File icon on thumbnail is blank

so i made the transition from PS CC to PS CC 2014, and when i uninstalled PS CC, this happened to my thumbnails:
it used to show the psd file type icon when i was browsing in the thumbnail view
(when im in icon view, the icons are not blank though, they show the PSD file type icon correctly)
tried numerous installs and uninstalls of the 2 versions of CC (both 2014, and not 2014)
and the icon wont come back (even did icon cache rebuilds, several times)
it's not the end of the world problem, but its annoying and ugly
anyone has a solution?

The ! or ? turns up when iPhoto loses the connection between the thumbnail in the iPhoto Window and the file it represents.
The most common cause of this is User Activity in the iPhoto Library Folder. Have you altered, moved or renamed anything in the iPhoto Library Folder?
If you haven't, then try rebuilding the database. Hold down the apple and option (or alt) keys and launch iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild.
Another way of rebuilding the database is to use iPhoto Library Manager .
If none of these work, it seems likely that you have a corrupted library file. In this case you'll need to create and populate a new library.
To create and populate a new library:
Note this will give you a working library with the same film rolls and pictures as before, however, you will lose your albums, keywords, books, calendars etc.
Move the iPhoto Library Folder to the desktop
Launch iPhoto. It will ask if you wish to create a new Library. Say Yes.
Go into the iPhoto Library Folder on your desktop and find the Originals folder. From the Originals folder drag the individual rolls to the iPhoto Window and it will recreate them in the new library.
When you're sure all is well you can delete the iPhoto Library Folder on your desktop.
In the future, in addition to your usual back up routine, you might like to make a copy of the library6.iPhoto file whenever you have made changes to the library as protection against database corruption.

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    How did you remove the missing reference? Please try the steps in the following KB article and check if it helps:
    We can also try this:
    Please let me know the result.
    Best Regards, 
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

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    Are you on CS5 or the very old AI5, which a few vinyl cut shops may have?
    Do a save as , and enable PDF Compatible. That usually helps if the icons are blank, but may help you.
    If that don't help do a command I on the file, select the icon, and hit the delete key to see if anything happens.

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    Thanks for the reply Baltwo.
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    Jan Herrstedt

    The preview icons are there, but it is not SMALL PICTURES Alike those embedded in the thumbnail
    You have to set the finder "View options" accordingly ...
    To be clear, I don't mean the icon of the but actual small previews of the images. And theses are not embedded thumbnails, but created by the Finder on the fly. So to answer your original question: Lightroom does not embed thumbnails in exported jpegs (I guess to keep the file size down), but the Finder does not need them to show a preview of the image as its icon.

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    I installed fresh copy of yosemite, and after the installation I  have changed the default app for files but the thumbnail of the old app sticked on the files, so how i can make the new app appear on thumbnail?
    I know the procedure of using ctrl + I on the files and change the icon, but i want to do it for all files of the same extensions at once.
    Thx for your help.

    All I can recommend for CM purposes is what was done at a previous job of mine.
    1. First you need to keep all of the installed Oracle products to include all patches you installed. Our CMs made an Oracle_817 staging area and had sub-directories for the install CD and all patches. An ls might look like this:
    Patch_1327654NOTE: The patch numbers are made up and for an example only.
    2. If you have a create_db script, you will need to place that in CM. I don't have access to a unix system right now, do a find for create and you should be able to locate the scritp
    3. I would put tnsnames.ora into CM as well. It can be in two places /$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin or /etc
    4. I would put listener.ora file into CM. It is usually found in /$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
    5. I would put the init<SIS>.ora file into CM. It should be in /$ORACLE_HOME/dbs
    6. Finally, search /etc for all files owned by Oracle and place them into CM
    These are all of the files I can think of. If anyone else knows of other files, please feel free to add them.
    If you are placing these items into CM to help build another DB at a later time, the service name for the new DB should be changed. If you are doing this as a means of recovery, I can tell you from experience that this will take hours to days to recover the database. Get with the sysadmin and make sure you have a good backup and recovery plan and that it works.

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