Firefox crashing AND the scroll feature on my PC finger pad works with other browsers, but doesn't work on Firefox, which just happened since I updated. FRUSTRATING!

Since I updated, Firefox is crashing daily. The finger scroll feature on my PC works with other browsers, but doesn't work on Firefox. It is also very, very slow, but other browsers aren't. I can't use it anymore until it's fixed.

To open the <i>about:config</i> page, type <b>about:config</b> in the location (address) bar and press the "<i>Enter</i>" key, just like you type the url of a website to open a website.<br />
If you see a warning then you can confirm that you want to access that page.<br />
*Use the Filter bar at to top of the about:config page to locate a preference more easily.
*Preferences that have been modified show as bold (user set).
*Preferences can be reset to the default via the right-click context menu if they are user set
*Preferences can be changed via the right-click context menu: Modify (String or Integer) or Toggle (Boolean)

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    Firefox keeps crashing my entire computer if i pull down the scroll bar too fast or go to websites that use flashplayer and sometimes for no reason at all. My other browsers work fine and firefox did till the update.

    There has been a security update of the Flash Player and the current version is 10.1 r85 , so you are two versions behind (previous was 10.1 r82).

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    I have had problems with Safari and OS 10.6.8 (I think caused by Apple getting ready for Lion!) but after a lot of uninstalling etc I now have Safari, Camino and Chrome (all most recent versions) automatically sending downloads to Speed Download.
    Speed Download Plugin v 2.1.5 is installed; I do not know what or where to adjust or reset to get Firefox letting its downloads be picked up automatically once again like the other three browsers.

    Lightning is a problem for you because it hooks into Thunderbird at a low level and you need a version compiled for the platform Thunderbird is running on. So you can't do the preferred solution, which is to put your whole profile in a shared folder and have both instances of Thunderbird reference the same profile. (Ditto for Enigmail). Lightning may become an integral part of Thunderbird in an upcoming release, at which point this limitation due to Lightning should disappear.
    And if you can't use a shared profile, you can't set your Lightning, or your Address Book, to share a common set of files. Put another way, the linkage from Thunderbird to its address book files and calendar data is hard-coded, and not exposed where we can adjust it. :-(
    The halfway house is to place your mail stores in a shared place, and use the Local Directory setting in each account's settings to connect to it. They don't need to be in the profile; what's more important in your case is that they are in a folder accessible to both operating systems.
    Look in your profile; everything under Mail and ImapMail needs to be moved out to a shared folder. Note the entries in Thunderbird under Local Directory before you do this, and reconstruct those pathnames in Thunderbird, but adjusted to suit their new locations.
    (You can see here that you need to make many adjustments, one per account, in each instance of Thunderbird, so it's a high-maintenance solution and this is why we don't recommend it when the alternative, moving the whole profile, is possible.)
    I share address books and calendars between Thunderbirds on various computers (and my phone and tablet) by syncing to something in the cloud; Google Contacts and Google Calendar are my choices, using gContactSync and CalDav.
    Having made the break myself some years ago, I'd recommend you break away from Windows. ;-)

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fpc100026140356=NwWsMjca|s34jofELaa|fses100026140356=|EOOJejvLaa|NwWsMjca|fvis100026140356=ZT1odHRwJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnlhaG9vLmNvbSUyRiZmPWh0dHAlM0ElMkYlMkZuZXdzLnlhaG9vLmNvbSUyRmJsb2dzJTJGZW52b3klMkZsaWJ5YS1yZWJlbC1jb21tYW5kZXItY29udGVuZHMtdG9ydHVyZWQtcmVuZGVyZWQtY2lhLTE1MzAzNzg1MC5odG1sJmI9TGlieWElMjByZWJlbCUy.

    * [ Firefox (Tools) > Options] > Advanced > General : Accessibility : [ ] "Warn me when web sites try to redirect or reload the page"
    * [[Options window - Advanced panel#General_tab]]
    See also:

  • I used to be able to click on the maximise button (upper right corner) and then drag a firefox page from one monitor to another--I can still do this with other browsers but not with Firefox.

    Don't know what else to add in addition to what I say above. I am running Windows 7 Service Pack 1. Also use Windows Internet Explorer, Google Chrome.

    You drag the window by its Title Bar, always been the same for Windows.

  • My Laptop sound works fine with other browsers, but same audio played in Firefox browser is VERY low. Is there a fix for this?

    I run Windows 7 on a Dell Laptop with i5 processor - SRS premium sound that works well except when using Firefox browser. Example of problem - listening to CNN news on TunedIn online Radio - volume cranked all the way up provides about 20% of the audio volume when listening to the same on Google Chrome.

    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. Safe Mode is a troubleshooting mode, which disables most add-ons.
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default theme.)''
    * On Windows you can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by holding the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * On Mac you can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by holding the '''option''' key while starting Firefox.
    * On Linux you can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by quitting Firefox and then going to your Terminal and running: firefox -safe-mode (you may need to specify the Firefox installation path e.g. /usr/lib/firefox)
    * Or open the Help menu and click on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item while Firefox is running.
    ''Once you get the pop-up, just select "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    [[Image:Safe Mode Fx 15 - Win]]
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] article for that.
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    ''When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help other users who have the same problem.''
    Thank you.

  • I cannot use pay bills on Chase Banks website and I could before this last update and with other browsers I can..

    I can access the Chase Bank website and log in. I can only use bill pay with other browsers. I can access bill pay but after that if I manually put in the date to be paid since I can't use the calendar they have I can't get past verify

    Go into Settings, iCloud on your iPad & iPhone. Turn streaming on there. I did that when I first set up my phone & iPad & have not had any problems. It will only stream over new photos so take one on your phone & see what happens. I hope that works for you.

  • Can't download the installer for Shockwave Windows Full Other Browsers

    The website shows Shockwave Windows Full Other Browsers but the executable is Problem with the regional node here for Hamburg, Germany?

    < Moving the discussion to Shockwave forums>

  • The scroll feature has stopped working on my laptop touchpad in Mozilla Firefox but not Internet Explorer.

    The scroll feature was working well on my laptop touchpad but has ceased to work in Firefox. It continues to work well in Internet Explorer. Help!

    Its due to the adobe reader add on. I removed adobe reader and installed foxit reader. Now everything seems perfect. My laptop model is model is Acer Aspire 5820 TG and I use synaptics driver.
    Solution: (Courtesy - iuliand)
    If you have issues with touch-pad scrolling in FF4 do this:
    1) disable Adobe Acrobat add-on and test if it works, otherwise
    2) install the latest touch-pad driver.
    Hope this will help others.
    If the above does not work, temporarily disable all add-ons in order to check if there is another one that may cause this.
    Also, make sure you update to the latest touch-pad driver from the touch-pad manufacturer site (very easy to do if you have a Synaptics). Most of the time drivers from notebook manufacturer support site are NOT up to date.
    Keep in mind that you may need to do both things (disable acrobat AND install latest driver). Both are possible causes and may occur at the same time, as it was in my case.
    Edit 2:
    If you have an ALPS touch-pad and none of the above works, check dog425's post below in this topic. He pointed out a solution found in this thread:

  • I have a "welcome" sound byte on my web site, The Northern Bard. Whenever I open it in Firefox, there is a QuickTime crash and the sound byte doesn't play.

    I have had a web site on Tripod since 1997. The opening page has Madeline Kahn doing the Lilly von Schtupp welcome from "Blazing Saddles", which plays on IE, Chrome, and other browsers, but NOT on Firefox. It's very annoying, when I keep getting updates from QuickTime on my desktop, to keep getting the "QuickTime has crashed" message, I keep REPEATEDLY sending crash reports, I've done all you tell me to do to get it to quit doing that, yet the problem continues.
    How about either giving REAL solutions to the problem or fix whatever bug Firefox has up it's chimney so that people using Firefox to visit my web site can hear the music and sound bytes I programmed in to make my pages fun?

    Please make sure that they are up to date [[Troubleshoot issues with plugins like Flash or Java to fix common Firefox problems]]
    Has the website been updated since it was created? It would be interesting to see if the way to implement background music has changed.
    Do you also have any ad blocking software?[]

  • When i try to load certain page, the system crashed and the bottom panel states " stopped" but when I close and open firefox again,it can't and I get this message that says my firefox is still running and to open the browser i need to restart the compu

    while browsing suddenly the system crashed and the bottom panel says " stopped".When closed and re-opened, I got a prompt that says firefox is still running and i have to close to open again or have to restart the computer but it doesn't work
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == just happened

    You get message "firefox is still running" and computer restart doesn't help you. Try the advice below.
    Make sure Firefox isn't running (end firefox.exe process in Task Manager or restart computer)
    Find your profile folder
    C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxxxxxx.default
    find file "parent.lock" in it and delete it (the file is empty, its function is to signify to Firefox whether it's already open or not).
    Then try to open Firefox again. Will it start or not? What will it say?

  • Whenever I open new tabs Firefox crashes and the browser window closes automatically.what will I do?

    I am facing this problem since a month.I never faced this problem before.I always feel good to use Mozilla Firefox as my browser.I used to open multiple tabs in a same browser window.For example- in a tab I logged in to Facebook,at same time I might be downloading songs or something else or open another site in the other tab.It might be 2 or 3 tabs sometimes.But now a days,I am facing the problem whenever I open multiple tabs.Its unusual and so much annoying.The Firefox crashes and the browser window closes showing a messege to send an error report.Please Help me.
    N.B. - I am using the Windows service pack 2.
    RAM - 2 GB
    Hard disk MEmory - 250 GB.

    I had this same problem. Seems to be caused by the web developer tool bar FF extension (this started happening after a recent update to that extension). After disabling it, my FF is back to normal :)

  • I am using firefox ver 8.0.1 and Canon LBP3200 printer. Whenever i give a print command from Firefox the browser crashes and the crash reporter asks for submitting the report.

    I am using the printer in a network. the same problem is faced when giving print on the canon LBP3200 from the local computer.
    its kind of very irritating.
    Even if i open a pdf document in the browser and then give print command the browser crashes and the crash reporter appears.
    Kindly help.

    Following are the crash reports generated:
    bp-8af5ab44-6b84-427f-ae16-36acd2111227 12/27/201102:29 PM
    bp-bc804648-bbb4-4ac1-a93a-604052111219 12/19/201104:00 PM
    bp-1fb97a23-84cc-4922-91d0-21a732111219 12/19/201104:00 PM
    bp-c621113c-5446-4c16-8236-5a06c2111214 12/15/201101:07 PM
    bp-2f51489c-adcf-4f9e-8f16-f6cf52111212 12/12/201102:24 PM
    bp-5b9f3af7-d1e2-4882-b625-815cb2111212 12/12/201102:23 PM
    bp-0b7389bc-7047-478c-a01c-03f3b2111212 12/12/201102:22 PM

  • After updating to Firefox 7, i've lost scrolling feature on my laptop touch pad

    After I updated to Firefox 7, the scrolling feature on the laptop touch pad would not work. My OS is Windows 7. I also updated my other laptop and the same thing happened. That one has Windows Vista as it's OS

    Try to modify the pref ui.trackpoint_hack.enabled on the about:config page from the default value -1 to 0 or 1 to see if that makes the scroll pad work.
    To open the <i>about:config</i> page, type <b>about:config</b> in the location (address) bar and press the "<i>Enter</i>" key, just like you type the url of a website to open a website.<br />
    If you see a warning then you can confirm that you want to access that page.<br />
    *Use the Filter bar at to top of the about:config page to locate a preference more easily.
    *Preferences that have been modified show as bold (user set).
    *Preferences can be reset to the default via the right-click context menu if they are user set
    *Preferences can be changed via the right-click context menu: Modify (String or Integer) or Toggle (Boolean)

  • The scroll feature on my touch pad does not work with 4.0. Works in all other apps including 3.6. What hapened???

    I can not scroll through web pages with the scroll feature on my touch pad. It worked in 3.6 and all other programs that I use. I have tried 4.0 twice with the same results, I've restarted, rebooted etc.
    This should not be application dependant but a system function.
    Now I will either roll back to 3.6 where I have troubles with some secure sites or just dump the whole thing and try Chrome.

    I have discovered the solution and it involves an issue I suspected. After the restore of my old Time Machine Lion files to my new MBP running ML, the restore restored my computer back to Lion. After an install of ML, my computer worked perfectly except the fancy Scroll and zoom featured we all love from the trackpad. Ha already installed ML on other partitions and the trackpad worked perfectly on them.  Even the guest login's trackpad worked perfectly but not the main admin account.
    First thought was to create a new admin account and copy everything from the old admin to the new admin and then delete the old admin account. Hated the idea because all files had to be copied rather than moved.
    So what was left to do. I had thought of deleting all the apple preferences from the library and replace them with the contents of the library on another partition in ML. First I deleted old preferences many of which were old Lion preferences. That didn't solve the issue.
    I forgot that Lion and ML HIDE the user library so I was working on the wrong library. Discovered the Terminal command "chflags nohidden ~/Library" and I chose to reveal the user library on a ML partition.
    I booted into another ML partition. I guess that I could have booted into the new admin user account and changed the permissions  to access the old admin users Library But I chose to boot
    from another ML partition: copy ALL the XXXXX.plist files and the folder  BY Host. It has special hidden files. Other  way is to copy the Preferences folder we'll say into the Desktop.
    I then proceeded to delete ALL the…….plist files and the Host folder into the trash. Then I copied all the…plist files and the Host folder and then rebooted. And now my wonderful Trackpad works as mountain Lion intended it to work.
    I'm leaving this solution because there's someone else in the MacWorld with the same issue.

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