File constructor and TimerTask

I have two questions.
One is I need to create a file with the name of an image.
For example I have an image in the path classes/Ventanas/router.png.
This path is created when the classes are compiled.
I did the same in other class with the path
ImageIcon icononodo = new ImageIcon(Ventanas.PantallaRedJGraph.class.getResource("router.png"))
But when I try to do it whit File it doesn�t work.
File f = new File(Ventanas.PantallaRedJGraph.class.getResource("router.png").getFile());
Does anybody know anything about it?
And the other question is I have a class that extends Timer.
Inside this class I have a TimerTask
public class Sondear extends Timer{
String ipasondear;
public ConectorInterfaz conector = ConectorInterfaz.getInstancia();
final Runnable sondeo = new Runnable(){
     public void run(){
     //The code     
TimerTask repetirsondeo = new TimerTask(){
     public void run(){
public void sondeando(String ip){
     this.ipasondear = ip;
this.schedule(repetirsondeo, 0, 45000);
I call this class from another class with the instruction.
for( //all the IP adresses){
Sondear s = new Sondear();
s.sondeando(//The ip);
My question is how can I stop this TimerTask for a period of time and call another time this class to pass another IP adresses?
I will be very grateful if somebody helps me.
Thank you very much and sorry for my english.

paulcw wrote: > Probably the file doesn't exist, at least not in the way you think it does and/or with the name you get from URL.getFile().
Why are you doing it that way? Is the file a jar file? If so you should use getResourceAsStream (and no File objects at all).
Also you should provide more details. What do you mean "it doesn't work"? Do you get an exception? If so you should post it with your question.
Perhaps I didn`t explain it well. SorryI don�t get an exception. The image in my application doesn�t appear.
At first I have all .java files in a directory called src. And I have another directory with all my images.
When I execute the application I send the .class files to a directory called classes and the images to a directory called Ventanas.
I don�t know exactly how it is used the instruction
new ImageIcon(Ventanas.PantallaRedJGraph.class.getResource("imagename"));But in a previous application it works, so the image appears in the application.
You told me that how I did it this way.
I don�t know a lot about programming, so if there is a better way to do this with a File I will be very grateful if you say it to me.
paulcw wrote: > That seems unnecessary. Just instantiate a Timer and use it.
Your code in general seems unnecessarily complicated.
I'd suggest canceling that task, and then scheduling a new one later if you need it to run again. If the task contains state that needs to be preserved across the times that it runs, then put that state in a different object and pass that object to multiple TimerTask wrappers.
I have an application that sends ping to another computers and routers to see if there are connected to the network.
When the user press a button to scan the network, the application begins to look for devices and when it draws the devices connected I need that it begins to sends the ping instructions.
When the Scan button is pressed I don�t know if it is the first time the user press it or not.
What I want is that when the application is scanning the network I need to stop the Timer and restart it when the network is scanned. I need to stop all the Timers I send for all the IP addresses.
I also think that my code is a bit complicated but I don�t know another way to do it.
How can I see if an instance of this class is created?
I have a trouble in my mind.
I hope this time my explanation has been easy to understand. My English is a bit poor .
Thank you, thank you very much.

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    import publication;
    import java.util.*;
    public class publicationmain
    public static void main(String args[])
    PublicationContainer pubdatabase = new PublicationContainer();
    int userchoice;
    boolean flag = false;
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    //1st error on line below
    FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
    //2nd error here
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    String myPublicationID = p.getProperty("PublicationID", defaultValue);
    System.out.println("please Make a Selection");
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    System.out.println("2 to delete publication");
    System.out.println("0 to quit");     
    System.out.println("3 to View all publications");
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    String PubName;
    String PricePerIssue;
    String Publisher;
    String Pubstatus;
    String Pubtype;
    int PubID;
    System.out.println ("Enter Publication ID:");
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    System.out.println("Enter Publication Name:");
    PubName = Keyboard.readString();
    System.out.println("Enter Publisher Name");
    Publisher = Keyboard.readString();
    System.out.println("Enter Price per Issue:");
    PricePerIssue = Keyboard.readString();
    System.out.println("Enter Publication status");
    Pubstatus = Keyboard.readString();
    System.out.println("Enter Publication type:");
    Pubtype = Keyboard.readString();
    pubdatabase.add (new publication(PubID, PubName, Publisher, PricePerIssue, Pubstatus, Pubtype));
    case 0:
    //3rd error here
    FileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
    //4th and 5th error here
    Properties p = new Properties(inputStream);
    p.put("PublicationID", PubID);
    p.put("PublicationName", PubName);
    p.put("PublisherName" , Publisher);
    p.put("PriceperIssue" , PricePerIssue);
    p.put("PublicationStatus" , Pubstatus);
    p.put("PublicationType" , Pubtype);, "My Header");
    flag = true;
    case 2:
    System.out.println ("Enter Publication ID:");
    PubID = Keyboard.readInt();
    pubdatabase.remove (PubID);
    System.out.println ("publication: "+(PubID)+" removed");
    case 3:
    System.out.println (pubdatabase);
    case 4:
    System.out.println ("Enter Publication to be edited by Publication ID: ");
    PubID = Keyboard.readInt();
    pubdatabase.remove (PubID);
    String PubName1;
    String PricePerIssue1;     
    String Publisher1;
    String Pubstatus1;
    String Pubtype1;
    int PubID1;
    System.out.println ("Enter Publication ID:");
    PubID1 = Keyboard.readInt();
    System.out.println("Enter Publication Name:");
    PubName1 = Keyboard.readString();
    System.out.println("Enter Publisher Name");
    Publisher1 = Keyboard.readString();
    System.out.println("Enter Price per Issue:");
    PricePerIssue1 = Keyboard.readString();
    System.out.println("Enter Publication status");
    Pubstatus1 = Keyboard.readString();
    System.out.println("Enter Publication type:");
    Pubtype1 = Keyboard.readString();
    pubdatabase.add (new publication(PubID1, PubName1, Publisher1, PricePerIssue1, Pubstatus1, Pubtype1));
    System.out.println("Incorrect Entry");

    i'm sorry to ask this, but how long are you programming in java ? not so long, right ?
    maybe you should first learn how the syntax in java is. maybe you should take a look at the java tutorial.
    the errors you get are simple, so normally you should be able to solve these problems yourself.
    and, if you want to post another message with the same topic, please use the already existing (started by you) threads like
    you can reply to your postings. you do not need to start a new thread.

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    "/opt/SolarisStudio12.4-beta_jul14-solaris-x86/bin/dmake"  -f nbproject/ dist/Debug/OracleSolarisStudio_12.4_Beta2-Solaris-x86/thing
    mkdir -p build/Debug/OracleSolarisStudio_12.4_Beta2-Solaris-x86
    CC    -c -g -std=c++11 -o build/Debug/OracleSolarisStudio_12.4_Beta2-Solaris-x86/main.o main.cpp
    mkdir -p build/Debug/OracleSolarisStudio_12.4_Beta2-Solaris-x86
    CC    -c -g -std=c++11 -o build/Debug/OracleSolarisStudio_12.4_Beta2-Solaris-x86/main.o main.cpp
    "main.cpp", line 30: Error: Thing::Thing(const Thing&) is not accessible from f().
    1 Error(s) detected.
    *** Error code 2
    dmake: Fatal error: Command failed for target `build/Debug/OracleSolarisStudio_12.4_Beta2-Solaris-x86/main.o'
    Current working directory /home/prime/NetBeansProjects/thing
    *** Error code 1
    dmake: Fatal error: Command failed for target `.build-conf'
    Current working directory /home/prime/NetBeansProjects/thing
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    Hussien Sherief

    It will work just fine to combine them.
    But most people would recommend keeping functionality separate... if the budget allows.  That whole "single point of failure" concept.  If that server dies, you've lost both of those functions.

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    You will, because the credited funds are on your iTunes account, not the application. When you reinstall iTunes just configure it with your old iTunes account and your credits will be there waiting for you.

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    and then, in the other class
      public int cdplayerINIToMMCD(File aDatabase, String thePassword) throws IllegalArgumentException {
         String dbLogin, dbPassword;
         JFileChooser fc;
         INIFileFilter ff;
         int dialogReturnVal;
         String nameChosen;
         File INIFile;
         ProgressMonitor progressMonitor;
         BufferedReader inFileStream;
         String oneLine;
         int totalLines = 0;
         int linesParsed = 0;
         boolean openDBResult;
         int hasPassword;
         if ((aDatabase == null) || (!aDatabase.exists()) ||
            (FileManagement.verifyMMCD(aDatabase) == FileManagement.VERIFY_FAILED)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();       
         else { 
            currentDB = aDatabase;
            if(thePassword == null) {
              dbPassword = "";
            else { dbPassword = thePassword; }
            dbLogin = dbPassword; //For MSAccess dbLogin == dbPassword
         //Ask the user for the cdplayer.ini file.
         //Create a file chooser
         if (System.getProperty("").indexOf("Windows") > -1) {
            fc = new JFileChooser("C:\\Windows");
         else {
            fc = new JFileChooser();     
         //Create a new FileFilter
         ff = new INIFileFilter();
         //Add this filter to our File chooser.
         //Ask the user to locate it.
         do {
            dialogReturnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(mainFrame);
            if (dialogReturnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
               nameChosen = fc.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();
               if(nameChosen.toLowerCase().endsWith(INIFileFilter.FILE_TYPE)) { INIFile=new File(nameChosen); }
               else { INIFile = new File(nameChosen+INIFileFilter.FILE_TYPE); }
               if (!INIFile.exists()) {
                  continue; //If the name specified does not exist, ask again.
               else { break; }
            else { //User clicked cancel in the open dialog.
               //Ignore what we've done so far.
         } while(true); //Keep asking until cancelled or a valid file is specified.
         //Determine how many lines will be parsed.
         try {
           //Open the INI for counting
           inFileStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(INIFile)));
           while ((inFileStream.readLine()) != null) {
           //Close the INI file.
         } catch (IOException ex) { return(IMPORT_FAILED); }
         //Make a progress monitor that will show progress while importing.
         progressMonitor = new ProgressMonitor(mainFrame, "Importing file","", 0, totalLines);
         //Make our DatabaseHandler to insert results to the database.
         dbh = new DatabaseHandler();
         //Open the database connection.
         do {
           try {
              openDBResult = dbh.openDBConnection(currentDB, dbLogin, dbPassword);
           } catch(JDBCException ex) { return(IMPORT_JDBC_ERROR); } //OUCH! can't write anything.
             catch(SQLException ex) {
                 openDBResult = DatabaseHandler.OPNCN_FAILED;
                 //Can not open the database. Is it password protected?
                 hasPassword = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(mainFrame, "Could not open the database. "+
                                                "The password is wrong or you have not specified it.\n"+
                           "Do you want to enter one now?", "New password?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
                if (hasPassword == MMCDCatalog.DLG_OPTN_YES) {
                   dbPassword = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(mainFrame, "Please enter your "+
                                                              "password for the DataBase:");
                    dbLogin = dbPassword; //For MSAccess, login == password                                                    
                //If the password wasn't the problem, then we can't help it.
                else { return(IMPORT_FAILED); }
         } while(openDBResult != DatabaseHandler.OPNCN_OK); //If it is OK, no exception thrown.
         //Import the ini file
         try {
            //Open the INI file for parsing.
            inFileStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(INIFile)));
            //Read and parse the INI file. Save entries once parsed.
            while ((oneLine = inFileStream.readLine()) != null) {
               progressMonitor.setNote("Entries imported so far: "+entriesImported);
               if ((progressMonitor.isCanceled()) || (linesParsed == progressMonitor.getMaximum())) {
            //Close the INI file.
         } catch (IOException ex) {
              //Make absolutely sure the progressMonitor has disappeared
                if (dbh.closeDBConnection() != DatabaseHandler.CLSCN_OK) {
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(mainFrame, "Error while reading the INI file.\n"+
                    "Error while attempting to close the database", "Error", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
              else {
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(mainFrame, "Error while reading the INI file.",
                                                    "Error", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);     
         //Make absolutely sure the progressMonitor has disappeared
         //Close the database connection
         if (dbh.closeDBConnection() != DatabaseHandler.CLSCN_OK) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(mainFrame, "Error while closing the database after import.",
                                          "Error", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
         //Did the user cancel?
         if (totalLines != linesParsed) {
         //Everything ok. Return the number of entries imported.

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    Hi I am using the Calendar SDK to view the appointments. When I use fetchEventsByRange or fetchEventsByID method, I am getting only few parameters like DTSTAMP, CATEGORIES, CLASS, PRIORITY, STATUS, DESCRIPTION, LOCATION, DTEND, SUMMARY, DTSTART, UID.

  • SCCM 2012 R2 bitlocker reporting via "Computers running a specific service"

    I have searched the web for how to check how many clients have bitlocker enabled, via SCCM 2012 R2. All suggestions I find are SQL commands. I have not found anyone who suggest using the report Operating System -> Services - Computers running a speci