Filestream not releasing file

New to (2012) so bear with me.
I have a routine that I'm calling to get the Exif date and time from a JPG then renaming the file. However, the routine that gets the date and time is tying up the file so that the rename can't occur. I've tried closing, disposing and setting everything
to nothing but have had no luck. I know it's the read of the metadata tying up the files because if I change that routine to just pass back "now" the files rename perfectly.
What am I missing?!?!
Code is below. Thanks!
Function MetaDataGet(ByRef TheData As PicMData, ByRef Reslt$) As Boolean
Dim Ext$
Dim JpgOpt As New BitmapCreateOptions
Dim JpgInput As System.IO.FileStream
Dim JpgDecoder As JpegBitmapDecoder
Dim MyMetaData As BitmapMetadata
Ext$ = Mid$(TheData.FileName, InStrRev(TheData.FileName, ".") + 1)
Reslt$ = ""
Select Case UCase$(Ext$)
Case Is = "JPG"
JpgOpt = BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat And BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreColorProfile
JpgInput = New System.IO.FileStream(TheData.FileNameFull, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read)
JpgDecoder = New JpegBitmapDecoder(JpgInput, JpgOpt, BitmapCacheOption.None)
MyMetaData = JpgDecoder.Frames(0).Metadata
If MyMetaData.ContainsQuery(MDQryImageDescript$) Then TheData.ImageDescription = MyMetaData.GetQuery(MDQryImageDescript$)
If Not MyMetaData.Keywords Is Nothing Then
For Each Info In MyMetaData.Keywords
TheData.WinTags = TheData.WinTags & Info & "; "
Next Info
TheData.WinTags = Mid$(TheData.WinTags, 1, Len(TheData.WinTags) - 2)
End If
If Not MyMetaData.Title Is Nothing Then TheData.WinTitle = MyMetaData.Title
If Not MyMetaData.Subject Is Nothing Then TheData.WinSubject = MyMetaData.Subject
If Not MyMetaData.Comment Is Nothing Then TheData.WinComments = MyMetaData.Comment
'size and resolution
Dim BMapForSize As New BitmapImage
BMapForSize.UriSource = New Uri(TheData.FileNameFull)
TheData.SizeX = BMapForSize.Width / 96
TheData.SizeY = BMapForSize.Height / 96
TheData.PixelsX = BMapForSize.PixelWidth
TheData.PixelsY = BMapForSize.PixelHeight
TheData.Resolution = (BMapForSize.PixelWidth) / (BMapForSize.Width / 96)
BMapForSize = Nothing
'end size and resolution
If Not MyMetaData.CameraModel Is Nothing Then TheData.EquipModel = MyMetaData.CameraModel
If Not MyMetaData.CameraManufacturer Is Nothing Then TheData.EquipMake = MyMetaData.CameraManufacturer
If Not MyMetaData.Author Is Nothing Then
For Each Info In MyMetaData.Author
TheData.Authors = TheData.Authors & Info & "; "
Next Info
TheData.Authors = Mid$(TheData.Authors, 1, Len(TheData.Authors) - 2)
End If
If Not MyMetaData.Copyright Is Nothing Then TheData.Copyright = MyMetaData.Copyright
If Not MyMetaData.DateTaken Is Nothing Then TheData.DateTimeOriginal = MyMetaData.DateTaken
If MyMetaData.ContainsQuery(MDQryDateTime$) Then TheData.DateTime = MyMetaData.GetQuery(MDQryDateTime$)
If MyMetaData.ContainsQuery(MDQryDateTimeDigi$) Then TheData.DateTimeDigitized = MyMetaData.GetQuery(MDQryDateTimeDigi$)
MyMetaData = Nothing
JpgOpt = Nothing
JpgDecoder = Nothing
JpgInput = Nothing
Case Is = "MPG", "AVI", "MP4"
'Nothing to be done yet. Maybe exif into there?
Case Else
Throw New System.Exception("Invalid file type.")
End Select
If Reslt$ = "" Then
Return True 'no errors occurred
Return False 'errors occurred
End If
Reslt$ = Reslt$ & TheData.FileName & ": " & Err.Description & vbCrLf
Resume Next
End Function

You could try a
Using statement and only instantiate JpgInput where it is needed within a particular case statment.
Function MetaDataGet(ByRef TheData As PicMData, ByRef Reslt$) As Boolean
Dim Ext$
Dim JpgOpt As New BitmapCreateOptions
Dim JpgDecoder As JpegBitmapDecoder
Dim MyMetaData As BitmapMetadata
Ext$ = Mid$(TheData.FileName, InStrRev(TheData.FileName, ".") + 1)
Reslt$ = ""
Select Case UCase$(Ext$)
Case Is = "JPG"
JpgOpt = BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat And BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreColorProfile
Using JpgInput As New System.IO.FileStream(TheData.FileNameFull, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read)
JpgDecoder = New JpegBitmapDecoder(JpgInput, JpgOpt, BitmapCacheOption.None)
MyMetaData = JpgDecoder.Frames(0).Metadata
If MyMetaData.ContainsQuery(MDQryImageDescript$) Then TheData.ImageDescription = MyMetaData.GetQuery(MDQryImageDescript$)
If Not MyMetaData.Keywords Is Nothing Then
For Each Info In MyMetaData.Keywords
TheData.WinTags = TheData.WinTags & Info & "; "
Next Info
TheData.WinTags = Mid$(TheData.WinTags, 1, Len(TheData.WinTags) - 2)
End If
If Not MyMetaData.Title Is Nothing Then TheData.WinTitle = MyMetaData.Title
If Not MyMetaData.Subject Is Nothing Then TheData.WinSubject = MyMetaData.Subject
If Not MyMetaData.Comment Is Nothing Then TheData.WinComments = MyMetaData.Comment
'size and resolution
Dim BMapForSize As New BitmapImage
BMapForSize.UriSource = New Uri(TheData.FileNameFull)
TheData.SizeX = BMapForSize.Width / 96
TheData.SizeY = BMapForSize.Height / 96
TheData.PixelsX = BMapForSize.PixelWidth
TheData.PixelsY = BMapForSize.PixelHeight
TheData.Resolution = (BMapForSize.PixelWidth) / (BMapForSize.Width / 96)
BMapForSize = Nothing
'end size and resolution
If Not MyMetaData.CameraModel Is Nothing Then TheData.EquipModel = MyMetaData.CameraModel
If Not MyMetaData.CameraManufacturer Is Nothing Then TheData.EquipMake = MyMetaData.CameraManufacturer
If Not MyMetaData.Author Is Nothing Then
For Each Info In MyMetaData.Author
TheData.Authors = TheData.Authors & Info & "; "
Next Info
TheData.Authors = Mid$(TheData.Authors, 1, Len(TheData.Authors) - 2)
End If
If Not MyMetaData.Copyright Is Nothing Then TheData.Copyright = MyMetaData.Copyright
If Not MyMetaData.DateTaken Is Nothing Then TheData.DateTimeOriginal = MyMetaData.DateTaken
If MyMetaData.ContainsQuery(MDQryDateTime$) Then TheData.DateTime = MyMetaData.GetQuery(MDQryDateTime$)
If MyMetaData.ContainsQuery(MDQryDateTimeDigi$) Then TheData.DateTimeDigitized = MyMetaData.GetQuery(MDQryDateTimeDigi$)
MyMetaData = Nothing
JpgOpt = Nothing
JpgDecoder = Nothing
End Using
Case Is = "MPG", "AVI", "MP4"
'Nothing to be done yet. Maybe exif into there?
Case Else
Throw New System.Exception("Invalid file type.")
End Select
If Reslt$ = "" Then
Return True 'no errors occurred
Return False 'errors occurred
End If
Reslt$ = Reslt$ & TheData.FileName & ": " & Err.Description & vbCrLf
Resume Next
End Function
La vida loca

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    thanks for prompt reply.
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              String sFile = null;
              try {
                   sFile = r.chomp(remoteFile, '/');
                   client.put(file.getAbsolutePath(), sFile + file.getName());
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              } catch (Exception e) {
                   try {
                        retry(file, sFile);
                   } catch (Exception e1) {
                        throw new FileUploadException(e1.getMessage());
         }what am i doing wrong ?

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    String url="video.avi";
    if ((ml = new MediaLocator(url)) == null) {
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"Cannot build media locator from: " + url);
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    // Create a DataSource given the media locator.
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    ds = Manager.createDataSource(ml);
    catch (Exception e) {
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"Cannot create DataSource from: " + ml);
    return 1;
    p = Manager.createProcessor(ds);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"Failed to create a processor from the given url: " + e);
    return 1;
    } // end try-catch
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"Configure Processor.");
    // Put the Processor into configured state.
    if (!waitForState(p.Configured))
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"Failed to configure the processor.");
    return 1;
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"Configured Processor OK.");
    // So I can use it as a player.
    p.setContentDescriptor(new FileTypeDescriptor(FileTypeDescriptor.RAW_RTP));
    // videoTrack: track control for the video track
    DrawFrame draw= new DrawFrame(this);
    // Instantiate and set the frame access codec to the data flow path.
    try {
    Codec codec[] = {
    } catch (UnsupportedPlugInException e) {
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"The processor does not support effects.");
    } // end try-catch CodecChain creation
    if (!waitForState(p.Realized))
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"Failed to realize the processor.");
    return 1;
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"realized processor OK.");
    return 0;
    // It continues up to the end of the transmission, properly drawing each video frame and transmit them
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+" Create Transmit.");
    try {
    int result = createTransmitter();
    } catch (Exception e) {
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"Error Create Transmitter.");
    return 1;
    } // end try-catch transmitter
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"Start Procesor.");
    // Start the processor.
    return 0;
    } // end of main code
    * stop when event "EndOfMediaEvent"
    public int stop () {
    try {   
    p= null;
    for (int i = 0; i < rtpMgrs.length; i++)
    if (rtpMgrs==null) continue;
    Logger.log(ambito, refTrazas + "removeTargets;");
    rtpMgrs[i].removeTargets( "Session ended.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"Error Stoping:"+e);
    return 1;
    return 0;
    } // end of stop()
    * Controller Listener.
    public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent evt) {
    if (evt instanceof ConfigureCompleteEvent ||
    evt instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent ||
    evt instanceof PrefetchCompleteEvent) {
    synchronized (waitSync) {
    stateTransitionOK = true;
    } else if (evt instanceof ResourceUnavailableEvent) {
    synchronized (waitSync) {
    stateTransitionOK = false;
    } else if (evt instanceof EndOfMediaEvent) {
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"\nEvento EndOfMediaEvent.");
    else if (evt instanceof ControllerClosedEvent)
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"\nEvent ControllerClosedEvent");
    close = true;
    else if (evt instanceof StopByRequestEvent)
    Logger.log(ambito,refTrazas+"\nEvent StopByRequestEvent");
    stop =true;
    Many thanks.

    Its a bug on H263, if you test it without h263 track or with other video codec, the release will be ok.
    You can try to use a not-Sun h263 codec like the one from fobs or jffmpeg projects.

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    OK, Good this is a simple fix, BUT, what is really causing this issue, and how may it be fixed or repaired?
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    2) Apple Hardware Test (AHT):
    Shut down the MBP, press the power button, and hold down the "D" key, the system boots up as normal and does not enter the AHT.
    The File/Folder Finder sticking to the mouse pointer issue is very annoying.  Does anyone have a solution to resolve this issue?
    - Cheers

    HI Barbara,
    It sounds like the hard drive is failing or has failed. Boot from your Mac install disc and if you can run Disk Utility in case the startup disk needs repairs.
    Insert your install disk and Restart, holding down the "C" key until grey Apple appears.
    Go to Installer menu and launch Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in the left panel.
    Select First Aid in the Main panel.
    *(Check S.M.A.R.T Status of HDD at the bottom of right panel. It should say: Verified)*
    Click Repair Disk on the bottom right.
    If DU reports disk does not need repairs quit DU and restart.
    If DU reports errors Repair again and again until DU reports disk is repaired.
    When you are finished with DU, from the Menu Bar, select Utilities/Startup Manager.
    Select your start up disk and click Restart
    While you have the Disk Utility window open, look at the bottom of the window. Where you see Capacity and Available. *Make sure there is always 10% to 15% free disk space*
    If you cannot boot from your install disc, try booting in Safe Mode
    What is Safe Mode

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    Below is the deployment plan for fileadpater in use:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <deployment-plan xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" global-variables="false">
    <module-descriptor external="false">
    <module-descriptor external="false">
    <module-descriptor external="true">

    Hi Arik,
    To answer your questions :
    You are using HAFileAdapter in your processes JNDI defenitions? --Yes
    Check in your HAFileAdapter Connection Pool if Shrinking Enabled is set to true. --Its set to true
    I would recomend also to change the properties Test Connections On Reserve to true, and Test Frequency Seconds(900 is the default). --These properties are also in place

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    Have you tried repairing permissions?
    Go to Applications, then to Utilities, then open Disc Utilities, select the disc that's indented, then select Verify Disc Permissions, and when that has run its course, select Repair Disc Permissions.
    Hope that helps.
    See also the official info here:

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    " An error has occurred: Could not load file or assembly 'BusinessObjects.Enterprise.LanguageTools, Version=11.5.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. "

    Navigate to Installations and Upgrades - Entry by Application Group -> SAP BusinessObjects packages and products-> SBOP ENTERPRISE-> BOBJ ENTERPRISE XI R2

  • Release Management vNext Powershell Could not load file or assembly System.Management.Automation Version=

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    I'm also running Release Management with update 4 (12.0.31101.0) and am running into trouble when trying to run my first dummy release.
    I have setup my servers, stages, releases paths, components and release template (all vNext) with out issue.
    When I run my Release Template (Deploy Using PS/DSC) I'm getting the following error :-
    System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException:
    Could not load file or assembly 'System.Management.Automation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies.
    The system cannot find the file specified.
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.DevTestLabs.Deployment.Deployment.PowershellExecutor.DisposeCurrentSession()
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.DevTestLabs.Deployment.Deployment.RemoteDeploymentHelper.Dispose()
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.DevTestLabs.Deployment.Deployment.DeploymentClient.<RunAsync>d__11.MoveNext()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
       at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
       at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.DevTestLabs.Deployment.Deployment.DeploymentClient.<RunPowerShellAsync>d__1.MoveNext()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
       at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
       at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.EnvironmentProvider.OnPrem.Implementation.OnPremDeploymentProvider.<CopyBuildsLocally>d__5.MoveNext()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
       at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
       at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.EnvironmentProvider.OnPrem.Implementation.OnPremDeploymentProvider.<RunScript>d__0.MoveNext()
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.MonitorServices.Dsc.OnPrem.OnPremDeploymentActions.InvokePlatform(String activityId, MachineSpecification machineSpecification, StorageSpecification storageSpecification, String scriptPath, String configurationPath,
    Dictionary`2 configurationVariables)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.MonitorServices.Dsc.OnPrem.OnPremDeploymentActions.RunScript(DscComponent dscComponentParameters, String serverName, String userName, String password, String componentName, String scriptPath, String configurationPath,
    String useCredSecuritySupportProvider, String useHttps, String skipCACheck)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
       at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
       at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.DeploymentAgent.Services.Deployer.Dsc.DscComponentInstaller.InvokeMethodByReflection(String methodArguments)
    I can't work out if my target machine (2008 R2 SP1) has a problem with WMA 3.0 or if the Release Template can't find the powershell script that I'm trying to call.  I figured that the relative path to the script could be wrong and have tried numerous
    iterations to no effect.  The error clearly points to a problem with WMA right?
    The target machine has .Net Framework 4.0, WMA Framework 3.0 and I can run Enter-PSSession to remote to it etc...
    Before I trash and rebuild my target machine I hoping someone may have some insight to my problem?
    Thanks in Advance

    The PS Script is taken from an MSDN blog and is fairly standard.  I'm sure it will run fine when executed, but I've not run it as it requires environment variables ($applicationPath) that will be present in the Release Management session calling it. 
    Here's the script :-
    configuration InstallModules
            # Target nodes to apply the configuration
            [string[]]$NodeName = 'localhost',
            # Source Path for Modules
            [String]$SourcePath = "$applicationPath\Deploy\Modules",
            # Destination path for Modules
            [String]$DestinationPath = "$env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowershell\Modules"
        Node $NodeName
            # Copy the Modules
            File ModuleContent
                Ensure          = "Present"
                SourcePath      = $SourcePath
                DestinationPath = $DestinationPath
                Recurse         = $true
                Type            = "Directory"

  • File lock not released

    I am unable to delete certain files as JDeveloper does not release locks on them. One use case is when I run a build file to create a jar, war or ear file. After executing the builld, I open the file (this is when JDeveloper locks these files, I think) to check the structure and contents of the generated file. Trying to run the build again fails because, JDeveloper does not release the locks on existing file that was generated during the previous build. I have to restart JDeveloper to delete the file.

    In the meantime if you are working on the XP platform (I am guessing) then you might want to venture a look at this little program called Unlocker that is a free little utility that shows what process is grabbing the file and preventing deletion or modification and then presents to you suitable options of what to do in that situation. I have used it countless times and it works like a charm.


    작성날짜 : 2002-04-11
    This article describes "2Gb" issues. It gives information on why 2Gb
    is a magical number and outlines the issues you need to know about if
    you are considering using Oracle with files larger than 2Gb in size.
    It also
    looks at some other file related limits and issues.
    The article has a Unix bias as this is where most of the 2Gb issues
    arise but there is information relevant to other (non-unix)
    Articles giving port specific limits are listed in the last section.
    Topics covered include:
    Why is 2Gb a Special Number ?
    Why use 2Gb+ Datafiles ?
    Export and 2Gb
    SQL*Loader and 2Gb
    Oracle and other 2Gb issues
    Port Specific Information on "Large Files"
    Why is 2Gb a Special Number ?
    Many CPU's and system call interfaces (API's) in use today use a word
    size of 32 bits. This word size imposes limits on many operations.
    In many cases the standard API's for file operations use a 32-bit signed
    word to represent both file size and current position within a file (byte
    displacement). A 'signed' 32bit word uses the top most bit as a sign
    indicator leaving only 31 bits to represent the actual value (positive or
    negative). In hexadecimal the largest positive number that can be
    represented in in 31 bits is 0x7FFFFFFF , which is +2147483647 decimal.
    This is ONE less than 2Gb.
    Files of 2Gb or more are generally known as 'large files'. As one might
    expect problems can start to surface once you try to use the number
    2147483648 or higher in a 32bit environment. To overcome this problem
    recent versions of operating systems have defined new system calls which
    typically use 64-bit addressing for file sizes and offsets. Recent Oracle
    releases make use of these new interfaces but there are a number of issues
    one should be aware of before deciding to use 'large files'.
    What does this mean when using Oracle ?
    The 32bit issue affects Oracle in a number of ways. In order to use large
    files you need to have:
    1. An operating system that supports 2Gb+ files or raw devices
    2. An operating system which has an API to support I/O on 2Gb+ files
    3. A version of Oracle which uses this API
    Today most platforms support large files and have 64bit APIs for such
    Releases of Oracle from 7.3 onwards usually make use of these 64bit APIs
    but the situation is very dependent on platform, operating system version
    and the Oracle version. In some cases 'large file' support is present by
    default, while in other cases a special patch may be required.
    At the time of writing there are some tools within Oracle which have not
    been updated to use the new API's, most notably tools like EXPORT and
    SQL*LOADER, but again the exact situation is platform and version specific.
    Why use 2Gb+ Datafiles ?
    In this section we will try to summarise the advantages and disadvantages
    of using "large" files / devices for Oracle datafiles:
    Advantages of files larger than 2Gb:
    On most platforms Oracle7 supports up to 1022 datafiles.
    With files < 2Gb this limits the database size to less than 2044Gb.
    This is not an issue with Oracle8 which supports many more files.
    In reality the maximum database size would be less than 2044Gb due
    to maintaining separate data in separate tablespaces. Some of these
    may be much less than 2Gb in size.
    Less files to manage for smaller databases.
    Less file handle resources required
    Disadvantages of files larger than 2Gb:
    The unit of recovery is larger. A 2Gb file may take between 15 minutes
    and 1 hour to backup / restore depending on the backup media and
    disk speeds. An 8Gb file may take 4 times as long.
    Parallelism of backup / recovery operations may be impacted.
    There may be platform specific limitations - Eg: Asynchronous IO
    operations may be serialised above the 2Gb mark.
    As handling of files above 2Gb may need patches, special configuration
    etc.. there is an increased risk involved as opposed to smaller files.
    Eg: On certain AIX releases Asynchronous IO serialises above 2Gb.
    Important points if using files >= 2Gb
    Check with the OS Vendor to determine if large files are supported
    and how to configure for them.
    Check with the OS Vendor what the maximum file size actually is.
    Check with Oracle support if any patches or limitations apply
    on your platform , OS version and Oracle version.
    Remember to check again if you are considering upgrading either
    Oracle or the OS in case any patches are required in the release
    you are moving to.
    Make sure any operating system limits are set correctly to allow
    access to large files for all users.
    Make sure any backup scripts can also cope with large files.
    Note that there is still a limit to the maximum file size you
    can use for datafiles above 2Gb in size. The exact limit depends
    on the DB_BLOCK_SIZE of the database and the platform. On most
    platforms (Unix, NT, VMS) the limit on file size is around
    Important notes generally
    Be careful when allowing files to automatically resize. It is
    sensible to always limit the MAXSIZE for AUTOEXTEND files to less
    than 2Gb if not using 'large files', and to a sensible limit
    otherwise. Note that due to <Bug:568232> it is possible to specify
    an value of MAXSIZE larger than Oracle can cope with which may
    result in internal errors after the resize occurs. (Errors
    typically include ORA-600 [3292])
    On many platforms Oracle datafiles have an additional header
    block at the start of the file so creating a file of 2Gb actually
    requires slightly more than 2Gb of disk space. On Unix platforms
    the additional header for datafiles is usually DB_BLOCK_SIZE bytes
    but may be larger when creating datafiles on raw devices.
    2Gb related Oracle Errors:
    These are a few of the errors which may occur when a 2Gb limit
    is present. They are not in any particular order.
    ORA-01119 Error in creating datafile xxxx
    ORA-27044 unable to write header block of file
    SVR4 Error: 22: Invalid argument
    ORA-19502 write error on file 'filename', blockno x (blocksize=nn)
    ORA-27070 skgfdisp: async read/write failed
    ORA-02237 invalid file size
    KCF:write/open error dba=xxxxxx block=xxxx online=xxxx file=xxxxxxxx
    file limit exceed.
    Unix error 27, EFBIG
    Export and 2Gb
    2Gb Export File Size
    At the time of writing most versions of export use the default file
    open API when creating an export file. This means that on many platforms
    it is impossible to export a file of 2Gb or larger to a file system file.
    There are several options available to overcome 2Gb file limits with
    export such as:
    - It is generally possible to write an export > 2Gb to a raw device.
    Obviously the raw device has to be large enough to fit the entire
    export into it.
    - By exporting to a named pipe (on Unix) one can compress, zip or
    split up the output.
    See: "Quick Reference to Exporting >2Gb on Unix" <Note:30528.1>
    - One can export to tape (on most platforms)
    See "Exporting to tape on Unix systems" <Note:30428.1>
    (This article also describes in detail how to export to
    a unix pipe, remote shell etc..)
    Other 2Gb Export Issues
    Oracle has a maximum extent size of 2Gb. Unfortunately there is a problem
    with EXPORT on many releases of Oracle such that if you export a large table
    and specify COMPRESS=Y then it is possible for the NEXT storage clause
    of the statement in the EXPORT file to contain a size above 2Gb. This
    will cause import to fail even if IGNORE=Y is specified at import time.
    This issue is reported in <Bug:708790> and is alerted in <Note:62436.1>
    An export will typically report errors like this when it hits a 2Gb
    . . exporting table BIGEXPORT
    EXP-00015: error on row 10660 of table BIGEXPORT,
    column MYCOL, datatype 96
    EXP-00002: error in writing to export file
    EXP-00002: error in writing to export file
    EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully
    There is a secondary issue reported in <Bug:185855> which indicates that
    a full database export generates a CREATE TABLESPACE command with the
    file size specified in BYTES. If the filesize is above 2Gb this may
    cause an ORA-2237 error when attempting to create the file on IMPORT.
    This issue can be worked around be creating the tablespace prior to
    importing by specifying the file size in 'M' instead of in bytes.
    <Bug:490837> indicates a similar problem.
    Export to Tape
    The VOLSIZE parameter for export is limited to values less that 4Gb.
    On some platforms may be only 2Gb.
    This is corrected in Oracle 8i. <Bug:490190> describes this problem.
    SQL*Loader and 2Gb
    Typically SQL*Loader will error when it attempts to open an input
    file larger than 2Gb with an error of the form:
    SQL*Loader-500: Unable to open file (bigfile.dat)
    SVR4 Error: 79: Value too large for defined data type
    The examples in <Note:30528.1> can be modified to for use with SQL*Loader
    for large input data files.
    Oracle 8.0.6 provides large file support for discard and log files in
    SQL*Loader but the maximum input data file size still varies between
    platforms. See <Bug:948460> for details of the input file limit.
    <Bug:749600> covers the maximum discard file size.
    Oracle and other 2Gb issues
    This sections lists miscellaneous 2Gb issues:
    - From Oracle 8.0.5 onwards 64bit releases are available on most platforms.
    An extract from the 8.0.5 README file introduces these - see <Note:62252.1>
    - DBV (the database verification file program) may not be able to scan
    datafiles larger than 2Gb reporting "DBV-100".
    This is reported in <Bug:710888>
    - "DATAFILE ... SIZE xxxxxx" clauses of SQL commands in Oracle must be
    specified in 'M' or 'K' to create files larger than 2Gb otherwise the
    error "ORA-02237: invalid file size" is reported. This is documented
    in <Bug:185855>.
    - Tablespace quotas cannot exceed 2Gb on releases before Oracle 7.3.4.
    Eg: ALTER USER <username> QUOTA 2500M ON <tablespacename>
    ORA-2187: invalid quota specification.
    This is documented in <Bug:425831>.
    The workaround is to grant users UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege if they
    need a quota above 2Gb.
    - Tools which spool output may error if the spool file reaches 2Gb in size.
    Eg: sqlplus spool output.
    - Certain 'core' functions in Oracle tools do not support large files -
    See <Bug:749600> which is fixed in Oracle 8.0.6 and 8.1.6.
    Note that this fix is NOT in Oracle 8.1.5 nor in any patch set.
    Even with this fix there may still be large file restrictions as not
    all code uses these 'core' functions.
    Note though that <Bug:749600> covers CORE functions - some areas of code
    may still have problems.
    Eg: CORE is not used for SQL*Loader input file I/O
    - The UTL_FILE package uses the 'core' functions mentioned above and so is
    limited by 2Gb restrictions Oracle releases which do not contain this fix.
    <Package:UTL_FILE> is a PL/SQL package which allows file IO from within
    Port Specific Information on "Large Files"
    Below are references to information on large file support for specific
    platforms. Although every effort is made to keep the information in
    these articles up-to-date it is still advisable to carefully test any
    operation which reads or writes from / to large files:
    Platform See
    ~~~~~~~~ ~~~
    AIX (RS6000 / SP) <Note:60888.1>
    HP <Note:62407.1>
    Digital Unix <Note:62426.1>
    Sequent PTX <Note:62415.1>
    Sun Solaris <Note:62409.1>
    Windows NT Maximum 4Gb files on FAT
    Theoretical 16Tb on NTFS
    ** See <Note:67421.1> before using large files
    on NT with Oracle8
    *2 There is a problem with DBVERIFY on 8.1.6
    See <Bug:1372172>

    I'm not aware of a packaged PL/SQL solution for this in Oracle - however it is very easy to create such a program...
    Step 1
    Write a simple Java program like the one listed:
    public class fileCheckUtl {
    public static int fileExists(String FileName) {
    File x = new File(FileName);
    if (x.exists())
    return 1;
    else return 0;
    public static void main (String args[]) {
    fileCheckUtl f = new fileCheckUtl();
    int i;
    i = f.fileExists(args[0]);
    Step 2 Load this into the Oracle data using LoadJava
    loadjava -verbose -resolve -user user/pw@db
    The output should be something like this:
    creating : source fileCheckUtl
    loading : source fileCheckUtl
    creating : fileCheckUtl
    resolving: source fileCheckUtl
    Step 3 - Create a PL/SQL wrapper for the Java Class:
    NAME 'fileCheckUtl.fileExists(java.lang.String) return int';
    Step 4 Test it:
    SQL> select file_check_utl('f:\myjava\') from dual
    2 /

  • I can not share file from Jabber for Iphone and Android

    Hi guys.
    I have:
    CUCM9.1/Publisher y Subscriber
    System version:
    System version:
    Expressway x8.1.1
    Cisco Cisco Expressway-E
    Expressway x8.1.1
    Cisco Expressway-C
    Jabber for Android and Iphone 10.6
    I do not have "file transfer"  and my Iphone an Android.
    I don not have "share desktop" from internet on my windows jabber.
    The calls and chat is working fine, but when I wante send a file, the option on my iphone is disable.

    Hi dennisalpizar07,
     check this:
    Jabber for Android officially supports receive BFCP video sharing on TAB devices (normally used for Android Tablets without native calling capability).
    The Jabber for Android 10.6 release enters a beta trial on receiving BFCP video sharing on BOT devices (normally used for Android smartphones and phablets)
     page 2 of the Cisco Jabber for Android 10.6.x Release Notes.
    Hope this helps.

  • Sending an email from Lotus Notes release 5.0.4a

    I need to write java code for sending an email from Lotus Notes release 5.0.4a.
    Initially, I tried using Lotus Domino Toolkit for java, but the current release, "Lotus Domino ToolKit for Java/Corba release 5.0.8" is not compatible with the notes client/server we are using(5.0.4a).
    Now, I am trying to use "Lotus Domino Toolkit 2.1" which supports notes version 5.0.3 and higher, but I couldnot find out how to use it to send email.
    Is there are other way in which we can connect to Lotus Notes for sending email. I cannot use SMTP as the Lotus Notes administrator is afraid of security issues so there is no possibility that I can connect to Domino server using java mail API by enabling SMTP on the Domino server.
    I would be thankful if somebody can help me to do this.

    First off - This is very "off topic"
    The Domino SMTP server is not hard to lock down. Any Notes Admin worth his/her salt should know how to do it. Try to persuade them to run the SMTP stuff using name and password authentication only, or restrict access to an IP address range. This is all easy stuff.
    Otherwise DIIOP/CORBA is one way to go. If your toolkit jar files don't work with the server then try using the ones on the server. Look in %noteshome%\data\domino\java for the ncso.jar file.
    This works for me on an AS/400 java VM to WinNT/Linux Domino servers of various versions.
    How to create an email using this method is again not difficult. All you really need is a blank database template. You have to create a document with certain fields in it (all documented) and then save it. That's all there is to it.
    Word of warning DIIOP is not very rapid and careless coding can create problems. Ensure that once you have finished a session you make sure you close it else you will have continual connection problems.
    Try searching around the domino/notes groups on how to actually do this.

  • Mail.jar is locked when sending a mail using servlet and not releasing

    Hi everybody,
    The mail.jar is locked in tomcat while sending the first message and not released until the tomcat get restarts.
    the problem is not recorded in any logs.
    1. Please create a servlet that sends mail
    2. Send a mail to any mailid
    3. then after the mail is send please try to delete the mail.jar or please deploy the same servlet again with some small changes (for redeploying take place only a few changes is there - please change any strings a little bit)
    then try to send mail using this servlet will not send mail becoause it will not redployed correctely.
    when i removed Transport.send(msg); from code it works fine. but ??
    please help me to recover from this issue. i don't want to turn on tomcat antiJarlocking and antiresourcelocking to true, becaouse this craete many other problems.
    please help me to recover from this issue.

    hi friend
    I am using advanced version of jdk. i i have used many other jar files like mysqlconnector, logging, commonhttpclient, etc.... the only problem is with mail.jar. that locks are released when its use completed, but the lock holds until tomcat shutdown in mail.jar.
    what may be the reason?

  • OIM 11g using too much memory and not releasing it when shutting down

    we have a problem with OIM 11g using too much memory (about 5gb) and it's not releasing it at shutdown (4gb still used).
    We are using a VM with RedHat Linux 5.6. Originally we had 4gb RAM + 2gb swap file. We installed Admin Server, OAM, OIM and SOA on that machine but quickly realised we couldn't run all 4 programs at once in 6gb. AdminServer could run with 2 other products, but it was a tight fit in memory.
    So we increased the RAM to 8gb (still 2gb swap file). But then our problem occured : I start the Admin Server (2.7gb total memory used), then OAM (4.6gb total memory used) and then OIM. After it started the server is now using 9.6gb of memory (~300mb of free memory) ! The problem gets even better : after I shut down everything (OIM, OAM, admin server) the "top" command show that there is still 4gb of memory used even tho nothing else is running on the server ! There is absolutely no other process (other than root stuff) running and no other users connected to the machine. After a reboot, it shows 400mb of memory used. I tried restarting the programs and it did the same thing.
    Our intuition is that there might be a memory leak or some bug in OIM that might use up almost all the free memory and it's not releasing it upon shutdown. It might have been there before we increased the memory but have not noticed it since memory was already tight.
    Anyone encountered the same problem ? Any idea ? Any suggestion to narrow down the problem ?
    Thank you

    You can adjust the memory settings for WLS by editing the file that can be found in your /middleware/user_projects/domains/<domain>/bin/ folder. There is an argument called PORT_MEM_ARGS which is used to set your Java memory arguments. This way you can decrease/increase the amount of memory used by each managed server.
    I usually type "ps -ef | grep oracle" to see what processes are running by the oracle user. This way the output doesn't get cluttered with root processes.
    Sunny Tsang

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