Find line number in text file

Hi all,
I need to find the line numbers on a file where a particular string matches.
for example:
A lazy cat
A strong cat and it is black
Black is not good
So I will match for the word black and it will give the numbers say line 2 and 3 it found the match.
I am using the code:
    // Open the file that is the first
    // command line parameter
      FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("c:\\test.log");
    // Get the object of DataInputStream
      DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream);
      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
      String strLine;
     String[] arr= null;
    //Read File Line By Line
   String regex = "black";
   while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null)   {
    // Split the sentence into strings based on space
       arr = strLine.split("\\s");
   if (arr[0].equalsIgnoreCase("black"))
      System.out.print("match found");
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex);
    Matcher m = p.matcher(strLine);Thanks in advance.

camellia wrote:
I need to find the line numbers on a file where a particular string matches. Then declare a variable for line count. Find where you read in a line. Finally increment this variable each time a line is read.
It isn't rocket science.

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    The spreadsheet functions and VIs typically work on strings representing numbers separated by delimiters.  This is a typical way to save a "spreadsheet" (of numbers) to a text file, for example .csv files.  These are quite versatile and powerful functions.  Spend a bit of time becoming familiar with them because you may find yourself using them a lot.

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    A more elegant approach might be to use a regular expression, but I'm not sure I understand your requirements well enough to make a sensible recommendation.
    You could try the following JavaScript handler and invoke it like:
    tMember.text = jsReplace(tMember.text, "<specific text phrase>", "<specific text phrase>" & RETURN & RETURN & "<new text pasted>")
    function jsReplace(inStr, strFind, strReplace){
      // error check input
      if(typeof(inStr)      != "string") { return inStr; }
      if(typeof(strFind)    != "string") { return inStr; }
      if(typeof(strReplace) != "string") { return inStr; }
      // search-and-replace
      re = new RegExp(strFind, "g");
      return inStr.replace(re, strReplace);
    However, this will place the pasted text immediately after the search phrase and not at the end of the line. It is possible to do this with a regular expression, but I'd have to dust off my copy of Friedl's "Mastering Regular Expressions" to craft it for you and I don't have either the time or inclination at present.

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    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
                   File file = new File("word.txt");
                        System.out.println("File does not exist.");
                        //Open the file for reading
                        RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");;     //Seek to end of file
                        System.out.println("Read full line: " + raf.readLine());
    //str2 is a String
                        str2 = str2 + raf.readLine();
                   catch(IOException ioe)
    my text file look like in this format

    Next time when posting code, please use code tags:
    A RandomAccessFile has nothing to do with getting a (pseudo) random line number from a file.
    You should also split things up in separate methods:
    - a method for counting the number of lines in a file;
    - a method to get the N-th line from a file.
    In your main method, you call the method which counts the number of lines N in a file and then generate a (pseudo) random number between 1 and N. Use the java.util.Random class for this.
    When you have generated that number, call the other method to get that specific line number.
    Here's a small start:
    import java.util.*;
    public class Main {
        public static String getLineNumber(int number) throws FileNotFoundException {
            // your code here
        public static int countLines(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException {
            // your code here
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            int numberLines = countLines("word.txt");
            Random generator = new Random();
            int randomNumber = generator.nextInt(numberLines)+1;
            String randomLine = getLineNumber(randomNumber);
            System.out.println("Line "+randomNumber+" = '"+randomLine+"'");
    }In both methods, you can use the java.util.Scanner class to read lines from the file.
    Have a look at the API docs of the Scanner class: (including code samples!)
    Good luck.

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    Thanks and regards,

    Krt_malta wrote:
    I am trying to read a specific line from a text file. I don't want to read all of it but just this specific line... say line number 2. Is there a method built-in in java or should I code this myself?Is there anything in your use case that precludes using the offset of the start of the line rather than the line number?

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    rows = 2
    cols = 2
    1 2
    2 4
    I would like to retrieve the interger 1,2,2,4.
    class Matrix {
    double [][] element;
    static void getFile(String fileName) throws IOException{
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    BufferedReader br = null;
    br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
    String line = br.readLine();
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    line = br.readLine();
    counter ++;
    System.out.println("Total line : " + counter);
    }catch(FileNotFoundException ex){

    Wonders wrote:
    Thank for reply=D
    Yap the row and column will change but i had already parse these lines into my code. However, i am still figuring on how to get the integer number 1,2,2,4 of the text file using while loop and not include the "</matrix>" in the reading. Can this be done?If the numbers you want are at fixed byte positions in the file that are known ahead of time, you can use to skip to those positions. However, that seems unlikely.
    If, as is the more likely case, those are not at fixed positions, you'll have to read everything preceding them. (Note that this is not a Java issue. This is how file I/O works.) You'll need to ignore the lines that are meaningless to you (read those lines and do nothing with them) figure out, by whatever rules you have--line numbers, preceding tokens, whatever--when you're at the lines you do care about, and then read and process those lines accordingly.

  • Reading a Random Line from a Text File

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    Here is my code, and the text file that the program reads from is called 'wordFile'
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class WordColor extends JFrame{
         public WordColor(){
              add(new WordPanel());
         public static void main(String[]r){
              JFrame f = new WordColor();
    class WordPanel extends JPanel implements KeyListener{
         private Graphics2D pane;
         private Image img;
         private char[]characterList;
         private CharacterPosition[]positions;
         private int charcounter = 0;
         private String initialWord;
         private File wordFile = new File("C:\\Documents and Settings\\My Documents\\Java\\projects\\WordColorWords.txt");
         private FontMetrics fm;
         private javax.swing.Timer timer;
         public final static int START = 20;
         public final static int delay = 10;
         public final static int BOTTOMLINE = 375;
         public final static int buffer = 15;
         public final static int distance = 4;
         public final static Color[] colors = new Color[]{,,,Color.yellow,Color.cyan,
         public static String[] words;
         public static int descent;
         public static int YAXIS = 75;
         public static int SIZE = 72;
         public WordPanel(){
              words = readWords();
              setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              initialWord = getWord();
              characterList = new char[initialWord.length()];
              for (int i=0; i<initialWord.length();i++){
                   characterList[i] = initialWord.charAt(i);
              timer = new javax.swing.Timer(delay,new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
                        YAXIS += 1;
                        if (YAXIS + descent - buffer >= BOTTOMLINE) lose();
                        if (allColorsOn()) win();
         public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
              if (img == null){
                   img = createImage(getWidth(),getHeight());
                   pane = (Graphics2D)img.getGraphics();
                   pane.setFont(new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,SIZE));
                   fm = g.getFontMetrics(new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,SIZE));
                   descent = fm.getDescent();
         private void distributePositions(){
              int xaxis = START;
              positions = new CharacterPosition[characterList.length];
              int counter = 0;
              for (char c: characterList){
                   CharacterPosition cp = new CharacterPosition(c,xaxis,;
                   positions[counter] = cp;
                   xaxis += fm.charWidth(c)+distance;
         private void drawThickLine(Graphics2D pane, int width, int thickness){
              for (int j = BOTTOMLINE;j<BOTTOMLINE+1+thickness;j++){
         private void drawWords(){
              for (CharacterPosition cp: positions){
                   int x = cp.getX();
                   char print = cp.getChar();
         private boolean allColorsOn(){
              for (CharacterPosition cp: positions){
                   if (cp.getColor() == return false;
              return true;
         private Color randomColor(){
              int rand = (int)(Math.random()*colors.length);
              return colors[rand];
         private void restart(){
              charcounter = 0;
              for (CharacterPosition cp: positions){
         private void win(){
         private void newWord(){
              YAXIS = 75;
              initialWord = getWord();
              characterList = new char[initialWord.length()];
              for (int i=0; i<initialWord.length();i++){
                   characterList[i] = initialWord.charAt(i);
              charcounter = 0;
         private void lose(){
              pane.drawString("Sorry, You Lose!",50,150);
              final JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
              JButton again = new JButton("Play Again?");
              again.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){
         private String getWord(){
              int rand = (int)(Math.random()*words.length);
              return words[rand];
         private String[] readWords(){
              ArrayList<String> arr = new ArrayList<String>();
                   BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(wordFile));
                        String line = null;
                        while (( line = buff.readLine()) != null){
                             line = line.toUpperCase();
              catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
              Object[] objects = arr.toArray();
              String[] words = new String[objects.length];
              int count = 0;
              for (Object o: objects){
                   words[count] = (String)o;
              return words;
         public void keyPressed(KeyEvent evt){
              char tempchar = evt.getKeyChar();
              String character = ""+tempchar;
              if (character.equalsIgnoreCase(""+positions[charcounter].getChar())){
              else if (evt.isShiftDown()){
         public void keyTyped(KeyEvent evt){}
         public void keyReleased(KeyEvent evt){}
    class CharacterPosition{
         private int xaxis;
         private char character;
         private Color color;
         public CharacterPosition(char c, int x, Color col){
              xaxis = x;
              character = c;
              color = col;
         public int getX(){
              return xaxis;
         public char getChar(){
              return character;
         public Color getColor(){
              return color;
         public void setColor(Color c){
              color = c;

    I thought that maybe serializing the ArrayList might be faster than creating the ArrayList by iterating over each line in the text file. But alas, I was wrong. Here's my code anyway:
    class WordList extends ArrayList<String>{
      long updated;
    WordList readWordList(File file) throws Exception{
      WordList list = new WordList();
      BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
      String line = null;
      while ((line = in.readLine()) != null){
      list.updated = file.lastModified();
      return list;
    WordList wordList;
    File datFile = new File("words.dat");
    File txtFile = new File("input.txt");
    if (datFile.exists()){
      ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(datFile));
      wordList = (WordList)input.readObject();
      if (wordList.updated < txtFile.lastModified()){
        //if the text file has been updated, re-read it
        wordList = readWordList(txtFile);
        ObjectOutputStream output = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(datFile));
    } else {
      //serialized list does not exist--create it
      wordList = readWordList(txtFile);
      ObjectOutputStream output = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(datFile));
    }The text file contained one random sequence of letters per line. For example:
    Text file size: 892K
    Serialized file size: 1.1MB
    Time to read from text file: 795ms
    Time to read from serialized file: 1216ms

  • Delete lines from a text file

    i need to delete (or replace them with white space) a few lines from a text file. I have a text file with first few lines & last few lines containing "<"or ">". I need to delete/replace with white space, the entire line. i need to do this urgently
    Could some one please tell me how to do this?

    the file can be of size 8MB or more. i get this file
    every week from a third party. So the size is not
    constant. I need to remove/replace with white space,
    the fist & last few lines and the rest is comma
    seperated values which i need to load to database
    using sqlldr. But still not sure abt how to remove
    the first few lines.
    i need to read this file, replace the lines as i read
    them and write the replaced string back to the file &
    then load the rest of lines to database.8 MByte is fairly small. Read the file a line at a time and copy to a new file only the lines you want. Should take no more than a second or so.
    P.S. It will probably be a mistake if you try to edit the original file in place.

  • CLIENT_TEXT_IO : cannot insert new line into a text file

    Developer 10g
    AS 10g
    Web utility
    i am traying to
    Open a text file. using CLIENT_TEXT_IO.FOPEN
    insert a record in to a text file using CLIENT_TEXT_IO.PUTF
    insert a new line using chr(10) or CLIENT_TEXT_IO.NEW_LINE
    or CLIENT_TEXT_IO.put_line
    insert the next record
    Close the file.
    all work except insert a new line
    Why !!!
    it was Working fine in 6i, but now in 10g and Webutil is not working
    plz help

    Hi you can put a new line in a text file using System.getProperty("line.separator"). This implementation will work for every OS.
    class Demo{
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    FileWriter fr = new FileWriter("FileDemo.txt");

  • Reading one line from a text file into an array

    i want to read one line from a text file into an array, and then the next line into a different array. both arays are type string...i have this:
    public static void readAndProcessData(FileInputStream stream){
         InputStreamReader iStrReader = new InputStreamReader (stream);
         BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader (iStrReader);
         String line = "";          
         int i = 0;
              while (line != null){                 
                   names[i] = reader.readLine();
                   score[i] = reader.readLine();
                   line = reader.readLine();
              }catch (IOException e){
              System.out.println("Error in file access");
    this section calls it:
         FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("ISU.txt");
              names = HighScore.getNames();
              scores = HighScore.getScores();
         }catch(IOException e){
              System.out.println("Error in accessing file." + e.toString());
    it gives me an array index out of bounds error

    oh wait I see it when I looked at the original quote.
    They array you made called names or the other one is prob too small for the amount of names that you have in the file. Hence as I increases it eventually goes out of bounds of the array so you should probably resize the array if that happens.

  • Best way to remove last line-feed in text file

    What is the best way to remove last line-feed in text file? (so that the last line of text is the last line, not a line-feed). The best I can come up with is: echo -n "$(cat file.txt)" > newfile.txt
    (as echo -n will remove all trailing newline characters)

    What is the best way to remove last line-feed in text file? (so that the last line of text is the last line, not a line-feed). The best I can come up with is: echo -n "$(cat file.txt)" > newfile.txt
    (as echo -n will remove all trailing newline characters)
    According to my experiments, you have removed all line terminators from the file, and replaced those between lines with a space.
    That is to say, you have turned a multi-line file into one long line with no line terminator.
    If that is what you want, and your files are not very big, then your echo statement might be all you need.
    If you need to deal with larger files, you could try using the 'tr' command, and something like
    tr '
    ' ' ' <file.txt >newfile.txt
    The only problem with this is, it will most likely give you a trailing space, as the last newline is going to be converted to a space. If that is not acceptable, then something else will have to be arranged.
    However, if you really want to maintain a multi-line file, but remove just the very last line terminator, that gets a bit more complicated. This might work for you:
    perl -ne '
    print "
    " if $n++ != 0;
    ' file.txt >newfile.txt
    You can use cat -e to see which lines have newlines, and you should see that the last line does not have a newline, but all the others still do.
    I guess if you really did mean to remove all newline characters and replace them with a space, except for the last line, then a modification of the above perl script would do that:
    perl -ne '
    print " " if $n++ != 0;
    ' file.txt >newfile.txt
    Am I even close to understanding what you are asking for?

  • Find exact word in text file tht is present in an excel sheet

    Hi all,
    i want to find words in an text file.
    but the criteria is i want to search words which r already listed in another excel sheet and change the color of these word.
    i used FileInputStream
    and also BufferedInputStream
    cany anyone help me with this

    hi kajbj,
    can u plz tell me how to do in VBA then
    will find out the way to do in java

  • File adapter-How to set line break in text file-split record into two lines

    Dear Guru's,
    I have to solve following problem with XML (with mulitiple records) to TEXT file scenario using file adapter. I have to output for ever ONE data record in XML always two identical lines in text file. Second line should have a little bit different mapping in few fields like date,... So I did duplicate fileds in my output structure in mapping and need to know how to set line break in the middle and see half of structure in first line and next structure half in second line
    My output structure in mapping is:
    - BETRAG
    - PRODUKT2
    - VERTRAG2
    - BETRAG2
    - RENDITE2
    Question is how can I set on receiving file adapter in Content Conversion Parameters that fields from first structure half INTERFACE...RENDITE should be outputed in one line and fields from second half of structure INTERFACE2...RENDITE2 should start on second line in final text file.
    I'm getting at the moment one line only and I need to know how can set line break so that second line starting with INTERFACE2(CA)...RENDITE2 will start in new line.
    This should be final output:
    My file adapter settings:
    It wont help if I add two identical structures in mapping because in output i would see for multiple entries section with first lines only and after that section with second lines only. And CASHFLOW is one part of more complex mapping ...
    (This is final output structure RecordsetStructure=HEADER,CASHFLOW,CONDITION,REFERENCE,CONTRACT - more sections with different data and all these should have duplicate lines at the end)
    Thanks a lot for any help
    Edited by: Marian  Luscon on Jul 14, 2009 11:44 AM

    Hi Ivan,
    right, I did test just for sure.
    Putting constant 'nl' into field CASHFLOW-INTERFACE1 didnt help - still getting one line instead two lines.
    CA ,"0100" ,"7" ,"512" ,20090127GTP101 ,-12454762586.6800 ,"EUR" ,2 ,12 ,2009-01-28 ,2009-01-27 ,2009-01-28 ,"0.0000000" ,'nl' ,"GTP1" ,"7" ,"512" ,20090127GTP101 ,-12454762586.6800 ,"EUR" ,1 ,10 ,2009-01-27 ,2009-01-27 ,2009-01-27 ,"0.0000000"
    So there is still question. Is there any way (mapping,...) how to output always 2 lines in text file for one record in XML. It always does 1 record in mapping structure = 1 line but we need 2 lines ...
    Input: 4 records in XML
    Output: 8 lines in final text file ...
    Thanks to you all guys

  • Change of a single line in a text file

    Is there a option in CVI to change a single line in a text file (.txt), without reading the whole text file into the buffer and writing the whole buffer back after the editing from the one line?

    Not that I am aware of.
    I'll be glad to know such a function if somebody can point us to it! 
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?

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