Find actual %%EOF end of file

I am trying to identify a PDF-file in a binary data stream.
I realize a PDF starts with %PDF and ends with %%EOF, but since there can be multiple %%EOF markers in one file, how do I determine the actual file end?
For technical reasons, I would prefer to follow the direction of the PDF, i.e., go from %PDF to %%EOF.
Any comment is appreciated.

Start at the end and work backwards.
If you can not do that, then keep searching for the last %%EOF.

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  • JButton method use BOF(Begin Of File) and EOF(End Of File) like VB?

    hii all friends :)
    I use Oracle Jdeveloper 10G to design with JClient Method.
    i want design navigation button use JButton(swing) not use JUNavigationBar.
    but i don,t understand how can i check last record and fist record like in Visual basic use Method BOF(Begin Of File) and EOF(End Of File)? What method/syntax in java i use it?
    Can u(all friend in comunity forum) help and teach me how?..
    Befors, thanks alot :)
    Fok Shen

    Thank,s kanad.
    I already try it, but method "isBeforeFirst" and "isAfterLast" not found in javax.swing.Jbutton.
    i used Oracle Jdeveloper 10G or version , choose swing/Jclient for ADF under the client tier node and then choose Empty Form Wizard to build an application based on the business components From Table.
    i use JMenuBar to create MDI Form.
    this is Master Application:
    package JClientTemp.view;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import oracle.jbo.RowIterator;
    import oracle.jbo.Row;
    import oracle.jbo.common.DefLocaleContext;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.*;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.*;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.*;
    import oracle.jbo.common.JBOClass;
    import oracle.adf.model.*;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.*;
    import oracle.adf.model.generic.*;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.*;
    import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
    import javax.swing.JMenu;
    import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
    import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    import java.awt.Event;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    public class JClientForm extends JFrame
    //public static TypeForm FormType(); // Syntax untuk Panggil form
    // form layout
    private GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
    private BorderLayout borderLayout = new BorderLayout();
    //private TypeForm FormType = new TypeForm();
    private TypeForm FormType; // Setting variable untuk call frame
    // panel definition used in design time
    private JUPanelBinding panelBinding = new JUPanelBinding("JClientFormUIModel");
    // Navigation bar
    // private JUNavigationBar navBar = new JUNavigationBar();
    // The status bar
    private JUStatusBar statusBar = new JUStatusBar();
    // The form's top panel
    private JPanel topPanel = new JPanel();
    private JPanel dataPanel = new JPanel();
    private JMenuBar menubarFrame = new JMenuBar();
    private JMenu menuFile = new JMenu();
    private JMenuItem itemFileCompList = new JMenuItem();
    private JMenuItem itemFileType = new JMenuItem();
    private JMenuItem itemFileInventory = new JMenuItem();
    private JMenuItem itemFileExit = new JMenuItem();
    //private JUNavigationBar hiddenNavBar = new JUNavigationBar();
    * the JbInit method
    public void jbInit() throws Exception
    // form layout
    itemFileCompList.setText("Computer List");
    itemFileType.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F4, Event.ALT_MASK, false));
    itemFileType.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    itemFileExit.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F4, Event.ALT_MASK, false));
    itemFileExit.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    this.setTitle("Master Form");
    this.setSize(new Dimension(400, 300));
    //topPanel.add(navBar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    topPanel.add(dataPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    topPanel.add(statusBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    //hiddenNavBar.setModel(JUNavigationBar.createPanelBinding(panelBinding, hiddenNavBar));
    //navBar.setModel(JUNavigationBar.createPanelBinding(panelBinding, navBar));
    statusBar.setModel(JUStatusBar.createPanelBinding(panelBinding, statusBar));
    public static void main(String [] args)
    catch(Exception exemp)
    // bootstrap application
    JUMetaObjectManager.setBaseErrorHandler(new JUErrorHandlerDlg());
    JUMetaObjectManager mgr = JUMetaObjectManager.getJUMom();
    BindingContext ctx = new BindingContext();
    ctx.put(DataControlFactory.APP_PARAM_ENV_INFO, new JUEnvInfoProvider());
    ctx.setLocaleContext(new DefLocaleContext(null));
    HashMap map = new HashMap(4);
    map.put(DataControlFactory.APP_PARAMS_BINDING_CONTEXT, ctx);
    mgr.loadCpx("DataBindings.cpx", map);
    JClientForm frame = new JClientForm();
    Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    Dimension frameSize = frame.getSize();
    // run this form
    if (frameSize.height > screenSize.height)
    frameSize.height = screenSize.height;
    if (frameSize.width > screenSize.width)
    frameSize.width = screenSize.width;
    frame.setLocation((screenSize.width - frameSize.width) / 2, (screenSize.height - frameSize.height) / 2);
    catch(Exception ex)
    JUMetaObjectManager.reportException(null, ex);
    private int _popupTransactionDialog()
    if (panelBinding == null || panelBinding.getPanel() == null)
    return JOptionPane.NO_OPTION;
    if (panelBinding.isTransactionDirty())
    Object [] options = {"Commit", "Rollback"};
    int action = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(JClientForm.this, "How do you want to close the transaction?", "Transaction open", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[(0)]);
    switch (action)
    case JOptionPane.NO_OPTION:
    case JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION:
    case JOptionPane.YES_OPTION:
    return action;
    return JOptionPane.NO_OPTION;
    public JUPanelBinding getPanelBinding()
    return panelBinding;
    public void setPanelBinding(JUPanelBinding binding)
    if (binding.getPanel() == null)
    if (panelBinding == null || panelBinding.getPanel() == null)
    panelBinding = binding;
    catch(Exception ex)
    * The default constructor for form
    public JClientForm()
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
    //int action = _popupTransactionDialog();
    //if (action != JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION)
    public void setBindingContext(BindingContext bindCtx)
    if (panelBinding.getPanel() == null)
    panelBinding = panelBinding.setup(bindCtx, this);
    catch(Exception ex)
    private void registerProjectGlobalVariables(BindingContext bindCtx)
    JUUtil.registerNavigationBarInterface(panelBinding, bindCtx);
    private void unRegisterProjectGlobalVariables(BindingContext bindCtx)
    JUUtil.unRegisterNavigationBarInterface(panelBinding, bindCtx);
    private void item_file_exit_action(ActionEvent e)
    //int action = _popupTransactionDialog();
    //if (action != JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION)
    private void itemFileType_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    if (FormType==null)
    And Then that is Sub Application :
    package JClientTemp.view;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import oracle.jbo.RowIterator;
    import oracle.jbo.Row;
    import oracle.jbo.common.DefLocaleContext;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.*;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.*;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.*;
    import oracle.jbo.common.JBOClass;
    import oracle.adf.model.*;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.*;
    import oracle.adf.model.generic.*;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.*;
    import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JULabel;
    import java.awt.Rectangle;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.jui.JULabelBinding;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import javax.swing.text.Document;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.table.TableModel;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.ButtonModel;
    import java.awt.Font;
    import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
    import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
    import javax.swing.border.BevelBorder;
    import oracle.jbo.uicli.controls.JUNavigationBar;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.Component;
    public class extends
    // Constructors
    public EOFException();
    public EOFException(String s);
    //import javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel;
    //import javax.swing.table.JTableHeader;
    //public static TypeForm FormType();
    public class TypeForm extends JFrame
    // form layout
    private GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
    private BorderLayout borderLayout = new BorderLayout();
    // panel definition used in design time
    private JUPanelBinding panelBinding = new JUPanelBinding("TypeFormUIModel");
    // Navigation bar
    // private JUNavigationBar navBar = new JUNavigationBar();
    // The status bar
    private JUStatusBar statusBar = new JUStatusBar();
    // The form's top panel
    private JPanel topPanel = new JPanel();
    //private JUNavigationBar hiddenNavBar = new JUNavigationBar();
    private JTabbedPane mainTab = new JTabbedPane();
    private JPanel tabTypeBC = new JPanel();
    private JPanel tabTypeSC = new JPanel();
    private JPanel tabTypeHC = new JPanel();
    private JULabel LblTypeBC = new JULabel();
    private JULabel LblDecTBC = new JULabel();
    private JTextField TxtTypeBC = new JTextField();
    private JTextField TxtDecTBC = new JTextField();
    private JScrollPane TBCScrollPane = new JScrollPane();
    private JTable TypeBCTable = new JTable();
    private JULabel LblTypeSC = new JULabel();
    private JULabel LblDecSC = new JULabel();
    private JTextField TxtTypeSC = new JTextField();
    private JTextField TxtDecTSC = new JTextField();
    private JScrollPane TSCScrollPane = new JScrollPane();
    private JTable TypeSCTable = new JTable();
    private JULabel LblTypeHC = new JULabel();
    private JULabel LblDecTHC = new JULabel();
    private JTextField TxtTypeHC = new JTextField();
    private JTextField TxtDecTHC = new JTextField();
    private JScrollPane THCScrollPane = new JScrollPane();
    private JTable TypeHCTable = new JTable();
    private JButton BtFirst = new JButton();
    private JButton BtPrev = new JButton();
    private JButton BtNext = new JButton();
    private JButton BtLast = new JButton();
    private JButton BtAdd = new JButton();
    private JButton BtDel = new JButton();
    private JButton BtSearch = new JButton();
    private JButton BtSubmit = new JButton();
    private JButton BtCommit = new JButton();
    private JButton BtRollback = new JButton();
    private JButton BFist = new JButton();
    private JButton BPrev = new JButton();
    private JButton BNext = new JButton();
    private JButton BLast = new JButton();
    private JButton BAdd = new JButton();
    private JButton BDelete = new JButton();
    private JButton BSearch = new JButton();
    private JButton BSubmit = new JButton();
    private JButton BCommit = new JButton();
    private JButton BRollBack = new JButton();
    private JButton BtClose = new JButton();
    private JButton BClose = new JButton();
    private JButton BhFirst = new JButton();
    private JButton BhPrev = new JButton();
    private JButton BhNext = new JButton();
    private JButton BhLast = new JButton();
    private JButton BhAdd = new JButton();
    private JButton BhDelete = new JButton();
    private JButton BhSearch = new JButton();
    private JButton BhSubmit = new JButton();
    private JButton BhCommit = new JButton();
    private JButton BhRollback = new JButton();
    private JButton BhClose = new JButton();
    //private TableColumnModel tableColumnModel1 = new javax.swing.table.DefaultTableColumnModel();
    * the JbInit method
    public void jbInit() throws Exception
    // form layout
    this.setTitle("Form Type");
    LblTypeBC.setBounds(new Rectangle(15, 45, 115, 15));
    LblDecTBC.setBounds(new Rectangle(15, 70, 115, 15));
    TxtTypeBC.setBounds(new Rectangle(135, 45, 85, 20));
    TxtDecTBC.setBounds(new Rectangle(135, 70, 185, 20));
    TBCScrollPane.setBounds(new Rectangle(15, 105, 305, 110));
    LblTypeSC.setBounds(new Rectangle(10, 50, 140, 15));
    LblDecSC.setBounds(new Rectangle(10, 75, 140, 15));
    TxtTypeSC.setBounds(new Rectangle(155, 50, 85, 20));
    TxtDecTSC.setBounds(new Rectangle(155, 75, 155, 20));
    TSCScrollPane.setBounds(new Rectangle(10, 110, 300, 105));
    LblTypeHC.setBounds(new Rectangle(10, 50, 140, 15));
    LblDecTHC.setBounds(new Rectangle(10, 75, 140, 15));
    TxtTypeHC.setBounds(new Rectangle(150, 45, 100, 20));
    TxtDecTHC.setBounds(new Rectangle(150, 75, 160, 20));
    THCScrollPane.setBounds(new Rectangle(10, 105, 300, 115));
    BtFirst.setBounds(new Rectangle(15, 10, 20, 25));
    BtFirst.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 8));
    BtFirst.setToolTipText("Move First Record");
    BtPrev.setBounds(new Rectangle(35, 10, 20, 25));
    BtPrev.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 8));
    BtPrev.setToolTipText("Move Previous Record");
    BtPrev.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    BtNext.setBounds(new Rectangle(55, 10, 20, 25));
    BtNext.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 8));
    BtNext.setToolTipText("Move Next Record");
    BtLast.setBounds(new Rectangle(75, 10, 20, 25));
    BtLast.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 8));
    BtLast.setToolTipText("Move Last Record");
    BtAdd.setBounds(new Rectangle(95, 10, 25, 25));
    BtAdd.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BtAdd.setToolTipText("Add Record");
    BtDel.setBounds(new Rectangle(120, 10, 25, 25));
    BtDel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BtDel.setToolTipText("Delete Record");
    BtSearch.setBounds(new Rectangle(145, 10, 40, 25));
    BtSearch.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BtSearch.setToolTipText("Search Record");
    BtSubmit.setBounds(new Rectangle(185, 10, 45, 25));
    BtSubmit.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BtSubmit.setToolTipText("Submit Record");
    BtCommit.setBounds(new Rectangle(230, 10, 45, 25));
    BtCommit.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BtCommit.setToolTipText("Commit Command");
    BtRollback.setBounds(new Rectangle(275, 10, 50, 25));
    BtRollback.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BtRollback.setToolTipText("RoolBack Command");
    BFist.setBounds(new Rectangle(10, 10, 20, 25));
    BFist.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 8));
    BFist.setToolTipText("Move First Record");
    BPrev.setBounds(new Rectangle(30, 10, 20, 25));
    BPrev.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 8));
    BPrev.setToolTipText("Move Previous Record");
    BNext.setBounds(new Rectangle(50, 10, 20, 25));
    BNext.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 8));
    BNext.setToolTipText("Move Next Record");
    BLast.setBounds(new Rectangle(70, 10, 20, 25));
    BLast.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 8));
    BLast.setToolTipText("Move Last Record");
    BAdd.setBounds(new Rectangle(90, 10, 25, 25));
    BAdd.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BAdd.setToolTipText("Add Record");
    BDelete.setBounds(new Rectangle(115, 10, 25, 25));
    BDelete.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BDelete.setToolTipText("Delete Record");
    BSearch.setBounds(new Rectangle(140, 10, 40, 25));
    BSearch.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BSearch.setToolTipText("Search Record");
    BSubmit.setBounds(new Rectangle(180, 10, 45, 25));
    BSubmit.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BSubmit.setToolTipText("Submit Record");
    BCommit.setBounds(new Rectangle(225, 10, 45, 25));
    BCommit.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BCommit.setToolTipText("Commit Button");
    BRollBack.setBounds(new Rectangle(270, 10, 50, 25));
    BRollBack.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BRollBack.setToolTipText("Rollback Button");
    BtClose.setBounds(new Rectangle(325, 10, 35, 25));
    BtClose.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BtClose.setToolTipText("Close Sub Program");
    BtClose.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    BClose.setBounds(new Rectangle(320, 10, 35, 25));
    BClose.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BClose.setToolTipText("Close Sub Program");
    BClose.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    BhFirst.setBounds(new Rectangle(10, 10, 20, 25));
    BhFirst.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 8));
    BhFirst.setToolTipText("Move First Record");
    BhPrev.setBounds(new Rectangle(30, 10, 20, 25));
    BhPrev.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 8));
    BhPrev.setToolTipText("Move Previous Record");
    BhNext.setBounds(new Rectangle(50, 10, 20, 25));
    BhNext.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 8));
    BhNext.setToolTipText("Move Next Record");
    BhLast.setBounds(new Rectangle(70, 10, 20, 25));
    BhLast.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 8));
    BhLast.setToolTipText("Move Last Record");
    BhAdd.setBounds(new Rectangle(90, 10, 25, 25));
    BhAdd.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BhAdd.setToolTipText("Add Record");
    BhDelete.setBounds(new Rectangle(115, 10, 25, 25));
    BhDelete.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BhDelete.setToolTipText("Delete Record");
    BhSearch.setBounds(new Rectangle(140, 10, 40, 25));
    BhSearch.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BhSearch.setToolTipText("Search Record");
    BhSubmit.setBounds(new Rectangle(180, 10, 45, 25));
    BhSubmit.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BhSubmit.setToolTipText("Submit Record");
    BhCommit.setBounds(new Rectangle(225, 10, 45, 25));
    BhCommit.setToolTipText("Commit Record");
    BhCommit.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BhRollback.setBounds(new Rectangle(270, 10, 50, 25));
    BhRollback.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BhRollback.setToolTipText("Rollback Record");
    BhClose.setBounds(new Rectangle(320, 10, 35, 25));
    BhClose.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 10));
    BhClose.setToolTipText("Close Sub Program");
    BhClose.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    this.setSize(new Dimension(400, 300));
    //topPanel.add(navBar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    topPanel.add(statusBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    TBCScrollPane.getViewport().add(TypeBCTable, null);
    tabTypeBC.add(BtClose, null);
    tabTypeBC.add(BtRollback, null);
    tabTypeBC.add(BtCommit, null);
    tabTypeBC.add(BtSubmit, null);
    tabTypeBC.add(BtSearch, null);
    tabTypeBC.add(BtDel, null);
    tabTypeBC.add(BtAdd, null);
    tabTypeBC.add(BtLast, null);
    tabTypeBC.add(BtNext, null);
    tabTypeBC.add(BtPrev, null);
    tabTypeBC.add(BtFirst, null);
    tabTypeBC.add(TBCScrollPane, null);
    tabTypeBC.add(TxtDecTBC, null);
    tabTypeBC.add(TxtTypeBC, null);
    tabTypeBC.add(LblDecTBC, null);
    tabTypeBC.add(LblTypeBC, null);
    mainTab.addTab("Type Book", tabTypeBC);
    TSCScrollPane.getViewport().add(TypeSCTable, null);
    tabTypeSC.add(BClose, null);
    tabTypeSC.add(BRollBack, null);
    tabTypeSC.add(BCommit, null);
    tabTypeSC.add(BSubmit, null);
    tabTypeSC.add(BSearch, null);
    tabTypeSC.add(BDelete, null);
    tabTypeSC.add(BAdd, null);
    tabTypeSC.add(BLast, null);
    tabTypeSC.add(BNext, null);
    tabTypeSC.add(BPrev, null);
    tabTypeSC.add(BFist, null);
    tabTypeSC.add(TSCScrollPane, null);
    tabTypeSC.add(TxtDecTSC, null);
    tabTypeSC.add(TxtTypeSC, null);
    tabTypeSC.add(LblDecSC, null);
    tabTypeSC.add(LblTypeSC, null);
    mainTab.addTab("Type SoftWare", tabTypeSC);
    mainTab.addTab("Type Hardware", tabTypeHC);
    THCScrollPane.getViewport().add(TypeHCTable, null);
    tabTypeHC.add(BhClose, null);
    tabTypeHC.add(BhRollback, null);
    tabTypeHC.add(BhCommit, null);
    tabTypeHC.add(BhSubmit, null);
    tabTypeHC.add(BhSearch, null);
    tabTypeHC.add(BhDelete, null);
    tabTypeHC.add(BhAdd, null);
    tabTypeHC.add(BhLast, null);
    tabTypeHC.add(BhNext, null);
    tabTypeHC.add(BhPrev, null);
    tabTypeHC.add(BhFirst, null);
    tabTypeHC.add(THCScrollPane, null);
    tabTypeHC.add(TxtDecTHC, null);
    tabTypeHC.add(TxtTypeHC, null);
    tabTypeHC.add(LblDecTHC, null);
    tabTypeHC.add(LblTypeHC, null);
    topPanel.add(mainTab, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    //hiddenNavBar.setModel(JUNavigationBar.createPanelBinding(panelBinding, hiddenNavBar));
    //navBar.setModel(JUNavigationBar.createPanelBinding(panelBinding, navBar));
    statusBar.setModel(JUStatusBar.createPanelBinding(panelBinding, statusBar));
    LblTypeBC.setText("Type Book Code :");
    LblDecTBC.setText("Description :");
    TxtTypeBC.setDocument((Document)panelBinding.bindUIControl("TypeBc1", TxtTypeBC));
    TxtDecTBC.setDocument((Document)panelBinding.bindUIControl("Description1", TxtDecTBC));
    TypeBCTable.setModel((TableModel)panelBinding.bindUIControl("TypeBookView1", TypeBCTable));
    LblTypeSC.setText("Type Software Code :");
    LblDecSC.setText("Description :");
    TxtTypeSC.setDocument((Document)panelBinding.bindUIControl("TypeSc1", TxtTypeSC));
    TxtDecTSC.setDocument((Document)panelBinding.bindUIControl("Description3", TxtDecTSC));
    TypeSCTable.setModel((TableModel)panelBinding.bindUIControl("TypeSoftwareView1", TypeSCTable));
    LblTypeHC.setText("Type Hardware Code :");
    LblDecTHC.setText("Description :");
    TxtTypeHC.setDocument((Document)panelBinding.bindUIControl("TypeHc1", TxtTypeHC));
    TxtDecTHC.setDocument((Document)panelBinding.bindUIControl("Description5", TxtDecTHC));
    TypeHCTable.setModel((TableModel)panelBinding.bindUIControl("TypeHardwareView1", TypeHCTable));
    BtFirst.setModel((ButtonModel)panelBinding.bindUIControl("First", BtFirst));
    BtPrev.setModel((ButtonModel)panelBinding.bindUIControl("Previous", BtPrev));
    BtNext.setModel((ButtonModel)panelBinding.bindUIControl("Next", BtNext));
    BtLast.setModel((ButtonModel)panelBinding.bindUIControl("Last", BtLast));
    BtAdd.setModel((ButtonModel)panelBinding.bindUIControl("Create", BtAdd));
    BtDel.setModel((ButtonModel)panelBinding.bindUIControl("Delete", BtDel));
    BtSearch.setModel((ButtonModel)panelBinding.bindUIControl("Find", BtSearch));
    BtSubmit.setModel((ButtonModel)panelBinding.bindUIControl("Execute", BtSubmit));
    BtCommit.setModel((ButtonModel)panelBinding.bindUIControl("Commit", BtCommit));
    BtRollback.setModel((ButtonModel)panelBinding.bindUIControl("Rollback", BtRollback));
    BFist.setModel((ButtonModel)panelBinding.bindUIControl("First1", BFist));
    BPrev.setModel((ButtonModel)panelBinding.bindUIControl("Previous1", BPrev));
    BNext.setModel((ButtonModel)panelBinding.bindUIControl("Next1", BNext));

  • Problem handing EOF (End of File)

    Hello Everybody,
    I am new to Labview and I want to read one text file and do some analysis on it. For the same I have developed one .vi which is marking error code4, which I believe has something to do with EOF.
    I would appreciate if somebody can help me solving this problem.I have also attached the vi file I am using.
    Thanks & regards
    Attachments: ‏63 KB

    Please find attached one typical file.
    book11.txt ‏1 KB

  • URGENT! End of file

    Good nigth!
    I have to do a job in what I have to read integer numbers from
    the standard input. When the user wants to finalize entering
    numbers, he indicates it with a EOF (end of file).
    I want to know how to do that. What is the representation of
    the EOF in java?
    I need some help urgent!
    Thanks a lot.

    So, here is the code...
    public class LendoInteiros
    public static void main(String[] args)
         String linha = "";
         BufferedReader entrada = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
         System.out.println("Entre com numeros inteiros: \n");
         for (int i=0; linha != null; i++)
         linha = entrada.readLine();
              System.out.println("Linha " + i +
              " Valor = " + Integer.valueOf(linha).intValue());
         catch (IOException e)
    System.err.println("Erro IO");

  • Finding end of file

    hello, i've got a file with a collection of different data types that must be read in, they all are consistent though being
    my question? how can i find the end of file? in the past i've caught the null in a string but null cannot be applied to long.. so i get a numberformatexception.. is there a good way around this?

    is there a good way around
    this?Presumably you are reading serialized objects althoughh that doesn't particularily matter.
    Not really.
    Strings are dynamic. So there is no way to know the correct size without actually reading it.
    You can get the length of a file though (see If you then read the file as an array (or 'chunks') then you can always write the read loop such that it will never read beyond the length of the file.
    Of course the best way would be to change the source of the file. Given that you are writing groups of data, if the source was to put the number of groups at the beginning of the file it would make it a lot easier.

  • How to find out the end of the file in java

    hi friends,
    I am reading a file char by char. So how can I check for end of the file. I va a integer of the character and a string which has hex value of the character.
    but when I execute the pgm, it shows out of memory error. overflow of the heap.
    can anyone help???
    thanks in advance...

    There is no "type of file". It's all zeroes andones.
    thing is am wrintin a file. I want to set the
    type(extension) to be .iso. how can i do that???If you want to make the extension ".iso" then just end the file name with ".iso".
    If you want to make the "type" iso, so that it can be manipulated by an iso application or whatever, then you have to make sure the bytes you write are of the proper format.
    As already stated: Files don't have a type.

  • End of File for a RandomAccessFile ?

    I was trying to read a file using a random access file.But I am not able find the EOF for the RandomAccessFile...Any ideas ??????

    The API documentation for RandomAccessFile says this:
    "It is generally true of all the reading routines in this class that if end-of-file is reached before the desired number of bytes has been read, an EOFException (which is a kind of IOException) is thrown."
    Alternatively, there is the length() method which tells you the number of bytes in the file.

  • Solve: IOERROR: reading message: unexpected end of file

    Well, actually, maybe I should not put "solved" but "worked around".
    In my case, I had just installed my server. It is a Quad G5 and I had to do a hard time installing it because my DVD was 10.4 and would not boot in the G5. I've posted the process I used here:
    Since it was a new install, I finally just stopped Mail services. Rebooted. Then I removed /var/imap and /var/spool/imap. Did a mkdir of those two directories. Change the owner/group to cyrusimap/mail. And then did:
    sudo -u cyrusimap /usr/bin/cyrus/tools/mkimap
    Before I did this, I went into my mail client (Mail on the client computer) and emptied and deleted everything on the imap server. I even deleted the mail account from within the Mail client. There seems to be some confusion over the cache maybe.
    Oh... I also deselected all my users from receiving mail. Rebooted a few times... held up a dead black cat... chanted quietly. Did the mkimap, and finally got all my 'end of file' problems to go away. I had to keep doing it a few times before I got the whole sequence right. Under no circumstances should you chant quietly before holding up the black cat... boy is that a bummer to fix.
    In short, I find postfix and cyrus to be extremely poorly designed (or maybe its just the Apple implementation of it). Pretty soon, we will be like running Windows...

    Check your scratch disks for fragmentation ( use something like disk warrior ) and available space.  Sounds like the files are not getting completely saved.

  • "could not complete your request because an unexpected end-of-file was encountered. what can i do?

    I've been working on a motion file in photoshop for my thesis and i tried opeining it today and it wont let me open the file. it says "could not complete your request because an unexpected end-of-file was encountered".
    I've saved the file every 5 minutes or whenever I do work but now i cant even open it at all. I NEED HEEEEEELP PLEASE!

    If it is in the forums (and actually, all over the place on the web) and it is a Photoshop issue in both Windows and Mac, I just assumed is.
    The unexpected eof could be a hardware issue or possibly owed to individual set-ups as it is not an issue that plagues all (or even an ostensible majority of) users.
    Are Photoshop and OS fully updated?
    As with all unexplainable Photoshop-problems you might try trashing the prefs (after making sure all customized presets like Actions, Patterns, Brushes etc. have been saved and making a note of the Preferences you’ve changed) by pressing command-alt-shift on starting the program or starting from a new user-account.
    System Maintenance (repairing permissions, purging PRAM, running cron-scripts, cleaning caches, etc.) might also be beneficial, Onyx has been recommended for such tasks.
    Weeding out bad fonts never seems to be a bad idea, either. (Validate your fonts in Font Book and remove the bad ones.)
    If 3rd party plug-ins are installed try disabling them to verify if one of those may be responsible for the problem.

  • Does readLine return null at end of file?

    My program is reading lines from a file in groups of 5. I want it to stop reading when it has reached the end of the file. Does readLine return null when there are no more lines or is there another way to end a loop like this?
    try {
    String a, b, c, d, e;
    a = BR.readLine();
    b = BR.readLine();
    c = BR.readLine();
    d = BR.readLine();
    e = BR.readLine();
    while (a != null){
    a = BR.readLine();
    b = BR.readLine();
    c = BR.readLine();
    d = BR.readLine();
    e = BR.readLine();

    readLine returns null at end of file. I actually use the following to end my loop...maybe this would help you.
    FileReader file = new FileReader("bkupcandilist.bin");
    BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(file);
    boolean eof = false;
    while(!eof) {     //retrieve all candidate names          
         scandi = buff.readLine();
         if(scandi == null) {
            eof = true;
         } else {
            atally = new String[2];
               atally[0] = scandi;
               atally[1] = "0";

  • SOLUTION: Dealing with the 'end of file' error

    Adobe have not only failed to fix the constant 'end of file' error after 6 versions but also, even worse, failed to make the error in any way useful. If you get this error when building a complex project, you have to completely rebuild your project to find the cause. This is a huge issue when dealing with projects like the one I'm currently doing: 7 different discs (projects), each with about 20 timelines.
    A simple 'end of file: NAME OF FILE' in the error message would solve this.
    However, luckily (as I would have otherwise killed myself by now), I have found a much quicker way of finding problematic files. This is the Windows solution, but hopefully there's an equivelant Mac way of doing it.
    Get Process Monitor from here.
    Run it, and hit the Filter button on the toolbar.
    Add filters for:
    Process Name is Adobe Encore.exe
    Operation is ReadFile
    Go start your build process
    When the 'end of file' message appears, switch over to Process Monitor and scroll down to the bottom
    Scroll up until you see the last time a file of yours was accessed
    There's your culprit
    The actual problem with the file usually seems related to Encore not dealing with externally created files very well. Import a non-DVD/blu-ray ready copy of your video and transcode it internally, that seems to fix it.
    Adobe needs to stop work on every new feature or bugfix for Encore, and fix the error messages. Bugs are inevitable, but not having adequate error messages or logging so the bugs can be worked around is unforgiveable. It's a simple matter and should be fixed immediately.

    Here is where you tell Adobe about bugs, and also where you ask for new features

  • Getting ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel error

    We are getting the following error while calling a Oracle stored Procedure from .NET interface.
    Getting ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel Process ID: 28954 Session ID: 466 Serial number: 9280
    Actually, The other procedures doesn't have this issue. We are witnessing this error only when we call a specific procedure which returns a data cursor. We have checked for any DBLINK involvement but couldn't find any. Please help us here to resolve this issue. Please let me know if you need any information further.

    end-of-file on communication channel
    Cause: The connection between Client and Server process was broken.
    Action: There was a communication error that requires further investigation. First, check for network problems and review the SQL*Net setup. Also, look in the alert.log file for any errors. Finally, test to see whether the server process is dead and whether a trace file was generated at failure time.

  • Detect "end of file" while send n numbers files over a socket?

    I�m trying to find a way to detect "end of file" while send n numbers files over a socket.
    What i'm looking for is how to detect on the client side when the file i�m sending is downloaded.
    Here is the example i�m working on.
    Client side.
    public class fileTransfer {
        private InputStream fromServer;
        public fileTransfer(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
            Socket socket = new Socket("localhost", 2006);
            fromServer = socket.getInputStream();
            for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
                receive(new File(i+fileName));
        private void receive(File uploadedFile) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
            FileOutputStream toFile = new FileOutputStream(uploadedFile);
            byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
            int bytesRead = 0;
            while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
                toFile.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            try {
                new fileTransfer("testa.jpg");
            } catch (Exception ex) {ex.printStackTrace();}
    }Server side.
    public class fileTransferSend {
        Socket serv = null;
        OutputStream toClient;
        public fileTransferSend(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
            for(int i =0; i<10; i++)
                send(new File(fileName));
        public void StartServer() throws IOException {
            ServerSocket ssocket = new ServerSocket(2006);
            System.out.println("Waiting for incomming");
            serv = ssocket.accept();
            toClient = serv.getOutputStream();
        private void send(File f) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
            if(f.exists() && f.canRead()) {
                FileInputStream fromFile = new FileInputStream(f);
                try {
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; // 4K
                    int bytesRead = 0;
                    System.out.println("sending: "+f.getName());
                    while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
                        toClient.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                finally {
            } else {
                System.out.println("no files");
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            try {
                new fileTransferSend("test.jpg");
            }catch(Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
    I know that the client never reads -1 becuase i doesn�t close the stream.
    Is there anyway to tell the client that the file is downloaded?

    A common (and easy) TCP/IP protocol is to send length, followed by data.
    Because TCP/IP is a stream-oriented protocol, a receiver can never absolutely determine where the first packet ends and the second packet begins. So it is common to send the length of the packet, followed by the packet itself.
    In your case, you could send length of file, followed by file data. It should be fairly easy to obtain file length and send that as a 32-bit (or 64-bit value). Here is an idea (not code) for the receiver:
    receive (4) // where 4 = number bytes to receive
    unsigned length = convert 4 bytes to unsigned integer
    while (length != 0)
    n = receive ( length ) // where n = number bytes actually received, and length = number bytes desired
    Or, you can use the concept of an "Escape" character in the stream. Arbitrarily choose an ESCAPE character of 0x1B (although it could be any 8-bit value). When the receiver detects an ESCAPE char, the next character can be either control or data. So for end of file you might send 0x1B 0x00. If the byte to be sent is 0x1B, then send 0x1B 0x1B. The receiver would look something like this:
    b = read one byte from stream
    if (b == 0x1B)
    b = read one byte from stream
    if (b == 0x00) then end of file
    else place b in buffer
    place b in buffer

  • Unexpected end fo file from server exception

    Hi all,
    When I try to run any of JWS demo application shipped with JRE, after a very long 'checking new version' message, the app ends up throwing the following exception :
    JNLPException[category: Download Error : Exception: Unexpected end of file from server : LaunchDesc: null ]
         at com.sun.javaws.cache.DownloadProtocol.doDownload(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.cache.DownloadProtocol.isLaunchFileUpdateAvailable(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.LaunchDownload.getUpdatedLaunchDesc(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.downloadResources(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.handleApplicationDesc(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.handleLaunchFile(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)What's wrong ?
    Thanks in advance

    I am having the same problem...Seyta, did the you
    find an answer?Not yet, another thread suggested that I check my proxy setting, I already do that with no luck, actually the my proxy setting at the JWS Console is the same as in my browser.
    Would u please inform me if u find solution.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Web-Disk on OSX 10.9 Give me this error: "Finder got an error: Network file permission error."

    Previously I was using OSX 10.8 and Web Disk was working great.
    Since I upgraded to OSX 10.9 Web Disk Dont Attach to my compputer and give me this ERROR:
    FInder got an error: Network file permission error.
    When I got this ERROR first time I searched GOOGLE and found this link:
    And I did:
    To force all connections to be SMB1:
    Open A terminal window
    paste in the following line followed by the return key(should be all on one line): 
    echo "[default]" >> ~/Library/Preferences/nsmb.conf; echo "smb_neg=smb1_only" >> ~/Library/Preferences/nsmb.conf
    What the command does:
    Creates a file called nsmb.conf  in your  home directory at the path ~/Library/Preferences/nsmb.conf.
    Adds directives to force SMB connections to use the SMB1 protocol.  This is slower but stable.
    Then I could use Web Disk on OSX 10.9 after executing this command in Terminal.
    But now I restarted my Macbook and now Im NOT able to connect to Web Disk and get the same ERROR.
    FInder got an error: Network file permission error
    After trying 100 times it attaches 1 time but then show this ERROR:
    Can't get <<class cdis>> "" of application "Finder".
    If this happen then I can see the files in Finder and see the Contents and Size of files but if I open a PHP file in BBEdit then it shows BLANK.. But actually it is NOT blank.
    Now Im stuck How can I solve this? All help is highly appericated..
    Thank you so much...

    Make sure to chmod the app, something like this :
    chmod -Rf 777
    (in my case the CPanel provided the app for my OSx version.)

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