Firewire iPod COnnection Recongization Problems!  Help! Please!

I connect my iPod using my firewire but my PC doesnt seem to recongize my iPod. My iPod wont appear in "My computer"
I tried using a USB 2.0 and it did recongize my iPod then, but the problem is my computer doesnt have USB 2.0, its 1.0.
Help please. i want to use my iPod I got for Christmas!

- See:
iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
- Try another cable
- Try another charging source
- Look at the dock connector on the iPod. Look for abnormalities like bent or corroded contacts, cracked or broken plastic.
- Make an appointment at the Genus Bar of an Apple store.
Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    - Try using the Spotlight search. It is likely you just can't find it.
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    Hi Susan,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities!
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    my servlet code
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    * and open the template in the editor.
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.text.*;
    * @author freddy
    public class getconnection extends HttpServlet {
        Statement statement;
    ResultSet rs=null;
    String bstr=null;
    String bstr1=null;
    String bstr2=null;
    public void init()
        * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code> methods.
        * @param request servlet request
        * @param response servlet response
        protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
            PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
            try {
                /* TODO output your page here
                out.println("<title>Servlet getConnection</title>"); 
                out.println("<h1>Servlet getConnection at " + request.getContextPath () + "</h1>");
            } finally {
        // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="HttpServlet methods. Click on the + sign on the left to edit the code.">
        * Handles the HTTP <code>GET</code> method.
        * @param request servlet request
        * @param response servlet response
        protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
            processRequest(request, response);
        * Handles the HTTP <code>POST</code> method.
        * @param request servlet request
        * @param response servlet response
        protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
            processRequest(request, response);
            DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(
            String sid = in.readUTF();
            String user = in.readUTF();
            String pwd = in.readUTF();
          //  "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521"+": "+sid
            String message = message = "Name:"+bstr+" telephone:"+bstr1+" burthday:"+bstr2;
             try {
                connect(sid,user, pwd);
                message += "100 ok connected";
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                message += "200 " + t.toString();
            PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
        private void connect(String sid, String user,String pwd)
        throws Exception {
            // Establish a JDBC connection to the MYSQL database server.
            Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:"+sid,user,pwd);
               statement =conn.createStatement();
                rs=statement.executeQuery(" Select*from WOH.P_DEMGRAPHICS where P_ID='P1000 '");
            catch(SQLException e)
    while ( {
       catch (SQLException e) {
    //bstr += e.toString();
            // Establish a JDBC connection to the Oracle database server.
            //DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver());
            //Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
            //      "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:"+db,user,pwd);
            // Establish a JDBC connection to the SQL database server.
            //Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
            //      "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1433/"+db,user,pwd);
        * Returns a short description of the servlet.
        public String getServletInfo() {
            return "Short description";
        // </editor-fold>
    }Midlet code
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    * and open the template in the editor.
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    * @author freddy
    public class testOrcl extends MIDlet  implements CommandListener {
       protected String url;
        private String username;
        private Display display;
        private Command exit = new Command("EXIT", Command.EXIT, 1);;
        private Command connect = new Command("Connect", Command.SCREEN, 1);
        private TextField tb;
        private Form menu;
        private TextField tb1;
        private TextField tb2;
        DB db;
        public testOrcl() throws Exception
        public void startApp() {
        public void displayMenu()
        menu= new Form("connect");
         tb = new TextField("Please input database: ","",30,
                    TextField.ANY );
            tb1 = new TextField("Please input username: ","",30,
            tb2 = new TextField("Please input password: ","",30,
        public void pauseApp() {
        public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) { }
        public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable screen) {
            if (command == exit) {
            } else if (command == connect) {
                db  = new DB(this);
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    * and open the template in the editor.
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    * @author freddy
    public class DB implements Runnable  {
        testOrcl midlet;
         private Display display;
            String sid;
            String user;
            String pwd;
            public DB( testOrcl midlet)
        public void start()
        Thread t = new Thread(this);
        public void run()
         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                try {
                    HttpConnection c = (HttpConnection);
                       "User-Agent","Profile/MIDP-2.1, Configuration/CLDC-1.1");
                    DataOutputStream os =
                    // Get the response from the servlet page.
                    DataInputStream is =(DataInputStream)c.openDataInputStream();
                    //is = c.openInputStream();
                    int ch;
                    sb = new StringBuffer();
                    while ((ch = != -1) {
                } catch (Exception e) {
         /* This method takes input from user like db,user and pwd and pass
                to servlet */
            public void connectDb(String sid,String user,String pwd) {
                this.sid = sid;
                this.user = user;
                this.pwd = pwd;
            /* Display Error On screen*/
            private void showAlert(String err) {
                Alert a = new Alert("");

    Comment out process request or rewrite & move it to a position after you read the parameters and connect to the db. Decide where you want to write to the output stream. Also, you have some superfluous casting.
    I take it that you are using netbeans? If you debug and step through the code you will get an idea of the flow. The steps should be, midlet connects with POST, doPost is called, server reads parameters, server opens connection, executes query, releases/closes connection, and writes a response to the midlet.
    Some notes about the connect method; The scope of rs may cause problems. It is unlike you will have a valid result set if you have a problem with create statement or execute. Take a look at connection pooling and be mindful how the connections are opened, used, and closed; put all the important cleanup operations in a finally. Remove system.exit from your servlet. Actually I would suggest limiting the scope of all your vars;
    If you store the username, password, and sid on the midlet, you may have trouble updating the installation base if you need to change the values for any reason. Also, you have clients which contain your database u/p, susceptible to snooping and decompilation. Use the servlet to abstract the db from the client. And use a datasource (with connection pooling) for obtaining connections to db.

  • IPod won't restore. help please?

    I just reinstalled iTunes a week ago, because my iPod has the message "Connect to your computer. Use iTunes to restore." So I reinstalled it, and I plugged my iPod into the computer. iTunes pops up, I click the restore button, and it says it's restoring it. I leave it alone, and an hour later nothing on the computer screen says it's done, and my iPod still has that message when I (safely) unplug it from the computer. I have done this several times with the same results. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Please help!

    Error 20, 21, 23, 26, 28, 29, 34, 37
    These errors typically occur when security software interferes with the restore and update process. FollowTroubleshooting security software issues to resolve this issue. In rare cases, these errors may be a hardware issue. If the errors persist on another computer, the device may need service.

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    I have just changed my operating system from windows to mac osx. I plugged in my ipod and it only recharges,it doesn't recognise ipod. I assume this is becauseI need to reformat the ipod.Can anyone inform the the process involved,I have looked through endless pages of mac support and can not find a definitive answer. I have downloaded the latest ipod updater and still nothing. Help please.

    Here's a few suggestions to try.
    1. Restart your Mac then plug in the iPod. Open "Disk utility" and see if your iPod shows up. Sometimes the "spinning beachball" icon may show up, give at least 15 mins before you conclude that the Mac is locked up. You can also try hitting the Mount button. This may cause the iPod to show up.
    2. If that does not work, go to the Apple menu and select "About this Mac", click "more info" and go to FireWire. See if the iPod shows up there.
    3. If #1 and # 2 does not work then download the latest PC version of the iPod updater. Instal on your PC, restore using this which would wipe the iPod. When this is done, connect to your Mac. If it shows up in Disk Utility then your can Erase and format "Mac OS extended". If this step is not successful, hit the "security options" button and select "zero all data" and try again. You may then need the Mac version of the latest iPod updater to update firmware.
    Hope one of this works for you.
    iBook   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   2G scroll wheel iPod, 4G click wheel iPod, iPod video

  • Firewire Port not working, URGENT help please¡¡¡

    Hello People, i´ve just got a new Mac Mini  last week, and i´ve been trying to get my Alesis MasterControl audio interface, and is just a complete mess.
    This happened right after i´ve upgraded to 10.8.3 so i don´t know, the weird thing is that if i connect my old iBook to the Mac Mini the FW800 port works, but everytime i connect the audio interface, nothing happens, also the drivers from alesis, are up to date. i first thought about the port of the Mixer went bad, but it has 2 and non of them works, also thought about the cable but the same cable works when i connect my iBook, and the mixer is not bus powered, it has it´s own power supply.
    Needless to say i´ve already done the usual reset PRAM, turn of the Mac unplugged for 30 hour to reset the bus. etc.
    This is the usual firewire only system log that i get:
    31/03/13 08:01:20.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in now active, GUID 003ee1fffe88dc6a; max speed s800.
    31/03/13 08:01:30.000 kernel[0]: Alesis Firewire - (x86_64) Aug 16 2011 01:20:23
    31/03/13 11:33:23.529 system_profiler[528]: SPFWR ERROR: FireWire bus may be unstable. Other FireWire devices may be present.
    31/03/13 11:35:43.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 11:38:55.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 11:42:08.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 11:44:39.124 CleanMyMacHelperTool[583]: Mounted devices (
    31/03/13 11:44:39.146 CleanMyMacHelperTool[583]: Wont clean /Volumes/AlesisFirewire- because disk image
    31/03/13 11:44:39.148 CleanMyMacHelperTool[583]: Mounted devices (
    31/03/13 11:44:39.149 CleanMyMacHelperTool[583]: Wont clean /Volumes/AlesisFirewire- because disk image
    31/03/13 11:44:52.727 coreservicesd[62]: Application App:"AlesisFirewireUninstaller" [ 0x0/0x7f07f]  @ 0x0x7fb5c8c30050 tried to be brought forward, but isn't in fPermittedFrontASNs ( ( ASN:0x0-0x80080:) ), so denying.
    31/03/13 11:44:52.727 WindowServer[85]: [cps/setfront] Failed setting the front application to AlesisFirewireUninstaller, psn 0x0-0x7f07f, securitySessionID=0x186a5, err=-13066
    31/03/13 11:47:28.533 CleanMyMacHelperTool[656]: Mounted devices (
    31/03/13 11:47:28.544 CleanMyMacHelperTool[656]: Mounted devices (
    31/03/13 11:49:26.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 11:52:39.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 11:57:22.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in now active, GUID 003ee1fffe88dc6a; max speed s800.
    31/03/13 11:57:34.000 kernel[0]: Alesis Firewire - preliminary - x86_64 CJ - May  3 2010 02:43:28
    31/03/13 11:58:36.982[155]: ([0x0-0x1d01d].tc.tctechnologies.AlesisFirewire.controlpanel[238]) Job appears to have crashed: Abort trap: 6
    31/03/13 11:58:37.252 ReportCrash[242]: Saved crash report for AlesisFirewire Control Panel[238] version 3.5.3 ( to /Users/m1kygarcia/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/AlesisFirewire Control Panel_2013-03-31-115837_Mac-mini-de-Miguel.crash
    31/03/13 11:58:39.831 system_profiler[267]: SPFWR ERROR: FireWire bus may be unstable. Other FireWire devices may be present.
    31/03/13 11:58:50.676[155]: ([0x0-0x23023].tc.tctechnologies.AlesisFirewire.controlpanel[274]) Job appears to have crashed: Abort trap: 6
    31/03/13 11:58:50.837 ReportCrash[242]: Saved crash report for AlesisFirewire Control Panel[274] version 3.5.3 ( to /Users/m1kygarcia/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/AlesisFirewire Control Panel_2013-03-31-115850_Mac-mini-de-Miguel.crash
    31/03/13 11:58:53.638 system_profiler[277]: SPFWR ERROR: FireWire bus may be unstable. Other FireWire devices may be present.
    31/03/13 11:59:09.747 CleanMyMacHelperTool[300]: Mounted devices (
    31/03/13 11:59:09.905 CleanMyMacHelperTool[300]: Wont clean /Volumes/AlesisFirewire- because disk image
    31/03/13 11:59:09.906 CleanMyMacHelperTool[300]: Mounted devices (
    31/03/13 11:59:09.907 CleanMyMacHelperTool[300]: Wont clean /Volumes/AlesisFirewire- because disk image
    31/03/13 12:00:47.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in now active, GUID 003ee1fffe88dc6a; max speed s800.
    31/03/13 12:00:59.000 kernel[0]: Alesis Firewire - (x86_64) Aug 16 2011 01:20:23
    31/03/13 12:01:56.720 system_profiler[269]: SPFWR ERROR: FireWire bus may be unstable. Other FireWire devices may be present.
    31/03/13 12:05:40.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 12:08:52.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 12:12:42.277 AlesisFirewire Control Panel[245]: -_continuousScroll is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -hasPreciseScrollingDeltas.
    31/03/13 12:12:42.277 AlesisFirewire Control Panel[245]: -deviceDeltaX is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -scrollingDeltaX.
    31/03/13 12:12:42.278 AlesisFirewire Control Panel[245]: -deviceDeltaY is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -scrollingDeltaY.
    31/03/13 12:13:53.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 12:25:29.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in now active, GUID 003ee1fffe88dc6a; max speed s800.
    31/03/13 12:25:38.000 kernel[0]: Alesis Firewire - (x86_64) Aug 16 2011 01:20:23
    31/03/13 12:28:30.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 12:28:33.906 system_profiler[273]: SPFWR ERROR: FireWire bus may be unstable. Other FireWire devices may be present.
    31/03/13 12:31:41.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 12:35:16.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in now active, GUID 003ee1fffe88dc6a; max speed s800.
    31/03/13 12:35:26.000 kernel[0]: Alesis Firewire - (x86_64) Aug 16 2011 01:20:23
    31/03/13 12:37:53.513 system_profiler[266]: SPFWR ERROR: FireWire bus may be unstable. Other FireWire devices may be present.
    31/03/13 12:39:36.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in now active, GUID 003ee1fffe88dc6a; max speed s800.
    31/03/13 12:39:49.000 kernel[0]: Alesis Firewire - (x86_64) Aug 16 2011 01:20:23
    31/03/13 12:42:55.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: 53 bus resets in last 3 minutes.
    31/03/13 12:46:50.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: 68 bus resets in last 3 minutes.
    31/03/13 13:01:30.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in now active, GUID 003ee1fffe88dc6a; max speed s800.
    31/03/13 13:01:41.000 kernel[0]: Alesis Firewire - (x86_64) Aug 16 2011 01:20:23
    31/03/13 13:05:27.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: 79 bus resets in last 3 minutes.
    31/03/13 13:06:31.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 13:09:43.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 13:13:31.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in now active, GUID 003ee1fffe88dc6a; max speed s800.
    31/03/13 13:13:45.006[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/IOFireWireIP.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
    31/03/13 13:13:45.008[11]: Load failed; removing personalities from kernel.
    31/03/13 13:13:54.818[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/AlesisFirewire.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
    31/03/13 13:13:54.823[11]: Load tc.tctechnologies.driver.AlesisFirewire failed; removing personalities from kernel.
    31/03/13 13:13:56.372[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/AlesisFirewire.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
    31/03/13 13:13:56.375[11]: Load tc.tctechnologies.driver.AlesisFirewire failed; removing personalities from kernel.
    31/03/13 13:15:40.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 13:18:46.763[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/IOFireWireIP.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
    31/03/13 13:18:46.768[11]: Load failed; removing personalities from kernel.
    31/03/13 13:18:46.797[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/AlesisFirewire.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
    31/03/13 13:18:46.800[11]: Load tc.tctechnologies.driver.AlesisFirewire failed; removing personalities from kernel.
    31/03/13 13:18:50.775 system_profiler[221]: SPFWR ERROR: FireWire bus may be unstable. Other FireWire devices may be present.
    31/03/13 13:18:52.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 13:21:03.488 system_profiler[235]: SPFWR ERROR: FireWire bus may be unstable. Other FireWire devices may be present.
    31/03/13 13:22:37.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 13:24:07.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in now active, GUID 003ee1fffe88dc6a; max speed s800.
    31/03/13 13:24:19.000 kernel[0]: Alesis Firewire - (x86_64) Aug 16 2011 01:20:23
    31/03/13 13:31:00.926 system_profiler[316]: SPFWR ERROR: FireWire bus may be unstable. Other FireWire devices may be present.
    31/03/13 13:33:03.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: 134 bus resets in last 3 minutes.
    31/03/13 13:35:11.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 13:38:24.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 13:41:36.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 13:44:48.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 13:58:13.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    31/03/13 14:01:25.000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 823f built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    Can somebody help, please i´d gladly appreciate it.

    I have this
    System Profiler[170]
    SPFWR ERROR: FireWire bus may be unstable. Other FireWire devices may be present.
    & this
    kernel FireWire (OHCI) Lucent ID 5901 built-in: no valid selfIDs for more than 3 minutes after bus reset.
    Pls, help!!

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    Connect the modem to your Airport Express. Then pull power to both for at least five minutes. Then plug power into the modem and wait a minute. Then plug power into the Airport Express and wait a minute. Then try internet access again.

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    he check suitable candidates(who are selected from the 3rd interview) from the list , enter
    basic salary for every selected candidate, enter date of interview and finally submit the form.
    These data should be save into these tables.
    In this "ShowFinal.jsp" page, it validates the following conditions using JavaScript.
    1) If the user submit the form without checking at least one checkbox, then the system should be
    display an alert message ("Please select at least one candidate").
    2) If the user submit the form without entering the basic salary of that candidate which was
    checked, then the system should be display an alert message ("Please enter basic salary").
    These are working well. But my problem is how to wrote the "AddNewFinal.jsp" page to save these
    data into the db.
    Here is my code which I have wrote. But it points an error.
    String interviewDate = request.getParameter("date");
    String[] value = request.getParameterValues("ChkNicno");
    String[] bs = request.getParameterValues("basicSal");
    String sql ="INSERT INTO finalselect (nicNo,date) VALUES(?,?)";
    String sql2 ="INSERT INTO EmpSalary (nicNo,basicSal) VALUES(?,?)";
    for(int i=0; i < value.length; i++){
         String temp = value;     
         for(int x=0; x < bs.length; x++){
              String basic = bs[x];
              pstmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(sql2);
              pstmt2.setString(1, temp);
              pstmt2.setString(2, basic);
              int RowCount1= pstmt2.executeUpdate();
         pstmt1 = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
         pstmt1.setString(1, temp);
         pstmt1.setString(2, interviewDate);
         int RowCount= pstmt1.executeUpdate();
    Here is the code for "ShowFinal.jsp".
    <form name="ShowFinal" method="POST" action="AddNewFinal.jsp" onsubmit="return checkEmpty() &&
    <%--  Loop through the list and print each item --%>
         int iCounter = 0; //counter for incremental value
         while (igroups.hasNext()) {
              Selection s = (Selection);
              iCounter+=1; //increment
         <td style="background-color:ivory" noWrap width="20">
         <input type="checkbox" name="<%= "ChkNicno" + iCounter %>"      
            <td style="background-color:ivory" noWrap width="39">
                 <%= s.getNicno() %>  </td>
         <td style="background-color:ivory" noWrap width="174">
              <input type="text" name="<%= "basicSal" + iCounter %>" size="10"> </td>
    Date of interview<input type="text" name="date" size="17"></td>
    <input type="submit" value="APPROVE CANDIDATE" name="B1" style="border: 1px solid #0000FF">
    Here is the error generated by TOMCAT.
    root cause
         at org.apache.jsp.AddNewFinal_jsp._jspService(
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
    I have goto the file "". The line 70 points to the following line.
    for(int i=0; i < value.length; i++){ [/b]
    Please can someone help me to solve this problem? Please help me to do this task.

    Hi Casabianca ,
    It is clearly that your problem is not on the database end, more like a servlet/jsp issue.
    I will not comment on the javascript portion, but rather the 2 jsps.
    a simple way to trace what's go wrong is to check the final result (the html code) of the first jsp (showFinal.jsp), and compare against what is expected by the 2nd jsp (AddNewFinal.jsp). Most browser do provide "view source" on the page visited.
    the following code
    <input type="checkbox" name="<%= "ChkNicno" + iCounter %>" value="<%=s.getNicno() %>">
    <input type="text" name="<%= "basicSal" + iCounter %>"
    would likely to be "translated" to html code something as follow:
    <input type="checkbox" name=""ChkNicno0" value="nicNo>">
    <input type="text" name="basicSal0">
    the original code in "AddNewFinal.jsp" using
    which looking for a none exist http request parameter (sent as "ChkNicno0",etc but look for "ChkNicno"), which has explained before.
    the second attempt to use String[] value = request.getParameterValues("ChkNicno" + iCounter); give Cannot resolove symbol :iCounter. because iCounter never defined in the 2nd jsp!
    Most of the error message do give clue to cause of error... : )
    not too sure on your intension, assume you wish to update only those selected (checked) row to db.
    some suggestions:
    1) <input type="text" name="ChkNicno" size="10"> </td>...
    <input type="text" name="basicSal" size="10"> instead.
    then use javascript to based on checked element index (refer to javascript spec for more details), for those index not checked, clear off the correspond index "basicSal" field value.
    e.g. ChkNicno[1] is not checked, empty basicSal[1] value before submission.
    This will give us only selected rows values.
    2) retain the code
    String[] value = request.getParameterValues("ChkNicno");
    String[] bs = request.getParameterValues("basicSal");at 2nd jsp, as now the http request will pass parameters using "ChkNicno" and "basicSal".
    3) some change to the code for optimization
    for(int i=0; i < value.length; i++){
         String temp = value;     
         for(int x=0; x < bs.length; x++){
              String basic = bs[x];
              pstmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(sql2);
              pstmt2.setString(1, temp);
              pstmt2.setString(2, basic);
              int RowCount1= pstmt2.executeUpdate();
         pstmt1 = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
         pstmt1.setString(1, temp);
         pstmt1.setString(2, interviewDate);
         int RowCount= pstmt1.executeUpdate();
    pstmt1 = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
    pstmt2 = connection.prepareStatement(sql2);
    for(int i=0; i < value.length; i++){
         String temp = value;     
         for(int x=0; x < bs.length; x++){
              String basic = bs[x];
              pstmt2.setString(1, temp);
              pstmt2.setString(2, basic);
              int RowCount1= pstmt2.executeUpdate();
         pstmt1.setString(1, temp);
         pstmt1.setString(2, interviewDate);
         int RowCount= pstmt1.executeUpdate();
    preparestatement created once should be sufficient as we do not change the sql statement throughout the loop.
    there are better solutions out there, this just some ideas and suggestions.Do try out if you wish.
    Hope it helps. : )

  • K8N Neo2-fx Ram problem Help please

    I have three ram(2x512MB single sided , 1x1GB double sided). Is there any way I can put them all on the motherboard? When I place them all the computer is not starting and it`s making a "beep" every 2-3 seconds. If i connect the 1GB double sided on the Dimm1(green) and the one 512MB single sided on the Dimm3(green) it`s working properly. Is there any way I can use all my ram at the same time. I`m desperate. Help please...  thank you

    Quote from: wodahS on 09-November-06, 05:55:17
    How can I put my computer facts under any post I am posting? I should make it my signature?
    That's the rule mate which you need to gives all your component in details including your PSU and Bios revision so that others can help you! Like what BOSSKILLER say it won't works with 3 DIMMS unless you purhased another 1 GB of RAM then it can solve your problem with 4 DIMMS or else with 2*512MB RAM. Make sure that you've lowered your HT to <=800Mhz as default is 1000Mhz. GD luck.


    I continue to have messages popping up saying my computer is infected. It wants me to cleanup and I have to register with Mac Shield 2.6.  Pronograhic websites keep popping up.  Anyone having this problem?  Did not have this problem yesterday, but it's here today!  There is also a Red Sheild on the top of the toolbar where it shows the time, battery life, etc.  Right clicking on the sheild drops down Scan Now, Cleanup, Control Center, Scan, System Info, Settings, About, and Register.  A pron site just popped up again!  Need help Please!!

    Fuony wrote:
    The Mac Shield malware can come through Firefox too if you allow it to and you click on it!
    Your exactly right, it is possible that if you visit a site and need the scripts to run for something that the malware that uses Javascript is on that site, then your going to be presented with it.
    The thing is with the Firefox + NoScript combination defeats alot of the web side trickery the malware authors are using to get the malware to appear in the first place.
    Also this "MacDefender" isn't the only malware making the rounds. There are some serious Flash vulnerabilities being hosted on hostile/adult websites that are running scripts for no apparent reason other than to try to infect your machine.
    By running all scripts all the time, your computer is in a state as if you tried running across a busy highway blindfolded.
    As a lifelong "MacHead" I can understand Apple loyalty, but if Apple isn't cutting the mustard on their browser security, rather place their users security at serious risk for the sake of convenience, then I have to think about using and recommending to others something else that is more secure.
    As a example, I surf thousands of web pages a day, some on really nasty sites, yet I haven't seen this "MacDefender" appear on my computer. Even when I purposely visited links that people have submitted that had the malware. (I maintain a couple of bootable clones of my boot drive just in case)

  • ICloud problems help please!

    I have an iPhone 6 and during the setup I must have did something wrong and now I have my old iCloud account on it that I no longer remember the password, security questions, and no longer have the email address to that account.  I think I was hacked and my password and security questions changed. I want to log out of iCloud and start using my current iCloud account.  I know these are security measures, but how can I get logged out??? My iPhone is having problems since the latest update and now I can't make a call or text.  I can't call apple support without a working number  HELP Please.

    Hello shelbyrecords,
    Oh no! That sounds really frustrating. Unfortunately, if iCloud Find my iPhone Activation Lock is enabled on the device we’ll need to gain access to your previous Apple ID account to disable it. Based on the information you have provided, it sounds like you may need a personalized support experience to recover your previous Apple ID:
    If you forgot your Apple ID password - Apple Support
    Make sure that you’re entering the correct Apple ID. In most cases, your Apple ID is also the primary email address of your Apple ID account. If these steps didn't help you change your password, contact Apple Support.
    Matt M.

  • Soundtrack problems - help please

    Help please. I tried doing a send to multi-track project from FCP with the base layer video option and kept getting the 'error sending selection to Soundtrack Pro' message. I did a search and the suggestion is that I have no disk space but I have over 600GB!
    Then I tried a send with the full video and the file saved okay. However when I try to open the .stmp file, Soundtrack Pro starts and then freezes. I've tried opening in various ways.
    Help please, I just cannot figure this out! What am I doing wrong?

    Not sure how much help this is, but since you're having problems with the layout, did you try deleting the layout file? MacintoshHD/users/username/Library/Application Support/Soundtrack Pro/Layouts
    BTW, I found a BKiLifeConfiguration.plist in the following path:
    MacintoshHD > Library > Application Support > ProApps > Internal Plug-ins > BrowserKit > iLife.bkplugin > Contents > Resources
    Do you find it there?

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