FireFox 64-bit?

Hi. I'm at my limit with the 32-bit I'm using. I don't see any 64-bit out. What's the deal? Is there any possible hope for a 64-bit version?
The reason I'm asking this is because FireFox doesn't seem to fully take advantage of my RAM. I have 32GB 2400Mhz DDR3 and I have over 300 tabs and I'm using an addon that actually unloads tabs that are not in use or if they're not used within the past hour. So that helps, but FireFox crashes everytime. Even new fresh installation doesn't help or moving them over to a different computer doesn't help either. To my understanding, the latest version of FireFox has a maximum amount of RAM that it can use so I can only guess that it's 32-bit version.
Unless I'm wrong, please correct me. Don't ask what I use the tabs for. That's just what I do. My systerm is super beefed up so clearly that isn't the issue here.

Note that you are referring to 64-bit Windows only as there has been 64-bit for Mac OSX (combined 32/64) and 64-bit along with 32-bit for Linux since Firefox 4.0 from
Since the Win32 Firefox worked fine and there were a number of technical hurdles that needed to be done to get to Release it was made a lesser priority compared to other things in meantime. If it was the case of needing Win64 Firefox in order to use Firefox on 64-bit Windows then it would have been a top priority.
There is actually some work going on in have Win64 for Release as early as Firefox 37.0. Technically Mozilla could build Win64 Release now but would it be stable and a good idea, no.
Mozilla plans to roll out the 64-bit in phases:
Phase 1: A separate 64-bit installer is provided and users are informed about it on the browser's what's new page. 64-bit builds are served from that moment on to users who opted-in. The majority of plugins and binary <strike>add-ons</strike> Extensions won't work in this phase.
Phase 2: A universal installer that supports both 32-bit and 64-bit. Flash support is provided either via 64-bit Flash or Shumway, and <strike>add-on</strike> Extensions support is improved.
Phase 3: Auto-update functionality.
The proposed version of Firefox for phase 1 is Firefox 37 Stable.
Correction as Addons does not mean one thing as it is a general word that groups together Plugins, Extensions, Themes (both real complete and images aka lightweight), dictionaries, search engines.

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    I suggest evryone just avoid mixing 64bits and 32bits... unless impossible (ie. wine64 doesn't run win32 apps, just win64 ones)
    EDIT: Oh, about your "real" question: maybe you were looking for "ndispluginwrapper" (or something alike)
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    Hi Herb,
    For the record, we are talking about the Flash plugin from Adobe being an "alpha" release, not the Firefox browser.... (see:
    It's "alpha", in that Adobe assumes no responsibility for supporting incompatibilities with the Flash spec., would be my guess. I've been using it since November, 2009 (and the latest refresh of the Alpha, early Feb., 2010) with good results. By "good", I mean, it hasn't crashed my browser, seems to perform moderately well on my laptop, and I can hit all the Flash sites like YouTube, ETrade, and things "just work". I've had much better luck with this alpha release of the plugin than I've had with the Linux open-source plugin, swfdec:
    If you read the Adobe FAQ ( it appears Adobe plans to release the full version with their next major release cycle.
    Hope that clarifies...
    -- Steve

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    Your user agent in more system details on right of your post shows this.
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; '''WOW64'''; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1
    Note the '''WOW64''' as this means it is a 32-bit app running on 64-bit Windows.
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    Win64 Nightly has existed for some time however they are not supported (like the Win32, Mac OSX 32/64-bit and Linux 32/64-bit are) as they are currently more for to catch breakage/regressions.
    No it is not simply because the 32-bit version works.
    The 64-bit Windows builds has still been a work in progress on a number of things that needs to be in order, especially for Win64 Releases to happen.
    For reading as Bugzilla is not a discussion forum like here.
    [ Bug 471090] - (tracking_win64) [meta] Windows x64 build tracking bug
    [ Bug 558448] - (support-win64) [Tracking bug] officially support Windows 64-bit builds

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    You appear to be running 32bit. Mozilla Firefox isn't currently offered in 64bit on Windows, aside from the Nightly testing releases.
    Your User Agent (check it from Help -> Troubleshooting Information) does indicate which version you're running, in a roundabout way - ''WOW64'' is what Windows calls running 32bit applications on 64bit Windows. If you were running 64bit Firefox, you would see ''x64'' instead.

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    Duplicate of [/questions/959549] Locked.
    The Nightly you mentioned is a development channel where 24.0a1 is currently on and it gets checkins pretty much everyday and therefore gets a update each of those days. It is meant more for developers and testers and not stable use.

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    Windows 7 Pro, 64 Bit

    Thanks Ed and James, here is an edited version of my reply to: "how to activate lightbeam" ...
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  • Why firefox 64 bit for windows is not available?

    Hello friends.
    Today, many of computers and cpus are 64 bit. Also most of opeerating systems sucha as windows have 64 bit edition.
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    If the problem is plug-ins availablility, now most of important plug-ins such as Flash player can work on 64 bit browsers. This problem is solving.
    Other browsers, like Internet Explorer have 64 bit edition.
    Please work more and more to solve this problem.
    I posted this on the forum to get notes of other firefox users!
    Thanks very much.

    Thanks for your very good answer. But When we have x64 cpu and x64 os, this means we have more addressing space with more than 3 GB RAM.
    When firefox supports x64, it can use more addressing space in memory and can speeding up Java Script runs Also in applications such as web based games, and and new HTML 5 web apps).
    The feature web apps will use more complex code, this codes will run faster on x64 browser.
    If x64 browser haven't any good reason, why others such as microsoft are releasing x64 browser? and Adboe is suppring x64 in newer flash player plug-in?
    If x64 IE is slower than 32 bit version, this is because they have little work on 64-bit browser for reducing memory usage and faster runs
    I think companies must work more and more on supporing maximum capacity of the newer CPUs.
    After many years past of releasing x64 architecture in hardware world, the the world of software is so retarded.

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    i have .....
    uninstalled and installed many times in IE32bit
    shut off virus programs
    tried to download 32 bit foxfire but when i go to about:support i have 64b version
    during installations shut off all programs

    Where are you downloading Firefox from? No official 64 bit version of Firefox for Windows has been released.
    You can get Firefox from or for Firefox 4 beta from

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