File Compatibility for lower version

I have a captivate file that was made using captivate 2 , now
I want to open the file in captivate 1.
How to convert the file so that I can open it in Captivate 1.

Hi Rahul Surong and welcome to our community
There really is no way to do this inside Captivate 2. You can
look all day and you will not find the ability to Save As or
anything that will allow saving in an older format.
But all hope is not lost. What you can do is to have
Captivate 1 and Captivate 2 both installed on the same PC. Launch
both applications. Open the project in Captivate 2. In Captivate 1,
create a new blank project that is sized identically to the one
open in Captivate 2. Now carefully copy the slides from Captivate 2
and paste in Captivate 1.
Hopefully this was helpful... Rick

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    Go to Solution.

    Hello X.Ignatius,
    Our Scripts and SUD files are generally backward compatible (i.e. a Script or SUD created in 10.2 will run in later versions of DIAdem, such as 11.2), but they are typically not compatible when a newer version of DIAdem is used to create an asset (VBS or SUD) and then using that file in an older version of DIAdem.
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    You must be doing something wrong, or perhaps Windows 7 is interfering. Here's the step-by-step process:
    Launch LabVIEW 2009.
    Open an 8.6 VI. It should show up with an asterisk in the title bar.
    Make some changes.
    Select File -> Save for Previous Version.
    Verify that "8.6" is selected in the dropdown.
    Click "Save...".
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    Close the VI. When asked if you want to save changes click "Don't Save".
    Check the timestamp on the newly created file in that folder.
    Open the same 8.6 VI again.
    Make some changes. 
    Select File -> Save for Previous Version.
    Verify that "8.6" is selected in the dropdown.
    Click "Save...".
    The "File name" textbox should have the same default name as previously. If you click "Save" Windows should move you into that folder, and the save dialog should remain open. The file listing should contain the VI.
    Click on the "Current Folder" button. You should get a dialog warning you that the operation will save over existing files. Click "OK" to continue. The VI will be saved as the previous version over the previous save that was done. To verify this, check the timestamp on the file.
    I just did the above on LV2009 running under XP just so I could get the button names correct.
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    As always any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if there is any more information I can provide. Also please feel free to tell me what I'm doing wrong as I'm keen to understand why what I'm trying to do isn't working.
    Alexander H. | Software Developer | CLAD

    Yes the toolkit is installed on the computer in the lab. I was able previously able to work on this project on either computer and only had problems once the upstairs computer was upgraded to Labview 8.6.
    Alexander H. | Software Developer | CLAD

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    According to your post, my understanding is that People picker is not working for ie11 but working fine for other lower version.
    IE 11 is known to have compatibility issues on SharePoint 2010, please make sure to:
    first of all, try installing latest update for IE 11 (several compatibility issues were fixed since the first release)
    add the site to compatibility view (in IE> Tools> Compatibility view settings> type site name> add)
    add the site to trusted sites and set the zone security level to low (in IE> Internet Options> Security> trusted sites> sites>add your site there> ok> custom level> select low> reset> ok)
    You can use developer tools (f12) and set browser mode to the version that is most compatible with your environment.
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    *** haven't checked, because I don't have any pre-9.0 files easily available ***  ... but from what I remember, if you're really just viewing the files in 9.0 you should need to save them explicitly back to an earlier version. FM may mark the files as "changed" when it opens them, but that's because it checks things like datestamps and cross-references. If you do not, yourself, explicitly change any content in the file you have opened, you don't need to save the changes; just close the file unsaved.  Check my supposition with a couple of files before relying on it! And other people will be able to give you a more detailed explanation of why file you haven't touched yourself still show up as "changed".

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    Please do suggest me if anyone has any idea for the same. Looking Forward.
    Thanks in Advance,

        The problem seems to be with the way the project folders are saved. There are two types of folders viz Virtual and Autopopulating. By default when you create new instrument drivers project , Virtual folders are created. You need to convert them to Auto populating folder as shown in the figure below. Autopopulating folder refrences and updates as and when you make any changes to the actual file. Whereas A virtual folder is a folder in the project that organizes project items and does not represent files on disk.
    Hope that solves your querry. 
    Shreyas Hebbare
    Shreyas Technologies

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    First, make sure your system is running correctly.  Then, use the Finder to navigate to /users/yourusername/Documents/Final Cut Express Documents/Autosave Vault and find the most recent backup copy of your FCE project file.  Copy the file to your Final Cut Express Documents folder (copy the file, don't just move it).  Then double-click the copy to open it in FCE.  It should open ok, but will probably not have your most recent edits (transitions).  You may have to rebuild the transitions, but at least you will be back in action.

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    Please Help!

    Have you recently reinstalled FCE and forgotten to update it?

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    If anyone can help me with this I would be seriously grateful.
    When exporting mutliple files to web pages Aperture keeping losing files, so for instance, if I choose to export 600 images to a new web page, it might make 524 pages but not the full 600. I've tried resetting Aperture and its persmission and am using the latest version of 3.
    I have 3600 images which I need to upload as sublfolders, each with their own URL and at the moment Aperture is dropping of anything from 1 to 90 images.
    This is critical as people need to see each and every on of these images online. So if a file has 600 photos in it, Aperture should make a URL with 600 full image pages. And this is what it's not doing. On small files, say 30 or so it seems to work well, it's when it gets to more than that the problem starts.
    I've used Aperture in the past under previous versions and not had this problem.
    Any help would be great.

    Hi Jack,
    Thanks for responding (as it seems as though no one else has been able to provide any insight as of yet)! Not sure if you saw my recent post, but the version of Aperture on the 2008 MacBook has been upgraded to 3.1.2 (not sure how; I bought it in 2009, but only have OS X 10.5.8... which apparently can't house 3.1.2 of Aperture, but hey, like many other anomalies i'm encountering, I'm no longer surprised!). I am unable to upgrade it any further, as it warns me that my OS X does not fit the requirements. I exported the projects as libraries; however, like I posted before, apparently these are from too old of a version for the new Aperture (3.3.1) to handle and import.
    It's getting to the point where I'd almost pay to upgrade the OS X on my previous MacBook (10.5.8) to something newer in order to THEN update Aperture to a newer version; however, my previous MacBook simply cannot handle this (the specs are awful -- hence my decision to save up and upgrade to the newest MBP with Retina).
    I've spent hours upon hours transferring files, libraries as projects, previews, versions, even masters (though, apparently some of them aren't accessible?) with no luck. I've rebuilt the library and reprocessed everything. And this is all after having to return one MBP already since Aperture 3.3.1 is glitch-y as it is, and froze everything for having a "managed library". So, now that I know that I have to deal with a referenced library in Aperture... I just need to actually transfer my previous library to my new one (hopefully WITH adjustments since these are years worth of photos and work).
    Again, any help is appreciated. I've lost enough sleep, time, and vision health over this at this point.
    Also, I know Migration Assistant is an option, I was told that it wouldn't work properly anyway because of the different operating systems, and the potential for problems.

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