File not found error

I get the following error, but don't know why it can't find the file. Is there anything in this script that would call "\" instead of "/"? Is there any line of code that will switch a wayward "\" back?
01-09-24 09:37:02 - path="" :jsp: init
2001-09-24 09:43:42 - path="" :LoginServlet: init
2001-09-24 09:44:15 - path="" :CourseServlet: init
2001-09-24 09:46:48 - path="" :LessonServlet: init
2001-09-24 09:46:54 - path="" :Error: /usr/local/apache/sites/\Food Service/Intro/AU00.html (No such file or directory)
The script is below. Thanks for any help anyone can provide me.
import cmi.xml.AU;
import cmi.xml.Block;
import cmi.xml.CourseReader;
import cmi.xml.CSFElement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
public class LessonServlet extends HttpServlet
public void init (ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
super.init (config);
try {
               Class.forName (GlobalData.DatabaseDriverName);
               _jdbcConnection = DriverManager.getConnection (GlobalData.DatabaseName, "tesco", "scorm");
_jdbcConnection.setAutoCommit (true);
//should I do this?
//_jdbcConnection.setAutoCommit (false);
//load serialized course data
          catch (Exception xcp) {
               getServletContext().log("Error: " + xcp.getMessage());     
public void doGet( HttpServletRequest request,
                         HttpServletResponse response)
          throws ServletException, IOException
boolean normalMode = true;
try {
HttpSession session = request.getSession (true);
//can I load the session given the id??
//System.out.println ("Lesson.valid session " + session.getId() + ": " + request.isRequestedSessionIdValid());
response.setContentType ("text/html");
JDBCHelper dbHelper = new JDBCHelper (_jdbcConnection);
//get student ID
Integer studentID = (Integer) session.getAttribute ("studentID");
//get course ID
Integer courseID = (Integer) session.getAttribute ("courseID");
//get lesson ID
String lessonID = request.getParameter ("lessonID");
if (lessonID == null) {
lessonID = (String) session.getAttribute ("lessonID");
if (studentID == null || courseID == null || lessonID == null) {
//reset session data by re-logging the user
sendProfileError (response.getOutputStream());
//store lesson ID in session
session.setAttribute ("lessonID", lessonID);
String auID = request.getParameter ("auID");
String mode = request.getParameter ("mode");
if (mode != null) {
session.setAttribute ("mode", mode);
else {
mode = (String) session.getAttribute ("mode");
if (mode.equalsIgnoreCase ("review")) {
normalMode = false;
else {
normalMode = true;
//synchronize access to course hash table
synchronized (_courseHash)
//make sure _courseHash is in tact
if (_courseHash == null) {
//try reloading it....
if (_courseHash == null) {
throw new IOException ("Corrupt course data");
if (! _courseHash.containsKey (courseID.toString())) {
//try reloading it....
if (! _courseHash.containsKey (courseID.toString())) {
throw new IOException ("Corrupt course data (course not found)");
if (auID == null) {
//show course menu
Hashtable hash = (Hashtable) _courseHash.get (courseID.toString());
sendAvailableAUs (hash, studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, response.getOutputStream(), response, dbHelper);
//if AU has not been attempted, initialize it
Integer auDataID = new Integer (getAUDataID (studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, auID, dbHelper));
//if (getAUDataID (studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, auID, dbHelper) == -1) {
if (auDataID.intValue() == -1) {
int newID = initializeAUData (studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, auID, dbHelper);
dbHelper.addAUToPath (studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, auID);
auDataID = new Integer (newID);
session.setAttribute ("AUID", auID);
session.setAttribute ("AUDataID", auDataID);
sendAU (studentID.intValue(), courseID.intValue(), lessonID, auID, auDataID.intValue(), normalMode, response.getOutputStream(), dbHelper);
//to do: detailed messages should be sent to the client depending on which
// exception was thrown. Don't have one try/catch....have one for each situation
catch (Exception e) {
               getServletContext().log("Error: " + e.getMessage());
public void destroy()
          try {
               if (_jdbcConnection != null) {
          catch (Exception ignored) {}
private int initializeAUData (int studentID, int courseID, String lessonID, String auID, JDBCHelper dbHelper)
String sqlQuery = null;
ResultSet results = null;
try {
//get student's name
sqlQuery = "SELECT Full_Name" +
" FROM " + GlobalData.StudentTable +
" WHERE Student_ID = " + studentID;
results = dbHelper.doQuery (sqlQuery);
if (! {
return -1;
String studentName = results.getString (1);
//the lock prevents CMIServlet from reading AU_ID before it's committed
//sqlQuery = "LOCK TABLES " + GlobalData.AUDataTable + " WRITE;";
//System.out.println (sqlQuery);
//dbHelper.executeUpdate (sqlQuery);
sqlQuery = "Insert Into " + GlobalData.AUDataTable +
"(Course_ID, Lesson_ID, AU_ID, student_id, student_name, lesson_location, credit," +
" lesson_status, entry, exit, score_raw, score_max, score_min, total_time," +
" session_time, lesson_mode, suspend_data, launch_data, Evaluation_ID, Objective_ID)" +
" Values (" + courseID + ", '" + lessonID + "', '" + auID + "', " + studentID + ", '" + studentName + "'," +
" 'NA', 'credit'," + " 'not attempted', 'ab-initio', " + "'NA', " + 0 + ", " + 0 + ", " + 0 +
", '00:00:00.0', '00:00:00.0', " + " 'normal'" + ", 'NA', " + "'NA', " + 0 + ", " + 0 + ");";
dbHelper.executeUpdate (sqlQuery);
return getAUDataID (studentID, courseID, lessonID,auID, dbHelper);
//sqlQuery = "UNLOCK TABLES;";
//System.out.println (sqlQuery);
//dbHelper.executeUpdate (sqlQuery);
catch (Exception e) {
               getServletContext().log("Error: " + e.getMessage());
return -1;
private int getAUDataID (int studentID, int courseID, String lessonID, String auID, JDBCHelper dbHelper)
throws SQLException
String sqlQuery = "SELECT AUData_ID, lesson_status, lesson_mode, exit" +
                              " FROM " + GlobalData.AUDataTable +
                              " WHERE student_id = " + studentID +
                              " AND Course_ID = " + courseID +
" AND Lesson_ID = " + "'" + lessonID + "'" +
" AND AU_ID = '" + auID + "';";
ResultSet results = dbHelper.doQuery (sqlQuery);
if ( {
return results.getInt ("AUData_ID");
return -1;
private void sendAU (int studentID, int courseID, String lessonID, String auID, int auDataID, boolean normalMode, ServletOutputStream htmlOut, JDBCHelper dbHelper)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Hashtable hash = null;
synchronized (_courseHash)
hash = (Hashtable) _courseHash.get (String.valueOf (courseID));       
if (hash == null) {
hash = (Hashtable) _courseHash.get (String.valueOf (courseID));
if (hash == null) {
throw new IOException ("Corrupt course data (course not found)");
AU au = (AU) hash.get (auID);
try {
if (! normalMode) {
dbHelper.setReviewMode (auDataID);
String courseFileName = getFileName (String.valueOf (courseID), dbHelper);
File file = new File (courseFileName);
//create absolute path to file so we can resolve relative URLs
String newFileName = file.getParent() + "\\" + au.getLaunchParams();
               BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (newFileName));
PrintWriter htmlWriter = new PrintWriter (htmlOut);
               String temp;
htmlWriter.write (getAUHtml (au.getLaunchParams()));
catch (Exception e) {
               getServletContext().log("Error: " + e.getMessage());
private String getAUHtml (String path){
path = path.replace ('\\','/');
String response;
response = "<html>\n" +
                    "<head>\n" +
"</head>\n" +
"<body>\n" +
"<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n" +
"document.location = \"/cmi/courses/" + path + "\"\n" +
//"win = ('','displayWindow','menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,width=300,height=300');\n" +
//"window.onload = \"win.close();\"" +
"</script>\n" +
"</body>\n" +
return response;
private void sendAvailableAUs (Hashtable hash, int studentID, int courseID, String lessonID, ServletOutputStream out, HttpServletResponse response, JDBCHelper dbHelper)
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer (200);
Block block = (Block) hash.get (lessonID);
AU au = null;
try {
Vector completedAUs = dbHelper.getCompletedAUs (studentID, courseID, lessonID);
buf.append ("<html>\n" +
                    "<head>\n" +
"<title>" + block.getTitle() + " units</title>\n" +
"<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n" +
"function go() {\n" +
" var form = document.goForm;\n" +
" var index = form.gotoSelect.selectedIndex;\n" +
" if (index == 0) {\n" +
" document.location = \"/servlet/CourseServlet?courseID=" + courseID + "\";\n" +
" }\n" +
" else if (index == 1) {\n" +
" top.restart();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"</script>\n" +
"</head>\n" +
"<body background=\"/cmi/images/marble.jpg\">\n" +
"<center><h1><b><u>" + block.getTitle() + "</u></b></h1></center>\n" +
"<p></p>\n<p></p>\n" +
"<b>" + block.getTitle() + " contains the following units: </b>\n" +
Enumeration enum = block.getChildren();
while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
String temp = (String) enum.nextElement();
CSFElement element = (CSFElement) hash.get (temp);
if (element.getType().equals ("au")) {
au = (AU) element;
if (completedAUs.contains (au.getID())) {
buf.append ("<dt><p><img src=\"/cmi/images/node2.gif\"><a href=\"/servlet/LessonServlet?lessonID=" + block.getID() + "&auID=" + au.getID() + "&mode=review\">" + au.getTitle() + " (<i>review</i>) </a></p></dt>\n");
else {
buf.append ("<dt><p><img src=\"/cmi/images/node.gif\"><a href=\"" + response.encodeURL ("/servlet/LessonServlet?lessonID=" + block.getID() + "&auID=" + au.getID() + "&mode=normal") + "\">" + au.getTitle() + "</a></p></dt>\n");
else if (element.getType().equals ("block")) {
buf.append ("<dt><p><img src=\"/cmi/images/folder.gif\"><a href=\"" + response.encodeURL ("/servlet/LessonServlet?lessonID=" + element.getID() + "&mode=normal") + "\">" + element.getTitle() + "</a></p></dt>\n");
buf.append ("</dl>\n" +
"<br><br>\n" +
"<form name=\"goForm\">\n" +
"<select name=\"gotoSelect\">\n" +
" <option value=\"lesson\">Lesson Menu</option>\n" +
" <option value=\"exit\">Exit LMS</option>\n" +
"</select>\n" +
"<input type=\"button\" value=\"Go\" onClick=\"go()\">\n" +
"</form>\n" +
"</body>\n" +
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter (out);
writer.write (buf.toString());
catch (Exception e) {
               getServletContext().log("Error: " + e.getMessage());
private String getFileName (String courseID, JDBCHelper dbHelper)
throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException
          ResultSet results = null;
          String fileName = null;
String sqlQuery = "SELECT CourseFile" +
                              " FROM Course" +
                              " WHERE Course_ID = " + Integer.parseInt (courseID) + ";";
results = dbHelper.doQuery (sqlQuery);
          if ( {
               fileName = results.getString (1);
          else {
//need to do more than this :)
return fileName;
private void loadCourseData()
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
//load serialized course data
File file = new File (GlobalData.DataFileName);
if (! file.exists()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException (GlobalData.DataFileName + " not found.");
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream (GlobalData.DataFileName);
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream (fis);
_courseHash = (Hashtable) ois.readObject();
private void sendProfileError (ServletOutputStream out)
String html = "<html>\n" +
"<body>\n" +
"<p>An error has occurred with your profile. Please " +
"<a href=\"\" onClick=\"top.restart(); return true\">login again</a>" +
"</body>\n" +
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter (out);
writer.write (html);
private Connection _jdbcConnection;
private Hashtable _courseHash;

I know that is where my error is, but why and where is
the script calling it up way?You wrote it right? check out the sendAU() method, there is line
String newFileName = file.getParent() + "\\" + au.getLaunchParams();

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    coldfusion.runtime.TemplateNotFoundException: File not found: /~cfusion/filetest.cfm
        at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(
        at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke(
        at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke( 8)
        at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(
        at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(
        at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(
        at coldfusion.filter.RequestThrottleFilter.invoke(
        at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(
        at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service(
        at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(
        at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext(
        at jrun.servlet.JRunRequestDispatcher.invoke(
        at jrun.servlet.ServletEngineService.dispatch(
        at jrun.servlet.jrpp.JRunProxyService.invokeRunnable(
        at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$DownstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable(
        at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable(
        at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$UpstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable(
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    The Apache error_log file is filled with cryptic stuff that looks like it's referencing JRun. Does any of this mean anything to you? Is there another log file I should be looking at?
    [Thu Aug 06 00:06:52 2009] [notice] jrApache[8608: 15070]  filtering / (/usr/local/apache/htdocs/) HOST=null
    [Thu Aug 06 00:06:52 2009] [notice] jrApache[8608: 15070]  filterRequest:   no match
    [Thu Aug 06 00:06:52 2009] [notice] jrApache[8608: 15070]  jrun_trans: sub-request so DECLINED
    [Thu Aug 06 00:06:52 2009] [notice] jrApache[8608: 15070]  jrun_trans: sub-request so DECLINED
    [Thu Aug 06 00:06:52 2009] [notice] jrApache[8608: 15070]  jrun_trans: sub-request so DECLINED
    [Thu Aug 06 00:06:52 2009] [notice] jrApache[8608: 15070]  jrun_service: r is 0x9d1aa98, server is 0x99df290, virtual 1
    [Thu Aug 06 00:06:52 2009] [notice] jrApache[8608: 15070]  jrun_service: no handler, return DECLINED
    [Thu Aug 06 01:10:01 2009] [notice] jrApache[8548: 18910]  jrun_trans: r is 0x9d169d8, server is 0x99df290, virtual 1
    [Thu Aug 06 01:10:01 2009] [notice] jrApache[8548: 18910]     HOST: <null>
    [Thu Aug 06 01:10:01 2009] [notice] jrApache[8548: 18910]  filtering /whm-server-status (/usr/local/apache/htdocs/whm-server-status) HOST=null
    [Thu Aug 06 01:10:01 2009] [notice] jrApache[8548: 18910]  filterRequest:   no match
    [Thu Aug 06 00:11:53 2009] [notice] jrApache[8518: 55474]  jrun_trans: r is 0x9e5b930, server is 0x99df290, virtual 1
    [Thu Aug 06 00:11:53 2009] [notice] jrApache[8518: 55474]     HOST: <null>
    [Thu Aug 06 00:11:53 2009] [notice] jrApache[8518: 55474]  filtering / (/usr/local/apache/htdocs/) HOST=null
    [Thu Aug 06 00:11:53 2009] [notice] jrApache[8518: 55474]  filterRequest:   no match
    [Thu Aug 06 00:11:53 2009] [notice] jrApache[8518: 55474]  jrun_trans: sub-request so DECLINED
    [Thu Aug 06 00:11:53 2009] [notice] jrApache[8518: 55474]  jrun_trans: sub-request so DECLINED
    [Thu Aug 06 00:11:53 2009] [notice] jrApache[8518: 55474]  jrun_trans: sub-request so DECLINED
    [Thu Aug 06 00:11:53 2009] [notice] jrApache[8518: 55474]  jrun_service: r is 0x9e5b930, server is 0x99df290, virtual 1
    [Thu Aug 06 00:11:53 2009] [notice] jrApache[8518: 55474]  jrun_service: no handler, return DECLINED
    [Thu Aug 06 00:15:01 2009] [notice] jrApache[8519: 59314]  jrun_trans: r is 0x9f96cc8, server is 0x99df290, virtual 1
    [Thu Aug 06 00:15:01 2009] [notice] jrApache[8519: 59314]     HOST: <null>
    [Thu Aug 06 00:15:01 2009] [notice] jrApache[8519: 59314]  filtering /whm-server-status (/usr/local/apache/htdocs/whm-server-status) HOST=null
    [Thu Aug 06 00:15:01 2009] [notice] jrApache[8519: 59314]  filterRequest:   no match

  • File not found error after log on to ADF application

    I just took over an ADF application, after clicking on log in button, in the application_log, there is always a login.jspx -- file not found error message, the directory is not even exist. somehow the application had 'registered ' an directory for the login page, common\skin\login.jspx, the actural log in page is under common\login.jspx.
    there is a created and has a entry in web.xml. the login Filter has let httpServerRequest object to know that the login file directory is ..\common\login.jspx
    so why the app server would be looking at the wrong directory? how should I do to correct it?
    Thanks in advance.

    I just took over an ADF application, after clicking on log in button, in the application_log, there is always a login.jspx -- file not found error message, the directory is not even exist. somehow the application had 'registered ' an directory for the login page, common\skin\login.jspx, the actural log in page is under common\login.jspx.
    there is a created and has a entry in web.xml. the login Filter has let httpServerRequest object to know that the login file directory is ..\common\login.jspx
    so why the app server would be looking at the wrong directory? how should I do to correct it?
    Thanks in advance.

  • File not found error after database migration

    Hi experts
    I recently decided to create a test environment for SharePoint 2010 production server but after
     attach the content database  using power shell successfully I get “ file not found “ error when I try to login the top site collection
    I think it’s because of customized master page in production site which I don’t know how to apply them to my new environment.I even tried to copy the master pages from cataloge throught  SPD but it didnt work.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

    HI Shahin,please try to access the site by below and let me know the result.please check the below link that gives more idea on the issue

  • File Not Found Error running JSP demos

    I'm not sure what is going on, but it appears that every time I try to run a jsp, the server looks in the document root where it errors out with a file not found error. I've seen others with this type of problem but I haven't seen a solution. Anyone have any ideas?

    1: Double check the port number that your Tomcat Server is using. (TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml).
    2: check you IP. This is not the 'localhost' IP (not sure if it is LAN or real IP). So it may change dynamically.
    3: Check for Firewalls. Also, since you are not using localhost, you will have to make sure you traverse all the firewalls built around your system. If you have a router (home), windows XP, or some other firewall, make sure the appropriate ports are opened. If you are behind a corporate firewall, or your ISP closes ports... your kinda out of luck until you find a way to cheat around them.
    2: Try just using just "/ValidateUser.jsp" as long as it is one the same domain as the Form. This will make it less likely to break, should your IP change.


    FILE NOT FOUND ERROR ON FILES: generalstup, seedstup during the setup phase and when i click ignore from a list of cancel, retry and ignore it moves to the configuration phase and rapidly moves from 63% to 100% and gives the error OUI-10133 invalid staging area. i have tried the install 3 times and dont know what the problem is. i am doing the oracle EM GC INSTALL WITH NEW DATABASE OPTION. i downloaded the full version disks 1-3 from the website:
    Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Release 2 (v10.2.x)
    Full Installers (Agent, Repository, OMS, and Management Packs)
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Release 2 ( for Linux x86
    when this is extracted it leaves me with Disk1, 2, and 3
    install started from 1, then it later asks for two whick happens to instead be but under Dist 3-but there are two disk2's under Disk 3- one under oms and one under rdbms folder. i have tried both and alas same errors
    i even triwd the same download from and gives the same madness
    am stuck.

    i followed the link and all the instructions things seemed to go well: it still asked for two files i did not have or could not locate: first its asked for generalstub, then it asked for seedstup and then generalstup again. at this point the installation was at 67% and had passed the link succesful stage and was at the setup succeful stage. when i clicked ignore on generalstub, seedstup and then generalstup again it quicly moved to 100% and never took me to the stage for me to run and
    the configuration assistant stage never cameup and it skipped to the page Specify Repository Database Configuration
    where it asked for repository database hostname port, service/sid and SYSMAN password and also manament service security password. whe i input all the infor mation it will give errors. i have tries deleting all oracle 3 or 4 times and all files that oracle has and repeated the process and am always stuck here.
    error reads :
    -error cheching the existence of the SYSMAN user in Management repository
    -exception occured while connecting to database . please check the connection details you specified and retry
    -io exception connection refused: (DESCRIPTION=(TMP=)(VSNUMM=168821760)(ERR=12514)(ERRO_STACK=(ERROR=(CODE=12514)(EMFI=4))))

  • AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h file not found error in ipad App?

    Hi Iam using AudioToolbox Frame work in ipad App and i have added all required frameworks. App is running successfully in Ipad Simulator. But in device, AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h file not found error has occurred. i didn't found any solution in net.
    Please any one tell the solution of this problem.

    You would do better to ask this in the developer forum, not the user forum.

  • Quicktime gets a file not found error in running of set up.  tried downloading twice

    Quicktime gets a file not found error in running of set up.  tried downloading twice

    Hi Spex,
    I can import the VI Logger task OK (from another PC running VI Logger 2.0), but I can't run the task.  I've attached the file.  The "1 channel" task runs OK.  The "x-probe" task starts, takes 1 or 2 data points, then hangs for a few seconds, then pops up the "file not found" error. The data acquisition taks run OK, so I don't think they're the problem.
    This file I've attached includes 2 good data tasks ("1 channel" and xprobe"), 1 good VI Logger task ("1 channel"), and my non-working VI Logger task ("x-probe", which works fine on the PC it was exported from).
    I have also tried exporting the non-working VI Logger task on its own, and it still imports OK, but still doesn't run, and gives the same error.
    Attachments: ‏353 KB

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