File.openWithDefaultApplication throws error #0 on Android devices

I'm using File.openWithDefaultApplication to launch a file after it has been downloaded (via a web service) from a Domino server with its default application. The AIR application in which I'm doing this is running on Android devices (test device is a HTC Desire HD) as well as on the Blackberry Playbook (iOS is not testet yet with regards to the file download functionality).
Whilst File.openWithDefaultApplication is working fine on the Playbook (images, Word and text documents, Excel spreadsheets and pdf files are opened correctly), the same code throws an error code #0 on Android devices.
The following code snipset is the result function of the web service call
        private function dbdownloadfile_result(event:ResultEvent):void
                if (event.result is ByteArray)
                    this.localfile  = File.documentsDirectory;
                    this.localfile  = this.localfile.resolvePath("download/"+ this.lst_filename);
                    this.filebytes  = event.result as ByteArray;
                    this.filestream = new FileStream();
          , FileMode.WRITE);
                    this.filestream.writeBytes(this.filebytes, 0, this.filebytes.bytesAvailable);                   
                    if (this.customlistener != null)
                    super.wsrvop_fault(event as FaultEvent);
            catch (err:Error)
                if (this.customerrorhandler == null)
                if (this.customfinallyhandler != null) this.customfinallyhandler(null);
The above code creates a file in a sub-directory "download" in the device's documentDirectory. The filename depends on the attachment name stored on the Domino server. The above code is calling the customlistener after the file has been created in the "download" directory...
private function downloadOK(event:ResultEvent):void
        globals.DBFUTL.localfile.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR,fileErrorSec) ;
    catch (err:Error)
The above code generates following console entries...
Error #0
As said above, the same code works flawlessly on the Blackberry Playbook. I also can open the file on my Android using the file browser. So everything seems to be alright. Just File.openWithDefaultApplication doesn't want to work.
Any ideas what I might do wrong? Or is this bug?

PDF format is not supported on Android, save your folio as jpg or png.
By the way everything you describe can be easily done in DPS, andy reason to be doing it in Edge Animate? just curious :-)

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    You can find the solution here:
    Windows Vista includes security enhancements to file sharing, and defaults to NTLMv3 authentication, but your Mac thinks it's NTLMv2 (you can see the login failures in /var/log/samba/smbd.log). You need to tell Vista that it's OK to use an older version of NTLM.
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    This can be a problem with the file [ sessionstore.js] and sessionstore.bak in the [ Profile Folder]
    Delete [ sessionstore.js] and sessionstore.bak in the [ Profile Folder]
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    * [[Firefox crashes]]

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     instructions in the Add Printer dialog box.                                                                                                               

    Sorry for late reply i was not at work
    I have a default set excel is still throwing error. Interestingly winword , powerpoint and publisher are working fine. I am able to print from all office applications except Excel.
     Probably excel behaves differently from other office applications.
     Probably it is a bug in excel
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    of the uploaded file
    > "application/octet-stream" was not accepted by the
    server." The file type I
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    is closed.
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    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It won’t solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    Third-party system modifications are a common cause of usability problems. By a “system modification,” I mean software that affects the operation of other software — potentially for the worse. The following procedure will help identify which such modifications you've installed. Don’t be alarmed by the complexity of these instructions — they’re easy to carry out and won’t change anything on your Mac. 
    These steps are to be taken while booted in “normal” mode, not in safe mode. If you’re now running in safe mode, reboot as usual before continuing. 
    Below are instructions to enter some UNIX shell commands. The commands are harmless, but they must be entered exactly as given in order to work. If you have doubts about the safety of the procedure suggested here, search this site for other discussions in which it’s been followed without any report of ill effects. 
    Some of the commands will line-wrap or scroll in your browser, but each one is really just a single line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, and you can then copy it. The headings “Step 1” and so on are not part of the commands. 
    Note: If you have more than one user account, Step 2 must be taken as an administrator. Ordinarily that would be the user created automatically when you booted the system for the first time. The other steps should be taken as the user who has the problem, if different. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this paragraph doesn’t apply. 
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways: 
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.) 
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens. 
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid. 
    When you launch Terminal, a text window will open with a line already in it, ending either in a dollar sign (“$”) or a percent sign (“%”). If you get the percent sign, enter “sh” and press return. You should then get a new line ending in a dollar sign. 
    Step 1 
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    kextstat -kl | awk '!/com\.apple/{printf "%s %s\n", $6, $7}' | open -ef 
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Then click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste (command-V). I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting. A TextEdit window will open with the output of the command. If the command produced no output, the window will be empty. Post the contents of the TextEdit window (not the Terminal window), if any — the text, please, not a screenshot. You can then close the TextEdit window. The title of the window doesn't matter, and you don't need to post that. No typing is involved in this step.
    Step 2 
    Repeat with this line:
    { sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.(apple|openssh|vix\.cron)|org\.(amav|apac|cups|isc|ntp|postf|x)/{print $3}'; echo; sudo defaults read LoginHook; echo; sudo crontab -l; } 2> /dev/null | open -ef 
    This time you'll be prompted for your login password, which you do have to type. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. Type it carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. Heed that warning, but don't post it. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator. 
    Note: If you don’t have a login password, you’ll need to set one before taking this step. If that’s not possible, skip to the next step. 
    Step 3
    { launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple|org\.(x|openbsd)/{print $3}'; echo; crontab -l 2> /dev/null; } | open -ef 
    Step 4
    ls -A /e*/{cr,la,mach}* {,/}Lib*/{Ad,Compon,Ex,Fram,In,Keyb,La,Mail/Bu,P*P,Priv,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo,Sta}* L*/Fonts .la* 2> /dev/null | open -ef  
    Important: If you formerly synchronized with a MobileMe account, your email address may appear in the output of the above command. If so, anonymize it before posting. 
    Step 5
    osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to get name of login items' | open -ef 
    Remember, steps 1-5 are all copy-and-paste — no typing, except your password. Also remember to post the output. 
    You can then quit Terminal.

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    when I am trying to import already existing file (second import) the import is throwing error  -
    Error: Value does not fall within the expected range.
     [ListItem]   Debug:    at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldMap.GetColumnNumber(String strFieldName, Boolean bThrow)
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItemCollection.GetRawValue(String fieldname, Int32 iIndex, Boolean bThrow)
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem.GetValue(SPField fld, Int32 columnNumber, Boolean bRaw, Boolean bThrowException)
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem.GetValue(SPField fld, Int32 columnNumber, Boolean bRaw)
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem.get_Item(Guid fieldId)
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ListItemSerializer.SetObjectData(Object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context, ISurrogateSelector selector)
       at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.XmlFormatter.CallSetObjectData(Object obj, SerializationInfo objectData, ISerializationSurrogate surrogate, ISurrogateSelector selector)
     Verbose: Performing final fixups.
     Progress: Import completed.
     Finish Time: 2/5/2015 4:37:25 PM.
     Duration: 00:18:41
     Total Objects: 5
     Finished with 0 warnings.
     Finished with 1 errors.
    I am unable to debug also. Though import is happening successfully. Thanks in advance

    Use another forum for Webdynpro questions: Web Dynpro ABAP
    BR, Sergei

  • I can't share any file through bluetooth other android device

    sir, i can't share any file through bluthoot other android device?

    no nor to other iphones it's not a bluetooth profile supported by ios bluetooth is a pretty broad std.

  • HWC Problems Android Device ERROR : Resources not defined

    Hello, I got some problems with the Hybrid apps on android device.
    I'm using an android emulator and in an android device.
    My apps on the emulators are ok, but when i open my app in android devices i get the error "Resources not defined" in a popup.
    If when generate the app's check  Optimize java script, the error not appears but it's like the Jquery framework it's not working.
    The app version is the same but the android version it's different.
    Are any problems with the HWC and Android 4.4.2 version?
    Android version on emulator 4.2.2
    Android version on device 4.4.2
    Some info maybe helps
    SMP server 2.3 SP3
    Relay Server 16

    Hi Viru p, The version of HWC is, it's the same in the emulator and in the device.
    The emulator it's the apk came with the SMP SDK 2.3, and the device it's installed from the play store.
    Maybe the problem it's in the SDK
    SAP Mobile WorkSpace Product
    Version: 2.3 SP03
    Build id: 201309221318
    SAP Mobile WorkSpace - Mobile Business Object Development Documentation
    Build id: 20130922001053
    SAP Mobile WorkSpace - Hybrid App Package Development Documentation
    Build id: 20130922001053
    SAP Mobile WorkSpace - Eclipse edition
    Version: 2.3.3
    Build id: 201309221318

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