Firewall's Oracle proxy turned on client's port

Hi All,
To communicate from Database server to Grid Control server we want to open port TCP 4889 and 4900.
Our client want to know, whether the Source servers(database servers) can connect to the Destintation server(Grid Control server) with firewall’s Oracle proxy turned on.
Please let me know whether the grid client will work with firewall’s Oracle proxy turned on. Thanks.

Please follow the section Configuring Enterprise Manager for Firewalls from below doc

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    Hi Gilles,
    I have implemented this today, and we are still seeing issues with requests hitting the wrong server.
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    Error 404--Not Found
    From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
    10.4.5 404 Not Found
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    ####<May 20, 2013 10:32:52 AM IST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <01hw311161> <IPM_server1> <main> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1369026172860> <BEA-000360> <Server started in RUNNING mode>
    ####<May 20, 2013 10:32:53 AM IST> <Info> <J2EE> <01hw311161> <IPM_server1> <[STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1369026173516> <BEA-160151> <Registered library Extension-Name: bea_wls_async_response (JAR).>
    ####<May 20, 2013 10:32:53 AM IST> <Info> <WebService> <01hw311161> <IPM_server1> <[STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<anonymous>> <> <> <1369026173641> <BEA-220103> <Async web service support is not fully configured. The async response web service /AsyncResponseServiceHttps for this server was not fully deployed because the JMS reliability queue was not defined/deployed: weblogic.wsee.DefaultQueue. The server will periodically retry completing the deploy for the service. This message can usually be ignored unless there are async web service applications. To completely disable async web service support, thus avoiding this message, set -Dweblogic.wsee.skip.async.response=true.>
    ####<May 20, 2013 10:32:53 AM IST> <Info> <WebService> <01hw311161> <IPM_server1> <[STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<anonymous>> <> <> <1369026173735> <BEA-220103> <Async web service support is not fully configured. The async response web service /AsyncResponseServiceJms for this server was not fully deployed because the JMS reliability queue was not defined/deployed: weblogic.wsee.DefaultQueue. The server will periodically retry completing the deploy for the service. This message can usually be ignored unless there are async web service applications. To completely disable async web service support, thus avoiding this message, set -Dweblogic.wsee.skip.async.response=true.>
    ####<May 20, 2013 10:32:53 AM IST> <Info> <WebService> <01hw311161> <IPM_server1> <[STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<anonymous>> <> <> <1369026173735> <BEA-220103> <Async web service support is not fully configured. The async response web service /AsyncResponseService for this server was not fully deployed because the JMS reliability queue was not defined/deployed: weblogic.wsee.DefaultQueue. The server will periodically retry completing the deploy for the service. This message can usually be ignored unless there are async web service applications. To completely disable async web service support, thus avoiding this message, set -Dweblogic.wsee.skip.async.response=true.>
    ####<May 20, 2013 10:32:53 AM IST> <Info> <WebService> <01hw311161> <IPM_server1> <[STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<anonymous>> <> <> <1369026173750> <BEA-220103> <Async web service support is not fully configured. The async response web service /AsyncResponseServiceSoap12Jms for this server was not fully deployed because the JMS reliability queue was not defined/deployed: weblogic.wsee.DefaultQueue. The server will periodically retry completing the deploy for the service. This message can usually be ignored unless there are async web service applications. To completely disable async web service support, thus avoiding this message, set -Dweblogic.wsee.skip.async.response=true.>
    ####<May 20, 2013 10:32:53 AM IST> <Info> <WebService> <01hw311161> <IPM_server1> <[STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<anonymous>> <> <> <1369026173766> <BEA-220103> <Async web service support is not fully configured. The async response web service /AsyncResponseServiceSoap12 for this server was not fully deployed because the JMS reliability queue was not defined/deployed: weblogic.wsee.DefaultQueue. The server will periodically retry completing the deploy for the service. This message can usually be ignored unless there are async web service applications. To completely disable async web service support, thus avoiding this message, set -Dweblogic.wsee.skip.async.response=true.>
    ####<May 20, 2013 10:32:53 AM IST> <Info> <WebService> <01hw311161> <IPM_server1> <[STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<anonymous>> <> <> <1369026173782> <BEA-220103> <Async web service support is not fully configured. The async response web service /AsyncResponseServiceSoap12Https for this server was not fully deployed because the JMS reliability queue was not defined/deployed: weblogic.wsee.DefaultQueue. The server will periodically retry completing the deploy for the service. This message can usually be ignored unless there are async web service applications. To completely disable async web service support, thus avoiding this message, set -Dweblogic.wsee.skip.async.response=true.>
    ####<May 20, 2013 10:33:51 AM IST> <Info> <Health> <01hw311161> <IPM_server1> <weblogic.GCMonitor> <<anonymous>> <> <> <1369026231604> <BEA-310002> <85% of the total memory in the server is free>
    What configuration am I missing?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Srinath,
    I have checked that as well, it is showing the IPM_server in running mode.
    Also it doesn't show any deployment failure in the command line. Here is what it shows:
    <May 20, 2013 10:32:51 AM IST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000332> <Started W
    ebLogic Managed Server "IPM_server1" for domain "base_domain123" running in Deve
    lopment Mode>
    <May 20, 2013 10:32:52 AM IST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server st
    ate changed to RUNNING>
    <May 20, 2013 10:32:52 AM IST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000360> <Server st
    arted in RUNNING mode>
    I feel there is some issue as this log is suggesting:
    ####<May 20, 2013 10:32:53 AM IST> <Info> <WebService> <01hw311161> <IPM_server1> <[STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<anonymous>> <> <> <1369026173782> <BEA-220103> <Async web service support is not fully configured. The async response web service /AsyncResponseServiceSoap12Https for this server was not fully deployed because the JMS reliability queue was not defined/deployed: weblogic.wsee.DefaultQueue. The server will periodically retry completing the deploy for the service. This message can usually be ignored unless there are async web service applications. To completely disable async web service support, thus avoiding this message, set -Dweblogic.wsee.skip.async.response=true.>
    But I don't know how to resolve it.

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    For jinitiator version less than 1.3 manual configuration is required . however I haven;'t been able to find any on the oracle forms KB
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    Q: Are there special steps for using Java-based applications with assistive technology?
    A: If the Oracle application is written in Java, such as JDeveloper or Oracle Forms (runtime), customers must first install the latest version of Sun's Java Access Bridge. The Java Access Bridge provides the integration with screen readers such as JAWS or SuperNova that support Java. You just download the Access Bridge and install it. Sun's AccessBridge 2.0x recognizes Oracle's JInitiator 1.3x and above so no manual configuration steps are necessary. The Access Bridge is available from: At the time this document was written, Access Bridge 2.0.1 is the most current publicly available production release; Oracle recommends upgrading to this version. Sun's AccessBridge is bundled with Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) and can be found in the Java Runtime Engine (JRE). More information for configuring such products is in the respective product documentation, or on
    Edited by: 974810 on 4 Dec, 2012 1:10 AM

    ODP.NET requires Oracle Client 9.2 or higher.
    You can find additional information about ODP.NET from the FAQ:
    and the ODP.NET homepage:
    Hope that helps,

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    810591 wrote:
    the version on which oracle db is
    I do not know about the oracle 10g client that which version is that on.
    For your information actually error is ORA-03134: connection to this server are no longer supported.
    The error which i am getting is on SSMA a tool by microsoft to migrate oracle to sql 2008. So that tool is displaying this error when i am trying to connect to oracle by the help of SSMA.That tool may be displaying the error, but it is only passing what it was given by the underlying Oracle client. The MS product really has nothing to do with the underlying problem, and can do nothing to fix it.
    I believe Schavalli is right, you may need to get a 9.2 client in there as an intermediary. I once had a system where the app was built in pro-C and the source was lost so could not be recompiled/relinked. We had to host the db on 10.2 to take advantage of certain security features. Ended up having to have an intermediate 9.2 database for the 8.1 client (and there's where we had to patch up to to connect to, and all of the "tables" in the 9.2 were really just public synonyms to db_links pointing on to the 10.2 database.
    please suggest sth?
    Thanks for help

  • Error while table Import from Oracle (OBIEE server 64bit & Client 32bit)

    Hi All,
    Problem : ODBC/OCI Connectivity Issue between OBIEE BP1 (64-bit) server and OBIEE BP1 Client (32-bit) local machine.
    We have an OBIEE BP1(64-bit) setup on a 64-bit ‘Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise’ machine.
    OBIEE dev team members have 32-bit local machines.
    OBIEE “Admin team member” (who will work on RPD) has OBIEE 11g client (BP1) installed on their *32-bit local machine*(which is common client software for 32/64 bit.)
    Now, two ODBC connections were created on this 32-bit local Client machine, with OBIEE 11g client installed on it.
    One with “BI server driver” for connection to OBIEE server machine(64-bit) to open RPD and other with “Oracle database driver” to connect to the Oracle database on 64-bit machine, to import tables.
    With this setup done, I am able to open the RPD in online mode and view the existing sampleapp related objects present in it.
    But when I try to import metadata from OBIEE client admin tool using OCI or ODBC, it gives an error that “Connection fails! “
    I have the required tns entry in my tnsnames.ora file and I am able to connect to this database from the local client machine, using sqlplus.
    Kindly let me know if there are any restrictions in using this type of a setup combination of 32-bit and 64-bit machines for OBIEE BP1 setup.
    If not then, what steps are to be followed to do the setup btw 64-bit OBIEE server and 32-bit OBIEE client to make table import working.

    Hi Veeravalli.. Thanks for your response.
    I have my tns file residing in both the location you mentioned on the server machine. (64-bit)
    •     {Oracle_BI1}\network\admin directory
    •     {oracle_common}\network\admin directory
    And also in the below Oracle_home path of oracle_client in the local machine. (32-bit, Oracle 11g R2 database client)
    •     {oracle_Home}\product\11.2.0\client_1\network\admin
    Also, I have used the full expanded tnsnames as you mentioned. Still issue persists.
    When I use , “DataDirect 6.0 ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol” driver, for creating the system DSN and try to import tables from OBIEE client admin tool on local client machine, the connection happens and table list comes up, but it’s an SAP product and hence it throws a msg to purchase the tool to go further with table import.
    I am wondering if I any other configuration steps need to be carried out, with the ODBC/OCI set up between 64-bit OBIEE server and 32-bit OBIEE client.
    Also, the source database that I am trying to connect to is yet again on a 64-bit machine(Oracle 11g R2).
    Please suggest.

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    I write an application to call a stored procedure (Using Visual
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    Thanks in advance.

    Although we haven't shipped any library specific to 816, you can use the library that is
    $WL_HOME/bin/oci815_8 directory.
    Mattias Kardell wrote:
    Is it possible to use the Oracle client version 8.1.6 with Weblogic 5.1 and NT4.0 ???
    I get the 'no weblogicoci36 ...' exception and I'm trying to minimize the causes...
    Thanks in advance,

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    I am attempting to do a silent install of the Oracle 8.1.6 client using SMS and the .RSP files provided on the CD. So far not having much luck and was wondering if anyone here has done something similar and if so what methods you used.
    Thanks for any help you can provide!!!

    Check this link if your computer have a P4.
    Rename each copy of the SYMCJIT.DLL to SYMCJIT.OLD.
    Then your installation will start smoothly.

  • Proxy Scenario (abap client)- XI, ICM_CONNECTION_FAILED

    Hi Forum,
    I have a problem with a Proxy Scenario (ABAP client proxy),
    My scenario is R/3 (abap client proxy)--->XI   ,
    the client proxy while sending message to XI throws an error, which is seen in SXMB_MONI as:
    404 Resource not found
    Partner not reached
    Error: -20
    Version: 6040
    Component: ICM
    Date/Time: Fri Jan 25 09:20:54 2008 
    Module: icxxconn_mt.c
    Line: 2124
    Server: xxxap5_RP1_05
    Detail: Connection request from (143/22024/0) to host:, service: 8000 failed (NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) AP-T143, U22024, 500 xxUSER, , 09:20:54, M0, W0, , 1/0
    I can see a stuck entry (LUW), for this in SMQ2, even on several re-execution of that LUW in SMQ2, it gives an error:
    XI Error Client_Receive_Filaed

    404 Resource not found
    There might be the problem with the server having not to find anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.
    *Possible Tips:- *
    • 404 is an HTTP response code that indicates that the resource in question couldn't be found. Usually this is due to an incorrect URL, so it is better to cross check all URLs. Check pipeline URL in the SLD in the business system of the Integration Server For this go to SLD->Business System-><yourIntegrtaion Server>->Pipeline URL: It should be like this http://<host>:<port>/sap/xi/engine?type=entry Where host is the host name of the Integration Server and port is the HTTP(8xxx) port. To verify this in Integration Server you can do like this. Go to SXMB_ADM->Integration Engine Configuration->Choose Edit from Menu -> Change Global Configuration Data to switch to change mode. Then select System Landscape - Load Configuration. (This is not required always)
    • Check that the port really is the ICM HTTP Port and not the J2EE port i.e SMICM then menu GOTO --> SERVICES and check the port number for HTTP. It should be HTTP port
    • If the error is Page cannot be displayed, cannot find server in https configurations Check and correct the SSL configuration for the ABAP and the J2EE side of the system
    • If the error is because of integration server when using Proxy communications then check these. i.e SXMB_ADM->Integration Engine Configuration->Corresponding Integration Server enrty should be dest://<Http Integration server-Destination> Where < Http Integration server -Destination > is the RFC destination (SM59) of type HTTP connection (type H) to the Integration Server. In this case, host name, port, and path prefix are saved in the RFC destination
    Refer below link

  • How can i get jdbc2.0 compatible driver for my oracle 8.1.5 client/server

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    I am looking for a driver that is jdbc2.0 compatible.Apaprently the oci and thin drvers that are shipped with oracle8.1.5 do no support scrollable and updateable resultsets. Can i download the oracle8.1.6 jdbc2.0 compatible drivers and use them with my oracle8.1.5 client/server. if so how do i install it?
    Please let me know ASAP!!
    It is relly frustrating to find a compatibler driver for the older versions since oracle does'nt provide them

    Yes. For OCI driver, you will also have to have Oracle 8.1.6 client installed as well.

Maybe you are looking for

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