcess
infinitamente. (travando a fila).
Ou então a mensagem: BATSR_BatchStatusRequestProcess (esta fica com bandeira quadrada, mas nao sai da fila).
Consequencia: Todas notas que cairem nesta fila, estão acumulando.....só libera quando excluo a mensagem manualmente da fila.
Alguem tem alguma dica?
Bernardo Tavares Braga

Ahn....realmente...fiz o download do payload (tanto da mensagem de Cancelamento quanto do BatchStatus) e mandei carregar o arquivo ao invés de copiar. Funcionou sem erro.
Então não e
Não sei qual o motivo da fila ficar travando em status RUNNING. Estou tentando achar um
Só acontece com as mensagens: CANCR_CancellationRequestProcess e BATSR_BatchStatusRequestProcess.
Geralmente, basta eu desbloquear a fila que a mensagem sai, mas as vezes tenho que deletar a mensagem da fila e ativar novamente.
O problema é que isso ocorre esporadicamente e a qualquer hora.
Outra coisa que notei foi o conteudo do "Performance Header" da mensagem "Response":
  <SAP:Timestamp type="begin" host="XP0DB0I">20100301213312.766131</SAP:Timestamp>
  <SAP:Timestamp type="end" host="XP0DB0I">20100301230401.656427</SAP:Timestamp>
Repare que o tempo entre o "begin" e o "end" esta muito alto e provavelmente só finalizou após eu desbloquear a fila.
Bernardo Braga
Edited by: Bernardo Braga on Mar 2, 2010 2:37 PM

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    Bom dia Vanessa,
    Avalie caso a caso o que aconteceu e faça a intervenção sempre inserindo algum histórico novo ao invés de modificar (rastreabilidade) e coloque no campo de usuário algo como CREEEEU rsss (brincadeira, coloque um usuário ou uma identificação tipo o numero do chamado).
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    - Primeiro verifique no PI se tem alguma fila (SMQ2) que possa ser restartada ou se a mensagem chegou e está scheduled (SXI_MONITOR) com opção de restart. Isso pode diminuir as intervenções manuais necessárias.
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    Hi Rakesh,
       Check these threads on SMQ2. It may give some help to you:
       Queue issue
       deleting the inbound queue tc smq2
       Also check this file:
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         As Debashis has already said, use message prioritization in PI to handle your requirement.
    For SAP NetWeaver PI 7.0, navigate to SAP NetWeaver 7.0  SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Library  SAP NetWeaver Library  SAP NetWeaver by Key Capability  Process Integration by Key Capability  SAP NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure  Runtime  Integration Engine  Prioritized Message Processing.
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    Warm Regards
    Arjun Ghose

    Hi Friends
    Could you get me some more details on the queue prioritization part , can large messages be sent through XBTL* queues, the SMQ2 problem is happening on the ECC side , the messages are getting stuck.

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    The Following are the Possible checks
    1) Check in R/3 side SMQ1 & SMQ2
    2) Check in R/3 side SM58
       In R/3 system, Goto SM58 tcode and see if the IDOC have stuck up in Queue.
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        This happens normally if IDOC stuck up in queues.
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    Thanks & Regards,

    First check
    1) Receiver FTP Details if it is correct (Floder having right credentials to write file)
    2) In Message Monitoring "To be delivered status" u can send it from there itself "Resend"
    If not happening delete all Messages of "To be delivered status" and resend again it would work
    Moreover check Smq1 / smq2 Queues if it is stuck
    For processing u have for sure clear off all messages in "To be delivered state' first r else all messages will be in pipeline
    Better ---> SXMB_ADM --> Deactivate / Activate Queues

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    increasing the RFC adapter time out from the visual admin has solve the problem,
    thank you for that.
    but what I was looking for is a way to find out what could be the root cause, since it was running 2 years with (300000 ms time out) without a problem. Now I must increase this time out which mean my system is not performing well!
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                 This is the error i got in smq2(inbound queue)...Apart from cache refresh problem does this signify any other error...Am not getting the output file...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  XML Validation Inbound Channel Request
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="">
      <SAP:Code area="XICACHE">INTERNAL_ERROR</SAP:Code>
      <SAP:P1 />
      <SAP:P2 />
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText>Error &#39;HTTP status code 401 Unauthorized&#39; while executing HTTP request (calling method &#39;get_status&#39;)</SAP:AdditionalText>
      <SAP:Stack>Error while refreshing the XI runtime cache</SAP:Stack>
    Deepika K

    Error: HTTP_RESP_STATUS_CODE_NOT_OK 401 Unauthorized
    Description: The request requires user authentication
    Possible Tips:
    u2022 Check XIAPPLUSER is having this Role -SAP_XI_APPL_SERV_USER
    u2022 If the error is in XI Adapter, then your port entry should J2EE port 5<System no>
    u2022 If the error is in Adapter Engine
    u2013then have a look into SAP note- 821026, Delete the Adapter Engine cache in transaction SXI_CACHE Goto --> Cache.
    u2022 May be wrong password for user XIISUSER
    u2022 May be wrong password for user XIAFUSER
    u2013 for this Check the Exchange Profile and transaction SU01, try to reset the password -Restart the J2EE Engine to activate changes in the Exchange Profile After doing this, you can restart the message

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    Hello Experts,
    I have a scenario like File system to PI to SAP ECC 6.0 in Asynchronous mode.
    Messages are successfully processed in PI.
    In Server Proxy Method, I have used the ABAP Information message statement (Message with TYPE I). When this statement is being executed at runtime, that particuler inbound message is getting stucked in SMQ2 with status as SYSFAIL.
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    For Example: 'No Data Found from Table1'.
    Due to this, messages from the other interfaces also get stucked.
    please suggest me for handling the INformaiton messages in ABAP coding and also for Automatically restarting the queues.
    Thanks & Regards

    What abt the Infomraiton messages already in use, can't we use them in Server Proxy method?

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    Does I need to do any activity in ECC or PI? What could be a problem. Please suggest .

    Hi Venkata,
    Thanks for very quick replay.
    Are the messages stuck with any error?--> First I can see the Green Color Flag as scheduled status, I open the message I can see there is no error message.Bt when I have look at end of the message in SXMB_MONI at Q.Status , I can see Message Has error
    In SMQ2 -->
    Cl. Queue Name               Entries    Status   Date 1     Time 1   NxtDate           NxtTim                  Sender ID                        Wait for queue
    200 XBTR0009                         1  SYSFAIL  24.02.2012 10:53:34 24.02.2012 10:53:34      R3DEVQA_RDV_01
    And when I double click the XBTR009 I can see the below message :
    Cl.       User                  Function Module                 Queue Name                Date        Time                       StatusText
    200  ALEREMOTE    SXMS_ASYNC_EXEC                 XBTR0009                  24.02.2012  10:53:34  Screen output without connection to user.
    This are status of the messages. Please help me.

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    I am doing a BPM N:1 scenario, ip(integration process) is at status 0 in sxi_cache.
    2.No problem with SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING.
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    But when i see the file in destination directory , it's not appearing there.
    Any suggestions???

           Check all the queues SM58, SMQ1, SMQ2. Check the RWB for the messages on the adapter engine.
    Also, you will have to check the workflow log. Go thru the following steps.
    Scroll the successful message in the monitor to the right to see columns like Inbound or Outbound. You will see a value PE in one of the column. On clicking it, you will go into the workflow log. Then, goto the technical details. You will see all the steps configured in the BPM and various tabs below which gives minute details about each step. Look for errors in any of the step bu going thru the details.
    There might be the case that the mapping itself might have gone into error. Or some step inside the BPE is in a waiting mode.

  • Receiver File Channel is green but not working

    I have a service which receives the data form a sender channel and send the same data after content conversion to a reciever channel.
    In the communication channel monitoring I can see the log for the sender channel and the processing log is displayed even if no file is there in the specified location for the channel to pick up.
    For the Received channel, no processing log is being displayed and it is not processing the file even though the same service is being used.
    What am i missing here?
    Can you please advice?

    Hi! Archana,
    Just check once again the below mentioned steps..even though u have configured correctly...
    Do one thing..
    1) go to Rwb > Component Monitoring>Select Adapter Engine> below that Select TEST MESSAGE tab-> there enter your PAYLOAD and also give your scenario details once again and try to test the scenario again.
    2) You can also do the same test at the Integration Engine level instead of selecting Adapter ENgine u need to seleect Integration Engine ok
    3) By doing this the PI Server will took the payload directly from the RWB instead of Sender  ADapter so that you can come to know where exactly you strucked whether at adapter engine or Integration Engine level.
    4) Also you can check your messages in the below URL at MEssage Display tool other than SXMB_MONI and RWB in detail..
    5) Also monitor your message at Ingration as well as Adapter Engine level in Message MOnitonig at RWB.
    6) Try to check both the queues at SMQ1 and SMQ2.
    7) If possible refresh your CACHE once at SXI_CACHE.
    Amar Srinivas Eli

  • File to idoc  (Idoc is not getting posted in R/3 system)

    Hi Experts,
    I am having file to idoc scenario. In sxmb_moni i have seen success messages . The flag is checked on both sides.
    So when clicked on the right hand side there are 443 idocs.but idoc is not posted on r/3  side.  when i give the idoc number in r/3 system in we09 i couldnt find it? soi went for bd 87 transaction and gave the idoc number. it is saying that idoc is strucked in qrfc queue?
    Kindly suggest.
    Thanks in advance.

    if the IDoc is stuck in a qRFC queue means that the message did not reach the pipeline to be send to R3 so, anything in wrong at PI side.
    please, go to SMQ2 and check whats happening. to know the queue name check the SXMB_MONI, select the proper message and scroll rightto the proper colum.
    let us know.
    Rodrigo P-.

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