File transfer stop/resume

Hi all,
I can't seem to find elsewhere the answer to this simple question: can a file transfer be interrupted and then resumed some time later?
Thanks in advance!

Well, Ralph, in the place where I live they say: "There's only one way to know: try! "
Yesterday evening I asked a friend of mine to send me a big file via iChat; when the transfer was around 20% I quit iChat, shut down my Mac and went to bed.
Today I asked my friend to send it again but up came a window telling me that there already was a file with the same name. What do you want to do: cancel or replace?
I chose "Replace" and the download began right where it had stopped the night before…
iChat is really amazing and I may be wrong but I think this feature is undocumented.

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        Hi JoeC695,
    That's not good! We want your software to work properly. Have you tried uninstalling the Verizon Software Utility from your MAC? Do you receive a specific error message?
    Tweet us vzwsupport

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    Thanks for the reply OOO, I'm just about to open bug for gnome (did a break for lunch )
    Are you still suffering from the issue?
    can you please provide some details, for example your gnome version and if you have gnome-screensaver and or xscreensaver installed and or activated?
    are you using GDM or lightDM?
    I noticed from: that the display manager has role in the locking/screesaver mechanism:
    Note: Native support for screenlocking in GNOME is provided by GDM. If you choose to not use GDM you will need to use a different screen locking program such as XScreenSaver.
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    please add your info there as well.

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    OutputStream os = socket.getOutputStream();
         BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(os);
    File nFile = filename;
    long long_size = nFile.length();
    int size = (int)long_size;
    byte[] buffer = new byte[size];
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(nFile);
    DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(inStream);
    For Client:
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    BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
    BufferedOutputStream bosfile = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
    while(true) {
    size = bis.available();
    if(size == 0)
    byte[] pOutput2 = new byte[size];, 0, size);
    if(rc == -1)
    if(rc < size)
    count +=rc;
    count +=size;
    Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you very much

    Doubtful code:
    size = bis.available();
    if(size == 0)
    You have a buffered input stream hanging on a socket input stream. So what if the client gets ahead of the server? Answer: for a while, there is no data available.

  • File transfer resume

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    does DW do this?
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    AFAIK no.  If you're getting a lot of time outs during long data transfer sessions, try using a dedicated FTP ware like Cute, WS_FTP or Filezilla. 
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    Using ... the code from the following site
    That was your first mistake. That site is a notorious source of complete rubbish. In this case, unusually, the code looks not too bad apart from not calling mkdirs() as well as mkdir().
    But i found that if the connection break in the mapping of the network drive, the code cannot resume the file transfer from where it left behind.Correct. It doesn't do that. So you need to modify it to do so. If it finds that the target file exists and has a non-zero length, it needs to open it for append and skip to that offset in the source file before starting the copy loop. If it finds that the target file exists and has the same length as the source file and the same date it can skip the file completely. That should cover both your requirements.

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    These are the test tdms files to transfer in the PXI: an original file witten in the PXI and its copy file. I copied the original file from PXI to laptop and renamed it (added '_copy') and then copied it back to PXI.
    FTP module is transferring the original file to the Filezilla server on laptop. Note the low speed.
    FTP module is transferring the copy file to the Filezilla server on laptop. Note the higher speed.
    This is the FTP sub VI I'm using. It transfers files in sub-folders (one level lower), too. The data connection is set to 'passive' on the FTP Put Multiple Files VI but it doesn't seem to make any difference. I attach the sub VI.
    You tried the file transfer with a 500 MB text file. Would there be any difference if the file type was tdms? Would the RAM size matter? It is 2GB here.
    And the LED is orange, which means Gigabit.
    Another question: Is there any way to programmatically stop file transfer in progress? Currently, I just have to restart the PXI.
    Thank you!
    Attachments: ‏40 KB

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    Depending on the type of the file, you should either get an icon of a box with an arrow coming out of it in the top right corner which should give an option to 'open in', or for some document types if you press and hold in the body of the document you should then get a popup with an 'open in' option - you will need an app that is capable of reading the document type/format that your resumé is in, otherwise there will be nothing to open/save it with.

  • File transfer problem during ISE 1.3 upgrade

    We have problem running the upgrade command:
    iseadm01/admin# application upgrade cleanup
    Application upgrade preparation directory cleanup successful
    iseadm01/admin# application upgrade prepare ise-upgradebundle-1.2.x-to- FTP
    Getting bundle to local machine...
    % File transfer error
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    The disk utilazation looks OK:
    iseadm01/admin# dir
    Directory of disk:/
          16384 Sep 18 2014 15:55:48  lost+found/
               Usage for disk: filesystem
                      172761088 bytes total used
                    14275047424 bytes free
                    15234142208 bytes available
    iseadm01/admin# dir
    Directory of disk:/
          16384 Sep 18 2014 15:55:48  lost+found/
               Usage for disk: filesystem
                      172761088 bytes total used
                    14275047424 bytes free
                    15234142208 bytes available
    We have Another ISE (monitor node) and the problem is excact the same on that node.

    On FileZila click on the User Accounts Icon. The dialog box will show you  defined users. By default only anonymous is created.
    So you need to create a local ftp username and passowrd. Then assign it a home directory under shared folders. This will be the dfault location a remote clietn will look for files and where you would find the ISE upgrade package, for example.
    See following screenshot....

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    Socket connectionSocket=new Socket("ipadress",port);
    FileInputStream source=new FileInputStream(System.getProperty("user.home")+"\\Documents\\image.jpg");
    BufferedOutputStream send=new BufferedOutputStream(connectionSocket.getOutputStream());
    int c;
    while ((c = !=-1)
    ServerSocket receiverSocket=new ServerSocket(port);
    Socket  connection=receiverSocket.accept();
    BufferedInputStream rec=new BufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream());
    FileOutputStream receivedFile=new FileOutputStream(System.getProperty("user.dir")+"\\received.jpg");
    int c;
    while ((c = != -1)
                    receivedFile.write(c);I think the problem is in this code:somehow the sender stops sending bytes before the end of the file is actually reached...what do u think?

    Thank you so much!At the end it was a very stupid mistake!:D
    Btw now that the main problem is solved I continue posting asking for your opinion:is this program for you efficient enough?Or there's a better way to do file transfer?

  • Stuck in file transfer mode?

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    First of all, it doesn't matter if you choose the option of "PC Suite" or "Media".  It works both way when all you want to do is to transfer music.  I personally wouldn't choose "Media".  Somehow for my N97, my Messenging will switch back from mass memory to phone memory and it is really annoying.  At times when I choose "Media", my computer says that the USB is connected in non-compatible mode etc.
    One thing I notice too is that my music player would be "hanged" if connected via USB.  Nothing we can do.  To listen to your music using your phone, I reckon you have to stop the USB connection.  So that is normal.
    Using menu setting to PC Suite saves you the trouble of having to select the mode EVERYTIME.  So, that too is a good choice.
    Let's forget about OVI Player for a moment.  After you plug in your phone, if you start the PC Suite, you should see that your phone is detected.  If not, try reconnect the cable, try using PC Suite to connect to the phone (there is a button to do that I remember if the phone is not detected).  If still cannot, like my friend, you will probably need to reinstall the latest firmware via Nokia Care Store.
    Let's say your PC Suite application can detect your phone, you may wish to see if you can transfer the music.  You may wanna do one testing here.  Open up the File Manager from your PC Suite.  Transfer the songs manually, then do a refresh at your Music Library of your phone.  You should see the tracks.  If yours is a Comes With Music like mine, you can get the licence over the air.  Once that is done, I suppose you should be able to transfer the music files via your OVI Player.  While, it is tedious, but that was how it works for me.
    I wish Nokia is easier on us, but it is not.  Sorry. 
    Visit - where all good things are meant to be shared!

  • IdeaTab A2109A - large file transfer

    Trying to transfer a large file (4.5GB) to tablet IdeaTab A2109A connected to a laptop, this gets truncated to 1.2GB and transfer stops. Smaller files are copied fine, but seems that larger files have problem.
    Tablet has no SD card attached, thus I'm transfering directly to its internal storage (11GB free space).
    Android ver. 4.1.1/ kernel 3.1.10
    Please share your ideas/experience/solution on transfering large files for IdeaTab A2109A.

    I've never tried transferring a file that big, but I've found using adb push and pull to transfer faster than using MTP.

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    Actually I should say that it's not a good solution to stop all other applications to measure the network
    traffic for one application, there is another problem cause even no file is during transfer the application sends and receives packets from internet and this way is not accurate to measure .

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