Firefox lockup Window7 When Running Download Helper

Once in a while, after starting Firefox in my new Window7 laptop, the whole laptop would freeze. Task manager wouldn't open until Firefox crash or shutdown by Window7. I notice the download helper addon running something. After reboot and Firefox restarted, Firefox couldn't find the old browser profile.

Thanks again Viking OSX, it's nice to know it's not just me. Once you put me on the trail I checked around and see that an incompatability issue between Firefox and Adobe has been going on for several months
I guess my simplest solution is to  use Safari for viewing PDF's untill adobe sort out the plug-in issue. Bit of a pain but not quite worlds end!
Just a thought, isn't OX10.8 supposed to be able to read PDF's by itself?

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    Hi Dennis,
    Firefox does not really include much in the way of bookmarks when you initially download it.
    *What did you have a set of bookmarks on another version of Firefox ?
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    If you do not keep changes after a restart then see:

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    Oracle Human Resources Generic Process
    Started at : 11-JAN-2011 09:18:31
    Chunk Size : 2
    Threads : 4
    Logging Category :
    User Messaging : N
    Interlock : N
    Trace : N
    RR Buffer Size : 500
    RRV Buffer Size : 500
    Bal Buffer Size : 400
    EE Buffer Size : 500
    Logging Area :
    Assignment ID for Start:
    Assignment ID for End o:
    PL/SQL Output
    LOCATION py3vntsetup:1a
    APP-PAY-06882: Assertion failure detected at location py3vntsetup:1a.
    Cause: an internal error has occurred at location py3vntsetup:1a.
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    Exceptions posted by this request:
    Concurrent Request for "QuickPay Run" has completed with error.
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    APP-PAY-06882: Assertion failure detected at location py3vntsetup:1a.Please search MOS for this error and go through the docs.

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    Hi drdanl,
    Please refrain from posting serial numbers on a public forum.
    I am able to click on the download links.
    Please try accessing the link :  from a different browser and check.

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    hello, this sounds like a problem possibly caused by malware on your pc. please go to ''firefox > addons > extensions'' & remove any suspicious entries (toolbars, things that you have not installed intentionally, don't know what purpose they serve, etc). also go to the windows control panel / programs and remove all toolbars or potentially unwanted software from there and run a full scan of your system with the security software that you have in place and different other tools like the [ free version of malwarebytes] & [ adwcleaner].
    [[Remove a toolbar that has taken over your Firefox search or home page]]
    [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware]]

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    Video Download Helper v. 4.9.10.

    Download from -
    User Manual -
    *In the first section "Using DownloadHelper" there is an explanation about the icon.
    **The instructions on that page to get the icon on the toolbar are when using the Menu bar (View/Toolbar/Customize).
    **Alternates for getting the Customize screen open are 1). click Firefox button in upper left corner > Options > Toolbar Layout or 2). right-click on the Navigation toolbar and choose Customize.
    Other --
    You need to update some plugins:
    *Check plugins -
    *Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in
    **Download -

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    If the menu bar is hidden then press the F10 key or hold down the Alt key to make the menu bar appear.
    Open the Customize window via "View > Toolbars > Customize"
    *If missing items are in the toolbar palette then drag them back from the Customize window on the toolbar
    *If you do not see an item on a toolbar and in the toolbar palette then click the "Restore Default Set" button to restore the default toolbar set up
    See also:

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    Such files that are passed to external programs are usually downloaded to the system temp folder (%TEMP% or %TMP%).
    You may need to check your Anti-virus software if this isn't working properly.

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    You're welcome.
    You can rename the Firefox shortcut.
    Make sure that you are on the ''release'' update channel.
    It is possible that you are still on the beta update channel if you ever installed a Firefox 4 beta version or a release candidate.<br />
    You can check that by looking at the pref <b></b> on the about:config page.<br />
    If the value of that pref is beta then it is better to download and install the latest Firefox 4.0.x release.<br />
    To open the <i>about:config</i> page, type <b>about:config</b> in the location (address) bar and press the "<i>Enter</i>" key, just like you type the url of a website to open a website.<br />
    If you see a warning then you can confirm that you want to access that page.<br />
    You can use the Filter bar at to top of the about:config page to locate a pref more easily.

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    I cannot grab it to resize.
    I don't know what made it bigger in the first place.
    How do I make it smaller again? reinstall?

    Can you attach a screenshot?
    Use a compressed image type like PNG or JPG to save the screenshot.
    You can check for problems with the localstore.rdf file.

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