Finder  preferences do what they wanted; plist eliminated also, no help

My finder is not working correctly. I have used preferences...made changes and then, they change back to what they were originally. I want to see in the left panel my files and connections.
*Problem 1*: I want to see my hard drives connected and view in the left finder pane so..... I fix preferences. it works. Then it works maybe a day. The next day, it is no longer selected in preferences.I did not change anything.
*Problem 2*: I can not slide over folders I want to be in the left finder pane. I used to be able to. It just stopped. No new software added.
I have deleted the plist as I have read others do in this discussion- that DOES NOT work.
Any help appreciated- Thanks

drkathy wrote:
*Problem 1*: I want to see my hard drives connected and view in the left finder pane so..... I fix preferences. it works. Then it works maybe a day. The next day, it is no longer selected in preferences.I did not change anything.
How are you "fixing" the preferences? Via Finder Menu->Preferences->Sidebar?
*Problem 2*: I can not slide over folders I want to be in the left finder pane. I used to be able to. It just stopped. No new software added.
I'm confused on what you mean by "slide over folders". Do you mean you can't add folders to the "Places" section of the sidebar?
I have deleted the plist as I have read others do in this discussion- that DOES NOT work.
Which plist did you delete? Did you logout/login or restart or force quit the Finder? Force quitting the Finder is the proper method after deleting If you deleted, you need to restart.

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities. We're users here and do not speak for "Apple Inc.".
    So your internet service provider is ATT, and you are using Apple That's a start.
    Are you able to connect to other websites using either your MacBook or your iPad?
    Have you tried restarting your home wireless router by powering it off and back on?
    Have you tried restarting both your MacBook and your iPad since the problem began?
    Can you successfully connect and retrieve your email on either your MacBook or your iPad from another locations, such as free WiFi at a library or fast food restaurant?
    Who is your email provider?
    ATT  ( or similar email address ending in .net)
    Apple (, or similar email address)
    Are you connecting to the internet using ATT U-verse or ATT DSL? rkflow/launch/step/0
    If your problem is with connecting to an ATT email account while using Apple
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    Have you tried verifying your device settings with those published on the ATT on-line support website for Apple Mail?
    Have you visited the ATT support community forums?
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    So why not give them what they want?
    So how do I get Compressor to simple DO what it's told? Is there another way to approach this? I thought when you tell COmpressor a data rate, that's what it does. And it does - but not all the time. So the issue is, not "it looks OK at 18mbs." The issue is I have other reasons why I need 30mbs, how do I simple tell Compressor to do that, and have it do it?
    Oh, interestingly, if I take (sometimes) a 20 second piece of a 5 minute movie, compressor WILL compress that at 30mbs! But then when I do the whole thing - it fails to keep the data rate at 25 or 30mbs. THAT'S what's puzzling me!

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