Final Cut Pro X Export Fails

There's this project. When I open it it looks like below. I have to double click on the thin line to see the timeline. Anyone know if this is normal and how to fix?
But there's a bigger issue. See pic nr 2. The timeline is shaded (diagonal stripes). What does this indicate? Exports fail. When I export it only saves the first frame of the movie in a .mov file. The export process dialog finishes immediately (less than a second). There are no errors reported, and nothing in console.log.
Previewing in fcpx itself works fine. Other projects export OK.
Anyone know what the cause might be?

It looks to me like you have a compound clip (first picture) in your timeline that has been edited down to 1 frame. when you double click the clip it opens up the compound editor and you see video, audio, transitions, and connected storylines with gray horizontal lines "graying them out" (second picture). Do what Tom has suggested and then place your selection tool over either end of the clip to drag out the edit point to reveal all the hidden content of the compound clip. Once you have done this you can double click the clip again and will see all the content in the compound editor will no longer be "grayed out".
I hope this helps!

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    You don't need to render before export.
    Rendering is for playback.
    If your project plays OK from the storyline, you can safely turn off rendering in preferences.

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    I'm going to guess that you have a problematic clip(s) that FCP isn't happy with. Is your project all from the same source (camera, download, rip, etc
    Also, how long is your project? There was a recent post where I was convinced that he had a corrupted clip and it turned out simply that the file size was too big.
    But your error code indicates clip trouble.

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    You have two problems.
    1. As David noted, you are running a non compatible version (PPC) of Final Cut Pro on your intel machine. This is not supported and will cause all sorts of quirky behavior. The only way to solve this issue is to upgrade to a universal binary version.
    2. The animation codec is intended as a means to transfer files between programs in a lossless manner. It is not intended to be edited on low power machines and CERTAINLY not on the system drive. Things may work better with an edit friendly codec.
    As far as the general crashing, there is no telling at this point whether your files are simply corrupted, the preferences are corrupted, the non-intel nature of the program is causing the crashes as you stress the process during renders or what.
    If it is a corrupted file - pay attention to where the render fails. THe files around that point are suspect.
    If it is a corrupted pref file, use a program like FCP Rescue 5 to delete the FCP preference files.
    Good luck.

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    Just turned off background rendering.
    I'm not certain what you mean for specs in a specific point in the video, but here are the specs for the entire edit I initially received:
    Dimensions: 1920 X 1080
    Codecs: H.264, AAC, Timecode
    2 Audio Channels
    Total bit rate: 12,083
    Size: 951,735,770 bytes (951.7 MB on disk)
    Here are the specs for the exported video that has the audio issue:
    Dimensions: 1920 X 1080
    Codecs: H.264, AAC, Timecode
    2 Audio Channels
    Total bit rate: 12,274
    Size: 966,817,082 bytes (966.8 MB on disk)
    The video is 10:28 minutes long and the audio leaves at 5:57.
    If that wasn't what you were looking for, just let me know. I'm not very good with technical stuff sometimes so may have misunderstood.
    Is there something I should have done to the piece before I began color correcting it, like transcoding?

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    If you are talking about the Canvas and Viewer windows... make sure that their size is set at FIT TO WINDOW Top left button in the viewer and canvas window.
    If you are talking about something else, please give us some more details.

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    I am having an almost identical problem:
    Trying to export (doesn’t matter to what: Master File, Apple Device, etc. all lead to the same result) the project I am working on is producing a black screen with no audio (for the length of the project) – only the start and end titles get rendered.
    The project plays fine in FCP X 10.0.9; the initial screen on the export dialog produces a correct looking screenshot (with both the picture and title visible), and predicts realistic sizes for the export file, which ends up being tiny by comparison.
    Other projects with a similar workflow are exporting fine: basically I have shot a couple of concerts, and each project is one song with start and end credits and some color correction, stabilization, etc.
    The source was 1080P video from a Canon SLR 5D Mark III, and it is being exported to 1080P -- however, I don't think that's relevant, because video from the same source to the same export files worked fine before - FCP X can obviously handle the format involved.
    I tried deleting the FCP X preferences -- didn’t help. I had already tried deleting the render files.
    Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

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    Also does anyone know where the audio setting are on FCPX?

    Hi aussiearn
    The process you suggested worked beautifully: images clear and true sound accurate.
    I have over 100 30 to 60-minute videos to put on a client's YouTube channel. Using the YouTube settings in Compressor my first uploads colours were looking washed out, and the audio progressively slipped when played via the Safari browser. Your advice has fixed this issue, so thank you for taking the time to post.
    To clarify what I understood your process to be for others who may wish to use it:
    In FCPX choose 'Share' from the menu bar
    Select 'Export Media'
    In the options presented: 'Export' should be set to 'Video and Audio'; 'Video codec' as H.264; 'Audio file format' will be greyed out but show Quicktime Movie; 'Open with' will show 'QuickTime (default)'. Click 'Next'.
    You'll be presented with 'Save As' options. Name the file and select where you want it to go on your drive(s), and click 'Save'.
    Export will begin: my 6.84GB video, which was 45-minutes of 1920 x 1080 at 23.98fps, took about 35 minutes using a Macbook Pro 2.2 Ghz Intel Core i7 with 8 GB of RAM
    When the export is complete the video should automatically open in QuickTime.
    Within QuickTime go to 'File' on the menu bar and choose 'Export for Web', which is at the bottom of the drop-down menu
    You'll be presented with a box that says 'Export versions of your movie optimized for web-delivery to iPhone and the desktop'. Pick what you want to name the file in the 'Export as' and then where you want it to go in 'Where' (obviously enough). You can save in three versions for different contexts, but I chose only to save as 'Broadband', with the best quality as YouTube will automatically create different versions later. Click 'Export'.
    An 'Export Progress' box should appear. My file took around 45-minutes to process.
    At the end of the process you will find a folder with your chosen name, rather than a file. Click on tha folder, then click on the 'Resources' Folder you will find in side. Amongst other files you'll find a .m4v file with 'broadband' at the end of the name. Rename the file and change the suffix '.m4v' to '.mp4' and upload to YouTube.
    As you said this seems to save a lot of time compared to compressor (perhaps half the time?) The file that began the process at 6.84 GB ended as 1.16 GB, and looks and sounds great.
    Thank you,

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