File to Proxy Validation

I have scenario file-xi-proxy
file contains the Header detail and trailer record
i have to validate the header, detal and trailer records
In header record i have to validate if header record is not there then stop the processing and same as with tralier record. In header i have to validate on Pay roll date
In detail record i have to validate aganist the Personnel ID and cost center
how can we do that in XI

In your scenario two ways you can validate the data.
1) Before the data reaches into SAP system ie in XI system during Mapping or before mapping i,e in Adapter Module in the Sender side
2) this option, is in the receiver applications side. ie. Validations will be taken care in the SAP system i.e in ABAP server proxy code.
Generally, it is prefer to more business critical validations in the Application System ie Receiver Application System (ABAP Server Proxy)
In this, you can have more flexibility of the validations as you are validating some of the SAP payroll informations as Personal ID etc.
Based on the complexity and flexibility of the requirement, you can either do this in the XI (if XI, ie Sender Adapter Module or Mapping) or in the ABAP proxy

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  • File to proxy ..HTTP_RESP_STATUS_CODE_NOT_OK error in sxmb_moni??

    Hi friends..
    in file to proxy.. i am getting error like this..
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?><!-- Call Adapter --> <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:mustUnderstand=""><SAP:Category>XIServer</SAP:Category><SAP:Code area="INTERNAL">HTTP_RESP_STATUS_CODE_NOT_OK</SAP:Code><SAP:P1>500 </SAP:P1><SAP:P2>Internal Server Error</SAP:P2><SAP:P3></SAP:P3><SAP:P4></SAP:P4><SAP:AdditionalText><html><head><title>SAP Web Application Server Error</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body { font-family: arial, sans-serif;}
    <BODY text="#172972" link="#808080" vlink="#808080"
    alink="#8e236b" bgcolor=white  leftmargin="0" topmargin="0"
    marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">
    <table height="61" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0"
    cellpadding="0"><tr><td background="http://dceazar01:8010/sap/public/icman/img/bluebar_tile.gif"
    height="30"><table> <tr> <td width=5></td> <td width=20% nowrap><font face=arial size="-1" color=white>SAP Web Application Server
    </font></td><td width=75% align="right" nowrap><font face=arial
    size="-1" color="white"><a href="">Help
    </font></td><td width=5% nowrap></font></td> </tr></table>
    </td><td rowspan=2 width=122 height=61 valign=top><img src=
    "http://dceazar01:8010/sap/public/icman/img/theme.jpg" width=122 height=61 border=0 alt="SAP"></td>
    </tr><tr><td background="http://dceazar01:8010/sap/public/icman/img/graybar_tile.jpg" height="31">
    <table width=800>
    <tr><td width=50 nowrap>
    <H2><b>500 Internal Server Error</b></H2><br><hr><br>Internal Server Error(-1)<br><br><hr>
    <table border="0">
    <tr><td>Date/Time:</td><td>Sun Jan  7 12:04:44 2007
    <tr><td>Detail:</td><td>No handler defined for this URL</td></tr>
    <table><tr><td width=50 nowrap></td>
    <td nowrap><FONT SIZE=-1><a href="">© 2001-2005, SAP AG</a></FONT></td></tr></table></SAP:AdditionalText><SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace=""></SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage><SAP:Stack><b>HTTP response contains status code 500 with the description Internal Server Error
    Error when sending by HTTP (error code: 500, error text: Internal Server Error)</b></SAP:Stack><SAP:Retry>M</SAP:Retry></SAP:Error>
    please guide me..

    hi friends..
    trace is like this...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?><!-- Call Adapter --> <SAP:Trace xmlns:SAP=""><Trace level="1" type="T">Party normalization: sender </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Sender scheme external = XIParty</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Sender agency external =</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Sender party external = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Sender party normalized = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Party normalization: receiver </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Receiver scheme external = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Receiver agency external = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Receiver party external = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Receiver party normalized = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_HTTP_HANDLER-HANDLE_REQUEST"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="1" type="T">XMB was called with URL /sap/xi/engine?type=entry</Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Request Line = POST /sap/xi/engine?type=entry HTTP/1.1</Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Host =</Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Server protocol = HTTP/1.1</Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Remote address =</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">COMMIT is done by XMB ! </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-ENTER_XMS"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-SET_START_PIPELINE"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="3" type="T">XMB was called with external pipeline PID = ENTRY</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Getting type of XMB... </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="SXMBCONF-SXMB_GET_XMB_USE">
    <Trace level="2" type="T">XMB kind = CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Start pipeline found </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Switch to external start pipeline PID = CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_TROUBLESHOOT-ENTER_PLSRV">
    <Trace level="3" type="T">No triggers found. OK. </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">**************************************************** </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">*                                                  * </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">*                                                  * </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">XMB entry processing </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">system-ID = DGX</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">client = 100</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">language = E</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">user = XIAFUSERDGX</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="Timestamp">2007-01-07T12:48:42Z CET  </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">*                                                  * </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">*                                                  * </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">**************************************************** </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_UC_EXECUTE"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Message-GUID = 6799BA809E4D11DBB72AF6C9E0007003</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">PLNAME = CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">QOS = EO</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PIPELINE_ASYNC"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="3" type="T">QOS = EO</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message-GUID = 6799BA809E4D11DBB72AF6C9E0007003</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Get definition of external pipeline = CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-LOOKUP_INTERNAL_PL_ID">
    <Trace level="3" type="T">External PLID = CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Internal PLID = SAP_CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Get definition of internal pipeline = SAP_CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Generate prefixed queue name </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Queue name : XBTI0004</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Generated prefixed queue name = XBTI0004</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Schedule message in qRFC environment </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Setup qRFC Scheduler </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Setup qRFC Scheduler OK! </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Call qRFC .... MsgGuid = 6799BA809E4D11DBB72AF6C9E0007003</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Call qRFC .... Version = 000</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Call qRFC .... Pipeline = CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">OK. </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">----------------------------------------------------- </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Going to persist message </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">NOTE: The following trace entries are always lacking </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">- Exit WRITE_MESSAGE_TO_PERSIST </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">- Exit CALL_PIPELINE_ASYNC </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Async barrier reached. Bye-bye ! </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">----------------------------------------------------- </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Version number = 000</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-WRITE_MESSAGE_TO_PERSIST"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Persisting message Status = 001</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message version 000</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-PERSIST_READ_MESSAGE">
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Trace object available again now. OK. </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message was read from persist layer. OK. </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message properties in XMB object were setup. OK. </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="ToDo">Make sure we catch exceptions in persist read </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="ToDo">Tracing obj. not avail. before return of CL_XMS_MAIN-PERSIST_READ_MESSAGE</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Note: the following trace entry is written delayed (after read from persist)</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="SXMS_ASYNC_EXEC"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="3" type="T">message version successfully read from persist version= 000</Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Increment log sequence to 001</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">----------------------------------------------------- </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Starting async processing with pipeline CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">system-ID = DGX</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">client = 100</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">language = E</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">user = XIAFUSERDGX</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="Timestamp">2007-01-07T12:48:43Z CET  </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">----------------------------------------------------- </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PIPELINE_SYNC"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Get definition of external pipeline CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-LOOKUP_INTERNAL_PL_ID">
    <Trace level="3" type="T">External PLID = CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Internal PLID = SAP_CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Corresponding internal pipeline SAP_CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline attributes </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PID        = SAP_CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ENABLE     = 1</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">TRACELEVEL = 0</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">EXEMODE    = A</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline elements </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ELEMPOS    = 0001</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_RECEIVER_DETERMINATION</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = 0</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ELEMPOS    = 0002</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_INTERFACE_DETERMINATION</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ELEMPOS    = 0003</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_RECEIVER_MESSAGE_SPLIT</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ELEMPOS    = 0004</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_MAPPING_REQUEST</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ELEMPOS    = 0007</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_OUTBOUND_BINDING</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ELEMPOS    = 0008</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_CALL_ADAPTER</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = =SWITCH=</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ELEMPOS    = 0009</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_MAPPING_RESPONSE</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="Timestamp">2007-01-07T12:48:43Z CET Begin of pipeline processing PLSRVID = CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="PLSRV_RECEIVER_DETERMINATION">
    <Trace level="1" type="Timestamp">2007-01-07T12:48:43Z CET Start of pipeline service processing PLSRVID= PLSRV_RECEIVER_DETERMINATION</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PLSRV">
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Calling pipeline service: PLSRV_RECEIVER_DETERMINATION</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Reading Pipeline-Service specification... </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline service specification (table SXMSPLSRV) </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_RECEIVER_DETERMINATION</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ADRESSMOD  = LOCAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_CLASS    = CL_RD_PLSRV</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_IFNAME   = IF_XMS_PLSRV</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_METHOD   = ENTER_PLSRV</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_LOG     = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = 0</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PLSRV_LOCAL">
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_RD_PLSRV-ENTER_PLSRV">
    <Trace level="1" type="T">R E C E I V E R - D E T E R M I N A T I O N </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T"> Cache Content is up to date </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Start without given receiver </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Classic Receiver Determination via Rules. </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Check conditions for rule line no. 1  </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">...valid Receiver w/o Condition:  - SAP_ERP_azar_DEV </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">No Receiver found behaviour: 0  </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Number of Receivers:1  </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="Timestamp">2007-01-07T12:48:43Z CET End of pipeline service processing PLSRVID= PLSRV_RECEIVER_DETERMINATION</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-WRITE_MESSAGE_LOG_TO_PERSIST">
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Persisting message after plsrv call </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message-Version = 001</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message version 001</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="PLSRV_INTERFACE_DETERMINATION">
    <Trace level="1" type="Timestamp">2007-01-07T12:48:43Z CET Start of pipeline service processing PLSRVID= PLSRV_INTERFACE_DETERMINATION</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PLSRV">
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Calling pipeline service: PLSRV_INTERFACE_DETERMINATION</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Reading Pipeline-Service specification... </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline service specification (table SXMSPLSRV) </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_INTERFACE_DETERMINATION</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ADRESSMOD  = LOCAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_CLASS    = CL_ID_PLSRV</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_IFNAME   = IF_XMS_PLSRV</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_METHOD   = ENTER_PLSRV</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_LOG     = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = 0</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PLSRV_LOCAL">
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_ID_PLSRV-ENTER_PLSRV">
    <Trace level="1" type="T">I N T E R F A C E - D E T E R M I N A T I O N </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T"> Cache Content is up to date </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Check conditions for (Inb: Party Srvc If)  SAP_ERP_azar_DEV InterfaceCollection </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">...valid InbIf without Condition: InterfaceCollection </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Number of receiving Interfaces:1  </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="Timestamp">2007-01-07T12:48:43Z CET End of pipeline service processing PLSRVID= PLSRV_INTERFACE_DETERMINATION</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-WRITE_MESSAGE_LOG_TO_PERSIST">
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Persisting message after plsrv call </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message-Version = 002</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message version 002</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="PLSRV_RECEIVER_MESSAGE_SPLIT"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="1" type="Timestamp">2007-01-07T12:48:43Z CET Start of pipeline service processing PLSRVID= PLSRV_RECEIVER_MESSAGE_SPLIT</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PLSRV">
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Calling pipeline service: PLSRV_RECEIVER_MESSAGE_SPLIT</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Reading Pipeline-Service specification... </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline service specification (table SXMSPLSRV) </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_RECEIVER_MESSAGE_SPLIT</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ADRESSMOD  = LOCAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_CLASS    = CL_XMS_PLSRV_RECEIVER_SPLIT</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_IFNAME   = IF_XMS_PLSRV</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_METHOD   = ENTER_PLSRV</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_LOG     = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = 0</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PLSRV_LOCAL">
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_PLSRV_RECEIVER_SPLIT-ENTER_PLSRV"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Case handling for different plsrv_ids PLSRV_RECEIVER_MESSAGE_SPLIT</Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">got property produced by receiver determination </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">number of receivers: 1 </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Single-receiver split case </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Post-split internal queue name = XBTOE1__0000</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">------------------------------------------------ </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Persisting single message for post-split handling </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Going to persist message + call qRFC now... </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">NOTE: The following trace entries are always lacking </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">- Exit WRITE_MESSAGE_TO_PERSIST </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Async barrier reached. Bye-bye ! </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">------------------------------------------------ </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-WRITE_MESSAGE_TO_PERSIST"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Persisting message Status = 012</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message version 003</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-PERSIST_READ_MESSAGE">
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Trace object available again now. OK. </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message was read from persist layer. OK. </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message properties in XMB object were setup. OK. </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="ToDo">Make sure we catch exceptions in persist read </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="ToDo">Tracing obj. not avail. before return of CL_XMS_MAIN-PERSIST_READ_MESSAGE</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Note: the following trace entry is written delayed (after read from persist)</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="SXMS_ASYNC_EXEC"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="3" type="T">message version successfully read from persist version= 004</Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Increment log sequence to 005</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">----------------------------------------------------- </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Starting async processing with pipeline CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">system-ID = DGX</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">client = 100</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">language = E</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">user = XIAFUSERDGX</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="Timestamp">2007-01-07T12:48:43Z CET  </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">----------------------------------------------------- </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PIPELINE_SYNC"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Get definition of external pipeline CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-LOOKUP_INTERNAL_PL_ID">
    <Trace level="3" type="T">External PLID = CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Internal PLID = SAP_CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Corresponding internal pipeline SAP_CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline attributes </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PID        = SAP_CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ENABLE     = 1</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">TRACELEVEL = 0</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">EXEMODE    = A</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline elements </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ELEMPOS    = 0001</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_RECEIVER_DETERMINATION</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = 0</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ELEMPOS    = 0002</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_INTERFACE_DETERMINATION</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ELEMPOS    = 0003</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_RECEIVER_MESSAGE_SPLIT</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ELEMPOS    = 0004</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_MAPPING_REQUEST</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ELEMPOS    = 0007</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_OUTBOUND_BINDING</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ELEMPOS    = 0008</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_CALL_ADAPTER</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = =SWITCH=</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ELEMPOS    = 0009</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_MAPPING_RESPONSE</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="Timestamp">2007-01-07T12:48:43Z CET Begin of pipeline processing PLSRVID = CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Start with pipeline element PLEL= 5EC3C53B4BB7B62DE10000000A1148F5</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="PLSRV_MAPPING_REQUEST">
    <Trace level="1" type="Timestamp">2007-01-07T12:48:43Z CET Start of pipeline service processing PLSRVID= PLSRV_MAPPING_REQUEST</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PLSRV">
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Calling pipeline service: PLSRV_MAPPING_REQUEST</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Reading Pipeline-Service specification... </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline service specification (table SXMSPLSRV) </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_MAPPING_REQUEST</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ADRESSMOD  = LOCAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_CLASS    = CL_MAPPING_XMS_PLSRV3</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_IFNAME   = IF_XMS_PLSRV</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_METHOD   = ENTER_PLSRV</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_LOG     = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = 0</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PLSRV_LOCAL">
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_MAPPING_XMS_PLSRV3-ENTER_PLSRV">
    <Trace level="2" type="T">......attachment XI_Context not found </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Mapping is already determined in the interface determination </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Object ID of Interface Mapping DA461E413F303668931A977B9D811191 </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Version ID of Interface Mapping B2CF8EF067FF11DBA742D7830A967135 </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Mapping-Object-Id:DA461E413F303668931A977B9D811191 </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Mapping-SWCV:B2CF8EF067FF11DBA742D7830A967135 </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Mapping-Step:1  </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Mapping-Type:JAVA </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Mapping-Program:com/sap/xi/tf/_MM_M_StockMov_To_SAP_ </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Dynamic configuration is empty </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Multi mapping required. </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Creating Java mapping com/sap/xi/tf/_MM_M_StockMov_To_SAP_. </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Load b2cf8ef0-67ff-11db-a742-d7830a967135,, -1, com/sap/xi/tf/_MM_M_StockMov_To_SAP_.class. </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Search com/sap/xi/tf/_MM_M_StockMov_To_SAP_.class (, -1) in swcv b2cf8ef0-67ff-11db-a742-d7830a967135. </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Loaded class </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Call method execute of the application Java mapping </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Java mapping com/sap/xi/tf/_MM_M_StockMov_To_SAP_ completed. (executeStep() of </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message Type 1  Number of messages 1  </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Dynamic configuration is empty </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="Timestamp">2007-01-07T12:48:43Z CET End of pipeline service processing PLSRVID= PLSRV_MAPPING_REQUEST</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-WRITE_MESSAGE_LOG_TO_PERSIST">
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Persisting message after plsrv call </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message-Version = 005</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message version 005</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="PLSRV_OUTBOUND_BINDING">
    <Trace level="1" type="Timestamp">2007-01-07T12:48:43Z CET Start of pipeline service processing PLSRVID= PLSRV_OUTBOUND_BINDING</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PLSRV">
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Calling pipeline service: PLSRV_OUTBOUND_BINDING</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Reading Pipeline-Service specification... </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline service specification (table SXMSPLSRV) </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_OUTBOUND_BINDING</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ADRESSMOD  = LOCAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_CLASS    = CL_XMS_PLSRV_OUTBINDING</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_IFNAME   = IF_XMS_PLSRV</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_METHOD   = ENTER_PLSRV</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_LOG     = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = 0</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PLSRV_LOCAL"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_PLSRV_OUTBINDING-ENTER_PLSRV">
    <Trace level="2" type="T">O U T B O U N D - B I N D I N G </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T"> Cache Content is up to date </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">determine  OUTBOUND BINDING  for: </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">-Bs_MES_Stock_proxy </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">-SAP_ERP_azar_DEV </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Channel found:  - SAP_ERP_azar_DEV - CC_IN_XI_Proxy </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">no header mapping defined </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="Timestamp">2007-01-07T12:48:43Z CET End of pipeline service processing PLSRVID= PLSRV_OUTBOUND_BINDING</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-WRITE_MESSAGE_LOG_TO_PERSIST">
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Persisting message after plsrv call </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message-Version = 006</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message version 006</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="PLSRV_CALL_ADAPTER"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="1" type="Timestamp">2007-01-07T12:48:43Z CET Start of pipeline service processing PLSRVID= PLSRV_CALL_ADAPTER</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PLSRV"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Calling pipeline service: PLSRV_CALL_ADAPTER</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Reading Pipeline-Service specification... </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline service specification (table SXMSPLSRV) </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_CALL_ADAPTER</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = =SWITCH=</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ADRESSMOD  = SD</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_CLASS    = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_IFNAME   = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_METHOD   = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_LOG     = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = 0</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Channel for Integration Engine: XI</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline service specification (table SXMSPLSRV) </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVID    = PLSRV_CALL_ADAPTER</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">PLSRVTYPE  = IENGINE</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">ADRESSMOD  = SD</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_CLASS    = CL_XMS_PLSRV_IE_ADAPTER</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_IFNAME   = IF_XMS_PLSRV</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">P_METHOD   = ENTER_PLSRV</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_LOG     = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">FL_DUMMY   = 0</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T"> </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-CALL_PLSRV_LOCAL"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_PLSRV_IE_ADAPTER-ENTER_PLSRV">
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Channel for Integration Engine: XI</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Sender: Header mapped to</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Party = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Agency = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Scheme = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Service = Bs_MES_Stock_proxy</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Receiver: Header mapped to</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Party = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Agency = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Scheme = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Service = SAP_ERP_azar_DEV</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Party denormalization: sender </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Sender target scheme = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Sender target agency = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Sender party normalized = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Sender party external = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Party denormalization: receiver </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Receiver target scheme = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Receiver target agency = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Receiver party normalized = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Receiver party external = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_PLSRV_CALL_XMB-CALL_XMS_HTTP">
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Addressing mode: url</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Host = dceazar01</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Port = 8010</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Transport protocol = HTTP      1.0</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message protocol = </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Path = sap/xi/engine?type=receiver</Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Auth mode: basicSAP</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Conversion of language from char2 to char1 EN</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">User = asar</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Client = 400</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Language = E</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Creating HTTP-client </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">HTTP-client: creation finished</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Security: Basic authentication SAP </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Serializing message object... </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">HTTP-client: sending http-request...</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">HTTP-client: request sent</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">HTTP-client: Receiving http-response...</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">HTTP-client: response received</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">HTTP-client: checking status code...</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">HTTP-client: status code = 500 </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Deserializing message object... </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="System_Error">HTTP-client: error response= <html><head><title>SAP Web Application Server Error</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body { font-family: arial, sans-serif;}
    <BODY text="#172972" link="#808080" vlink="#808080"
    alink="#8e236b" bgcolor=white  leftmargin="0" topmargin="0"
    marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">
    <table height="61" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0"
    cellpadding="0"><tr><td background="http://dceazar01:8010/sap/public/icman/img/bluebar_tile.gif"
    height="30"><table> <tr> <td width=5></td> <td width=20% nowrap><font face=arial size="-1" color=white>SAP Web Application Server
    </font></td><td width=75% align="right" nowrap><font face=arial
    size="-1" color="white"><a href="">Help
    </font></td><td width=5% nowrap></font></td> </tr></table>
    </td><td rowspan=2 width=122 height=61 valign=top><img src=
    "http://dceazar01:8010/sap/public/icman/img/theme.jpg" width=122 height=61 border=0 alt="SAP"></td>
    </tr><tr><td background="http://dceazar01:8010/sap/public/icman/img/graybar_tile.jpg" height="31">
    <table width=800>
    <tr><td width=50 nowrap>
    <H2><b>500 Internal Server Error</b></H2><br><hr><br>Internal Server Error(-1)<br><br><hr>
    <table border="0">
    <tr><td>Date/Time:</td><td>Sun Jan  7 13:48:43 2007
    <tr><td>Detail:</td><td>No handler defined for this URL</td></tr>
    <table><tr><td width=50 nowrap></td>
    <td nowrap><FONT SIZE=-1><a href="">© 2001-2005, SAP AG</a></FONT></td></tr></table></Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">HTTP-client: closing...</Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Switch back to normalized party (HTTP response)</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Sender scheme external = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Sender agency external = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Sender party external = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Sender party normalized = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Party normalization: receiver </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Receiver scheme external = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Receiver agency external = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Receiver party external = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Receiver party normalized = </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Undo header mapping (HTTP response) </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Sender: Header before undo of mapping</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Party = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Agency = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Scheme = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Service = Bs_MES_Stock_proxy</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Receiver: Header before undo of mapping</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Party = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Agency = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Scheme = </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="T">Service = SAP_ERP_azar_DEV</Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Sender: Header after undo of mapping</Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Party = </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Agency = </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Scheme = </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Service = Bs_MES_Stock_proxy</Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Receiver: Header before undo of mapping</Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Party = </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Agency = </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Scheme = </Trace>
    <Trace level="2" type="T">Service = SAP_ERP_azar_DEV</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-WRITE_MESSAGE_LOG_TO_PERSIST">
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Persisting message after plsrv call </Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message-Version = 007</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message version 007</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline CENTRAL</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="System_Error">Error exception return from pipeline processing! </Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-WRITE_MESSAGE_TO_PERSIST"></Trace><!-- ************************************ -->
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Persisting message Status = 014</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Message version 008</Trace>
    <Trace level="3" type="T">Pipeline CENTRAL</Trace>
    please guide me ...

  • Manage multiple versions(ID CS,CS2,CS3,CS4) of INDD files Indesign proxy for PC

    Dear scripters,
    I have multiple version of ID installed in my system. I have ID CS,CS2,CS3 and CS4. While I am opening (double click) the ID CS file, automatically the file opening in CS4. For solving this problem I have searched in the forums I found there is a program called INDESIGN PROXY for MAC OSX. It manages the problems well.
    Now I am in the process of developing the application same like that for windows using VB. Here is my observation about Indesign proxy.
    1. While user double clicks the Indesign file the argument is not passing to the Indesign.exe, but the argument passes to the Indesign proxy. Something like this
    "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS4\InDesign.exe" "%1"
    to this
    "C:\Program Files\IDproxy\proxy.exe" "%1"
    2. The proxy exe lists all the version of IDs in a dialog box. If user selects CS2, the proxy exe passes the command argument something like this
    "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS2\InDesign.exe" "%1"
    3. Now the file will open in correct version.
    I am comfort with VB forums and coding but I am struck getting the file path while user double click's the file. I short need to get the file path of "%1" argument.
    I think I am detailed.
    Kindly advice me how can I proceed more?
    a r u l

    I don't think it's a mistake.
    "InDesign CS4 (3.0)"
    means: this is the OM for InDesign 3.0 (i.e., InDesign CS) that is contained in InDesign CS4.
    Wait -- do you mean there might be a difference between "the OM for InDesign 4.0 (i.e., InDesign CS2) that is contained in InDesign CS4" and, say, "OM for InDesign 4.0 (i.e., InDesign CS2) that is contained in InDesign CS5" ?
    Why on earth would anyone need that? I imagine it's not because even with versioning the 'older' scripts may not behave the same -- there must be dozens of mails about versioning not working ... I mean, if Adobe knows what causes older scripts to stop working (because, if I understand you correctly, they retroactively change it in the documentation for older versions), wouldn't it be yet easier to not cause those changes?

  • How to use a file transport proxy service as trigger for a webservice

    I've implemented a alsb file transport proxy service. This proxy is watching a common directory and detects new files. After detection, the proxy move them in an archive folder.
    After that I want call an external webservice with the filename as input parameter.
    How can I comfigure that with the alsb console.
    best regards
    with the to extract the filename after it was renamed by the proxy service.

    How do you invoke/ instantiate the file based proxy service. Does it just run on activation in sb console? Does it continue to detect files or does it stop after detecting one file?
    Also what is the format of the URL that points to the file folder.
    For Ex: I have a folder named "TestFiles" on the C:\drive of the server.
    Edited by premkumr at 10/31/2007 3:26 PM

  • How to track return message in file to proxy interface

    I am using file to proxy scenerio, where i will get my file from FTP and updating it into a table , after updating i am calling a program to Run BDC, in my method for proxy, after that i dont how to track return message , anyone please tell me suggestion regarding for this
    thanking you

    Hi Sridhar,
    What exactly you want to track????
    my assumtion is the call will be of asyn mode, once the data reach the proxy method the XI job done and u can easly track that using monitoring.

  • REST API: Create Deployment throwing error BadRequest (The specified configuration settings for Settings are invalid. Verify that the service configuration file is a valid XML file, and that role instance counts are specified as positive integers.)

    Hi All,
    We are trying to access the Create Deployment method stated below
    We have uploaded the Package in the blob and browsing the configuration file. We have checked trying to upload manually the package and config file in Azure portal and its working
    Below is the code we have written for creating deployment where "AzureEcoystemCloudService" is our cloud service name where we want to deploy our package. I have also highlighted the XML creation
    byte[] bytes =
    new byte[fupldConfig.PostedFile.ContentLength + 1];
                fupldConfig.PostedFile.InputStream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
    string a = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
    string base64ConfigurationFile = a.ToBase64();
    X509Certificate2 certificate =
    "2012-03-01", "AzureEcoystemCloudService", Infosys.AzureEcosystem.Entities.Enums.DeploymentSlot.staging,
    "AzureEcoystemDeployment", base64ConfigurationFile,
    true, false);   
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="certificate"></param>
    /// <param name="subscriptionId"></param>
    /// <param name="version"></param>
    /// <param name="serviceName"></param>
    /// <param name="deploymentSlot"></param>
    /// <param name="name"></param>
    /// <param name="packageUrl"></param>
    /// <param name="label"></param>
    /// <param name="base64Configuration"></param>
    /// <param name="startDeployment"></param>
    /// <param name="treatWarningsAsError"></param>
    public static
    void CreateNewDeployment(X509Certificate2 certificate,
    string subscriptionId,
    string version, string serviceName, Infosys.AzureEcosystem.Entities.Enums.DeploymentSlot deploymentSlot,
    string name, string packageUrl,
    string label, string base64Configuration,
    bool startDeployment, bool treatWarningsAsError)
    Uri uri = new
    Uri(String.Format(Constants.CreateDeploymentUrlTemplate, subscriptionId, serviceName, deploymentSlot.ToString()));
    XNamespace wa = Constants.xmlNamespace;
    XDocument requestBody =
    new XDocument();
    String base64ConfigurationFile = base64Configuration;
    String base64Label = label.ToBase64();
    XElement xName = new
    XElement(wa + "Name", name);
    XElement xPackageUrl =
    new XElement(wa +
    "PackageUrl", packageUrl);
    XElement xLabel = new
    XElement(wa + "Label", base64Label);
    XElement xConfiguration =
    new XElement(wa +
    "Configuration", base64ConfigurationFile);
    XElement xStartDeployment =
    new XElement(wa +
    "StartDeployment", startDeployment.ToString().ToLower());
    XElement xTreatWarningsAsError =
    new XElement(wa +
    "TreatWarningsAsError", treatWarningsAsError.ToString().ToLower());
    XElement createDeployment =
    new XElement(wa +
                requestBody.Declaration =
    new XDeclaration("1.0",
    "UTF-8", "no");
    XDocument responseBody;
                    uri, Infosys.AzureEcosystem.Entities.Enums.RequestMethod.POST.ToString(),
    HttpStatusCode.Accepted, requestBody, certificate, version,
    out responseBody);
    /// A helper function to invoke a Service Management REST API operation.
    /// Throws an ApplicationException on unexpected status code results.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="uri">The URI of the operation to invoke using a web request.</param>
    /// <param name="method">The method of the web request, GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE.</param>
    /// <param name="expectedCode">The expected status code.</param>
    /// <param name="requestBody">The XML body to send with the web request. Use null to send no request body.</param>
    /// <param name="responseBody">The XML body returned by the request, if any.</param>
    /// <returns>The requestId returned by the operation.</returns>
    public static
    string InvokeRequest(
    Uri uri,
    string method,
    HttpStatusCode expectedCode,
    XDocument requestBody,
    X509Certificate2 certificate,
    string version,
    out XDocument responseBody)
                responseBody =
    string requestId = String.Empty;
    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(uri);
                request.Method = method;
                request.Headers.Add("x-ms-Version", version);
                request.ContentType =
    if (requestBody != null)
    using (Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream())
    using (StreamWriter streamWriter =
    new StreamWriter(
                            requestStream, System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8))
    HttpWebResponse response;
    HttpStatusCode statusCode =
    response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
    catch (WebException ex)
    // GetResponse throws a WebException for 4XX and 5XX status codes
                    response = (HttpWebResponse)ex.Response;
                    statusCode = response.StatusCode;
    if (response.ContentLength > 0)
    using (XmlReader reader =
                            responseBody =
    if (response.Headers !=
                        requestId = response.Headers["x-ms-request-id"];
    if (!statusCode.Equals(expectedCode))
    throw new
    "Call to {0} returned an error:{1}Status Code: {2} ({3}):{1}{4}",
    return requestId;
    But every time we are getting the below error from the line
     response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
    <Error xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
      <Message>The specified configuration settings for Settings are invalid. Verify that the service configuration file is a valid XML file, and that role instance counts are specified as positive integers.</Message>
     Any help is appreciated.

    Please find the request XML I have found it in debug mode
    <CreateDeployment xmlns="">
    Shubhendu G

  • WSDL URL is invalid or the WSDL file is not valid or incorrect

    Hi All,
    I am using Oracle Soa Suite 11g. I have got Oracle database, Oracle weblogic admin server, Oracle SOA server all installed on my laptop.
    I have deployed a sample BPEL process. When I am trying to test the process it is giving an error
    "Either the WSDL URL is invalid or the WSDL file is not valid or incorrect. - WSDLException: faultCode=PARSER_ERROR: Failed to read wsdl file at: "http://KSNPavan-PC:8001/soa-infra/services/default/MyHumanWorkFlowSample1Project/vacationrequestprocess_client_ep?WSDL", caused by: : Connection refused: connect "
    Now, when I change the url address to
    (Please note the difference in host name from KSNPavan-PC to localhost.)
    and click parse wsdl it is working well. I mean the test page is opening successfully and I am able to test the service.
    Testing the service from admin console is fine. Now I want to use this BPEL process service in another BPEL process. So, when I am piciking this service wsdl in JDeveloper it is throwing me the same error and I am unable to go ahead.
    Can anyone please tell me whetherI have to set property in the admin server console so that it always take local host in all the wsdl urls and solve my problem.
    Thank you,
    KSN Pavan.

    Hi All,
    My problem has got solved with the help of my colleagues. Actually the problem was that the host name KSNPavan-PC is not there in the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts file. I Added the host name in the file with the IP same as that of local host and everything isworking well now.
    Thank you,
    KSN Pavan

  • Either the WSDL URL is invalid or the WSDL file is not valid or incorrect.

    Hi ,
    i deployed one bpel process in weblogic.
    when i am click on test below is error is coming. ( its on oracle soa 11)
    below is coming for all the process. previously it is working fine.
    Either the WSDL URL is invalid or the WSDL file is not valid or incorrect. - WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Failed to read WSDL from http://xxxx:8001/soa-infra/services/default/ReadJMS/readtraxjms_client_ep?WSDL: HTTP connection error code is 503
    Please help me how it is resolved.

    Hi Jan,
    We had the same issue in and we used to restart the server to fix it. Hopefully before going to PROD we upgraded to and next time we saw this issue was only when there was some problem with the OHS (it was down etc.).
    Which version you're on?
    Neeraj Sehgal

  • I am having a hard time with fcpx, it is running so slow.  i upgraded my ram to 12 and have cleaned up my computer to run faster and have changed all my files to proxy files but it is still running SO slow.  please help!

    I am having a hard time with my fcp x running so slow.  i can't even move my mouse without the time wheel coming on and staying up for at least 20 some seconds.  I have upgraded my ram to 12 and changed all my files to proxy files; also i cleaned the crap out of my computer removing all other media files I didn't need and it is still running the same.  Please help!  I have a deadline on my short film to be submitted and I can't finish it like this.  Oh also it ran fine in the beginning but and one day it just started doing this out of no where.  Anything will help!  Thanks

    In addition have you got FileVault switched on as that will kill performance.

  • Error in FILE 2 Proxy Scenario

    Hi All,
    I am doing File to Proxy Scenario i am getting following error
    Could any one provide the solution for this.
      *<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>*
    *- <!--  Call Inbound Proxy*
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="">
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
      <SAP:Stack>No implementing class registered for the interface (ABAP interface, request message MI_Emp_Sender, request message, namespace )</SAP:Stack>
    Thanks in Advance
    Edited by: Mahesh Reddy on Jul 10, 2008 12:47 PM

    Hi Mahesh,
    1) Use SPROXY transaction.
        Menu-> Proxy -> Activate All.
    2) check in the interface determination if u are using correct
    inbound interface.
    3) If this if fine....try deleting all proxy objects of the interface
    and create new.
    Praveen K

  • File Content Conversion Error in PI 7.1 (file to Proxy)

    I am working on File to Proxy Scenario and I gave the File content conversion as below, File is picking up by the PI Server when I look at Communication Channel Monitoring, However when I open the Message ID in the CC monitoring it says as
    404 Not Found
    The requested resource does not exist.
    and I do not see any message SXMB_MONI(Because the content is not converted), Can anyone give an idea how to debug this
    Please find the details below which I gave in the content Conversion
    Document Name : MT_TW_AK
    Document NameSpace :
    RecordSet Name : FROISROIAcknowledgement
    RecordSet Structure : Header,1,Record,*,Trailer,1
    Recordset Sequence : Ascending
    KeyField Name :TransactionSetID
    Key Field Type : String (Case Sensitive)
    IgnoreRecordsetName : true
    Header.fieldNames :TransactionSetID,SenderID,ReceiverID,DateTransmissionsent,TimeTransmissionsent,OriginalTransmissionDate,OriginalTransmissionTime,TestProductionCode,InterchangeVersionID
    Header.fieldFixedLengths: 3,25,25,8,6,8,6,1,5
    Header.keyFieldValue     : H
    Record.fieldSeparator :
    Record.fieldNames : TransactionSetID,RecordSequenceNumber,DateProcessed,TimeProcessed,InsurerFEIN,ClaimAdministratorPostalCode,ClaimAdministratorFein,AcknowledgementTransactionSetID,ApplicationAcknowledgmentCode,InsuredReportNumber,ClaimAdministratorClaimNumber,JuridictionClaimNumber,MaintenanceTypeCode,MaintenanceTypeCodeDate,RequestCode,FreeFormText,NumberofErrors,MaintenanceTypeCorrectionCode,MaintenanceTypeCorrectionCodeDate,JurisdictionBranchOfficeCode,ClaimAdministratorAlternatePostalCode,NumOfErrors
    Record.fieldFixedLengths: 3,9,8,6,9,9,9,3,2,25,25,25,2,8,3,60,2,2,8,2,9,19
    Record.keyFieldValue : A
    Trailer.fieldFixedLengths: 3,9,9 
    Trailer.keyFieldValue     : T
    ignoreRecordsetName: true

    Can you check the error in sender communication channel?
    Go to RWB ---> Component Monitoring ---> Adapter Engine ---> Communication cahnnel monitoring --> it displays new page. Then give your file sender communication cahnnel name. There you will definitely see some error.
    The error what you are getting is a different to this one. Can you please check the error what I have given above path.

  • "Can't open file - not a valid pdf"

    This seems to have been asked before but I can't find an answer!!
    I have a small app that i use for work which essentially just links to pdfs stored on a wordpress site
    All has been working well until recently when android phones can no longer open the files - they get a "can't open file - not a valid pdf file" message
    It seems to happen with many but not all the files. Some examples of problematic ones are: pdf 14compresresave.pdf
    Oddly, it seems only to be a problem when trying to open directly from the link in the app into adobe reader. If you download the file onto the phone THEN open it in Reader it works fine!
    As I say, this seems to be a recent problem - has been working perfectly up until now.
    I'd really appreciate it if you have any thoughts / suggestions - I don't want to have to ask all the users to install a different PDF reader app!

    Thanks for reporting the issue. We have been able to reproduce it at our end and shall let you know when this gets fixed in one of the future releases.
    Adobe Reader Team

  • Blackberry Desktop Software won't install on PC "Installation files cannot be validated."

    Blackberry Desktop Software won’t install on PC “Installation files cannot be validated."  KB article 28396 couldn’t get past # 4 because no digital signatures tab.  Removed desktop software initially because it would not update.

    I have the same problem, "Torch" 
    Acer,Windows XP
    Blackberry Desktop will not install
    RE; Cannot Vaidate
    ....Scanned internet, unable to find correct Formula to do so

  • File to Proxy Scenario : Error in communication channel monitoring

    I have developed File to Proxy Scenario on PI 7.1 system and it is not working. I see the below error in communication channel monitoring.
    u201CError: Some of the IS access information is not available. SLDAccess property may be set to true, but SLD is not available.u201D
    File will be picked from the FTP server.
    I have created File system in SLD of type "Third Party", Can this be the issue?
    Please guide me on this.

    Check if the tcode SLDCHECK is ok!
    Check note #764176.
    Also, refer to link below and execute each steps from the links there MANUALLY.
    Wizard-Based Configuration:
    Caio Cagnani

  • Content conversion in File to Proxy in PI 7.1 V

    Hi Experts
    I am working on a File (Text file) to Proxy scenario in PI 7.1 Version where I receive the text file from the sender and need to convert into xml by using the Content conversion
    The text file which I receive have multiple Record Structures which have Parent and Child data elements 
    _____ Fld3
                          ________Bank Account details-------
    ________ Credit Card Details                   _______Fld7
                          |________  Payment details -
    | _______Fld8                                                                               
    Can anyone give an idea How to define the record set structures and the corresponding fields in the Field names
    Can any one send me the link if there is any blog exists which shows above scenario
    Thanks a lot
    Edited by: PR on Aug 6, 2009 9:21 PM
    Edited by: PR on Aug 6, 2009 9:23 PM

    I have sender file my structure  as follows
    1. Header  (record set1)
            TransactionId (field1)
            TestProdcd   (field2)
             Sender         (field3)
                  ID     -
                  FEIN  -
                  ID     -
                  FEIN  -
    2.  Record  (record set2)
    3. Trailer (RecordSet 3)

Maybe you are looking for

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