Fiori Configuration - Worklows really needed ?

Dear All Gurus,
In case we install fiori and its components in our system do we need to configure Workflows in R/3 (ECC) ??
We are not using Worflows for approval scenareos since for the approvals and allerts we are using the Legacy System .
(Ex : PR is created in SAP and once SAVE, through SAP PI data flows to a legacy systems and Approval is done there and data flows back to SAP to create PO automatically through PI      etc...).
Can we just use Fiori to create PR / PO /Sales Ord. (business scenarios) independantly without Workflows?
Please advice...
Tags edited by: Michael Appleby

Hi Masayuki,
Thanks a lot for your reply....!
Basically ERP - Purchase Requisition Creation / Purchase Orders Creation / Quotations / Sales Order Creations  etc..
Actually we have ERP - MM, SD , FI , CO modules implemented so far in R/3 - ECC in our company and PP , PM, QA modules yet to implement..
All of these are integrated with Legacy Systems through SAP PI/XI and approvals are done at Legacy systems end. (Purchase Requisitions / Purchase Orders are created without workflows)
Why my concern is Do we really need SAP workflows for Fiori to create Purchase Orders , Purchase Requisitions, Sales Orders etc....
Can these be created independently in Fiori?

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  • Anybody who can help me? I really need your help

    I've tried to execute J2ee tutorial examples.
    I don't know why this sample didn't execute...I've already finished to set up J2EE and enviornment variables.
    I was trying this part from j2ee tutorial titled as "Packing Web modules".
    Whenever I type "asant create-war" to make web modules in command window. I always got error.
    Packaging Web Modules(From J2ee tutorial for your information)
    A web module must be packaged into a WAR in certain deployment scenarios and whenever you want to distribute the web module. You package a web module into a WAR using the Application Server deploytool utility, by executing the jar command in a directory laid out in the format of a web module, or by using the asant utility. This tutorial allows you to use use either the first or the third approach. To build the hello1 application, follow these steps:
    In a terminal window, go to <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/web/hello1/.
    Run asant build. This target will spawn any necessary compilations and will copy files to the <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/web/hello1/build/ directory.
    To package the application into a WAR named hello1.war using asant, use the following command:
    asant create-war
    This command uses web.xml and sun-web.xml files in the <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/web/hello1 directory.
    To learn how to configure this web application, package the application using deploytool by following these steps:
    Start deploytool.
    Create a web application called hello1 by running the New Web Component wizard. Select FileNewWeb Component.
    In the New Web Component wizard:
    Select the Create New Stand-Alone WAR Module radio button.
    In the WAR File field, enter <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/web/hello1/hello1.war. The WAR Display Name field will show hello1.
    In the Context Root field, enter /hello1.
    Click Edit Contents to add the content files.
    In the Edit Contents dialog box, navigate to <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/web/hello1/build/. Select duke.waving.gif, index.jsp, and response.jsp and click Add. Click OK.
    Click Next.
    Select the No Component radio button and click Next.
    Click Finish.
    Select FileSave.
    A sample hello1.war is provided in <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/web/provided-wars/. To open this WAR with deploytool, follow these steps:
    Select FileOpen.
    Navigate to the provided-wars directory.
    Select the WAR.
    Click Open Module.
    I guess this step is for checking my system about setup information. I not sure how to change it.
    the result from execution of ansnt command in dos
    D:\J2ee\j2ee-1_4-doc-tutorial_7\j2eetutorial14\examples\web\hello1>asant create- war Buildfile: build.xml
    BUILD FAILED D:\J2ee\j2ee-1_4-doc-tutorial_7\j2eetutorial14\examples\common\targets.xml:10: T he j2ee.home property is not properly set in <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/c ommon/
    Set the j2ee.home property to the location of your Application Server installati on.
    On Windows, you must escape any backslashes in the j2ee.home property with anoth er backslash or use forward slashes as a path separator. So, if your Application Server installation is C:\Sun\AppServer, you must set j2ee.home as follows:
    j2ee.home = C:\\Sun\\AppServer
    j2ee.home is currently set to:
    Total time: 0 seconds
    I've installed J2ee sdk in C:\Sun\AppServer
    PATH: %J2EE_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;
    CLASSPATH: %J2EE_HOME%\lib\j2ee.jar;C:\Java\jre1.6.0_05\lib\ext\;C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14.jar
    J2EE_HOME: C:\Sun\AppServer
    JAVA_HOME: C:\Sun\AppServer\jdk
    I've installed J2ee with administration 4848, HTTP: 8089 HTTP: 8090
    I guess this could refer the target.xml and So, I've tried after changing some value, which is fit for my setup.
    but, still doesn't work.
    <path id="classpath">
    <fileset dir="${j2ee.home}/lib">
    <include name="j2ee.jar"/>
    <target name="j2ee-home-test" >
    <!-- Test if j2ee.home is set properly by looking for j2ee.jar -->
    <available file="${j2ee.home}/lib/j2ee.jar" type="file" property="j2ee.jar.present" />
    <fail unless="j2ee.jar.present">
    The j2ee.home property is not properly set in <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/common/
    Set the j2ee.home property to the location of your Application Server installation.
    On Windows, you must escape any backslashes in the j2ee.home property with another backslash or use forward slashes as a path separator. So, if your Application Server installation is C:\Sun\AppServer, you must set j2ee.home as follows:
    j2ee.home = C:\\Sun\\AppServer
    j2ee.home is currently set to: ${j2ee.home}
    <target name="clean" >
    <delete dir="${build}" />
    <delete dir="${dist}" />
    <delete dir="${assemble}" />
    <delete file="${}" />
    <delete file="${}" />
    <delete file="${war.file}" />
    <delete file="${}" />
    <path id="db.classpath">
    <fileset dir="${db.root}/lib">
    <include name="*.jar"/>
    <target name="create-db_common"
    description="Create database tables and populate database." >
    <sql driver="${db.driver}"
    onerror="abort" >
    <transaction src="${sql.script}"/>
    <target name="delete-db"
    description="Deletes the database tables." >
    <sql driver="${db.driver}"
    onerror="continue" >
    <transaction src="${delete.sql.script}"/>
    <target name="ping-db"
    description="Checks to see if Derby is running." >
    <java classname="org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl"
    <jvmarg line="${db.jvmargs}" />
    <arg line="ping" />
    <classpath refid="db.classpath" />
    <condition property="db.running">
    <equals arg1="${}" arg2="0" />
    <target name="start-db"
    description="Starts the Derby databse server."
    explicitcommand="start-database" />
    <target name="stop-db"
    description="Stops the Derby database server."
    explicitcommand="stop-database" />
    <target name="admin_command_common">
    <echo message="Doing admin task ${admin.command}"/>
    asinstalldir="${j2ee.home}" />
    <target name="create-jdbc-resource_common">
    <antcall target="admin_command_common">
    <param name="admin.command"
    --connectionpoolid ${} ${}" />
    <target name="delete-jdbc-resource_common">
    <antcall target="admin_command_common">
    <param name="admin.command"
    value="delete-jdbc-resource ${}" />
    <target name="deploy-war">
    <antcall target="admin_command_common">
    <param name="admin.command"
    value="deploy ${war.file}" />
    <target name="undeploy-war">
    <antcall target="admin_command_common">
    <param name="admin.command"
    value="undeploy ${example}" />
    <property environment="env" />
    <target name="listprops"
    description="Displays values of some of the properties of this build file">
    <property file="../../common/admin-password.txt" />
    <echo message="Path information" />
    <echo message="j2ee.home = ${j2ee.home}" />
    <echo message="j2ee.tutorial.home = ${j2ee.tutorial.home}" />
    <echo message="env.Path = ${env.Path}" />
    <echo message="env.PATH = ${env.PATH}" />
    <echo message="" />
    <echo message="Classpath information" />
    <echo message="classpath = ${env.CLASSPATH}" />
    <echo message="" />
    <echo message="Admin information" />
    <echo message="admin.password = ${AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" />
    <echo message="admin.password.file = ${admin.password.file}" />
    <echo message=" = ${}" />
    <echo message="admin.user = ${admin.user}" />
    <echo message="admin.port = ${admin.port}" />
    <echo message="https.port = ${https.port}" />
    <echo message="" />
    <echo message="Domain information" />
    <echo message="domain.resources = ${domain.resources}" />
    <echo message="domain.resources.port = ${domain.resources.port}" />
    <echo message="" />
    <echo message="Database information" />
    <echo message="db.root = ${db.root}" />
    <echo message="db.driver = ${db.driver}" />
    <echo message=" = ${}" />
    <echo message="db.port = ${db.port}" />
    <echo message="db.sid = ${db.sid}" />
    <echo message="db.url = ${db.url}" />
    <echo message="db.user = ${db.user}" />
    <echo message="db.pwd = ${db.pwd}" />
    <echo message="url.prop = ${url.prop}" />
    <echo message="ds.class = ${ds.class}" />
    <echo message="db.jvmargs = ${db.jvmargs}" />
    </target> ����
    # Derby configuration settings
    db.jvmargs=-ms16m -mx32m
    Is there anyone who can tell me how to change it? I really need your help....
    Thank you in advance.

    First of all make sure your tutorial folder is installed from the root:
    it makes things so simple.
    set your jee tutorial home
    Thirdly: check in:
    make a copy of the save it as build.propropties, as a property file,
    edit the properties file as in:
    As follows:
    # uncomment the property javaee.home, and add the path
    # to your GlassFish Java EE 5 SDK installation
    # Uncomment the property j2ee.server.username,
    # and replace the administrator username of the app-server
    # Uncomment the property j2ee.server.passwordfile,
    # and replace the following line to point to a file that
    # contains the admin password for your app-server.
    # The file should contain the password in the following line:
    AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin1234and so fourth. Some of the settings as the application server name is all done for you
    and then test it again.
    Take care of editing the property file. It can give you headache.
    Note also that this is for application server 9.1 - JEE5.

  • Do I REALLY NEED such a powerful PSU???

    My problem is on the thread ("Daily Crashing - Total Hardware Shutdown"):
    I appreciate all your advice about upgrading from my Nexus NX-3500 PSU .... I had previously written 350W with 18A on the 12V rail .... actually upon closer inspection the specs are 330W with 16A on the 12V rail.  Ok, I know this is not powerful enough, but as I said, I'm going to be using this PC for music recording, using very sensitive condenser microphones, and the PSUs recomended (Enermax 465 etc) really seem too loud.... the Enermax, for example, has a *minimum* load noise level of around 39dB(A)!  That might not interfere with the needs of a gamer or office worker, but it's really just too loud for use with recording.... once you get that unwanted noise recorded in audio, it's virtually impossible to remove it.
    It's been possible to build totally silent pc systems, using this same PSU, with Athlon XP CPUs.  I understand now that the A64 (and the MSI board it seems) needs a lot of power, but the figures that have been suggested to me (450W-550W) seem very heavy.  Reasons for thinking so:
    MESH ( is perhaps the largest UK PC retailer and regularly wins awards for reliability etc etc from all the top UK PC magazines.  They allow you to configure an Athlon 64 system with the follwing spec:
    * ATX tower
    * A64 3000+, 32000+, 34000+ and the A64FX versions
    * 2 SATA Hard Drives in Raid
    * up to 1GB RAM
    * TOP graphics cards (I mean the ones costing hundreds of pounds ... mine is bottom-end and should require a lot less power than these)
    * DVDRW
    * 2nd Optical Drive
    * Floppy
    ***** PSU 360W *****
    Now, they also offer extensive warranties with these systems.  My question is, would they offer this much power in a PC, with a full warranty, and be rated at the top of PC retailers in the UK, if their 360W PSU was not sufficient?  Now, my PC is LESS POWERFUL than the ones listed above, so why do I need to get a PSU thats so much more powerful?  Incidentally, they use the ASUS K8V Deluxe motherboard with the A64 systems ... does this board handle power better than my MSI KT8 NEO?... allowing you to use smaller PSUs?
    Furthermore, if you look at MESH's Shuttle-case (v.v.small) versions of the Athlon64 system ... they supply it with a 240W PSU!
    Finally, if you look at Sound On Sound magazine (which any of you remotely involved in music production will know) ... this month they did a review of silent PSUs .. and said that owners of 3GHz or faster CPUs, with 2 Hard Drives and 1GB of RAM, would probably be best served with 400W PSUs.  The 500W etc PSUs were recommended for dual-cpu systems or those with multiple DSP cards.
    I won't be playing games on this machine, or watching movies (which is why I just went for the bottom model GeForce graphics card FX5200 ... it doesn't even have a fan, so it shouldn't take up that much power).  A lot of you guys seem to have top-end graphics cards, and 3 or more hard disks, as well as faster CPUs than mine, so you should need more power than me.  In light of this, and bearing in mind that I really do need a very quiet PSU ... can you recommend something?  Will 400W really not be enough?  
    Silenx and Seasonic make 400W PSUs with 22A on the 12V rail.  Is this not sufficient?  The Silenx is supposed to work at 14dB(A) ... load is not specified.
    Please advise ... any comments much appreciated as really need to get this sorted fast.

    Originally posted by Exion
    Thanks for the quick reply Jocko. I guess I got to take out the goodies for now, but I only have a Radeon X800 Pro video card so I have to put that in... If I do run all those stuff on my current power supply will it damage and short-circuit/fry my system components? One more thing, there are several Enermax power supply with the model number EG465P that provide +12V@33A and they are confusing to know the difference. Let me list them and give the link.
    Model#: EG465P-VE(FM)
    Model#: EG475P-VE-SFMA (This one has +12V@16A weird)
    Model#: EG465P-VE(FC) (has EMI reduction but the recent review was bad)
    Model#: EG465P-VE 24P
    Model#: EG465P-VE(FCA)     Out of stock
    Some reviews say there was not enough +12V power leads. Even when they purchased a Y-Splitter, the Enermax power supply did not have enough power, which does not sound so good for me. Besides the color, what is the difference between the VE(FM), VE-SFMA, VE(FC), VE 24P, VE(FCA)??? I went to Enermax's website and looked under power supplies and I could not find anything on those EG465P models (must be old models). Which EG465P power supply do you have Jocko? And which one do you recommend from the list above? Thanks.
    Hi Exion,
    Yes the first one looks OK, as long as it has a 4 pin square connector for Mobo, and an independant 4 pin Molex for Vid card. Don't see connectors listed.
    The second one is the one that SAB had I think, the 12v rail is split into 2 rails, not so good.  The others, if its a bad review,leave it.
    As long as its at least a 465 enermax with 33amps on the 12v, a square  4 pin connector, and an independant line for vid card ( I think latest ones may have 2 independant 12v lines) then you can't go wrong.

  • Hello. My mac can't connect to my time capsule. There is no response and I can't put it back to the originals definitions because all my files are there and I can´t loose them. (sorry about my bad english, but I really need help!)

    Hello. My mac can't connect to my time capsule. There is no response and I can't put it back to the originals definitions because all my files are there and I can´t loose them. (sorry about my bad english, but I really need help!)

    Your files are unaffected by a reset.. no reset via the reset button on the TC harms, deletes or does anything to your files.
    The Factory Reset universal
    Unplug your TC/AE. Hold in reset. and power the TC/AE back on..  all without releasing reset and keep holding in for about 10sec. The time is not important.. it is the front LED rapid flashing that indicates you are in factory mode.
    Release reset.
    If it doesn’t flash rapidly you have released reset at some point and try again.
    Be Gentle! Feel the switch click on. It has a positive feel..  add no more pressure after that.
    TC/AE will reboot after a couple of minutes with default factory settings and will wipe out previous configurations.
    No files are deleted on the hard disk.. No reset of the TC deletes files.. to do that you use erase from the airport utility.
    Here is how to do a fully manual setup for TC which is sometimes necessary with Mavericks in particular.
    Airport Utility shows "unexpected error - please try again" when connecting to Time Capsule

  • HT201442 I'm still having error "the iphone "iphone" could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (3194). Please advice as i really need of the phone for working. Thank you!

    To whom I may concern,
    It been a year + after I move to Thailand for my job vacancy. Previously i have no problem resetting to factory default setting.
    I really need to have my iphone to be working as I need them for my working. Your advice is really very important to me.
    Thank you,
    Tommy Low
    Error 1004, 1013, 1638, 3014, 3194: These errors may be the result of the connection to being redirected or blocked. Follow these steps to resolve these errors:
    Install the latest version of iTunes.
    Check security software. Ensure that communication to is allowed. Follow this article for assistance with security software. iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting security software issues.
    Check the hosts file. The restore will fail if there is an active entry to redirect FollowiTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting to edit the hosts file or revert to a default hosts file. See section "Blocked by configuration: (Mac OS X/Windows) > Rebuild network information".
    Try to restore from another known-good computer and network.
    If the errors persist on another computer, the device may need service.


    HI !
    i have a blackberry curve 9300, OS5. I got it secondhand. It worked really great, but the problem started when I've done that thing within the host routing table. Though my wifi is connected, I can't use the internet. whenever I tried the BB browser and any other application (e.g. facebook, opera mini, etc.) i get a message that says 'i am not in an area that supports blah blah...' or 'unable to connect to internet please try again later'. I checked the browser under browser config and it is set to my local network provider. i changed it to hotspot browser, saved it. But whenever I go back it also goes back to my local network provider. i have tried almost EVERY troubleshooting I've read on this forums and in other forums but still no luck. The problem worsened when I did a security wipe on the emails, contacts, etc.
    -APN settings are disabled
    -default browser set to hotspot browser
    -firewall disabled
    -data services are on
    Everyone said that it has nothing to do with that activation enterprise so I did not configured it after wiping.
    I also tried doing a hard reboot (pulling the battery out and waiting for 5 minutes before turning it on) but it will only fix the problem for sometime and it will go back again.
    Calling my network provider would just suggest to get a plan when in fact, I was able to use the device's wifi well before without any plan.
    I don't want to upgrade my BB to OS6 coz it easily drains the battery of device and I cannot afford doing that because I go out a lot.
    I also tried changing my sim card and network provider but wasn't successful.
    I also tried deleting the name of my local network provider in the service book under options.
    What do you think could be the problem? Any suggestions? I really, really, REALLY, need help.

    Hi miochan984,
    Welcome to the support community!
    A supported data plan from your mobile network provider may actually be required to use the Facebook for BlackBerry smartphones application as well as the browser. I would recommend verifying with them which services they support over a Wi-Fi connection without a data plan.
    Let me know if you have any other questions.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Do I really need to Shadow Copy Backup Drive?

    I am running SBS 2011 Standard. Every once in a while I get "volsnap event id 25 (The shadow copies of volume \\?\Volume{4bac8e93-04ed-11e2-814f-90b11c020377} were deleted because the shadow copy storage could not grow
    in time.  Consider reducing the IO load on the system or choose a shadow copy storage volume that is not being shadow copied.)".
    The referenced volume is actually my backup drive which is a "simple, basic, NTFS primary partition" without an assigned drive letter which is entirely devoted to Windows backup destination drive.
    Shadow Copy Storage association
       For volume: (\\?\Volume{4bac8e93-04ed-11e2-814f-90b11c020377}\)\\?\Volume{4ba
       Shadow Copy Storage volume: (\\?\Volume{4bac8e93-04ed-11e2-814f-90b11c020377}
       Used Shadow Copy Storage space: 2.094 MB (0%)
       Allocated Shadow Copy Storage space: 2.93 GB (1%)
       Maximum Shadow Copy Storage space: UNBOUNDED (100%)
    which I assume means VSS is actually keeping a shadow copy of the backup drive (or trying to).
    My question is - do I really need to shadow copy this volume? If not would I stop this by the following command?
    VSSADMIN DELETE SHADOWSTORAGE /FOR={4bac8e93-04ed-11e2-814f-90b11c020377}

    Just did a quick bit of research on this and I think the error may be misleading.
    If you go into Disk Management, right click Disk Management, All Tasks - Configure Shadow Copies
    Do they show as Disabled on that volumeID?
    If I go into Windows Server Backup and check out the Details, I see (on this system) 70.63gb of Backup Items, and 186gb of Copies. Which tallies up with what I see under List ShadowStorage.
    So, what I suspect is happening (although happy to be proved wrong) is that the error above is VSC making space on your backup disk, or some other management process of the backups themselves.
    I expect if you delete that Shadow Storage you will in fact, be deleting the backups.
    Robert Pearman SBS MVP |
    Facebook |
    Twitter |
    Linked in |

  • Is Widescreen really needed?

    I know the apple website says we need a widescreen TV to be able to use aTV, but do we really need a widescreen TV?
    My tuner has various inputs to inclue an HDMI input. The tuner upconverts and downconverts all inputs and sends the signals to the various outputs.
    Would this be a viable option?
    aTV -> HDMI cable -> Tuner -> Regular TV.
    I watch widescreen movies from my DVD player on my standard TV all the time. Yes i have a little black area at the top and bottom of the screen, but this doesn't bother me at all.

    You clearly understand how a 16:9 picture will display on your 4:3 tv, if you are asking whether it will simply not work because you don't have a widescreen tv, then no it will work with limitations you already seem aware of.
    One thing you might want to ensure is that HDMI will work for you. HDMI looks to make sure you don't have any equipment connected that could record the source, You would need to check how your suggested configuration would work.

  • Really need help BBM not working on wifi

    ok so I've just updated my torch 9800 software and with it all of the apps, but there's the problem that my BBM wont work on wifi. why is that? I'd tried to resend the service books but there was a message about server conection problems, then I'd even tried by the BBM configuration icon in the setup menu but there was another message (imposible to configurate BBM, a temporary error was notified with the server) so I dont really know what to do... really need help this is my only comunication way with my family on the other side of the world.

    On the handset, go to:
    For OS5 and 4.x
    Options - Advanced Options - Host Routing Table
    and click Register now, and escape back to the home page.
    For OS6 and higher
    in options, device , advanced, host routing table, click on menu and choose register now.
    Wait 2 minutes and see if registration to network happens.
    Resend your service books from your carrier BIS site:
    From your handheld device:
    Go to the Personal Email Set Up icon and log in. Then under Help!, select Service Books, then select Send service Books.
    From your desktop PC:
    North American Carriers - scroll down to select your carrier
    WorldWide Carriers - Find your carrier on the list
    3. With the BlackBerry device powered ON, remove the battery a few seconds and then reinsert the battery to reboot. This reboot, even if you have already done this, is often needed to install the service books.
    Click here to Backup the data on your BlackBerry Device! It's important, and FREE!
    Click "Accept as Solution" if your problem is solved. To give thanks, click thumbs up
    Click to search the Knowledge Base at BTSC and click to Read The Fabulous Manuals
    BESAdmin's, please make a signature with your BES environment info.
    SIM Free BlackBerry Unlocking FAQ
    Follow me on Twitter @knottyrope
    Want to thank me? Buy my KnottyRope App here
    BES 12 and BES 5.0.4 with Exchange 2010 and SQL 2012 Hyper V

  • Why did we really need this "spanning-tree extend system-id" command?

    On the Spanning tree protocol I understood how does this spanning-tree extend system-id command work.
    But I have not understood why it is in place? or why do we really need it?
    Nikhil Kulkarni.

    Hi Nikhil,
    The STP and RSTP standard specifications mandate that each switch running STP/RSTP must have a unique Bridge ID (BID). Because Cisco runs STP or RSTP in each VLAN separately (called PVST and RPVST or PVRST), in each VLAN, the switch behaves like a standalone (albeit virtual) switch and thus, each STP/RSTP instance is required to have a unique BID to comply with the standard. Simply, having X VLANs means having X separate STP/RSTP instances and X unique BIDs.
    The question now is how to make sure the BIDs of STP/RSTP instances run on the same switch in different VLANs are truly unique. Older switches actually had a large reserve of MAC addresses. As new VLANs were created, these switches allocated a new MAC address for each new STP/RSTP instance in a new VLAN (recall that the BID originally consisted of the priority and the MAC address), making the BIDs unique.
    However, the consumption of MAC addresses this way was simply too large and ineffective. At the same time, having 65536 different values for priority in the BID was largely useless. So IEEE came with the idea of Extended System ID in which they reused a part of the priority field for a unique instance identifier. In Cisco's implementation, this field is populated with the VLAN number the STP/RSTP instance runs in. This easily and effectively makes the BID unique - even with the same priority for all VLANs on a single switch, and a single switch MAC address, multiple STP/RSTP instances running on this same switch with the same priority have different BIDs thanks to different VLAN numbers embedded into the BID.
    Some switch platforms actually allowed you to deactivate the Extended System ID and revert to the older style of assigning unique MAC addresses to individual STP/RSTP instance BIDs. That is why the command spanning-tree extend system-id exists in the first place. However, removing this command is only possible on those switching platforms which are equipped with 1024 MAC addresses for their disposal. Most new switching platforms have only 64 MAC addresses for their internal use, and while the spanning-tree extend system-id command is present in their configuration, you can not remove it. It is simply there to inform you that the Extended System ID is being used but you can not really deactivate it.
    Read more here:
    Best regards,

  • Do I really need BM??

    I'm currently building a new box(NW6.5SP5) to replace an older
    server(NW6SP4) that acts as an external firewall to our DMZ. It only does
    packet filtering.
    The old server had BM3.7SP2 installed and currently abends every time you
    change the filters - but my question is do I really need to install BM3.8
    if all it's doing is packet filtering? Does BM offer 'better' packet
    filtering capability and security than just using NW6.5's filtering?

    In article <A%[email protected]>, wrote:
    > The old server had BM3.7SP2 installed and currently abends every time you
    > change the filters - but my question is do I really need to install BM3.8
    > if all it's doing is packet filtering? Does BM offer 'better' packet
    > filtering capability and security than just using NW6.5's filtering?
    BMgr has more capabilities of course than just packet filtering. It does
    rely on NetWare's filtering capability, except that with 3.7 - 3.9, BMgr
    adds the ability to use a browser to configure filtering. In order to do
    that, filter definitions were moved into NDS in 3.7. (This led to a number
    of issues, probably including the one you have now). Besides moving
    filters to NDS (so you can manage them in iManager in addition to FILTCFG),
    server new definitions were added that were not present in raw NetWare
    filtering files. However, you could add those manually as needed. Also,
    BMgr provides the BRDCFG utility to set up default filters and exceptions.
    That said, if you want to manually configure every filter and exception
    with NetWare, you can do so without BMgr, as long as you know just what you
    are doing. (My filtering book could be useful to you there - see the URL
    below). You would not have NDS-based filtering, and you would have to use
    FILTCFG to manage the filters.
    OK - now as to the abend, my guess is that you have either gotten filter
    object corruption in NDS, or you might have mixed versions of filtering
    NLM's on the server. To fix the latter issue, try reinstalling the BMgr
    patches (see tip #1 at the URL below). To fix NDS corruption, first back
    up the filters.cfg file. Second, unload IPFLT and FITLSRV nlm's. Next,
    find the NBMRuleContainer object and open it up with NWADMN32 or
    ConsoleOne. (There are no snapins, but you can still open the object).
    Delete the objects inside the NBMRuleContainer. Now LOAD FILTSRV MIGRATE
    at the server, and wait for it to put the filters back into NDS from the
    filters.cfg file. You should eventually see a message in the Logger screen
    to unload and reload filtsrv. Unload and reload it, and load ipflt. Check
    the filters with FILTCFG. That should fix the issue.
    Craig Johnson
    Novell Support Connection SysOp
    *** For a current patch list, tips, handy files and books on
    BorderManager, go to ***

  • I really need help with my internet on my mac

    Okay I have a 13 unibody mbp 2009 and i cannot connect to the internet in any way (either airport or eithernet cord). I have reset everything and it still doesnt work. All the other computers in the house do. Even the bootcamp windows side works on my mac just the mac side doesnt. I am running 1.5.8.
    Please help me!
    I really need it running

    Open System Preferences/Network
    Select the location you want to fix (e.g. Home) in the top selector
    In the left hand column delete all the Services except Airport (which should say Connected ?)
    Click the Advanced button
    In the window that opens delete all Networks except your home/router named one
    Click TCP/IP
    Set Configure IPv4 to Using DHCP
    Click OK bottom right and you should see the Router fill in the number (or similar) and your IPv4 address as (or similar)
    Click the DNS button and add and
    Click OK
    Click Apply
    Close the panel
    You should have an Internet connection through your router

  • Wifi Syncing really needs a fix. Or at the very least some manual parameters.

    After installing IOS5 , itunes 10.5 and making sure eveything works i've come across a snag like many others.
    Wi-fi syncing simply doesn't work for me.
    I have the option in summary , it is clicked and enabled.
    I've followed the trouble shooting guide here : a few times over.
    Still my phone claims not to see the computer itunes is installed on.
    On my phone , in settings - general - iTunes Wi-Fi Sync the button is greyed out and under it it says "Sync will resume when "HOUSE-03-PC-05" is available".
    It is available LOL , ios stop lying to me.
    I have installed a few ping apps , where pinging to the ip of said computer works fine from my phone.
    I have disabled my windows firewall to be sure nothing is being blocked by it.
    I checked if bonjour still works with other apps that need it. And they work.
    Airvideo for example can connect to the computer that has my itunes installed just fine.
    I installed "ip scanner" , it seems to discover the netbios name of the "HOUSE-03-PC-05" computer just fine.
    The wireless access point I use is a D-link 2100AP, it doesn't block nor firewall anything. . Everything else wifi related I do works fine.
    Itunes is running , my power  cable is plugged in , and i'm not sitting at the wrong side of the desk while looking at the back of my screen.
    I have even started a few tcp server programs of my own making on various ports on the pc itunes is installed on and connected to those ports using issh in telnet mode , and it works just as it's suposed to.
    Something really needs fixing when it comes to the phone finding the computer that it uses for syincing.
    Maybe the option to indicate the IP to try and connect to would fix it ? is it a resolve issue?
    I was thinking the problem could be from uisng hyphens in my netbios names , but i really would doubt that .
    Any more ideas on what more I could test for would be apreciated .
    Kind Regards

    I had exactly the same problem and couldn't find the answer anywhere. However after playing a bit I found out that my computer name (i.e. Right click on "Computer" and select properties) contained a hypen. I renamed the computer to delete the hypen, restarted and now it syncs wirelessly like a charm!
    Obviously something that apple overlooked which will probably right itself in the next release but should get you up and running fingers crossed!

  • With the new actualization of my ipod, app store wont let me download apps like kik, tumblr and more, i really need kik cause theres were i text my friends, what is happening?

    With the new actualization of my ipod, app store wont let me download apps like kik, tumblr and more, i really need kik cause theres were i text my friends, what is happening?

    What does "new actualization" mean?
    Do you have Restrictions set that world prevent installing those apps? Settings>General>Restrictions

  • I need to connect my iPad to a projector and USB ports. What do I need to do this and where can I get the suitable fittings? I really need to have more than one USB connection port. Help

    I need to connect my iPad to a projector and have USB ports. What do I need to do this and where can I get the suitable fittings? I really need to have more than one USB connection port. Help

    You can connect via a cable or wireless using an Apple TV.
    Connect an iPad to a Television or Projector levision-projector.html
    Connecting iPad iPhone or iPod to TV or Projector
    iPad Accessories: Connections for a TV or Projector rojector.html
    You may be interested in AirPlay on the Apple TV:
    Alternately, there are Apple Digital AV Adapters for hardwired connections:
    If your location does’t have wifi to use with the Apple TV, use a portable router.
    Portable routers
     Cheers, Tom

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