Finding a  standard report

I would like to know how to search for standard reports. (i.e) Given a task (For eg. displaying all sales order of a particular customer) , how can i know whether a standard report exists for the task .

You can refer to DB table TRDIRT. It stores the short descriptions of all the programs. Here you can do a wild card search with your keywords. SAP Standard reports normally statrts with R*.
So u can search like program name = R*
Report title = endorinetem  ( say i am searching for reports Vendor Line item)
If you want to know the transaction code - go to table TSTC with the prog name , u ll get the TCode as well.
Hope it helps.

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    hi cnu,
    here r some steps to find the standard reports
    goto SE81 and click on the corresponding application like sd
    You will get the standard packages for SD with the programs available
    Please check out this link
    Check this Transaction: SAP1
    U will have reports based on the area.
    Look at the table TADIR --> see only the programs, even you can look at based on the Development class wise
    If you find it useful mark the points

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    Please goto SE81 and click on FI.
    You will get the standard packages for FI with the programs available
    Please check out this link
    Message was edited by: Dominic  Pappaly

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    Thanks ..
    When i opened the bat file :
    i did not find any report server name ...
    This is my file :-
    @echo off
    REM $Header: rwdiag.bat 13-may-2005.03:21:21 sunaraya Exp $
    REM rwdiag.bat
    REM Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    REM rwdiag.bat - rw diagnostic tool
    REM Script to run the diagnostic tool used to locate servers / monitor packets on the network
    REM Usage: rwdiag.bat -find <server name> | -findAll [-conf <config file>] [-timeout <timeout in sec>]
    REM Usage: rwdiag.bat -monitor [-log <logfile>] [-conf <config file>]
    REM sunaraya 05/13/05 - Added rwrun.jar to the classpath for bug 4361664
    REM sunaraya 04/22/05 - Provided execute permission to the script for bug 4323789
    REM sunaraya 04/14/05 - sunaraya_bug-4221172
    REM sunaraya 04/14/05 - Creation
    if "%ORA_HOME%"=="" goto ERROR
    set CLASSPATH=%ORAHOME%\jlib\zrclient.jar;%ORA_HOME%\reports\jlib\rwrun.jar
    %ORA_HOME%\jdk\bin\java -DORACLE_HOME=%ORA_HOME% -classpath %_CLASSPATH% oracle.reports.utility.DiagServerLocator %*
    goto END
    echo "ORACLE_HOME is not set"

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    Hi Hari,
    As you might be knowing CRM is depended on BI for any reporting requirements. Pls check the below link for more details.
    Hope this will be helpful.

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    Raja B

    Hi Raja Balreddygari
    1. List vendors who we have not paid for last six months
        You can use  S_ALR_87012084 and S_ALR_87012085 for sorting days wise as fallowing selections.
    OI sorted list sorting (1,2)     1
    Summarization level (0-4)      0
    OI list summarization (0-2)     0
    Due Date Sorted List                 30  60  90 180
    Note change the above combination as per your requirement.
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    You could use a text editor and manipulate a copy of the > ics file, or you could use Apple script to extract and
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    it's only possible with an tool-program
    when your developers have not change the line with the REPORT-command.
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    hope that helps

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    Go to SWI1 t-code
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    Choose the time period and execute the report.

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    The changes can be seen in the contract.
    Alternatively, you can use the report CHANGEDOCU_READ (in SE38) to get the change documents. The object class for all purchasing documents (RFQ, PO and Outline Agreements) is EINKBELEG.
    Hope this helps,

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    you can create a ABAP query as such there are only two tables to link one is
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  • Edit font size standard report

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    Thank you so much,
    Lisa :-)

    Hi Lisa,
    The font is defined in the style sheet (css file) that is referenced in the Page Template. You can override the style by adding your own style (with the same name as used by the columns in the report - you can check that using Firefox+Firebug or the Developer Tools in Chrome) after the APEX standard CSS. You can also put this CSS in your Report Template or in your Page (if it's only for one specific page).
    A good practice is not to include CSS or HTML in your SQL query. Because SQL is logic and HTML/CSS is presentation and these two shouldn't be mixed up.

  • How to add new fields to standard reports

    hi friends,
                 im into ABAP and working across all modules..the basic thing is users and functional people are not satisfied with the standard reports..they need some logic change or to add some more fieldsinb the standard reports.For logic change we have to copy the standard to zprogram and can do or create a new program itself..but in many cases they ask for extra to achive it ..
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    append structure vendor name field in faglposx table ....???how to find out the final internal table from where the output is coming ????
    ?when we check the standard rewport codes...there are lot of include statements perform statements etc to find out the final structure or internal table which has the output values..???

    it would be better if u giv full name of the report
    if ur displaying the data in alv then search for the
    word REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY from which u can get the final table name
    then check the data that is comming into
    try using implicit enhancement or any other exit in the declaration and declare a new structure with the field and append it to the field catalog
    if ur displaying the data using write statement
    then create a zprogram and add a write statement
    fi ur unable to find here the final table then after displayign the report start the debugging and double click on any row to find out more easily

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